The Masters Swim Team

By Dave B

Published on Jul 2, 2018


This is a fictional story about a young adult who joins a Master's Swim team full of older men.

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It was 2:00 am and Dennis couldn't sleep. Ever since he was a boy he had dreamed of meeting a beefy, older man that would have his way with him. The fantasy had come in all shapes and sizes, in numerous scenarios including teachers, coaches, doctors, beaches, locker rooms, or even from his own father--who was quite the hunk of meat himself. Now that that day had come, he found he had lost all the focus he prided himself in before. He couldn't focus at all. In fact, there was only one thing he could focus on, and that was how goddamn horny he was. He wanted another shot with John; no, he needed another shot. It wasn't just because he found him the perfect specimen with his round belly, his pronounced man boobs, his pelt of fur coating his body, or even his thick dick. It wasn't even about how stunning he looked in that neon green speedo, with a perfectly round bulge, or how the sweat glistened on his moist body. It wasn't even how kind and genial his soft face looked when they met. No, all of these things were great--fantastic even--but what got him most was how John had kissed him. Now, not having kissed another man before, Dennis didn't have much to compare it to; but, something had happened when John kissed him; something he wasn't quite sure about; something that made Dennis a little uncomfortable, but also feeling bold and dangerous at the same time. He needed a second shot with John, and he hoped the following day, his first practice with his new swim team, would provide another opportunity to try even more things than they tried that day. If only he could get to sleep . . .

Morning rolled around and, before he knew it, his five o'clock alarm went off, screeching for him to wake up. Dennis rolled out of bed and darted across the room to silence the device before it woke the whole house. He had managed maybe two hours of sleep tops, but now he planned on getting to the pool even earlier than he needed so he wouldn't miss any opportunity to see John. He shoved his suit and goggles into his bag and by quarter past 5:00 he was out the door, hopping on his bicycle, and headed into town.

When Dennis arrived at the pool it was only 5:30. The gates were locked, the lights were off, and there was nobody around to talk to. He sat down with his back against the gate and waited. John had said practice started at 6:00, so surely someone would be along soon enough to open up. Until that time, he just had to wait. While he sat there, he thought about the day before and how he had seen John soaping up his ass in the shower. He felt himself grow a little in the groin. For some reason, the thought of sticking his tongue in John's crack had kept reappearing in his mind. He couldn't think of anything else. He told himself, if he got the chance, he would take a stab at it.

After fifteen minutes, Cindy rolled up in her fancy red sports car. Where she got the money for a ride like that on a lifeguard's salary, Dennis had no idea. She strolled up the walkway towards him, twirling her brown hair as if she were a blonde. "What are you doing here, Dennie? Pool doesn't open for another hour."

"I think I'm joining the team," Dennis replied as he stood up so Cindy could let him in.

She unlocked the padlock on the gate and swung it open. "Really? What's a young guy like you want to swim with old farts like that?"

Dennis laughed. "There's not exactly any other team I can join. Besides, I thought you liked the old farts?"

"What was that?" she asked.

Dennis figured he shouldn't have said that. After all, what John had told him likely wasn't common knowledge. "Oh, nothing. I just meant, it can't be that bad, can it?"

"No," she said, smacking her gum. She twirled herself around the counter and into the office. "It certainly isn't." She smiled to herself and lost herself in her own little daydream.

Dennis knew what she was thinking. He was thinking it, too. If Mr. Hughes was off the table for himself, he at least wished he could be there to see him rail Cindy. In his mind, Mr. Hughes had a monster dick, and he speculated Cindy was tight as could be. Hearing her scream with pleasure as he fucked her deep would be amazing. Then again, he wished he could take her place.

"I'm gonna go change now, Cind, but I'll catch you later, ok?"

"Sounds good, Dennie. Enjoy those old farts," she said, giving him a wink.

