The Master's Love

By moc.loa@goDdtaeH

Published on Dec 8, 1998



In the past I have had many bed partners and a few lovers, but this one man made me forget all but him. In the past hour he had become my entire world, my universe, my life. He had promised to teach me the ways of the darkest part of my heart, I in return had promised that I would be his servant in all I do. "I am your master, boy!" came the booming voice from this man that was standing in front of me. "You will do as you are told, from this day forth. Do not question me, ever. Do you understand?" As I stood there looking into his eyes I realized that I could no longer speak, my voice was lost to me. As his hand found it's mark across my chest, I could feel my lungs heave for their next breath. "I asked you a question boy ... do you understand?" and another slap came across my chest. "Yes." came my reply. "You call me Master, boy!" came his response. "Yes, Master." I managed to mumble. I had never met a man so inticing as the one that stood in front of me, his eyes showed nothing but love, and his hands had a touch of concern even through the pain. I had never allowed anything like this to happen in my life to this point, and found it most erotic. I was a virgin, so to speak, to the pleasure of pain.

Then before I knew what was happening, he had tied my hands with a leather strap. It was just tight enough for me to know better then to struggle from it, but not tight enough to cut into my skin. As I looked on amazed, heaving for a breath from the last slap, he gentle took my hands, and tied them to a chain that was hanging down. My toes bearly touching the ground, and my arms pulled to their fullest length I found this such an erotic situation to be placed in. I could only wish that he would have some kind of mercy on me.

As the mask pasted in front of my face, the only sound that could be heard was the harsh breathing coming from my own tired lungs. As my chest heaved with every breath, sore from the beating that had just occurred, I was wonder to myself "What is next?" A firm hand, slowly crawling up my back, grabs my hair and thrusts my head at a full tilt backwards. "Who is your master?" the harsh but loving voice asked. As I just stood there blind to all that was around me, shivering from the unknown yet to come; "Boy", the voice boomed once more "I asked you a question, I expect an answer!" Then suddenly the erotic pain of that same firm hand crashing against my ass. I heard myself moan with pleasure. "Who is your master?" once more the kind but demanding voice asked. "You are, SIR.", came from my quivering lips, "You are the only one that I listen to!"

"That's right don't you forget it boy." Was all I could heard from this wonderful man that was taking me to the places of my mind that even I didn't know was there. Once again the pain of his mighty hand came crashing down upon my unsuspecting body, this time finding it's mark on my stomach. I could feel the pain raising up out of my soul. It felt as if the forces of hell were to be let loose in my body at once. However, at the same time there was the pleasure, something that I personally didn't expect. I knew that he was admiring me for standing up to his brutal but loving beating. I knew also that he could have really hurt me at any time he wished. This was nothing compared to what this strong man could have done, and has done in the past to others. I found myself pleased that he actually liked me. Liked the fact that I was a virgin to this, and he was the one that I would sacrifice that virginity to. We both knew that this was going to be something special. Oh God the pleasure that I received from knowing that I was the one that was making him feel like this.

I felt the soft gentle feel of leather stoke across my body. Up my tender sweating legs, past my arched back, around my neck, and back down my sore and heaving chest. Oh the feel of that leather. I want to embrace it, kiss it, make love to it! Then, oh my God what is he doing to me, the small strap of leather I can feel it being tied around my cock and balls. The voice inside my mind screaming "Yes, oh yes...tie me in you leather. I've been bad, punish me." A serge of pain coming from my chest again, it was another slap. "Boy, I asked you another question...Who do you love?" came the thundering voice from behind me. "You, Master" the reply came without thinking. In that one moment I realized that yes I did love this man. This kind and loving man who taught me the ways of pain.

I could feel his hard throbbing dick slide across my ass, wanting to feel all of him in me, my butt leaned into his cock. "Oh so you think you deserve this do you?" "No Sir, I deserve nothing more then what you say I do." came my response to my master's question. As I felt him lower me from my restraints, my feet now firmly on the ground, again there was a tug at my hair. "Down boy"! Oh yes the command. Dropping to my knees I could hear him step over my red, and bruised body. "Here boy, show me how to treat a man. Suck my dick, boy"! Gladly I opened my mouth, licking the head of his big dick. I could hardly get all of it in my mouth when all of a sudden it was thrust to the back of my head and down my neck. "I said suck it, not play with it!" came that forceful voice that I longed for, and loved. In and out he thrust his cock, until I could no longer breath.

Then without warning, I was thrown to the floor. As he positioned himself over my body for the most effective way to penetrate my ass he said "Boy, remember you are mine, and mine alone". I felt the head of his huge cock pressing against my ass, forcing its way into me. As I lay on the floor one single gasp of pleasure from the pain escaped from my mouth. Oh God yes, the moment that I have endured for, yearned for, wish for, and yes even begged for from him. Into my ass deeper and deeper his long thick dick went. It felt as if I was going to bust from the pressure that it caused totaling filling me with itself. As his hand firmly came down across my butt I yelled from the pain and the pleasure, both now married in my soul. "Master, I will always be yours." I said. With a hard jerk of my hair he said "Yes, I know you will be". Deeper and deeper he went into me, harder and harder he thrust his dick into my ass. What is that hurting my neck, oh God yes, his teeth finding their way into my skin. He pulled my butt up to meet his thrusts, faster we went, until I thought that I was going to spilt open.

"You like that don't you?" that lovely firm voice asked. "Yes Sir, make me take all of you!" was the only thing I could say. Oh the pain that that was mingled with pleasure. How could anyone not know about this? As he took his time pulling his dick to the very edge of my ass and then slamming it back into me, the only thing I could think about was making him feel this pleasure as much as he was making me feel the pain. I had totally given myself over to his wants. I no longer thought of myself has my own person, now I was so much more, I was his and he knew it.

Then, as I could no longer contain myself, I spewed my load all over myself. As he let his load shoot on my back, he fell on top of me. Reaching around to untie my hands, and take off the mask he kissed me softly. "Boy," now in that gentle soft voice that made me know that I caused him as much pleasure has he caused pain, "I love you. Always remember that, and never doubt my love for you." I could feel him inserting his cock once more into my sore, but yearning ass. "I know you do my kind and loving master. I love you too, with my life." came my exhausted reply. "I will always be you servant, Sir, in all ways that you wish!" Sleep soon took both of us, still embraced in each other's arms. His cock inside of me so that when we woke he could have his pleasure and I my pain once more.

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