The Masters Club

By gayD

Published on Jan 20, 2024


You guys have given me great ideas. This story now has more twist than a pretzel! This is my first story posted here on this great site (and I hope you donate here to help support it).

I have written 100's of erotic porn stories. Most are too intense and too graphic to be approved for inclusion here. So they are posted on (You have to join, but membership is free.) This story can only be found on Nifty. I plan to write 8 chapters, but I'm still working on the storyline, so I am not sure. This story is copyrighted by

The Masters Club

Chapter 3 of 8

Rhett was so pleased. He was not going to be forced into anything or be subjected to any harsh sex. And he will come across as a good sport to Jenson.

"One thing, though. I don't have any slave gear, Henry." Jenson said. "Do we need that?

"Of course. That makes it all work, real. But don't worry, I have a friend who will loan you lots of slave gear. Maybe a slave collar, some nipple clamps, leather jock. Even handcuff would look great or other bondage gear." Then, Henry paused, "Oh, I got it. Walk him up to the door dressed leather-kinky like that and on his hands and knees, on a leash!"

"Great!" claimed Jenson.

But Rhett didn't like that part. He was very private in doing anything sexual. But then again... if it meant that Jenson was pleased, and we could win the slave couple competition, he'd find a way to look like a faithful slave. After all, it's a one-time event and only for a few hours. To get close to Dr. Jenson, he'd even make a fool out of himself.

Jensen finally climaxed down Rhett's throat. Which pleased Jenson no end. Rhett did pretend to like it but still choked quite a bit. Sucking dick was not his thing. He came across as being new at cock-sucking, which he was. Also, no one mentioned fucking. He was glad of that because he was a top. Always a top, and no one would ever fuck him. No way.

"I'd sure like to see your new slave boy work on my dick, but I have to go," Henry said. "And don't worry about the slave gear. I'll make sure you get it all before the event." Henry left.

"Say, Rhett, do you mind helping clean and straighten up around here? I need to check on some patients?" Jenson asked.

"No problem, Sir."

"In order to get you more comfortable, please remain naked, OK? Boy? I'm just trying to help you get mentally ready for your slave role." Jenson chuckled, going along with the idea that the Master-slave party was neither serious nor a big deal. "It can be lucrative for you."

`Yes, Sir." Jenson left, leaving Rhett with the unfinished thought about the Master-slave party being "lucrative" for him? What did that mean?

As soon as Jenson left, the boy went straight to Jenson's office. There, he scrummaged through letters and papers on his desk. "What's this?" It was an email about the Master-slave party. He read it carefully, "To encourage serious participation, the slave that is voted `Most Authentic' will receive a $10,000 prize." What the fuck? $10,000!? For the most authentic slave? It doesn't even split the prize between Master and slave. It all goes to the slave! "Fuck! This is fabulous!" He'd have to ask Jenson about it when he gets home. Rhett was not enthusiastic about cleaning but did a pretty good job.

Jenson returned in about five hours from his parttime office work. Yes, he was actually an office worker... not quite a doctor. But he was planning to quit all work when The Masters Club brought in enough money so his share could support him without having to have a job.

Rhett asked about the party to learn more about the prize money. He wanted to be careful not to come across as too excited. "Sir?" can you tell me more about the Master-slave party? Will there be awards or prizes?

"Why do you ask?"

"I just want to do my best so you'd be proud of me."

"Oh, you don't need to impress me, but I did read something about the best slave or getting something, but I didn't pay any attention to it. Here, let's do this." Jenson pulled out his phone and dialed Henry. "Hey Hank, Rhett was asking about awards for the party.... Why don't you talk to him directly about it? Master-slave shit is not really any interest to me." What a liar! Then he handed the phone to Rhett.

"Hi, Sir. Can you tell me more? I just want to do my best and please Mr. Jenson. So I'd love to know how to win the prize... that is... just to impress him."

"Well, yes, there is a $10,000 prize, cash, for the winner. But it's mostly for gay guys into S and M, not really for a sweet straight guy like you."

"But I want a shot at it. I want to do my best, whatever it takes. It's not the money. I don't care about the money. I just want to please Mr. Jenson. So, do you have any tips for me?"

"Oh, wow. I didn't expect this from you, but I can sure help with suggestions. Let's see." A pause. Rhett had no idea that the bogus email about the party was placed on Jenson's desk just so he would find it. The hidden cameras confirmed he saw it. The prize money was bogus, too, of course, as well as the entire Master-slave party. There were no other Master-slave couples attending. Rhett would be the first to be exhibited, and after his "performance" he'd be to weirded out. He won't be thinking about any others, or how the event was going. It was a scheme to trick Rhett into being Jenson's slave boy for real. The plan was to set up a pretend contest to humiliate, use and abuse him, and to train him to be theirs for as long as they can work it.

