The Magic of Genetics

By Jane Steele

Published on Jan 20, 2002



The Magic of Genetics

by:Jane Steele

The Magic of Genetics By Jane Steele

The instructions for the spell that she had bought from gypsy woman were fairly simple. No real hocus-pocus like LeeAnne had expected. But then the price had been low for something that was supposed to have such dramatic effects on the subjects. LeeAnne was still surprised at herself for a number of reasons. First, she didn't normally have any faith in the occult or magic. But there had been something in the old woman's voice that seemed to convince LeeAnne she needed this spell. Second, she had given the woman over $800 in cash with no argument. Normally, LeeAnne watched every penny she spent since she had to answer to her husband Mark for anything over a $50 purchase. Mark was a good husband and an excellent provider but he was tight with their free money. She loved him but their roles had evolved over the duration of the marriage from loving equals to the point where LeeAnne felt like she was play-acting as a 1950s TV wife.

LeeAnne and Mark were both 32 years old and had been married for 8 years with most of the time being good for them both. But in recent years LeeAnne had become restless under Mark's ever more dominating personality. She loved Mark but at the same time longed for some sort of change in their lives. Neither of them had ever cheated on the other and their sex life was still good. They both kept in shape and enjoyed an active life.

LeeAnne had the vials, spell text and genetic material she would need spread out on the counter in the kitchen. As she scanned over the text of the spell and prepared the ingredients she thought to herself how different things would be in the morning. Tim was sure going to be upset but he would have to deal with it. LeeAnne placed the lock of hair she'd gotten from Mark while he had been napping on the couch into the first vial. Then she put the lock of her own hair into the other vial. She poured the contents of the last and largest of the three vials into the first two. It evenly filled both to the line near the top of each.

Then LeeAnne prepared to read the spell that should invoke the magic into each vial. The spell was oddly worded and mentioned genetics of all things. She had never heard of a genetics spell. It also had blanks in the text where she could insert changes or specifics of how the spell was to affect the victim. As she chanted the lines, including the part she had inserted, the liquid in each vial pulsed and glowed as if some power were being imbued into it. When she had finished speaking the light slowly dimmed from each vial and went out. LeeAnne then put the tops on each one, marking one for her and one for her husband.

All that was left to do was to pour the contents of the correct vial over the food on each dinner plate tonight. The instructions say that the liquid will have no taste to cause suspicion. She just hoped that her nerve would hold out. LeeAnne neatly cleared away all evidence of her magic making and started to prepare dinner.

Mark got home from the office at the normal time and as always wanted a drink before dinner. And as usual he sat watching TV while she put the evening meal on the table. In spite of her worries everything went as smooth as a normal dinner for them. She doused the food on the dinner plates until each vial was empty. LeeAnne couldn't taste any trace of an odd flavor in it. So she felt pretty good that Mark wouldn't. He actually ate everything on his plate and asked for more. Now the waiting for the genetics spell to do its work began. According to the instructions it could take a few hours and would cause them to pass out while the changes took place. She already felt weird, hot and flushed, her nipples were rock hard and she felt moistness between her legs.

From where he sat on the couch reading the paper Mark said, "LeeAnne is it hot in here to you? Man, am I horny all of a sudden."

He dropped the paper and began to rub his crotch area. LeeAnne was drawn to her husband as her unzipped his pants and pulled out his erect cock. She knelt in front of the couch and began to give him a slow blowjob.

She thought to herself as she licked Mark's hard shaft, 'The spell's instructions didn't mention this. Is it just going to make us horny as hell?'

Within moments they both were naked and screwing like rabbits on the living room floor. After 15 minutes of wild lovemaking they both collapsed onto the carpet and sleep overcame them. As the two lovers slept for the next hour drastic changes swept over their bodies.


From where she lay LeeAnne could see the large wall clock; it was 9:15 PM. That meant she had been asleep almost 2 hours. She felt so odd and out of sorts. Then she remembered the spell. The Spell! Had it worked at all?

As LeeAnne lay on her back she ran her hands over her chest and found her breasts were gone! Her chest was now smooth and very muscular. It felt so strange to not have big heavy breasts on her chest. Next she reached down to her crotch. Her fingers slid through her pubic hair and where they should have encountered the beginning of her pussy slit, she found the base of a large soft cock! She explored now with both hands and discovered she did indeed now have a rather large cock and set of balls.

