The Masters Swim Team

By Dave B

Published on Aug 4, 2018


This is a fictional story about a young adult who joins a Master's Swim team full of older men.

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"A job?" Dennis asked, one eyebrow raising over the other. That sounded like a terrible idea.

"Yes, a job," his father responded through bites of his bacon and eggs. "You've had a week to adjust to life back at home. There's no reason you can't be productive this summer instead of wasting all your time at the pool."

Dennis stared at his dad. Bill was in his late fifties and had dusty brown hair. He was your typical dad-next-door type--the kind that had a certain look of innocence to them; the kind that certainly wasn't going to top anyone's fuck list. He was perfectly average in every way, from the plain and boring glasses to the extra padding in his midsection that had come with age and a certain predilection for sweets. It was more than sweets, though; Bill looked as if he had swallowed a basketball whole. The belly protruded quite miraculously, stretched beneath Bill's navy polo. A thin tuft of silvery chest hair peeked its way out of the V in the polo. If he weren't his dad, Dennis would've found him quite hot. Who was he kidding? Dennis thought. He totally found him hot.

Dennis thought about how nothing was going to ruin his summer. He had met John. Things were great there. He had joined the swim team. Things were great there, too. He hadn't wasted a week at the pool like his dad claimed. What he had been doing was far from a waste. He had been living out his wildest sexual fantasies in the form of his new teammates on the swim team. There was John, his new, extraordinarily hot, sexual mentor, who had taken Dennis by the cock and led him down a path to fulfilling his wildest desires. Then there was Geoff, the smooth hunk of beef that would fuck anything that stood still long enough, and whose tongue could work magic on any hole or pole. Wacho, the slimmer, strictly-gay teammate Dennis had sucked in the locker room was apparently really into bottoming; Dennis wanted to try topping out soon. Finally, there was Chuck. Chuck was about as shy as could be, but John hadn't been kidding when he said that guy got harder than a teenage boy. If it were up to Dennis, he was going to swim and fuck his way through summer. Nothing could ruin that . . . except a job.

"Are you listening to me?" Bill asked.

Dennis snapped out of his daydream. "A job?" Dennis restated. "That sounds like a terrible idea. What about what I want? What about my plans?"

"What plans?" Bill questioned, curious to hear what Dennis would come up with.

"You know," Dennis muttered, "the ones where I sit around and waste all my time at the pool." He knew that was terrible. He had panicked and couldn't come up with anything more satisfying than the last thing his father wanted to hear.

Bill shook his head. "You're smarter than this, Dennis. You should've gotten an internship like I told you."

"It's not that easy, dad," Dennis groaned. "And most internships don't pay."

"Neither does the pool," Bill interjected. "You know what does pay? A job. As in . . . get a job!"

The conversation was going nowhere. He didn't want a job. But some part of his need to prove his dad wrong picked up on the pool not paying. His dad was wrong. He could spend all day at the pool and get paid. He could be a lifeguard. He had his certificates; the swim team at school had required it. Maybe he could even find the time to sneak away for a quickie with John every now and then. After all, if Coach Hal and Cindy found a way, he could find one. Having made up his mind, Dennis told himself he'd talk to Coach Hal after practice. He glanced up at the clock and saw he was running late.

"Fine," Dennis resigned. "I gotta go to practice now."

"Don't stay up there all day!" Bill shouted after him as he left.

Dennis rushed out of the house. He was running late. Hopping on his bike, he took off down the road and headed into town. By the time he reached the pool, there was only ten minutes left until practice started.

"Better hurry," Cindy called as he flew by. "Coach is back today." She put the lollipop she was holding back in her mouth and gave it a nice suck with her juicy red lips. Dennis paid her no attention as he cut into the locker room.

There was no one in the main locker room when he entered, but he could hear the showers still running. Dennis slipped out of his clothes, grabbed his speedo and googles, and made a b-line straight for the shower. Once inside, he ran straight into Geoff, smacking against his slick, nude flesh, and bouncing back. Geoff caught him as he began to fell and held him. "Huh, mon ami," he said, in his best French accent. He leaned forward and planted a huge kiss on Dennis' lips. Still in his accent, he added, "if you wanted a piece of this, you only needed to ask."

