The Lycos

By cgf2662

Published on Mar 28, 2022


Lycos --Old World a New Beginning - 1 CGW ©

In the world there are many inhabitants there are first and foremost humans, then there are Lycans. Fairies, witches and warlocks, and the multitude of magic creatures and then there are the Lycos.

Lycos were a created creature, when a young Lycan fell in love with a female survivor of an alien race that crashed to the earth in a ship. Before they were found out they had produced a total of eight offspring, she once again was heavy with children. Their offspring were different because all could produce offspring themselves.

You had Alphas which grew to enormous size and were the dominant ones in the village, then you had betas they were not quite as large as alpha's and they dared not breed with anything because when it comes to reproduction, they were considered inferior, you had Omega's they were the carriers of all the offspring of the alphas.

Kirby was very nervous; he couldn't be for sure but he thought that his stomach moved on its own. As he laid on the bed stretched out, he watched his stomach it once again moved. It couldn't be he had not had reproduction sex with anyone no alphas had touched him. He was going to be offered up at the next pack gathering to the pack leader's son.

They had been very careful always using protection the last time that he and Ronan and had sex was a little over two weeks ago. Ronan was a beta there's no way that he could've left seed inside and it produced anything. Kirby was terrified if he had in fact conceived with a beta he would be expelled from the clan once the child was born. His child would be taken and sent to another pack clan. No matter what it turned out to be it would always be an inferior offspring. He had to talk to Ronan.

Kirby walked by an alpha in the office he sniffed the air, I smell foul.

I'm sorry Sir I forgot to clean, I will go bathe myself and make myself presentable Sir.

Alpha looked down at the Omega, how do you expect to attract a mate with a stench like that no respectable alpha would dirty himself to lie with you.

It will never happen again sir goodbye Sir I'm sorry Sir, Kirby got out of the situation as fast as possible and met up with Ronan.

The two snuck off in the forest together so that Kirby could talk to Ronan without anyone present wondering what the situation was.

Ronan, I know it's impossible but I am and it belongs to you. If they find out you will be strung up for all to see, you will have your reproductive organs removed and then your insides will be pulled from within, where your reproductive organs once were. I will be beaten and if I do not lose the child when it's birthed it will be taken and sent away, I will become nothing but a second-class carrier for any male that catches me out when am I in cycle.

The two lovers embraced, Kirby that will never happen, I'm going home to the quarters and I will grab a knapsack and packet with only what I need, you do the same meet me by the swamps. I've got an idea, make sure you bring two sets of clothes in your knapsack and don't look back.

As the evening sun grew lower a very nervous Ronan readied his escape. He could never let anything happen to Kirby or the child that he carries.

The two lovers met up at the swamps and Kirby followed Ronan's plan to the T. Their clothes were shredded and strewn along the bank and in the edge of the swamp Ronan bled himself as did Kirby. They eased around the banks of the swamp until they came to a clearing near Highway they walked backwards toward the highway and dressed near an opening.

Ronan noticed a vehicle coming in their direction he told Kirby to be alert be ready to run if anything went wrong.

Newton Johnson was a little surprised to see anyone in this territory much less two young males waving down an automobile they looked clean enough and presentable, there must be a reason that they were out here. This was pack territory and full moon was nearing, they did need to be out of here once packs started the runs.

Newton rolled down his driver's window and asked the young man who was always the older of the two if there was a problem.

Ronan had the perfect line. Problem if you call a blowout and leaving the roadway a problem yeah, I would consider we had a problem. We wiped out the scooter and were just trying to get back to the city actually were trying to get to the bigger city where from the small townships.

Newton looked the two over and noticed that the younger smaller one said nothing but at least he did have a pretty smile. As he walked toward the car Newton could have sworn that the young man was carrying by the way he walked.

Ronan was quite chatty as he and Kirby said in the backseat, he thanked Newton for the ride and that he hoped when they got to the big city that they could find a place to live. They had little money saved up but not much.

Kirby grew tired and curled up on the seat beside Ronan and laid his head in the Ronan's lap.

Newton adjusted his review mirror, this his first carry inquired Newton?

Ronan looked like a deer caught in headlights at the question that the man asked. Excuse me I don't quite understand, my friend here has been feeling poorly of late and he's just tired.

