The Master of His Own Business

Published on Aug 25, 2022


The Master of His Own Business 3: The Move

The Master of his own business

NOTE: This story is fiction about consensual sex, bondage, humiliation, and BDSM between age (18+) adult males. If it is illegal to read such material in your jurisdiction, or if you are under the legal age to do so, please exit this site immediately.

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TO READERS: I am interested in feedback, so please send comments, questions, story ideas, and information about what worked/didn't work to me directly. I'd love that feedback and am interested in improving my writing. I'm also interested in meeting others who share my interests, so don't hesitate to reach out, please.

By Cary Harvey Church-


Character list:

Name: David Knight

Job Title: CEO & Master

Age: 49 years old

Height: 6`0”

Build: Athletic

Name: Benjamin Campbell

Job Title: slave

Age: 24 years old

Height: 6`1”

Build: Slim/Skinny

All characters are fictitious

Chapter 3 - The move

Ben takes the stairs down to the garage as he was worried if he took the lift he wouldn’t be alone. And that they would smell the piss all over his clothes. The smell felt so strong to Ben. He wished it was David’s piss and not Alex’s. He hates Alex. Alex has always been on his case since he started at the company. Not much he could do about it as he was his manager.

He smiles to himself as he realises he is no longer managed by Alex and is now entirely under the wing of David.

He gets to the bottom of the stairs and opens the door to the underground car park. The car park has quite a few free spaces. Only the top management was allowed to park here and large deliveries. He sees David’s car. It is so beautiful. He can’t believe he’s about to drive it. It’s a black Mercedes-Maybach S 650. It sits in its space gleaming, exuding luxury.

He points the key fob at the car and presses the unlock button and unlocks the vehicle. He opens the door and slides into the driver's seat. The interior is a gorgeous cream luxury leather; Ben looks around the car at the array of buttons and screens. How do I start this beast he thinks to himself. He sees the start/stop button and presses it once. The multimedia screen comes alive. He pushes it again, and all the lights on the dashboard come on, but the engine is still not on. With another push, everything switches off. He’s bemused by this.

Ben gets his phone out and searches for how to start a Mercedes. He finds the information. He puts his foot on the brake and presses the start button. The engine comes alive with a beautiful purr. He puts the car into drive and slowly moves the car out of the parking space. Ben is frantically looking at each mirror as he is terrified that he might scratch the vehicle. He slowly works the car out of the areas and up the ramp to the exit. The roller gate automatically starts to open as the car approaches it. He slowly edges the vehicle out of the gate and turns left on the road. He lets out a big sigh of relief that he got the car out of the car park without any damage.

He drives the car like an old lady back to his flat. He pulls the car into the guest parking spot and locks it and heads into the block of flats he has been living in. He calls the lift and heads up to the fourth floor and along the corridor to number 48. He gets his keys and unlocks the door and heads into his flat.

His flatmates are at work. Like he would have been. He goes into the kitchen and looks in the fridge. It’s pretty bare apart for some milk, and some leftover takeaway pizza. None of them is big cooks. He grabs a slice of pizza and eats it as he makes his way to his bedroom. He kicks off his shoes and puts the pizza down so he can get the piss covered clothes off. He eats more pizza as he walks naked through the flat to the bathroom where he switches on the shower and finishes the last of the pizza before jumping into the shower.

He uses a bit of shower gel to wash the piss off him. He then starts rubbing and working his cock as he thinks about what has happened today. He is now an owned slave. This thought turns him on so much that he starts to wank himself off in the shower. He rests his head against the shower wall, and the hot stream of water pours over his head and down his slim naked body. He recovers slowly from the orgasm.

He finishes his shower and dries himself off and heads back to his bedroom naked. He finds a pair of tracksuit bottoms and gives them smell and puts them on. He grabs a clean t-shirt and throws that on. He heads back to the kitchen and rummages through the drawer and finally finds a roll of black bin bags. He goes back to his room and tips all his clothes into bin bags. He didn’t have much stuff, so it doesn’t take long. He heads back to the bathroom and puts his bathroom stuff into one of the bags. He does a look around the living room for anything that is his. He’s only been here for five months, so he hadn’t spread himself. He stops in the middle of the corridor and looks at the three-bin bags. “Well that’s it then,” he says as he looks at all his worldly belongings.

He remembers the letter that he had put in his jacket pocket and went back to the first bag and finds it and the car key. He curses himself for being an idiot for packing them. He gives the letter another read and puts it on the coffee table. He thinks about how his flatmates will react. He realises they probably won’t give a shit as they are still getting two months rent and they never really liked him. He puts the flat key on top of the letter and says “Fuckem’!”.

He slides his three bags out of the door and does one final check of the flat. He closes the door and smiles to himself. He struggles to carry the bags to the lift and just makes it as one of the bags starts to stretch and tear.

He goes down the lift to the ground floor. He puts the two good bags on the floor in the foyer as he scoops the breaking bag up with both hands. He places it on the floor at the main door to hold it open. He goes back and gets the other bags and carries them to the car. He puts them in the boot and goes and gets the breaking bag and lets the main door close and lock behind him.