"Yeah, yes, I have the rules here. The club members vote based on the slave who looks and acts the most authentic and convincing."

"What does that entail? What would I have to do?"

"Just be a 100% slave slut." Henry laughed. "It's all in fun. Allow yourself to be humiliated and embarrassed. It will include acting gay, like a horny slut. Just pretend."

"Ah, what do the judges look for in picking a winner?"

"I don't know, the voting members make up that part that evening. So it's different every year.'

"And, what about my appearance? I mean, any slave's appearance?"

"Well, that's easy. Wear a leather jock, vest, and dog collar, be on your Master's leash, maybe with wrist and ankle bands, tattoos... and piercings are helpful."

"Tattoos and piercings?"

Henry laughed. "Not real ones, fake ones. Tattoos that wash off later, or piercings that are fake clip-ons. They just look like piercings." Henry chuckled again, as did Rhett. That was a sigh of relief for the boy.

"The last winner maintained an erection the whole night. That sewed it up for him."

"Sir, how can anyone do that?"

"You just use Viagra and something else to give yourself an erection that should last for a few hours, Rhett. It's that simple."

"Oh, I see, I can do that. But I don't know where to get it."

Don't worry, I'll find something for you to take just before."

"Hey, thanks, Sir."

"One last thing, and Rhett, this is between you and me. Your biggest problem might be Jenson. He may not want you to go through all that trouble and energy. He's super kind and caring. He does not want you to be hurt or uncomfortable. And to win, you will at least need to be uncomfortable or pretend to be. So be sure you convince your host to let you play this out to the fullest. OK? I know for a fact Jenson cares greatly about you, Rhett. He won't want you to do it. So work with him.

"OK, Yes, Sir. I see."

"Look, I know you are straight, but if you convince Jenson that you have recently discovered that you have underlaying gay tendencies and had fantasized about loving abuse, that would do it. Let him believe you finally figured out you are sort of gay. THEN he will help you become a slut slave." Henry laughed, as did Rhett. "Now, here's a help. Jenson and I know where a lot of sub-slaves go for piercings and tattoos. They also do the fake ones. Ask... no, beg Jenson to take you there and get fixed up for the party. Done right, you will be the winner for sure."

"OK, but the party is not for a few days. Shouldn't I wait and do it that morning?" Rhett asked.

"Actually, they get busy at this time. And second, you'll need to wear whatever tats and piercings for these few days to get used to them. You don't want to show up at the party and be in the contest acting like it's all-new, right. You want to come across as if you are a long-time slut pig slave. So, I strongly recommend that you start to get into the scene and stay in "character" with Jenson and maybe a few of his friends who might stop by and help you practice."

"Oh, Wow! That all makes sense. Thank you so much."

"Now, even though you are straight, you'll still have to do some simple gay stuff. So learn now. After the party, you can remove everything they do to you and return to your girlfriend."

Of all the things Henry told him, the most important was that Jenson cared about him deeply and the importance of pretending to be a slutty slave. Yes, he would do that.

Even though straight, if Rhett tried to act like a pathetic fagot slut, he'd gain millions of dollars and handfuls of diamond jewelry too! The boy thought, "Wow. Fucking genius! I'm going to become their slave slut, as best I can, making Jenson happy and proud of me. Getting closer to him, becoming more important, trustworthy, and .... loving. Yeah, right.... Loving. THEN, I'll take this bastard asshole, Mr. Dr. Jenson... for all I can!"

The next morning, "Sir? Henry told me of a place we should go to get a few things for my slave outfit. Can we go there today?" Rhett asked.

"I know what Henry is saying, but you don't want to go there. You are such a sweet, straight boy. I love you as you are. And I don't want to change you or see you hurt or even uncomfortable, OK, sweetie?"

Henry had told him Jenson would be over-protective. "Sir, Please, I feel I am figuring life out, that I have a gay side, a sub side, and I want to explore it... with you. Besides, being better outfitted as a slut slave just for the party on Friday night will help me win the slave contest."

"Rhett, do you really need that prize money?"

"No. Of course not. I don't really want it." Rhett lied. "But you have been so kind and wonderful to me. And I'm going with you to the party as your slave partner. I just want to make you proud as your slave for the night. I mean, it's all in fun and for a good cause, right? Plus, if I win, I could give you the money to donate to a charity."

"Well, OK, I'll take you there and get whatever you want. Put on some clothes." When they arrive at a store called The Gay Outfitters, they both enter. "Hey, Dr. Jenson, How are you?"

