The Masters Club

By gayD

Published on Jan 24, 2024


What the fuck is happening to our little sexy blonde cutie Rhett? I plan to write 8 chapters, but I'm still working on the storyline, so I am not sure. (I hope you donate to Nifty to help support it). This story is copyrighted by

The Masters Club

Chapter 4 of 8

The group took a short bathroom break. It was all part of their scheme. It was to allow Rhett to think it over and realize everything. Henry reinforced it by saying, "You must realize all this good stuff depends on you winning the slave contest. If you lose, Jenson will believe you are not really interested in pleasing him, and all wealth benefits are off. You'll be kicked out, penniless."

That gave Rhett a new look at this slave training crap. Although he hated it intensely, he thought to himself, "FUCK! I don't care what they do to me in the next few days. I'm fucking going to obey and please them all 100%. After the weekend, this demeaning, humiliating, fucked-up slave shit is OVER! They can shock me until my balls fall off, but I will not quit. Winning this contest alone means $50,000, plus the huge reward of being adopted by Jenson and all the inherent benefits? SHIT, IF THEY WANT ME TO BARK LIKE A DOG AND EAT DOG FOOD... I'M THERE! The important thing is winning the contest and continuing to fool them, to connive them all out of every penny they have! I can do it. I'll humiliate and degrade myself to convince them I'm their true slave boy for the next couple of days. I will do it.

When the group returned to the living room, Mahmoud continued his talk. "OK, listen and listen clearly. When you are given a command, you must begin to respond in 3 seconds. That means immediately. Now, tell me you understand."

"I understand, Sir."

"Beg me to place this training device on you?"

"Oh God, please place the training device on me now, please. Do it now. I beg you." Rhett was scared, but he felt assured that once the party was over and he was back in the comfort of Jenson's mansion-home, the device would be removed, and all would be calm again. Too bad he was miscalculating... everything.

Mahmoud just stared at the boy, who was not moving. "If this device was already on, you know, I would have given you a horrible shock."

"But why? I didn't do nothing."

"Exactly. You are in training as a slave. Slaves do their training naked. I can't put this on you with your clothes on, can I?"

Rhett was looking at all these mature men. Mahmoud was expecting him to be naked in front of all of them. He was in a daze. But he found himself removing all his clothes, slowly."

The reason Jenson had the boy put on clothes before leaving the house was to "make" him strip naked in front of these men. It was a more shocking humiliation done this way. All part of their plan.

"That was way too slow. Put your clothes on, and let's try that again. But I want to see your clothes ripped off quickly. I don't care if you tear them off. Just get them off in 3 seconds."

He dressed himself. And kneeled. "NOW!" Rhett literally tore his clothes off, buttons went flying. Then he knelt with his head bowed.

"Well, Doc, maybe your boy will win the $50,000 after all. That was great. Now, crawl over here and display your dick and balls. You do that by kneeling, leaning way back, and spreading your knees very wide apart."

He responded quickly as ordered. Mahmoud took the opened shocking ball collar, pushed the balls down a bit, and snapped it around the boy's ball sack. It did feel good.

"Now, I'm going to give you a command. Tell me how you will respond?

"Very quickly, Sir. I mean immediately, Sir"

"Suck the toes of Jessie's right foot," Mahmoud ordered.

"Oh, sorry ... I mean... I don't..." ZZZAAAAPPPP! Rhett was rolling around naked on the floor, holding balls and screaming.

"Not fast enough, plus you questioned me. Not allowed."

"Fuck! I'm so sorry, Sir. I didn't know you were going to ..." ZZZAAAAPPP! Again, Rhett was screaming and holding his balls as he jerked and flailed all over the place.

"Instead of obeying my command, you were explaining something. That's not allowed."

He was catching his breath, "Sorry, Sir, I'll obey immediately." He was going to add, "But please don't shock me anymore," but knew he'd be shocked for staying that.

"Kneel up and listen. When I say `GO,' go to Jessie, and when he gives you permission, remove his right boot and sock and beg to lick his foot and toes." Rhett was ready to respond immediately, but Mahmoud added, "If he lets you, you will behave like he is doing you the most important favor of your life. You will be full of excitement and pleasure and moans. Understand?" The naked boy nervously nodded.

"GO!" Rhett quickly scampered to Jessie and pleaded, "Please, Sir, may I lick your right foot and please you, oh very kind Sir?"

