The Masters Club

By gayD

Published on Feb 3, 2024


Finally, the conclusion of this story. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

The Masters Club

Chapter 8 of 8 -- The Conclusion

As the boy began to come to, he found himself on the table, on his back. The Masters Club members loved a slave boy in this position. Someone said, "SURRENDER, and the boy, even in his incoherent state, somehow stretched to grab his ass cheeks to spread them to expose his hole and then raised his legs up high and spread them wide apart as previously instructed. But that was his last command for the day. He could rest, deeply rest. He had nothing to do. No task, no responsibility. He was not even a person, just an object, a toy. A cute, adorable, sexy "item" of pleasure for these Masters.

Unbeknownst to Rhett, Mahmoud went to the boy's head and, putting his hands at the boy's underarms, slid his body so his head was slightly off the table edge, with his mouth relaxed open and receptive. Mahmoud was readying his dick for insertion straight down his throat.

Jessie first lightly toyed with the boy's nipples, then tweaked them, pinched them hard using his fingernails, preparing to lean over and nibble on them.

George and Henry were erotic foot worshipers. And Rhett had the sexiest, boyish feet and toes imaginable. So cute! Each took hold of a separate foot, which Rhett held up in his SURRENDER position, and did two things. First, they pulled those feet further out to the sides, spreading his legs apart more uncomfortably at the hip. Discomfort for the boy stresses that he is not in charge. At the same time, they were pulling his feet wider. They also pulled them further toward his head to lift his ass a bit off the table surface. Rhett was doubled over, like in a sideways "U" shape.

The second thing was these two Masters wanted to lick Rhett's sexy toes, but for now, they merely tickled and teased his feet as they salivated in anticipation. The tickling was not obvious at first. For a while, it was more like pleasant rubbing and massaging. But in a short time, they would engage their fingernails.

Jasper, the member-cameraman, was the club's expert at oral edging. Standing at Rhett's side, he awkwardly bent over to carefully insert his head between Rhett's lifted thighs and his belly. It was a tight squeeze, but Jasdper was not complaining. There, he placed his open mouth near the tip of the boy's bobbing dick... and waited.

Jenson was at Rhett's ass that most welcoming ass sticking up. He lightly, barely touched the boy's ass lips with his finger. That receptive hole twitched as it, too, patiently waited.

Rhett tried to adjust his folded position. It wasn't painful, just a little uncomfortable. But his limbs were held still, and his torso and ass could not be shifted. His discomfort was essential. In his clouded mind, he thought, "Good. They are pleasing themselves regardless of how I feel. They are using me as is best for them. I am so relieved and happy. I have no wants. I surrender."

This was similar to other sessions where Rhett was in this SURRENDER position with a slight variation. The variations were minor adjustments to push the boy a bit further into unlimited and uninhibited space, to create a more thorough submission by removing the last bit of dignity, self-control, self-concern, and personhood.

Jenson, who was in charge this time, looked eye-to-eye at the other Masters, one at a time. He then nodded to signal that they all begin their erotic process.

The following happened simultaneously. George and Henry began to lick and suck Rhett's feet and delicious toes with tiny bits of tickling periodically to create a mix of erotic pleasure and unbearable tickling. So the fingernail tickling was only in brief spurts... at first. Jessie began to lick, suck, and Rhett's nipples, alternating sides. Moments later, the gentle sucking would become gentle nibbling, which would turn into actual biting. Mahmoud slowly inserted his huge dick, sliding it in fully down Rhett's previously straight-aligned throat. Jasper began licking and then lightly sucking their slave's bouncing cock as Jenson penetrated the boy's ass slowly, of course, and got into a mechanical, in-and-out rhythm.

Jenson removed Rhett's hand from holding his ass cheeks apart. That task was no longer needed. Since the boy's hand and arms were free, they drifted straight from his shoulders. The Masters want to see what he'd do if his hands were free and unoccupied. They naturally flailed in a way that did not touch or interfere with any of the Masters. This was a simple but important development in Rhett's brain. The natural tendency would be to grab a Master's hand or head, either to try to lessen any pain or discomfort he was causing or to hurry him up to increase any particular pleasure to bring on his climax. In other words, to take back some measure of control.

But Rhett's arms remained straight out and flailing uncontrollably. More to the point, the boy unconsciously kept his hand from even touching his Masters. Perfect! Beautiful!

