The Masters Swim Team

By Dave B

Published on Mar 7, 2022


This is the follow-up story to a young adult who joined a Master's Swim Team full of older men. If you have not read that, please check it out. This will make more sense that way.

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The Master Swim Team, Volume II


There is something particularly alluring about observing the male behind through the slacks of a suit. The wool, stretched thin and flat across the skin, adhering to the curves beneath its surface; the faint yet somehow vivid outline of briefs cupping each cheek within their grasp; the crevice that begins to form along the seam, offering but a glimpse into the wonders held within. And, on those rare occasions, when one finds themselves with a stroke of luck to gaze upon such a man, stooped over enough to reveal his packageÑa lost treasure dangling within arm's reachÑit takes everything within one's power not to reach out and grab it.

"What an ass!" a voice said.

"Yeah . . ." Dennis sighed, his mouth starting to gape as he looked on at the derriere.

"Dennis?" the voice asked.

Dennis shook his head and turned toward his roommate. Miguel was a short, scrawny kid whose major difference in body from Dennis was that he lacked the muscles that came along with swimming. Never having been one for any sport, Miguel was nothing more than skin and bone, lacking much definition at all. His skin and eyes were brown and his hair jet-black, and the round glasses he wore always seemed to be at risk of sliding right off his slender nose.

"What?" Dennis asked. He picked up his sandwich and took a bite, returning his gaze to the ass in the distance. Professor Wassermann stood back up, fixing his jacket on the way. After brushing it off, he tossed a napkin into the trashcan. Dennis turned back to his friend, who was still staring at him with his big, brown eyes.

"You were doing that thing again."

"What thing?"

"The one where you zone out of a conversation entirely," Miguel said, as if it always happened.

"I . . . I . . ." Dennis started to protest, but he didn't have much of a defense.

"Mi abuela says you're stretching yourself too thin," Miguel interjected, pushing his glasses back into place.

"You told your abuela about my focus?" Dennis asked. Miguel's abuela was a perfectly nice woman, but that didn't mean Dennis wanted her knowing every little detail about his day.

"Of course, I tell abuela everything."

Dennis brushed him off. "You're twenty-one-years-old and you still tell your abuela everything?"

"You don't?" he asked, as if the notion were crazy.

"No," Dennis replied. "My abuela is dead."

Miguel froze. "Oh."

"It's fine. It's been almost ten years. I'm sorry I did `the thing.' What were you saying earlier?"

"I said, `What an ass!'" Miguel repeated. "I can't believe Wassermann would assign you ten pages right before Fall Break. In accounting! How do you even write ten pages on accounting?"

He shrugged. "Hell if I know. I'll figure something out. I always do . . ."

The amazing ass aside, it was kind of a dick move for Wassermann to assign the paper. Fall Break was really only two days plus the weekend, and the university always scheduled a Parent's Weekend and Alumni Reunion at the same time. Between his parents visiting and his regular assignments and his responsibilities on the swim team, Dennis wasn't sure when he'd have time to write the paper.

"What time do your parents get here?"

Dennis looked up at the large clock hanging in the student center. It was almost a quarter past two. "It should be any minute now. I'm supposed to meet them in the quad."

"You had better go then," Miguel told him. Then, looking down at Dennis's half-eaten sandwich, he asked, "Are you going to finish that?"

Dennis took one last big bite of his sandwich and shoved the tray in his friend's direction. "I don't know where you put it all," he replied, referencing Miguel's tendency to eat large quantities of food that couldn't possibly fit in his smaller frame. "I'll see you later."

He stood up and turned, bumping right into Emily.

"Are you leaving?" she asked. The tray in her hands told him she was just on her way to join them for lunch.

"I have to meet my parents," he said.

"Oh . . . all right." She seemed a little disappointed. "We keep missing each other. Are we still on for dinner on The Strand tonight?"