He laughed and turned into the locker room. Did she know what he had done with John yesterday? How could she possibly know? She couldn't, he told himself. John wouldn't have said anything, would he? No, he was just being paranoid. He walked across the room and decided to take the same locker he had the day before. He might as well make it easy on himself. By this time, others had begun to arrive. There was the man with the four-inch dick from the day before. Dennis got his first good look at him. He was about 5'8" and had short, gray hair. As he undressed, Dennis remembered he was almost entirely smooth, save for his pubes, which were holding onto their original black a little better than his head had. The man had stripped, grabbed that baby blue speedo, and entered the showers very quickly. Dennis wanted to go slowly so he'd have a chance to catch John. Another man had come in while he was watching the first man. This one had a nice round belly and pointy nipples on his man-boobs. Dennis could see the nipples right through the man's dress shirt. He wore sporty sunglasses that made him look super cool for his age, and he had a full head of silver hair that was combed over to perfection. The man glanced over at Dennis while he removed his shirt and gave him a kind "hello" before beginning to remove his pants. Dennis returned the greeting, letting his eyes linger as the man stripped down to a skimpy pair of silk briefs. This guy must have money, Dennis thought. He looked like a rich man. The man dropped the briefs to reveal an uncut dick that was about two inches soft. Now, Dennis wasn't concerned with size, but his first thought was that at least the guy had money. He was completely smooth, as well, even for pubes. There was not a single hair on this guy's body that he didn't want to be there. He reached for a black and blue checkered speedo and headed towards the shower.

Dennis glanced up at the clock on the wall. It was 5:55. Still no sign of John. If he waited any longer, he'd be late for his first practice. He couldn't let that happen. He slipped out of his clothes as quickly as possible and hopped in the shower. The clock struck 6:00 exactly when he hit the pool deck. A middle-aged woman approached him first thing, while the rest of the team was stretching.

"You must be Dennis," the woman said. "I'm Trish. John mentioned we had a new recruit."

"That's me," Dennis replied, surprised. He didn't remember seeing any women the day before. He looked around for John and didn't see him. "Where is John?" Dennis asked. "It's just, he didn't give me any idea of what I'm supposed to do here--"

"Say no more, Dennis. John took care of everything. I just need you to sign the waiver for yourself and then we'll get started on the workout."

Trish handed Dennis the form and her clipboard.

"But what about Mr. Hughes?" Dennis asked, as he signed without reading. "Isn't he the coach?"

"Hal is on vacation. He'll be back next week. John usually likes to fill in, but he's running late today."

"Alright," Dennis said. That seemed reasonable.

"Are you a fast swimmer or a slow swimmer, Dennis?" Trish asked. "Most of us women like to go in the slow lanes, and the men take the faster ones. It wasn't meant to be divided like that, it just worked out that way. We'd be happy to have you join us," she said, sweetly.

Dennis glanced over at the rich guy and the man with the four-inch dick. The bearded man from the day before was with them, as well. It was all he could do not to salivate right then and there. "I think I'll stick with the guys for now, if that's alright."

"Sure, not a problem," Trish replied. She pointed at the sign on the building. "Warmup is on the board, and then we'll get into the workout. Let me know if you have any questions."

Dennis thanked Trish and then made his way over to the trio of men. What he wouldn't give for a chance with each one of them. There they were, each bulging out of their speedos, acting as if they were in the prime of their lives. They couldn't care less what anyone thought of them, and he liked that. Dennis had always worn a speedo, since he first signed up for the swim team when he was seven. Ever since then, he had the type of body most of society didn't mind seeing in a speedo, so he was just as comfortable as anyone could be in that little of clothing. Most would say he was twink-ish, but he didn't like that word. To him, a twink represented the side of gay culture that shaved their pubes, or cared about fashion, or even acted more feminine. That was the opposite of what Dennis wanted. He wanted hair all over, he wanted to be husky, he wanted to be a man. Unfortunately, with his build and smoothness, he was never going to be the masculine wonder he longed to be. On the flip side, he didn't need to be as long as he was around these men everyday.

He reached the edge of the pool and the three men stopped their chatter and looked at him. "Hi," he said, "I'm Dennis."

"Hello Dennis," the four-inch dick guy said, extending his arm.

Dennis reached for it, using as much control as he could muster so that he didn't accidentally go straight for the man's dick instead.

