The Matchmaker

By Jamie Anderson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Feb 28, 2000



The Usual Nerdy disclaimer.

This story contains some scenes of homosexual sex. If this offends you please proceed to read it as I positively LOVE making prudes puke.

Unfortunately this story also contains some scenes of heterosexual sex, (sorry guys). If this offends you I suggest that you shut your eyes while reading those passages.

If you are underage and reading this, I doubt if any warning that I put in will even slow you down and there is no chance of you shutting your eyes at the good bits.

If it is illegal to read this story where you live, you may relish it more as you are forbidden to do it.

The rest of you can read on in perfect peace.

The Matchmaker

Part 1

Sunday Sep 14.

This is my first entry. God knows why I'm keeping a diary; I never have before. But I was in a flea market last weekend and I saw this old book, leather bound, with a padlock on it, and I just had to buy it. The padlock mustn't have been opened for years, as I had to squirt oil into it to get the key to turn.

But tomorrow is my first day at medical school and my parents drove me up here. Naturally father tried to think of everything; he even supplied me with condoms. God knows why, he knows I don't really get on well with girls, but he's a doctor, and they think like that. Unfortunately he forgot to check the oil in the car and we lost about 8 hours on what should have been a 4-hour trip.

The net result was I didn't exactly get my full choice of accommodation. In fact there was exactly one, two-bedroom apartment left, and that was a private one, off-campus. So it was take it or leave it. It'll cost a lot, but father will pick up the tab, as it was his fault. I haven't even met the guy I'll be sharing with. I'll stop now and unpack. Good God, mother has sent me off with enough food to feed an army.

Sep 14 (later).

I had just finished unpacking when my roommate arrived. He is gobsmackingly handsome. God, I can hardly bear to look at him. He is as big and blond as I am short and dark. He must be a jock as he ripples muscles. He is tall; I can stare him straight in the Adam's apple. Such a pity he wears baggy trousers, I'd give my eyeteeth to see him in a tight pair of jeans.

He has a nice firm handshake. He introduced himself as Craig and I told him my name's George. Sadly it looks as if he's straight. The main subject that seems to dominate his mind is "balling chicks". It is going to be Hell sharing with him. He is one really cool and laid-back guy; apparently his father is loaded, well his allowance makes mine look like peanuts.

Monday Sep 15

I was sitting in the kitchen having my breakfast cereal when Craig walked in. He was wearing just a pair of scants and they were stretched to their limit as he was semi-erect. Good God I could see right up the leg of them and he is a big lad. He is even humpier than I had hoped. His thighs are to die for, all muscle and covered in blond hair. He also has a line of hair running from his navel down into his scants.

I must have gasped which got a cornflake in my windpipe and I had the most embarrassing coughing fit. Craig walked over to me and thumped me on the back; amongst other things it dislodged the obstruction. I suddenly found he was holding me in his arms. Wow!

"Are you OK?" he asked.

I managed to nod and he released me. I suppose that it is just wishful thinking on my part, but I'd swear he was reluctant to let go. Then he began making himself a massive breakfast. I was left trying not to look at his body. I wasn't very successful because after a while he sort of, well, noticed.

"What ya looking at?" he asked.

"I think I'll have to try to get another apartment." I answered.


"Living with you is going to be too, er, difficult."

"But I'm housebroken, I don't leave my things around and I've even been known to empty the dishwasher."

"I, I, I'm gay."

Good God! I actually managed to say it.

"So? As long as you don't fancy me..."

There was a long pause about here. Well, I had used up all my courage in outing myself.

"You DO fancy me?"

I nodded dumbly.

"Sorry friend, but you ain't getting me face down and ass up on a bed, so just forget it."

The expression on my face must have done it because he suddenly understood.

"Oh-oh, you fancy me balling you?"

I nodded my head slightly. Fancy him balling me? My God I'd do anything to get him in bed with me.

"It's a pity that you're a boy, you are very pretty. If you were a girl you wouldn't have got much sleep last night," he said, with a dirty grin.

I was now trying not to do anything silly, like burst into tears.

"OK, you're gay. In fact it's quite handy; you won't go sniffing after my chicks. I don't mind you looking at me, but don't touch!" he said.

