The Master of His Own Business

Published on Oct 28, 2022


The Master of His Own Business 5: The Manipulation

The Master of his own business

NOTE: This story is fiction about consensual sex, bondage, humiliation, and BDSM between age (18+) adult males. If it is illegal to read such material in your jurisdiction, or if you are under the legal age to do so, please exit this site immediately.

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By Cary Harvey Church



Character list:

Name: David Knight

Job Title: CEO & Master

Age: 49 years old

Height: 6`0”

Build: Athletic

Name: Benjamin Campbell

Job Title: slave

Age: 24 years old

Height: 6`1”

Build: Slim/Skinny

Name: Jack Moore

Job Title: slave

Age: 19 years old

Height: 5`11”

Build: Athletic

Name: Nathan Moore

Job Title: Security Manager

Age: 31 years old

Height: 6`4”

Build: Muscular

All characters are fictitious, and the photos are from creative commons stock photos and have been adjusted to fit the story.

Chapter 5 - The manipulation

David strides into the large room in a freshly pressed dark suit. He’s immaculately dressed. Ben is standing naked in the middle of the hall. Shoulders slumped with the heavy shackles and chains pulling his arms down. He has his head bowed, but as soon as David walks into the room, he lifts it and smiles. He is so pleased to see David. He feels a burst of energy through his body at just the sight of David.

David doesn’t acknowledge Ben at all. He just walks over to a desk at one end of the large hall. David sat down at the beautiful old ornate desk. He then looks at Ben.

“Come here” David points at a spot in front of his desk.

Ben shuffles steps with his chains dragging on the beautiful polished wood floor. It takes Ben minutes to make his ways all the ways to the spot in front of  David’s desk.

David is busy reading documents ignoring Ben struggling to get over to him.

Ben stands in the spot, waiting for David. But David ignores him for a few minutes and then looks up from his papers.

“I see you have been well looked after” he smiles at the broken boy in front of him.

Ben just keeps his head bowed and didn’t say a word. He has learnt his place.

David gets up from his desk and walks over to Ben. He looks him up and down as he circles him. He rubs his hand over the shaved public hair above his cock.

“Mmm, nice and smooth. Just how I like it. You were a fucking mess before, slave.” David says as he then grabs Ben’s balls and squeezes them hard in his palm. Making Ben wince but Ben doesn’t move or flinch to stop David. He just lets David squeeze his balls. David smiles to himself. He’s very pleased how he has completely broken Ben. David tests him further by taking each nipple in his thumb and forefinger and pinches and twists Ben’s nipples. Ben squints his eyes as he tries to ride out the pain. Ben’s cock starts to grow and get hard. David notices and twists Ben’s nipples even harder. Ben grits his teeth but his cock grows to a full hardon.

“We’ve got you nicely programmed haven’t we?” David says to himself out loud.

Ben says nothing. Just holds the position as David keeps twisting on his nipples.

David lets go of Ben’s nipples which send a burst of pain through his body. A tear falls down the side of Ben’s face, but he doesn’t move.

“I need a workout before we have breakfast,” David says as he takes his jacket off and neatly puts it on the chair. He strides over to a sideboard and opens the drawer. He pulls out a bullwhip. It’s neatly rolled up. David unravels it as he walks back towards Ben. He lets out a test swing in front of him as he walks confidently to Ben. The sound of the whip on the wood floor in the big hall makes a loud crack sound. Ben flinches a little just with the sound but does his best to hold still.

David walks right up to Ben and in his face. His face is inches away from Ben’s. He is just to the side of Ben. Ben keeps fixed ahead not looking David in the eye. David, on the other hand, has his eyes fixed on Ben’s.

“This will be a good experience for both of us,” David says as he dangles and teases Ben’s hard cock with the leather weave of the whip “This is going to bring us much closer.”

With that, David walks past Ben and behind him by 2 metres or so. He swings the whip around his head and flicks it across Ben’s arse with a crack. Ben’s bare flesh instantly welts up and a bright red line across his arse cheeks.

Ben grits his teeth with his eyes squeezed tight as the fiery pain fills his body. Ben can hear the whirl of the whip again. Crack it goes again. It is perfectly aimed 1cm above the last strike.

Ben can feel his body start to shake with the pain that is riding through his body.

Whirl and crack go the whip again—this time just below the first strike. Ben’s butt now has three bright red lines across it. The welts swell and go a dark purple colour.

Tears are now streaming down Ben’s face, but he stays standing in the spot he was ordered to.

The whip goes again and again. David gives Ben 12 strikes of the whip on his arse. His butt has 12 beautifully symmetrical red lines that get a little blurred with the purple welts as they swell.

Ben’s body is shaking with the pain as he sobs quietly with tears streaming down his face, but he doesn’t move from the spot.