As she felt herself, it began to swell and become erect. The feeling filled her with a sense of power. As it continued to rise she wondered if maybe she had given herself too large of a cock. But the more she stroked it, the more she began to enjoy its size and weight. Soon her new cock was standing up like a flagpole. She had to tear her hands away from it or she would have stroked herself to orgasm then and there. But she wanted to be ready when Mark woke to his new life. So she pulled herself back from the edge of her first male orgasm and stood up.

LeeAnne found Mark's boxers and pulled them on. She stood over his sleeping form and marveled. Mark now inhabited an improved version of LeeAnne's old body, just as LeeAnne now was an improved version of Mark's. Mark was still sleeping soundly in his new body. His big firm breasts rose and fell with each slow breath. He was so sexy, beautiful and innocent looking as he slept. LeeAnne was suddenly gripped by the urge to make love to him right now! Her cock sprang to life again as she wondered how it would feel to slide her new cock into Mark's delicious pussy. But no, she would wait, this had to be handled just right. She left Mark to sleep some more and walked to the master bath to examine her new self. The bouncing of her semi-hard cock was so distracting.

The reflection that greeted her was better than she had hoped for. All of the improvements she had added to the spell seemed to be included. Basically she was now Mark, but a little taller, more muscular with better muscle tone and her cock was obviously a near duplicate of Mark's but it was about 2 or 3 inches longer.

Wow, she felt so BIG, so STRONG now. LeeAnne flexed her new muscles in the mirror. God, she was turning herself on. She might be in a man's body now but the reflection of herself posing in the mirror was making her old female self hot. Her big cock was sticking straight out and causing a huge tent in her boxers. She pulled her boxers down and grabbed her swollen cock with both hands. LeeAnne watched herself in the mirror as she began to masturbate.

In moments her cock tensed and seconds later she sprayed her sperm all over the mirror and sink as she is overwhelmed by a powerful orgasm. Her first male orgasm has shaken her to the core of her female experience. LeeAnne smiled with satisfaction as she pulls her boxers up.

'I think I'm going to love being a man. This is going to be great.' She thinks to herself as she heads back to see if Mark is awake yet.


As Mark laid on his back, she felt the haze of sleep lifting but it's replaced by feelings that don't seem to fit. As he lies in the dark with his eyes closed Mark tries to determine what's different. Somehow he feels softer and smaller. He can feel a weight on his chest and his crotch feels wrong. Still half-asleep Mark brings his right hand to his tummy. Wow, when did his skin become so smooth and hairless?

He slowly slid his hand up his flat tummy until he felt his ribcage begin. Then just a little farther down his hand encounters a large fleshy mound. Confused and curious now he slides his hand up the curve of this mound and finds a large nipple at the peak! He slaps his other hand to the left side of his chest and finds a twin peak there. He has grown tits!

His hands begin to gently cup and caress them and he feels strange but wonderful sensations roll over his being. He feels his nipples harden and he rolls then between each thumb and forefinger. A soft moan escapes his lips. If feels as if he is under a spell, he knows he should be freaking out right now, but this feels so damn good. Mark just goes with the flow as he feels a warm moistness between his smooth thighs.

He eases his left hand down over his marvelously smooth flat tummy into what feels like a neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair. His fingers don't encounter his cock, but instead his middle fingers slide into his slick pussy. Mark's mind tells him this can't be happening, but he uses his finger to trace circles around his little hard clit. Then he slides his finger deep into his waiting vagina. He moans softly as he rhythmically slides his finger in and out. On the out part he slides his wet finger over his clit. In moments Mark orgasms over and over as he finger fucks himself with one hand and pinches his big nipples with the other. Each orgasm drives the maleness further back into the recesses of his mind. After the fifth orgasm he relaxes and smiles in the afterglow.


Mark has been resting for a few minutes when he hears footsteps. Someone turns on a light. It's a man, 'Wait he looks familiar, wait that's me!' Mark thinks.

"Hi Mark, how do you like the new you? Or even the new me?" LeeAnne asks the shocked Mark in a voice that is exactly like Mark's. She strikes a few body builder poses for Mark's viewing pleasure.

"LeeAnne? Is that you in that body? What have you done to us?" Mark asks with panic starting he notices his voice sounds just like LeeAnne's did.