Then it started. In the lowest sound possible, they whispered their chant, "Such a Good Boy,' - Such a 'Good Boy,' - Such a Good Boy,' - Such a 'Good Boy,' ..."

Rhett likely didn't even hear it, but his body began to shake erotically anyway. Then slightly louder, "Such a Good Boy,' - Such a 'Good Boy,' - Such a Good Boy,' - Such a 'Good Boy,' ..."

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" Rhett roared as his body convulsed violently.

Rhett's arms and hands were free. He wanted -- needed -- to grab his dick, to grab Jasper's head sucking his dick, to reach behind him to grab Mahmoud's ass and cause him to fuck his throat harder and faster, but... he had already been trained to submit.

Now much louder, "SUCH A GOOD BOY, SUCH A GOOD BOY, SUCH A GOOD BOY, SUCH A GOOD BOY, SUCH A GOOD BOY, ..." Oddly, there was a loud primitive drum beat. Was there something prerecorded? It had been there but unnoticed earlier. A loud, deep, pounding rhythmic drumming enhancing the chant. For a moment, he envisioned himself surrounded by waring jungle natives being lifted in the nighttime air, carried around a huge bonfire.

Rhett was in a frenzy. His hips uncontrollably bucking, his free arms jerking and twisting. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Now was when Jasper needed to let go of the boy's wildly flinching, dribbling dick. From this point on, he placed his big black hand loosely, very loosely, around the super-sensitive, hair-trigger dick but not giving it any friction that would allow it to shoot.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" He wanted to tell them to "Fuck me harder, Please." But his mouth and throat was full of a hard, slow-fucking dick.

Then came the master stroke. With another eye-to-eye signal from Jenson, all the Masters acted simultaneously. George and Henry used their teeth to bite the skin of the soles of Rhett's feet. Jessie chose one nipple and bit down on it hard, and did not let go. Jasper, who had been playing erotically with the boy's dick, began to pinch his balls with his fingernails. Jenson went into a rapid hard fuck without stopping, and Mahmoud shoved his dick in fully to block Rhett's throat and then pinched his nostrils closed and stopped his ability to breathe.


"HHHHHHAAAAAAA!" Every muscle in Rhett's body twisted and jerked. His hands still obeyed and did not grab or touch anyone. His hips were bouncing off the table, but Jenson's dick was never dislodged.

Jenson blasted his load into the boy's asshole at the same time Mahmoud shot directly down his throat. "HHHHHHHAAAAAAAA!" The boy's bobbing dick ejected volley after volley, which came raining down on him. Mahmoud released the boy's nose and his dick from his mouth. As Rhett's mouth stayed open, sucking in air, all the Masters scooped up the puddled cum and fed it to him.

These momentous SURRENDER sessions were conducted only at board meetings. The first week, Rhett was home-based at Jenson's. The second week, he was at Henry's. During the third week, he was at Mahmoud's. He spent the fourth week mostly at Jessie's. There was a sign-up sheet where members, including regular members, could reserve a period of time to take possession of Rhett, and it was not always a week. A week was the longest duration, but many members had busy schedules and could keep him for only a few days at a time. While all 12 usually enjoy their joint erotic adventures, only about half had a home life situation where they could host the boy at all. So, he was assigned a host among 6 or 7 members who were his at-home Masters.

The only thing that continually stuck in the boy's mind was how much he missed Jenson whenever he was not with him. It might well be that since Jenson interacted first with Rhett, the boy grew more attached. So when not with Jenson, he felt unsatisfied. And there is that ancient wise saying, "No man can serve two Masters." Well, how about 6 or 7?

It was during these long unsatisfied periods when he was not with Jenson that he would reflect on his initial mission to fuck these fuckers over by taking all their money, then make a run for it and hide overseas in London as a wealthy young man. He was torn. Most of these men made him feel safe, important, valued, wanted, sexy, and... in a strange way, loved. The Masters, on the other hand, felt sure they had re-groomed the lad to be their permanent slave boy. They assumed they had "turned" him to willingly want to remain a sub-slave for these men, at least for as long as they wanted him.

The Masters underestimated Rhett's acting ability, in part, because it was not all acting. There were wonderful aspects of being owned, appreciated, praised, and valued by all these handsome, macho men. Yet, some of the 12 members were not very interested in him or simply didn't know how to fulfill his needs. Yes, the boy had huge needs.

