The Masters Club

By gayD

Published on Jan 18, 2024


Hi everyone.

I am Bruce Darkforce at I have written 100's of erotic porn stories. Most are too intense and too graphic to be approved for inclusion here. So they are posted on (You have to join, but membership is free.) This is my first story posted here on this great site (and I hope you donate here to help support it). I planned an 8 chapter outline, but I'm still working on the story direction, so tell me what you think. This story is copyrighted by

From Chapter 1 ...

"Rhett, what do you remember about last night?"

"Ah, it was a fundraiser, and they were auctioning off my clothes," Then he said to himself, "Oh, so that's where my clothes went." He thought more, "and some guy wanted to kiss me. I told him no, but it was a fundraiser for a good cause. After that, everything got fuzzy. I think I over-drunk or something. I am so sorry. I must have acted stupid. I don't remember, except the guys seemed to like me and applauded and cheered me on, maybe when I was singing a song and dancing, but I'm not sure."

"Yes, you have a lovely voice," Jenson lied. "Too bad about your clothes, but you did a hell of a job in raising money for the new community center." He paused, "As for your clothes, don't worry about them. You look great naked." He chuckled.

"But I need my ..."

Jenson interrupted, "I did think some of the guys were getting a little handsy, so I pushed them away and brought you here with me."

"You rescued me?"


He Masters Club

Chapter 2 of 8

"I guess I'm kind of parental. I try to protect the people around me. I don't think you really needed protection. As you say, gay men, especially gay businessmen, are generally friendly and responsible. But you seemed to be passed out, and I was not going to let some weirdo take advantage of you." What a liar! "So, I brought you here to recover. But, explain more about your sexuality. What did you mean when you said you are not gay? You were in a gay bar last night." Jenson asked.

"I go to gay bars on occasion just to be with a group of kind folks. Nothing sexual in it for me." Rhett lied.

"So you are not gay. OK. You have a girlfriend?"

"Yes. We have our ups and downs, but we are tight."

"So, Rhett, you never had gay sex?"

"Well, a few times I tried sucking dick, you know, experimenting, but it's not for me. And as for someone using my ass, no way!"

"I see." Jenson pretended to ponder seriously, not believing the lad's words. "OK, but you are here with me now. And I enjoyed sucking your dick and cuddling with you all night."

"Well, I like you. You rescued me from the bar. Right now, I don't want to go home just yet. My roommate is acting weird. I just want to lay low for now. Can I stay here for a day or two?"

"Sure, but I have to get to work. A doctor's life is always busy. I'll be back at 6 PM sharp."

"Oh, yes, you told me you are a doctor. Well, thanks for letting me stay... 'Doc.' And thanks for your kindness."

Jenson left. Rhett waited until he saw his car pull out of the driveway. "Right, he's a doctor. I'll believe that when I see it." As he was in Jenson's bedroom, he glanced around, got up, and began opening drawers. "Well, looky here. We have some rings, another extraordinary watch, and what's this? An envelope with $400 in cash. There were some credit cards. And cufflinks with diamonds. Wow!" He wanted to stuff all this treasure into his pockets, but he was still naked and did not see his clothes anywhere. In fact, his memory was fussy, but he never did get his clothes back when Jenson walked him out of the bar... naked! "Never mind," he'd `barrow' something Jenson's closet to wear home, but first, he found the kitchen and found a paper bag. He returned to the bedroom, gathered up all the expensive jewelry, and placed everything in that bag. The boy was so happy. Boy, did he luck out. He'd take jewelry and cash and never return to Bottom's Up again. Jenson would never find him.

Before seeking some clothes, he looked through more rooms in the house. There it was. The boy made a beeline for the little office in the back of the rather large mansion-like house.

"What the fuck?" The first thing he saw were several medical certificates on the walls. "Oh my God! He is a doctor!" The next thing he did was notice a small stack of papers and letters on the desk. He looked through them and saw a return address: "Charles Schwab Investments." It had already been cut open, all the letters were, so Rhett pulled out the investment letter, which turned out to be a monthly statement of Jenson's account, addressed to Dr. Jenson Adamson. Rhett scanned the list of investments, primarily mutual funds, and the bottom line was that the balance was 4.2 million. That confirmed it. His host was, in need, a doctor, a fucking rich doctor! "OH MY God! Did I strike it rich!"

