The Marriage Fixer

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Dec 6, 2015




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"You need Evan." said Jacob Carter as he rocked amiably upon the front porch of the general store. It was the biggest of the four businesses in the town, and like the others, existed mainly to allow the surrounding farmers to buy food and other necessities for their farms. A common enough rural scene in this year of 1834 in the mountains of Tennessee, an old man in a rocking chair and a younger farmer seated nearby, passing the time on a hot summer afternoon. Terrance Mosley had admitted he was having trouble with his wife and had received in return the three-word answer.

"Evan?" Terrance asked dubiously. "You mean Evan Parr, James' feeble-minded son?"

"Ee-yep." Jacob stroked the long white whiskers of his beard as another man might stroke his dog, with affection and tolerance. "He's just what you need."

"But..." Terrance backed up and tried that sentence again. "How is an idiot supposed to help me with my wife?"

"She done kicked you out of the bed, you said." Jacob went on. "You need Evan. Best damn marriage fixer this old county's produced in many a year."


"Yep, just invite him over to spent a few days with you as a guest." Jacob went on. "He'll do the rest. Probably take only bout three-four days."

"But how do I...."

"Jest ask his Pa to send him over." Jacob interjected. "Tell him you need Evan to fix your marriage. He's glad to get the boy out from under foot for a while. Won't charge you nothing. Not like the last marriage fixer we had, back when I was a young un. Name of Frank Strommond, one of the Culver Cross' Strommonds, he was...."

Terrance got out of there while he still could, when old Jacob started in on his reminiscing, he usually kept at it for an hour or more, and Terrance had heard all he needed to.

A "marriage fixer." That's what old Jacob had called Evan Parr. Well, if the kid was free except for a few days' room and board, he could find out if the kid knew how to fix a marriage.

James Parr was more than ready to send his son out to spend a few days with Terrance and his wife. The kid packed himself a small sack of clean clothes and climbed in beside Terrance into the wagon and they set off for Terrance's farm some five miles outside of town.

On the outside, Evan Parr looked all right. On the sunny side of twenty years old, with a ruck of short-cut blond hair above a face that would have been handsome if there'd been a brain behind the eyes. His skin was unmarred by smallpox sores or acne, he worked on his father's farm so his body was firm and well-muscled. The eyes were dull and his conversation that of either a child or a man who was so dog-tired he couldn't say much about anything. He watched the birds with a special intensity when they were flying, but beyond that, his gaze stayed locked on Terrance.

Susanne was waiting for him when the wagon pulled up to the barn at nearly sundown. "There you are!" she scolded him. "Where were you all day, taking off before daylight and leaving me to do all the chores and...." She saw Evan sitting on the wagon beside Terrance. "Who's that?"

"This is Evan Parr." Terrance said shortly. "He'll be staying with us a couple of days, to help us out."

"You know we can't afford to hire no help on this place!" his wife quickly found the flaw in that, as she did every plan Terrance had advanced in the last couple of years. "We got more than we can handle, yes, but there's no money for us to take on a hired hand who'll eat us out of house and home and..."

"Hello, Mrs. Mosley." Evan said with a charmingly disarming smile. "Your husband is right. You ARE very pretty." He said it simply, like a statement of fact rather than flattery.

And it warmed a smile right onto his wife's usually stern and solemn face. "Why, thank you, Evan. Come on in, and we'll get you fixed up with a bite of supper. I'd have made something better if I'd known you were coming over."

"Your husband says you're a real good cook." Evan was piling on the flattery, and as fast as he was dishing it out, his wife was gobbling it up. Terrance took the horses off the wagon and into the barn. Maybe this kid did know how to fix up a marriage after all!

Inside, he enjoyed a fairly pleasant supper, for his wife usually punctuated his meals with nonstop criticism and complaints. But her impromptu meal of warmed up dried beef topped with a rich gravy that let a man cut a chunk off the jerky and soak it into something nearly edible. Evan praised it and Susanne kept on plying the healthy youngster with more food as a result. Terrance sat back after a while and sighed. Damned shame this had to stop but after all, work on a farm started before first light and there was always plenty of it waiting.

"Well, that was very fine meal, Susanne." he said. "But I need to get myself into bed if I'm going to plow the back forty tomorrow." That field had lain fallow this year, but if he didn't turn it over now, the grass would be too tough and thick next spring to let him lay in a crop.

"Oh, my, I forgot about Evan. Where's Evan going to sleep?"

She was sleeping in their bed, and Terrance had been sleeping in the bed their daughter had used until her death some two years ago. That had been when their troubles had started.

"I figured we'd put him in Stella's room and...."

