The Mannequin

By Jonah

Published on Mar 29, 2005


You probably know by now that this is a work of fiction, so any characters that you may think bear a resemblance to anybody you know, or think you know, are not even remotely related. All characters - like the plot - are fictitious. The plot includes such things as sexual activity of a homoerotic nature with minors - or those who appear to be minors. If you are offended by such material, or if it is illegal for you to read it, please read no further. Still with us? Then enjoy.

It was Friday and life in the office was dragging. Life at home with Anthony and Andrew was good. I had found out that I could get along with my nephew, Peter (about a fortnight ago he had stopped with me for the weekend, and wow!!). In general life was pretty good - and the office just didn't match up. It wasn't just the heat, the tedium of yet another unchallenging assignment, or the fact that the boss kept telling me, without pulling any punches , what the idiot of an advertising manager from such-and-such a customer thought of my last layout for them. No it was none of those in isolation. Right now it was the incessant ringing of the telephone, "Hallo!!" All right perhaps I should have tried to keep the annoyance from my voice. "Jonah? - Jethro. Look did I call at a bad time?" "No, No, No, just thought it was someone else is all. Sorry mate. What can I do for you?" I hadn't seen or heard from my brother for ages, and now twice in a fortnight.... "Well I just wanted to ask a favour mate." That sounded like Jethro, "Peter asked if he could bring one of his mates from school for a sleepover, but Marion and me planned to go to the coast for the weekend. Now Peter says he won't come with us. Look mate - I know it's asking a lot" I got the picture. "You want me to have Peter and his friend while you go off with Marion?" "Please Jonah. It would mean a lot to Peter. He really enjoyed staying with you the other week. I bet he did, but I wasn't about to tell Jethro why. "I Suppose it's all right Jethro, but are this other kid's parents OK about it?" "They left for Margate this afternoon. Their kid already told them he was staying with us." "Seems kids today don't like the seaside huh?"

I left the office early and rushed home, pausing only to stock up with frozen pizzas and Coke on the way. I had only time to prop up the two dummies in the living room when the doorbell rang. "It's open", I called. "Uncle Jonah, this is Patrick". Peter, still in his school uniform looked cute as ever. He carried a black holdall. The other boy was a surprise though. Standing next to Peter was one of the blackest negro boys I had ever seen. Broad nose, full lips and black curly hair procaimed the genuine negro. "Hi Mr. Carr", Patrick said nervously following Peter to the sofa. "Best call me Jonah," I replied with a smile, "everyone else does". To my surprise Peter sat down on the sofa and began taking off his shoes and socks. Patrick followed suit. Obviously Peter knew that I liked boys barefoot, and had told Patrick too. The two boys were going out of their way to please me. I poured three glasses of Coke, gave one to each boy, then sat on the floor in front of the sofa with mine. As I sipped I glanced at the two schoolboys, still in full uniform - but barefoot: and what feet. I had already seen Peter's fleshy feet with the plump and not overlong toes and the pink soles. Patrick had slightly longer toes, spread slightly wide as if barefoot was his normal state. The tops of his feet were deep chocolate coloured with pink nails, but his soles were a pale creamy orange colour. I glanced up and found both boys watching me checking out their feet. Both smiled. "Patrick didn't bring a sleeping bag", commented Peter appropos nothing in particular. "I bet you don't want to use yours either", I replied. Peter adopted a particularly irritating wheedling tone. "Can we please uncle Jonah? Please can we share your bed?" "What do you think Patricks parents would say to that?", I returned firmly. "They won't know. Patrick and me do all sorts of things at school, and in the toilets and things. We were going to be on our own at my house, but Mum and Dad said I had to come here so that............." "So that I can prevent exactly what you're suggesting," I finished for him. "But I don't suppose the other two boys will let me be all prim and proper anyway." "What other two boys?" queried Patrick. "You'll see," replied Peter. "Pizza!" I said firmly bringing the subject to a close.