I'm sorry, I did not mean to be rude Jasper tells me that I can be quite dense as a human when it comes to Lycos affairs.

Who is this Jasper and what you mean by Lycos?

Jasper is my mate, he is an alpha that left the pack several years ago, I was on my route when I had a wreck, then a kind and gentle young Lycos male rescued me. We became friends as I healed and other things. He was in trouble by his pack when they found out that he saved the human and he was removed from his pack.

We now live together in the city and he lives as my lover he lives out in the open and no one knows the difference but a few of our most trusted friends. You will need to meet Woody so that the two of you can be placed on RY167K, it's a compound that keeps the wolf at bay. Woody is the pharmacist he lives with his mate Earl who is a beta and the two are quite good together.

This was a place to live wait to we get home and I'll introduce you to Jonas and see if the basement level apartment is still available, I know Clay would love to have another Omega in the building. He's always complaining that we don't understand Omega's and their needs. But according to Jonas, Clay only needs one thing all the time, said it was left up to play he would never be getting work done at the building because he would always be servicing him.

You mean humans and Lycos live together as mates? And they allow this in the city?

Don't get me wrong there are Lycos sympathizers everywhere but there are also Lycos haters everywhere use have to know when and where to choose your battles. But our building is coed everyone is welcome and everyone is tolerated.

So how far along is he and how the hell did you knock him up, I thought it was impossible for betas to get anything pregnant but maybe a dumb human female that spreads her legs for a big Dick.

It's not that big and I don't know anything about female humans conceiving children with betas.

And to answer your other question, he's almost 3 weeks along so we've got two months before the child will be born. We will have to be very careful or we will fill the building up with little Lycos's.

Well hell there goes the neighborhood, but don't worry you will have plenty of company. Clay is expecting and will deliver in about a month. Jonas was one shocked human and Clay didn't believe it until he took five tests. Can you believe that an Omega expecting ½ human

child, I guess that's what you would call a hybrid?

I didn't know it was possible for Lycos and humans could cross, other than a human female being impregnated by an alpha and then that's a totally different situation they take after the humans in development. That's the reason it's frowned upon you can't grow a clan if it takes 16 years and sometimes as long as 20 years before the child matures out become fertile.

When we get closer to the city, I will call Jonas and find out if the basement, it's actually a subbasement apartment is available. It is a three bedroom technically but they're small they are near the mechanical room so it's quite noisy in that area not too many couples will stay there.

Sounds perfect have you heard a Lycos child growing up nine months and they're ready to mate.

Well, there is one more person living there Jonas and Woody's younger brother Jared, he's 20 he single and he's a goofball.

Kirby started to wake up asked Ronan what he missed?

Enough but I'll fill you in on what's happening, first we have to make sure that everything is okay it looks like we might be okay in the sleeping arrangements we just have to speak to one person to make sure.

Newton looked in the review mirror at the two young Lycos sitting in the backseat. I need to stop here and get some fuels, why don't you two grab that cover and hide in case anyone comes along. It won't be long but I would rather be safe than sorry. Newton got out of the vehicle and locked the door behind him to keep the new parents safe.

As Newton was filling the vehicle up with fuel, he was approached by a young male holding a bundle. Please sir I need your help, I have heard of you and that you help others. Please give my pup a good home so that he can be safe I have named him Cameron. His father is no more, the pack will kill him. The only thing I can do is to ask you to raise him and keep him safe from harm. He was born this morning and is an Omega. When he asks tell him that I did this out of love so that he could grow to his full potential.

Newton took the child in his arms and looked into the bundle, when he looked up the young man was gone. Newton was over joyed at the fact that anyone trusted him enough to be blessed with this child, this was one promise that he would keep. Newton picked up his phone and called his mate Jasper.

Hey baby has a going you don't have car trouble do you?

No sweetheart there is no car trouble but I need for you to listen do not question me just listen to me and please do as I ask. The subbasement I need you to radiant for tenant by getting a hold of Jonas and the two of you put a bed in the bedroom with whatever furnishings you can find in the stock put any kind of spare dishes that you can find pics of the living room a little bit I know that the two of you with a few of our friends can help I've got a couple in need and they are going to need all the help they can get to start out their new life in plain sight. That brings me to another situation put a bassinet in our bedroom and ready a nursery room.

