The Lycos

By cgf2662

Published on Nov 15, 2022


The Lycos --Old World a New Beginning-2 CGW©

Luckily there was a storm and the three slipped out without detection from the packs compound. It was a long travel and what Ryland had learned; it was a very difficult one for him. Rodrick would not meet them nor would he ever meet his son that was due within a little over a month.

Why did he chance coming to the hilltop packs compound what could have been so important that he would risk his life going up against Rundar?

Pete Benson refused to give up his search for his son, he knew that Joey was somewhere and he would be found site even if every search party had already given up after three weeks. He said at the edge of a fire in the clearing near where his family had always camped. He thought of his wife and how he had let her down by losing their son.

Pete could not think that way, their son was not lost he had just been misplaced by wondering off as Joey did quite a bit, he was fearless even as a toddler and Emily had always told him that he was destined for greatness when the time was right.

Slowly the 3 Made Their Way through the dense forest through the valleys through the creeks, over a river. Ryland and Dustin felt their old life slowly slipping away but knowing that father and Poppa were with them and guiding them along their way.

Joey, excited when he saw the clearing and his dad setting your flame.

Ryland put his hand in front of the young lad; let me make sure it's safe. I know he is your family but still stay with Dustin you to hide and I will make your presence known to your dad.

Both boys understood Ryland's concern and did as they were instructed.

Ryland change from his wolf form to human, he slid on an extra set of clothing he had brought and slowly walked towards the human setting beside the fire. Excuse me sir may I please enter your area Ryland spoke up.

The sudden penetrating voice startled Pete Benson, he grabbed for his gun.

Please sir there is no need for that sir, I only wish to bring you something that has been misplaced from you. But I do need conversation with you first.

Pete Benson standing there with his rifle invited the stranger to come in out of the edge of darkness to the fire. Please have a seat and tell me your business along with your name.

My name is simple it is Ryland, and my business is your business. I first must know that I am safe and the ones that I travel with the safe also. Three weeks back I walked in on a fight that was occurring between a small human cub and a red bear. The cub gave no fear he never backed down, he was a tenacious fighter as the red bear came at him time, after time, after time, he had several close calls with the sharp claws of the bear. He was getting the best of the bear until he tripped over a root behind him as he slowly and cautiously backed. As he stumbled backwards the bear was able to get a slash and cut the young cub bad.

Even though it was against our code I stepped in to defend the young cub as I felt something special within him. I was able to surprise the bear leapt upon its back and broke his neck.

Dude; I don't know what you been smoking but that must be some good shit, all joking aside you are not big enough to go after a full-grown red bear and neither is my son, much less defending him off with a spear or something?

No Sir not in this form and not in my condition, and I don't mean to scare you but if I were to take my other form, I'm afraid that I would.

I need to know that you will take myself and a fellow traveler into the city so that we can find refuge from someone that is hunting us when he finds out that we are missing. And it must be wolf friendly sir.

Pete finally realized he wasn't talking to any normal human, number one it was 5 AM it was pitch black outside no moon. He claimed to know where Joey was and now, he was talking about wolves?

Ryland put two fingers together and let out a special whistle.

Pete was amazed he saw Joey and I another young lad coming out of the deep underbrush, the other one might've been a year older and a might portly around the center but they both looked in good health.

Pete rushed to Joey and embraced him covering his son with kisses.

Okay dad please; I'm not a little boy I'm not a little child please stop it requested Joey. He looked into his dad's eyes, we need to sit down and have a talk and I mean a big talk.

Pete step back from his son realizing that Joey had changed in three weeks being lost in the forest, but that would change even most adults especially these woods.

Okay Joey let's sit down bottom fire along with your new friends if you would like to introduce them and we can talk but is this something that we should discuss in front of others?

Dad I have no secrets from Ryland or his younger sibling Dustin. Had it not been for them, their Poppa and father hiding me out I would not be talking to you now, Rundar would have certainly skinned me alive and devoured me.

Pete set down and realized his son was no longer the same young man that had disappeared. Okay son the stage is all yours ask away and I will do my best to tell you the truth.

When were you going to tell me who and what I am, just let me wake up at 15 years of age when I was thrust upon by powers that I would not understand? Yes, I know all about the covenant, and my full name and who my grandfather is, mother did not shield me like you have yes, she kept me away from some of the haters but she did expose me to friends that were little different.

