The Masters Swim Team

By Dave B

Published on Nov 25, 2019


This is a fictional story about a young adult who joins a Master's Swim team full of older men.

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It was dark. The day of fun in the sun was done and, as he waved goodbye to the last of his friends as they drove out of the marina, Geoff looked around and found himself alone once more. That familiar feeling of isolation crept over him and he felt a sudden longing for his wife. Where is she tonight? he wondered. Berlin? Amsterdam? Maybe on a beach in the Canary Islands having sex with her god of a boss? It could be anywhere; he could never keep her schedule straight. The only thing he was certain about was that she wasn't there with him.

That's okay, he told himself. After all, they had an agreement, he and Maggie. He was free to explore his sexual fantasies on the side and so was she. Geoff had no problem with this in theory. He loved having the freedom to fool around with his friends, whether it was hosting orgies at his pool for his teammates, sleeping with his swim coach's wife behind his back, or showing men like Bill the wonders of gay sex. It was wild, and passionate, and just what a man his age could hope for out of life. And at the end of the day, he always came home. If only the same could be said for his wife.

Geoff didn't blame Maggie. For the first two decades or so of their marriage, she didn't work. That's not to say that raising two kids wasn't work, but Geoff's enormous salary was more than enough to get by on, so she stayed home where she was needed more. But Geoff could always tell this drove her crazy. The kids had been his idea and, while she was a great mother, he knew she would've been happier working full time. So when Rick Morris asked her to join his team doing god only knows what, Geoff couldn't stand in her way. Maggie went to work, traveling three weeks of every month, and Geoff was left behind. Their love for one another never wavered, even after Maggie began fucking Rick--after all, that was the deal--but Geoff would be lying if he said he did not miss his wife in her absence.

He lowered his arm and sighed deeply. His stomach grumbled and he realized he hadn't eaten since lunch. He had been too caught up with his catch of the day to think of anything else. Truth be told, he had started the day hating Bill. He remembered the period after Bill and John had split. It was really hard for John, and the fact that John's wife was dying as well certainly didn't help matters. But, if John was okay with Bill being there, then who was he to argue if that man turned out to be this incredibly sexy bear of a man that was willing to let Geoff fuck him? Certainly not Geoff. He opened the door of his 1950 Chevy Corvette and slid inside. The clock on the dash said it was 8:30. He still had time to stop by Maverick's for some grub.

Twenty minutes later, Geoff pulled into the restaurant and, before he knew it, the hot, blond waitress with exquisite breasts was dropping a basket of wings and fries in front of him. A drip of sauce touched her finger as she let go, and she licked it off seductively before turning away. Geoff watched her ass wiggle in those form-fitting shorts as she disappeared back into the kitchen.

As he finished his meal, he dropped some money on the table and made his way back out to the parking lot. The blond was waiting for him on the curb, taking a puff of a cigarette. "That was quite the tip you left in there," she said. Seeing her opportunity for more, she added, "I get off in fifteen."

Geoff looked her up and down and, while the offer was tempting, he just wasn't in the mood. Maggie was on his mind, and he'd rather go feel sorry for himself alone. "No thanks, sweetheart." Without saying another word, he slid back into the car and drove off.

As he wound his way through the back roads on the way home, his mind was absent. There were no thoughts of the sex-filled day he'd had at sea, or the intense bond he felt had grown between he and Bill that day. There was just a distance between himself and reality. It was the way he always got when he was alone. He didn't think it was because of his money, but something in him always felt the need to be entertaining someone. If it weren't his friends, it was his wife. When she was gone, there was no one. And when there was no one, he retreated into himself, leaving him distant and grumpy. As he sank into this state, his conscious took over and, before he knew it, he had pulled into the driveway and was getting out of the car. He reached into the back seat and grabbed his day bag, not even realizing that the lights were on in the house. Seeing them now, he rounded the car and rushed up the sidewalk.

"Maggie!" he called, dropping his bag in the entry as he made his way up the hall. "Maggie," he called again. He rounded the corner into the dining room and saw his wife sitting at the table, a glass of chardonnay in her hand. On her right sat Rick, cutting a nice New York Strip steak. Candles were lit between them. They were having a date in his house.