He closes the boot and drives back to the office with all his belongings in the boot of the car. He pulls up to the gate at the office, and it starts to open for him. He drives it a little more confidently into space. He was getting a better feel for the car now. He puts it into park and gets out of the car and walks towards the lift. He’s still dressed in his tracksuit bottoms and t-shirt with white trainers on. He looks very chavy. He’s about to press the lift button when it opens before he can push it. David is standing in the middle of the lift with a look of disgust on his face.

Ben is shocked at seeing David. How did he know he was here. “Oh, Hello Sir. I am all done.”

“What the fuck are you wearing?” David says as he steps out of the lift and walks aggressively at Ben.

“Erm, Oh. Erm Sir. It’s just my casual clothes, Sir. I took my suit off. It erm, it smelt, Sir.” Ben stumbles over his words.

“I didn’t order you to change.” As David smells Ben “And have you showered?”

“Erm. Yes Sir. Was I not meant to, Sir?” Ben says flustered

“slave. You need to learn. I decide everything for you. Did you have a wank in the shower?”

Ben goes red in the face and looks to the floor.

“Answer me. I need complete honesty from you.” David grabs Ben by the neck and pushes him backwards.

“Sorry, Sir. Yes, I did.”

David pushes Ben over and to the floor. “You fucking useless slave” David barks at Ben as he kicks him in the arse “Get these shit clothes off now” as he kicks him again in the arse.

Ben pulls his t-shirt off whilst rolling on the floor, trying to avoid the next kick from David.

“Hurry the fuck up” as David keeps kicking Ben as Ben rolls and undresses at the same time. David is picking up each item of clothing as Ben discards them. “Shoes as well. I don’t want any of this shit on my property” as David delivers a kick into Ben's balls making Ben roll around the floor in agony.

David takes Ben's phone and the car keys out of Ben’s tracksuit bottoms and puts them in his pocket. He looks down at Ben, who is naked on the cold concrete floor of the underground car park. David grabs Ben by the hair and drags him to the car. Ben holds David's hands to save his hair from being pulled out. David drops him beside the car and clicks the open button on the key fob. He opens the boot and throws Bens clothes and shoes on top of the bin bags. “Come here, slave” David barks the order.

Ben pulls himself to his feet. He is now filthy from rolling on the car park floor. Ben has got watery eyes and is close to crying. He knows he’s fucked up.

“Get in!” David points at the car boot.

Ben climbs in beside his belongings, and David slams the boot shut on him. He’s now in complete darkness. He hears the car lock but cannot hear anything else. The car is too well insulated. Ben shuffles to get comfortable and moves the bags to make more space for him. He’s breathing heavily. It is so dark. So quiet. It smells of piss again as he sniffs the bag nearest him, it’s Alex’s piss. It must be the one with his suit in it. He tries to move it away from him, but in the enclosed space, there is no escaping the smell.

He waits in silence. There is no movement. Where is Sir, he thinks to himself? Time just seems to go on forever.

What felt like hours, he finally hears the doors of the car unlock and hears the car door open and close. The car starts and moves off. Ben has no idea how long he’s been in this boot, but he’s relieved that they are finally moving. They drive for what feels like an hour. The car is so smooth that Ben starts to drift off.

He wakes when light beams into the boot when David opens up the boot. Ben tries to adjust his eye to the light as he winces up at David. David doesn’t pay Ben any attention but starts pulling one of his bags out and takes each item out and throws it out of the car. He does it with all of the things. He finds Ben’s important documents and puts them into his pocket, whilst David throws the rest out of the car with complete disregard.

Ben is the only thing left in the boot. “Get the fuck out!” as David grabs Ben again by the hair and drags Ben out of the boot and onto the gravel floor.

Industrial Estate

Ben looks around and sees they are in a derelict industrial estate. There are piles of junk all strewn around the place. Empty grey concrete buildings with all the windows smashed out with graffiti on some of the walls. It looks a terrifying place to be. Especially when you are lying on the cold gravel floor naked.

David kicks Ben’s belongings into a pile and takes out a yellow tin of lighter fluid

and squirts the liquid over the pile of Ben’s clothes and belongings. He empties the tin and drops it on the pile. He comes back to Ben and holds out a box of matches to him.

Ben sheepishly takes the matches off David.

“Prove to me that you are my slave,” David says sternly “set it on fire, slave.”

Ben crawls onto his knees and shuffles over to the pile whilst staying on his knees. He takes a match out of the box and strikes it down the side of the box. The match fizzes alight. Ben looks at the match flame and then to his belongings. He then looks to David who is watching Ben intently—seeing how he is reacting, how he performs. Ben looks back at the pile and drops the match on to his belongings.

The match catches the light fluid first making a blue flame and then soon engulfs the pile into a yellow fire with thick black smoke billowing into the sky.

Ben shuffles away from the fire and to the side of David. He slumps at David’s feet as both of them watch Ben’s belongings burn and melt into nothing.

“New beginning Benjamin,” David says as he pats Ben on the head and ruffles his hair and pulls his head to the side of his leg.

They stayed to watch it till every item had turned to ash and molten plastic.

“Back in the boot, slave” David calmly orders.

Ben climbs in the boot and slumps himself down in a ball. David gently closes the boot and drives off again. Ben lies in the darkness of the boot, thinking about all his items that have just been destroyed. He has nothing now. He has given himself entirely to David. The realisation of his situation is starting to dawn on him. He realises this is no fantasy anymore; this is real.

By Cary Harvey Church

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Next: Chapter 4: The Mansion

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