The Lust Diaries

By keith kingstone

Published on May 9, 2019




The story of a high school boy on a lustful journey, entangled in erotic adventures and heartbreaking love. Meet Alex Parrish as he goes on a ride of his life with his secrets and is emotionally torn by the men in his life. Will he be able to find love......??? OR Will he forever give into the desires of lust.....???


  1. This story revolves around homosexuality, Trans sexuality, bisexuality and poly amorous relationships. If you do not prefer any of the above mention topics please skip.

  2. As the title suggests this story deals with sexual encounters, domination, humiliation, kinks/fetishes and cross dressing. If you do not like to read smut, consider not reading this story.

  3. I do not own any pictures or names mentioned in the story, they are used to better describe the characters and plot in my story. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.

  4. Any and all kind of critics are whole heartily welcomed and would definitely help me improve the story line. Also if anyone who wishes to be a co-writer approaches me, will be appreciated. [Email-Id:]


"Goodbye Sunshine..."

Dear dairy,

That was my mother, waving me goodbye as she dropped me off for my first day at my old school for my senior year. It's been 2 long years I was away from this city and this shitty school. Recently my mom got another transfer and we decided to move back to Sea wood and I am forced to go back to Sea wood High.

All alone walking down the hall way I wondered if anyone would remember me? The walk to the office was pretty long but as soon as I entered I was greeted by a smile from Mrs. Foster. She was a lovely lady back in my freshman year too she was kind too me. "Alex!" she brought me in for a hug, "good to have u back, here's your schedule now rush or u will be late". I smile and thanked her back.

You see I am a shy kid and kind of introvert so I don't talk much unless it's best friend. Back in the day Matthew White was my best friend but he left school an year before me, he was suffering from gender dysphoria and had decided to transform. We lost touch thereafter and now I miss him the most. I was brought out of my thoughts by a gentle tap on my shoulder, "don't you have to go to your class Alex?" A girl said and gave me a devilish smile before disappearing into the crowd, how she knew my name, something seemed familiarly odd about her but she was right, I needed to rush to my first period.

`Oh first is biology' I thought to myself. Miss Smoak will not be happy to see me after all after I was the worst in bio. As I entered the class I saw a different teacher and cursed myself for entering the wrong class. As I was about to leave the teacher said, "You must be Alex come on in". Surprisingly I turned back to look at him, gorgeous face and those eyes worth dying for, "I am your biology teacher Mr. Paris but u can call me Robert, Now introduce yourself before taking a seat besides Mr. Ford." I was brought back from my trance after a guy raised his hand, must be the ford guy. As I was about to open my mouth to introduce myself my once upon a time bully and the most popular jock spoke up, "we all know the sissy" and everyone started laughing. Mr. Paris asked everyone to be silent and before embarrassing myself anymore I went and sat at my designated place.

"Hi, my name is Elliot Ford" the guy sitting by my said, I shook his hand and gave him my name "ohhh Alex huh!" he mumbled, I ignored him and started to pay attention on the board, which I might add was very difficult to concentrate when u have a hot and handsome teacher teaching. Soon the class was over and everyone rushed out. As I was moving out Justin made me fall over and pinned me to the floor. "Looks like my play toy is back" he whispered in my ear before walking out of the door. Asshole I cursed him and ran to my second class.

English! As the period was about to begin a girl came and sat beside me, "you couldn't recognize me yet could u Ali?" only one person used to call me Ali and it was my best friend Mat. "Maisie quite!" The teacher yelled at us. Could it be? I wondered. After the period was over I was pulled in a friendly embrace by Maisie. "Yes I am Matthew but no one can know Ali", She whisper yelled in my ear. I was so happy to finally see him sorry her. She did it and she is back. "You look beautiful Mattie", "Ali"...she yelled at me. "Sorry I mean Maisie", "See you at lunch gotta rush" she gave me one last tug before disappearing.