"Fine. And this is my new `slave boy,' Rhett, my partner for the fundraiser at Bottoms Up on Friday." The owner, Phil, was also in The Masters Club and in on everything.

Rhett was thinking this party must be a huge deal. EVERYONE knows about it. He was so glad no one he knew would be there. That would really be embarrassing! "I've got to prepare myself to do well. I want the fucking prize money," he thought.

"Well, Phil, my boy here is totally new to this. He's straight and new at anything kinky, but he wants to help with our good cause. What do you recommend for him?"

Rhett butted in, "I was advised to get some fake tattoos and some fake piercings and dress in black leather."

"Actually, I'd suggest otherwise," Phill told them both looking seriously. "You know everyone comes here to get their slave and Master shit, and let me tell you, they are all doing that. They are all getting tattoos and piercings and wearing chaps and vests. So, I suggest the opposite, to stand out."

"Oh, such as?" Jenson asked in surprise.

"Go simple. No tattoos. No piecing. No leather clothes."

"What? I'd just look like an average man in... ah... street clothes. How is that going to win me the prize money." Rhett asked.

"OK, Rhett." Phil smiled, "Do you really want to win the prize money?" The boy nodded. "Then be a simple slave and act like a slave. Follow all of Jenson's commands without hesitation. Wear a special ball trainer and maybe a slave collar, and that's it."

"No clothes? You said everyone else would be wearing clothed, leather clothes." Rhett told him, "I can't be naked? That's too weird."

"Yeah, I agree with my boy," Jenson defended him, "Nudity is a bit much. After all, part of the event may be in public. But... we'll deal with the appropriate outfit later."

Jenson was lying about everything. Of course, Rhett will be naked, and he will be very agreeable. He, Henry, Phil, the bartender Ted, and a dozen others all have this planned out. For now, Jenson will pretend to be protective and supportive of his new little slave boy.

"Here you go, Doc," Phil said, handing him the bag with the items he had just purchased. Neither wanted Rhett to see them. And off they went, but Jenson was not driving to his home.

"Where are we going?" Rhett casually asked, trusting Jenson.

"Oh, I need to leave off some meds for Henry. But you can come in too. Henry would be glad to see you again." Jenson had secretly set up a small gathering at Henry's place, all of the members of the Board of Directors of The Masters Club. These fellow schemers included Jensen, Henry, George, Jessie, and Mahmoud. All are long-time Masters who will, in front of Rhett, pretend to be just friends and pretend to be unsure about aspects of the upcoming party. "Unsure?" Fuck.... They planned it!

"Hey guys," Henry greeted Jenson and Rhett with a look of surprise, "I wasn't expecting you. I have a couple of buddies here, but do come in."

"Oh, I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd drop off your meds."

"Great, do come in. Let Rhett meet everyone.

Henry introduced the boy to his friends. "Come, have a seat." Jenson sat, and as Rhett went to sit next to him, he said, "Oh no, Rhett. Jenson and I want to begin to train you to act like a sub-slave. Which means you sit on the floor. do want our help, don't you?"

Rhett felt embarrassed not to know what to do. "Yes, of course. I am so sorry. Please forgive me and advise me."

"Sure thing, boy, have a seat." And Rhett immediately did. The five men sat on various furniture, circling the boy in the middle of the floor.

Jasper, who was a regular member, not a Board member, asked, "What's this slave training all about?" Of course, he knew.

"Oh, we have the slave fundraising party Friday at Bottoms Up, and Rhett, a straight boy, wants to win the prize money, so Jenson and I will give him some pointers," Henry explained.

"But he's straight?" Jessie asked in surprise.

"Yeah, but now he is thinking he might have a gay interest and wants to be my slut slave partner at the fundraiser," said Jenson.

"Doc Jenson? A leather Master? You're not into that." Mahmoud spoke up, feigning surprise. "By the way, he's really green. I never saw a slave wear shoes and socks like this. Boots, yes, but tennis shoes?"

Jessie spoke up, "Boy?" and snapped his fingers as he pointed to the shoes. Rhett got the message and felt foolish wearing shoes. He immediately removed his shoes and socks. The boy mouthed the word, "Sorry."

Jessie asked, "I don't know about this kid. I don't think he will go through with it."

It finally dawned on Rhett that this is the Jessie who manages millions of everyone's money. For sure, Rhett wanted to make a good first impression with him.

"Yeah," Jenson argued, "But he wants my help, so I'm partnering with him. Besides, it's all in fun, and I'll try to get into it if he's willing to try. He says he can look and behave like a slut. I have my doubts, but I'm here to help."