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it," he told her. The clock chimed, echoing throughout the wooden hall. "I've got to go," he said, turning to rush out. "I'll see you there!"

"Can you believe it's already been thirty-five years?" Mary gasped to her husband, as they took their nametags and reunion packets from the volunteer. "Where has the time gone?"

Bill often wondered that himself.

"Where did you go to school, John?" she asked, stepping off to one side to allow other families to pass through the archway to campus.

Knowing Dennis would appreciate having someone other than his parents visiting, Bill had convinced Mary to let John come along. It hadn't been hard to do; in fact, Mary was quite taken by the idea. For his part, he still was a little uncertain about the relationship between the old man and his son, but he was done standing in the way. Whatever happened to the two was up to them. If nothing else, John's presence would give Dennis something to do while he and Mary attended the alumni reception that evening.

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't?" John replied.

"You never went to college?" Mary asked, surprised.

Bill gave him a look. He hadn't known that.

"Nope," John said. "There was no need. My old man co-owned The Bay City Times. You know, the offices over on Fifth and Market?"

"That old tower next to the Warehouse District?" Bill asked.

"That's the one. Practically grew up there. After graduating high school, I went right into the family business. The plan was always for me to take over the paper one day, but when Dad finally passed, the industry wasn't in the same shape as it had been back in the day. I sold my interest in the company to his partner andÑ"

"Ñmade enough money to retire," Bill finished.

"I've lived a comfortable life," John conceded. "I always did prefer the life outside of the city anyway."

Mary smiled at him. "That's wonderful. It's a shame you don't have anyone to share it with."

"Mary!" Bill cried.

"What?" she shrugged. "He's a good-looking guy. I'm sure he'd make a woman very happy."

"Mary!" Bill said again, this time a little more sternly.

John couldn't help but grin. "It's okay, Bill. She's right. I could make a woman very happy," he said, giving Mary a wink; the look on Bill's face alone was worth the gesture. "Yes, Mary, it is a shame that Jane can't be here as we planned, but there are a lot of special people in my life." Dennis walked through one of the arches at the end of the quad. A smile grew on John's face as he saw the young man again for the first time in what felt like forever. "It's always good to be reminded of that," he added.

It had been almost six weeks since they had seen each other. Six long weeks. Dennis knew he had missed the old man, but it wasn't until he saw him in the quad, standing there next to his parents, waiting unexpectedly for his arrivalÑthat sheepish grin on his faceÑthat he realized how much the man's absence had been gnawing at him.

He wanted to run over to him, to jump into his arms and plant a kiss on him right there in the quad. But with all of the parents and students around, especially his own parents, he knew it was best if he just walked and tried his best to contain his excitement.

"It's good to see you, Mom," he said, giving Mary a hug.

He did the same for his dad. Before everything that had happened the past summer, a handshake and a grunt would've been all he got from Bill; but, somewhere along the way, they had reached an understanding. Now, Bill hugged him back, and he meant it when he said, "I've missed you, son."

"What about me, kid?" John asked. "Do I get some love?"

"Of course," he replied, stepping away from his father and falling into John's warm embrace. Those burly arms wrapped around him as he was pulled tight against John's protruding belly. Suddenly, the long weeks without each other vanished, and it was like no time had passed since John had held him that day on the train platform. Dennis took a deep breath and breathed in John's scent, which wafted through his body and made him weak in the knees.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, stepping an appropriate distance away from the old man so as not to raise any suspicions from his mother. He had only expected his parents to be visiting.

"Your father thought it would be nice for you to have some company while we take care of our activities," Mary offered.

Dennis looked at his father; Bill gave him a subtle nod. "Thanks, Dad."

"Which," Mary added, "we're running late for. We're supposed to be at the business school in five minutes. We'll never make it there in time. What are you two going to do?"

John and Dennis turned toward one another and did their best to hide their grins. "We'll think of something," John replied. "You two go have fun. I'll take care of the kid for you."