Have you ever tried to eat your breakfast when there is an almost-naked Adonis wandering around, bending over to look in cupboards, stretching up to get things off shelves. AAARRRGGGHHH!!

Sep 15, the evening.

Now that was one Hell of a day. We got through our orientation lecture and got paired off. Craig actually volunteered to be paired with me. He said that it was better than being paired with a chick, as she would be too distracting. Then the nasty bit happened, we met our cadaver!

There were three students per cadaver, two wanna-be doctors and one wanna-be dentist. The third one is called John, skinny, glasses and sub- terminal acne. He gets to dismantle the head; we get the rest. We decided to call our cadaver Joe. He must have been about 60 when he passed on and being fixed in formalin has done nothing for his looks.

The three of us were quite cool about facing a corpse. To tell the truth father prepared me for it by taking me round the morgue in his hospital. He even got permission for me to watch a post-mortem, but I don't want to talk about that, EVER. Several aspiring medics had a sudden career change this morning. They walked in, looked at the body on the table; decided that medicine was not for them and left. I reckon we lost about 10%!

Craig was really cool until we got home, then he rushed into the bathroom and threw-up in the toilet. Ah, my idol has feet of clay. Somehow this sign of weakness makes him just that much more attractive. Mind you he recovered enough to eat the steaks I cooked for dinner.

Tuesday Sep 16.

I suppose that one-day I'll get used to him walking around in his scants. But it is going to take some time. Still, we are getting along together. I'm more domesticated than he is but, on the other hand, he has a car and drives us around.

Friday Sep 19 The evening.

Friday and as usual I'm stuck in front of the TV. Craig disappeared out - to get a piece of ass - he informed me as he left. We are settling in nicely. Now, I'm not blowing my own trumpet here, but I think I'm a bit smarter than he is. I know that I'm much more organised. Every evening I make sure that we revise what we learned that day. I was quite surprised that he didn't fully understand some things, but never asked the lecturer any questions to help clarify the point.

Saturday Sep 20.

He came home last night after I went to bed and he wasn't alone. I've never done it with a girl, but I have heard that some of them are called screamers and some moaners. The one he came back with was a screamer. The lucky bitch got it 4 times. You know, I do believe I'm jealous.

Oh God, he walked into the kitchen naked this morning. He had said I could look, so you bet I looked. His cock was limp and hung with the head just below his nuts. He has a wild blond bush. He noticed my attention and posed for me. I could have killed him, but what happened next really took me out. He walked over to me, grabbed me in his arms and kissed me full on the lips.

"What!" I managed to gasp.

"Hey, I got my ashes hauled last night and I feel good. We must have kept you awake all night, so that was for being a good boy and not complaining," he said, grinning as he released me.

Then she walked in. At least she had the decency to wrap a towel round herself. Pity it was one of mine, never mind it was due to go in the laundry today. I finished my breakfast and fled to my room. There was no sign of her leaving, but she did at least get dressed. So I collected all my dirty things and I was about to head for the laundry when Craig asked if I could take his things too. To be honest, I never thought that I would ever covertly sniff another man's underwear, but I did, God he smells sexy. Even worse, I used them to jack myself off. Thank goodness no one uses the laundry room early on a Saturday morning. I think being a pervert suits me. By the time I got back with the laundry they were both gone.

I did the ironing. There wasn't much of his needing ironed so I did it as well and left it on his, unmade, bed. Ugh, girls are such messy creatures in a bed. So I stripped his and my bed and headed back to the laundry room again. I had just remade both beds when he came back in, alone.

"Shit, man, you didn't have to do all that for me," he said.

I just made a noncommittal grunt. Then the bastard came up behind me, grabbed me round the waist and went through the motions of humping me. I would like to be able to say that I fought him off bravely, but I'd be a liar. I just stood there wishing it was for real and he was inside me.

"If you do all that work for a quick kiss, what would I get for balling you?" he asked, playfully.

I wiggled my ass against his groin and things began to happen down there. He jumped about a foot back from me and, strangely enough, became flustered.

Interesting! He doesn't hold all the high cards; I seem to have a couple of aces up my sleeve. He might not fancy having sex with me, but his cock doesn't seem to be so fussy. But I got us out of a potentially awkward situation by offering to cook lunch.

Sep 20 very late.