Newton did you say put a bassinet in our bedroom what that hell of you got yourself into?

I didn't get us into anything but Cameron needs his own space so just be ready when you see us pull into the garage area, I love you and I will see you in a little over an hour. You are going to make the best father there ever will be. Newton hung up the phone as he began to check on the baby.

I can hold the child while you driving that way, he stays warm, he knows you are because he is not fussing at all Newton. I can give him nourishment from one of the bottles that he has but I don't understand why his Omega would send him away?

Kirby, he said he did this added protection the father to the child is presumably dead when he said he was no more. Whoever this child is in whatever pack he belongs to cannot be trusted in the Omega's eyes. I'm taking him home I will raise him along with my Jasper is our own but I will not let him forget that he was a precious gift that was loved so much that his Omega removed him from harm.

Newton sped off toward the city with three passengers.

Let me go you mother fucking piece of shit, you will never find him. I don't give a damn that you are the supreme alpha of the pack you will never ever have Cedric's child in your grasp.

Rundar slapped the young Omega. I am supreme alpha of this pack you will tell me where my grandchild is or you will suffer.

Never first you took Cedric from us he defended me and our child, his only child and for that it cost him his life. If you think I will let you anywhere near his child you don't know anything and you are a failure as an alpha to the entire clan.

Rundar struck the young alpha once again as his guardsmen held him stationary. Take the Omega to my quarters by morning he will change his disposition, post a guard on the front doors let no one in nor out I'll take care of him in a while.

The supreme leader looked at his other guardsmen, track it find out where the Omega was when he birthed and were the child disappeared find anything you can but bring my grandson to me do not fail me or you will suffer a fate worse than death.

Rundar entered his quarters the Omega was terrified at the viciousness of the Supreme alpha. Ready yourself for me or I will rip every stitch of clothing off of you and when I'm through you it won't be nice, if you survive.

I will never submit to you your son was my one and only true love, no one can ever take his place you might force me to lie with you. You might put your seed inside of me but every pup I birth will know of the evilness that you possess within your body.

The guardsmen stood at the front doors they could hear the screams of the Omega, crashing of furniture within the quarters of the superior Alpha as he took the young Omega as his own.

The Valley Clan called off the search for Ronan and Kirby it was feared that they were attacked by a rogue mayor at the Lakeside where shredded clothing footprints and blood was strewn about. The young alpha of the clan leader son would have to choose another Omega to carry for him. There would be no mourning Ronan and Kirby were nothing to the clan, a beta that failed at his job to watch the future leaders chosen Omega mate and an Omega who was not carrying any offspring of the heir to the clan. They were history best forgotten.

So just because you have seeded me don't think for one moment that the child that grows inside of me will think anything more of you than Cedric thought, he will resent you and everything that you stand for, he will rejoice at the day when your corpse is rotting.

Best you teach the child respect to me or he will see your throat ripped from your body with my claws, now get out of my sight till I need relieved again.

Donnie knew not to push the supreme alpha any father and retreated back to an empty room within the quarters. He hated the fact that he was made to Carry the evil alphas child. But this child was also part of him and he knew that he had great influence over it as the birthing Omega.

Newton pulled the car into the garage area Jasper, Jonas, Clay and Jared were all waiting for them. Newton stepped on the car holding the newborn pup wrapped in a blanket, Jared approached it carefully and sniffed his eyes lit up.

Quickly get inside, this is a hilltop clan pup. Tell me everything about the circumstance with this little one.

Ronan and Kirby were suddenly on edge, this was good. Who was the young Omega that gave this pup to Newton and what did it mean for all of them?

What's the problem asked Newton it's just a wolf pup?

Clay cleared his throat, Newton you do not understand the hilltop clan is ran by the most vicious and Leader there is, Rundar will stop at nothing to get this child back. What can you tell me about the Omega that gave you the child?

Not a lot Clay, he was very insistent that I take the child get it to the city away from the clan that would kill it, the child's father was no more and the child was in danger. Other than that, he offered no explanation than to tell the child that he loved him and he only did it to protect him and to grow up strong in a loving home.