"Thank you, John," Mary said; then, in a tone only a mother could muster, she added, "What would we do without you?"

"I am in college, Mom. I can occupy my own time."

Ignoring her son's comment, Mary tugged at Bill's sleeve. "Let's go or we'll be late. We'll see you two later." She turned and headed up the path that Dennis had come down.

Bill took a step and hesitated, watching as his son and John looked at each other, beyond ecstatic to be in the other's presence once more. They were so lost in each other, it was as if he wasn't standing there anymore. He sighed and turned to follow his wife.

"You look good, kid," John said. "I hope you don't mind that I tagged along."

"Not at all," Dennis replied, smiling at the old man.

"I know my being here is a bit of a surprise, so it's okay if you've got other plansÑ"

Dennis cut him off. "I don't," he insisted, the accounting paper and Wassermann's ass drifting from his mind like leaves on a blustery fall day.

"Good," John said through a smile. He looked around. "It looks like a nice campus. How about a tour?"

"Sure. I know just the place to start."

Dennis pushed his way into the restroom on the third floor of Duncker Hall, John following close behind him. Before the door had even shut, he turned and threw himself at John. The old man caught him and the two locked lips. John squeezed Dennis tightly, holding him firmly against his body as his tongue wormed its way into Dennis's mouth. Stepping forward, he pressed the young man against the door of the stall, and they fell right through until they hit the back wall. John reached back and locked the stall behind him.

"A bathroom?" he muttered as their tongues got reacquainted. "Don't you have a dorm we could use?"

Dennis pulled away. "Miguel is there. He always takes a nap right after lunch. Didn't you meet my dad in a bathroom?"

"He told you that, did he?" John said, as he forced himself back on Dennis. He hoisted the swimmer effortlessly up in the air and held him pinned against the wall as they continued kissing.

"He said you sucked him dry," Dennis gasped between kisses. "Are you going to suck me dry?"

John put Dennis down. "This competition you have with your dad is weird, you know that, right?"

Dennis grinned, a sly look in his eye. "You enjoy it."

"You're not wrong about that," John replied, as he slid down on his knees. He pulled Dennis's cock out from his khaki shorts and took the already-stiff rod in his mouth. Feeling the young man's shaft inside him again somehow made the wait worth it. The smooth head, the six-and-a-half inches of pulsing meat, the sweet taste of pre-cum oozing from the tipÑit was every bit the way he remembered it. He devoured it, sliding up and down the cock, tracing its length with his tongue and lubricating it with his saliva.

Dennis rolled his head back against the wall and placed his hands on the back of John's head. A soft moan escaped him, and his stomach tightened.

John reached around and grabbed Dennis's ass cheeks, gripping the hairless bubble butt and prodding its opening with his middle finger. He pulled the boy closer, sucking his cock deeper down his throat before spitting it out and doing it all again.

Just as he was finding his rhythm, the door creaked, and someone entered the restroom. Dennis's hands tightened on the back of John's head, urging him to stop. John slowed his sucking but continued. The other man took the stall next to them, and they could hear the turning of the lock and the lowering of the toilet seat.

Dennis shook John's head. When the old man looked up, Dennis motioned for him to stop, as he quietly stifled a moan. If John kept it up, they would certainly be discovered. John smiled to the best of his ability with a cock sticking out of his mouth and ignored the boy.

He looked over at the divider between the stalls and saw the man's left foot. It slowly raised and lowered twice.

"Well, that's interesting," John whispered, the cock falling out his mouth as he looked from the foot to Dennis.

"Let's go," Dennis whispered back.

"You don't want to see who it is?" John replied, not exactly in the same whispered tone as Dennis.

"Not in the slightest. Let's get out of here." He crammed his hard dick back in his pants, zipped up, and made for the door.

"You took me to the cruising bathroom?" John asked as they entered Dennis's dorm room.