Rhett reviewed everything he saw there: the big house, the fabulous furnishings, the stash of jewelry and cash... the millions in investments the Doc had, all of it. Wow! "Fuck, why settle for a few measly thousand when I can have it all... millions?" He returned to sit on the bed, naked, really thinking hard - plotting, actually - how he could handle this situation and work it to his advantage and not fuck it up.

He rehashed it. The doctor was a kind gay man who obviously liked him. The Doc recused him from the other horny, crazy, sex-up patrons at the bar and protected him, actually bringing him to his home. The doctor is allowing him to stay there for a few days. And he was very trusting. "I can work with this. We can be friends. I'll let him think he is turning me gay. He'll like that. We can be very close. I'll make him believe we can be lovers. Maybe I can work it out so he'll adopt me as his son. Then I'll inherit everything when he finally dies, or.... should I expedite his death? Yes! It'll be a challenge, but I can pretend to be `turned.'"

So, Rhett put everything back where it was. Made it look untouched. He wanted it all.

What Rhett did not know was that this was not Jenson's home. That Jenson is not a doctor- the certificates were fake. That Jenson didn't have any investments- that letter was a fake, and those jewelry pieces, including the expensive-looking watches, were knockoffs. All this was set up and created to be alluring props. And sexy, handsome, sincere Jenson's kindness was the biggest lie of all. The only real thing was the four one-hundred-dollar bills in the envelope placed there as bait. That $400 Jenson was willing to risk losing in order to set up this boy to be his. But "his" in what way? Rhett is a hustler. How did Jenson and his group of Master cohorts know that? Hidden CAMERAS... EVERYWHERE. What was his plan? Why this entire ruse? And who was helping Jenson in his most complex scheme?

"OK," Rhett said to himself. "I'll stay as he left me. Naked. And I'll be considerate and helpful. I will be just as he thinks I am. Rhett spent the day watching TV, and at about 5 PM, he started cleaning the house. He wanted to be seen by Jenson as a hard worker. Unfortunately for the kid, the cameras showed the truth. So, as Rhett was watching TV, Jenson and a couple of friends were watching him. And, right on cue, Jenson opened his front door and saw naked Rhett in the kitchen washing the few dirty dishes.

The boy pretended to be so busy that he did not notice Jenson entering. "Oh, wow. You cleaned the house? Oh my, how nice of you. May I give you a big hug?"

Without saying a word, the boy turned around and gave his host a big bear hug. "Oh, thank you for letting me stay here. It is really helpful to me and very kind of you. I'm glad to help you with household chores."

They were relaxing while watching a movie on TV when Rhett turned to Jenson and asked, "How can I repay you for your kindness?"

"What do you mean? You don't owe me anything, Rhett."

Rhett thought he needed to get more involved in the life of his doctor-host. He wanted to get intimate. If he was going to get along well with this wealthy man, he needed to be more intertwined in his life and they needed to do special things for each other. Become somewhat dependent on each other. You know, male bonding.

"I know you are gay, and I am straight, but I was wondering if you wanted to use me, have me suck your dick or whatever..."

"Oh, that's what you mean. Well, the idea had occurred to me, but I can't use you or anyone. It's just not my nature. I don't want to see anyone used, abused, or hurt in any way." Jenson lied. Where was he going with this?

"Well, can we at last sleep together and cuddle?" Rhett asked sheepishly.

"Again, I'd love to, but I can't do that to a straight, cute young man or anyone. No, there are five bedrooms in this house. Take your pick and sleep well, Rhett."

Rhett was shocked by the strong moral character of this kind man. He even had second thoughts about manipulating Dr. Jenson and stealing his wealth. But... no, Dr. Jenson was his "mark," his target, and he will continue to scheme and connive him out of most of his money, whatever it took!

Then the phone rang, "Hello?... "Yes... Another fundraiser?... I see... A theme party?... Wow, a Master-slave party... Oh, at Bottom's Up?... I'd love to, but I'm not really into S and M shit... Besides, I don't know anyone who would want to go with me as my slave... No, it's a little weird for me, and like I said, I don't know of anyone..." Rhett interrupted by tugging on Jenson's arm. "Wait one moment, George." Then to his house guest, "What is it, Rhett?"