Jasper walked up to Newton and gently lifted the pup from his arms and gently smelled it. The pup reacted by placing his tiny hand upon Jasper's face and gently stroked it. It was letting the alpha know that he accepted him as his father and the bond was sealed when he took Jasper's finger and gripped tightly extending his claws to penetrate Jasper's skin to make a blood bond between the two.

Jasper looked up; he had a look on his face that Newton had never seen before. Let anyone come for my child and they will pay with their life.

His name is Cameron and he will be known as Cameron Johnson; son of Jasper and Newton Johnson.

Ronan and Kirby introduced themselves to their new family clan, they explained their situation that Kirby fell in love with Ronan and the two had gotten together in rutt and blessed the pup, that Kirby now carried.

Jared interjected, do you know what the mathematical equation and chances are that a beta impregnated a first-time carry Omega it's basically unheard of? This is one for the record books I have a professor at the college that has been teaching us about the hierarchy and portions of clan life. He would not believe what I am hearing right now. Personally, I think he's living in plain sight because he knows way too much.

Earl looked at his brother-in-law, and he won't know a damn thing about this if you keep your mouth shut young man. You do realize if they found out, Kirby might survive but the child and Ronan would never.

Earl don't worry I'm not going to say anything to the professor, but he knows that you're living in plain sight he sniffed you out. You don't think he can sniff others?

How in the hell did he find out about me?

Could be because you wash all of our laundry together and he smelled your older in my clothing and he pulled me to the side fearing the worse and telling me to be careful not to get caught in public because Rouge clan members can get into a lot of trouble.

They went to a private area and discussed the situation. That's the reason I like to wash my clothes myself now, not because you were doing a bad job but because I want to keep you safe because my brother loves you.

I know you have been trying every way in the world every time you're cycling starts, you and Woody try every minute of the day. The professor believes that if you scale back on the ry167x, there is a possibility that you would conceive, we know that you can with an alpha if the alpha would lower himself down enough to lie with you in that manner.

Jared, you know that could be dangerous if I lost control, so I have to maintain my current level of medication.

Earl, I know that you're scared but remember we all have your back you are most susceptible to become impregnated by any human if you just relax yourself and let it happen. But let's talk about this later right now we need to get these new residents settled in their new home.

Jared let me ask you about this professor? He's alpha living amongst us and if he is what's his story is it for good or bad is he a spy for the clans or is he also in hiding?

Beats the hell out of me, but I'll ask I have no problem approaching him because if he tries anything he'll be the first one to go I'll root him out as a defector and a Lycos.

Jared, I appreciate everything but let's not push any limits we don't need to lose our little family we have here.

I think I know a way to get him here loves to eat home cooking and with all of us here we can make some good meals. And how do you catch a werewolf hiding breakout the food they will, running.

Jasper had not let Cameron out of his sight, the big alpha was sitting in the rocking chair rocking the cub talking to while he gave him the last of the first bottle from his Omega.

Newton looked over at Clay, all it takes is a little baby to mail the biggest alpha's heart. I don't think Cameron has anyone or anything to fear while he is under the care of his father Jasper Johnson.

You're so correct Newton, I pity person human or Lycos that gets between that alpha and his newly adopted son. I just worry about Jonas is he ready for all of this? I mean I love him and he's a good man the best I have ever had I saw the fear in his eyes when I told him that I was with a pup. I know it's a hybrid but still it's going to grow very rapidly and no matter what it is alpha, beta or Omega at nine months it will start to seek out a mate of its own.

Everyone settled down and turned in for the night. Tomorrow will be a new start in everyone's life.

Donnie lay in the corner curled into a ball; he could feel the burning of the seeds within his body.

After Rundar stepped out of his home he began to look around for other things that might tickle his fancy, he was extremely horny. He began to watch to Omega youth frolic and run around the encampment, he had an itch.

Though it was looked down upon because any Omega's needed to be 16 before they were considered sexually matured enough to be rutted and bred. Not saying it didn't happen when they were younger but the clan had agreed to let the youth be.