Dennis rushed over to Miguel's bed and pulled back the covers, making sure his roommate wasn't still there. He then poked his head into the bathroom that they shared with the suite next door. It was also empty.

"It was the only place I knew we could get some privacy."

"How often do you go there?" John asked inquisitively, raising one eyebrow over the other.

"That was the first time," Dennis replied. With the coast clear, he moved into kiss John again.


"Yes, really. I really haven't done anything since I've been back here, except for the trainer the one time."


"Yeah," he said, going for that kiss again. His efforts pushed John into a seated position on the bed, which soon led to the old man lying on his back as Dennis climbed atop him, their tongues getting reacquainted for the second time that day. John reached down and grabbed Dennis's hard cock through his pants and slowly began stroking it. In-between kisses, Dennis added, "You and my dad have probably gotten way more than I have since I left, so you don't need to worry."

John pulled back and rolled Dennis off of him. He sat up. Looking at Dennis, he said, "Dennis, I'm not worried about that. I told you before you left, you have to live your life. Exploring your sexuality is one of the many joys of being your age. I wouldn't take that from you."

"I know," Dennis said.

"Besides," John added, "your dad and I . . . we decided to end thingsÑ"

"You did what?" Dennis interjected. "Why?"

Because I love you, John thought. "Well, you see, Dennis . . . it's just . . . well . . ." He stopped. Somehow, knowing that he loved Dennis for the last six weeks hadn't prepared him for actually telling the young man about it. He could've told him every time they were on the phone together, but he always told himself that wasn't the right way to do it the first time. No, the first time had to be in person. But now, in the moment, he was too nervous to say it. Cool, quick-witted, macho John was being defeated by a few words.

"Are you all right?" Dennis asked. "You look like you're going to be sick."

"I'm fine," John assured him. Do it, a voice inside him said. "Look, Dennis, I loÑ"

The lock clicked and the door opened. In walked Miguel.

Dennis stood up, glad they hadn't been doing what moments ago he'd hoped they would've been doing. "Miguel," he said quickly. "I thought you'd be in class."

Miguel walked in, oblivious to anything that had just been happening. "Burns cancelled class because of Parents Weekend. Told us all to enjoy our time with our families." He dropped his bookbag at his desk and then turned to John.

Dennis panicked. He hadn't ever expected his friends to meet John. "Miguel . . . this is John. He was on the swim team with me this summer."

"Ah, the old man league," Miguel said, extending his hand. "I'm Miguel."

John took the hand. "I'm the old man."

"A pleasure," Miguel replied. Turning to Dennis, he asked, "Do you guys want to get some food?"

"We just ate not even two hours ago," Dennis said.

John stood up. "We were actually about to go into the city, would you care to join us?"

Dennis shot John a look. The city? he said with his eyes. And why was he inviting Miguel to come along? His eyes darted from John to Miguel, hoping his roommate would say no.

"Thanks for the invite, John, but I've got a long night of farming ahead of me."

John turned to Dennis totally oblivious to what that meant.

"He means Stardew Valley. It's a videogame."

John opened his mouth and let out an enthused, "Ah." He never understood the appeal of such things. "I guess it's just us then, kid. Ready?"

Dennis had no clue where they were going or what they were doing, but he wanted nothing more than to take John and get him out of that room. As soon as the door shut behind them, Miguel safely out of earshot on the other side, Dennis asked, "What was that? Why are we going to the city, and why did you ask him along?"

"You didn't tell me your roommate was such a cutie. You've been holding out on me."

Dennis glared at him. "Nope. I was fine with you sleeping with my dad," he said, completely aware of how bizarre it was that he not only said those words but was somehow not bothered by the fact that he said those words. "But my mom and my best friend are off limits to you."

"What about your sister?"

"Not a chance," Dennis said, not seeing the humor in John's joke. "I don't know what happened between you and my dad, butÑ"

"Nothing happened between us," John said. "Your dad simply decided it wasn't fair to you if we screwed around while you were away. He broke things off with me for you."

