The Master of His Own Business

Published on Nov 4, 2022


The Master of His Own Business: The Merchandise

The Master of his own business

NOTE: This story is fiction about consensual sex, bondage, humiliation, and BDSM between age (18+) adult males. If it is illegal to read such material in your jurisdiction, or if you are under the legal age to do so, please exit this site immediately.

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By Cary Harvey Church



Character list:

Name: Benjamin Campbell

Job Title: slave

Age: 24 years old

Height: 6`1”

Build: Slim/Skinny

Name: Nathan Moore

Job Title: Security Manager

Age: 31 years old

Height: 6`4”

Build: Muscular

Name: Edward Kowalski

Job Title: Head of Security and Personal Bodyguard

Age: 60 years old

Height: 6`2”

Build: Muscular

All characters are fictitious, and the photos are from creative commons stock photos and have been adjusted to fit the story.

Chapter 6 - The merchandise

“Against the wall!” Nathan orders Ben in the small cell.

Ben shuffles to the far wall and stands facing Nathan with his head bowed.

“Hands up” Nathan orders as he walks up to Ben.

Ben lifts his heavy shackled hands up for Nathan. Nathan unlocks the chains from Ben’s wrist shackles. He then kneels down.

“Right!” he barks.

Ben lifts his right foot. Nathan grabs it and unlocks the chain.

“Left!” Nathan orders as he lets go of Ben’s right shackled leg.

Ben lifts that and Nathan unlocks that too. He gets up and walks out of the cell with the chains. Ben can hear the chains being hung up and Nathan soon returns.

“Let’s get you comfortable,” Nathan says as he plays catch with a metal device in his hands. “Hands-on your head” as he kneels and grabs Ben’s cock and balls in his big hand.

He pushes Ben’s balls and then shoves his cock through a metal ring. It feels so tight to Ben. It’s squeezing his balls and cock. Nathan then spits into the metal shaft and slides it over Ben’s cock and pushes up to the metal ring. Nathan then slides the locking pin in place and locks the chastity device onto Ben. Ben can feel the pressure of the device against his cock and balls. It turns him on. He can feel his cock straining in its cage.

“We need to get you all nice and frustrated now don’t we,” Nathan says as he stands up still groping Ben’s caged cock and balls.

“Sit down on the floor.” Nathan orders as he lets his grip go.

Ben slides down the wall till his bum hits the cold stone floor. His legs squatted up in his chest. Nathan kicks his right foot. It makes Ben’s leg fall flat out. Nathan kicks his left foot. Ben’s lets his leg fall flat out too. Ben’s legs stretch out either side of Nathan towering over him.

“Right hand!” Nathan orders waving his hands in an upward motion.

Ben lifts his hand up to Nathan. Nathan grabs it and holds it against the wall next to a big metal ring that is bolted into the wall. Nathan locks the shackle to the wall.

“Left!” Nathan gestures to Ben to lift his left hand.

Ben does as he is told and gets his left hand locked to the wall as well. His arms are now stretched up and apart above his head. Nathan’s crotched is directly in front of Ben’s gaze. He can make out the outline of his cock in his trousers. It looks big and thick.

Nathan looks down and sees he's been focused on his cock. “You want it, don’t you?” He asks.

Ben struggles to look up at Nathan. Nathan gives Ben a kick in the balls with his right foot. Ben drops his head forward in pain and bashes Nathan cock in the process.

“Fucking little shit!” Nathan says as he steps away, holding his crotch. “Right, you're going to get it now!” as he steps out of the cell and soon returns, holding a spider gag.

Nathan pushes the metal gag into Ben’s mouth. The metal ring goes deep into his mouth, holding his tongue down. The four metal bars come out of his mouth and wrap out of his lips and across his face. It holds his mouth open. Nathan does the buckle of the gag tight behind Ben’s head.

Nathan steps back to admire the gag. He hurls up a big bit of spit and fires it directly into the back of Ben’s throat. Ben gags on it and tries to spit it out but can’t because of the gag. He can feel Nathan spit go down his throat and into his stomach.

Nathan starts to unzip his trousers and gets his big fat cock out. He waves it around Ben’s face. Ben’s nostrils are filled with a strong, sweaty man smell. Nathan slaps his cock against Ben’s face. He rubs the head around Ben’s lips before shoving it all the way to the ring at the back of his throat. Ben gags as he feels the end of Nathan’s cock hit his tonsils, and Nathan's balls hit his chin. Ben can’t move as the big man pins his head against the wall with his weight.

Nathan shags Ben’s mouth hard and fast. He pulls at Ben’s hair and ears as he bashes Ben’s face into his crotch. Ben is struggling to breathe, but Nathan ignores him as he fucks his face.

Sweat pours from Nathan and drips on to Ben from Nathan’s face. Nathan lets out a big moan and pulls Ben’s head hard into him as Ben feels Nathan's cum shoot down the back of his throat.  Nathan holds his head tight as Nathan’s body shakes with each wave of orgasm.