Joey, I think I need to make a phone call to your uncle Jasper and aunt Newton, Jasper can help a lot more than I can with some of the finer details.

Dad don't do that, never talk about uncle Newton in that way, he has never been nothing supportive when it comes to having hard times. He and uncle Jasper are an oddball couple but they make it work and they love each other.

Pete jumped when he saw Ryland's stomach move. What the fuck is that and how did you do that?

I'm sorry that's my pup, he's a little restless after all the traveling, myself and Dustin need to rest.

You mean you're carrying a thing inside of you.

Dad you're being a jerk, it is called a pup in the Lycos world. They are sometimes delivered in wolf form or in human form but with the special circumstances surrounding Ryland it will probably be born as a wolf pup and slowly change into its human form. They need a place to stay and as far as I'm concerned, they can stay with us, Dustin can stay in my room with me and the let's face it since mom passed away nobody's kept Your bed warm but you. It might do you some good to at least have another live person in it.

Pete was still on edge, where's its father and is he going to come looking for you?

Ryland started to cry, and held his head down low.

Pete looked at his son and give a questionable look upon his face.

Dad; the pup's father was dispatched by Rundar and his henchmen. It was decided by father and Poppa that we had to leave last night so that Ryland's life could be saved along with the pup. So, I think we need to get out of the woods for now, like right now.

Pete started to putting everything in the camper as fast as he could Joey had never seen his father packed anything so fast. Pete Benson usually wasn't scary person but realizing he was dealing with Lycos that were on the run, he felt that time was of the essence.

While they were driving back to the city Pete made one phone call, he knew it was early in the A.M. but Jasper always got up early. Jasper answered the telephone.

Jasper just please listen to me; Joey is safe don't worry about him, I'll tell you and Newton all about it and a couple more developments. Maybe around 1 o'clock, will you be up and around and we can come over, be great if you would throw some steaks on the grill say two nice one's medium well and Two medium rare?

Okay Pete I'll let the word spread around and we can have a cookout on the roof top.

Thanks Jasper you and Newton are one in a million.

Was that good enough for you, young man?

Well, if that doesn't get uncle Jasper up and running nothing will. Just to let you know Dustin is sleeping in my room with me and what you and Ryland do are up to you but we only got two beds so you do the math.

Pete watched the boys in the backseat as they snuggled up with one another, seems like those two are pretty close?

Three weeks' worth of constant companionship will do that, especially when Joey was recovering, he got the fever and Dustin never left his side, always slept wrapped around him holding him closely.

Looked at the young Lycos sitting on the passenger side of the SUV. Do you realize that I owe you big time for everything that you did for my son, don't worry about having to find someplace you've always got a home with us.

Ryland looked down at his stomach and gently rubbed it, you might not be so welcoming after this little pup is born. The little ones can get quite active as they grow.

Not as active as toys flying around a nursery, you talk about freaking you out. When you see a stuffed teddy bear coming out of the toybox and gently floating over to the crib. Now that will raise the hair on the back of your neck. You suddenly realize what you really signed up for, he eventually grew out of that phase, my wife worked with him I worked with him and he soon forgot that portion. But it looks like he has questions now.

About that Mr. Benson.

It's Pete not Mr. Benson just plain old Pete.

Okay Pete, my Poppa read from the ancient scrolls of the Lycos and your son has learned a lot about his future, our future and his life to be. I'm afraid he wishes to meet his grandfather Malachi.

There's a name I wish I could forget, but Joey's always going to be a part of the dark realm. Joey's real name is Joseph Malachi Benson, my wife just called him Joey for short after her father banished her and the boy from his sight, the only thing that can bring them back together as an amulet that she has infused with special powers and his request to see his grandfather.

This is one that Malachi isn't even going to see coming his way, and the grumpy old basterd cannot deny his summoning by his successor.

So, the scrolls are true, Joey is the future?

He is coming of the light into the darkness, when he turns 15, he will gain his full power and the red witches are gonna rue the day that they ever went after him.

You mean they went after him?

The red bear wasn't an animal, it was a witch that shifted her shape. You are part of Joey's future. You did not kill a bear; you killed a red witch your bare hands. And that was no simple chore, you are Joey's protector and you will play an important role in the future. This is why you need to meet Joey's uncle Jasper.