Jessie said nothing, just stared back. Rhett started to panic. FUCK! "Oh God, please let me lick your foot and toes to please you. And give this slut slave a tremendous honor. I'll do the best job I can."

Again, Jessie, all dressed in Western clothing, remained silent and just looked at the now desperate begging lad. Rhett was freaking out. He was begging a stranger to do the most repulsive, disgusting act, lick his foot, AND... he was not being allowed. Was this the end of everything? No prize money, no stealing from Jenson or his asshole buddies? No adoption? No inheritance? Did he fail already? Rhett broke down and cried. He collapsed on the floor with his face on Jessie's boot. He knew he had no permission to lick it, so he rubbed his face all over it as he cried and trembled in fear of rejection. He mumbled, "Oh please... Oh please...." Over and over again. And sob. "I'm a fucked-up asshole. Unworthy, but please let me have this huge honor and lick and worship your magnificent, mighty foot. I promise to do my best ever. Please, oh God, please..." Totally naked, Rhett bawled like a baby, for real. He was not faking. He was feeling destroyed. He is not even worthy to lick a stranger's foot. His naked body, curled up on the floor, with his face still on that boot, his body trembled and shook in despair.

Then, in a low, mild voice, the boy heard, "OK." Rhett was truly happy and ecstatic. He quickly pulled off Jessie's boot and sock and began to kiss and lick his foot all over. He was genuinely excited, so happy! "Oh, thank you, my great Master! Oh, thank you so fucking much." And he moaned and trembled with pleasure and acceptance. "Oh my God, how you give me such a huge honor. Thank you, kind Sir."

All the men looked at each other and were amazed to see this straight "top" boy with a girlfriend complying beyond their expectations. They were all smiles and laughing inside. But they kept their jubilating from their new slave boy.

Henry leaned over to Jenson and whispered, "I think my little talk with him about your adopting may have clicked a greed switch in his brain." They both quietly giggled. "And we will reinforce it again. Before long, he'll gladly eat dog shit?" More private giggles.

Rhett's mouth was oozing saliva as he devotedly worked over that foot. He wondered if he should ask to lick Jessie's left foot, but Rhett thought he better not be creative, only obey commands as they were given. So he continued to moan and groan with delight. He thought it would be a wonderful show of pleasure and success of slave training if he could throw an erection. But since he wasn't into foot licking or any other degradation, there was no way he'd ever produce an erection by licking feet or doing anything else dehumanizing, not even to inherit a fortune.

Jenson turned to Jasper, who had been relatively quiet since he was not a board member, "Ready to do your thing, Jasper?"

"Oh, of course." Jasper went into his routine, "Rhett. Come over here, boy." Rhett crawled over to the man sitting in a big, over-stuffed chair. "Look at my right shoe." The boy did. "Focus on the buckle on the right shoe. That shinny buckle. Look at it carefully."

"Yes, Sir."

"Stare at it, concentrate on it. It is the only thing you see."

"Yes, Sir," the boy said, in a somewhat daze.

"Never look away, even as you hear my voice, my powerful voice, my commanding voice. My voice and words are the only things that matter right now."

"Yes, Sir."

"You need to listen. You need to obey." Jasper told him. "You are so happy when you obey my voice."

"Oh, yes, Sir." He could not help his eyes closing.

"I'm going to give you a powerful gift. The most important gift you have ever received. That gift is the phrase, `Good Boy.'"

"Yes, Sir."

Jasper continued, "Anytime one of us, or anyone in our company, calls you a `Good Boy,' you will become very elated, full of happiness, excitement, and erotic feelings will shoot through your body."

Oh, yes, Sir."

"When you hear, Good Boy,' you will become fulfilled and ecstatic and get a full erection. Your dick will begin to bet hard, not artificially, but naturally. When you hear, Good Boy.' Your sexual arousal will show, and there is nothing you can do to stop it."

"Oh, wow, yes, Sir,"

"You hunger to hear those words. You crave those powerful words. Good Boy' means you are giving someone great pleasure. Your mission in life is to give tremendous pleasure, erotic please. And to earn the compliment, Good Boy.'"

"Yes, fuck! Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

"You are not a Good Boy' now. You are only a Good Boy' when someone tells you that. So, what is your new life's mission that will bring you the greatest happiness?"

"To become a `Good Boy,' Sir. I have to earn it."