"What's this all about?" he asked, as he approached the table, all feelings of joy at seeing his wife dissipating. They had an agreement, yes, but there had always been boundaries about it. Those boundaries started with not doing the deed where the other person was! Sure, Geoff had his friends over for a good time, but he only did that when Maggie was out of town, when he knew she wasn't coming home. And Maggie did her cheating on the road, when she knew Geoff was far away. She wasn't supposed to be doing it now!

"Geoff!" Maggie said, surprised to see him. She got up and made her way toward him. She kissed him, but he just stood there. "We set you a place," she said.

He looked at his spot and saw the plate. She had planned for him to interrupt. She wanted to rub her boss in his face. His grumpiness was overwhelming and, while he had wanted to see his wife before, this certainly wasn't what he had had in mind.

"The food is still warm," Maggie continued. "I figured you were out boating or something."

"I already ate," Geoff said, but he sat down anyway.

"Oh," Maggie said. "I didn't know."

"It's fine," he replied, trying to remain civil. "Thanks," he added, as he picked up his knife and fork.

"Good to see you again, Geoff," Rick said, extending his hand. Geoff looked at it suspiciously before taking it, but he didn't offer a response. This is weird, he thought. He was supposed to be the one eating steak with his wife, not playing third wheel to her and her fuck buddy. He gave his wife a look across the table, but she didn't notice.

"Maggie here tells me you're a swimmer," Rick added with an obnoxiously charming smile. "I think that's great. Exercise is one of my passions. No day is complete without at least an hour of high intensity cardio training. In fact, just yesterday I . . ."

Geoff zoned out as Rick began talking about his intense work out regimen. The guy certainly had the body to back up the talk. From head to toe, Rick was nothing but chiseled bronze. There was not an ounce of fat on the man. In any other circumstance, Geoff would be doing all he could to see every inch of Rick's black body, but not tonight. Tonight he was irked.

It didn't make sense; not really. He had wanted Maggie and there she was. Rick certainly wasn't bad to look at and, from past experiences, he was a reasonably nice man. So why did this all feel so fucked up? He wanted to be the happy-go-lucky guy that everyone knew, but in that moment, he just couldn't get it together.

Maggie could sense his frustration. "Is everything all right?" she asked, cutting off Rick's explanation of his gym routine.

Geoff set his knife and fork down and looked across the table at his wife. No, he thought. Everything is not all right. "Can we talk?" he asked.

"Sure. What's the matter?" she said, looking at her husband, before glancing at Rick.

"Not here," he said, standing up. He turned to Rick. "Apologies Rick, but we're going to step into the bedroom for a second. We'll be right back." He then walked out without waiting for his wife to follow.

Maggie entered the room and Geoff was sitting on the bed. "What's going on?"

"You brought him to our house?" he asked.

"Of course. We both needed something to eat. Besides, you weren't home."

Geoff stood up. "You certainly thought I might be! There was plenty of food out there."

"I thought you might be hungry when you got back."

"More like you wanted to cover your bases if I happened to walk in on your fuck date."

"Geoff!" she shouted. "That's not fair and you know it. Rick is my boss--"

"Who you happen to be fucking!"

"Oh, like you've never fucked anyone else. I don't suppose you want to tell me where you were all day, huh? Did you and all your gay friends spend the day fucking on that boat again?"

Yes, he thought. "That's not the point."

"That's exactly the point."

"No, it's not," he shouted back. "I wasn't doing it in our house. I wasn't the one who disappears for weeks on end, fucking my boss all across the world, just to bring him back and rub him in your face."

"Seriously? Is that was this is about? You're the one that told me to take the job! You're the one that had the idea of us exploring our sexuality. You're the one--"

"I know," he sighed, slumping back onto the bed. "But I didn't know all of it would mean I would lose you."

Maggie's face froze and she realized there were bigger issues than who she was sleeping with. "What do you mean?"