"Well, since I'm the only one here who actually enjoys S and M kink," Mahmoud said. "Maybe I can help also." Then he paused. "What are you going to make him wear? It's the most critical part. The look." Rhett caught the words `make him wear.' That sounded harsh.

"Well, we just stopped at The Gay Outfitters store, and I did get this." Rhett was surprised to see the bag. He had not noticed him bring it in.

"Toss it here," Mahmoud said. And Jenson did. On examining the contents, "Oh, I see. You're going to have him go as a simple slave. Cleaver. Perfect. Are you sure this will fit him?"

Jenson shrouded his shoulders. "Then let's give it a try now. Do you mind, Doc?"

Mahmoud held the two-part item up. Everyone but Rhett knew it was a chrome ball band that fits around the top of the ball sack, squeezing the balls a bit lower in their bag. It's minimal, only about a half-inch wide. It opened up and would click-snap together so it could not side off the balls. Many items made for actual slaves are made unremovable. In other words, those items will have to be destroyed to be removed, and they are tough to destroy. But are they going to tell Rhett that? The second part is a wireless remote. These days, new high-tech devices are now made very compact.

"Boy, before I put this on you, I want to tell you about it. And if you want to chicken out, that'll be fine with all of us."

Rhett swallowed hard and got nervous. Mahmoud continued, "This ring will fit around the top of our ball sack, kind of like a little collar or ball stretcher. It will feel nice and sexy. You'll enjoy that part." Rhett felt relieved. "But the unpleasant part is that this remote will shock you when this button is pressed."

"Shock me?"

"Yes, whoever holds this remote can give you a shock to your balls." Mahmoud told him, "But listen, you'll only get a shock when you do not behave in a slave-like manner. I promise no one will ever treat you mean or shock you for no good reason. I swear, we all wear, to God! I use it anytime a sub wants to engage in sub play. I use it for an hour or two. It helped that slave to learn quickly. I don't like it, but it's for the slave's benefit."

"But... how do I avoid a shock? Sir."

"Just behave as a slut slave should. It's that simple." A pause. "And from the time this goes on, it stays on to the day of the contest. Hopefully, you might get ZAPPED two or three times, but after that, probably not at all, even though it may stay on longer. So that gives you only a few days to be transformed."

"But why? Do I really need it?"

"You asked us to help you win the big prize at the slave contest fundraiser, right?" The boy nodded. "You want us to be supportive, right?" Another nod. "The contest is on this coming Friday night. Now, since you are not and never have been a slut slave, AND, I'm told, you are straight with a girlfriend, you will need our maximum help, and fast. Though temporarily painful, this device is needed to move you along quickly, so you'll be rich on Friday. And let me say how rich... I just heard that the prize amount was changed from $10,000 to $50,000. And it goes all to the slave who wins. Do you really want to risk losing it?" He shook his head no. "So, are you OK with this on you?"

"I... I.... I guess so. And it comes off right after the contest, right?"

"Hey boy, what do you think? That we are all mean, nasty assholes who would keep you permanently in this horrible, shocking device? IS THAT WHAT YOU THINK OF US?! IS THAT WHAT YOU THINK OF DR. JENSON? Who told us he is considering adopting you as his son since your parents have passed. Do you fucking know what that means? You will inherit all he has. Do you think his love is bogus? That he and all of us only want to use and abuse you? Really?"

Rhett broke down and cried. He really sobbed. He was so ashamed. How could he be so stupid! "I... I... am so sorry, Sir. Dr. Jenson, Sir, and all of you. I am so fucking dumb and inconsiderate. I am so very sorry for any distrust I expressed." And he continued to cry of embarrassment. As he cried, Rhett could not believe his good fortune. He will be super rich. His new asshole "dad" -- Dr. Jenson - has fallen for his phony sincerity. What a bunch of assholes. After Friday's contest, he will be this group's pride and wonder boy. And he'd defraud all of them -- every last one -- out of as much wealth and processions as he could within the next few months. Rhett's tears were real, but they were brought about from the feared he had nearly lost their trust. He will not make that mistake again!

Again, Jasper was there with a video camera recording Rhett in the most intimate, humiliation acts. Rhett didn't recognize him from Bottoms Up -- hell, the boy was in a dizzy erotic haze - but he was the group's "historian." Embarrassing videos were taken in case they were needed for blackmail purposes and placed on for public viewing. I mean, their slave boys were released at some point, and they required incentive to stay quiet.

To be continued.....

I will upload the next chapter in a few days. Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think of this story so far. I'm open to comments and suggestions as I write. My email is: Bruce Darkforce.

Next: Chapter 4

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