The Luckiest Man in the World

By Richard McQueen

Published on Oct 9, 2021


Story: Luckiest Man In The World

Chapter: 2 Rain

Author: Eric McQueen (

Mature Readers only due to sexual situations and graphic sexual content

Freedom of expression is precious. To do that Nifty needs help. Your donation is greatly desired. Give to or this story ends and all the others! That would be a crime!

Eric wins an international lottery and his life changes. Will that be good or bad? Yes, it's about me again. It's more than a daydream or fantasy. I write them and they become real to me. I see, hear, and feel them. I want you to as well. Cinderfella started after I saw Richard Madden is Prince Charming in Cinderella. I made him a brother in my continuation of the Fairy Tale. Damaged was a fantasy about a bare bear on a bear skin rug in a mountain cabin! I have a good imagination. Who doesn't dream of making their own lives more exciting? I just wrote them down to share! Read Cinderfella and Damaged!


The club wasn't big, but there was a line in front. At first, I was disappointed, then Ned looked at me surprised.

"You are worried they won't let you in?" He chuckled. "Really?" He asked.

I grinned back and shrugged. "Habit." Ned got out and walked over to the guy holding the line and allowing people in if he wanted to let them in. Limos in Vegas were a dime a dozen, but limos with escorts...well. Ned spoke to the man, the man looked at Ned as if Ned was lying and looked at our limo, then went on his communication device. Then waved to Ned and us.

Exiting the limo, we moved to the door as ripples of voices and people waiting saw who I was. Who has an entourage of big men all wearing dark suits and looking like security? Was one guy carrying a camera?

They had an interesting show, but about an hour or so, nature called, and I excused myself. Trailed by a security man I didn't know. I smiled to him.

"Going to help me pee?"

The man smiled shaking his head. "Not likely."

"Good answer."

The bathroom had the usual men milling and waiting to pee. It was what was happening in the corner that attracted my attention. These two were kneeling, no one man was kneeling by another man. It didn't look sexual at all, sort of like the one kneeling by the other was helping?

"You can't keep on doing this, Matt." The one kneeling by the other stated.

"I can't help it." The other man said pitifully. "It helps with the flashbacks."

The other man threw the other man back by the shoulder. "Damn it, Matt. I've told you. You have to talk!! That's what's gonna stop the flashbacks, not..." he held a bottle of pills up, "this!"

The other man was nearly weeping. "I need that!"

"No, you don't. The only way to stop the flashbacks is if you talk!"

Matt shook his head. "I can't even remember."

The other man growled. "Because you don't want to remember! You won't allow yourself to be helped. If you want them to stop, you have to go to therapy and talk!"

"You were there, you saw..."

"Yes." The other man nodded. "I was there, but I talked about it and stayed with the program." He sighed. "You need help, not this." But he handed the bottle back to Matt, then blew a breath and raised his hands in surrender. "I'm done. No one can help if you don't want it. I can't put my life on hold for you any longer."

I leaned over. "Do we need to call someone?"

The man that had been kneeling turned around and my heart stopped. To me, he was gorgeous! About six feet and an inch or two. He was muscular, but not like the huge bulk of the security following me. Dark short brown hair that looked like a military that just needed cutting. Brown eyes. He was frowning and stood up, shaking his head to my question. There is a moment in people's lives, that someone attracts our attention, and you feel that moment and know something was happening. A connection. "He needs to decide what he's gonna do. Live or die. I've spent nearly two months with him..." and the man looked at me, then he recognized me. "You're Eric Mitchell. The guy that won the Superpowerball!"

I nodded and grinned. "Who needs to pee. Thanks for recognizing who I was and reminding me in case I forgot."

That brought a smile to his face. "I guess you would know who you are." He stuck his hand out. "Rain Stevens."


He grinned and looked away a little embarrassed but knew it as a familiar game. "Go ahead, I've heard them all. When it rains it pours. Hey, it looks like rain. You think it might rain?" He chuckled. "My grandmother was a hippie in the sixties, she raised me, and named me."

"That's kind of...neat."

"Neat." Rain said. "That's not a word I normally hear. Not with this name anyway."

"Cool?" I said suggesting an alternative.

Rain just shook his head. "Not much better, but okay."

