The Master Trials

By Duncan Jules

Published on Jan 20, 2018


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The Master Trials: The Enemy Within

The Dream

I had never been one to have strange dreams but as I slipped into a deep sleep onboard after the Justin Bieber incident where he had bred me I had the same dream.

There I was walking into a large warehouse with chains all over the dark and dingy walls my hands handcuffed behind my back, wearing a dog collar and no other clothes.

Day 3 -- 9:00

As I woke and headed for breakfast and recall I had been hiding from everyone and had barely seen anyone after what I had helped happen to Justin. I knew that if I bred Justins abuser then I would be able to repay him for protecting me that would not be easy as I walked in the mess hall I could see the criminals table where two of them wore boxers and had multiple dog tags around there neck. The ones who remained in control of there own fate was Bryan who had Justin and a host of others on leashes like dogs including Tatum how the tide had turned. Justin looked up at me with very little hint of any kind of willingness to argue with his captor. The other criminal was Neil he was a chubby guy and having sex with him must have been torture.

I looked over at the celebrities who still had Tom Holland, TJP and KJ Apa who had not really seen in the first few days he definatly flew under the radar they had no one surrounding them as there slaves at the table and then there was me alone on the normal. I looked over to Tom who locked eyes with me with pure hatred when aimed at me but when he looked over at the criminals table fear filled his eyes. KJ just looked happy to be eating and with food and TJP looked content as he chatted away.

After I finished and left the mess hall I looked around just before placing my foot out the door and then four slaves stood in front of me. A skinny lad spoke to me softly and quietly, "In a hour we will be ambushing Tom Holland and bringing him here where he will be made wait naked but Bryan will be showering alone at the time cause he thinks you will all be to scared of him. You have to breed him." He paused, "Please free us. Remember he has bred his three so he cannot claim you only Neil has one spot left and the celebrities have the ability to breed aswell. So you have nothing to fear."

I looked at them and then at Neil and Bryan, "Ok, I will I owe Justin."

A few moments passed as they walked in and walked to the criminal table and got on there knees. The plan was on and I was going to free Justin all he did was try and protect me.

I looked at the score as I lay in wait:

Celebs 41 ~ Norms -91 ~ Criminals 153

Day 3 -- 10:00

As I walked into the shower room I decided to lay in wait when I saw KJ talking to Tom as Tom was grabbed and marched off into the mess hall. The crowds followed in and true to the plan I saw Bryan talking to Neil and walking slowly towards me when KJ came in and spoke softly, "I'm here to help you." He looked around and then he added, "For this to work I had to sell out Tom but if everything goes right we can free him as soon as one of us breed this monster." I nodded to him as I waited and Bryan stopped just before the door. He paused and he looked in and noticed KJ Apa. "What you doing in there boy, I told you to watch your friend get his virginity stolen."

Bryan stepped in and I kicked the back of his leg, he stumbled and I kicked it again before he turned and looked at me. He grabbed me so I kicked him hard square in the balls. He dropped to his knees so I grabbed him by the very little hair he had, "These are all mine." I suddenly noticed from the side of me a fist flying square into my jaw.

I hit the deck and I looked up at KJ who moved so he was stood over me. "You know what allies keep you safe in here." He stroked his cock. "You know I made a deal with these guys and sold out Justin, Tatum, Cole Sprouse now Tom and my reward is you." As he placed his foot on my face I tried to turn away before I went to speak but he put his toes in my mouth. "Your gonna love this."In the other room I could hear grunting and cheering that was when KJ stopped with his foot and bent over to grab my boxers and ripped them as he tried picking me up by them. "You won't be needing them anyway." I turned over onto my stomach and began to start crawling away but KJ just grabbed my waist and slowly put his dry cock deep in my ass, I began to moan in pleasure. As much as I didn't want to submit to someone for the rest of the week there was definatly not anything more pleasurable on this ship then been taken I don't know what was in the air but I loved the feeling of it and the grunts and groans from the mess hall would insinuate that Tom was enjoying what was going on. As he thrust in slowly and rhythematically I started to move back on his cock until I saw Bryan beginning to stand up. Remembering what I was in for the rest of the week I tired with every fibre of my being to crawl away but for some reason my body was just moving forwards and backwards onto his cock. I closed my eyes and moaned I tried again to break the spell but I couldn't. Every inch of his 8 inch cock was in me. My ass slapped by his balls, his controlled fuck made me moan in pure pleasure as I noticed Bryan fish out his cock as I looked up and then it happened I noticed as KJ thrust in again I opened my eyes and the yellow stream landed in my hair and on my face. KJ spoke in pure pleasure, "Open that mouth and drink it."

I refused as it covered my face and dripped out my hair. "If you don't every man in here will use you as a urinal." As he pulled out he spanked me before moving back in, "Your only making this harder on yourself." Now everytime he pulled out he spanked me each one harder then the last. "Open up." It was then the stream stopped and KJ smiled, "To late now after I breed you you thought that Ronnie was fucked up." As Bryan put his cock back he left the room and I finally decided I had to fight this. I pulled off his cock and started to crawl.