Geoff looked at her with a look of sadness. "You live this life of intrigue. Every night it's a new city, a new roll of the dice, and each night you go back to the hotel and sleep with a guy like that. How am I supposed to compete with a guy like that?" he asked, motioning toward the door. "And each night, I come home and sleep alone. It's like the house and everything inside it knows you're gone, including me."

"Geoff," Maggie said softly as she made the way toward her husband. She sat next to him and put her arm around him reassuringly. "You haven't lost me. I'll always come back to you."

"I know," Geoff said, "but maybe that's not enough."

"What are you saying?" Maggie asked, slightly taken aback.

"I don't know."

A knock came on the door. Rick pushed his way in. "I hope I'm not interrupting."

"You are," Geoff said curtly.

"Apologies," Rick replied. "I couldn't help hearing the arguing, and I hope it's not on my account.

It most certainly is, you prat, Geoff thought, but Maggie jumped off the bed to reassure him. "Not at all, not at all. We were just discussing the trip."

Rick looked at Geoff, who gave a fake smile to appease him. "Maybe I should go . . ." Rick said, trailing off to see what kind of response he'd get.

"No!" Maggie shouted all-too-quickly.

"Mags," Rick said, giving her a cute nickname that made Geoff squirm. "I'm not sure tonight's a good night. He doesn't seem to care for our fucking."

"He doesn't mind your fucking," Geoff chimed in. "He just wishes you wouldn't do it in his bed."

"He just missed me," Maggie said, thinking back to what they had been discussing a few moments ago. "Maybe you're right. I think he's in need of a little attention tonight. Maybe another time would be better."

"I totally understand," Rick replied. "But if it's attention he needs, I'm certainly willing to fuck you both. That way no one is left out."

Geoff's ears perked up and he sat up a little straighter. He looked at Rick, not believing what he had just heard. Then his eyes darted toward Maggie. How could he possibly know about that?

Maggie shrugged her shoulders and, as if she had read Geoff's mind, she said, "What? I told him you were . . . versatile."

"What do you say, partner?" Rick asked.

Geoff thought for a second. On the one hand, he was still upset. He wanted Rick to go away so he could finish his conversation with Maggie. On the other hand, he had never said no to sex in his life, and he couldn't imagine saying no to this hot piece of chocolate. He had wanted to know what it was like to be fucked by Rick ever since Maggie had first told him about him. He wanted to know what it felt like to be her. And no matter what mood he was in, or how much sex he'd had already that day, the truth was that he may never get this opportunity again. "I say, don't call me partner." He then scooted off the bed and dropped to his knees.

He reached up and found Rick's suit buckle. His jacket had already been removed, so there were no flaps of fabric to bat out of the way. Instead, he undid the latch and unbuttoned his pants.

Rick watched as Geoff tugged at his slacks and dropped them to the floor. He smiled and then looked over at Maggie. She smiled back, giving him a subtle nod.

Geoff stared at the bulge in Rick's crotch. A pair of slick, black-and-white Armani briefs were all that stood in the way of him and that meat. He reached up and traced the outline of Rick's growing cock. It was a tease that only made Rick grow faster. At just over seven inches, Rick's dick was begging to be set free. But Geoff had other plans. He leaned forward and began to nibble on the tip, moistening the polyester underwear until bits of dark flesh could be seen through the white stripes. Geoff lapped at the stiff rod while gently fondling Rick's ball sack. Rick gave Maggie a thumb's up.

Geoff pulled down the briefs and let the sizable dick out of its hold. It was thicker than Geoff had first thought--very much like a bottle of water--and it had a slight curve to the left that made it seem even larger still. Extending out of a small patch of pitch-black, trimmed pubes, the shaft was a dark mahogany and had several bulbous veins running the length of it, culminating in a smooth, purplish head. It had been some time since he had had a black cock inside him, and he was quite looking forward to taking one again. Reaching up, he wrapped his left hand around the shaft and gave it a slow, gentle tug. The skin slid effortlessly over the stiff tissue beneath and a little drop of pre-cum oozed from the tip.

He leaned in and sucked the drop into his mouth, his lips lingering around the head. It was a bitter taste, but Geoff didn't mind. He was there to please, and that is what he would do.