"I heard you say you need a slave to go to a fundraiser with you? I'd do that. I'd be happy to do it for you. It would please me to help you and whatever cause you guys are supporting."

"Oh my God! You'd really do this for us?" Jenson asked. "You were just there at Bottom's Up, don't you remember?"

"Ah... I..." Rhett was really out of it when he was carried from the bar and not fully recalling that night, except it was erotic.

Jenson took advantage of the boy's foggy memory. He laughed, "Don't you remember, you sang songs, and the guys loved you? You even let a few of them kiss you, remember? I told everyone you were straight, but you said it was OK. You were so happy. I guess if you weren't so drunk, you'd recall the wonderful time you had. Maybe you should cut down on your drinking." Jenson chuckled. "But I can tell you, you were on cloud nine and so excited to be there and participate. Damn! You pleased everyone and helped raise a lot of money for the gay center building fund." All lies, of course. But Rhett was so pleased with all the positive stroking he quickly owned it all.

"So." Rhett asked, "Do I have to wear a slave collar and call everyone 'Sir.'"

Jenson chuckled at the thought, "Yeah, I guess so."

"Sure, I can do that for you. We'd be a team."

"Well, OK, as long as you are fine barking like a dog." They both laughed.

"Say, George, I just found a slave, so, yes, we can join in the fun. Email me all the details, time, any other specifics, and so on... Sure... Will do... Bye."

The next day, Jenson pretended to go over the email about the Master-slave fundraising party at Bottom's Up. "Say, Rhett, I went over the details about the party next week. And there will be a contest for each Master-slave couple. They want each couple to perform some cute sex act. But you're straight, so maybe we should cancel. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

"No, let me do it. You can teach me. I'll do it. It's a fundraiser for a good cause." Rhett thought he needed to allow Jenson to turn him gay to build a stronger connection so he could get closer to Doc Jenson's money. Rhett would pretend to be open to the gay lifestyle. Then, maybe Jenson will see them as a more intimate gay couple. Rhett was indeed a straight top, the one who fuck women... and a few guys, but he was not into Master-slave shit, or S and M, or even leather. So, in a weird way. Rhett would learn or pretend to learn THREE new roles: To be gay, to be a bottom, to be a slave. However, it was just for one night. AND it was for a ton of money, to which he responded, "Teach me. Where do we start."

"Well, OK, suck my dick. Since you're new at this," Jenson said, "go easy, take your time." With Jenson on the sofa, Rhett knelt and opened Jenson's pants.

"Whoa, not like that. You straight boys know nothing about how a gay slave behaves, do you? First, pull my dick and balls out of my pants, then start by kissing and licking them all over."

Rhett was not stupid. He knew what gay men did, and that helped, but he was just not into it. It was not erotic or enjoyable. The boy knelt, then began to lick. "Am I kissing your dick, OK?"

"Yeah, good boy. But I need to teach you proper slave behavior. So start calling me Sir or Master, so that you'll begin to say it naturally at the party."

The doorbell rang. "Oh, Sir, Please get me some clothes so I can it for you."

"No." Jenson said calmly, "I'm teaching you slave behavior, remember? Go to the door and answer it. I don't care who it is, you are not to cover up your dick, and you cannot hide your body behind the door. A slave is not entitled to modesty. Got that boy?"

"Yes, Sir." Rhett rose and went to the door to answer it. "Yes?" he asked the visitor.

"Is Dr. Jenson home?"

"Yes, Sir. Come in." Rhett guided the man to the next room, where Jenson was still seated with his dick and balls hanging out. Jenson knew it was his cohort, Henry, also a Master because he just called him to come over and check out his new slave boy. Henry knew everything. In fact, he had helped to set Rhett up at yesterday's phony fundraiser at Bottom's Up, and he and a few other buddies were all in on the scheme to brain-fuck the already abused "kid." It was all a big game. This group of Masters does daring and crazy stuff like this every few months, and boy, they enjoy messing up a new kid.

"Hey there, Henry, I'm surprised to see you." Jenson lied. "Yeah, I just stopped by to say... Hey, isn't this the guy from the Bottom's Up fundraiser? The guy you rescued?