"No, no!" his wife interjected. "That won't do!" She wasn't forgiving him even with a guest in the house then.

"So where will he sleep? With me in that one little bed?"

"No. No, I'll sleep in Stella's room and you and Evan can share our bed. Yes, yes, that's the best way to do it." Susanne determined.

"I always sleep with the husband when I come to visit." Evan declared. "It's always the best way."

And Terrance couldn't argue with that, bitter as the flavor of it was.

It was going to be nice, being back in his own bed, even if his wife wasn't in her place on the other half of it.

Evan babbled like any young child eager for a "sleepover." But when Terrance stepped out of his underwear and reached for his nightgown, Evan quickly spoke up. "No, no, Mr. Mosley, please! You can't wear that in the bed with me. You can't."

"Why not?"

"Pa said you needed me to be your marriage fixer." Evan said. "I got to be able to fix your marriage for you."

"So why do I got to be buck naked for you to fix my marriage?" Terrance asked.

"Please, sir, you can't wear that in bed with me. Not if I'm going to fix your marriage, you can't." Evan repeated.

Terrance sighed. "All right, then." He'd be in the bed and covered up. He could put a cover between the two of them, even, to keep things decent. Evan was crawling into the bed all naked and young and delighted. Terrance saw that he was lying between the two sheets on the bed. All he had to do was sleep on top of that upper sheet and they'd have the barrier of the sheet between them. Just as decent as clothing.

And yet something in him didn't let him do that. Did he really expect some kind of magical transference here? That bubbly personality of Evan to seep into him through bare-body contact in the night? Or was it the memories of childhood when on hot summer nights, you and the other boys in your house would strip entirely bare and crawl into bed like that, there to laugh and stare at each other and fondle each other in childish play?

So he did, he slid into the bed between the sheets. He wouldn't do anything else, after all, he wasn't a child any longer and neither was Evan. "All right." He said instead. "I'm in bed in my birthday suit. Whatever you're going to do to fix my marriage, I'm ready for it."

"That's good." Evan scooted over to where he was right up against Terrance. "I like helping fix marriages. Pa says I fix marriages better'n anybody ever does."

"So how do you do it?"

"I dunno." Evan then reached down and his hand slid to Terrance's crotch, his fingers touched, lifted and encircled Terrance's prong and gripped it. "I just do whatever I want and in a couple days, the marriage is all fixed." His fingers lifted Terrance's stiffening pud and his hand slid and gripped him the firmer.

Terrance just gasped. His wife hadn't had sex with him ever since (before, actually) their daughter's death, she'd first simply avoided Terrance's advances, claimed headaches or other female incapacities. Then, when those had run thin, she'd begun to fight with Terrance, over little things, over everything. Terrance could have handled a wife who didn't want to have sex, but she wasn't giving him that option. Fight, fight, fight, until he couldn't bring himself to hold her in simple husbandly affection.

So he'd been starved not only of sex but of simple physical contact. No wonder his body, having now the feel of another's hand on his cock, had surged with a simple and unequivocal joy. At last, at last! It had been so long, so very, very long!

And Evan's hand began to pump up and down on him. "Oh, oh, yeah, Evan, yeah!" Terrance breathed. "That feels good, really good!"

"Everyone always likes it when I do this." Evan assured him. "It's fun doing this!"

"I'm glad you like it. Can you do it faster for me, maybe?"

"I could." Evan agreed. "But I'd rather do this." And he lifted down the covers to bare Terrance's body to mid-thigh and with his cock exposed to the outer air, he slid down and his lips reached out to kiss Terrance's glans.

And Terrance felt a surge of ecstasy that nearly drove him to climax then and there! He moaned and when Evan lifted up, he groaned, "Thank you, thank you, oh, thank you!" Just for that kiss, for that gust of pleasure that had wracked his body oh-so-sweetly.

And Evan smiled. "Oh, I'm not finished, Mr. Mosley." And those marvelous lips of the marriage fixer went back down and this time, he took the entire glans and a couple inches of the shaft into that warm, warm mouth!

Terrance groaned anew as the rush of near-orgasmic joy rushed into his body again. "Ohhh, ohhh, oh, ohhhhhhh!" He thrashed beneath this young man's attentions, oh, so long, it had been so long, since he had thrashed like this! How long had it been since his wife had given him this sort of pleasure!

It was more than just the sexual delight going through his body here, it was the delight of being a man, of feeling the blood pulse in his veins in a way that they never did while he labored in the fields, this was the pulse of life, of raw, sheer life! He flexed his ample farm-hardened muscles, letting them ripple in the dance of the ages, his heart pounded in his chest, his voice moaned in heedless rapture, he didn't care if his wife heard them in here or not! She could come in and watch if she wanted to! Let her see if she didn't want him, he could give it to someone else!