During this fourth week, when he was in Jessie's home, he got to know this Master better. Jessie was the one who controlled and deposited all the income they received from Rhett and all the other slave trainees. Being lazy or just too trusting of Rhett, Jesse didn't always shut off his computer after going over the Masters Club accounts in the offshore institutions. Like most of us, when he used his computer and then left the room to have lunch or do something else, he would leave it on and open to the site he was just on. This happened on the very first day Rhett was there. Knowing that he would be at Jessie's the entire week, Rhett realized he could set up his own banking accounts on that computer. Then get his money back. After all, the account numbers were on the screen, and the passwords were clearly printed on a face-up paper in the top desk drawer. By the end of the week, Rhett could transfer HIS money back to himself AND stole the nearly $400,000 in the Masters' accounts. This was his Plan A all along. And... he did just that.

While in London, he spent nearly all of HIS money on travel, hotels, dining, and searching for something important. For some odd reason, he had not spent any of The Masters Club's money. He didn't know why. He continued to finger his permanently locked-on black leather slave collar as if it were a nervous habit. Rhett never tried to remove it. Did he have a deep-seated desire to keep it on? But why? He visited gay bars looking for older gay businessmen. He had a few encounters, but nothing rewarding. He did not feel special, or valued... or loved. The main thing on his mind was Jenson. He knew Jenson hated him as soon as he realized Rhett had taken everything, so there was no going back to The Masters Club or even to the U.S. He'd surely end up in prison.

Rhett went to the most popular S and M bars in London. There, he wore a leather vest with no shirt to proudly display his collar and see who would be attached to it. What he noticed was there were a lot of sexy young men milling around, kneeling before various Masters in full leather. He walked around holding a drink, trying to look appealing. But no one did more than look briefly at him. He was one of many pretty boys flaunting their bodies who came across as no one special. Several men did ogle at him and salivate, even approaching him, but he was the one who walked away. His mind and heart were just not receptive. He left within the hour and never returned. Later, he discovered a London telephone number someone had stuffed into his pocket, but he never called it. There was nothing there for him. Not there or anywhere in London. Should he try another city? Why? To get more disappointment? He even thought of calling Jenson. But why? To get screamed at? And threatened?

The boy was lost. He had tons of money. He had successfully worked his plan. He connived all those men - all those sexy, handsome men - out of everything, and it went perfectly. He did it all. But yet, he felt he gained nothing, had nothing. He could not sleep. Usually, he'd beat off and then fall asleep, but he hadn't had an erection since being in London.

Rhett decided to go "home" back to Ohio, where he lived and where Jenson and other members of The Masters Club were. He'd see Jenson and suffer the consequences. He had no choice.

When Rhett returned to the States, he returned to his apartment. He found Jenson's address, which he got from the unsecured notes in Jessie's desk. It was not the mansion address where Jenson pretended to live, but his real address, a tiny one-bedroom apartment. At some point, Rhett figured out that Jenson was not a doctor. He worked in a small office. Rhett had had enough of all the bullshit and scamming.

On a Saturday morning, Rhett appeared in front of Jenson's door. It was to a building behind a larger house, a separate rental unit where he lived for the last six years. Through the window, Rhett noticed someone was home, so he stripped naked. This little "house' shared a large backyard with the elderly couple, Mr. and Mrs. Cromwell, living in the larger house. The Cromwells were his landlords. Rhett felt awkward because the windows of the large house overlooked the front door of the smaller home. He bunched up his clothes, including his shoes and socks, and placed a small piece of paper on top of it. Holding the entire bundle of clothes under one arm, he rang the bell, and the door opened.

"Oh, you?" Jenson said, looking confused upon opening the door. Cars and people were passing by as the naked boy, wearing only the slave collar, stood there facing his former Master. "What are you doing here?" Surprising to Rhett, there was no anger in the man's voice or demeanor.

"Hi, Sir. Here." And Rhett extended his arms to present his clothes bundle with the paper on top to Jenson. "Sorry, Sir."

Before taking the bundle, Jenson noticed the face-up check. It was a cashier's check. Made out to him in the amount of $389,827.16. It was the total value of his ill-gotten gains from The Masters Club.


Rhett stepped inside. Unsure of what was happening, Jenson took the bundle with the check. The boy immediately dropped to his knees, firmly hugged Jenson's legs, kissed his tennis shoes, and cried loudly, "I AM SO SORRY, SIR. I AM AN ASS. I AM CRUEL. I AM UNWORTHY. I AM SO, SO VERY SORRY." He paused, then whispered, "I love you, Sir." And he sobbed.