"Sure is. This is Rhett. He is such a sweet, dear lad. Wait..." Then Jenson turned to Rhett, "Who told you to stop kissing and licking my dick and balls?"

"Ah... Oh... well... you have company... and I thought you'd want me to get dressed and..."

"Look, boy, you better learn now. You don't have an opinion. Now get down and make love to my power tool. We have only a few days for you to learn proper slave behavior. This is all for your own good. OK? Boy?"

Without responding, the boy dove to his knees and returned to his job of worshipping his new Master.

"Yeah, Hunk, this is strange to me, but Rhett begged me to let him be my slave for the party at the bar. He's straight, you know, but he wants to learn to please me."

"I see. Well, you two make a good couple. As I know you, Rhett is just your exact type." Henry lied.

"That didn't dawn on me, but you're right, Henry. I mean, if Rhett wants to learn to please me, like a gay lad... you know? I might just take him in. After all, I don't have a boyfriend or any companion, so why not? But, you know me, I don't make decisions for others. Rhett can decide if he wants to move in and be, well... my love interest."

Rhett's ears were burning. This is terrific news. Jenson is taking a liking to him, which is precisely what he wanted. All he had to do was to play along and be the temporary slave Jenson wanted him to be. Rhett would do anything to please the Doc, and in no time, the two of them would become closer, and Rhett would be more important to his new, shall we say, benefactor?

But Rhett wondered how he'd learn more about being a slave, and more precisely, pretending to be a sub-slave. "Henry, Sir? How can I behave like a slave? I know generally what it's about. I have dominated slave women, but I'd like to know more about being dominated by men. I want to do my best to please you all."

"Well, watching videos on will help. They have a lot of bondage, slave gear, slave humiliation, and the works. Plus, we can give you pointers."

"Oh, thank you, Sir!" Rhett was elated.

Here's the thing. Jenson and Henry were part of a larger group of scammers called The Master's Club. They figured they had a potential sexy toy to own. Rhett seemed agreeable and pliable, but that's not the main part of their scheme. They sought something more. They needed to know if he had any money or could be used for their financial benefit in some other way. Jenson first ensured he had a few drinks to loosen his tongue and thwart his self-control. Then, they began talking to the boy in a supportive, gentle manner.

"So, Rhett, do you have your own apartment?" Asked Henry, and the boy nodded. "That must be expensive. Do you have a full-time job to be able to afford it?"

"What?" Rhett was a little out of it. Perfect.

Henry repeated himself, "Do you work full time?"

"Ah, no, I have money from my folks' Social Security." He paused. "It's OK. Plus, I inherited my dad's 401k from his work. So I'm doing fine."

"Well, son, you can't live very well on $2,000 a month, can you, boy?"

"What?" He was trying to get his eyes focused on the big dick in front of him. "Oh, it's more like $6,000 a month, and the 401K is into six figures." He hiccupped and belched and then caught the bobbing dick in his mouth once again and sucked eagerly.

Jenson and Henry looked at each other and mouthed the word, YES! "So you have some sort of money manager to handle your finances?"

"What?" Rhett was concentrating on sucking. He did not want to suck the cum out of these dicks. He wanted to suck every dollar out of these guys' accounts.

"You know, a guy to handle your money to invest it for you?"

The boy continued sucking and mumbled, "Oh, I didn't know I needed one."

"WHAT! Get off my dick right now."

It surprised Rhett, who let that big pole slip out of his mouth. "What?"

"OK, so you don't have very much money. You still need to have it managed for you, son?" Jenson told him with shocking concern. "Look, I care about you. Your savings, investments, and fixed income are your livelihood. Nobody these days does that by themselves."

Then Henry chimed, "Yeah, your wealth, no matter how small, needs to be protected, reinvested, and grown. Don't you know that?" Both men were letting him have it. Giving him advice loudly, as if he was the stupidest boy on earth.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I didn't know."

"OK, I'm sorry for yelling, but I don't like anyone to get hurt. Let's all calm down. Let me think." After a moment of silence, "I can think of someone. Hank and I know a guy, Jessie, you'll meet him later, who manages financial estates, but he only helps guys who have at least $10 million, like I do. So..."