So that was the local gay bar, some fellow students and a lot of older men who like younger ones. To tell the truth, it was terrible. I compared everyone who came near me with Craig, and found them wanting. I mean, who wants to go out for hamburger when there is steak at home. It's just a pity that I'm not allowed to actually eat the steak, just look at it.

I was just having a nightcap when Craig and tonight's chick arrived. They started on the settee in the lounge and I strongly suspected he was going to have it off with her right there, so I retreated to my bedroom. This one was not a screamer but I could still hear her climax. Poor bitch only got 3; obviously Friday night is the time to get Craig between the sheets.

Sep 21.

I don't do Sunday mornings so I was rather surprised to be wakened with Craig bringing me my breakfast in bed. Apparently he is feeling guilty about me doing all the cooking and laundry. Actually I'd rather have had another hug and a kiss.

I tried the gay bar again; it was ghastly. There was one guy, he must be older than my father, who could do a passable imitation of an octopus. The old bugger's hands were everywhere on my body. Shit, he was even sliding a hand down the back of my pants at one point. I nearly threw up. Eventually some other old guy came across and spoke to him so I managed to slip out the door and head for home.

The smell hit me as soon as I opened the door to the lounge. I've never used it myself but I've been at parties where people smoked it. Craig was sitting on the settee laughing at the TV.

"Do you smoke a lot of pot?" I asked.

"What makes you think I've been smoking?"

"Two things, first the smell and second, most people switch the TV on before they find it funny."

I was standing behind the settee when I made that comment. He looked up at me and his big blue eyes were watery from the pot. He reached up and grabbed my hand. The next second I found that I was lying on the settee, with my head on his lap, looking up at him.

"I only allow myself some when I don't score," he said, by way of explanation.

"What happened to Friday night's and last night's?"

"Oh they were there, but I never ball the same chick twice, do you?"

"Remember, as far as girls are concerned, I'm a virgin."

"Yeah, but would you go with the same guy over and over?"

"If the guy was someone like you, yeah!"

"Silly faggot, you should have been a girl," he said, ruffling my hair, playfully.

This moved my head, which was resting on his dick, it twitched and both of us noticed.

"Damn, I'm so horny even you are turning me on."

"Hell's teeth, you've done nothing but screw all weekend, how can you still be horny?"

"The more I do it, the hornier I get. Damn, and there are no chicks around."

There was a long silence while we both thought about the same thing. Neither of us had enough guts to bring up the subject though. I gently rubbed his crotch with the back of my head and felt him rise to the occasion.

"You're not helping it any," he said, eventually.

"Shit, the worst he can do is kill me," I thought as I rolled off the settee and onto the floor. He sat there, slouched on the settee, his legs wide apart and watched in a bemused manner as I got between those beautiful thighs and began unbuttoning his flies.

"I thought I told you that you could look, but not touch."

"I'm just getting it out so I can have a good look," I said, and he got a giggle fit.

He was as hard as a rock when I finally managed to get it out in the open. He also smelt really seminal and I was beginning to drool.

"OK, gay boy, you've got a raging boner in your pretty little hands, what are you going to do with it?"

What red-blooded faggot could miss an offer like that? I slowly pulled back his foreskin and slid my lips over the head of it. He made some encouraging noises so I carried on. I do pride myself on my abilities as a cocksucker. As I have a cock of my own I know what I like being done to it, this makes it very easy to give a really good blowjob.

Now I've gone down on the occasional straight guy before and I've noticed something. They always say I can do it better than a girl can. Craig however phrased it slightly differently. He just wished that I was a girl, so that he could ball me. I didn't care, I had him in my mouth and I was having fun.

"Christ, George, you're good," he kept repeating.

I kept up the work as I sensed he was near the edge. I cupped his nuts in my hand and ran my finger up and down his perineum. That is doctor talk for the bit behind your balls, we're doing anatomy, remember.

"Too fucking good, George," he said, clamping my head on his cock.

Ah, joy. The feeling of another guy's cock erupting in my mouth. How sweet, he is holding me so I've got to take his load. As if I'm going to back off, after all that hard work!

"Swallow it, bitch," he growled.

I just about creamed my underwear. I held off, relishing the taste of him until he repeated his command, then I gulped and his seed slid down my throat and into my belly. He kept a grip on me until his nuts were empty. What a bastard, I love him.

