The Master Trials

By Duncan Jules

Published on Feb 4, 2018


Thank you for looking this up, I hope you enjoy it if you have any feedback please feel free to contact me at

I would also like to apologise for the delay I could not figure out the direction of the story so took some time to write it.

Chapter 3/5 The Master Trials: The Gauntlet

Day 3 -- 10:30

Over the loud tannoy a voice bellowed all people to the mess hall, unlock your prisoners and everyone to the mess hall." With that the handcuffs pinged open and the door slid open as I swiftly stepped out a torrent of piss came from the hole above the cubical. I looked on at it as I began to breathe a little more easy. I sniffed up and there was a new scent in the air and far from been horny my cock seemed to shrivel into my body. Unlike the previous scent I remembered been used that made me crave sex this was so very different been naked I felt exposed but there was at least more of us and we all seemed to be trying to cover our shrinking cocks up.

I shuffled along up the steps and out towards the mess hall where nearly everyone had joint up. A strange hologram appeared in front of us and spoke, "We are past half way in your first week, now starts the trials. The criminals take the point for this challenge. You may now dress in one item of clothing of your choice. But the criminals may choose two items as a reward for winning the task. The wardrobe is now open." As the hologram disappeared the noise of a wall moving could be heard as everyone looked around confused I quickly made my escape to the main walkway where a new opening had appeared.

I got there within the first ten and looked around there was t-shirts, robes, trousers, trainers and shorts. I swiftly grabbed a pair of black shorts and placed them on in a hurry. Moving out the room to make way for others I watched as more and more people crowded into what felt like a lot of space just moments ago.

The dispensers continued with this strange scent and everyone was extremely chilled and civil to each other there was no kind of pecking order. Dinner was easy and quiet so was tea but thats when the games really started.

Challenge One: The Gauntlet

We got called into the mess hall and the same hologram as earlier appeared, "Your first challenge awaits, the individual whom racks up the fastest time can choose any of the bottom five to remove one item of clothing from till the end of the trials or to have this person act as a sex slave for one hour in the theatre with everyone watching." It paused and everyone looked around the scent in the air disappeared and Justin looked directly over at me as he mouthed something. Not been great at lip reading I knew it wasn't nice from the body language but I did not have a clue what he was saying.

It was then I smelt a third scent in the air and the mood of everyone became far more combatant maybe this was the reason for Justins little outburst but before I could question that I heard KJ behind me as he smiled and grabbed my ass. "Keep quiet or else if your in the bottom five your gonna get wrecked."

I turned to look at him and couldn't help but notice he was just in a pair of tight shorts where an obvious bulge was visible, "Maybe we could help each other." I bit my lip, "Everyone knows you want Cole more then me so why don't we make sure he ends in bottom five."

I started to feel more and more competitive as he replied, "You get him into bottom five I'll leave you alone but you fail I will get payback."

As a portion of the wall opened we all followed it in and to the left was a stand and to the right was a horse shoe shaped see through tube. As we all took a seat 10 other guys walked in they was the size of the hulk and of various colours from white to black. The last one to walk in was the most fearsome he was black 7 foot tall and built like he was made of muscle. His shorts did very little to cover up the fact he must have been seven inches soft down in the cock section.

A hologram appeared, "You may enter the gauntlet dressed as you are or naked. These are the only clothes you shall have until the end of the first set of trials. Up first is..." I looked around and then back at the gladiators. "Tom Holland." the hologram continued.

Tom stood up and gulped as he walked down the stand and to the starting place. He was wearing a pair of tight lycra trousers he looked confident as the massive gladiators went throught and took there place as the timer started he sprinted to the first and as the gladiator went to grab him he flipped over his arm, he easily slid under the seconds leg, over the thirds head and slipped through the forth and fifths grip with relative ease. The sixth and seventh was quickly removed by some more spectacular flips and the eight and ninth was mugged by a faint left and a dart to the right. The tenth was slow and Tom dispatched him with ease to post a time of 44 seconds.

Cole was next and he slipped through much thanks to him deciding to shed his black jeans. The guys just couldn't get a grip of him but he was over a minute slower at 1:56. KJ Apa was next and in his tight shorts he also slipped there grip other then one the final one who he just commited a sly shot to the testicals and watched the guy drop to the floor. He finished in 1:03 and by this time the guys in the tube was looking furious.

Due to the low blow and in the delay they all swapped positions and the biggest badest was now first. But unfortunatly that was when I was called to step forward. I looked the first guy in the eyes now stood on his level I was confident I was faster then him so as I took my first step into tube I fainted left it was then I felt a clubbing blow to my face as I dropped to the floor and he picked me up by grabbing my shorts partially ripping the back of my shorts along my ass crack before throwing me out as my face smashed into the ground.