Rundar estimated the little blonde to be approximate 14 just about the same age as the redhead that he was chasing, as they came by running near the supreme alpha he reached out and grabbed the blonde by the head of the hair. The boy let out a yelp due to the pain it caused him bringing a quick response from his Poppa. But there was nothing to be done,

Rundar let his pants drop as he walked out of them; he began to drag youth toward an open table. He ripped the youngling's lower garments all and licked his slit, tasting the youth to see if he might be scenting. In one rapid movement the alpha was up on top of the youth and hit the mark on the first try. The young blonde screamed out in pain as the huge phallus of the supreme alpha pierced his little slit orifice lodging himself deep inside of the young Lycos. Two pumps later and they were tied together. The blonde squalled out in pain as his insides were rearranged by the supreme alpha. You're my fuck bitch now, this belongs to me, anytime I want I will take it.

Young Omega knew his place, yes supreme Alpha it is yours to do as you wish, I will make it available. He groaned out in pain as the supreme alpha pumped his first load into the inexperienced womb of the Omega.

The Omega's Poppa could do nothing but stand there, tears in his eyes as his young son was made into the alpha's new whore.

As soon as Rundar filled the young Omega to capacity he grabbed his hips and viciously pulled his knot out of the small youths now destroyed slit. He had split him open and he was bleeding all over the table.

This Omega bitch belongs to me, Rundar the supreme alpha of this clan, touch not a hair on his body least you want to die. You then unceremoniously pulled his pants up and walked away leaving the fucked-out youth on top of the table with a swollen belly of fertile semen. Before he left, he pointed to the Redheaded youth and said to make sure that one is sent to my quarters tonight.

Both Omega's Poppas were very upset, why was he so vicious why had he taken the boy in such a manner that caused grievous harm. If the Redheaded survived the night, many questions would be asked and no answers.

As the young blonde laid upon the table being attended to by his Poppa, he started to cry and complained that his felt like his insides they were ready to crawl out of his body. All the Omega could do was sit there and cry, the youngling had been impregnated by the supreme alphas powerful seed. He was too young it would never work; the youth probably would die during the birthing then they would cut his stomach open to deliver the child within him.

The pack turned their back on the scene, there was nothing to be done life runs its course and certain things are inevitable.

Why did he hurt me Poppa?

Because you never listen, I told you boys and I told you boys, play at the house play the backfields but don't play in the main encampment, don't be running near these alphas they are mean and they can be evil. I'm very sorry that he did that to you, but there's nothing I can do when he calls for you now.

The young pups always played together, for the alphas they made the phases their main target always humping them every chance they got, the alphas were kept away from the young Omega's so as they did not hurt them should they gain entry. The young Omega's were told all about what was expected of them once they matured. At nine months of age, they were equivalent to a 16-year-old human male by that time and could be bred, when they hit one year of age, they were right at 18 years and a suitable alpha would choose them hopefully as their mate to carry their pups. If too many maturities the same time there were unions of the sort. Any available alpha would grab him lock on and knock them up and push them off when they were through losing them to raise the pup on their own.

Omegas were expected to start carrying as early as 16 and finish up the breeding cycle by the time they were 30 due to complications of being an older carrying Omega. An alpha it didn't matter that could breed up to 50 years of age. Betas were expendable besides practice tools for the alpha at a younger age when they matured, they become the labor force and bait for the humans when they neared the encampments.

Father can help? He won't let him do that to me again, it hurt bad and he made me bleed.

Your father is due back from the hunt, I don't know what he will do. I fear if he overreacts, they shall be a fight and it won't be good.

When the pack hunters returned first Lieut. Reisman looked for his family. One of the Omegas approached, go home your family needs you especially the little one. I say no more.

Reisman went to his hut, suddenly the door exploded and Reisman came out in full blown wolf mode. He was hunting for Rundar, he might have been supreme alpha of the clan but he had no right to do what he did my Innocent Dustin, he had been destroyed by the Supreme Alpha.

His best friend Hemar looked into his friend's eyes and saw nothing but fire and anger along with revenge. His time will come do not do anything that will cause your son to suffer even farther. Get him out of here, tonight in the dark take your family. Come morning you will be long gone in the city possibly.

Reisman to deep breaths and then began to break down.

Hemar was equally concerned about his son who was to report to the supreme alphas hut for the night. His mate Shay was beside himself.

Rundar returned to the encampment and looked around, this is my clan and I rule what I say is law. I will be denied nothing I make known that I desire. Send the red to the house and have him wait.