Eventually I got back on the settee, leaving his cock hanging out. There was a strange series of expressions went over his face. Guilt won and he suddenly looked very worried.

"I, I shouldn't have done that," he said, very softly.

"Done what?" I asked. Look, if he is stoned and on a guilt trip, the least I can do is make sure that he gets his money's worth.

"Making you take my wad in your mouth and, and, and then making you swallow it," he whispered.

"Faggots like to do that," I whispered in his ear.

"You're kidding me?"

I bent forward and took hold of his cock. A drop of spent cum has formed in the eye of it. I carefully licked it out.

"Oh God," he said.

Eventually I managed to get him on his feet. His pants had come off in the lounge and I took them with me when I manoeuvred him to his bed. I had to finish undressing him there and I left him sitting naked on the edge of the bed while I hung up his things.

"You gonna sleep with me?" he asked.

I nodded. What a fucking stupid question!

He fell flat on his back on the bed leaving his legs over the edge. I quickly stripped off, turned him through 90 degrees so that his head was on the pillow and slipped in beside him. He was out before I could even reach the light switch.

Monday Sep 22

I woke at dawn. Shit I was in the wrong bed! I remembered what happened and worried about Craig's reactions. I moved slowly towards the edge in the hope of slipping back to my room without waking him. A brawny arm reached out and pulled me back across the bed until my back was against his chest.

"You're nice, soft, do great blowjobs, why the fuck do you have to have a cock?" he grunted in my ear.

"If I had a pussy, you would only want me once. This way I might get to suck your cock again and again," I said. He laughed. I wasn't sure if it was still the pot or not.

Now I suppose that you'll think that I'm prissy when I say that I don't approve of drugs, even so-called soft drugs. No, I don't think that they are the slippery slope that leads to hard drugs. But I do think that they stop you thinking clearly. In any event I'm a doctor's son and father has some very strong views on the matter. He organised a trip round a rehabilitation centre for my class when we were about 15. Now that was an education. So I'm going to try to wean Craig off pot.

We lay, cuddled together, until it was time to get up. It's really weird, he's straight, I'm gay and we now have this curious physical relationship. I want him more than I have ever wanted anyone in the world, and in some peculiar way, he can't keep his hands off me. It's like he is pulling me towards him and pushing me away at the same time.

Friday Oct 3.

We are settling in nicely together. True I do most of the work around the house but he chips in more than his fair share of the common expenses. We also work well together in class, but there I lead and he follows. Every Friday and Saturday he picks up a girl and screws all night. How he gets a different girl every time I do not know. Mind you with his looks...

This of course leaves him alone for five nights of the week and, believe it or not, we sleep together. The unfortunate bit is, we only sleep. He will cuddle me, occasionally kiss me, and if I really work at it, I get to blow him. He seems to get some perverted pleasure in making me beg to suck him off. Actually I don't care what I have to do to get him to shoot in my mouth.

Tonight we are both going to a party!

Saturday Oct 4.

It was an odd sort of party; there were actually several gay guys at it and one of them picked me up. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Craig and I arrived together and found we were a bit early. We stood chatting as the other guests arrived. Craig drifted off, and a girl called Marylyn wandered up to me and began to pump me for details about "my friend."

I told her we were medical students and sharing an apartment. She also managed to get out of me the fact that his father is loaded. Ten minutes later she was chatting to Craig and I was wondering if she would be a screamer or a moaner.

Then I was being chatted up. It was really funny, this guy had also seen Craig and me talking and he had figured out that I was gay and assumed that Craig was too. As he had the hots for Craig he thought that he might just get an introduction via me. I told him the bad news and we both had a quite giggle about it. Then he really turned his attention to me. His name was Bill and eventually he mentioned the possibility of some horizontal jogging, provided we could go back to my place.

So I waved a quiet goodbye to Craig, who was still chatting to Marylyn, and left with Bill. Now don't get me wrong here, Bill was perfectly good in bed, but he wasn't Craig. Bill was nicely hung and knew how to use it. So I spent a happy night with a cock inside me at last. In fact he got really wild when he came. Marylyn turned out to be a screamer. Unfortunately really, as Bill and I had giggle fits every time Craig made her climax.