Dennis gave Geoff a smile and thanked him as he helped him back to his feet. "It's good to see you again, Dennis," Geoff said. "We missed you on Friday, but I hear you had more fun than we did." He gave Dennis a wink and smacked his ass.

Had John told them everything? Dennis wondered. Apparently among these friends who did everything together, including fucking each other and their wives, there was no such thing as "what happens in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom." Dennis found an empty shower head and turned it on. He stared back at Geoff from across the shower. He may be lacking in the body hair department, but man if he wasn't one of the hottest fucking men Dennis had ever seen. Now that Dennis had seen those two inches grow much larger, they weren't as noticeable to him. And he quite liked the look of the uncut cock, especially as Geoff soaped his groin, causing it to flop up and down. Was this just showing off for Dennis?

"You'll have your fun soon enough," Dennis assured him.

"I'm counting on it," Geoff replied. "Come on. We better get out there."

They threw their suits on and made their way onto the pool deck. Like the week before, there were two groups standing near the pool: one of ladies and one of men. This time, however, in between the groups, stood Hal. It had been years since he had been Dennis' swim coach, years that had certainly been kind to Hal . . . at least in Dennis' eyes. Dennis had seen him shirtless many times back in the day, as Hal would always parade around in his trunks as he instructed the kids on the proper techniques in swimming. But for the master swim team, Hal didn't wear his trunks. No, he was an active participant; therefore, like the other men, he sported a very brief speedo. This drove Dennis wild. Hal was quite good looking. His messy scruff of hair was now salt and pepper, but his face was the same: kind and genial, the perfect coach. His upper body was still quite muscular for his age; his pronounced pecs matted with salt and pepper hair that led down over his semi-muscular belly that almost hid the fact that he enjoyed beer a little too much. All of this culminated in that crotch. Dennis had always wanted to know what was between that man's legs. Now, in the tight red and blue speedo, he was closer than ever to finding out. While not as round of a bulge as he got with John or Geoff, the head of Hal's dick was very pronounced. There was some shaft visible, too, but not enough for Dennis to fully predict what Hal was packing. He wondered if Hal would shower with the team after practice.

As they walked along the side of the pool, they reached the ladies first. Geoff turned to Trish, who was wearing a sleek, jet-black one piece that had quite the slimming effect on her middle-aged body. Geoff called out to her. "Hey Trish, when you gonna let me eat that pussy again?"

Dennis turned to him in disbelief.

Trish looked up from her clip board. "How about never."

"Oh, come on," Geoff added, with a devious smile. "I know that husband of yours ain't doing it. I promise it'll be worth your while."

"Have a nice swim, Geoff," Trish replied.

As they kept walking, Geoff said to Dennis, "She'll come around. She always does."

"You've eaten her pussy before?" Dennis asked.

"Of course. Loads of times. Want me to introduce you?"

"No, thanks. I think I'm good," Dennis said. "Who is her husband?"

Geoff pointed up ahead. "That man you've been drooling over since we walked in."

Dennis turned his eyes once more to Hal and his burly body. "That's Hal's wife! What is with you people? Has everybody here slept with everyone?" Seriously, he couldn't believe how much sex went on at this pool. How had he never been aware of it before?

"You don't know the half of it. Just wait, stick around here long enough and you'll have your share."

As they made their way past Hal, he looked over at them and saw Dennis for the first time. "Dennis," he said emphatically. "I heard you had joined them team. Good to see you, buddy." He reached over and gave Dennis a hug.

Oh, what a hug it was! Dennis nearly creamed his speedo right there. Here was a man he'd lusted after since his youth, rubbing his hairy body all over him as he squeezed that spandex and groin against Dennis'. Dennis started to grow rigid.

"What's it been, five years?" Hal asked, taking a step back and eying up Dennis.

"Something like that," Dennis replied, recovering from the hug and trying not to put himself too much on display.

"Well it looks like you've stayed in shape. You're going to be a welcome addition to the squad," Hal added, patting Dennis on the shoulder.

"I'll do my best."

"That's all we can ask," Hal said, in his perfect, understanding coach voice. "Now hurry up, we're about to start."