Is this his mother's brother or yours?

Uncle Jasper is loose terms for a family friend. He lives with a human mate Newton. They have been together for several years and very happy. Personally, I think it is one big waste of Wolf.

Jasper is a wolf as in Lycos?

As in big Lycos, I have seen him mad one time and even with the RY167X, he wolfed out to protect Newton. Needless to say, what happened to the other four men wasn't a pretty sight. I guess when you really love someone you will do anything protect them.

If it's too hard to talk about your wife and Joey's mom I understand, but how can a royal witch give up everything?

It was several years ago; I met the most beautiful girl in my advanced calculus class, it was my senior year in college. She was poised, intelligent and anything, I was nervous as everything but I approached her and before I could even get the words out of my mouth she smiled and said; yes, Peter Allen Benson I would love to go have a cup of coffee with you. I didn't get a word out of my mouth she turned around and walked away then she responded two o'clock coffee Central please do not disappoint me.

We kept it quiet, we were married in a simple ceremony two months later, she never told me about her family but she knew that I had no one left of mine. A year and ½ later Joey, was born and she told me her story, who she was and most importantly what she was.

Needless to say, my mind was blown, when dear old dad walked in or should I say popped in for a visit it wasn't good but we survived, she put a protection spell on Joey that would slowly wear down. Malachi banished her from the realm and I haven't seen him since. But when Joey summons him, the old Fucker has to appear and only Joey will have magical powers during the meeting.

Pete pulled up into the driveway and parked the SUV, he turned and looked at his son and his new friend Dustin then smiled.

Ryland and Pete put the boys to bed it had been a long day. They retired to the master bedroom so that Pete could get a few more answers out of Ryland.

I still have a difficulty understanding how you could let something like this happen to you, I thought only the Omegas carried children, I mean pups?

Alphas are the breeders of all, Omegas carry and the betas fit somewhere in between. We have everything that both of the others have and unless an alpha takes us, we close up and become pure betas.

It never happens in your own pack, like me I was caught out by another pack's alpha. He exerted his dominance over me and bred me. I can never go back home because I will smell of one that has been spoiled. Normally I would have been accepted into the alphas pack and used as a breeder by all. During a cycle as many as 10 alphas could mount me and leave their seeds within in hopes that I would carry more than one offspring for them. With the alpha that placed this pup inside of me now gone, I have no place to be.

Ryland your family saved my son but more importantly you saved his life. You will stay here in my home and will become my family. We can pass you off as a cousin who is raising his son as a single parent after his mother passed away during birth.

Now the others need to know the truth and I'm fairly sure certain that Jasper will smell you out for what you are, but you do not have to be afraid of him he is nonaggressive unless provoked. He only has eyes for Newton.

Pete, you don't understand, there are certain desires that pregnant Lycos have and they must be satisfied or we can get very bitchy. Down out right aggressive toward a male.

We will just have to cross that bridge when it happens, you can talk me through it we can discuss anything rationally that needs to be discussed.

So, when I tell you that I'm horny I need to be fucked you'll Fuck me? Because I don't want to look for someone that's not safe. Spies with eyes are everywhere here in the city.

Oh, that's what you meant by needs and desires, that's a little different I really don't know how I feel about that. Are you sure that you're gonna have to have sex?

Without a doubt Pete, but if you don't believe me ask some of your friends, they will tell you what to expect with a pregnant Lycos. And me being an altered beta because of what happened it will be even more intense than if I were a true Omega.

My milk glands have already started to fill, it will be embarrassing because they can leak even prior to birthing the pup.

We have that covered, I'll just go to the store and pick up a package of nursing pads built for humans and they will absorb the milk that is discharged.

Ryland looked at Pete who was trying to take it all in; you need to know what you're dealing with I'm now in human form but I'm still different than you and I think that you need to see what you're getting into.

What are you talking about Ryland?

Lycos are very different we come in three sub species but yet I am different from all those because my body is going to change even more. We don't like to wear clothing because that's a human thing but I can make adjustments. But I think it's best that I show you exactly what I am.

Ryland slipped off his shirt exposing his chest which was slightly hairy, his upper milk glands were very engorged his secondaries were starting to puff. This is my upper torso as I change thanks to my breeding, I will lose most of my body hair and my human form. The next part may be a little too much for you that you need to see what you're getting into but it will be changing even more before I birth.