I felt great when I woke up, until I remembered I wasn't in bed with Craig. Breakfast was a bit of a laugh. I was making it when Craig and Marylyn came in. The table was set for four and Craig noticed.

"Hey, George, you finally scored," he said, giving me a hug as he passed.

I went bright red and just nodded. Marylyn sort of grinned until my bedroom door opened and Bill came out, then she went a bit freaky.

Breakfast went OK, then Bill left. I gathered up all the laundry and set off downstairs. To my surprise when I returned Marylyn was still there. When I did the ironing she made some bitchy comment about me being well trained, but I ignored it.

She hung around all day and I hightailed it to the gay bar in the evening. I came home alone and went to bed. Judging by the screams Marylyn was still getting between Craig and his mattress. Unusual, the same chick, two nights in a row.

Saturday Oct 11.

That cow Marylyn has been here all week. I really hate her! No, it is not just the fact that she stops me sleeping with Craig. I mean we weren't actually doing anything, but she is distracting Craig from his studies, and he doesn't really need that. Plus they have both been toking up in his room.

Friday Oct 17.

Things came to a head today, the bitch is still living in his room, and he will not discuss it with me. When I pointed out to her what she was doing to Craig, she told me that it didn't matter if Craig failed his studies as his father was rich enough. I came very close to hitting her.

Wednesday Oct 22.

I'm fairly sure that they have been snorting cocaine.

Friday Oct 24.

Today Craig flunked a test, not just slightly, totally. I bitched at him all the way home and to my surprise he agreed with me. He's going to give the Marylyn her marching orders.

Saturday Oct 25.

He mustn't have had the guts to do it, she was screaming all night.

Oct 25, later.

My world has just come to an end! The stupid bitch is pregnant by Craig and they are going to get married. She told him she was on the pill and she must have "forgot". I'll bet she is just after the money. How could any woman smoke pot and snort cocaine if she knew she was carrying a child?

Saturday Nov 1.

So it is all settled. Craig is giving up school at the end of the term. He is only staying on for my sake, so I can afford to stay here. They will get married on Christmas Eve. For some sick reason I'm to be the best man.

Nov 1 very late.

Something really bizarre happened today. I had just made the entry in this diary and I was really pissed off. Unusual for me, I lost my temper, threw the book across the room and something fell out. It was a flyer. It looked quite old and offered the services of a Matchmaker. Apparently he works on a "Pay on results" system, so consultations are free. Now here is the creepy bit. The telephone numbers in town were changed about a month ago, there are reminders up everywhere, but the flyer had one of the new numbers on it, and I swear that the flyer is old.

OK I'm a fool, but I called the number, and a man answered. To cut a long story short, I ended up being shown into a stuffy little room at the top of an endless flight of stairs. He was small, of indeterminate age; had strange eyes and he wore a sort of black robe. I was sat on one side of a small round table while he sat on the other side. There was something covered with a black cloth in the middle of the table.

Next, and I'll swear on a stack of bibles that I'm not making this up, he took out a pointed hat, just like the storybook wizards wear, and put it on. Then he lifted the black cloth revealing a crystal ball. I was about to get up and leave when he made eye contact. Yipes!

"Please put your hands on the ball," he said, in a completely reasonable voice, and my hands clasped the ball.

Now back home we have a science museum. One of the exhibits is a Van de Gaaff generator. This produces a truly massive field of static electricity. In fact, it is so powerful that if you just place your hand on the glass case that houses it, every hair on your body stands on end!

I had the same feeling when I touched the ball. After a moment it passed and the man said, "Thank you. You may let it go now."

When I did I was more than a bit surprised to see that the ball was now a sort of milky colour. Gradually, like a mist, it began to clear. In the very centre of the ball stood a miniature image of Craig. Slowly he rotated so we could see all of him.

"He is very beautiful and you love him."

This was not phrased as a question, it was a simple statement of fact and I realised that it was true. God, I really do love him.

"But he does not love me," I said.

The Matchmaker started, and then looked at me strangely, "Why on earth do you think that?"

The ball clouded and when it cleared there were the two of us in bed cuddling.

I almost began to cry. Eventually I managed to gasp, "That is how it was."

"And presently it is like this," he said.

The next image was quite sordid, Marylyn on her back with her legs in the air and Craig between them humping like mad.