Jenson just stood and watched his former slave hug him around the ankles and cry uncontrollably. Rhett didn't stop pleading for forgiveness or lessen the embrace of the man's legs. Jenson simply allowed the lad to cry and beg because he needed a few moments to think. What the fuck is happening? What is he supposed to do? This is the thief who stole all the club's money!

Of course, all judgment of Rhett's criminal acts must be viewed in the light that The Masters Club had set the boy up to scam HIM and rob HIM! There was equal guilt, and, in an odd way, they were almost partners in crime. The only thing that Rhett did was out scam the scammers. And because of that, no one could report any crime to the police. Everyone was a criminal. What a quandary.

Furthermore, to Rhett's credit, the boy returned what he stole and was extremely remorseful. Whereas The Masters Club had no intention of returning any of their plunder. So, who is the bigger thief?

"Follow me," Jenson calmly ordered, then went to the sofa. He sat, and naked, Rhett knelt at the Jenson's feet. "Place those there," pointing to the coffee table. Rhett placed his clothes bundle on it. They stared into each other's eyes. Jenson took out his cell phone and tapped a series of numbers. "CLICK." The black leather slave collar popped open and fell to the floor. Then, more numbers were tapped, and "CLICK," the shocking ball collar popped off. Rhett had long ago forgotten about it. It's like when you wear a ring on your finger, you forget about it. Rhett no longer wore these two symbols of his servitude for the first time in months. The boy was physically and emotionally shaken. Confused. Unknowing. He was horrified. He was just set free, kicked out, abandoned, being told to leave! He was terrified!

"No, Rhett. No, I'm the one who needs to express deep remorse." A thoughtful pause. "We need to talk." Jensen patted the sofa beside him, and Rhett rose and sat there. Jenson put his arm around the boy's shoulders and pulled his head to rest on his lap. "Put your legs up, lay here." There was the fully dressed Master sitting there with a naked, collarless Rhett, lying with his head on his lap as Jenson slowly pet the trembling boy's head as if a beloved pet.

"After you left and stole everything, The Masters Club disbanded," Jenson told the boy. "This check includes monies we, the club, took from the other three slave trainees. I'm not sure exactly how this will go, but I will ask the club members to return whatever we can to those past three slaves. I'll be up to the others. Some are pretty greedy. I cannot control what they will do, but I won't keep any of it. I'm done. We have all been thieves, and at least you and I are full of regret." Jenson continued to pet the precious boy on his lap. Rhett stopped shaking.

Rhett sat up, "What about us, Master?"

"I am not your Master, and you are not my slave."

Rhett didn't like those words. He realized that he was going to be asked to leave. For the second time, it was over. Rhett was speechless.

"I lied to you. Yes, about setting you up and scamming you, but more than that. I lied when I could not say I loved you the day we met at Bottoms Up. Loving you did not fit within our plan. I tried very hard to push away any feelings of love for you, to push them out of my mind. I had to. When you left, I thought I'd never see you again. I thought I'd never be able to tell you how I felt. I take full responsibility for what I have done and for what I did not say to you. I'm as guilty as the rest of the club members," Jenson explained.

"I will help you to restore your life, fix anything I can fix, and I'll also remove your videos from, and..."

"No, wait. Don't remove those videos." Rhett began to bluish, his face turning red. "I've seen them, and... well... that was a wonderful time. Freaky, but wonderful. Please leave them on"

"Whatever you want. OK, they will remain up."

"I know," Rhett confessed, "I said I was straight, which was true, I thought, and that I had a girlfriend, which was barely true, but I needed to be straight because I was afraid of being gay, being called a fagot, being thought of as a sissy. I had a high school friend who was severely beaten because he was gay or... perhaps because he was effeminate. Worse, he had no friends at school and no one to care about him. I lost my folks, and I just didn't/don't want to lose any more love. I didn't want to be... unloved like that. I'm not sure, but it scared me. I know no one can make a gay person straight or a straight person gay. Now I realize being gay was always my true inner self. You guys had an extreme way of bringing that out to me, but ... gay is truly me. I know that now." They both chuckled for the first time.

Then, seriously, Rhett asked, "What about us, Sir?"

"Oh, us? Well, we'll have to see. "

That sounded too tentative for Rhett. "Look, Sir, I'll be your slave. I'll wear your collar and ball shocker, I'll strip naked when I come over, and I'll kiss your feet and suck your dick, and... you can fuck me and..."