Everytime I was out the reach of his cock he pulled me back so my ass was viciously spiked on his cock. The third time it happened he smashed my prostate into a million pieces as my cock exploded and I cum. I slumped over exausted as my ass clamped down on KJ's cock and I felt his cum flood me. He pushed me onto the floor and rolled me onto my back he took off the dog tags and placed them around his neck and removed the tatters that was my boxers. "If you refuse an order now you get terminated so lets start your training should we." With that he went to the door and took a ring gag from someone and placed it on me. He then knelt above my head and placed his cock at my now stuck open mouth. "Drink up."

I couldn't help it he pissed right in my mouth I had to swallow the bitter taste only watered down by my tears rolling down my face into my open mouth. After the long contineous stream of piss before KJ stopped and spoke firmly, "I cannot have you tipping off TJP so your going in the hold for a few hours." He grabbed my hair and dragged me off the floor I scrambled to my feet and then I was led to the end of the room where there was a door I had not noticed before he opened the door and led me down the steps to a glass cubical with handcuffs attached to a pull up bar and underneath was a seat that had a lever to lower and make it higher. I sat on the seat as he directed and then he attached my left hand and then right to the cuffs before saying in a dominant tone, "Stand up." complying he attached a twelve inch dildo to the seat he then continued, "Sit on that cock. It never leaves your ass if it does you will receive an electric shock. When your fully sat on it, you will feel it thrusting in and out."

I was so glad I could stand and as he locked the door he pressed a button on the other wall and the floor began to lower. I pulled myself up on the bar and held myself there I slowly lowered myself hoping to reach the floor but I wouldn't that realisation dawned on me when I felt the plastic cock vibrate and start thrusting in me. He pressed another button and I could hear clinking above my head and then that stopped. Then he pressed another button on another panel and two other glass cubicals became visible and there in the same position was Cole Sprouse and an empty booth. Then the lights went out and I was disturbed three minutes later when I heard the door open and Justin was then placed in the final booth. I was now struggling to hold myself up when the lights came on in the booths so that we could see each other properly it was then I realised that Cole was soaked and it was that moment that I saw Justin suddenly get drenched from above. I looked up and I realised that this was far worst then I first thought.

The Cole Sprouce Story as told in his words.

So it was day one and we had just been told about the rules I had made a note of all the celebrities in the wing: Justin Beiber, TJP, KJ Apa, Tom Holland, Chanum Tatum, Grant Gustin, Shia LeBeouf, Casey Cott, Dean-Charles Chapman and Sean Grandillo. I knew that I had to have allies and it really helped two of my friends was here KJ and Casey. We had worked together for a few years now and it was really important to watch out for them to make sure nothing would happen that was why when Casey headed to the shower on the first day I went with him. I watched him as he showered he seemed to pay extra special attention to his arse and I would be lying if I said I had never thought about bending him over in the past but I couldn't help but think now was not the time. KJ scurried into the bathroom. He was breathless as he panted, "They are coming. We need to get out of here now." He grabbed my arm before I could even speak and whisked me away. As he hid me and him behind the door he whispered in my ear, "Do you trust me?"

I looked into his eyes before I whispered back putting my hand on his chest, "Of course I do." I moved my hand down his chest before removing my hand.

"We should go down here and stay out of the way for a bit." He placed his hand on my arm and pulled me down the corridor. The corridor come small room we had gone into had a corner where we slowly headed for.

"Could you imagine been someones bitch." I said stood just cm's away from each other. I looked into his eyes I felt myself drawing closer to him. I placed my lips onto his I did not know why. I placed my hand on his cheek as he moved me towards the wall.

"I'm here to keep you safe you know that." KJ said softly grabbing me roughly and shoving me against the wall it was then he placed his hand onto my cheek before pulling it back and punching me square in the jaw. My eyes blacked out and I crumpled to the floor.

When I finally woke there I was locked in a pair of handcuffs attached the wall sat in the floor. My hands was above my head and the cold hard floor. I sat there for what felt like days when I don't know what time it was when KJ returned he looked down and smiled at me before he knelt on the floor in front of me. He grabbed my legs without speaking and stretched them out in front of me before pulling off my boxers. He looked down at me before he slid his own boxers off and looked down and smiled at me.

"What are you doing?" I said worried as he began to stroke his cock.

"I am about to free you Cole." He looked at me he flashed a real menacing smile. He placed my legs over his shoulders his cock was at the entrance of my hole."You know what, I have wanted this ass for a very long time." He slowly inserted his cock as he looked down and smiled.

"Please don't do this." I begged.

"You know what I am going to do." He then continued pushing his cock in me his balls moved against my ass.

"Please stop. I'm not gay." I screamed as I struggled against the cuffs. "Please."

"Oh Cole, struggle some more." He bit his lip as he pulled out and then slowly back in, "Struggling just tightens that ass."

"Fuck you." I screamed back.

"Oh I'm fucking you I am pretty sure." I looked at him as he said this his eyes now closed. He moaned as he slowly pushed in and out. "You want it really your hands was all over my body earlier."

I remembered back closing my eyes and remembering how sweet it had been. It was at that moment that I felt his cock pulsing in my arse. As the cum settled in me KJ didn't say a word he just looked down at me and smiled.

As I looked up at him the cum now deep in me I felt different like I was his. In my head I wanted to beg for another load but I didn't know why.

Next: Chapter 3

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