My testicles will be absorbed by my body causing the opening to my breeding chamber to become more pronounced in both human and wolf form. My phallus will shrink down to no more than a nub at the opening of my breeding chamber. I will look similar to an Omega but any alpha that sees me knows automatically what I am. I am a breeding beta and that's something that cannot change ever. My voice will get softer as will my fur even in wolf form.

Does it cause you pain, this change in your body?

It is least to say very uncomfortable but normally we would have a mate and he would keep us active sexually to help with the process. But since he is now dead, I have no one so I don't know how painful it will be.

I can talk to Jasper and maybe he can fill me in on some things that you're going through but that's what I'm here for. To take care of you and Dustin along with Joey. You have to talk me through things that you need me to do to help you handle your change.

Pete that's asking a lot of someone of another species, technically were both humans or humanoids I just have some extra DNA that causes me to change at certain times.

Does it go with a full moon stuff or is all that just bullshit?

Bullshit, bullshit and more bullshit. Lycos can change when it's needed to protect them. We don't have to wait on any full moon and silver doesn't kill us a simple bullet can if it's placed at the base of the skull. A sharp knife under the rib cage thrust upward to the bottom of the heart will also do just like it will for humans. We're no different you had one mate and she birthed for you a son so when the time comes, I will need help. I'm scared I know it's going to hurt even though it's natural for us but the first time was very painful and I thought my world would come to an end but it didn't so I know that birthing is just a natural process for me now.

Well let's say we put this discussion to a rest and get a few hours of shut eye and will be better in the morning.

Pete where do you expect me to sleep there's only one place here, if you fix a pallet in the corner I can sleep on the floor.

And face the wrath of my son, get your ass in that bed and we will learn to sleep together. I was told by my late wife that I was a cuddler so in the middle night if you feel warm body up next to yours is just me getting comfortable.

Ryland walked over to the bed and crawled into the bed underneath the covers. I hope that you are not disappointed in me. I will help with everything here at your home, Dustin and I will not load off of you for free.

I'm sure that you will be just fine. Pete began to remove his clothing.

Ryland was impressed with what he saw, the human was quite muscular and very fit. Yes, he had a few years on his body but he was still more than capable of doing anything that needed to be done physically. Ryland attempted to look away when Pete dropped his pants but he still caught a glimpse of what he was packing, that thing could hurt a changeling beta much less an experienced Omega, he swallowed hard trying to put the thought out of his mind.

Donnie was terrified as Rundar took his anger and frustrations out on anything and everything in his house. Donnie shrilled when Rundar grabbed him by his hair and slung him across the room like he was nothing causing him to strike a support beam with his midsection.

Rundar stormed out of the cave looking for anyone that got in his way so that he could take out his anger.

Donnie was in sudden excruciating pain as he felt his pup move for the last time. His body took over and it was lost. He laid on the floor on un-consolable no matter how many Omegas tried to help him.

Word got back to Rundar that Donnie had lost the child that he was carrying, this caused Rundar to return to the cave where he resumed his attack on Poor Donnie. Once he was finished, he grabbed Ronnie by the head of the hair and flung him out of the cave into the middle of the opening landing in the nearest mud puddle.

I hope you die; you are not worthy of anyone or anything, never show your face near me or you will not breathe again. Rundar returned to his cave and slammed the door shut.

Sgt. of the Guards Dresden witnessed everything that happened to Donnie, he walked to where he laid in the water. Dresden looked around Kneeled and gently lifted Donnie up and held him. If he had not lost a bet with Cedric; Donnie would've been his mate but now that his best friend was gone, he needed to step up to the plate and take care of Donnie.

He repositioned Donnie and was about to take a step when one of his subordinates cleared his throat. Glaring with red eyes Dresden looked at him, say nothing if you care to continue breathing. Not everyone returns from scouting missions.

Yes sir Sgt. the young Lycos responded. You must be careful sir Rundar is evil, I know we should never talk about our pack leader's but Sir it's only what everyone says but no one speaks from their lips.