"Whoa, boy. Hold on there. Look, this is a new day. We each admit to having affection for each other, but you need to go home and re-establish your regular life, at least for a couple of months. We can see each other, but there will be no talk of any kind of relationship for now." Rhett was relieved. At least the door was open.

Jenson rose, retrieved a shipping envelope, placed the collar and ball shocker with remote in it, sealed it, and gave it to Rhett to take home. It was a signal that the boy would be in charge of any future slave submission.

"For now, no more `Sirs.' We need to start over." Then, a pause, "Let me introduce myself. I am Jenson, Jenson Adamson. I work in an office as a clerk at the ABC store. And I am not wealthy. Well, I was until you stole all my money." They both had a good belly laugh.

"Hi, Mr. Adamson, I'm Rhett Barton, currently unemployed, but looking... for a job, and... something else too." More laughter. " Sir... I mean, Mr. Adamson... ah... Jenson, what are your rules for the next 2 months? I mean, you want me naked and..."

"Actually, what I would find very sexy on a cute boy like you is a type of muscle T-shirt and tight gym shorts. Wear socks and tennis shoes when you come over, but be barefoot in my home. OK?"

"Yes, Sir... ah... Jenson. Anything you say." Rhett was getting to believe things would go well with this handsome man.

"Right now, I am late for work. So, let's get together tomorrow evening if you want. How about we go out and get some burgers, OK?"

"Sure thing. By the way, do you really like me barefoot here and out in public?"

"Just here, for now. I have my fetishes, too. I watched other club members suck your toes and wondered when I'd get my turn." A big smile. "God, how I always wanted those cute little toes in my mouth!"

Rhett then jokingly teased Jenson by raising his foot up and wiggling his toes. "Well, maybe tomorrow at burger king, you can beg me there to let you suck them." The boy's joking banter was fun and felt so good to both. When Rhett left Jenson's place that day, it was not by mistake that he left the envelope with the collar and ball zapper there for Jenson to control.

For the next two months, Jenson and Rhett did get together regularly, but only twice a week. Jenson was adamant that Rhett re-establish his life before they talked relationship.

It was all good. They connected. Like most gay couples, there was no formal ceremony, no official commitment. Rhett moved into Jenson's small rental unit behind the big house with the idea of getting a larger place later. As for the S and M kink activities, it was just that. They lived as equals, but some of the time, when they had sex, Jenson would be Rhett's Master. Usually, they'd begin by watching a video to get all erection-building juices flowing. And, on occasion, they would act out Master and slave antics in gay public places. The difference from before is they were a loving couple, and sex was secondary. S and M was something they would do on rare occasion.

Just into their third year, their relationship was fine. Stable, nice... but not erotically fabulous. Jenson and Rhett joined a gay outdoors club to spend a weekend here and there camping and enjoying the outdoors. It was not a sleazy, sexual thing... well, it was not supposed to be, but some guys would sneak into the woods at night and suck and fuck. It's just what some gay guys do. Jenson and Rhett did enjoy these campers and became friends with many of them, yet rarely engaged in sex with them.

It was nearing Rhett's 25th birthday, a milestone to celebrate, and Jenson wanted to do something special for his love. So, he planned an elaborate surprise party for Rhett. Jenson did not invite any of the members of The Masters Club, not even the guys he liked best. The club disbanded; the members refused to give back any of the stolen money they accumulated, which Rhett had returned to them. They divided it between the other 11 members since Jenson wanted no part. So, both Rhett and Jenson were finished with that "club."

"Hey, next week will be your 25th birthday. Anything you want to do special?" Jenson asked, not wanting to reveal he had special plans for the boy for that day."

"Oh, I don't know, whatever you want to do. Or, we can just stay home, use the Jacuzzi, have dinner, watch TV, and relax," Rhett offered.

Though Jenson's house was small, one neat feature was that it had a spacious bathroom off the back bedroom with a Jacuzzi tub large enough for two people. Neither one used it much, but this was a special night. "Great, that's fine" said Jenson, keeping the surprise a secret.

On the day of the party, Jenson placed their dining room table in the middle of the living room. When Rhett inquired why, Jenson replied, "Oh, just rearranging the furniture so later, we can have our special dinner here, in front of the fireplace. Romantic, huh?" They kissed.

In the evening, "Rhett? How about we have that Jacuzzi you mentioned. I'll be bring out the Champagne and the chocolate treats I got for you."