History!! As I made my way for my next class I bumped into someone. As I look up to this figure a lot of memories came rushing down to me. It was none other than Charlie Pace, my neighbor , my childhood best friend , sweetest guy I knew, then turned into the guy who betrayed me, called me names, stood with my bully instead of helping me. A tear formed in my eye as he gave me a smile. I ignored him and walk to my seat. During the whole class I felt someone staring at me and I knew it was Chris. I did my best to ignore him and rushed out once the lecture was over.

Now was a period I hate the most P.E. I hope the coach lets me sit out like he did when I was a freshman. As I was walking to P.E. someone yanked me and took me into the janitor closet. "Justin!" I yelled at him as he pinned me to the wall. "If another word escapes your mouth you will find your pretty body in a hospital." He threatened me. And I swallowed my fear and looked down in defeat. "Don't worry the coach is on a vacation and the substitute is coming next week, so we gonna have lot of free periods and a lot of time to explore" he smirked. I was getting scared by the second as he started to touch my thigh. I was just wearing shorts. "So smooth, I bet u taste delicious!" he said with an evil grin. "Please let me go", I begged. "Soon sissy once I am done playing with u" his hands were now inside my tee exploring my body, I dint dare to move. He was stronger than me and could easily beat me to death. He started pinching my nipples and that made me squirm. He chuckled and now with one hand squeezing my nipples his other went in my shorts and started to squeeze my butt. "Someone's wearing panties huh? Wanna be a girl sissy?" He mocked me. I was on the verge of crying as he bend me over his lap and pulled my shorts down. I was damn scared. He started to move his hands over my pink lacey panties. "Start counting" he whispered in my ear and I knew what was coming. He began spanking me `one'.... 'two'.... 'three'...... ....'fifty'. My butt cheeks were on fire and I was crying like a baby. He then pulled off my shirt and started licking and biting my nipples making me moan and scream at the same time. He put his hand on my mouth so that I was not able to make another sound. He was making my nipples red and then purple, I was helpless.

Saved by the bell as it was time for lunch Justin pushed me off his lap to the ground and walked away not before giving me that evil smile. I dressed up fixed myself and started walking to look for Maisie. But I was called to the office. I walked to Mrs. Foster wondering what it was about. "Hey Alex Mr. Paris wants to see all your old records from your previous school and your project work too just biology though, he wants to know where u stand in his subject. Meet him tomorrow in his office with it please." "Yes sure Mrs. F"

As I walk out of the office I see maisie along with a guy, hey I know that guy. "Ali finally we found u, meet Elliot" "oh we met" "yes we did meet" he says. As we start making our way to the canteen Maisie tells me that even Elliot is a Trans like her, to which I am surprised coz he looks like a macho guy. I just smile completely speechless.

We sit by our table and start eating while I notice Elliot and Maisie flirting. Also across the hall there is Justin and his gang. After I look over at Justin he starts making out with Selena, she is a bitch and still his girlfriend I assume. Chris sitting next to Justin is still staring at me making me uncomfy. As the bell goes off Maisie exchanges our cell numbers and we all go our separate ways.

Time for numbers its math period after all. I am blocked by Selena as I am about to enter. "Hey fag I noticed you were checking me and my bf making out, keep your eyes in check or I will pluck them out" she said with a deadly glare. "Miss Gill what's happening there come on in the class now" said the teacher. The math was interesting period, I loved numbers. As the period ended Selena gave me one last glare and went away as did I leave for my next class which was chemistry.

I was sitting in front of Justin and Chris. The atmosphere was heavy and awkward. Justin whispered in my ear "the new coach is my friend's brother so unless you want to suffer in sports you better do as I say." The whole period I kept wondering who the new coach is gonna be, I was scared of Justin but couldn't do anything about it. Also Chris dint stop with his stares. After the period ended, Chris slipped something into my hands and walked away with Justin. `A Note' I kept wondering.

As I moved in for my next class I was greeted by my bestie and her flirting guy, "Bonjour" [hello] all of us said in unison as we entered our French class. French was fun and I got an opportunity to ease up as none of the people who gave me stress were present. I got to know that Elliot and Maisie were dating not just flirting. Also by the end of the lecture I received a text from my mom that she has taken another shift at work and will be late.