I recognized his chagrin. He was a wise ass. I liked that. "No. I like it. It's...different." I looked back at the other man was getting up. "Seriously, should we call someone for your boyfriend?" Okay, I was fishing. Was he a boyfriend? Was he a friend?

"Matt will be okay." Then he turned back to me. "He's not my boyfriend." He gave me a look. "Not in a few years. We served together." He gave the other man a hug. "I love the guy, but..." he was saying it to Matt more than me, "if you want the terrors to go away. You have got to get help and stay in treatment. I don't want to come to another funeral. Please. Get help." Then Rain looked at me.

Not his boyfriend, but gay! "Want a drink?" I asked. "I'll buy."

Rain grinned and shrugged. "You've got the money, I suppose."

"I do."

He was fascinating. "You're a Southerner. I was raised in a commune in Southern California." He chuckled sipping his bourbon. He hated beer. "I lost my parents right as I was born. Mom died after childbirth and Dad split after that. I was raised by Lola. That's my grandmother, she hated being called Grandma and Granny."

I nodded. "I am the sole survivor of my family. No grandparents. Dad died in an accident when I was ten. Mom died of cancer about five years ago."

His face had sympathy. "I'm sorry about that."

I nodded. "So am I." Then I needed to change the subject. Brightening, I looked at him. I always hated the "getting to know you" stage. Truly I didn't even know if he was interested in me, my winning money, I hated this stage. I think he did from his reaction on meeting me. Some people look forward to this stage. I dreaded it. Comfortable familiarity, that was my style. "Obviously you are military. What branch?"

"Marine." He chuckled. "Lola was pissed off when I joined up. She was the anti-war, free love kind. She nearly lost her passivity when I told her." He shrugged. "I asked how I was to pay for college, with no answers she clammed up."

"Marine?" I looked at him carefully. "You don't have the jarhead persona."

"Simper Fi," He quoted raising a fist. "I did two stints in the Middle East. Got out about six months ago. I can do the military bearing. How do you know of Marines?"

"Parris Island was just south of us in Charleston. We had the Air Force Base and Navy. I would run into Marines nearly every week. They had an edge to them I don't see in you."

He chuckled at my observation. "The Marines tear a man down to build him back up." He explained. "Their problem was, I didn't let them tear me down." He grinned. "That and when my DI was yelling at me, it was because he loved me."

"Your drill instructor loved you."

He looked sheepish a moment. "In my mind he did. So, I never let him get to me."

"You said you wanted to go to college. For what?"

He got this look, sort of intense. "I want to help people like Matt. Men and women with Post Traumatic Stress. I was thinking of counseling, psychology. I kept my mind clear, but these guys..." he shook his head. "They all have been raised on all this macho bullshit. Men don't cry. Don't talk about your feelings."

I nodded. "I agree it is very much a bunch of bullshit. But that's not you is it?"

"Not hardly." He chuckled again. "I am what I am."

I cleared my throat. "Well, I just wanted to help if I could. What are you about to do in your life now?"

He shrugged. "Look for a job, move out of Matt's place."

I nodded. I felt weird about this, but only because I don't do this, but what choice did I have? "Well, I will be honest. How would you like a paid trip to Japan?"

His eyebrows rose as he was surprised. "A paid trip to Japan?"

Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. "I like you, or at least what I've gotten from you so far. My travels will be including Japan in a few days. My best friend is going back to his real life, and I need a friend to be with. I have guys from security, I have camera crews following me, openings to go to, but I would like someone who's there for just me. My problem is, if I meet someone that I like, I don't have time to date and get to know someone."

His eyes narrowed a little. "You want me to go as a friend?"

"Don't you think you can do that?"

"So, nothing between the sheets?"

I shook my head. I knew this question was coming. "I would hope you wouldn't think I'd hire you for sex. I'm not that needy. Meeting people right now difficult."

He shrugged thinking. "Well, I don't know you, so it's a fair question as to what you'd expect."

"And I don't know you." I countered. "But what I've seen and heard so far is pretty nice. I like your sense of humor and you have a keen mind." I shook my head. "Okay! I would love to date you, but I'm only here for a few days and then I'm off again and will not come back for a while if I do. This is normal for me now..."