Speak of this not again and all will be forgiven and forgotten. Dresden walked to his small newly formed den which was near his parents Reisman and Delton. He would need his Poppa's help as Donnie needed to heal. He knew his parents were still reeling from the loss of Ryland and Dustin. He could never take either's place but maybe he could help.

Dresden placed Donnie upon the soft bedding made from animal fur and covered him. Stay here and rest, you are safe in my home.

A very weak Donnie looked up and smiled at Dresden, he remembered him from the way Cedric talked very favorable of the young Sgt.

Dresden left his den and went to his parents. Poppa, I need your help. I know now is not the time to take on more responsibility. But I your assistance.

My son what is it?

I have a visitor in my den, he lies in my bed recovering.

What have you done and how much trouble are you in?

It's not like that Poppa, Rundar attacked Donnie and after severe beating he lost the pup that he was expecting. Rundar attacked him again and threw him from the den and cast him out permanently. He has no other place to go and no one would look upon him.

I'm not scared of Rundar, without a doubt he was what happened to Cedric. Donnie needs to heal and he will stay in my Den as my family.

Does your father know about this yet?

No that's the reason I came to you Poppa, if he objects you can always make him see the right way.

Take me to your Den, I will check on the young man and do what I can. As far as your father is concerned you are grown, you have a Den of your own and your master over it. He will see the right way even if I have to convince him. We shall lose no others from our clan to Rundar.

The two left and went to Dresden's Den.

Delton checked on Donnie, it would take plenty of herbs for the young man to heal. He was young and would live to carry again but he would have to be watched in case Rundar decided to attack him in the compound he told this to his son.

Poppa, I have that planned, he will stay out of sight will stay at the Den. We have enough family to make sure that he does not become lonesome. I know it's not the same thing as being out around the other Omegas that he must stay in seclusion for his own safety.

Son, I understand that but Rundar will sniff and find him. Then what how will you protect him?

I'll simply tell Rundar that he is nothing more than a maid. Someone to clean my Den and cook the meals wash and repair my uniform. That should be okay, I don't expect any other problems.

Son with Rundar there's always a problem. I've not said this out loud but I have no reason to doubt that the rumors are true, they found Cedric's body at the bottom of the ravine the same place another clan's scout told him where he found it before Rundar's henchmen killed him. We could have war before long between the clans because of Rundar's greed and lust for power.

Now take warm compresses and place them on Donnie's stomach it will help speed the healing. While you're at work I can come check on him. Lock the door behind you and there shall only be two keys available.

Poppa, help me break this to father and I will be grateful forever.

I'll take care of your father, just take care of Donnie. Don't forget son I remember your secrets.

Dresden looked at his Poppa a little inquisitively.

Delton walked away from his son's Den and returned to his.

Dresden made sure that Donnie was comfortable and safe before he returned to work. Dresden returned just in time to catch the ranting and raving of Rundar.

Where the hell is he at, where did the piece of trash crawl off to? Who the fuck knows answer up now or pay the price.

Dresden took a step forward with his head lowered toward the leader of the pack, sir he is not here anymore.

Where the fuck did, he go and who helped him?

Sir out of respect to my friend Cedric I picked Donnie up and carried him back to my den. He will not be any problems at all, he will not show his face to disrespect your son.

Sgt. you picked the piece of trash up and carried him to your home? After he disposed of my grandson and then miscarried another child?

Yes sir, not meaning any disrespect at all to you sir as the leader but I did take Donnie to my home. He will mend and then carry-on daily chores of keeping my home clean, meals prepared for when I return after a shift. He will not be a burden on anyone in the encampment, I made a promise one time and that is one promise that I intend to keep.

In just exactly who did you make this promise to Sgt.?

To your son Cedric, Sir. After he took Donnie as his mate, he made me promise him should anything happen that I would look after him so that he would not be in need.

Rundar backhanded Dresden's face; he did away with my grandchild and you pay me back with these actions? I should strip you of all of your rank, I only let you keep it because of your father and how loyal he has been to me for all of these years.

Dresden took a knee, yes mighty Rundar and for that I am forever thankful.

Rundar shoved Dresden into the mud, you let trash grace your place and you deserve no more than what you get. Keep it out of my sight and I will let it live, am I understood.

Yes, mighty Rundar; your orders are understood and will be obeyed.