"The name's Bob. Bob Wachowski," the man said, as he shook Dennis' hand excitedly. "You can call me Bob, Bobby, Rob, Wacho, or whatever else for that matter."

"People have given Wack Job a lot of names over the years," said the rich man. His belly extended confidently towards Dennis. Clearly this man had no issue with the small member tucked behind that checkered brief. "You'll find one you like soon enough."

"Gotcha," Dennis replied, wondering what he'd end up calling the man. "And you are?"

"Geoff. And this here's Chuck."

Dennis looked over at the bearded man next to him. He remembered how bushy he was down below. The man stared back at him with a silly grin that stretched from ear to ear.

"He gets a little excited sometimes," Geoff said. "Try to ignore him."

Dennis glanced up and down Chuck, quickly checking him out. He saw what Geoff had meant. Chuck was sporting a rod that extended into the upper corner of his brief. It was certainly much longer than the three inches he had glimpsed the day before. Had Geoff really been pointing out Chuck's boner to him right there on the pool deck? Were they gay, too? Were they all aware about his encounter with John the day before? Where was John? All of these things raced through his mind, but he had no time to dwell on any of them because a whistle rang out. Both groups of swimmers--the fast and the slow--turned around.

There he was. John stood on the pool deck. He was wearing a straw hat, some sunglasses, and a speedo fashioned to look like a tuxedo. Dennis was speechless. This man looked even better than he remembered. It was as if he had jumped out of one of Dennis' fantasies. The whistle fell from his mouth. "Sorry I'm late, guys. I've got a hot date tonight and I wanted to look my best."

Dennis looked around at the others while they laughed at John's stunt. They, of course, knew he was joking. John hadn't dated anyone regularly since his wife had died three years ago. Dennis didn't know all of this, of course, so he laughed along to fit in, and because he found the sight humorous. He also found himself hoping John was not joking and that he was that hot date.

"That's John," Geoff told Dennis.

"I know," Dennis said. "We've met."

Geoff looked at Dennis suspiciously, as if he was slowly figuring out why Dennis was joining their swim team.

"Ok, everyone," John said, "you know the drill. Hop to it."

With that, the team turned towards the pool and dove in. Dennis struggled through practice. He found his lack of focus from the night before creeping into his morning routine. There was no way he could manage to find that special place he visited while swimming, when there was so much to look at around him. It was as if he was a shark circling a group of fish and he had his pick of the lot. The men would swim past him and he would get perfect views staring right up their back alleys. Geoff, of course, was his favorite in his lane, as he was the chunkiest of the men. His speedo was a little loose, as his crack began to show more and more with each lap. All of this caused Dennis to swim slower than ever before, as his primary focus was on keeping his massive erection from popping out of the top of his brief.

By the time John called the end of practice, Dennis was exhausted. It was not a good morning for him in terms of making a first impression. As far as his level of horniness, he was about to explode. Hopefully, John would be ready for some action, as well.

"Dennis, can I have a word?" John asked, calling for Dennis to hang back as the others hit the showers.

Dennis walked in his direction. It was all he could do to not rip his speedo off right there and jump on John. "Sure, what's up?"

John glanced him over. "I can see what's up." He nodded down at Dennis' crotch.

Dennis covered himself. "What did you expect? You dropped me in with those guys and abandoned me!"

"Would you have had any more control if I were there?" he chuckled.

"No," Dennis admitted.

"How were things?" John asked.

"Rough. Have you ever tried swimming with one of these?"

John smiled and shook his head. "Trust me, kid, you're not the first one on this team who has struggled with an erection. Listen, I've got a surprise for you, but you're gonna have to wait a little for it. You gonna be around later?"

Dennis was disappointed this wasn't happening right now. He groaned inside. "I've got nowhere to be. I guess I'll just float for a bit."

"There's a good boy," John said. "Trust me, it'll be worth the wait."

It better be, Dennis thought. And with that, he plopped himself on a raft and floated out into the pool.

He wasn't sure how long he had been out, or how long he had been showcasing his erection to the world, but after some time, John returned. "How about you put that sail down and come back to shore?" John shouted from the pool deck.