"Why would he do that?"

"Because he's a father that loves his son, and he wants you to be happy."

This stopped Dennis in his tracks. His dad had given up his own happiness so that he could be happy. The very same dad who, upon seeing him with John for the first time, had forbidden him from seeing the old man again. The one who Dennis could see longed for nothing more than to be together with John again.

John placed his hand on Dennis's shoulder. "He's not all bad, you know."

"I . . . I know," Dennis replied.

John nodded his head toward the door. "Come on, let's get going."

"Where are we going?" Dennis asked again.

"You'll see . . ."

It was late afternoon by the time they stepped off of the Bay City Metro Transit Bus in the heart of the city. Dennis hadn't been to this part of the city before; the university was only a couple blocks up from the beach, and there was enough entertainment within a mile radius of campus that there had never been a need.

"Where are we going?" Dennis asked again, as he looked around and saw nothing that stood out to him that could possibly be their destination.

"You'll see in three . . . two . . . one . . ." John stopped in front of a nondescript brick building sandwiched between a half-dozen other similar buildings.

Dennis looked up and down, then fixated on the brown door. "What am I looking at?"

"Privacy," John replied, and he opened the door and entered.

The room inside the door was small, the walls painted a dull gray that was void of any furnishings. There was a door on the left, one directly ahead, and on the right was a window with a little counter. John stepped up to the counter and was greeted by an older gentleman with short, thinning hair.

"What can I do for you?" the man asked in a British accent.

"My friend here and I would like a membership each and a room," John replied.

"Certainly. May I see your IDs?"

John turned to Dennis and held out his hand. Dennis reached into his pocket and fished out his driver's license and handed it to John. He wasn't sure what the man needed it for, but he didn't figure John would give him any more information than he did before.

The British man behind the counter stepped away from the counter and did something in the back of his office, grabbed something from the printer, and then returned to them. "Okay, I need you both to fill out this little form and sign. It'll be $20 for the memberships and $25 for the room. It's still early, so I'll give you Room 2. Have you been here before?"

"I have," John said, as he handed over $50 in cash. He slid one of the forms to Dennis and kept one for himself.

As they filled them out, the man asked, "So you know where you're going?"

John nodded. "I'll give him a quick tour of the place first."

"Certainly," the British man said. He handed John his change and a room key. "Have fun," he said, and he gave Dennis a little wink.

"Thanks," John replied, turning from the counter. "This way," he said to Dennis, and he motioned toward the first door.

The next room was significantly larger than the entryway. There were three sections of lockers, one on each side of the room, and a bench in front of each. To the left, there was also a door leading outside; to the right, a hallway led back to the showers. On one of the benches sat a beefy Scottish bear with a shaved head and a thick, red beard. He was wearing nothing but a jockstrap and a pair of dog tags; an impressive layer of ink covered the bulging bicep of his right arm. The man gave them a glance and then turned back to his gym bag.

"You brought me to a gym?" Dennis asked na•vely.

John looked at the boy and grinned. "I always forget how new to all of this you are, kid. Sure, you can work out if you want, or we could have some fun. There's a pool and hot tub through that door," he said, pointing to the one that led outside. "Over there leads to the showers, the gym, dry sauna, and the private rooms. We've got room number two. Let's go check it out."

As they made their way down the hallway, Dennis let his eyes wander. Unfortunately for him, it was still too early in the day for there to be much of anything to look at. It wasn't until they were almost to the rooms that he caught a glimpse of someone other than the Scottish man. Standing outside of the dry sauna were two older gentlemen. They were both likely in their late sixties with thick, white bears and bald crowns. Each were covered in hair, one with a barrel chest and belly, the other much smaller. They had nothing on but the white towels wrapped around their waists.