Rain held his hands up, "Whoa, whoa...I wasn't accusing you of anything, just trying to get a feel for what I'm expected to do if I say yes." He looked at me. "You're a nice-looking man and yes, I like what I've seen, but like you said, dating right now for you would be impossible..."

"Unless you come with me."

"You're how old?"

"I just turned twenty-seven."

Rain nodded. "I'll be thirty-two in a month."

I was confused. "Is that important?"

"Let me be clear," Rain sat forward and stated firmly. "I don't want your money."

I was a bit offended. "I didn't say you did."

Rain nodded. "Well, people will see us together and think that's what I'm there for."

"But you said you wanted a job to earn money for school. This is a way to do that."

"I didn't say no, and I don't care what people think about me, but they're going to think things about you."

I took a deep breath. "When I arrived in Las Vegas, I was spat on by a woman who thought I was misusing the money based on what she saw and what she thought I was doing. People are going to think whatever for their own reasons. You'll know, and I'll know the truth." I sat back. "Now, if the time comes and you make a pass at me or I do to you, I would hope you'll do what you feel. I don't want a person that's with me because they're paid to be. I want someone because they want to be with me. Am I making sense?"

Rain swallowed his drink and smiled, "Can I think about it?"

I shrugged. "Of course. Tell you what. I have a few days before the party. Can I take you to dinner?"

"On a date?"

I nodded.

His grin spread. "Sure."

I felt hope bloom. "Tomorrow night...say nine o'clock?"

Rain looked at his watch. "You mean tonight?"

We had been talking for hours. I chuckled. "Yes. Tonight."

"I look forward to it, but formal dress is out because I have nothing to wear."

"That might be a turn on. Nothing to wear..." I waggled the eyebrows. "No, it doesn't have to be formal. Jeans and t-shirts are fine. Of course, I will be with a security detail."

Rain nodded. "But we'll be alone at the table?"

I nodded. "Absolutely."

"That would be great. Can I pick the place?"

I nodded. "Sure."

"What do you like?"


He grinned again. "We'll see about that."

"Am I picking you up?"

"Unless you want to walk...I have no car." He grabbed a piece of paper and asked for a pen from a passing waiter. "I'll give you the address and my number."

"You what!?" Kyle bellowed when I told him.

"Maybe, he hasn't agreed yet."

"Of course, he'll agree! You're rich!" Kyle said. "You invited him to Japan!?"

I frowned. "I don't get it. You wanted me to hire an escort. Well, he's not an escort, but he seems nice...why are you objecting?"

"It's too fast." Kyle began pacing in circles, ranting mostly to himself. "If you got him from a service, you have some information about him. You'd know what his motivations are. The money! You don't know him. He could be a killer."

"Escort Services can lie," I didn't like that he was being ridiculous. Then it hit me. He was jealous. I grinned. "He could be a killer, but I don't think so." I went over to Kyle. "I may be a bad judge of character when women are involved, but guys, I think I can smell a rat when I need to. He could be a conman, I could be fooled, but it's my chance to take."

"It could have been a setup. And it could be a con."

I nodded. "In a place, I didn't know we were going until the last minute? I doubt it." I hugged him. "I love that you want to protect me, it's who you are. But one day I will find someone. Believe me, you won't be forgotten."

He groaned turning away. "I know, but...I guess I just wasn't ready this soon."

"Tomorrow you'll meet him." I grinned. "Besides, he could prove to be an ass and I'll ditch him after Tokyo."

Ned insisted he and four others go with us. They rode in another vehicle. We arrived on time at the apartment. The apartment was...let's just say Matt wasn't spending money on the apartment or on great ambiance apparently. I was judging the man because they didn't have money? Maybe that was what he could afford. My apartment back in Charleston was only a step or two better. And I reminded myself, Rain didn't rent it. Matt had. This was where Matt lived, not Rain. When the limo stopped in front of the building with a vehicle following, a number of the curious were interested to see what was going on.

Rain suddenly appeared seemingly out of nowhere and got in the car. "I figured it would be easier for me to come to you," He explained with a smile.

"I would have come up." I defended.

"It wouldn't have been...very healthy potentially." Rain stated. He looked me over. "Levi's? No Rolex. Dressing down?"

I sighed; this could be a problem. He seemed to not like the money part. "No. Just dressing like me. My pre-winnings clothing."