"Yes. It's me. And yes I did this to us. Don't you like it? I think its great. Look how big I am and how strong. I'm Mark now and you are going to be LeeAnne." She says teasing him to the hilt.

"But LeeAnne, you look taller and more muscular than I was, sort of enhanced." He says puzzled.

"Oh I made a few improvements in me. I'm taller than you were, more muscular, stronger and in better condition. Even my brain works better than yours did. But I also made improvements in you. You have bigger firmer breasts than I did. I refined your features so you are prettier." LeeAnne said. What she didn't say was that she had increased both of their bodily sex drives by factor of 10.

"But LeeAnne why did you change us? I thought we were happily married." He pleaded feeling oddly submissive to and turned on by this handsome man his wife had become.

"You might have been happy Mark, but you have dominated me so in the last three years, I was just a servant for you. It was time for a change." LeeAnne said sternly. "And oh I almost forgot one improvement." She pulled her boxers down to expose her big dick. "My cock is 2 or 3 inches longer than yours was."

Mark had sat down on the couch as LeeAnne had been talking. Now he was confronted with the sight of this big semi hard cock right at eye level. LeeAnne walked up close to him and stopped when her slowly hardening cock was only about a foot away. Mark wanted to look away but he just couldn't tear his eyes from it. It was so big and strong looking to his confused mind. Soon it was standing straight out and Mark could smell its musky odor. The smell made his head spin with thoughts of what it must taste like. He suppressed these thoughts as LeeAnne spoke.

"Grab that ruler out of the drawer and let's measure it." Mark found himself obeying without thinking. But when he turned to face her again he balked. His male self wouldn't let him reach out to touch that huge thing.

"Go on baby, its not going to bite you. Don't worry this is your wife in here. Just measure it for me."

LeeAnne prodded him into laying the ruler up next to her cock but it kept moving so he gingerly grabbed it with his left hand. As soon as he touched it he knew he shouldn't have. It felt so good in his little hand, it was hard and warm and seemed to pulse with manhood.

He tried to concentrate on the measurement and said, "Wow LeeAnne you are ten inches on the nose. Its huge." Mark said with a tremble in his feminine voice.

He dropped the ruler but doesn't turn loose of her cock. He finds himself drawn to the masculine power in this big hard rod. Slowly he places his other hand on it and begins to caress it with both hands.

LeeAnne looks down at her husband's pretty face so close to her rock hard cock. She can see the desire written on his face. The eroticism of this situation makes her cock swell even more. The beautiful nymph so enraptured by her rigid cock is the man who had dominated her so much over in the past. But now the shoe was on the other foot, or actually the cock was on the other body now. And LeeAnne was going to make the best of it. An idea strikes her and she verbally starts coaxing him to suck her off.

"Don't you like it Mark?"

"Oh it's so big and strong!" he says with a far a way sound in his voice.

"Stroke it for me, yes that's it baby, make it harder." LeeAnne urges as she slowly moves closer to him. Soon the head of her cock is merely an inch or two from Mark's full lips and sensual mouth.

LeeAnne puts one of her hands on the back of Mark's blonde head. As she gently pulls him forward she says, "Why don't you kiss it for me?"

Mark feels so odd, he is so turned on and when LeeAnne talks to him he feels like he should do what she says. She has the big cock of hers right in his face now and he feels her hand on his head pulling him forward. He knows he shouldn't let this happen but he feels so weak and his female body is on fire with desire. It's almost as if someone else is in control as he kisses the head of her cock. The salty taste of her precum makes him lick his lips.

"Tasty Mark? You like the taste of your wife's cock?" LeeAnne goads him.

Then she pulls his head forward again.

Mark tries to stop himself but instead he lets the head of her cock slip pass his lips and into his mouth. The feeling of this big dick in his mouth breaks down his resistance and Mark begins to give his wife a first class blowjob. LeeAnne is soon fucking her husband's mouth as she holds his pretty head with both hands. Mark runs his small hands up LeeAnne's muscular legs and grasps her hard buttocks. LeeAnne tense and her hot cum splashes against the back of mark thought. She pumps gob after gob of semen into her husband's hungry mouth. Mark swallows some but most runs out down his chin to dribble on his big tits.

Mark is still sucking and when LeeAnne pulls her dick out of his mouth with a slurppy pop. "We better get you cleaned up honey." She helps Mark to his feet and points him to the master bath.