Finally, they arrived at the group of men. Standing there amongst them, in that bright, neon green speedo, was John. He had a twinkle in his eye and a little smile that was as innocent and genuine as a toddler eying up a cookie. He had watched Dennis from the moment he stepped out of the locker room and followed him across the pool deck. He had sorely missed him the past few days, and his heart leapt at seeing him again. "Hey, kid," was all he said, as he reached and arm out and pulled Dennis under his shoulder. "It's good to see you again."

Dennis looked up at him as he was squished against John's belly. "It's good to see you, too."

Dennis didn't know the protocol for how their sex lives would work on the pool deck. It seemed everyone here had free sex with the other, so it wouldn't be much of a shock. Then again, he wasn't too keen on advertising to the whole world that he was fucking John. That was a little outside his comfort zone at the moment. Still, he wanted to show John how much he had missed him by leaping into his arms; by ripping that speedo off and going to town on him right there in front of everyone; by lying down with him in the lounge chair and letting him hold him while he slept, just like they did the other night. From the passionate sex to the tenderness of his touch, Dennis wanted it all. Looking back at that twinkle in his eye, he whispered, "You have no fucking idea how much I missed you."

"I think I just might know," John replied, his smile growing. He squeezed Dennis at his side once more and then let go.

A whistle blew and everyone turned their attention toward Hal. "Well everyone, as you all can see, I'm back from vacation. It was a great time, but now we've got business to attend to. Our meet against the Wayfair Waves is only a couple of weeks away. I'm sure that last week you all worked extremely hard," he said sarcastically, giving John the look. John just shrugged his shoulders and everybody laughed. "So today we are going to do something fun. We'll welcome our newest member, Dennis, and do a light, team building exercise. I'd like you to split up into two teams, each with a equal mix of men and women. We're going to race and I want it as fair as you can get it. While this is for fun, I want to see what everyone's got, so give it your best effort."

John immediately turned toward Dennis for two reasons: One, Dennis was the fastest swimmer there, and two, Dennis was his lover. "What do you say, kid?"

Dennis hesitated. He thought for a second and realized, if he were going to show Coach Hal what he could do, it would be better for him to be away from John. The fewer distractions, the better. "Not this time, John. I think I need to focus, and with that," he said, motioning at John's body, "I won't be able to focus at all."

"Fair enough," John admitted. "But don't think I'm gonna go easy on you."

"I wouldn't expect any less," Dennis replied, and they both gave each other a smile before heading to their respective areas.

Dennis arrived at the ladies' lanes and took in his teammates. For the women, there was Trish; her best friend Cheryl, another middle-aged, suburban housewife trying to look slim in a too-tight suit; and a younger lady named Denise, who was maybe five or six years older than Dennis. Aside from him, she was the youngest on the team. Geoff had followed Dennis over to round out their numbers.

"We meet again," Geoff said directly to Trish.

"Not here," Trish said under her breath, her face trying to look discreet.

Dennis just shook his head.

They determined the order for the race and soon were off. Denise had gone first, then Cheryl, then Geoff. Dennis was amazed at how fast a man of his size moved through the water. He guessed there was muscle beneath that keg of a body of his. Trish followed in his wake and, Dennis, who had agreed to go last, was on deck. He glanced over and saw that John was smirking back at him, hunched over and letting his belly overhang that strip of neon green. That was just enough to take Dennis out of the race. Trish was coming in fast, and Geoff saw what was happening. He walked up behind Dennis, and as soon as Trish hit the wall, Geoff gave Dennis a big push.

He was falling. Lost in his daydream, seeing that strip of green falling with him, Dennis was miles away. It was only he and John, their wet speedos rubbing up against one another, both of their cocks growing and growing until their suits couldn't contain them any more. His hole ached, but so did John's. Now was the time. Dennis was moving in, guiding his tongue. John's cheeks were spreading, being pulled apart by invisible hands, revealing that round, gaping hole. His mouth watered as his tongue moved towards the hole. He was almost there. Just another--

The cold water smacked him out of his reverie and he remembered where he was and what he was doing there. John had a head start, but his body snapped into motion and he was off. The race had all come down to this. His flip turn had been perfect and he had gained significant ground on John. But it wasn't meant to be. When he slapped the wall, he looked over and saw John smiling back at him. "Tough luck, kid," he called over.