Rain smiled patiently at me. "It looks nice." He seemed to get a look of some understanding. "You look nice."

"You do, too. I noticed that at the club if that wasn't evident from my reaction to you." I looked at our driver and noticed we weren't moving. "You need to give the driver the address."

He took me to a restaurant that specialized in game meat dishes. Elk, bison, bear, snake, and other interesting dishes. I should be used to the staring, but everyone stared trying to figure if I were who I seemed to be. It was difficult to have a conversation with Rain. In the end, I was relieved when Rain sighed and asked if we could leave. I felt this was the ending of any sort of "us" that could have been. In the car, he looked at me as if debating if he should say something.

"I will admit, this is difficult." Rain began. "I like you; I really do. Maybe it would be better if we went to your hotel."

For what? "Okay." What? I'm not stupid.

At the hotel suite, Rain didn't hide that he was impressed.

"I want you to understand." Rain began, turning on me. "I like you, not all this, but I'd be a fool to deny this isn't awesome. How do I convince you I'm not here for your money? I'd be with the guy from Charleston, South Carolina."

"Well, first, it isn't mine." I shrugged. "We'll just have to trust each other."

"I've had sex before, but no real relationships. Both male and female."

I smiled. "As have I, sex I mean. I've had two relationships, the last one was a woman I married, but she cheated on me."

He nodded. "Not that I would oppose a relationship, it just never happened. Who had the time? Even though the country has legalized gay marriage, and they threw out Don't Ask, Don't Tell. A gay marine has it tough."

Shaking my head. "I can't imagine."

"I've had casual sexual encounters, but..." Rain paused.

When he didn't continue, I repeated. "But...?"

He shrugged. "Somehow, I don't want that with you. I want to mean something. But to mean something, we have to know each other."

Okay, I was disappointed, but hey, he was willing to wait. "I can get you a drink at least, or should I have my driver take you back?"

Stepping closer, he lowered his voice. "Do you want me to go? I was suggesting we get to know each other."

"Of course, I don't want you to leave."

"Good." He grinned, inching ever closer, his face an inch from mine. "I didn't mean we couldn't..." his lips landed on mine like a butterfly lands on a flower. " this. That's part of getting to know each other, isn't it? But this could lead to wanting more."

I smiled, he kissed well. "Wanting is a good thing."

"A very good thing." He kissed me again, only he added pressure. It was very, very good.

Not to play coy, but we did that for a while and talked. Yes, talked. That's all. As it seemed to go well, and he was okay with it, he stayed. And yes, in my room. In my bed, but we didn't do anything. But I was tempted! Oh, yes, I was.

In the morning we were at the table eating breakfast at the dining table when Kyle came back to the suite. His jacket tossed over his shoulder, tie loose. He stopped when he saw us. We were in bathrobes.

"Am I interrupting anything?" He asked.

I motioned toward the food. "Breakfast. Want some? I'm having shrimp and grits."

"Too Southern for me." Rain frowned. "But the eggs and bacon are good." He grinned and stood up putting his hand out. "Rain Stevens."

"Rain?" Kyle asked shaking his hand. "What sort of name is Rain?"

I frowned. Kyle usual flippant sarcasm was a little too much. More than his usual comments of style. "His."

Kyle looked at me and rolled his eyes. "I take last night was good?"

"Should I ask if it was for you? Or do I assume you got laid?"

Then Kyle started to blush. "Sorry. And yes, I had a great night. You were on your date, and I went on mine."

"Did you at least get a name?" I chuckled.

"And number." Kyle sat down and began spooning some eggs. "You'll meet her tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow," I said suddenly remembering. "Would you come, Rain?"

"Tomorrow?" Rain asked.

"There's a big party for me here at the hotel," I said.

Rain grinned. "Isn't it dressy?"

"Yep." I nodded. "We can find you something to wear."


Picking out the tuxedo was fun, for me. Rain looked good naturally, so looking good in a tux was easy. It is a rare time when you meet someone you become so quickly comfortable with. Rain and I were that way. His easy going what you see is what you get demeanor was perfect for us. Once the tux was picked out, and the shoes, socks, shirt, and underwear we were done. He didn't care that people were looking at us, nor did he do anything other than be himself. It was a little surprising when walking around shopping he threw his arm over my shoulder like we've been pals for a while. He was taller, remember? But no one dared to come over, not with six security men around us.