The Omega went to his son and told the boy to leave and go to the Alphas home and wait. Prepare yourself for him and do is his orders, do not fight it will only make it worse. Hemar's heart was being ripped into as he watched his son walked into the alphas home and close the door.

Just as he was about to speak Rundar held his hand up to silence him. I feel that some of you have forgotten who leads this pack. But make no mistake I lead this pack and only I give the orders. He turned and left making his way to his hut, walking inside in closing the door.

The Redheaded youth laid upon the table as instructed by the pack leader. He felt sickened as the leader began to lick him in his private area. Suddenly the pack leader shoved him off the table and told him re-dress and leave he wasn't ripe. Zafar did not have to be told twice, he gathered his bottoms and ran out the door as fast as he could into his father's waiting arms.

He didn't want me father, I took some wild sour berries and rubbed them down there so it was bitter and sour to taste. He licked me and he gagged shoving me off of the table. I don't want to be here anymore, he's evil.

Hemar looked at the rest of the pack, and spit at them as they stood around gawking. If you stay you deserve what you get, by that evil basterd. He took his family and walked into his hut.

Reisman and Delton worried for their family, Delton had birthed his mate 13 strong offspring there were eight alphas, three betas and two Omega's in their family unit.

Ryland eased into the encampment curing a slight bundle, he hoped that no alpha demanded to see the bundle. He was covered in scratches and a few abrasions but it had been worth it. Ryland entered his family's home and went to his Poppa; I need your help I found this in the forest and stopped a bear from eating it but he did bang it up fairly bad.

Delton took a hold of the flap and fold it backwards, he could not believe his eyes it was a man cub. Maybe 12 or 13 years of age, the cub was covered with scratches but if Rundar caught this creature here it would not bode well.

Reisman walked over to his son and his mate and when his eyes saw the man cub, he almost died himself. Why did you touch it go put it back get rid of it, this thing is not allowed here?

Father you should've seen him he was fearless, all he had was a stick and he was fighting off a full-grown red bear. Not many alphas would dare go up against such an animal but this man cub showed no fear. I could not let it be destroyed so I jumped onto the bear from behind in my full wolf mode and broke his neck. I slowly returned to my human form and the young human collapsed into my arms sobbing thanking me for saving his life. He was injured but is nothing we can't fix.

Delton looked at his mate; if we can change one human's perception of the Lycos maybe he can change others. We can teach him the difference between a Lycan and the Lycos. All it takes is one to start the healing the great mother foretold of a human child cared for by a kind Lycos that would change the world's perception of the Lycos.

Reisman thought how could this work to their advantage. Ryland my son when it comes time for the human to return to his kind take your brother Dustin and ask the humans family if they will care for him until Dr. Hargrove is able to help him.

Father I do not understand why is Dr. Hargrove needed for Dustin?

Delton spoke up, because the supreme alpha made himself known to your younger sibling, he was coming into his own early and now he carries the seed of run door in his womb. He is young and he will have complications he might even die in the process of birthing the pup but at least Dr. Hargrove knows what to expect.

Ryland was enraged. Give me one second, I kill the basterd myself, if I can kill a red bear with these hands the supreme alpha is no less of an opponent. But first I must take care of myself, father forgive me I have brought shame upon your family. I was in the forest a few weeks back scouting and I ran upon a alpha a few years older than myself. Being a beta, I was subservient and bowed down to him. He was from the Valley clan.

I'm so sorry it should not have happened but I am almost a month along with his pup.

Reisman looked at his brave yet gullible son, you mean you had interaction with a Valley clan alpha and he was inside of you, he opened you and left his seeds in you to grow?

Please do not be disappointed in me, I know what happened to me was wrong but Rodrick is so tender and caring. He has asked to meet with the two of you to explain his actions and to ask you to forgive him and he wishes to depart the hills and the Valley for the human city with me beside him,

I told him I can leave for little while and pretend that it's a hunting trip for a loan beta, I will birth the child return here and carry on my duties. I will slip away as I can to see the child as he grows and to be with Rodrick.

Reisman reached out and placed his hand under his son shirt to feel his bare stomach. The child that he carried inside of him kicked his grandfather's hand.