The next thing I knew there was someone sat by me while I lay in a bed. I groggily looked around and to the side of me was KJ Apa. "What do you want?" I said my head pounding.

"I may not have won but you failed, you said you would put him off. You didn't even try. That can wait till you take your medicine. Drink this it apparently heels all wounds." He extended a cup to me which I took and gave it a small smell. It had a slight smell of the scent they used to drive us all into sexual overdrive.

A hologram appeared in front of us, "Drink that it will remove all ill affects, this is from the planet Andromic but..." I downed it in one as the hologram continued, "It will drive you into a sexual frenzy."

Within seconds my headache was gone, the hologram began to fade and I felt amazing. I jumped to my feet and looked at KJ Apa I grabbed him and kissed him passionatly as I bit onto his neck, "Daddy fuck me hard." I begged into his ear. I kissed his body taking extra attention on his pecs and nipples my hands all over him. I dropped to my knees and kissed his belly button before fishing out his cock. I had never been great at deep throating but all of a sudden here I was on my knees in front of KJ Apa taking all of his cock with just the slightest gag reflex. I run my hands over his body before moving my hands onto his firm bum. I slowly pushed his ass towards my face which put more and more cock down my throat. Hungrily I looked up at his eyes which was closed he sigh as he then moved his head back as I continued to suck him off taking more cock then I ever had before.

I stopped for a brief second and my head was a daze, my mind in sexual overdrive. I suddenly then took more cock down my throat his balls slapping my chin as I did not have any ability to say no as I took every inch. I moved my head backwards and forwards. I moved my neck to the side so I could get a proper look at his body before I stopped and climbed to my feet as I pushed KJ against the wall. Kissing him like my life depended on it I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him to the bed throwing him on the bed and ripping off clothes and everything on the bed to the floor. I looked down at KJ as he lay on his back I climbed up onto the bed my feet either side of his waist as I lowered my arse onto the big cock under me. It slid in his cock moving slowly into me I looked into his eyes my eyes full of lust. As I felt his balls knocking on my ass I lifted myself back up and back down at a steady speed.

After lifting up and down I winked at KJ before I stood up off him completely for the first time and placed my knees either side of his waist and lent in kissing him passionately as he moved his waist up and his cock head was at the entrance to my ass. He pushed himself in as I moaned in pure lust. KJ gave a cheeky smile before he drove his cock in and then let bum touch the bed and slipped his cock completely out of my ass before he thrust in and then as I moaned he slipped out and back in everytime he would drive in I would feel him hit the perfect spot my cock was rock hard I lent him slipping my tongue in his mouth. I moved towards his ear and whispered, "Fuck the cum out of me."

KJ spoke in his New Zealand accent panted, "I will you whore." I just smiled back as I let him pound me as hard as he liked. I began to move my ass onto his thrusts and his cock. Each thrust I groaned and as he pushed deep in my ass he started saying with every thrust, "Cum... With... Me... Show... Me... Your... Load... You... Whore... Cum... Now!"

With that as he said now I felt my cock explode covering his abs. I felt his cum flooding my guts. KJ just drove in again and again as he continued to flood my ass. Another six thrusts and his cock was empty. He lay there and I looked at him and he looked at me. The sweat dripping from him I could only smile still full of lust. Looking down at his abs I moved off his cock and I moved down kissed his neck then down towards his abs and my cum. I licked my lips and licked up the cum as I felt the cum sliding out my ass. I moved up after taking the cum in my mouth and left my mouth above his and opened mine. The cum trickled out of my mouth and into his. This lasted for a few moments before I felt KJ feel towards my arse and stick his fingers in my hole.

He fished out some of his cum and then placed his finger covered in his cum that was still dripping from my arse and fed it to me. I licked it up hungrily before he did it two more times and then he placed his hands behind his head and smugly laughed before saying, "Slut." He remained there I looked into his eyes before I placed my hand on his now soft cock.

Suddenly a loud claxon went the hologram appeared, "Get back to the public arena. You have thirty seconds." With that KJ pushed me off and jumped to his feet grabbed his tight shorts and ran out the room as I followed immediately.

As I got back in the main room I looked around not at any of there faces but there cocks and bulges. There was several with ripped clothes but my hard cock in the middle of everyone. My sex drive in overdrive even the cruel monster cocks out there I just wanted to pounded by.

Thank you all for reading I hope you enjoyed the chapter if you have any ideas or people you would like to read about please feel free to contact me.

I have a few other story ideas that I hope you enjoy in the future.

Next: Chapter 4

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