During this hypnotic session, the Masters learned of Rhett's true finances. The men sought to gain all the information they could about Rhett's personal life, including bank names, account numbers, and passwords. They did it indirectly, and Rhett responded honestly. Whatever info he could not remember, such as particular account numbers, they would retrieve in other ways. They wanted to be sure they knew the whereabouts of all his money, accounts, and possessions.

When they milked him for all he had, they would rent him out for big bucks for as long as they could. He'd only be released when he becomes zero value. "Now relax, rest, and when you come to, you will not remember this conversation, but you will remember your absolute goal to become a Good Boy.' You will crave to be called a Good Boy.' You will become excited and erect at hearing, `Good Boy. Now, wake up slowly and open your eyes. When fully awake, I will snap my fingers, and you will need to lick my hand in homage to me."

Rhett woke up, rubbed his eyes, and looked around the room, wondering what had just happened. Did he fall asleep? Pass out? "SNAP." Without hesitation or questioning why, Rhett grabbed Jasper's hand too aggressively and licked it. He really when to town, licking and sucking those fingers and kissing Jasper's hand all over. "Good Boy."

"Oh, thank you, sir. I am so happy." He didn't really get an erection, it was just the first time, but his dick did twitch a couple of times.

The other Masters all smiled. Jasper, who was an amateur psychologist, was successful once again. The `Good Boy' command will come in handy later in the training process.

Then, loudly, Jasper said, "Yes, I am sure you will succeed. We are all pulling for you. We will help, support, and care for you, and you will soon be a very `Good Boy."

Rhett started to tear you will complete happiness, "Oh, fuck, thank you, Sir, Thank you so much."

Jessie chimed in, "You know, guys, I must say I am very impressed with this lad and his videos on When you two asked me to manage his income and investments, my answer was NO. Period. But... now that I see how he can learn... well, I guess my answer is YES."

Rhett heard that. "Oh, thank you, most kind Sir, thank you, thank you, thank you so fucking much."

"Say, if you're ready, I'll download the POA (Power of Attorney) form and get it signed now. You OK with that, Jessie? Rhett?" Both agreed, and Henry went to his bedroom office to pretend to download the document. However, he already had it. The POA was printed yesterday and filled out. He brought it to the guys.

"OK," Henery said as he entered the room, "I just downloaded it and filled in the general info." Actually, Geroge had hacked into the boy's computer yesterday. He had already downloaded his records, including every financial account he could find under Rhett Barton's name, such as checking accounts, savings accounts, investment products, etc. It was the start they needed. They could always tweak it.

"Now, we only need the signatures and the certification," Henry announced. He looked down at Rhett, still foot worshipping. "Ok, boy, you can stop now. Let's do this document.

Jenson interrupted, "Hold on, I feel like this sweet boy is more my responsibility, so let me look that over." Rhett was impressed. "Well, Rhett, before you sign this, I want to be sure you understand and accept what this means."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

"If you sign this, it will allow Jessie to take over all your accounts and reinvest all income, checking accounts, savings accounts, and investment products to earn you the best income at the highest rates available. You won't be able to interfere in his work." As he read from the POA document, `... any and all cash will be managed by Mr. Jessie Blumeyer." It states, "...all of the above-stated monies and financial products and accounts will be transferred into joint accounts, with the name, Mr. Jessie Blumeyer included. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir. And that you and Mr. Henry also use his services and have done wonderfully as his direction. So, you'd recommend him?"

"Of course, I've known Jessie for decades." That was a lie. They had known each other for only two years. "And Jessie has made me an obscene about of money." Jenson added, "Not sure it was all legal, though." And everyone laughed, including Rhett.

"Then, yes, Sir. Where do I sign." Rhett said eagerly. All five Masters watched Jessie and Rhett sign the boy's financial life away. Rhett was, in his own super fucked-up, hazy mind, ecstatic.

"Thank you, Sir Jessie."

"No problem, son." Naked Rhett smiled and started to crawl away toward Jenson.

"Hey boy, aren't you forgetting something?"

"What, Sir?"

You see the POA you just signed? He nodded. "It says I am now in control of managing your money, including all the cash you have on you now."

"Yes, Sir."

"Well, better hand me your pants, and let me see if you have any cash in your pockets."

"Oh, so sorry, Sir. Of course." The boy retrieved his pants and handed them over to Jessie, who went through the four pockets and found $23 in his wallet and 15 cents in his pocket.

Jessie giggled the 15 cents and joked, "So, you were holding out on me, huh?" everyone laughed.