Your dismissed; leave your duty to someone else and don't return until you can be truly loyal and earn your spot back in the guard. You will be no longer in charge of your own battalion you shall keep your rank but you must work on your insolence and disloyalty to the pack leader.

Dresden picked himself up out of the mud and departed the area. Rundar's actions did not go unnoticed by the pack. Fellow guardsmen felt for Dresden, he stood up to Rundar and never faltered in his loyalty to Cedric and a promise that he had made. Dresden was well respected in everyone's eyes for this and it made Rundar only look more disloyal to the entire pack even though he was the leader but for how long who knew?

Rundar went through the encampment sniffing for anything that might be close so that he could breed another son. Not finding anything that was close infuriated the leader and he removed himself and went back to his den slamming the door shut, screaming at the guards not to let anyone enter his domicile.

Delton was waiting on his mate to return; they had a lot they needed to speak of some of it was good but he wasn't so sure of other things. But it couldn't be changed life would find a way.

Reisman entered the den and saw his mate perplexed, okay out with it what happened while I was on patrol?

It's Dresden, he's okay but he honored a promise and it infuriated Rundar. I have heard that there was an altercation between the two, but Dresden humbled himself to save face for the family.

What in the hell did the boy do?

Our son is not a boy, he took pity on one that was less.

What you talking about what has happened since I was out on patrol?

Rundar attacked Donnie, he beat him severely causing him to lose his pup. Rundar threw him out of his den into the common area where he landed in a puddle of mud and laid there. When the coast was clear Dresden went to Donnie, removed him from the puddle of mud and took him back to his Den, he is resting from the trauma.

Rundar's rein of terror must come to an end or the pack will no longer be. We have lost 2 sons already I will not lose another to his madness.

Reisman you cannot talk this way; I know this is our den and what we say here stays here but sometimes some listen at doorways. But you need to sit down for the next part.

There's more? It must be big if you want me to sit down.

I don't know how to tell you this, other than to blurted out. You know a few weeks past I wasn't feeling good and things have not settled with me since. I know that we are getting older and we have raised our family.

Spit it out Delton, no sense beating around the bush if it's bad news we will handle it.

I'm three weeks along, I thought I was sick maybe with incurables but the healer said that nothing's wrong with me other than I'm with pup.

I thought you were passed that in your life, we gave up trying after Dustin was birthed.

I thought those days were behind me to, but I guess my body was just resting. You're not disappointed or mad?

How could I be mad at you, you know I love children and we will miss two of our grandchildren growing up maybe this is destiny.

He also did another test, and it's an alpha.

You're kidding me, the new one will be an alpha?

Yes Reisman, hopefully this will be the end of an era for us. We started out with an alpha and were going to end with an alpha. But at my age of 30 I need to be careful and scale back.

First things first we call a family meeting and the boys they'll either put out or get out. If they can't help their Poppa, they'll have no room in this house. And that is final, Dresden worked and worked to create his den and now he has someone to share it with. The others need to start looking for mates, from wherever they can find them.

Let me fix a good meal, and we will sit the boys down and we can all talk about their futures. Whether it be here, in another clan or even in the world of humans they need to make a choice.

I agree and we shall talk with them tonight.

Shaylin and Clark were on a routine scouting mission when they ran upon four young Omega's from the Valley clan who were frolicking in bathing themselves in the shallows of the river. They walked out of the thick into the clearing and let themselves be known to the Omegas.

The air was thick and pungent with scent of the Omegas, it brought the two alphas to realize they were ripe for choosing.

Shaylin and Clark were both very well-built and a prize to be held by any Omegas that chose to lie with them. Shaylin cleared his throat and startled the Omegas.

Argon and Seeley were the oldest of the four so they stepped forward to protect the two younger ones.

You are in Valley clan territory remarked Argon; what business do you have here.

Shaylin smiled; we were on a mere scouting expedition when we happened upon you frolicking in the river unprotected. You do realize that at this time in your life that is not a smart thing to do.

Let the young ones go back to the house remarked Argon, they have only had their first cycle and they are too young.

Clark chuckled; and what if we want all four of you as our spoils.

That would not be a wise decision to be made since the two youngest ones belong to the clan leader from his den. That would certainly mean death to a lot of the hilltop clan members, when they came for the two young ones.