Mark is in a strange state as he walks to the bathroom. His big tits jiggle distractingly and his wider hips make him walk like a sex kitten. He can't believe he just sucked a man's cock. But the smell of LeeAnne cum on his breasts is evidence. He had not been able to stop himself and that scared Mark. He hadn't meant to do that to her, just measure her. As he cleaned her cum off his chest and tummy he was amazed at the beautiful and sexy blonde woman looking out at him in the mirror. He looked a lot like LeeAnne had and could pass for his wife now. But his breasts were bigger and firmer with larger nipples. He was also prettier than she had been. As he stood there cupping his two heavy tits and examining his reflection, LeeAnne came in.

LeeAnne walked up behind him, reached around to cup his tits herself. "Let me do that for you baby." She said as she began to caress and fondle those amazing breasts her husband now sported.

Mark's head began to spin again as LeeAnne's strong hands kneaded his big tits. She was standing so close behind him he could feel her semi-hard cock nestled between the cheeks of his ass. Soon he could feel her cock becoming erect and he hunched his round ass into her. Is male self was totally out of control and his new female body was being manipulated by his wife and her new male body.

LeeAnne could feel her cock rising to the occasion again. It made her glad she had given her new male body the ability to have multiple orgasms. As her cock lengthened she could feel Mark's warm wet pussy on the head of her cock. LeeAnne stopped playing with his right tit and placed her right hand on Mark's to push him forward and down to lean over the vanity.

Mark felt LeeAnne pushing him down until he was leaning over with both hands flat on the vanity and his legs spread. He had tried to resist at first but she was too strong for him now. LeeAnne proceed to run her huge cock back and forth over his crotch area from behind. The head of her cock was rubbing against his little clit and making him shiver with delight. Mark looked down between his dangling boobs and he could see the head of her cock, as it would briefly poke out of his blonde pubic hair. His whole body was on fire and sensitive to her every touch.

LeeAnne grasp her thick shaft and placed the head squarely on Mark's dripping wet pussy lips. He squirmed a little but then tried to impale himself on her shaft but she waited letting the delicious suspense build.

Suddenly Mark felt something else new and strange to him. LeeAnne had placed the head of her cock on the opening to his pussy. I thought of trying to get away. He may have moved a little but in the end it was only a thought and his bodies needs took over. Mark tried to hunch back onto his wife's big love muscle. He wanted he in him!

LeeAnne smiled and groaned as she felt the head of her cock slip into Mark's slick pussy. He was so warm and wet and tight! Shit this was so good. Mark moaned as he felt the head pass his pussy lips and then the ridge of the glans. And then inch by wonderful inch as his wife filled his pussy with her wonderful cock. Then she had most of it buried in him and LeeAnne began to stroke her cock into him. He got into the rhythm with her and lost any control he had left.

As LeeAnne started pounding him with her big dick she grabbed his hips and used them to pull him to her. She may have been a little rough with him but the bitch seemed to like it. LeeAnne pinched his nipples roughly, which made him purr like the sex kitten he now was. As Mark was cumming rather loudly for the third time, LeeAnne shot her load deep into her husbands steaming cunt. He would have collapsed on the floor had she not held his soft sexy body in her strong arms. LeeAnne swept up in her strong arms and easily carried Mark to the bed. She stood there holding this sexy woman in her arms for a moment; she reveled in the feeling of power this gave her. LeeAnne bent over and placed Mark gently on the bed.

He looked at her with those big beautiful blue eyes and said, "I love you."

LeeAnne said, "I love you too babe" and leaned down to kiss those full lips. She kissed him long hard and with passion.

At this point kissing a man wasn't a big deal for Mark. After all, he had just sucked his wife's cock off, and then she had fucked him with it till he was so weak from cumming he couldn't stand. His whole perspective was being changed. He found it easy to think of LeeAnne as him instead of her. It was so easy just to let he be the boss. Subconsciously, his own self image and was more than 50% female now. He tried to think like a man but he kept failing because his body was so distracting. It just felt so good!

LeeAnne looked down at him, or actually her. So far things had gone better than she had hoped. He was already accepting her as the dominant one. And every time she made love to him it would re-enforce the fact he was now the wife and LeeAnne was now the husband. A couple more days and they could even swap names. Then she would finally be free of her female prison. Using sex to make him accept his new role and name would definitely be the quickest route. Smiling, LeeAnne crawled into bed with his new wife. Soon, Mark is again making feminine moans of desire...