Dennis paused, his eyes lingering on the older men. The larger of the two was twisting the dial of the sauna, turning up the heat, while the second stood in the open doorway. Once everything was set, they entered the dark room, and Dennis caught a fleeting glimpse as the larger one dropped his towel on the way in, revealing his pasty white ass. The door was one large window, so he could see as the two men settled on the bench, one's legs draped over the other as a hand found something to play with.

He longed to follow them, to sit down on the bench fully nude and reveal himself to them, hoping, wishing, praying they'd take notice and allow him to join them. "There will be plenty to see later," John said behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Just wait till nighttime. You probably won't be able to handle yourself."

"Do you come here often?" Dennis asked as they approached their room.

"Haven't been in years. Not since Jane died anyway. Your dad and I met up here a few times when we couldn't get privacy at his studio."

"You two used to fuck in his studio?" Dennis had forgotten all about the photography studio his dad used to have in the city. It was a rented space that he had shared with a few other photographers so he could process his photos in the darkroom.

"Privacy is privacy, kid. Speaking of which . . ." he said, opening the door to Room 2. "Why don't you come in here where we can finally be alone?"

John shut the door behind them. It was dark, but still visible enough to see. After all of the time that had passed and the interruptions, the frenetic energy of their first encounter of the day was gone, replaced with a gentle desire to simply be with one another. John reached up and touched Dennis's face with the back of his hand, resting it against the young man's smooth cheek. He turned his hand over, gripping the back of the head, and pulled Dennis's face towards his own.

Their lips met, barely touching on the first kiss, each man slowly breathing in the other's essence. They met again, this time deeper, as John bit down gently on Dennis's lower lip before pulling away. He lowered his hand to his side and took Dennis's, leading the young man to the bed. Quietly, he removed Dennis's shirt, then his pants, and his briefs. He held the briefs up to his face and drew a heavy breath. The rush as it coursed through him was euphoric, a natural high that brought his old member to life.

Dropping the briefs, he ran his hand down Dennis's sternum, softly exploring the smooth wonders of youth. It wasn't until he reached the abdomen that Dennis reacted with a little laugh.

"Does that tickle?" John asked quietly.

"Yes," Dennis replied.

"Good," he said with a devilish grin, before motioning for Dennis to sit on the edge of the bed. Standing before the young man, he unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a dense carpet of graying fur. He could see Dennis's eyes widen as he took it all in. As he dropped both his shorts and underwear at the same time, his dick sprung to life, bouncing about in its newfound freedom. Naked at last, he leaned forward and crawled atop Dennis, forcing the young man down onto the bed in the process. His hands reached up and held Dennis's arms against the bed, and his firm gut pinned the boy down making sure he'd stay there; their cocks rested against one another like meaty sausages on a plate. When he had Dennis right where he wanted him, the kiss he gave him was neither light and gentle nor frenzied. It was one of passion, and as he buried his tongue into the boy's mouth, a sense of calm washed over him. For the first time in six weeks, he felt whole.

They continued kissing until John felt the throb of Dennis's cock pinned between them. Moving down, he slid into a crouching position on all fours at the end of the bed until he was face-to-face with the young cock. It pulsated in his hand, and, with the slightest squeeze, a bead of clear liquid oozed out of the top. John scooped it up with his tongue. Dennis had a sweeter nectar than any he'd ever tasted before. He leaned forward, extending his bent ass into the air, and lowered his head on the dick.

After all the starting and stopping, Dennis felt as if he could blow his load right then and there. It took everything in his power to resist that urge. Luckily for him, after so much time together, John knew his quirks and knew when to let off. Not wanting all of this to be over so quickly, the old man moved instead to showing his appreciation for Dennis's nuts, giving only a slight tug at the cock as he sucked each nut in and out of his mouth. When the sensation in the dick faded some, he went right back to that, opening his throat wide and taking it all in stride.