Shaylin smiled and waved his hand; you can relax my brother Cark and I were raised better than that. If our father or Poppa knew that we took one against their will our bodies would be no more than dust of the earth. He is younger yes and still likes to play and joke.

Times like these; jokes like that can get you killed responded Argon; their brother is missing. Two burned bodies were found at the bottom of a ravine. The supreme alpha of our clan does not know who either is but we are one short that does not return at night.

As are we; responded Clark. The supreme alpha of our clan has also lost a son and he was a father to be.

I am very sorry for your loss; I know his mate must be truly heartbroken that the child will never know his father replied Seeley.

Introductions were made and Shaylin shared part of a catch of wild elk with the four Omegas.

Are the two of you with mates inquired Clark?

Shaylin watched the two oldest Omegas to gauge their reactions.

No responded Argon; we are of a poor den and must settle for whom ever.

Clark smiled at Seeley; you don't have to settle. I would be honored to have a mate such as yourself.

Seeley blushed at the compliment.

More like you two would have your fun and leave us swollen; responded Argon.

Not in our den, our father who is a Lieut. of the guard would have our heads. And he's the gentle one; Poppa would beat us half to death and kick us out of the den.

Only one has been allowed to move out before he has found a mate and he is Sgt. of the guard. His den is close by and that was Poppa's orders, he has several that are looking at him and wouldn't mind lying down for him but he's not interested.

Argon, you know that he lost his heart to one that he couldn't have because of the class difference. He stepped aside so that Cedric could pursue his only love.

Clark that should not be spoke about, you know what Poppa said; if he found out that you have spoken you will walk funny.

The four older Lycos were talking and the younger two were still frolicking in the river when the supreme alpha of the Valley clan Ezra approached his two youngest ones unnoticed by their caretakers.

Shaylin was the first one to notice the older Lycos standing there with his arms crossed. Shaylin touched his brother's arm and whispered be careful.

Shaylin took two steps forward then Kneeled and bowed his head. Mighty Ezra supreme alpha of the Valley clan we did not trespass lightly. The four Omegas were here unattended and they were vulnerable of attack. We have lost members of our clan without a trace and we did not want these four to suffer the same fate that has befallen one of ours. Our younger sibling, a beta overpowered a red bear just recently and defeated him to protect a young pup. Please take our apologies Sir.

Ezra was not uncaring or unfeeling alpha like Rundar. He understood the young alpha spoke the truth and he nodded his approval. Now that you have protected them what is your intention.

In different times it would be a different answer responded; Shaylin but now I fear not to speak the truth.

You have nothing to fear from myself or the guards of my clan because of your protective nature, my two youngest had been spared. The other two here will have to answer.

Clark being younger and not is well-versed in diplomacy spoke; we distracted them with compliments and appreciation. We shared our fresh kill with them and the younger ones, so that they would not be hungry sir.

You are a young one but very well-versed in decorum. I suspect that's from your upbringing in your den by very strong opinionated parents.

Yes, sir mighty Ezra, our father is Lieut. of the guard and Poppa has raised 13 of us to help our clan stay strong.

You do realize that if we were on different terms, you would be strung and quartered and placed in an area so that your whole clan could see what happens to trespassers.

Yes, but I pray that is not the case sir.

Rundar still in charge or has the evil one finally given over to his son?

Sir; young Cedric is one that has disappeared, his mate was due to birth their first child when he disappeared. I speak not ill of anyone of the clan but the child was also lost, the mate will not speak of the location where it happened.

So Rundar is without son nor grandchild now?

Yes, sir it is a sad time for the hilltop clan. We have lost two in our family during the flood, one of our beta trackers went to find a young Omega who was carrying and they were both swept away by the waters.

Sounds like the luck has turned from Rundar. Mother moon is not shining so brightly on the clan any longer.

No sir it is dark times responded Shaylin.

Ezra looked at the two older Omegas and figured that some kind of discipline must take place.

Members of the hilltop clan, I am not a rich clan leader but what we do have is at your disposal since you saved my two youngest. I gift to you the other two so that you can mate with them and your bloodlines can go forward.

Argon and Seeley you will not displease this clan, you will not bring shame to the clan. You will lie with them tonight and be known. You will pack your stuff tomorrow and go with your new mates with belly swollen to their clan. You will help bring healing so that the two clans can be whole again.

Argon eyes opened wide, supreme alpha you mean that we shall let them mate with us?