I sobbed quietly. Finally I said, "It is even worse, she's got him on drugs, he's giving up his studies and they are having to get married as a baby is on the way."

"They are not a good match at all. I take it that you would like me to correct things?"

"What is done, cannot be undone," I said.

"True, true, but this is just one possibility, there are others. Would you like me to try to find a better one?"

I nodded.

"What price are you willing to pay?"

"Anything!" I blurted out.

He smiled and said, "You know, I really do believe you would. But my terms are: no fix, no fee. There would have to be changes, for both of you, but I'll see what I can do and I'll get back to you."

And with that he showed me to the door.

Well the pair of them have stopped screwing for the night so I'm stopping writing and I'm going to try to get some sleep.

Part 2.

Sunday Sep 14.

This is my first entry. Goodness knows why I'm writing a diary, I never did before. I saw this book, leather bound with a padlock on it, in a flea market, and I just took a fancy to it. I had to get daddy to oil the padlock before I could even get it open. Someone has already used it before as a diary, but I just turned it upside down and started from the back. One day I'll get round to reading the other entries.

Tomorrow is my first day at medical school and my parents drove me up here. Naturally daddy tried to think of everything. He even gave me a contraceptive injection, he's a doctor and he doesn't trust me to remember to take a pill. Goodness knows why, he knows I'm still a virgin and have no plans to lose it in the near future. Unfortunately he forgot to check the oil in the car and we lost about 8 hours on what should have been a 4-hour trip.

The net result was Hobson's choice in accommodation. In fact there was exactly one, two-bedroom apartment left, and that was from a private landlord and off-campus. It'll cost a fortune, but daddy will pick up the tab, as it was his fault. I haven't even met the girl I'll be sharing with. I'll stop now and unpack. Mum has packed two cool boxes full of food!

Sep 14 later.

Oops, something has gone seriously wrong. My roommate is a boy!!! Well, I certainly was not the one to pick the name of Georgina for myself and it is not the first time this sort of mix-up has happened because of it.

Poor lamb, I think he is even more embarrassed about it than I am. I suppose that we can sort it out in the morning. His name is Craig and he is really dishy, if you like tall blond men who are really built.

Anyway he did take me out to dinner and didn't paw me, quite a gentleman. Back at the apartment we sat on the settee and watched the TV for a bit. OK, then his arm went round my shoulders and to be honest it felt good and I'd have liked him to go a little bit further.

However we each went to our own rooms when it came to bedtime.

Monday Sep 15

I was sitting in the kitchen having my cornflakes when Craig walked in. He was wearing just a pair of scants. Now I have an older brother so I know what a guy looks like naked. Once, I walked in and caught my brother masturbating, he nearly died. So I could tell that Craig was almost erect.

I must have gasped and sucked a cornflake into my trachea. I had an embarrassing coughing fit. Craig walked over to me and thumped me on the back; it brought it up, but hurt like hell. I suddenly found he was holding me in his arms.

I'm still not quite sure that what happened next was for real. I was in his arms and enjoying the feeling of him holding me. Gradually I became aware that this was turning him on as his manhood was pressing against my belly. God alone knows why the next bit came about. For some reason I rubbed my belly against his developing erection and made him groan.

Next thing I was sliding down his body and ended up on my knees before him. The smell of his maleness was driving me wild and I swear that my hands, of their own accord, pulled the scants down to his ankles.

His erection sprang free and hit me in the face. My hands were round the shaft of it, pulling back the foreskin and within a few seconds I had him in my mouth. I've never even touched a man there before but I knew exactly what I was doing. It was completely perverted and the excitement was driving me crazy. I was going to take him to an orgasm using my mouth.

"This isn't happening," he said.

I just worked on his manhood. God, I knew every trick in the book. He was enjoying every last second of it. Instinctively I knew his moment was near, even before he tried to make me stop. I stroked him behind his balls and there my finger felt his seed rush past and into my mouth.

I had read that a man ejaculates only about 3cc but I'm sure that he pumped a lot more than that into my mouth. It tasted strange and I swallowed it, again I don't know why. It was totally depraved, but I loved every second of it. What the Hell got into me to make me do that?

"Good God!" he exclaimed, when he heard me gulping.

