The Master Trials

By Duncan Jules

Published on Mar 25, 2018


Thank you for looking this up, I hope you enjoy it if you have any feedback please feel free to contact me at

I would also like to apologise for the delay I could not figure out the direction of the story so took some time to write it.

Chapter 5/5 The Master Trials: The Final Party Part 1

As the ship fell unceremoniously smashing into the North Sea. Where as everyone but the criminals stood shook laying on the floor where as the criminals made there way directly to an area of paneling that had fell off in the descent and led to the outside I looked over at Tom and then at everyone else. Several minutes passed before any more people made the way to the created exit and as we all slowly jumped out and swam for the shore that was only around 25m away which was lucky as I was not the greatest swimmer. Upon reaching the shore I noticed a mass number of police stood around looking at the ship and they quickly started putting everyone of us into the back of cars and drove us to the station. We didn't get out for a few days but when we did. Tom invited me to London and so thats what I did the invite was for 7pm in an abandoned leisure centre. When arriving Tom, KJ and Froy Guttierrez. I looked them all up and down before smiling, "Hey, don't recognise you all with actual clothes on." As I slowly got to them Froy bit his lip and Tom patted KJ on his arse. "So this is what I thought it was then."

Froy walked over patted me on my arse and whispered in my ear, "Yea, your on the menu."

I turned my head and kissed him, I slipped my tongue in his mouth and placed my hands on his face. Tom called out, "He's so horny and ready for it."

Froy smiled pulling from the kiss, "They say the drugs we had put into us would only continue to effect us for a week so we don't know if it's the drugs. But let's enjoy it."

The voices trailed off as I walked past the lads I looked at both KJ and Toms groins hoping to see some twitches in there shorts they was wearing.

Upon reaching the main room I noticed the inside and in the middle of the room was a massive swimming pool. The walls around the outside was covered in graffeti. "Wow." I said to myself as I noticed Justin in the pool. "Alright?"

Justin turned and looked at me, "Hows the ass?"

"Feeling better, since the ship but I need cock so bad." I replied.

"Same but I'll tap that ass now I'm not totally a bottom bitch."

Justin swam over to me as Froy walked behind me, "So why you still dressed?" Froy asked as he grabbed me by my waist.

Justin stopped moving towards us as Tom walked into the room, "No Justin your the bitch tonight."

"But..." Justin called out.

KJ interjected, "No buts, well theirs your butts that are gonna be abused."

Tom cleared his throat, "So tonight we have a competition I'd say the winner wins something but just our seeds in you." He smiled at Froy, "Froy you take your slut, Justin will be abused by KJ."

Froy looked at me and smiled, "We have this."

KJ stripped to just his shorts and jumped into the pool as Tom started speaking, "First game you have to swim a whole length of the pool and then when you reach the end of the pool, you jump out and dress your bitch in the clothes in the box on the far wall. Do you understand."

Froy pulled off his top and flipped his trainers off now just in shorts he looked at me, "Strip or else we have no chance." I quickly stripped and jumped in the pool I looked back at Froy as he jumped in.

Everyone was set and here we was stood four a breast when Tom called, "Go."

Justin now naked and KJ was much swifter in the water and was a good distance in front of us. They reached the first box and opened it, "Fuck." I heard Justin cry out.

By that time and he took a few steps backwards.

"Don't be scared you girl." Tom called out almost giggling.

As I got out I opened my box and realised the sizable butt plug which must have been 6 inches long. I grabbed it handing it to Froy. "Do it quick and rough." I planted a kiss on him before he rammed it in. My tears ran out as I was in pain. While my eyes was watering Froy grabbed something out the box and ran a solid ball gag around the back of my head before placing the ball into my mouth.

"Aghhhhhhhhh" I heard Just scream immediately knowing what was happening to him.

The gag was secured and Froy picked up a bag and opened it and removed ten pegs. As he opened them up I looked over towards Justin who was having the pegs placed onto his balls and nipples.