Ben feels the hot cum trickling down his throat. Ben tries to breathe deep from his nose as his mouth is full of man cock and cum. Nathan stays holding his cock in there whilst he rests his head on the wall taking in deep breaths. Ben can feel Nathan’s cock getting soft in his mouth. Nathan is still holding his head tight into him.

Ben’s mouth is suddenly filled with hot fluid. He smells and tastes it instantly. Nathan is pissing right down his throat. Ben chokes and tries to shake his head free from Nathan grip, but Nathan tightens his grip and digs his nails into the sides of Ben’s head. Nathan empties his bladder into Ben.

Nathan eventually lets his grip go and pulls his cock out and put it back in his trousers. He steps out of the cell and into the corridor but stays looking at him. He takes his phone out and makes a call. Nathan is loud on the phone.

“Gaz?” Nathan says “Mate; we got one that needs to learn some respect.”

Nathan chuckles as he listens on the phone. “Yeah send as many as you like. 5 minutes. Perfect.” Nathan hangs up and puts his phone away and walks out of sight.

Ben gets his breath back as he pulls on his restraints seeing that he cannot move.

Soon Nathan returns followed by another big man that looks about the same age as Nathan.

“Yeah, Gaz. This is the one. A nice willing mouth that needs to learn some respect.” Nathan smiles at the other man.

“Great, Nathan. I needed cheering up today. I have been so busy getting the event ready. All the boys will enjoy using this one. Here I got this to blindfold him with.” Gaz pulls out a white sock that looks stained with yellow and black marks. “It’s Luke’s gym sock. You know how much he stinks. He’s been building this one up for weeks just for a willing lad like this.”

They both laugh and take a whiff of the sock and turn away in disgust.

Gaz walks up to Ben and covers his eyes with the sock and knots it behind his head. The smell is disgusting. Ben’s open gagged mouth makes the smell fill his head and stomach. It makes him feel physically sick. Ben can hear the men chuckling as they watch him react to the scent.

Ben then feels a hard cock been slide into his mouth, and he’s been face fucked again. Ben guesses this is Gaz. He fuck’s him hard and fast but not as aggressively as Nathan. Ben is soon fed a load of cum down his throat. As soon as the cock slides out of his mouth, another one comes in. Again his mouth is faced fucked. More cocks come. Ben is fed more and more cum. Some just piss in his mouth, some piss over his head and body. But soon he is back to face fucking. It goes on for hours it feels like. Some kick him in the nuts. They pull and twist at his nipples. The torture is never-ending. Ben’s head is swimming with the abuse he is receiving. He can’t see any of them. He can only feel and hear.

Eventually, it comes to an end. Ben's head collapses down onto his chest, and he passes out.

Ben is suddenly woken with cold bucket water being thrown over him. He tries to open his eyes, but he is still blindfolded and gagged.

“Wakey, Wakey!” He hears Nathan. “Time for breakfast. The boys want a repeat.”

Ben feels a man grab his hair and pull his head up before shoving a cock down his throat and filling his mouth with piss. Ben swallows it down. The man then goes from pissing to face fucking and is soon filling his mouth with cum again. As soon as that cock leaves his mouth, another one enters. They use and abuse him again. More and more cocks keep cumming and pissing. More torture. More slapping. More kicking. It goes on for a good few hours. He can hear his cell is full of men talking, joking and laughing.

Suddenly a Polish accent voice booms into the room. “Stop that right now!” all the men fall silent. “Stop damaging the merchandise! Mr Knight will be furious if you’ve damaged it. Now get the fuck back to work.”

Ben can hear all the men leave. The blindfold is removed, and Ben squints to focus and look up at the bald man. It was the man that carried him into this cell when he arrived.

Mr Kolwaski removes the gag from Ben. Ben opens and closes his mouth as he tries to get life back into his jaw. It’s been held in an open position for so long.

“Oh, look at you. You better heal quickly. Mr Knight will not be pleased.” Mr Kolwaski says as he feels around Ben’s body examining the bruises. He unlocked the wrist shackles leaving them locked to the wall. Ben rubs his sore wrist.

“Come on, up on your feet,” He says as he lifts Ben. “Nathan! Nathan” he shouts behind him.

“Yes, boss.” Nathan comes into the doorway.

“Keys,” Mr Kolwaski says as he points at the chastity device.

Nathan passes a key to Mr Kolwaski.

“Go back to the office. I will speak to you later.”

Nathan leaves with a shrug.

Mr Kolwaski unlocks and removes the chastity device and the ankle shackles. Ben is now only got the metal chain collar on.

“Come with me. We need to get you cleaned up” as Mr Kolwaski guides Ben out of the cellblock and back to the mansion.

By Cary Harvey Church


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