He took Rick's cock deeper into his mouth, continuing to grip the shaft tightly in his hand. Rick let out a soft moan as Geoff worked his magic; he finally believed the stories Maggie had told him about Geoff's oral talents. As he continued the blowjob, tugging and twisting the increasingly slippery cock, Maggie approached from the side. She had removed her dress and was standing there in nothing more than a lacy, red Victoria Secret bra that left little to the imagination and a matching thong that was already a little wet in anticipation.

Maggie dropped to her knees beside her husband and brought her lips forward to meet his. Wrapped around Rick's cock, the couple worked their tongues along the length of the shaft, occasionally finding one another in the mix of meat, saliva, and pre-cum between them.

"That's fucking incredible," Rick said, as he placed a hand on the back of each of their heads.

The two said nothing in response; they just continued making love to his stiff rod. Together, they made quite the team and, despite the emotional conversation they were having just moments before, it was times like this when their love for one another and their yin and yang relationship really shined. Soon enough, the conversation had all but vanished from their minds.

As their mouths slid up Rick's shaft, Maggie leaned in and took the whole thing herself, as she had done in hotel rooms all across the world. Geoff marveled at the sight, watching as his wife devoured another man's cock. It made his own dick rise to attention and, within seconds, he was ripping it from his pants, stroking away in unison. He leaned down and set his head at eye level with Maggie's pussy. Knowing him all-too-well, she adjusted her legs until she was sitting squarely on his face. He began licking her, flicking his tongue as best as he could with such little room. All the while, she continued to suck her boss's dick

It wasn't long before Geoff needed to readjust. He slid out from under Maggie and tugged at her elbow, pulling her up from her knees and escorting her to the bed. Rick followed, and as Maggie lay on her back, he climbed atop the bed and shoved his cock back in her mouth. Geoff laid across the foot of the bed and slipped his tongue back onto her clit. He swirled it around, sucking it into his mouth and pulling. She gagged with glee and her legs began to squirm.

After several minutes, when he knew she was ready, Geoff spit a little extra onto her abundantly moist vagina and adjusted himself so he was kneeling between her legs. With no effort at all, he slid his 5.5 inch pecker into his wife just far enough to fill her with his girth. Her body tensed as he entered and she groaned, letting Rick's cock slide from her mouth and rest on her lips.

Rick pulled away, moving instead into a standing position over Maggie. He stepped forward on the bed until his thick dick was inches from Geoff's face again. Geoff slid the wet cock along his face, feeling its rigidity on his cheek. He gave it a slight push to the side, and then watched as it swung back to the forward position, landing firmly in his open mouth. He stopped fucking for a minute and took it in him, opening his throat and letting the cock slide deep inside. Once he had adjusted to its size, he pulled away and started sucking and fucking synchronously.

Maggie grabbed her tits as she squirmed from her husband's dick, and Rick grabbed the back of Geoff's head and pulled him in tighter. In went one dick, out went the other; and soon, the three had such a rhythm that they all were rapidly approaching ecstasy.

But Rick hadn't come for just a blowjob. He hopped off the side of the bed and moved around behind Geoff, grabbing the bottle of lube off the nightstand on his way. Seeing what the man was doing, Geoff pulled out of his wife and lay down next to her. Maggie leaned in and kissed him. This is what he had wanted since leaving the harbor. To lay next to his wife and feel her lips against his, to know that she was there for him and loved him as he loved her. Of course, the man spreading lube on his hole at the same time was an unexpected additional pleasure. When Rick had finished lubing up Geoff's ass, he lifted the man's legs into the air and lined up his water-bottle cock with the hole. "I hope this doesn't hurt too much," Rick said.

"Trust me," Geoff replied. "I can take it. Anything she can take, I can take better," he said with immense pride. He gave Maggie a wink and opened wide.

Rick slid inside and Geoff clamped down tight around the base of his cock. There was no pain and no need to adjust to the sensation. Geoff had been ready for this all day. Usually, he served as the bottom when he was with other guys, but earlier that day, on the boat, he had topped Bill. While it was certainly a wonderful experience, and one he wanted another go at, feeling Rick's erection pulsating through his ass was exactly what he needed. With his feet resting on Rick's shoulders, Rick began thrusting.