Alas, he started losing his stiffness and eventually he pulled me to my feet. Despite the fact that he knew full well what I had just had in my mouth, he bent over me and kissed me. No peck on the lips, his tongue was occupying the same space that his thing had been.

I didn't want it to stop and when I felt his hand touch my naked thigh I made no protest. He had it on the inside of my bathrobe and very soon he was approaching the forbidden triangle. Actually I'm glad I wasn't wearing any panties as they might have spoiled things, because he had his fingers over my pussy in seconds.

He was remarkably gentle as he entered me with his middle finger and most surprised when he met an obstruction.

"You're still a virgin?" he asked incredulously, breaking the kiss.

I nodded and tried to kiss him again, but he kept his head up.

"Where did you learn to suck cock like that?"

"I don't know. It was my first time. I couldn't help myself. I just had to do it,' I said.


"Kiss me," I begged.

He obliged and his fingers began to do the walking. Now I know some girls masturbate. I never felt the need to. Suddenly I understood what I had been missing. Craig certainly knew what he was doing down there, because he had me humping against his fingers almost as soon as he started.

His tongue was working one end of my body and his fingers the other end. He was taking over and I didn't want him to stop. Suddenly the whole world exploded and I shoved myself onto his invading finger. There was a brief stab of pain, but I hardly noticed it. I could feel my juices running out of me and onto his hand then down my legs. By now he was holding me up as my knees had given way. Gradually we separated.

"Do you know what you just did?" he asked, sounding slightly amused.

I shook my head. I wasn't sure which planet I was on.

"You got so excited just at the end, you pushed my finger through your hymen, you took your own virginity!"

Ever since I knew what virginity was, I had been curious how I would lose mine. Naturally the scenario of losing it to my husband on my wedding night had never been a feasible one for me. But losing it standing up in a kitchen to the middle finger of a guy I hardly knew, well, that was too far out for my imagination.

He helped me to the bathroom and left me in the shower. Eventually I recovered and got ready for school. He drove us there in silence.

It was a pretty horrible experience meeting our cadaver for the first time. Fortunately Craig got us paired up together. There are actually three of us; the third is a dental student called John, who has trouble with spots. Some students couldn't take it and just left. It was interesting to note that they were all boys. Let's hear it for the weaker sex!

Craig managed to get all the way home and into the bathroom before puking. Men are strange creatures. One minute all macho, the next big babies. However he recovered later and ate the steak I cooked for him.

We started on the settee watching the TV. Craig's arm came round my shoulders the moment we sat down. It took him no time at all to cup my breast in his hand and then we started kissing. He really is an expert. I didn't really notice he was inside my bra until his free hand unhooked it and it went slack. Gosh I never knew that having my nipples played with could be so much fun.

"Are you on the pill?" he asked.


"I'm gonna ball ya and I need to know if I'm going to have to use a condom or not," he explained.

I suppose that I should have screamed the place down over his arrogance, but I had this burning desire to find out what it felt like to have a man inside me.

"Daddy gave me a contraceptive injection, so I'm safe for 3 months," I said.

"What a thoughtful dad you have," he said, as he got up and carried me to his bedroom.

I couldn't exactly put my finger on the precise moment I lost my clothing, but cuddling a naked Craig is a sensation not to be missed. This time he went down on me. God, his tongue is pure magic. I do remember clutching his head and holding him against me as I screamed the place down. He revelled in it. Then he started with his fingers again. My God he had two fingers right inside me and he was sitting between my legs, with a pleased expression on his face, watching me buck on his fingers until I was screaming again.

Then it happened. He was lying on top of me kissing me and I felt him start to penetrate.

"Trust me, open wide, wrap your legs right round me, I won't hurt you," he whispered in my ear, and then went back to kissing me.

He was very gentle, but I could feel him trembling as he controlled the urge to let the beast out of its cage. Slowly he inched his way into me, opening me up like I had never been opened before. Then he started moving inside me. God it felt wonderful. He sure knows how to make a girl want to be taken.

Soon I was helping him and he became more forceful with his hips. The speed up was quite unhurried and he seemed to be in no rush to reach his climax. I, on the other hand, was getting close to mine. He just took me right through it. The bed under me was now very wet and he was still on the job. Again my orgasm took me to Heaven and once more he kept on going.