Dennis moaned and then let out a low grunt, to which John responded by pulling back and focusing on the backside of the penis. He knew this would set the kid off, as would the finger he slid under the scrotum and against his hole. It tightened against his touch but loosened once more. The saliva from his mouth dripped down, providing ample lubrication for him to tease the opening until it welcomed him in. Finally, he was ready.

Sucking cock had always been a favorite hobby of John's, but with Dennis, in that place on that day, he wanted nothing more than to make love to him. He grabbed a small bottle of lube from his pants and squirted some into his hand. He spread the cold gel across Dennis's hole; instead of tightening, it expanded, ready for whatever came next. After rubbing some on his own cock, he lifted Dennis's legs into the air and lined himself up.

There was no pain when he entered, no resistance at all. John's cock slid into Dennis's ass like it was meant to be there. Even after six weeks it remembered its place. And as the warmth wrapped around his dick, John shut his eyes and breathed deeply. When he opened them again, Dennis was staring up at him, and there was only one thing for him to do. He leaned forward, his belly rolling onto Dennis, and kissed him.

John hadn't done this with anyone since Jane. With their bellies, John had never been able to fully pull this position off with Bill. Every time they tried, Bill would pop out before the kiss. But with Dennis, it was like two contiguous pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. They just fit.

As he kissed his young lover, he slowly moved his hips back and forth. This was not a fucking; it was a gentle display of his love for Dennis. And as na•ve as the boy was, John knew that, in that moment, he got it too. All the fears he'd had as their time together over the summer came to a closeÑthe fears he'd harbored those long six weeks since Dennis had returned to schoolÑdissipated, and John knew that what he'd told Bill that day was true. He loved Dennis.

Images of Jane passed through his mind. They weren't sad images full of longing and regret; they were happy images. After so many years, he had finally found something that could fill that hole. Not replace herÑno one could ever do that. But Dennis could give him that life that Mary had wished for him earlier in the quad. He could make him happy.

He broke away from the kiss and put his head next to Dennis's as he began to thrust harder. He could hear Dennis's breathing in his ear, getting harder with every thrust. John did the same in Dennis's. Just as his heart felt as if it would pound right out of his chest, John clenched his ass and shot several pearly ropes of semen deep into Dennis. He collapsed on top of the boy and, after a quick groan from beneath him, Dennis wrapped his arms around the old man and clung to him.

In the sweaty afterglow of their passion, with his mouth pressed against Dennis's ear, John whispered what he had been struggling to say aloud for so long. "I love you, Dennis."

For Dennis, John's confession was a bit of a shock. He hadn't ever thought that much about love before; he hadn't really even been playing the game all that long. To be honest, he didn't even really know if he knew what love was. But as John's words lingered in the air, memories of all they'd been through flashed through his mind: John had been the one to talk to him that first day at the pool; he had welcomed him to the team and treated him as one of them; he had been there for him through his struggles with his dad; and he had found himself a place in Dennis's family. And no matter what happened to them, there was no place he'd rather be than where he was right now: lying beneath John, their sweaty bodies intertwined, enjoying one another's presence. If that wasn't love, he didn't know what was. "I . . . I think I love you, too," he said back.

John hadn't fully expected to hear it back. In fact, he half-expected not to. But hearing the words repeated back to him filled him with warmth. He slid off Dennis until he was only half-covering him, his arm and leg still draped across him. Looking in each other's eyes, they kissed again.

When their lips met, John felt a twitch in Dennis's cock. He reached down and felt the sticky load the young man had shot; his belly must've rubbed it out for him. The cock was still hard, maybe even harder before. John wrapped his hand around it and asked, "Ready to go again?"

The place was much busier by the time they finally opened the door and stepped into the bright hall. A chubby thirty-something brushed past them, hurrying close behind a scrawny Asian man who couldn't have been any older than Dennis. In the room next to theirs, a bulky linebacker grunted noisily as he slammed balls deep into what could've been one of his teammates, door wide-open for all the world to see. Noises came from the other rooms, the wonders of their pleasures locked away from prying eyes.