Dennis stirred back to life and looked over at him. John was in his street clothes and carrying a brown paper bag. Dennis slid off the raft and felt the cold water wash away the hot sun. He waded over to the deck. "What's in the bag?" Dennis asked.

"You'll see. Let's go. Hit the showers. We've got plans."

Dennis cocked his head and looked at the old man, confused, but he did as he was told. John followed him into the locker room. Dennis walked over to his locker and got out his shampoo. He turned around and found John sitting on the bench behind him. "That really is quite the pecker you've got there," John said, smiling as he stared at Dennis' raging hard on. "And you're not at all afraid to show it off. Come here."

Dennis walked over to him. John reached up and traced the outline of Dennis' dick with his finger. He ran it up one side and down the other, giving special attention to his ball sack. He pinched the nuts gently between two fingers and rolled both up and down with a soft caress. Dennis stared down at him; a smile beamed across his face because it was finally happening again. His dick got harder and harder as John played with it; the head began to poke out the top.

"There he is," John said. He pulled Dennis in closer and lowered his mouth onto the tip. Dennis could feel him licking at it, trying to pull it away from his body, but the speedo would snap it back into position. John reached up and slowly began to strip the brief off Dennis, who stepped out of it as it fell to the floor. With new freedom, John was able to take all 6.5" in his mouth. He focused just on the head at first, swirling his tongue around and around. Then, he went for the plunge. Dennis watched as his entire cock disappeared down John's throat. John pulled back. "Jesus Christ, kid, I think you got bigger over night."

Dennis laughed. He was really super horny. Could his dick really grow larger than before just based on that?

John pulled him closer still, taking him as deep as he could. His nose buried in Dennis' pubes, and Dennis could hear John take a huge whiff, basking in what little man-scent Dennis could muster. John's fingers reached around a grasped firmly on Dennis' cheeks. One finger decided to explore and worked its way into the crack. Dennis felt as it began to put pressure on his hole. He had never really experimented with his ass, but he wasn't going to say no to anything John wanted to do to him. He was entirely in his control. John slurped a little and lowered his hand. He spit on it and then raised it back up to the hole. It was slippery now, and Dennis felt as John rolled it around on the opening, loosening it up. In no time, Dennis felt one of John's stubby fingers slide all the way into his rectum. He wasn't sure what to think. It hurt and felt good at the same time. For the first time, he began to wonder about taking John's dick in him. Just the thought of it made him instantly explode. There was no time for warning. The load shot straight down John's throat.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't expect that to happen so soon."

John glanced up at him, cum dripping off his chin. "Relax, kid. You've got a tasty load. Now turn around."

Dennis turned as he was commanded. "Bend over," John urged, and Dennis again did as he was told. John grabbed Dennis at the hips and pulled him in closer. He massaged his ass cheeks again and then spread them. John didn't say anything, he just leaned in and buried his tongue between the two cheeks. Dennis could feel the cum still dripping off his dick when this new sensation hit. It was larger than a finger and very strong. John's tongue flicked in and out, probing deep, causing Dennis to moan. It was a feeling like no other. With each probe, his hole stretched more and more. He moaned again, louder this time. After a few, short minutes, before Dennis was ready for it to end, John pulled away. He stood up and pulled his t-shirt over his head. "Here," he said, tossing Dennis the brown bag. "Open that." Dennis opened the bag as John removed his pants. He wasn't wearing underwear, and his thick, 6" dick sprung to life as it was freed. Inside the bag, Dennis pulled out a pack of condoms and a bottle of lube. John took the condoms and began opening them. "Spread some of that on that hole, kid."

"You want to put that inside me?" Dennis asked. "It's huge."

"It'll fit. Just relax," he said as he ripped a condom open with his teeth.

"Was this the surprise?" Dennis asked.

"Part of it," John replied. "There's more to come."

John stood up and moved into position. Dennis leaned over the bench. "This might hurt a bit at first. Just relax and it'll become pleasurable in no time."