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The Magic of Genetics

by:Jane Steele


The Magic of Genetics By Jane Steele

The instructions for the spell that she had bought from gypsy woman were fairly simple. No real hocus-pocus like LeeAnne had expected. But then the price had been low for something that was supposed to have such dramatic effects on the subjects. LeeAnne was still surprised at herself for a number of reasons. First, she didn't normally have any faith in the occult or magic. But there had been something in the old woman's voice that seemed to convince LeeAnne she needed this spell. Second, she had given the woman over $800 in cash with no argument. Normally, LeeAnne watched every penny she spent since she had to answer to her husband Mark for anything over a $50 purchase. Mark was a good husband and an excellent provider but he was tight with their free money. She loved him but their roles had evolved over the duration of the marriage from loving equals to the point where LeeAnne felt like she was play-acting as a 1950s TV wife.

LeeAnne and Mark were both 32 years old and had been married for 8 years with most of the time being good for them both. But in recent years LeeAnne had become restless under Mark's ever more dominating personality. She loved Mark but at the same time longed for some sort of change in their lives. Neither of them had ever cheated on the other and their sex life was still good. They both kept in shape and enjoyed an active life.

LeeAnne had the vials, spell text and genetic material she would need spread out on the counter in the kitchen. As she scanned over the text of the spell and prepared the ingredients she thought to herself how different things would be in the morning. Tim was sure going to be upset but he would have to deal with it. LeeAnne placed the lock of hair she'd gotten from Mark while he had been napping on the couch into the first vial. Then she put the lock of her own hair into the other vial. She poured the contents of the last and largest of the three vials into the first two. It evenly filled both to the line near the top of each.

Then LeeAnne prepared to read the spell that should invoke the magic into each vial. The spell was oddly worded and mentioned genetics of all things. She had never heard of a genetics spell. It also had blanks in the text where she could insert changes or specifics of how the spell was to affect the victim. As she chanted the lines, including the part she had inserted, the liquid in each vial pulsed and glowed as if some power were being imbued into it. When she had finished speaking the light slowly dimmed from each vial and went out. LeeAnne then put the tops on each one, marking one for her and one for her husband.

All that was left to do was to pour the contents of the correct vial over the food on each dinner plate tonight. The instructions say that the liquid will have no taste to cause suspicion. She just hoped that her nerve would hold out. LeeAnne neatly cleared away all evidence of her magic making and started to prepare dinner.

Mark got home from the office at the normal time and as always wanted a drink before dinner. And as usual he sat watching TV while she put the evening meal on the table. In spite of her worries everything went as smooth as a normal dinner for them. She doused the food on the dinner plates until each vial was empty. LeeAnne couldn't taste any trace of an odd flavor in it. So she felt pretty good that Mark wouldn't. He actually ate everything on his plate and asked for more. Now the waiting for the genetics spell to do its work began. According to the instructions it could take a few hours and would cause them to pass out while the changes took place. She already felt weird, hot and flushed, her nipples were rock hard and she felt moistness between her legs.

From where he sat on the couch reading the paper Mark said, "LeeAnne is it hot in here to you? Man, am I horny all of a sudden."

He dropped the paper and began to rub his crotch area. LeeAnne was drawn to her husband as her unzipped his pants and pulled out his erect cock. She knelt in front of the couch and began to give him a slow blowjob.

She thought to herself as she licked Mark's hard shaft, 'The spell's instructions didn't mention this. Is it just going to make us horny as hell?'

Within moments they both were naked and screwing like rabbits on the living room floor. After 15 minutes of wild lovemaking they both collapsed onto the carpet and sleep overcame them. As the two lovers slept for the next hour drastic changes swept over their bodies.


From where she lay LeeAnne could see the large wall clock; it was 9:15 PM. That meant she had been asleep almost 2 hours. She felt so odd and out of sorts. Then she remembered the spell. The Spell! Had it worked at all?

As LeeAnne lay on her back she ran her hands over her chest and found her breasts were gone! Her chest was now smooth and very muscular. It felt so strange to not have big heavy breasts on her chest. Next she reached down to her crotch. Her fingers slid through her pubic hair and where they should have encountered the beginning of her pussy slit, she found the base of a large soft cock! She explored now with both hands and discovered she did indeed now have a rather large cock and set of balls.

