The Master Trials

By Duncan Jules

Published on Jan 13, 2018


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The Master Trials: Bieber

Here we was for the enjoyment of all those in the Universe stuck on an alien spaceship where each and every move you did was filmed. There was three teams in this unreal experiement come television show. The celebrities, the human public and the criminals. We was spread over four wings and the forth wing was the trials wing where we all competed in battles for points. But lets not get ahead of ourselves let me explain the rules of the game.

Normals: Barry(POV), 5'8, slim,brown hair, brown eyes.

Points: 100 Points for winning the weekly challenge 50 Points for winning in the trials 10 Points for spitroasting someone 5 Points for fucking someone 3 Points if they cum while your fucking them without touching 2 Points for getting head 1 Point if you get fucked or give head -10 Points if you cum while been fucked

Day 1 - 9:00

As the morning rose as I looked down on earth in the spaceship which seemed unreal we was all taken in the night and explained the rules that at 9:00 hours GMT we would have to all appear in the hall in our uniforms which was just boxers, where we would be told what the weekly challenge would be and to get to know each other.

As I walked as part of the normal everyday people non-celebrities I looked around and noticed some of the celebrity team Justin Bieber took my attention first as he re-adjusted his cock in his tight boxers. I couldn't help but stare it looked massive I looked away quickly as he looked at me and then out the corner of my eye I saw him smirk. Damn I had been caught staring at him. With that a voice started to speak, "This week we will find who is the most dominant tribe, during the week if you get bred you become that persons property. You must do as they say and hand them the dog tags you will collect from your bedrooms. After you have lost your tags you will also not be permitted to wear your boxers anyone found to not comply will be eliminated. Does anyone not want to comply?"

With that one of the criminals stepped forward and shouted, "I'm no queer." Suddenly his body began to shake and he fell to the floor.

"Would anyone else not want to comply?"

One of the other criminals stepped forward and placed his hand on the guys neck to check for a pulse and spoke in horror, "He's dead."

With that everyone looked around at each other and decided to follow the rules. As the voice said, "Let the games commence in Earths Master Trials go and collect your dog tags."

Day 1 -- 10:00

It took me an hour to get the dog tags on and back into the main room where there was multiple entertainment systems, games and a large scoreboard that already read:

Celebs 13 ~ Normals -9 ~ Criminals 0

As I walked around the hall I noted a large room just off the main room which had a very open shower, toilet and a swimming pool. The sound of the cameras following you all the time was harrowing and a grave lack of privacy. It was then I noticed one of the normals sat on the floor naked his head in his hands. As I walked upto him and placed my hand on his shoulder, "Are you ok?"

With that I heard foot steps behind me as a voice I had heard in many movies I immediately knew it was Channing Tatum as he said cockily, "Oh he's mine now."

"Already!" I said as I looked him up and down and felt my cock getting hard.

Tatum smiled, "Looks like your next." He looked over at the 20 sum year old on the floor, "Show my future bitch your ass so he can see what hes got coming." With that the guy who had tears in his eyes stood and I saw marks from a whip all over the back of his legs and arse.

"Fuck." I said backing off and quickly scampering away as I made my way into another room that had tables with handcuffs and ropes attached to each leg. I looked around the walls and there was handcuffs on them aswell. "What the hell." I said as I felt a hand on my arse.

"I saw you looking at me earlier." Justin whispered in my ear I didn't even need to turn round my hard cock now tenting. "Tell me you want my hard cock in you."

"I'm sorry for looking." I said as I tried to move as I felt his hard cock near my ass. I swiftly wriggled free and ran to my room which was more like a cell without a door.

Day 1 -- 13:00

As a bell rang and demanded we all go into the mess room which is where Justin had approached me earlier I went and noticed in the middle of the room was a grand feast as I got there first I looked around and at each table was suitable for around four people to sit and as people filed in I noted Tatum was one of the first with one norm and one criminal naked following him there hands in handcuffs. Both with severe lashings on there back and ass. As they sat to eat he stared at them and said something as they got onto there elbows and knees and started eating like a dog. With that I heard Shia LeBeaof say, "I cannot believe that he pushed me off before I bred the bitches throat cause having a slut looks hot." I looked over and he was talking to Justin Bieber my cock jumped slightly as I ate and I kept looking down at the floor as there was a binging sound and the scoreboard changed:

Celebs 25 ~ Norms -7 ~ Criminals 6

With that a loud cheer came in from three criminals walking in the room with one of them holding dog tags and boxers.

Day 1 -- 19:00

Avoiding people had never been something I tried to do but here it was so important by tea time tho it would be testing my resolve and keeping my tags as I was walking to the mess hall Bieber, Tom Holland and TJP all looking around at everyone walking into the mess hall my cock came to fully hard as I looked at there bodies and I moved swiftly to grab my food and sit down to hide my throbbing erection the pre-cum seeping out it seemed everyone in the room was suffering the same issue. A strange smell was in the air and I figured that must be the reason as every second I was in the room my lust was growing. I looked at the scores:

Celebs 36 ~ Norms -3 ~ Criminals 7

Trying to distract myself I counted the amount of each team still in boxers it seemed that Celebs still had 9 where as the normals had 8 and criminals 7. But one of the normals who looked like a thug had Shia on the seat next to him feeding him. It was then I was surrounded by the three who I had seen outside, "Look just bend over for me, I wont cum in you I just need release." Justin said. "You get my cock and your not my bitch. I just fuck." He said as I looked at his dick that was directly in my line of sight before I shook my head but this took all the will power in the world as I was also extremely horny and very very close to begging for release.

Day 1 -- 20:00

As I prepared for a shower my hard on still rock hard the precum now making the boxers see through. When a loud voice came over the whole facility, "Wanking oneself means termination." With that I heard gasps as I ran where it was from and a normal lay on the floor in the shower.