"Super! I love you, dear. Thank you for sticking with me."

"I love you too, but let's get naked and into the Jacuzzi, OK?" And off they went into the bathroom and eased themselves into the Jacuzzi tub. Jenson kept looking at his watch as if waiting for something.

"Jacuzzis make me horny, can we...ah you... jump my bones?" Rhett asked teasingly.


"But, for tonight, it's been a while... will you be my Master,... sir?"

"Oh, so you want a Master, do you slave boy?" Rhett blushed. "Well, hold on, let me get something." Jenson got out of the tub, went to the bedroom, and returned quickly with a set of handcuffs. "OK, my sexy slave, turn around." Rhett did, and Master Jenson put the cuff on him, securing his hands behind his back. The two naked men faced each other, and Frenched kissed. Jenson was rubbing his hands all over the boy's body, but Rhett, with his hands cuffed behind his back, could not return the affection. It brought back old fond memories as Rhett's dick enlarged to full stiff length. Jenson saw it but pretended to ignore it.

DING DONG! The doorbell sounded. "Fuck, who the hell is that! Stay here," said Jenson, pretending to be annoyed. "I'll throw on my clothes, see who it is, and get rid of them fast." But Jenson wasn't really upset. He was actually glad that Rhett's special gift had arrived exactly on time. Jenson hurried on his pants and shirt and even put his socks and shoes on, which Rhett found strange. Couldn't he answer the door barefoot?

When Jenson opened the door, and saw many members of the gay outdoor club streaming in, shouting in unison, SURPRISE! Where's the birthday boy?" Other people followed them in. Some from Jenson's work, some other friends, a few strangers, and even Rhett's previous roommates entered. About 30 people in all, mostly men and a few women. Even the elderly couple, their landlords, who lived in the large front house came. Jenson invited as many as he could. "Happy Birthday, Rhett! Where are you?" They all shouted.

Jenson, who had planned this entire surprise, shouted, "Oh, Rhett's in the bedroom, getting dressed. He'll be out soon." The guest brought a lot of drinks munchies. And Jenson set out plates and glasses and napkins, and such, he turned the music on low, and the party officially started. But where was the birthday boy?

Of course, Rhett was still in the bathroom, naked, with his hands cuffed behind his back... in total shock! He looked at his clothes on the floor but had no way of getting dressed or even securing a towel around his waist. What could Rhett do? So he listened.

"OK, everyone, Rhett will be out soon. He's a little shy." Now, most of these guests knew Rhett, but none of them knew that he and Jenson had a Master and slave past or they maintained a kinky interest today. Most assumed they were a typical gay couple.

"He's not only shy but very embarrassed," Jenson announced loudly. "You see, he asked me if he could appear dressed in his favorite thing at his party. Now, I know what that is, and I suggested he wear something different, but, you know Rhett. He can be stubborn. And... it's his birthday."

It took a while for Rhett to realize that the living room was filled with guests and that Jenson planned this surprise. He smiled, relieved and happy to know that his love made a big deal of his 25th birthday. But he was stuck on which outfit Jenson had in mind for him to wear for tonight. He had a couple ideas, a formal black suit Jenson bought him a year ago. And there was also a firey red hand-knitted sweater he usually wore with tan slacks and white lofters. As the guest of honor, he felt he should wear something formal and spectacular.

Rhett went from the bathroom to the adjoining bedroom and looked for unique clothes, but still, his hands were secured and useless. Then he heard Jenson calling him, "Rhett, are you in your favorite outfit yet? Your guests are waiting for you?"

Then Jenson went into the bedroom to fetch him, "Oh, sorry, Rhett, I forgot you were cuffed. Your surprise party is waiting for you."

"Oh, thank you, dear, help me prepare for the party, OK?"

"Sure, love." Jenson immediately got down on his knees and began to suck Rhett's dick. It did not take long to get it to full stiffness."

"Hey, stop, dear," Rhett giggled. "Not now. You're supposed to get me ready for my surprise guests!"

"Oh, right. OK, Rhett. Let's go."

"But my birthday outfit?"

"Trust me, you look fantastic!" And Jenson immediately nudged- pushed the hesitant boy - naked, cuffed, and all boned up... into the living room as he yelled, "SURPRISE EVERYONE!" The guests displayed a mix of shock and elation upon seeing Rhett naked with a big boner.