"Wait, Jenson. Jessie manages my account also." Henry blurted out. "I'll bet we can ask him to take over Rhett's finances, and he might do it as a favor to us. This way, Jessie can double his money in a year or two. What do you think?"

FUCK! Rhett just received more wonderful news: His host, Dr. Jenson, is worth over $10 million. Wait, how did 4.2 million become 10 million? And this guy, Henry, soon to be his friend, is also a multi-millionaire! AND JESSIE COULD DOUBLE MY MONEY?! Shit, was he in scammer heaven?! Not only is he setting up these two guys to literally rob them, but he is going to double his own money at the same time!

"I don't know, Hank, if we should stick our necks out for this kid we just met. I don't know."

During the pregnant pause, Rhett pretended to cry, "I am so unworthy. Nobody wants to help me. I've been an orphan for the last seven years, and I struggle on my own, and no one wants to help me with my finances."

"Hey, son," Jenson said lovingly. "Hold on." Turning to Henry, "Do you think we should help this poor innocent child? Should we ask Jessie to take over his money worries as a huge favor to us?

"Jenson, it could be risky," Henry added. "What if the boy fucks up and messes up what has been set up for his benefit. It could be embarrassing for us."

"How's he going to mess it up? He'll have to sign the legal paperwork turning control of his accounts over to Jessie, so he can't fuck up his own money. That seems safe to me."

They discuss Rhett's financial situation as if he were not even present. Rhett was hoping against hope that these guys would stand up for him and help him.... double his money. But he stayed quiet.

"But the kid has to trust our judgment and Jessie's. And he never even met Jessie." Jenson said.

"Look, what did Jessie do for you last year? Increased your accounts by 30%?"

"Actually 34%."

Rhett is going crazy. He wants in on this money giveaway. He couldn't believe they were talking about him and on the verge of helping him. What suckers these guys are, or so he thinks.

"Still, there is a chance he could lose money. There is never a guarantee." Jenson said.

"Yeah, but like a 5% chance of a small loss? We all take risks like that. Don't we."

"But we are asking him to trust our opinions and Jessie's ability to earn him huge money."

"We trust Jessie, big time," Henry chimed in.

Finally, the stunned, naked boy spoke up. "Sirs, I'd be so pleased if you'd ask Mr. Jessie to manage my money. Doubling it would be great."

"Boy? Are you sure?" Jenson asked, as if sincere.

"Yes. If you guys trust him, I'll trust him," Rhett declared.

"But are you sure? You'll have to sign a Power of Attorney giving him authorization over your money, just like we did."

"Yes, please. Oh yes." Rhett begged.

"Well, he's likely to say no, but we'll ask him for that favor, just for you."

Rhett was so happy. Money was his world. "May I please suck both your dicks, kind Sirs?" The two men smiled. Rhett was already planning to buy a huge house in London with all he would make on his own money and the money and jewels he planned to scam these stupid, naive bastards out of.

In truth, Jessie was not the whiz at finances and investments they all touted him to be. Those were lies, all part of the scheme. The Masters had some professional company do their investment management. The only thing that Jessie did for the Club was to make monthly deposits all money received for all the slave sources into the offshore Masters Club's accounts. But that's all he did. He was not all that smart, but he faked it well.

"Say, Jenson," Henry spoke up. "I have a suggestion for you two for the party show. Everyone there is going to be on display. Each Master will present his slave and treat him like a slave."

"Yes, I understand that Hunk, but Rhett is straight, and I don't want to push him into doing a lot of sick gay shit or make him feel uncomfortable. You see, I'm becoming attracted to my new little twink friend."

"Exactly, I think he should behave like a new unwilling slave." Henry offered. "He'll fight and resist and play it up. And you pretend to put him in his place, like, spank him lightly and stuff."

"Rhett? You think you can do some play-acting, like I'm being mean to you and forcing you?" Jenson asked.

"Yes, Sir," Rhett said as he continued to suck Jenson's dick. "I can do that for you, Sir."

"Perfect. What a great idea, Henry. Thanks."

"So, Rhett doesn't really have to do anything gay. He can just pretend to be resisting. Yeah, the group would love that."

To be continued.....

I will upload the next chapter in a few days. Let me know your comments and how you'd like this story progress. I'm open to suggestions as I write. My name is Bruce Darkforce, email is:

Next: Chapter 3

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