"I decided I will go to Japan with you." Rain stated out of nowhere. "With one concession."


"You don't pay me." Rain said. "I don't want to be a whore."

I stopped. "But you need the money."

He looked directly at me. "I do, but if you pay me to have me around, doesn't that mean I am? A paid companion is a whore."

I nodded. "And how do you pay for school?"

He shrugged. "I do have the VA loans."

"And you'll have to get a job for living expenses. What's wrong if I give you money?" I asked.

He sighed. "What you do with your money is not my concern. Look, you're paying for my trip to Japan, and feeding me. That's enough."

"Now who's doing the macho bullshit?" I challenged and began poking him in the chest. "You're as bad as you claim those guys are. And you know what? You're a snob."

His eyebrows went up. "A snob!?"

"Yes." I pressed. "Only in reverse. You wanted me to be sure I knew you were with me not because of the money. You commented about me dressing down on our date. Do I give it away? Or do I let you go?" I waited. "Let's be quick before more emotions are involved than there are now."

He raised his hands in surrender. "You're right, you are right. I was being a snob. I'm sorry." He hugged me. "Look, the idea that I would meet you...and you have to admit're the Luckiest Man in the World. I'm just a discharged vet, unemployed and always broke." He and I started walking. "When I looked up and saw you. I couldn't believe it."


"Maybe." Rain nodded. "I mean, it must be. Otherwise, I would be back at Matt's packing and looking for a job again. In the real sense, I won the lottery."

"We'll see."

"Besides, you will find I am just a guy. Imperfect. You may not like that I squeeze the toothpaste from the middle or snore."

I shook my head. "Too late. I already know." I pinched him lightly on the side and walked on. "You do snore."

"Hey!" Rain objected.

I hadn't seen Karen since we left New York, but she showed up Friday morning.

"How are we doing, Mr. Mitchell?" She saw the extra person in the room.

"Is that the Imperial We?" I asked as I munched on a muffin. Then I saw her eyes were on Rain. "Oh, Karen Walker, this a new friend, Rain Stevens. Rain, Karen from the Powerball."

Rain stood and put his hand out to her, at least he had manners. "Ms. Walker."

"Your parents were hippies, too?" Karen joked. "I came close to being called Moonbeam or something."

"Grandmother actually. And yes." He shrugged. "It could have been worse. She wanted my middle name to be Storm."

I laughed. "Rain Storm? Really?"

"I'm just lucky we weren't named Sommer. Sommer, Rain Storm. I might as well have a target painted on, and forget the Maine Corp."

"No way." Kyle had gotten over his objections toward Rain for the moment. "That is so gay."

I saw Rain's eyes widen. I held up my hand.

"He's been trying to get to me since we were thirteen by using that term," I explained. "Now he's trying to get to you. Ignore him." I turned to Kyle. "Say, wouldn't you like to get Amy...that was her name, wasn't it?" Kyle nodded. "...wouldn't she like evening gown? Maybe something nice jewelry wise? She'd be grateful."

"So would I, but..." Kyle began. "She and I might not see each other after this."

"So?" I shrugged. "You might get lucky...again."

Kyle let out a small cry of victory. "Thank you!" He jumped up and came over, planting a huge kiss on me. "Love this guy!" He happily told everyone.

"Maybe a hair thing that girls like."

"I'm calling Amy. We gotta get things going!" Kyle ran off to his room.

Rain just shook his head. "You sure he's not gay?"

I shrugged. "Maybe a little, but he'll never admit to it."

"If he were, I'd be jealous." Rain grinned at me and leaned in kissing me.

It amazed me how he didn't care. Karen in the room and security and he didn't care! I touched his face. "You have nothing to worry about."

"Anyway." Karen began. "There are some news people that want to talk to you before we go to Japan. News magazines, that sort of thing. What should I tell them?"

I shrugged. "I don't mind. Sure. Saturday night?"

She wrote on her pad. "I'll schedule it for seven. Now about the hair and treatments, they'll be here in an hour."

I turned to Rain. "By the way, that will include you."

Rain stopped mid-chew. "Include me what?"

"Haircut and treatment." I saw his eyes widen again.

"I don't need a haircut, and my skin is just fine." Rain objected.