As she felt herself, it began to swell and become erect. The feeling filled her with a sense of power. As it continued to rise she wondered if maybe she had given herself too large of a cock. But the more she stroked it, the more she began to enjoy its size and weight. Soon her new cock was standing up like a flagpole. She had to tear her hands away from it or she would have stroked herself to orgasm then and there. But she wanted to be ready when Mark woke to his new life. So she pulled herself back from the edge of her first male orgasm and stood up.

LeeAnne found Mark's boxers and pulled them on. She stood over his sleeping form and marveled. Mark now inhabited an improved version of LeeAnne's old body, just as LeeAnne now was an improved version of Mark's. Mark was still sleeping soundly in his new body. His big firm breasts rose and fell with each slow breath. He was so sexy, beautiful and innocent looking as he slept. LeeAnne was suddenly gripped by the urge to make love to him right now! Her cock sprang to life again as she wondered how it would feel to slide her new cock into Mark's delicious pussy. But no, she would wait, this had to be handled just right. She left Mark to sleep some more and walked to the master bath to examine her new self. The bouncing of her semi-hard cock was so distracting.

The reflection that greeted her was better than she had hoped for. All of the improvements she had added to the spell seemed to be included. Basically she was now Mark, but a little taller, more muscular with better muscle tone and her cock was obviously a near duplicate of Mark's but it was about 2 or 3 inches longer.

Wow, she felt so BIG, so STRONG now. LeeAnne flexed her new muscles in the mirror. God, she was turning herself on. She might be in a man's body now but the reflection of herself posing in the mirror was making her old female self hot. Her big cock was sticking straight out and causing a huge tent in her boxers. She pulled her boxers down and grabbed her swollen cock with both hands. LeeAnne watched herself in the mirror as she began to masturbate.

In moments her cock tensed and seconds later she sprayed her sperm all over the mirror and sink as she is overwhelmed by a powerful orgasm. Her first male orgasm has shaken her to the core of her female experience. LeeAnne smiled with satisfaction as she pulls her boxers up.

'I think I'm going to love being a man. This is going to be great.' She thinks to herself as she heads back to see if Mark is awake yet.


As Mark laid on his back, she felt the haze of sleep lifting but it's replaced by feelings that don't seem to fit. As he lies in the dark with his eyes closed Mark tries to determine what's different. Somehow he feels softer and smaller. He can feel a weight on his chest and his crotch feels wrong. Still half-asleep Mark brings his right hand to his tummy. Wow, when did his skin become so smooth and hairless?

He slowly slid his hand up his flat tummy until he felt his ribcage begin. Then just a little farther down his hand encounters a large fleshy mound. Confused and curious now he slides his hand up the curve of this mound and finds a large nipple at the peak! He slaps his other hand to the left side of his chest and finds a twin peak there. He has grown tits!

His hands begin to gently cup and caress them and he feels strange but wonderful sensations roll over his being. He feels his nipples harden and he rolls then between each thumb and forefinger. A soft moan escapes his lips. If feels as if he is under a spell, he knows he should be freaking out right now, but this feels so damn good. Mark just goes with the flow as he feels a warm moistness between his smooth thighs.

He eases his left hand down over his marvelously smooth flat tummy into what feels like a neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair. His fingers don't encounter his cock, but instead his middle fingers slide into his slick pussy. Mark's mind tells him this can't be happening, but he uses his finger to trace circles around his little hard clit. Then he slides his finger deep into his waiting vagina. He moans softly as he rhythmically slides his finger in and out. On the out part he slides his wet finger over his clit. In moments Mark orgasms over and over as he finger fucks himself with one hand and pinches his big nipples with the other. Each orgasm drives the maleness further back into the recesses of his mind. After the fifth orgasm he relaxes and smiles in the afterglow.


Mark has been resting for a few minutes when he hears footsteps. Someone turns on a light. It's a man, 'Wait he looks familiar, wait that's me!' Mark thinks.

"Hi Mark, how do you like the new you? Or even the new me?" LeeAnne asks the shocked Mark in a voice that is exactly like Mark's. She strikes a few body builder poses for Mark's viewing pleasure.

"LeeAnne? Is that you in that body? What have you done to us?" Mark asks with panic starting he notices his voice sounds just like LeeAnne's did.

"Yes. It's me. And yes I did this to us. Don't you like it? I think its great. Look how big I am and how strong. I'm Mark now and you are going to be LeeAnne." She says teasing him to the hilt.