Rnett was so stunned and embarrassed. He stood there red-faced and totally humiliated. "Oh... no... Jenson... ah... I..." he muttered.

"Folks, what my dear Rhett is trying to say is that he hopes you like his special birthday outfit. He wanted to surprise and shock you all. Are we all surprised and shocked?!" Everyone cheered, even those straight friends who were not into seeing such a brazen image of Rhett's naked body.

"Folks, Rhett wanted to present himself like this, but he needs our support and encouragement. OK? So, let's hear it for Rhett?" A roar of cheers and applause broke out.

"Now, Rhett, go up to each of our guests and greet them. I know your hands are cuffed behind you, just as you insisted, but do your best to show them our greetings."

What was he supposed to do? He could not shake hands, so he placed his face next to some and kissed them on the cheek. Some kissed back, and some embraced his naked body in a full bear hug. And none of them, straight, gay, younger, or older, could resist squeezing his ass cheeks or even sneaking a wiggling finger into his asshole during the hug. Some hugged him with one hand around him and played with his big boner with the other, prompting a longer embrace.

Then, Jenson wanted to heighten Rhett's embarrassment -- WHICH JENSON KNEW RHETT HAD BEEN MISSING. So when Rhett had just ended his naked greetings of everyone and stood there disoriented and in a daze, Jenson shouted out for all to hear, "Will everyone look at Rhett's huge stiff dick?!" Rhett was in such a dizzy state he hadn't noticed he was all boned up.

"I... I... am so... so... sorry. I'm so embarrassed and... I don't..."

"What Rhett is trying to say is that he is sorry for dripping semen. So, Rhett, I guess you'd like someone to wipe it off for you?"

"Oh God, please no... I..." The boy was so humiliated and horned up. It's the humiliation that causes him to get super erect and need to shoot.

"Now, Rhett, you told me your fantasy was to have our landlord, Mrs. Cromwell, tend to your dripping dick." Rhett shook his head no. "Oh, don't be shy, love. Mrs. Cromwell, would you step over here, please."

Surprising to everyone, especially Rhett, the 85-year-old classy-dressed lady in a mink stole came over to the boys. Jenson whispered in Rhett's ear and gave him a stern look. The boy knew what that meant. "Now, Rhett, ask Mrs. Cromwell, our dear landlord, what you would like her to do?"

"Ah... please, Mrs.Cromwell, would you wipe off my dippy dick, catch as much as you can, and feed it to me? Please?"

"OH MY LORD!" she shouted. Everyone thought that meant, "hell no." But instead, she was pleasantly shocked. "Rhett, I'd be delighted, child." And with a lusty smile, she pulled on his dick, milking it like a pro and gathering as much cum slime as she could, and said, "Child, open your mouth and stick your tongue out." Rhett did. "No, stick it way out." Rhett complied. "Here you go, child." And she wiped her palm on Rhett's tongue."

When she was finished, Rhett mumbled, "Thank you, mam."

"I'm not finished. I have your sticky boy juice all over my fingers," and without asking, she stuck one finger at a time into Rhett's mouth and let him suck each one clean. She stepped away, all giggly.

"Thank you, Mrs. Cromwell. Does this mean we get a rent reduction?" More laughter.

"Rhett, you have not been a very good host. You're supposed to entertain our guests. OK?"

"But my hands are ..."

"Turn around. Let me take the cuffs off." Jensen did. When Rhett's first move was to cover his big bouncing boner, a severe look from Jenson sent the message not to.

Then, Jenson pointed to the table he had placed in the living room earlier. And loudly said, "SURRENDER."

It was still -- after all this time -- instantaneous. Rhett climbed on the table, laid on his back, placed his sexy bare feet up and wide apart, and placed his hands on his ass cheeks to pull and hold them apart. The room was quiet. No one ever saw this command being acted out. Everyone watched in curious amazement and silence.

"Oh, almost correct." Then Jenson grabbed Rhett by the underarms and pulled his body so his head was slightly off the table edge. Rhett remembered, or better put, Rhett's subconscious remembered, to open his mouth and leave it open, creating a path for any long dick to insert directly into his throat... if anyone wanted to avail himself of such a joy.

Then Jenson firmly pushed the boy's legs wider to create some uncomfortable stress at the hips. It has been two and a half years since he assumed this position. Jenson placed a heavy cushion under Rhett's butt, causing him to raise his ass up and bring his knees more to his chest.