"Believe me, you won't regret it," I assured. "As good as you look now, it will be even better tonight."

Rain chewed quickly and swallowed. "I don't know..."

"Get the eyebrows trimmed, a professional shave..." I loved how uncomfortable he looked. "I'm having it done, too. So is Kyle."

"Trimmed, they're not waxing anywhere below the belt, are they?" Rain asked.

"No," I shook my head, "but they will probably use mud."


After the harrowing afternoon, which Rain all but lived through. He looked positively beautiful!! His short hair was done as many young men our age with the front spiking up a bit. But his skin was smooth and had no wrinkles and he looked wonderful in his tux. It was like looking at the cover of GQ! I may be biased, but Rain was a damned good-looking man! Rugged features now clean and looked very much the man he was.

"I almost hate that we have to be somewhere," I said approaching him. "You look too good. Making me want to unwrap you."

He grinned. "You love only my looks."

I gave a shrugging nod. "The looks caught my attention at first, but you're winning my heart."

"Am I?" Bending a little kiss me. "You've got mine."

I stood back a second shocked. "We've only just met!"

Rain shook his head. "Guys fall in love instantly. I did."

"That's just lust."

Rain shook his head again. "So?" He sighed. "I've been in lust before, this is different. And forgive me, but I'm not talking about the money." He sighed. "I know, I know...but it's an issue. I'm going to assure you it doesn't factor into things. Lola never had a relationship, not really. Hell, I have no idea who my grandfather is because she doesn't know. She had my father and said my father looks like her father, so she still didn't know. There have been a few men since none stayed. I didn't think I was capable of a relationship, and I'm not saying I'm in love. You're smart, funny and I don't think you have a greedy bone in your body. I admit I had my preconceived idea that you were going to be this simple country bumpkin who won money. Like trailer trash or something."


"I admitted it!" Rain defended with a smile. "But you're kind and well mannered. I'm falling pretty hard."

"Oh, man...I am going to unwrap you." My heart was pounding faster.

He laughed lightly as he rubbed his smooth, shaved face against mine, lips tickling my flesh causing me to have a massive boner. Then I looked down, he had one! "Gonna make this ex-grunt grunt?" He kissed me tenderly.

There was a knock and then the door opened.

"Oh! My eyes!!" Kyle lamented holding his hand over his eyes. "Get a room!"

Rain looked at Kyle sweetly. "Aw, do you need a kiss?" He walked toward Kyle who was putting his fingers up in the shape of a cross like warding off vampires.

"Back!" Kyle stated. "Back." Then he grinned at us. "Glad to see you're getting along. Amy's here." He gave me a wink. "Wanna see what I got?"

I grinned at Rain. "Come on, Gorgeous. You can grunt later."

Amy was surprising. She was a lovely girl. Dark hair that was chestnut brown done up on her head revealing a slender neck and green eyes and a great figure. She had great taste in evening gowns. It was a coral color, not pink. The ruby necklace was a single solitaire on a delicate gold chain and earrings to match. The simple things were the most elegant, and she was. She gave a smile as I walked up.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Mitchell." She extended her hand.

"Amy?" I asked.

"Amy Schuler." She supplied.

"Amy Schuler." I shook her hand and pulled Rain over. "And this is my date, Rain Stevens." They shook hands. I clapped my hands together. "Well, let's see what they have cooked up for tonight. People just are amazed that I guessed the right numbers, suddenly I'm popular."

"Ten numbers in the correct order." Kyle clarified. "That's what, one in a billion or so?"

"I can't calculate those odds," I grumbled.

"Thanks for the gown, Mr. Mitchell," Amy said. "And the jewelry."

I grinned. "It was my pleasure. Let's go. And it's Eric, not Mr. Mitchell."

Amy nodded. "Eric."

Of course, we were trailed by Ned and his boys. Again, the party was already going before we got there, and it was loud. Again, I was introduced and again I danced with many women and men and again with the celebrities! I met movie stars, TV stars, music stars, was awesome!! I loved it when Rain came up, tapping me on the shoulder.

"Can I cut in?" He asked.

The woman I was dancing looked confused, but Rain shook his head. "No offense, Miss, I only have eyes for him."

She looked a little disappointed but then smiled with a nod.