"But LeeAnne, you look taller and more muscular than I was, sort of enhanced." He says puzzled.

"Oh I made a few improvements in me. I'm taller than you were, more muscular, stronger and in better condition. Even my brain works better than yours did. But I also made improvements in you. You have bigger firmer breasts than I did. I refined your features so you are prettier." LeeAnne said. What she didn't say was that she had increased both of their bodily sex drives by factor of 10.

"But LeeAnne why did you change us? I thought we were happily married." He pleaded feeling oddly submissive to and turned on by this handsome man his wife had become.

"You might have been happy Mark, but you have dominated me so in the last three years, I was just a servant for you. It was time for a change." LeeAnne said sternly. "And oh I almost forgot one improvement." She pulled her boxers down to expose her big dick. "My cock is 2 or 3 inches longer than yours was."

Mark had sat down on the couch as LeeAnne had been talking. Now he was confronted with the sight of this big semi hard cock right at eye level. LeeAnne walked up close to him and stopped when her slowly hardening cock was only about a foot away. Mark wanted to look away but he just couldn't tear his eyes from it. It was so big and strong looking to his confused mind. Soon it was standing straight out and Mark could smell its musky odor. The smell made his head spin with thoughts of what it must taste like. He suppressed these thoughts as LeeAnne spoke.

"Grab that ruler out of the drawer and let's measure it." Mark found himself obeying without thinking. But when he turned to face her again he balked. His male self wouldn't let him reach out to touch that huge thing.

"Go on baby, its not going to bite you. Don't worry this is your wife in here. Just measure it for me."

LeeAnne prodded him into laying the ruler up next to her cock but it kept moving so he gingerly grabbed it with his left hand. As soon as he touched it he knew he shouldn't have. It felt so good in his little hand, it was hard and warm and seemed to pulse with manhood.

He tried to concentrate on the measurement and said, "Wow LeeAnne you are ten inches on the nose. Its huge." Mark said with a tremble in his feminine voice.

He dropped the ruler but doesn't turn loose of her cock. He finds himself drawn to the masculine power in this big hard rod. Slowly he places his other hand on it and begins to caress it with both hands.

LeeAnne looks down at her husband's pretty face so close to her rock hard cock. She can see the desire written on his face. The eroticism of this situation makes her cock swell even more. The beautiful nymph so enraptured by her rigid cock is the man who had dominated her so much over in the past. But now the shoe was on the other foot, or actually the cock was on the other body now. And LeeAnne was going to make the best of it. An idea strikes her and she verbally starts coaxing him to suck her off.

"Don't you like it Mark?"

"Oh it's so big and strong!" he says with a far a way sound in his voice.

"Stroke it for me, yes that's it baby, make it harder." LeeAnne urges as she slowly moves closer to him. Soon the head of her cock is merely an inch or two from Mark's full lips and sensual mouth.

LeeAnne puts one of her hands on the back of Mark's blonde head. As she gently pulls him forward she says, "Why don't you kiss it for me?"

Mark feels so odd, he is so turned on and when LeeAnne talks to him he feels like he should do what she says. She has the big cock of hers right in his face now and he feels her hand on his head pulling him forward. He knows he shouldn't let this happen but he feels so weak and his female body is on fire with desire. It's almost as if someone else is in control as he kisses the head of her cock. The salty taste of her precum makes him lick his lips.

"Tasty Mark? You like the taste of your wife's cock?" LeeAnne goads him.

Then she pulls his head forward again.

Mark tries to stop himself but instead he lets the head of her cock slip pass his lips and into his mouth. The feeling of this big dick in his mouth breaks down his resistance and Mark begins to give his wife a first class blowjob. LeeAnne is soon fucking her husband's mouth as she holds his pretty head with both hands. Mark runs his small hands up LeeAnne's muscular legs and grasps her hard buttocks. LeeAnne tense and her hot cum splashes against the back of mark thought. She pumps gob after gob of semen into her husband's hungry mouth. Mark swallows some but most runs out down his chin to dribble on his big tits.

Mark is still sucking and when LeeAnne pulls her dick out of his mouth with a slurppy pop. "We better get you cleaned up honey." She helps Mark to his feet and points him to the master bath.