There were fat guys, skinny guys, hairy guys, smooth guys, old guys, young guys, and any type of guy one could imagine. The place was hopping, and Dennis couldn't help but wonder, Where am I?

Dennis's dick began to rise once more.

"Again?" John asked, noticing the tent in Dennis's towel. "Oh, to be young . . ."

"Shut up," Dennis said, nudging John with his arm. It was one thing to be nude around his teammatesÑon the master swim team or the school swim teamÑbut standing around all of those strangers wearing nothing but a towel that was doing a very poor job at hiding his growing erection was a bit more than he was used to. Clutching the towel with his left hand, he reached down and covered his penis with the other.

"Not bashful, are we?" John teased. "Come on, a cold shower will help you calm down."

But it did not.

As they entered the showers, the two older gentlemen from the sauna earlier were standing under the hot water, lavishly lathering one another's hairy bodies. Dennis stopped in his tracks, watching the larger man fondle the smaller one's loose cock and balls. John hung his towel on the hook and flashed him a grin.

He couldn't help but watch. And before long, as he stood under the hot water, eyes locked on the two men, his hand reached down and secured itself on his rock-solid dick. It felt preposterous to be doing something like that in a public shower, but when the larger man glanced over and caught Dennis's eye, he turned back to his partner and dropped to his knees. Dennis realized he wasn't being some crude creep; he was indulging in the stranger's fantasy. For once, his subtle looks in the locker room were welcome. Heaven, he decided. I'm in heaven.

The tension was so high inside him that one touch on the shoulder from John sent him squirting another load onto the shower floor, where the water carried to the nearest drain. He wondered, How many loads like that has this shower taken?

He turned to John.

"Sorry about that," John said. "I didn't mean to make you shoot."

"It's okay," Dennis replied. Slightly embarrassed, he asked, "How long was I staring?"

"A few minutes. I told you that you wouldn't be able to handle yourself."

Dennis grabbed his towel and then glanced back at the two men. They had switched places. "Is it always like this?"

"It has its highs and lows, but weekends usually draw a nice crowd."

His eyes followed a middle-aged man with a dark beard up the hall. The man had his towel over his shoulder, and he had the hairiest ass Dennis had ever seen.

"Can we come back sometime?" Dennis asked eagerly.

John chuckled. "Sure thing, kid."

They fetched their clothes from their room, got dressed, and made for the exit. When they entered the locker room, that's when Dennis saw it: the two round, mounds of flesh, several shades lighter than the rest of the body; the dark crevice that hides a man's deepest desires; the low-hanging sack dangling carelessly between the legsÑit was all Dennis could do to not reach out and grab it. And in a place like this, it may have been most welcome.

But as the owner of those assets turned around, the weighty nuts swung too, along with a thick uncut dick. He was perfectly smooth, save for a thin patch of light pubes, and his body stout. The man finished drying his head and lowered the towel that had been obscuring him, revealing a gray-white beard and a head full of thinning hair. He looked up and met Dennis's gaze with his piercing blue eyes.

"Professor Wassermann?" Dennis gasped.

"Mr. Matthews," Professor Wassermann replied, his eyes darting from Dennis to John and then anywhere but back to Dennis. He quickly wrapped himself in his towel and said, "If you'll please excuse me . . ."

Before Dennis could say anything else, Wassermann was up the hallway and out of sight.

"A friend of yours?" John asked.

"He's my accounting professor . . ." Dennis said.

"That's going to be a fun class on Monday," John laughed, as he continued toward the door.

Dennis stared up the hall after Wassermann. "Yeah . . ." he sighed, wishing he could follow.

To be continued . . .

©2022 **************************************************************************

Thanks for reading. If you liked this story and want to read more, contact me at I'd love feedback.

Next: Chapter 18: The Masters Swim Team II 4

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