David walks to the left side of Ben but keeps the two or so metres away. It is still hard. He is so sexually aroused by being whipped by David. It hurts so much, but he is so turned on.

David whirls the whip and cracks it across Ben’s hard cock. The pain is too much for Ben. He lets out a scream of pain as his shackled hands’ cradle is whipped hard cock. He is sobbing loudly now, and tears are streaming down his face.

“Stand up straight, slave.” David calmly orders as he rolls the whip back up and puts it back in the sideboard drawer.

Ben looks down at his cock. A red line is right in the middle of his still hard cock. It is precisely in the middle of his cock. David is exact with the whip. He lets go of his sore cock and stands up straight whilst tears still run down his face. He still quietly sobs in pain as David comes walking back to Ben. Right in his face again. Ben holds his eyes in front of him. He’s been focusing on the painter behind David’s desk. It is a portrait of a boy on a horse. Ben keeps looking at the face. It seems so familiar.

David is right in Ben’s face as he runs his hand down onto Ben’s sore bottom. David gentle strokes it. He is feeling the 12 lines sticking up out of Ben’s flesh. Ben starts to calm his sobbing.

David starts to stroke Ben’s cock with his other hand. It hurts, but Ben loves the feel of David’s hand stroking his sore cock. His tears stop. David licks his finger from the hand that he has been caressing Ben’s arse. He then starts rubbing that finger around Ben’s arsehole, teasing his finger around the tight hole. He pushes his finger in a bit, but Ben’s arse is tight and clenches shut.

“Mmm, my slave's virgin arse,” David whispers into Ben’s ear.

Ben can feel himself getting closer to cumming as David works his cock and teases his arse. David watches Ben’s face intently. The orgasm is building in Ben’s body. He can feel it. It’s going to be big. He’s so horny. He bites his bottom lip to try and control it. David keeps going as Ben squints his eyes, trying to control his cock, but he knows he can’t hold it for much longer. And with that, David lets go of Ben and walks away to put his suit jacket back on.

Ben was so close to exploding. David could read him entirely. He stopped just before he could orgasm. Ben realises he is panting, trying to get his breath back. He tries to calm his breathing.

“Follow me, slave.” David orders as he walks out of the nearest french patio doors back onto the garden.

Ben shuffles with his chains after David out onto the paved terrace in front of the mansion.

There is a table and two chairs set up on the terrace with breakfast all laid out. David takes a seat and goes to the inside pocket of his jacket to pull out a pair of sunglasses. The morning sun is beaming down on them. David puts the sunglasses on and takes a napkin and places it over his lap.

Ben gets to the side of the table and stands just to the side of David.

“Coffee,” David says.

Ben doesn’t know what that means. Is that David asking if he wants coffee or does he want him to pour David his coffee? He remembers his place and shuffles around the table to the french press coffee pot and pushes the plunger down. He pours the coffee into the cup beside David.

“Milk,” David said again.

Ben sees the jug of milk and pours a bit into David cup whilst looking at David for a reaction when that is enough. David tapped his finger on the table. Ben stops and puts the jug down.

“To my side,” David says, as he points to a spot to his left side just behind him.

Ben shuffles to the spot.

Ben’s cock is still hard. He finds being ordered like this so horny. It’s what he’s always craved.

David takes a croissant out of the bread basket and breaks a piece off and dunks it in his coffee. He taps it on the side of the cup before eating it. Everything is precise with David.

David eats his breakfast and gets Ben to pour him another coffee.

Ben just stays silently in the spot David wants him. His lips are so dry with dehydration, and his stomach rumbles as Ben hasn’t eaten in what feels like weeks. David can hear the rumbling from Ben's stomach. Part of the break Ben is to starve and dehydrate him. It is all about taking him to the edge and breaking him. Then the real manipulation can take hold.

David finishes his breakfast and throws the napkin over the plate to mark the end of breakfast.

“It’s time for a reward, slave,” David says as he stands in front of Ben. “Kneel.”

Ben drops to his knees on the rough stone paving slabs of the terrace. David starts to undo his trousers. Ben has never seen David’s cock. Is he going to see it? His cock gets hard again.

“Open” David orders as he pulls his cock out of his trousers.

Ben opens his mouth with his eyes fixed on David's beautiful cock. He wants to suck it so badly. Ben wants to see it hard. He wants David to pound his mouth with it. He wants to feel his mouth fill with his Masters cum.

David holds his cock away from Ben’s mouth and then starts pissing into Ben’s mouth. Ben gulps down his Masters’ piss. He is so thirsty. He tastes amazing. It is quenching his thirst. It tastes sweet like nectar. It is the best thing he’s ever drunk. He can’t get enough of it.