Dennis swallowed and tried his best to heed John's advice. He felt the dick arrive at his hole and felt himself tighten. Relax, he told himself. The pressure began. A searing pain shot through Dennis and he jumped. He tried to run away, but John's hands were on his shoulders holding him back. It felt like a dagger had just been shoved up his ass. It was the worst pain he had ever felt in his life. There was no way that he'd be able to take the whole thing when so little hurt so much. He felt himself panic. He didn't want to let John down, but he didn't know that he could do it. As he thought this, the pain subsided. He felt John try again, and there was more pain. By the third time, John was able to slide in a bit more without any sudden urges. By the fourth and fifth attempt, John managed to get three quarters of the way inside. And by his sixth try they were smooth sailing.

Dennis didn't know if he liked the feeling or not. On one side, John's dick smashing into his prostate felt good. It was a sensation he had never felt before, and it was a good one. On the other hand, his sphincter felt weak, and with each thrust, he felt the need to pee more and more. John would later tell him he didn't actually have to pee, but he didn't know that in the moment. Still, he was taking John's cock, and that was something.

The door to the locker room creaked open and someone came in. Dennis looked up and began to panic. He didn't want to be caught in such a compromising position. John just laughed and placed his hand on his back to calm him. In walked Bob. "It's about time, Wacho," John said. "We're just getting to the good part." Bob smiled and made his way across the room to where the two were fucking.

"How is he?" Bob asked with an impish grin.

"Tight," John said, "but great."

Dennis wondered what was going on. He watched as Bob unbuttoned his shirt and then dropped his trousers. He was wearing whitey tighties, and a bulge was already forming in them. When he slipped out of his briefs, his four-inch dick that had grown to seven inches was staring Dennis right in the eyes. He felt like he might impale himself on it as John heaved him forward and back with each thrust. Dennis looked up and saw Bob staring down at him with glee.

"Go on, kid. Show Wacho what you did to me yesterday," John said, as he continued pounding Dennis' tight hole.

Dennis looked back down at the one-eyed serpent in his face and opened wide. He didn't have to do anything. John's thrust pushed him right into Bob's dick and, before he knew it, half of it was down his throat. Dennis tried not to gag on the sudden piece of meat in his mouth. It took him a few tries before he caught onto the rhythm that was being forced upon him. Once he got things straightened out, he settled into the routine nicely. It was a game. With each thrust, he tried sliding further onto Bob's pole. Within a minute, he was able to get about five to six inches inside him, causing Bob to moan and groan with such pleasure. He slurped and slid on each pole inside him, held together like a spit on a roast. It was a plethora of sensations for him and he couldn't contain it all inside his small body. Within minutes, Dennis shot his load all over the bench.

"Oh, God," Bob said, as Dennis came. "That's--"

He didn't finish. The sight of seeing Dennis cum all over was too much for him to take. He immediately shot his load down Dennis' throat. Dennis had never taken a load like that before, as the day before John had shot on his face. He choked on the enormity of the load and began to cough it up. Bob grabbed his chin and held it shut. "It's ok, just relax. Now swallow real big."

Dennis swallowed. The taste was bland and creamy. He wasn't sure he liked it, but he would hold off judgement on that for now. He pulled away from John and turned around. John ripped the condom off his dick and thrust his cock into Dennis' mouth right before he exploded. This time, Dennis took it all. He didn't let a drop spill out of his overflowing mouth. He savored the taste, swishing it around in his mouth. John's cum was much sweeter than Bob's. He wanted more. He gulped it all down and opened wide.

"That's a good boy," John told him. "I told you he was good, didn't I?" he said to Bob.

Bob was speechless. "That you did," he exclaimed, exhausted.

John turned back to Dennis. "You better clean up, kid. We've got somewhere to be."

"Where?" Dennis asked.

"You'll find out soon enough. Now get going."

Dennis wiped the last bit of cum off his chin and hit the showers.

"He's gonna love the initiation," Bob said.

"I know," John replied. "He has no idea what's in store for him tonight."

To be continued . . .

©2018 **************************************************************************

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Next: Chapter 3

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