And the joy built in him higher and higher and when Evan broke off, it brought him crashing back to Earth and shook him as if he'd fallen from a height. "Why'd you stop sucking it?" he asked.

Evan shook his head. "You're ready now."

"Ready? Ready for what?"

"For me to finish fixing your marriage." Evan showed what he meant by getting up onto his knees and then to his feet, in a squatting posture, he waddled himself and then threw one leg over Terrance's body so that he was astraddle of Terrance's body and he lowered himself onto Terrance and his ass reached down and the tight sphincter practically sucked the sturdy farmer's dong into his butt. Evan, soft, young Evan, took the man's prod into his ass and then threw his head back and moaned.

Terrance matched that moan with a deep rumbling one of his own. This was fixing his marriage, all right! He'd been building up a height of frustration a mile high and ten miles wide and long, but now it was all being drained out of him by a young, athletic ass that now had shoved itself down to swallow his dong entire. He wanted nothing more than this in his life now, just to keep this young man in his house, in his bed, and let him ride his love-muscle every night, all night long!

Evan bounced up and down on him with the adept energy that only the very young can fully embrace. And Terrance wondered how quickly he would ejaculate with this young rider taming his wild-stallion cock, but his body surprised him. He was indeed on the very verge of his ecstasy but his body was more than content to let that be where it stayed, and Evan wove over him a tapestry of delight and only when Evan himself reached his height, when he panted, moaned, fell to his knees (which buried Terrance deep within him) and thrust his hips back and forth with an intense desperation and his cock exploded hot white come all over Terrance's body and, then, only then, did Terrance find his own completion, his body accepted the pearls of energy and soaked it in and converted it into his own ecstasy, he moaned and his cock burst into a fireworks of orgasmic joy, he ejaculated his rockets of man-juice up into Evan's buttocks and Evan slumped down onto his chest, and he spent his last jets into Evan as Evan rode upon the waves and crests of his gasping chest.

"Now, we'll sleep a little." Evan confided in him when the two had caught their breath. "After that, if you want to, we can do it again and again. Okay?"


"This is how I fix the marriage." Evan told him. "You'll see, I'll fix your marriage real good!"

Terrance didn't see how that followed, but when a young man has just given you an orgasm like you haven't had in over three years, you don't argue! "That's real nice to hear." he said. "And I'll take you up on that doing it again later, I think." And he did, twice more before the cockcrow woke him to his normal working day.

Far from being exhausted, he felt exhilarated, and he joked with Susanne rather than letting her barbs pierce them as they normally had. And the barbs ceased when Evan joined their table. Evan said he'd do the chores around the house and barn and Terrance agreed, that'd let him get to the plowing faster. Susanne made it clear she'd be Evan's shadow all day in those chores, but Terrance just didn't give a Goddamned. If Evan spent all day plowing her, that was okay, long as he got Evan when the sun went down.

And their marriage relationship did indeed flower. Evan was doing something with Susanne, clearly not sexual, but his conversations with her were somehow healing her soul. Maybe it was his simple child-like innocence, it let Susanne do some mothering like she'd not been able to do since little Emily had died. Maybe it was a young, good-looking man always praising her like Evan did. But she stopped nagging Terrance, which made him even happier. With Evan milking his pud at night and Susanne light-hearted and happy by day, he didn't have any trouble being a good husband, a hard farmworker, and a happy man.

He ended the third day of this by painting the front fence. Susanne had been at him to do that for some time, but he'd been so busy with the farm, he had kept putting it off. But the afternoon of the third day, he turned the entire picket fence into a beautiful, clean white.

He stood admiring his work when Susanne came out, with Evan beside her. She slipped her hand into his, ignoring the paint she got from it, and said, "It's beautiful, Terry."

"Yes." Terrance said, and from his heart, "A beautiful fence for a beautiful woman."

"Land sake!" Susanne blushed like she had when he'd been courting her. "I think Evan's rubbing off on you."

"I think he has been, too." Terrance wasn't thinking about the flattery he'd just given her, but the rubbing he got from Evan in the night.

"Yep." Evan chimed in. "I reckon my work here is done. This marriage is now all fixed up."

"Fixed?" Terrance was dismayed. "You're leaving us?"

"Yep, in the morning, if you'll give me a ride back into town."

"Well." Terrance felt Susanne's hand give his a squeeze. "I guess that's right."

And on the fourth morning, he took the marriage fixer back to town and returned to his now-happy and cheerful and loving wife. Maybe it was time, finally, for them to try to make themselves some more children. He'd talk to Susanne about it when he got home.

Susanne thought so, too.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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