"Rhett had asked me for a special present for his birthday, that is, for his body to be used in any way his guests would like to use him," Jenson announced. Everyone listened intently. "Yes, of course, some of you may not wish to imbibe, so to speak, but those that do, please step forward and use any of his holes as you would enjoy."

Some of the guys, especially those in the gay outdoors club, immediately went up to Rhett's displayed body, and without hesitation, a few gathered at his open mouth and a couple at his held-open asshole. "Oh my, that didn't take long." Jenson quipped. Steven, a tall Black dude, shoved his dick into the waiting asshole and started fucked hard.

"OOPS. No, Steve, he likes it slow, a very slow fuck," Jenson corrected.

"Sure thing. Like this?" Steve asked.

"No, even slower," Jenson said.

Rhett began to jerk and twist, Then mumbled, "Faster, please... I need it harder..." He forgot he was not to give instructions. Well, it had been a long time.

"Whoa, can one of you silence him?" Looking at the Latino standing at Rhett's head with his dick out. "Just plug his mouth up."

The Latino started to slowly fuck the boy's mouth. Jenson shouted so Rhett could hear him, "No, push your dick in all the way to his throat. And hold it there so his airway is blocked."

"Oh my, this feels good, the Latino man said, "How long do I hold it in there?"

"At least until he stops moving. He knows better than to make demands or to move around." Jenson told him, "When his body goes limp, you can pull out to allow him air."

Rhett's body became still as he was being spit-roasted. But his dick was twitching and jerking, doing the erotic dance.

As the fuck session was going, Jenson yelled out, "OK, ladies and gentlemen, who would like whipped cream on their dessert?" Then Jenson produced a can of spray whipped cream and put large mounds on the souls of Rhett's uplifted feet and on the boy's nipples. "Gather round all you watchers and have your dessert. Juicy toes and delicious nipples." The to thefuckers, "You two who are hogging his holes, you may cum in him, but then let some of these other fine-dicked studs have their turns."

As the two men climaxed, Rhett's hips shook violently, but he held his hands and feet still. Mouths were all over him, licking his sexy feet and sucking his cute little toes, while others were munching on his piqued nipples. The boy's dick was oozing precum like a fountain. Mrs. Cromwell spoke up and asked, "Could you place some whipped cream on his cock? I'd like to lick it off."

"No need to ask twice. Here you go." Jenson coated Rhett's dick with the cream. Mrs. Cromwell wasted no time and licked and sucked the whipped cream and boy's pre-cream all off that big, twitching, towering dick.

Rhett began to flail on the table, so Jenson went to the Latino and loudly suggested he plug his throat until he stopped moving. He wanted Rhett to hear him. Jenson repeatedly replenished the whipped cream mounds on the souls and nipples as needed, and more guys came up for their dessert. Then, a new idea, Jenson opened up a jar of candied cherries and placed them - squished them - between each of Rhett's toes. I looked sexy and silly but oh so inviting! And guests devoured them up. Delicious.

Toward the end of the evening, when Rhett's mouth was not being used, Jenson went over to it and pulled out his own dick, and began to piss slowly into his lover's mouth hole. "AAAAHHHHHH!" Rhett's dick blasted off. As soon as that dick began to explode, Mrs. Cromwell must have been waiting for it to happen because she rushed her mouth over it and, like a vacuum cleaner riding a bucking bronco, captured most of the boy's fabulous, blasting juice.

Rhett was out of it, not passed out, but no longer aware of anything or anyone, not even those who continued to use and play with his body. He was even unaware of his trembling or his constant moaning.

When the guest had left, Jenson looked lovingly at his trembling, moaning, sticky-skinned lover. He carefully picked him up, carried him to their bed, and laid him down. Jenson laid close and kissed and caressed him. He didn't stop until Rhett "came to" and opened his eyes and.... The boy cried. Rhett was so overwhelmed, so pleased. So content and fulfilled. He sobbed gently, and Jenson knew his love had the most beautiful birthday he could ever imagine. They kissed and hugged, wanting this moment to last forever.

Gay couples last for as long as they last. But Jenson and Rhett had a lot going for them. They had each been in a bad space and knew they never wanted to return to it. For another thing, they knew exactly what the other needed and readily offered it, even to the extreme. Their love was both erotic and true; hopefully, they will continue on for many years.

So, thank you for reading this. Please forward your comments to Bruce Darkforce at Remember, has many books full of my stories, with color photos. Join there (it's free) to see how to get them.

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