I grinned as he led me off dancing. He was good at that, too.

"The camera crews are focused on us," I told him.

He didn't even look. "Yes, and I can do what no one has done." Kissing me tenderly. "You don't mind if they see us, right?"

"You don't." I laughed and kissed him back harder.

It was practically noon when we collapsed on the bed. There were always the stragglers. They came to see me, so I stayed until they left. Any grunting would come later. At six there was a knock on the door again. This time it was Karen.

"Sorry." She said in a stage whisper. "But there will be people here in an hour."

"Got it," I muttered. Reaching beside me. "Stay in bed if you want."

Rain groaned but rolled over. "What sort of friend would I be if I did that?"

"We could save time and shower together. There's plenty of room."

He pulled me close. "You just want to get naked with me."

"Think of it as you did in boot camp."

"Boot camp gave me boners sometimes, but I will if we shower together." Rain warned.

We did and he and I both got boners. Seeing this man naked was difficult, so I looked away as much as I could. Water rolling across those muscles, he had hair on his chest, not thick or a lot, but covered his muscles. And yes, I looked. He was no small fry. Eight inches relaxed. That didn't last long. Erect it was nine or maybe even ten inches.

He spoke as we dressed. "All I have here is the tux and the clothes I wore Thursday for our date."

"Tonight, or maybe tomorrow we need to get you some clothes for overseas." I stopped. "If you really meant what you said, just before the party...what would you say to the rest of the trip?"

"The rest of the trip?" He asked. "You sound like there's more than Japan."

I sat back slipping my shoes on. "This is for a year. You can see the world."

"A year!?" Rain sat. "You're doing this for a year?"

"Haven't you seen the commercials?" I asked. "You said I was the Luckiest Man in the World. That was only part of it. I'm supposed to boost the economy for each country. People buying what I get, going where I go. Didn't you see those?"

He sat in stunned amazement. "I was raised without TV." He explained. "Lola still doesn't have one. I just never got into it. I knew who you were from seeing the commercial about your coming here when I was staying with Matt." He thought. "A year!?"

I was feeling a little scared. "I would understand if you said no, or part..."

"No! I didn't say that." Rain rushed toward me. "A year!? Where all over the world?"

"After Tokyo, there will be Sydney, Dubai, Paris, Rome, London..."

"Jeez louise!" Rain marveled. "But if I go, you're paying the whole thing?"

I shook my head. "I don't think so. Even if I were, would that bother you? The Powerball is paying for the trip, but the hotels are paid by the host cities, and they pay for the parties and since the plane is going that way with or without you. The only time I would pay is if we break up and you want to go home."

"Fuck me." Rain said, but I think he said it because what I'd just said was so unbelievable to him.

I grinned when he said that. "Is that an invitation?"

The corner of his eyes diverted to me, he realized what he said, then a grin spread. "Maybe, do you want to?"

I grabbed him around the neck and chest, pulling him down on the bed with me. "It's been a while. But I think I remember how."

There was another knock.

"Damn!" Rain spat.

"Coming!" I shouted. I kissed him. "Think about it."

Rain shook his head. "Think about what? Hell, I'm going!"

"Abstinence is such an aphrodisiac."

"Less abstinence would be good." Rain grumbled.

There were too many people who wanted this conference, so it was held in the conference room. As it began there were the usual striving of all reporters to get their questions to me and answered. Once the order was established things quieted down. I sat at a podium with Ned on one side and Karen on the other. Kyle and Rain sat nearby, but not on the podium.

"You." I pointed to a woman.

"How has the first couple of weeks changed you and how?"

I chuckled thinking of an acceptable answer. "Well...a month ago I was just a guy who could walk down the street, and no one would give me a second glance. I could walk through Wal-Mart and just be among the crowd. Now, I step out the door and everyone wants to know what I'm doing and why. Going from obscurity to Mr. Popular takes getting used to...and I'm not used to it...not yet. I may never get used to it. Privacy has gone out the window, everyone wanting to know what I eat, where I go..."

"And who are you?" She asked.

I thought hard how to answer the question. "I am me. I am what I am. Like me, don't like me, it doesn't matter." I looked them over again. "I'm a man that was raised in the Bible Belt, the grandson of a Baptist Minister who was raised by a farmer. I have developed a thirst for knowledge."