After tea we sat and watched videos. The boys sat on the sofa, I sat on the floor in front. It was difficult to concentrate on the vids though because Peter kept crossing his legs so that the sole of his right foot could be rested against my right cheek. His soft toes wriggled against the side of my nose and - when he concentrated - dragged at the corners of my mouth. He was clearly trying to get me to suck his toes, and he might have succeded - but for the fact that Patrick, after watching him for a while, had crossed his legs so that he could do the same thing with his left foot against my left cheek. Given the general coarseness of negroid skin, I was surprised at how soft the soles of Patrick's feet were. I glance over my shoulder confirmed my suspicions that both boys had tired of jacking themselves off and were now jacking each other off. I unzipped my fly and began to fondle my tool. At that very moment both boys inserted their big toes in opposite sides of my mouth. I began to suck assiduously whilst bringing myself to erection and more. The time before bedtime passed pleasantly in this manner, but soon it was time for bed. I showered then sent the boys to shower while I got into bed. It was not long before two naked boys came and climbed into bed with me - one on either side - then Peter and Patrick came back from the shower.

Peter was overjoyed to see Anthony and Andrew, but he managed to keep a solemn face whilst he introduced them to Patrick. Patrick seemed dissapointed that the two fair haired boys had got to me first, but I could solve that. "You two get in with these two", I suggested," I've got something to do". As Peter and Patrick climbed in on either side of the two live mannequins I scooted round to the bottom of the bed where no fewer than FOUR pairs of lovely bare feet waited for me. Eagerly I began with Patrick's heels and licked all over his soles before starting on his toes. The salty taste of the boy was almost enough to make me cream on the spot. Andrew was expertly manipulating Patricks willy,turning him on so that his toes became animated. I became aware that that wasn't the only thing making Patrick's cute, brown toes wriggle. As my tongue ran up the arch of his foot the toes tensed. Our little negro was ticklish. Andrew was making the same discovery and, since he and Anthony were telepathic, so was Anthony. I had noticed Anthony and Peter whispering to each other. Quickly I sucked all forty toes(!!!) then slid over to where I could whisper to Anthony. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?", I whispered. He whispered back, "Peter says he gets it all the time at school, but he loves it when Peter does it." I raised a quizical eyebrow. Anthony continued "Lay here with Peter. I'll sort it out." I didn't need telling twice. I climbed in beside Peter and instantly was siezed by the cute young man who slid his tongue into my mouth. We lay for ages, his tongue and mine getting to know each other. Our dicks were doing the same whilst his toes explored my shins. We were both hard and in imminent danger of creaming the bedclothes Peter started nibbling at my ear. His breathing was reminiscent of a steam train. Joyfully I held him tighter. Suddenly Peter was siezed by one arm and pulled from the bed. Because of our embrace I went with him. We stood up to find that Andrew had rolled off the other side. The bedclothes had been stripped from the bed and Patrick lay alone on the mattress. He lay spreadeagled on the bed with his wrists and ankles bound to the bedposts with old bandages. He was shivering, but I didn't think it was from cold. "Oh Dear! Oh Dear!", he kept whispering to himself in a mixture of fear and excitement. Peter positioned himself by Patrick's head. "You know what's going to happen now, don't you?" he said in his most sinister voice. Patrick nodded. "Oh dear! Oh Dear!" I positioned myself by his left foot; Anthony was by his right. Slowly I drew a forefinger up the centre of the arch. Patrick's eyes grew large and incredibly white, contrasting with his black face. "No! " he cried, "Please no!" That must have been the signal to start. Peter got his fingers into both of Patrick's exposed armpits drawing squeals of anguish, laughter, and tears. Andrew worked the inside of Patricks thighs, occasionally stroking across the negro's hairless balls or wiping the pre-cum oozing from the erect penis. Patrick had a fascinating body - completely black, except for his palms and his soles, muscular but with no bulging muscles - in fact he was all graceful curves; and the only hair was the curls on his head. All this was ours. Patrick was clearly ours. He had no longer any command of himself. As our fingers explored his extremities his laughter grew less and less like common laughter, and more like uncontrolled wheezing in between gasps for breath. After ten minutes I ordered the boys to stop. Patrick was so far gone that he could well have lost consciousness. Andrew had started sucking on his penis and I sucked on his toes. The toes were more relaxed now so he had probably come. Andrew would know. Peter lay beside him while he got his breath back. Anthony stopped sucking Patrick's toes and licked Peter's feet instead. That gave me an Idea so I repositioned Andrew so that his gorgeous feet were alongside the foot tied to my bedpost. I saw Peter and Patrick exchange a passionate kiss. "C - c - c - can y - you guys untie me now ?" pleaded Patrick. "Oh no", said Peter, planting a kiss on his lips, "We're not through with you yet".

Next: Chapter 7

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