Maggie continued kissing her husband as he took her boss's dick deep. She placed her hand on his belly, which heaved and hoed a little with each thrust, and slowly worked her way down to his smooth cock, which was covered in her pussy juices. They provided plenty of lubrication as she began jacking him off. Slowly but surely, as his ass got pounded, Maggie worked him till he sent a steaming rope of pearls up onto his chest. Some landed on his tits, some caught Maggie in the forehead. Watching this pushed Rick to the max and, as he pulled out of Geoff's ass and caught his bursting cock in his hands, he shot a load that rivaled Geoff's--it sprayed abundantly all over both of his partners.

With all the cum, Maggie jumped into gear, leaning over her husband and cleaning up the white goo with her tongue. She mixed Geoff and Rick's jizz in her mouth and slurped it up until there was nothing left on Geoff but a trail of her saliva. Then, she bent down and sucked the last remaining drops from his cock, which nearly got him ready to go again.

"I told you he was good," Maggie said, as she rolled onto her side.

"That, you did," Rick replied through short breaths.

Geoff sat up. "Wait! You two planned this?"

"Of course, we did," Rick said. "She wanted to please you. She said she'd been away too long, and that you've always wanted a piece of this," he added.

Geoff looked down at Rick's still impressively erect cock. It sure was a good one. He then turned to Maggie who gave him an innocent smile. That did it for him every time.

The realization that Maggie hadn't been planning an evening without him washed over him, and the feelings of hurt he had had came rushing back, only to make him feel guilty for feeling them in the first place. He should have trusted her to do right by him; she always did. So why had he felt otherwise?

They saw Rick out and returned to their room.

"Geoff--" Maggie started.

"Thank you," Geoff said, cutting her off and wrapping his arms around her. "And I'm sorry about before. I was a jerk the way I acted."

"Don't be sorry," she replied, taking a seat on the bed. "Look, that was better than we could've hoped for, but you were right before. I'm not around very much these days, and while we have found a way to make things work thus far, it isn't fair of me to expect you to just wait for me every time."

"What are you saying?" Geoff asked, a sudden fear washing over him. This couldn't be it. After all this time, she couldn't be saying that.

"I'm saying," Maggie started. "I'm saying, I think you should find someone who can be there for you."

Geoff sighed and dropped on to the bed. "So that's it then? Twenty-six years ends just like that?"

Maggie turned to him. "End? What are you talking about?"

"You want a divorce, right?"

She laughed. "Fuck no."

Geoff sat up straighter, his ears perking back up. "But--"

"Geoff, I want you to have someone to be there for you when I can't be. It isn't fair that Rick travels so much with me and you're alone. I want to renegotiate the deal."

"In what way?"

"Find someone who can be with you while I'm gone," she said directly. Clearly she had been giving this some thought.

Geoff thought about this for a second. It didn't really solve the problem of her being gone so much. "Two weekends," he said quietly.


"I want two weekends." He hadn't anticipated demanding so much, but was it really all that much in the grand scheme of things? Most men saw their wives every day. Was two weekends a month too much to ask? "You can go off and work as much as you want, but I get two weekends with you a month. It's the only way, Maggie."

Maggie thought it through. "Rick won't like it, but yes. I'll make it happen."

"And when you're back?"

"When I"m back, I'm back. It'll just be you and I. No more surprise visits from Rick, I promise."

Geoff grinned. "Not even once in a while? He had such a nice dick."

She laughed. "We'll see."

Geoff leaned in and gave his wife a kiss and a hug, holding her tightly like he had longed to do for weeks. The situation wasn't exactly what he had been hoping for, but it was better than he could've expected given how the night had started. It certainly was a weird relationship between them, but somehow they made it work, and they would continue to do so going forward. For no matter how far apart they were, their love would always bring them back together eventually.

To be continued . . .

©2019 **************************************************************************

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Next: Chapter 12

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