Mark is in a strange state as he walks to the bathroom. His big tits jiggle distractingly and his wider hips make him walk like a sex kitten. He can't believe he just sucked a man's cock. But the smell of LeeAnne cum on his breasts is evidence. He had not been able to stop himself and that scared Mark. He hadn't meant to do that to her, just measure her. As he cleaned her cum off his chest and tummy he was amazed at the beautiful and sexy blonde woman looking out at him in the mirror. He looked a lot like LeeAnne had and could pass for his wife now. But his breasts were bigger and firmer with larger nipples. He was also prettier than she had been. As he stood there cupping his two heavy tits and examining his reflection, LeeAnne came in.

LeeAnne walked up behind him, reached around to cup his tits herself. "Let me do that for you baby." She said as she began to caress and fondle those amazing breasts her husband now sported.

Mark's head began to spin again as LeeAnne's strong hands kneaded his big tits. She was standing so close behind him he could feel her semi-hard cock nestled between the cheeks of his ass. Soon he could feel her cock becoming erect and he hunched his round ass into her. Is male self was totally out of control and his new female body was being manipulated by his wife and her new male body.

LeeAnne could feel her cock rising to the occasion again. It made her glad she had given her new male body the ability to have multiple orgasms. As her cock lengthened she could feel Mark's warm wet pussy on the head of her cock. LeeAnne stopped playing with his right tit and placed her right hand on Mark's to push him forward and down to lean over the vanity.

Mark felt LeeAnne pushing him down until he was leaning over with both hands flat on the vanity and his legs spread. He had tried to resist at first but she was too strong for him now. LeeAnne proceed to run her huge cock back and forth over his crotch area from behind. The head of her cock was rubbing against his little clit and making him shiver with delight. Mark looked down between his dangling boobs and he could see the head of her cock, as it would briefly poke out of his blonde pubic hair. His whole body was on fire and sensitive to her every touch.

LeeAnne grasp her thick shaft and placed the head squarely on Mark's dripping wet pussy lips. He squirmed a little but then tried to impale himself on her shaft but she waited letting the delicious suspense build.

Suddenly Mark felt something else new and strange to him. LeeAnne had placed the head of her cock on the opening to his pussy. I thought of trying to get away. He may have moved a little but in the end it was only a thought and his bodies needs took over. Mark tried to hunch back onto his wife's big love muscle. He wanted he in him!

LeeAnne smiled and groaned as she felt the head of her cock slip into Mark's slick pussy. He was so warm and wet and tight! Shit this was so good. Mark moaned as he felt the head pass his pussy lips and then the ridge of the glans. And then inch by wonderful inch as his wife filled his pussy with her wonderful cock. Then she had most of it buried in him and LeeAnne began to stroke her cock into him. He got into the rhythm with her and lost any control he had left.

As LeeAnne started pounding him with her big dick she grabbed his hips and used them to pull him to her. She may have been a little rough with him but the bitch seemed to like it. LeeAnne pinched his nipples roughly, which made him purr like the sex kitten he now was. As Mark was cumming rather loudly for the third time, LeeAnne shot her load deep into her husbands steaming cunt. He would have collapsed on the floor had she not held his soft sexy body in her strong arms. LeeAnne swept up in her strong arms and easily carried Mark to the bed. She stood there holding this sexy woman in her arms for a moment; she reveled in the feeling of power this gave her. LeeAnne bent over and placed Mark gently on the bed.

He looked at her with those big beautiful blue eyes and said, "I love you."

LeeAnne said, "I love you too babe" and leaned down to kiss those full lips. She kissed him long hard and with passion.

At this point kissing a man wasn't a big deal for Mark. After all, he had just sucked his wife's cock off, and then she had fucked him with it till he was so weak from cumming he couldn't stand. His whole perspective was being changed. He found it easy to think of LeeAnne as him instead of her. It was so easy just to let he be the boss. Subconsciously, his own self image and was more than 50% female now. He tried to think like a man but he kept failing because his body was so distracting. It just felt so good!

LeeAnne looked down at him, or actually her. So far things had gone better than she had hoped. He was already accepting her as the dominant one. And every time she made love to him it would re-enforce the fact he was now the wife and LeeAnne was now the husband. A couple more days and they could even swap names. Then she would finally be free of her female prison. Using sex to make him accept his new role and name would definitely be the quickest route. Smiling, LeeAnne crawled into bed with his new wife. Soon, Mark is again making feminine moans of desire...

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