David smiles as he can see the effect it has on Ben. The pleasure in his eyes as he drinks his piss. The eagerness he gulps ever drops. His stream of piss comes to an end, and Ben is licking his lips to get all of it inside him. He closes his eyes as he feels the warmth of his Masters piss inside him. He is filled with a feeling that he truly belongs to his Master. He is filled with so much happiness. He’s smiling like the cat that’s got the cream.

David loves to see his control take effect so well and quickly on his new slave. He zips his trousers up and goes back to his seat. He rings a bell that has been sat on the table.

Immediately a gorgeous naked boy with just a chain collar around his neck comes out of the nearest french doors holding a large silver tray. Ben's eyes are fixed on the boy. He sees his collar is the same as his. He looks down at his chain collar to confirm and then back to the naked boy. He’s completely hairless from the neck down. He’s got a big uncut soft cock that swings side to side against his hairless thighs. His young skin gleams and shines in the morning sun. It’s like he was oiled to make his skin glow in the sun. His floppy brown hair glistens in the sun like a halo over his head. He’s got a submissive look on his face. He looks so young. Younger than him. His eyes stay looking down and never at David.

No word is said as the boy puts the tray down onto the table and puts a pile of newspapers and a tablet computer next to David. He then clears the table onto the silver tray. His eyes are continually looking downwards. Ben is transfixed on the boy. Drinking in every part of him with his eyes, from his bare feet to his soft pink lips. Ben gets a hardon looking at him. He keeps his hands to his sides, just letting his cock get hard to show his arousal at the boy in front of him.

David picks up one of the newspapers but also looks out of the corner of his eye and can see Ben’s excitement.

“Our new slave needs feeding,” David says without looking up from the paper.

“Yes, Sir.” the boy replies as he takes the tray away back through the doors, he comes out.

Ben watches his soft bubble butt bounce up and down as he walks away.

“You will never play with Jack,” David says from his newspaper. “So take that thought out of your mind now.”

Ben drops his head and stares at the stone floor in shame.

He hears the boy, Jack, coming back through the doors again. He looks up to see him again. This time he is holding a silver metal bowl. Like the ones, dogs eat out of. Jack stops at the side of the table in front of them both and waits with his head bowed. Ben bows his head too. Mimicking Jack.

David taps the table with his finger and Jack places the bowl on the floor a couple of feet away from Ben. Ben can see a white gloopy stodgy substance in the bowl. Jack stands back in the same spot he was in with his head bowed again. The bowl just sits there with flies now taking an interest in it as they buss around the bowl. David does nothing except read his paper. Jack stays standing still with his head bowed. Ben just stays kneeling with the bowl 2 feet in front of him.

David finally finishes his paper and folds it in half and places it on the table. He swings around in his chair so that he can look down at the contents of the bowl. He then looks up at Jack.

“This new slave needs help in eating,” he says with authority. “Feed him with your foot.”

Jack steps forward and pushes his right food into the white gooey substance. It oozes through his toes as his foot submerges into the bowl. He pulls it out and holds it a foot above the bowl. Ben can see dirt and the odd twig from the bottom of the boys’ foot is now in the substance.

“You may eat now, slave” David orders as he watches Ben.

Ben is so hungry. He leans forward and puts his hands down on the stone floor for balance as he licks, sucks and swallows the substance off Jack's foot. Ben looks up at Jack as he does it. Jack keeps a blank look. He then looks at David, who is watching intently.

“Eyes on the job, slave,” he orders as he sees Ben look up at him.

The food tastes of nothing but Jack’s feet taste of dirt. He can see the base of Jack’s feet is black with dirt from walking everywhere in bare feet. Ben sucks Jack’s toes clean. He licks all the stuff off his foot.

David does a tap of his finger on his knee. Jack puts his foot down on the stone and then puts his left foot into the bowl, twisting it as he goes to get as much of the stodgy substance on his foot. He lifts it again, holding it up in front of Ben’s mouth. The substance drips off his foot and back into the bowl. David taps his finger on his other knee. The ones nearest Ben. Ben takes that as a command to eat and goes in again to eat all the stuff off Jack’s left foot. He cleans Jack’s foot clean of the bland food.

“That’s enough help, Jack,” David says.

Jack takes a step back and stays standing with his head bowed.

“Clean the bowl” David orders.

Ben drops his face into the bowl and laps and swallows the food. He struggles to get the bits around the sides, and the bowl slides about on the stone floor.

“No table manners this one,” David says to himself out loud. “Head up.”

Ben lifts his head out of the bowl. His face is covered in the food. The bowl still has food in the edges of the bowl.

“Pick the bowl up and hold it out in front of you.” David orders Ben.

Ben lifts the bowl with his heavy shackled hands and holds it out in front of him and Jack.

“Jack, fill the bowl.” David orders Jack.