Dennis reached for the side of the pool and grabbed Geoff's hand, who pulled him up. "Oh, to be young," Geoff said.

"What are you talking about?" Trish asked. "You're hornier than the boy is."

"Too true, Trishie," Geoff replied. "You wanna get out of here?" he tried again.

"Give me twenty minutes," she resigned. "Hal's gonna be up here all day anyway. Probably fucking that bimbo again. I might as well have some fun myself." She walked off.

"Told you," Geoff said to Dennis. "She always comes around." He gave Dennis a pat on the ass and walked off in the direction of the locker room.

Dennis looked around for Hal and saw him nowhere in sight. John called over to him. "You coming, kid?" he asked.

"I'll be there shortly. I have to ask Hal about something."

"And what might that be?" John inquired.

"A job."

John laughed. "Oh boy, little Dennis is growing up. See you in a bit, kid."

Dennis found his way to the main office. The door was shut and the shutter at the desk where Cindy usually sits was drawn. He gave a soft knock and nobody answered. Dennis turned the knob and gently opened the door. Inside, there was a noise, and he saw everything before he could stop himself. There was Hal, standing butt-assed naked in the back of the room, with a firm seven-inch dick plowing into Cindy's vagina. She was atop the desk, her tits bouncing up and down with each thrust. Dennis stopped, his jaw must've dropped to the floor. He couldn't believe he was finally seeing that god of a man's rock hard dick. It looked as if it were chiseled out of marble. This was exactly what he had hoped would happen: he had interrupted Hal fucking Cindy and could now picture every inch entering her deep pussy. Hal turned to see who had entered.

"Dennis!" he exclaimed, unashamed. "What can I do you for?"

You can do me for free, if you'd like, Dennis thought. He was sure that wasn't the answer Hal had been looking for. He was shocked at Hal's nonchalance about the situation.

"I . . . uh . . ." He didn't quite know how to talk with this all going on. "I'm wanted to ask if I could have job."

Hal turned back to Cindy and began to heave harder, grunting deeply with each thrust. Within seconds, he pulled out and shot his hot, sticky load all over her tits and vagina. Then he turned back to Dennis and began walking over towards him, his erect cock leading the way. Dennis tried not to stare, but that was an impossible task. Hal pretended not to notice.

"Just a second, Dennis," Hal said. "Let me get the paperwork."

"Sure," Dennis replied.

"Hey," Hal added. "While I do this, why don't you clean Cindy up a bit. She's gotta get back to work."

Dennis was less sure about this, but he didn't see an option. He looked at Cindy, who just watched his every move. He saw a towel on the filing cabinet and went for it. Holding it in his hand, he made his way to Cindy, but was stopped by Hal.

"You don't need a towel," Hal said. "Clean it up with your mouth."

"What?" Dennis said. What had he walked into?

"Cindy here tells me you like cock," Hal said. "I'd imagine you've tasted the cum of half the team by now."

Dennis was horrified. How did he know that? How did Cindy know that?

"I know about their little ritual in the hot tub."

Dennis still said nothing.

"Look, Dennis," Hal said, waving the paperwork in the air. "I've got an opening for a lifeguard. I know you've got the experience. If you want the job, it's yours, but this is the interview. Go ahead and clean Cindy up."

Dennis couldn't believe that Hal Hughes, his sweet, innocent coach since he was a young boy, was not just a willing participant in the sex at the pool, but seemed to be the leader of it all. He took a look at Hal's hard dick, and then at Cindy's wet pussy, stained with Hal's cum. Here goes nothing, he thought.

He got down on his knees and leaned over Cindy. She smelled of coconut and sun tan oil, but there was also the smell of Hal's cum. He stared at her two lips, the white stuff running down it and, like his day dream earlier of John's ass, he closed his eyes and dove in. The cum was a fruity flavor--not sweet like John's or bland like Bob's. This tasted tropical, as if a heavy diet in fruit could affect the taste of one's cum. Dennis liked it a lot, much better than the taste of the pussy beneath it. He licked the pussy, spreading the lips just a bit, before winding his tongue up along the happy trail of cum and onto her belly. Then, he grabbed both tits in his hands and began to circle his tongue around the right one, while giving the left one a gentle squeeze. By that point, his own hard dick was rubbing Cindy's clit through his speedo. Before he had the chance to pull them off and get started, Hal stopped him.