That's the least you can do for failing in your job. I know that my younger children were part of the problem and you should have never been here at the riverfront by yourselves. It is very fortunate that the young alphas with good breeding and upbringing happened upon you. So yes, you will ready yourselves when we get back to the den and give no rejection.

Argon and Seeley both bowed their heads and took a knee and pledge their allegiance to their leader mighty Ezra.

Shaylin was very pleased with the thought of bedding Argon and siring his first pup, Clark was a little apprehensive since he had never even kissed an Omega.

Clark looked at his brother; he was a little nervous and motioned him to the side. Shaylin, what the hell do I do, I've never kissed an Omega much less bred with one? What do I do if I mess up?

Clark once you get into the room and you remove your clothing, you both change and nature will take over. He will welcome you and allow you to mount him when the timing is right, just don't rush anything and hurt him.

That's a lot for you to say, I'm the odd man out here.

Like he isn't scared to death, someone he met just hours ago is going to breed him for the first time and put his pup deep inside of his body. You two need to sit down before anything happens and speak together just like I will talk to Argon before I take him.

This calmed Clark down a lot and they walked back to join the others.

Ezra smiled and leaned over to Shaylin; first time jitters for the young one?

Yes, sir; Poppa made us keep ourselves pure for our mate. Other than kissing one of the unattached Omegas in the pack, neither of us has done much.

Young man there's nothing to be nervous about, set and conversate with the Omega and get him comfortable with you. Then when you're alone you'll transform into your Wolf self, the mating will come naturally. Tomorrow after everyone has recovered and the Omegas have been impregnated feel free to leave at any time. But remember, we expect to meet the pups when they are born. Rundar knows that this is tradition and believe me, he does not want to fuck with our tradition.

Shaylin smiled and they all left for the Valley clans' main encampment.

Clark stuck near his brother's side he wasn't comfortable going into the middle of a rival Clans camp.

As the group walked into the encampment there were plenty of stares, the two youngest of the pack leader Ezra followed by the mighty Ezra himself, walking beside their future mates were Argon and Seeley followed by the search party.

There were plenty of grumbles going on when Ezra held his hands up to quietened down the crowd. Pack members hear me; we have plenty to celebrate and be thankful for. The four Omegas were found but not by our search party, they were found by two members of the hilltop clan Shaylin and Clark of the Hon. den of Reisman and Delton.

There was a quite Mumbling amongst all of the older pack members as they overlooked the two young alphas. Zafar the mate of Ezra stepped forward. Am I to understand that these two young alphas are of Delton, the mate of Reisman of the hilltop clan?

Yes, you are to understand this; and they tell me that Delton has been very fruitful in his endeavor as mate to Reisman.

Zafar walked up to Shaylin; young man how many is in your den?

Shaylin bowed his head and answered the pack leader's mate. 13 your eminence, eight alpha's, three beta's and two Omegas.

I'm very proud for him, he has made a life for himself responded Zafar.

May I ask; how do you know our Poppa?

That's very easy my dear young man, we were litter mates before they divided the river clan members up after the big flood.

Clark spoke; he has never spoken about the past. You mean that you are his sibling?

Yes; and you are my nephews. I was mated to Ezra after his first died in birthing of their pup. I went on to raise the pup as my own and birthed these two knot heads as he looked towards his two pups who were standing with their heads hung low.

Now let's take this elk and prepare it for the journey to your camp remarked Ezra.

Zafar cleared his throat; since this is for family we can do better. We can spare a smoked Elk and have the hunting party procure a fresh one for the journey back to their den, mighty Ezra. We can feast upon this one tonight at the celebration of the mating bond.

Perfect my mate, let the Omegas prepare the feast for our family.

Argon and Seeley were whisked away to make them ready for the celebration.

Shaylin and Clark followed their Uncle Ezra on a tour of the encampment of the Valley Clan.

Shaylin spoke; Mighty Ezra I feel there is something that must be known to you.

What is it young Shaylin?

The prophecy is real and in motion. We need to speak in private.

Shaylin, I hide nothing from my pack, you will speak of this to everyone this evening during the celebration.

Understood Mighty Ezra; responded Shaylin.

Clark just looked at his brother.

More to come from Lycos in Part #3. The next Part will be longer.



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