Jack steps forward. Jack's smooth cock directly in front of Ben’s eyes and over the top of the bowl. Without Jack touching his cock it gushes out piss into the bowl. It splashes up in the bowl and hits Ben’s face, and arms as the torrent of piss pour out of the boy's cock. David watches the two boys with a satisfied smile. Jack comes to the end of his piss and steps back to his spot. David reaches over and squeezes the end of Jack’s cock into his hand, getting the last few drops of his piss into his hand. He holds his hand out with his palm up. The boy piss puddled in it. Jack, without command, drops to his knees and licks and sucks David’s hand clean. David then dries his hand off in Jack’s floppy soft hair.

“Stay” David commands Jack and then looks over to Ben. “Bowl down and finish it.”

Ben delicately puts the bowl back down and then drops his face into the bowl of piss mixed with the white slop. Both David and Jack watch him as he submerges his face into the piss mix. David then lifts his foot and puts it on the back of Ben's head and pushes his head deep into the bowl. His mouth and nose are submerged in the piss mix. He cannot breathe. He can only drink and slurp up the mixture. David’s foot presses hard down on Ben’s head.

He gulps the piss mix down. He is still so thirsty, and Jack’s pisses taste as good as David’s. It is also sweet and delicious to Ben. It makes the bland food taste nice.

Ben runs his tongue around the edges of the bowl still with David’s foot pressing down on his head. He works to get every drop. David finally lifts his foot. Ben keeps his head in the bowl but lifts it a little. The piss is in his eyes and stings, but he just licks his lips getting the last of the piss mix that he can reach.

“Sit up” David orders. He then gives another tap on his knee nearest Jack and Jack leans forward and picks up the bowl and holds it up for David to inspect. David gazes down at it.

“Clean it for him.” He orders Jack

Jack lifts the bowl to his face and licks the inside and outside of the bowl clean and then holds it back in front of David again to inspect again. David just gives another tap on his knee, and Jack gets up and walks back into the mansion with the bowl.

David swings back in his chair and picks up the tablet computer. Ben sits kneeling with piss and white gloop dripping off his face and over his body.

“Right Benjamin, we need to finalise your transfer over to me. I need the last bits of your bank information. What is your online passcode to your bank?”

Ben isn’t very good with passcodes, so it is easy. “789123, Master.” He says

 “You are not a very bright boy.” As David taps on the tablet. “Good, now let’s see what we have here. That’s mine now.” David taps away for a while and then puts the tablet back down on the table and turns to look at Ben.

“We need to deal with your mother,” David says “We don’t want her worrying about you, do we?”

“No, Sir.” Ben answers

“You need to make a phone call to close that part of your life off. Your life now belongs to me, and we don’t need your mother sticking her beak into our private matters, do we?”

“No, Sir.” Ben looks up at David and smiles “I don’t want anything to do with them anymore, Sir. I am your property, Sir.”

“Yes, exactly.” David reaches into his pocket and pulls out Ben’s phone. “You make sure she gets the message. Tell her that you can’t stand seeing her with your stepfather. And that you’re being promoted to a job in another country and you don’t want anything more to do with them. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

David presses the call button and holds the phone in front of Ben on speakerphone.

It rings.

“Hello!” Goes his mum.

“Hello, Mother. It is Ben.”

“Oh, hello, Ben. Why are you phoning me? You don’t need more money, do you? I told you I was not going to lend you anymore. Your father is furious that I have learnt you so much.”

“He’s not my father,” Ben barks back at her “and no I don’t want anything from you. That is not why I am calling.”

“Benjamin, he has done so much for us. You are fortunate to have a father like him. One that only wants the best for you.” she cuts in.

“Listen, Mother!” Ben stops her from carrying on her rant. “I have been promoted, and I am leaving the country. You will never hear from me again. I want nothing to do with you and that wanker. Just leave me alone. I just wanted to let you know.” Ben looks up to David for approval. David gave a gentle nod.

“Well you can fuck right off” she screams back down the phone at him “You’ve been nothing but trouble your whole life. Good riddance, I say. I hope I never hear from you again too.” She slams the phone down.

David puts the phone back into his pocket. He picks up the bell and rings it again.

Jack appears at the doorway.

“Get your brother.” David says to Jack, “He can take this one back to the cells. I am finished with him.”

Jack nods and disappears back into the mansion.

Ben can hear footsteps come up behind him. He stays looking ahead. A shadow of a large man comes over Ben.

“Yes, Sir” the deep London voice of Mr Moore comes from behind him.

“Deal with this, Nathan,” David says as he points at Ben without looking at him.

“With pleasure, Sir” Nathan Moore says as he grabs a big clump of Ben's hair in his hand and pulls Ben up on his feet.

“Follow me,” Nathan says as he keeps hold of Ben’s hair and leads him down the path and back towards the cell block.

By Cary Harvey Church


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