As I went under the shower near the corpse of a fallen brother I had placed my boxers on the side and this left my ass very open I felt some breathing on my neck as someone placed there hand on my cock and began to start wanking me off, "Oh fuck yes." I moaned softly feeling the urge to cum. Then I felt a cock move in to my arse pushing past the wall breaching my ass. I then felt like I had been slammed into the wall. Panic ran through me as I screamed for help his cock driving in I could tell he was close within a few thrusts I felt the very tell tale signs he was about to breed me when I felt someone grab him and pull him off of me I turned to see Justin there directing two lads to hold the guy who was from the criminal team get pushed against the wall under the direction of Justin and as I looked at Justin I noticed he had three dog tags around his neck and the two lads was following his direction completely.

Justin smiled, "As you are only allowed three slaves I'll let you breed him and have him but you owe me."

I looked at Justin, "No thanks. I don't accept other peoples scraps."

With that he stepped forward and stood face to face with me he placed his hand on his cock, "You need all the allies you can get." He looked me up and down as he stood under the water still in his boxers, "I am a very understanding guy, I look after people and don't just take an ass so when you want to be mine then you know where I am." He kissed my neck as he I nearly orgasmed there and then, "You don't want to be some scums slave who gets you to eat off the floor do you." He ran his hands down me as my breathing became quicker, "You better get out Tatum is coming and he's still got one spot left and I am sure he mentioned you."

I scurried out the shower grabbed my boxers still dripping wet I put them on and ran to my room.

Day 2 -- 8:20

I was up early for breakfast and when I got in there the air smelt normal and I looked around. Justin was sat there with the scores:

Celebs 82 ~ Norms -35 ~ Criminals 99

the six remaining criminals was all sat round a couple of tables sharing a joke as an exausted team mate of mine was on the floor his ass looked like a clowns pocket. They had really done a number on his ass. That must have been the screaming I heard all last night. The normal team was down to three while the celebs still had only lost Shia.

A voice over the tannoy sounded, "You may have noticed the criminals have racked up quiet the score poor Ronnie gave them all a good service. Every fuck counts give the clients what they want."

I looked over at him and tried to figure how many times he had been fucked but it was to many to think about I looked over at TJP, Tom and Justin as they walked in and then back at Ronnie. The dawning that to avoid that fate I may have to surrender to the best option and not the criminals or Tatum.

Day 2 -- 8:50

I stood under the shower having a nice shower when I heard voices coming in as I turned and noticed Justin walking in. I walked upto him naked as I was and spoke quietly, "Please breed me I was wrong not to take you up on the offer."

"You saw what happened to Reggie I guess." He replied.

"Yes please fuck me." I dropped to my knees and looked at him in pure desperation.

"But, I have to tell..." I stopped him kissing him I pushed him against the wall I grabbed his hard cock under his boxers and began to stroke his cock.

"Later." I said breaking from the kiss totally lost in lust my hard cock throbbing. I pulled his boxers down and wrapped my legs around him I ran my hand down his chest in pure lust. "Hard and fast."

"But..." I stopped him by kissing him. I was a man on a mission I kissed his neck as his hard cock was between our naked bodies as he kicked off his boxers. As I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist he then in that moment thrust his cock balls deep in me I cried out in ecstacy I was on cloud nine. I looked over at the door and a man built like a brick shit house was stood there looking in licking his lips. Justin couldn't see as I was pushed back against the wall. His cock went deep in me his balls slapping my ass my cock rubbing between our bodies. I felt my cock begin to pulse as I cum between our bodies the movement between us rubbing it in. I kissed him on his neck as he started to moan. "Your so tight I'm gonna cum." He said as he kissed me passionately on the lips. I felt his cock pulse in me before he began to put me on the floor exausted from the quick rough fuck he lent in and kissed me as I run my hand through his dog tags feeling his body.

I looked deep in his eyes and kissed him before looking down at his tags as I heard the bing I looked up and the celebrities had gained 8 points and we had lost 9.

Then I whispered in his ear as the men walked towards us I counted the tags around his neck, "You have four tags that means you can't."

"I tried to tell you, I'm so sorry you will have to get." With that the guy who had been watching grabbed him and his friend came in with the rest of the criminals and Ronnie in tow.

The guy rammed his hard cock deep inside Justin as tears filled his eyes. His once virgin ass was destroyed in one rough driving motion of a monstereous cock. "Your gonna be part of my collection Mr. Bieber or should I say slave." Justin fought but that only encouraged others to grab him and hold him I was grabbed by two of the criminals and was horrified as another walked in front and as Justin was about to scream for help a giant criminal cock was shoved down his throat each of the guys moved in and out of him. Justins muscles going limp as he was destroyed from both hands as the others let go of him he had lost all this fight as he accepted his fate, both cocks slid in and out I was left to look on as the muscle god of a criminal moaned and his seed filled Justins ass. I looked on knowing it was all my fault. Seconds later they let him go grabbing his boxers and all the tags around his neck. Before throwing my boxers at me, the muscle god smiled at me, "We only interested in celebrities, I'm Bryan by the way thanks for the assist." Ronnie passed a ball gag to Bryan who then attached it locking it in place with a padlock on Justin.

I sat against the wall looking on at a sobbing Justin as the score changed yet again.

Minutes must have passed when TJP and Tom came in with Tom shouting, "We just saw your three bitches been carted off by the..." He looked down at the defeated Justin, "What happened? You let them?" He looked at the gag in the mouth of his fallen friend and then at me, "You helped them! You saw what they did to Ronnie. Get out of my sight. Never expect us to protect you!"

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed it if you have any feedback please feel free to contact me at If you have any celebrities you would like to be included please contact me and let me know.

Next: Chapter 2

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