It's impossible for you to return after you birth this child, your scent will change; you are marked now by the scent of the Valley clan. Rundar would have you destroyed; you must take your younger brother, the both of you must leave with the human cub never to return until Rundar's reign is over.

Delton walked up to his son and embraced him; this is my family pack my son. You are strong, you are smart and fearless with a strong alpha by your side you can start your own.

No Poppa, I will live in plain sight amongst the humans I will prove to others that we can coexist. With Joey's help there is going to be a new start to Lycos, we will overcome the hatred both sides have each other.

No sooner than Delton had went to the bedroom carrying the human cub, placing him in a small bed the front door flung open, it was Rundar demanding to know where his new Omega bitch was at?

Reisman stood up and lowered his head to the alpha; Sir he is exhausted, his body is requiring more rest at this most very important time, he is young but he will be okay if he gets enough rest and proper nourishment. You must make sure that your seed is able to firmly attach or it could be lost.

Rundar placed his nose the air and sniffed, this hut smells like humans why?

Ryland step forward, begging your forgiveness Sir but that is me, when I was in my wolf form, I found a dead one, I couldn't help but roll myself in its essence just to prove that I was superior and I defecated on it. I will clean the stench off with a thorough bath in my wolf and my free-form also.

Rundar looked over at the beta, you would have made a great alpha had you not been born into a sub-Lycos form instead. But I'll forgive you, the hide and the head of the red bear is enough payment for the offending odor. One day you might make a decent Lycos.

Ryland lowered his head; thank you, supreme alpha I will continue to honor this clan as long as I am.

Rundar went back out into the encampment looking for any Omega that was near it's time.

I normally would not tolerate non-truths in this home but Ryland you are very smart and quick on your feet as well in your mind. You will do something for me, when you take the human back to its kind.

What is it father, what shall I be needed to do?

You and your mate must leave these woods, speak with the humans try to reason with them and stay away from the packs, go live amongst the humans in their great city. You must help your brother; you will deliver first then him. Your Poppa and I will survive any wrath that comes our way, we will be 13 strong.

Father you will be banished from the pack, you and Poppa will be on your own they will make sure that the boys cannot come with you.

We will be okay; we have friends here within the pack and we will be strong together. Rundar cannot afford to lose members so easily and if he banishes our family he will lose greatly.

Reisman bolted the door for the night, his family would sleep in peace. Tomorrow he would gather all of his sons and make sure they knew how important the family was. Anyone that did not support his decisions was free to leave the family unit.

Ronan lay in the bed as his mate Kirby slept soundly against his chest. Here they feared no one, they were free to love each other without any afterthought. He knew that he would have to seek some sort of menial employment but that was okay with him as long as he had his family with him and his new friends, they would be okay.

Jasper; Cameron needs to lay down you cannot hold that boy all night long it will make him spoiled so he will always want to be held.

Newton are you sure that he has to sleep in that bed beside us, can't he sleep between us so that he can be a member of our family?

I know it's the Lycos way to keep a new infant close so that no harm comes to it, but this is our home we don't have to fear anything but if that's what you want, he will sleep between us. But don't complain when he kicks you or scratches you as he grows up.

Just for tonight he's brand-new in our household, after he gets used to us and his new environment then he can learn to sleep independently beside us, before you know it, he will want his own room for privacy.

And you will want your room back for privacy when you feel the call of the wild my husband.

Excuse me, Newton Johnson did you just call me your husband?

Yes, Jasper I did and I believe that we need to make this official and apply for a certificate of companionship. I know is not the same thing as being married but that's just a formality. I want to grow old and gray with you, my love. Now let's get some sleep in two hours this little one is going to be hungry and need some nourishment. I got some milk replacer from the store I didn't know what kind to get so I got one for dogs and a human baby's just in case.

The milk that his Poppa provided should last till morning then we can experiment with which formula he likes better, human or canine maybe we can mix the two formulas?

Jasper reached up and turned the light off so that they could get some rest, being a parent was a new experience and it was one that he intended not to miss a single moment of it.

Coming soon; The Lycos part 2.

Please feel free to send feedback to this latest attempt of mine and bringing entertainment to others. Don't forget my other writings the Z1 Ranch series, A Mennonite Life series, Nightcrawlers, the Bargain in the transgender section. I hope soon to add to all of these.

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Next: Chapter 2

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