"Very good, Dennis. We may just swing you both ways before the summer is through."

Dennis stood up and looked over at his coach. "Now," Hal added, "come clean me up and the job is yours."

This was it, his childhood fantasy coming true. Without a second thought, Dennis moved across the room and was on his knees. He stared Hal's seven-inch monster in the eye and took it in. He could taste the fruity cum and Cindy's pussy juices, mixed together, glazed over the rod. He couldn't fit the whole thing, but he knew he was doing something right, as Hal began to moan. Dennis put his hands on Hal's ass and squeezed, pulling apart those ass cheeks and exposing the man's hole to the world. Not wanting to be left out, Cindy got up from the desk and walked around behind Hal. She, too, got down on her knees and buried her face between Hal's cheeks. With this, he let out a loud groan. The sensations were intense. He was loving every minute of it. He grabbed the back of Dennis' head and pulled his head deeper, shoving his cock so hard it felt like it would ram through the back of Dennis' head. Dennis didn't know how, but all seven inches went down his throat, and the cum that followed he never even got to taste. It was injected right into his belly. Hal jerked and shuddered as he came. His eyes closed and he took a deep breath.

"The job is yours, Dennis. You start tomorrow. Cindy will show you the ropes."

"Thanks, sir," Dennis replied. "I won't let you down."

Hal smiled, thinking mischievous thoughts. "No, I don't think you will."

Dennis left the office and made his way directly into the locker room. The other guys had left, but John was waiting there on the bench for him. He was naked as the day he was born. His hairy belly was on full display, but his cock was obscured by his hand, as he stroked himself gently.

"Did someone have a fun time?" John asked, nodding down at Dennis' boner.

Dennis had forgotten all about that. It was a good thing the pool was not open yet, as he had run straight there sporting a full-blown erection.

"I got the job," he replied.

"Oh, I don't doubt that." John stood up and put his hand on Dennis dick. "Did you save any for me?"

"There's always a load in there for you."

"Good. How do you want it?"

"Fuck me. Please, fuck me."

"Your wish is my command."

John pulled down Dennis' speedo and turned him around. He licked the chlorine off his ass cheeks and teased his crack with a finger. "Let's loosen you up a little," John whispered. With that, he began to suck Dennis' ass. He pulled in with the lips, and penetrated with the tongue. It was an instant workout, and Dennis found himself whimpering with pleasure. He soon bent over, leaving his ass towering in the air. John spit profusely on his hand, and then began working his fingers into the hole. First there was one, then two, and finally three fingers sliding into Dennis' ass. This helped avoid the pain of taking John's cock full force from the start.

"Fuck me already," Dennis moaned. "I need you inside me."

"As you wish," John replied.

John stood up and gave his dick a shake. It was already hard, but he wanted to check it was functioning at peak capacity. He lined his sausage up with Dennis' hole and gave it a push. With a pop and a squish, he slid in completely.

"Ooohhhhhh," Dennis groaned as he felt the full girth of John's meat. "More. Give me more."

"You're hungry today, kid. I like that."

John heaved and hoed, drilling Dennis as best as he could. He circled his hips, giving a nice rhythmic pattern to his thrusts, widening Dennis' hole as much as he could. The days apart from one another had been long, and they found themselves lost in the trance of each other's bodies. This was bliss in every sense of the word. They were so lost, however, they didn't hear the door open or the footsteps coming their way.

A man walked into the room and stopped dead in his tracks. He saw the old man fucking and the young one taking it. The young one was clearly enjoying it, his eyes closed tightly as a look of pleasure illuminated his face. The young one's eyes opened and the man and Dennis made eye contact.

"Dennis?" the man said. Dennis and John stopped what they were doing. A look of terror spread across Dennis' face. "What the hell is going on here?" the man continued. Then he looked up and realized for the first time who the older man was. "John?" he added in a confused voice.

John sighed, his dick still hard in Dennis' ass. "Hi Bill."

To be continued . . .

©2018 **************************************************************************

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Next: Chapter 6

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