Froy slapped me, "Pay attention we are winning this." He roughly attached them very swiftly he did not care about the hurt but he was desperate to win.

Tom smiled, "Oh rough the bitch up."

Froy grabbed the last of the items and pulled out a dog collar and swiftly changed it to fit and slipped it around my neck. As he clicked it in he called out, "Finished."

I looked over at Justin and smiled as KJ was putting on the gag.

Froy smiled and then he whispered in my ear, "Good boy. I'd kiss you but your mouth is a bit busy."

Tom waited patiently for everything to be completed before calling out, "Challenge two you will use the belt on any part of the slaves until they jump in the water."

Froy smiled whispered in my ear, "I'll go easy on you. Don't quit tho."

I nodded to him as Tom spoke, "Oh you won't be belting your own bitch."

I looked over at KJ as he rubbed his hands together. He picked up a belt and I felt like crying. Froy noticed the look of fear, "Don't get to damaged we can take a loss here."

"Bitches step forward to the edge of the pool." Tom demanded. "On the count of three you will take aim on the opposing bitch and hit them, I will then count down again and you must do the same." He paused. "Three, Two, One..." With that a thundereous shot landed straight on my nipple and flung one of the pegs off. Justin was slashed around the ass aimed directly at the plug in his ass. We both stood firm. The second attacked the other peg on the other nipple while Froy hit the plug again. The third one Froy continued to aim at the ass but KJ smashed me in the balls not on purpose I fell into the water in complete agony. KJ grabbed the front of his wet shorts and rubbed his cock.

"Get out the water the third challenge is a work out challenge. You must do fifty sit ups the first one to two hundred and fifty wins."

I looked at Justin and knew I was going to take another loss. I sat on the side of the pool next to Justin before Tom counted us in. The first fifty was easy and thars when the plug started to viciously vibrate throwing me and Justin off his game. I grimmaced as I fought through the pain my cock now rock hard as was Justins the vibrating continued. My cock began oozing pre-cum as I moaned. Froy spay on me and screamed, "Concentrate you stupid whore." It was just what I needed as I got my head back in the game as Justin was moaning uncontrollable. He had stopped exercising and his cock was jumping. The beating that his ass had taken by the belt had really helped our cause.

Suddenly I was finished and Tom smiled at Froy, "So you are 2-1 up one more win for the game. Let's have a break take the gags off your bitches so they can talk and take in some liquads."

Froy, KJ and Tom went off and out of the room as I looked at Justin, "Thought you would thrash me on exercise."

Justin looked at the floor and rubbed his ass, "I would have done but the beating my ass took really hurt when the vibrations started. Damn that hurt."

"You should have gone in the water yourself then."

"I didn't think about it if I am honest."

"So you didn't think about bailing. I didn't mean to but I am really glad I did."

"So you, you know gay. I know we still are been affected by whatever they was doing to us but you know are you like gonna be gay?"

"No I will go back to Selena, I wouldn't say no to playing in the future maybe. I mean it is quiet a pleasure."

"I know what you mean."

"Are you, you and Froy seem to be pretty kissy."

"I don't know what comes over me."

"Can you remember the ship and everything?"

"It's fading if I am honest, I suspect that it will be forgotten when the drugs wear off." I replied.

With that Tom walked in the room and called, "Now biatches, get in the water." Me and Justin complied. "Now you must wrestle the first to take all of the pegs and remove the butt plug out of the opponent will win the point. Gladiators fight."

With that Just splashed water in my eyes as I struggled to see he swam straight under and puched the line of five pegs on my balls and they all flew off into the water. I froze in agony my eyes welling up. He removed the final pegs and all I was left with was the butt plug. I tried to grab Justin but he slipped away and grabbed my plug pulling it out. I had been utterly humilated.

Froy looked down at me before uttering, "You really are a lover not a fighter. 2-2 next point wins."

I have decided to split this chapter into two parts this is the first part of the last chapter. I hope you have enjoyed it.

Thank you for looking this up, I hope you enjoy it if you have any feedback please feel free to contact me at

Next: Chapter 6

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