Rhett felt so embarrassed to have his own money. It didn't dawn on him that he would never have even a few bucks in his pocket.

Then Jasper spoke up, "Geez, guys, let him at least keep his 15 cents." More chuckles. Jasper's comment was part of their script, their mind game.

"No, seriously," Jessie told them, "our agreement is that I take over ALL the boy's money. Period. That includes his cash. That includes this 15 cents. We either have a binding agreement, or we don't. If he is to have 15 cents, I'll have to approve it. Look, this is one smart fucking boy. He is doing everything exactly right to protect and grow his financial security. You may not credit him for his wisdom, but I certainly do now." The group was quiet. "Any more comments?" No one spoke, but everyone, including Rhett, shook their heads."

This little angry speech by Jessie made Rhett feel he was well cared for. Of course, these Masters were all playing the scam game they had played out several times before. Find a target. Manipulate him into submission -- even pretend submission works OK -- and then route all his money and property to their control and, eventually, into the offshore accounts of The Masters Club. In this particular case, as far as they had researched so far, Rhett Barton had his dad's 401K investment of $241,656.81 and his total monthly Social Security payment of $2,908.55, which amounted to $34,902.60 per year. Then, there were his checking and savings accounts, which would soon be transferred to themselves. Plus, they intended to whore him out for big bucks.

"My God," Rhett thought, "These guys are really serious. I'd better let them do whatever they want, even hold onto my last 15 cents for safekeeping. After all, I'm the sole beneficiary of their efforts. Then, when the time is right, I'll skip town and take my Fort Knox treasure with me. Yes, I can do this."

Jenson and his group, The Masters Club, did not want to overdo it at this first session. They were all pleased. As the men said their goodbyes to each other, Rhett found his pants and started slipping his legs into them to get dressed.

ZZAAAAAAAPP! Rhett dropped to the floor, cuddled his aching balls, and screamed and wailed.

He remained twitching on the floor as he stared up at Jasper, holding the remote. The boy's intense, painful stare was his way of asking, "Why?"

"Who gave you permission to get dressed?" Jasper asked him.

Feeling embarrassed to have acted on his own, Rhett slowly picked up his pants and other clothes, kneeled, bowed, and presented his bundle to Jasper. Then, Jasper handed the bundle, as well as the remote, to Jenson. As Jenson and the others walked to the door. Rhett remained naked and kneeling. He had learned his lesson.

Jenson smiled, "OK, boy, stand and follow me. Time to go home."

Then, in front of everyone, including the boy, Jenson did something that freaked Rhett out. "Oh, here, Henry, take these items to the trash." He handed the bundle of clothes, including shoes, to Henry. "He won't be needing these again; just trash them." He put the remote in his pocket.

Rhett needed to object. Every fiber in his body wanted to yell, "But I can't go without clothed! I can't go outside naked? This is a busy street? Everyone will see me? I'll get arrested?" But... he remained silent and followed Jenson out the door, down the street to the car, barefoot and naked.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and during the day on Friday (the day of the slave contest at Bottoms Up), Jenson, and on occasion, Henry, worked Rhett over continuously. They used the remote control to shock him whenever he hesitated to obey or perform as a true slave, even to the slightest degree.

Interestingly, he learned to obey instantly. But they did not train Rhett on certain intense sexual acts, such as getting fucked, rimming ass, or drinking piss. The group of Masters had discussed Rhett thoroughly and devised a particular plan. They all agreed that Rhett was not to be prepared for any ass "play" or any anal sex ahead of the "contest" on Friday.

For Rhett, being a straight top had nothing to do with being a Dom. It simply meant (to Rhett) that he fucked others, almost exclusively women, and others sucked his dick. Training him to be a true slut bottom pig was the exciting part. They want him to experience anal sex for the first time at the slave contest to let everyone enjoy his new .... adventure.

To be continued.....

WHAT THE FUCK! They trashed his clothes? He's not allowed even underwear? Not even shoes! In public! SHIT! What is happening to this wholesome, gorgeous, young, STRAIGHT lad? Who is going to scheme the other? Certainly, a cutie little stud-hunk like straight Rhett cannot outwit the mighty, strong, manly, EXPERIENCED members of The Masters Club... right? You will not believe what happens in Chapter 5. It will blow your mind... and YOUR LOAD!

But I have written tons of erotic porn stories. Most are too intense and too graphic to be approved for inclusion on Nifty. So they are posted on (You have to join, but membership is free.)

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Next: Chapter 5

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