"Third time lucky," he said, briefly parting his lips from mine.

This time as my climax began he let go all his restraints and began to pound into me. Ecstasy enveloped us and for an instant in time we were one being. I tried to hold the moment but it slowly slipped away from me and I just lay there, under him, gradually coming down.

It felt quite nice, his heavy body on top of mine, my legs obscenely open and wrapped round him, his manhood shrinking inside me. God, how had he ever got something that size inside me in the first place? He made to roll off me but I wouldn't let go of him. Eventually I had to and sleep came quickly.

Sunday Sep 28.

I can't believe we have only been together a week! It seems so much longer. We fit together so well, no not just in bed, but around the house and at school, we are a team. In the dissecting room we hand each other instruments without being asked. Even John made a comment on it. At home we cook together, again passing utensils unasked. Mind you, I have got to keep his nose to the grindstone to make him do his homework. I'll bet that if I wasn't here he wouldn't do any at all.

And in bed! Well, let's be truthful here, the bedroom is just one place that we do it in. Apart from me starting it off in the kitchen, we have done it in the shower, doggy style in front of the TV, while one of those stupid tele-evangelists was ranting on. He even took me bent over the washbasin in the bathroom.

I still adore sucking him off and it never stops amazing him. Apparently I am the first girl who ever went down on him without him pleading for it, and he says I give the best head he has ever had! I still don't know why I do it so well; it is like I've done it for years. We both get a big kick when I swallow.

I wonder if my parents will like him? Daddy has always been very touchy on the subject of boys. Why I'll bet that even though he gave me the contraceptive shot he would be mad if he knew about Craig and me.

Goodness, writing about sex has made me all hot. I think I'll go and see if I can get Craig hot too.

Saturday Oct 4.

We went to a party last night and several odd things happened. We arrived and spoke together for a while then we split up and mingled. A girl came up to me and began quizzing me about Craig. He saw her do it and gave me a look. Next thing she was chatting him up. He winked at me and somehow I knew he was stringing her along.

There was a rather sad boy also watching Craig. I'm not sure why I did it but I went over and spoke to him. We ended up dancing and he told me he was gay. What was really funny was, he had the hots for Craig! Then he said the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. He ran his hand over my bum and said, "Oh God, I wish you were a boy!"

I had to laugh.

Eventually Craig managed to get away from the girl, who seemed to be quite upset that he preferred me to her, and we left for home. We had wild sex that night; my screaming must have wakened the neighbours.

Sunday Oct 4, in the small hours of the morning.

I'm not going to try to explain this; I'm just going to tell it as it happened.

We went to bed, had gentle sex and I fell asleep. Now it must have been a dream, but it was a very vivid one. I was sitting in a small stuffy room on the other side of the table from a small man, with strange eyes, wearing a black robe and, of all things, a wizard's pointed hat.

"I suggest that you read your diary from the other end," he said, "then you may choose."

I woke up, back in bed with Craig. Now I'm going to read the other end of this book. Odd really, I've been meaning to do it since I got it open, but I never got round to it.

Sunday Oct 4, later.

Oh God, it is almost my handwriting, just a bit more masculine. He loved Craig too! Oops, Craig has woken up and is yelling for me to get back in bed. I'd better go; anyway I can't make head or tail of this.

Sunday Oct 4 about noon.

I went back to bed and got to sleep again. The dream came back and I was with the Matchmaker. This time I had two sets of memories, the first as a boy and the second as a girl. Well, at least this explains the blowjobs!

"So now you must decide. If you choose to be a boy you lose Craig, his life goes down the drain and you will never form a long-term relationship. On the other hand if you choose to be a girl, you get to keep Craig and he will remain faithful to you. However you will have to bear him four children," said the Matchmaker, coming directly to the point.

There was little hesitation on my part in choosing to be a girl. However I did manage to ask the price first. He smiled in a strange way.

"I am several hundred years old and I have lived well beyond my allotted time. I managed this by getting other people to give me some of their life span. So as a female you are scheduled to live 10 years longer that you would as a male. However most of these extra years you will spend in an institution for the elderly. So, if you give me these useless years, you get your match," he said.

I nodded, and woke up in Craig's arms.

The End.

My thanks to Scott for proof reading.

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