The last period was Zero period practically we could do anything we wanted. So it was nice but it became better once I found out who the teacher was, Robert. He caught me staring at him and called me to his table. I blushed and walked over. "I hope u got my message from the office Alex?" he was looking at me. "Yes Mr. Paris I will get it tomorrow." I responded. "Meet me during Lunch and were something pretty" he said checking me out. I was taken aback but did the handsome teacher just flirted with me? I blushed and nod and went back to my seat.

Back in my seat blushing I remembered about the note Chris gave me it said to meet him in chemistry lab after school I wondered if I should go or not and then my phone buzzed. I got a new email, I was happy reading it as I was about to reply the bell ending the first day at school. `I will reply later' I said to myself as I rushed and brushed Robert while getting out of the door. Looks were exchanged and I rushed quickly to my locker.

As I was about to leave the building I remembered I had to meet Chris. So I ran back upstairs to the lab. It was dark I was pulled into a hug. I tried to pull away. "It's ok it's me it's Chris" he said calming me down with a hug. I looked up at him and he was awfully close to me. "Why were you staring me the whole day" I ask. He moves in closer I feel his breath on my lips "I missed you" he said and then butterflies........he kisses me passionately biting my lower lip asking permission to enter and me submitting to his desires. After about 10 mins he pulled away looked in my eyes terrified and runs away without another word. I stand there dumbstruck and processing what just happened.

Walk back home was quiet and lonely. I freshened up and took Oreo biscuits to eat heading to my room. I opened my lappy to reply to my mail, its important once it's done I can think about the shitty day I had. Last week before coming to town I had applied for a job. Money wasn't easy for us and mom is working two shifts to make it better for me, I felt guilty, I had to help, so I applied for a job, it was a personal assistant thingy, and I got a mail saying I was selected and they had called me for an interview this Friday. I was happy, just hoped my boss wouldn't burden me with a lot of work.

After completing my homework which wasn't much since it was our first day and making an excuse to not hanging out with my bestie and her lover since I wanted to be alone I was thinking what to do. I started to prepare dinner for me and mom. After dinner I was curious about what Justin said about the coach. So decided to find who it was, went on the school website and found a name Richard Maddison. I tried searching but couldn't find out anything more about him so I changed my search option to my new boss. Its better knowing something about him beforehand. He was a handsome hunk CEO of a multimillion dollar company, Zac Eagleston. As I was lost in his pictures I heard the knock downstairs.

"Sunshine I am home" my mom is back finally. I went downstairs. "Finally mom come let's eat I am starving". As we sit down to eat I could sense the uneasiness of my mother. "What happened mom?" I ask. "You remember Jared right?" "What about him?" "He is going to move us with him next week?" "Oh....!" That's all I could manage to get out. You see Jared Momoa was my mom's boyfriend when we were in New York. We dint have any problem with each other it's just that we learnt to ignore each other's existence. "We are planning to get married next month" she continued. "Don't you think you are rushing into this?" I asked back "I am ready" is all she said with watery eyes. Being a divorcee wasn't easy for her. God knows where my father is? Anyhow I hate my dad. "Ok then...." I replied. "Also Jared is gonna move in with his son, he went to London to pick him up, His ex-wife just passed away." We had only two bedrooms meaning I know what my mother will be saying next. "You will be sharing a bedroom with him and also he will joining your school. I know it's a lot but gimme a few months, soon we will move in a better place and you will get back your space and privacy, I know you will adjust." I knew she was feeling guilty so I took her hand in mine and looked in her eyes and said, "Mother don't you worry about me I am happy you found love again and I will nice to Zyan, don't worry." Zyan I only knew his name nothing else wonder what he will be like.

After lying to her about my happy day at school and informing her about the new job, which she said was unnecessary but I insisted, I went back to my room to get some rest after all my ass was paining the whole day and I needed the rest. As I was about to sleep, I thought about all the men in my life and how I will survive the senior year at Sea wood High. I sat down and poured my heart out to my Dairy before drifting off to sleep...............

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