"So, you're religious?"

I laughed. "Religious." I thought again. "I would be a fool to say I'm not, beliefs have gone through some changes as I grew up. Do I believe in God? Yes. This world, as wonderful as it is, and deadly, as complicated as it is could not have come to be by chance in my thinking. There was an intelligence behind the design." I looked them over again. "You."

"You are gay."

I blinked. "Is that a question?"


Careful answers were needed again. "As most have seen, I kissed a man. I am a male member of the human species. I have had relationships with both genders, female, and male. Am I gay? Right now, yes, but know this...who I have the relationship with is between me and the other person. I am a maturing member of the human species. I like other members of our species. And right now, because of things that have happened in my life, I prefer the male of our species."

"You were kissing a member of our species."

I laughed. "Yes. A special member of our species."

"And is there a future with this member of our species?"

I glanced at Rain, who nodded and shrugged.


"Tell us more about you."

"I'm a Southern man, raised on truth and tolerance. But their tolerance. As for the tolerance, I've expanded that to include much more. Raised to develop a love of finding things out. I love dogs, especially little beagles. Only now I can't have one until I settle somewhere. I love peanut butter, always have...and forgive me Jiff, but Peter Pan is my favorite. In fact, a jar is in my cupboard and desk drawer at work, peanut butter cookies to peanut butter milkshakes, French vanilla ice cream in there. I love cars..." I chuckled at that, "I think any human with a Y chromosome loves cars. Corvettes are my favorite. But not the newer ones, but the ones in the sixties and seventies. I love music. Rock and Roll, Techno, and I love food. All kinds from Americana to International. I'll try them all if I can, and now...I can. I love a good joke. Cartoons, especially Looney Toons. Bugs is great, but Daffy is the best of the two...oh, and Marvin the Martian. In fact, I was going to have him tattooed on my arm once."

"So, who is the mystery man?"

I glanced again at Rain. He just nodded and motioned agreeing to let me tell the reporter.

"Rain Stevens. A former marine and a hell of a guy." When I said that Rain stood up and bowed as if having done a performance. "And before you ask...I value the most is honesty. If you are going to say I'm wrong about anything, you'll have to convince me. Show me proof. Whether it be about sexual relationships, religion, or any topic. And I mean proof. Not what you think or believe, but proof. Who told you to believe something and you believe, that's your right. If you don't have evidence to convince me, I'm done. Who told him and where is the source. Not everyone is going to agree with what I do, or how I do it. But don't spit on me because you think I'm wrong. Prove it." This went on for three more hours. Yes, three hours. Questions that I had answered with other questions, but still the same answers. Finally, Karen stopped it.

Kyle, Rain, and I returned to our suite. Kyle looked at Rain and me, I hadn't even thought about it when Rain took my hand as we walked.

"I guess I need to get used to being second fiddle," Kyle said softly.

At first, I didn't understand, but I followed his eyes. "Oh." I snickered softly. "Well, it's happened before and now it's happening again." I shrugged. "It will be the same with you and Amy...or whomever."

Kyle nodded. "I know. And I knew it was coming, but now that it's here..." he stopped. "Look, Eric. When you married Susan, I never felt pressured, like our friendship was going to end..."

"Kyle..." I protested.

"Wait." Kyle urged. Then gathered his thoughts. "I've known you were gay for over a decade, and I don't care. But I never a third wheel, until now." He held his hands up as I was about to protest again. "Save it." He smiled sadly. "I'm not mad." He laughed, blowing a breath as tears formed. "I'm jealous, but not mad." He pointed at Rain. "This is all your fault. But I can't deny what I see. If you're not in love with him, you soon will be, or you'd be a fool if you don't. He's a great guy. If you break his heart, I will kill you. I will. And Eric," he hesitated. "Be mad if you want to, but I had him checked out." He shook his head again as I was going to object. "Ned did it for me because I asked him to. Rain is what he says he is. No records of any crimes or things like that...." He chuckled as tears rolled and shook his head. "I'm going to say this, and if you repeat it, I'll deny it. I've always been a little gay...for you, Eric. I know we'll see each other and..." he shook his head. "But it won't be the same." He pulled me into a hug, then kissed me again, this time on the cheek. "I love you, Eric. I wish the two of you the best of luck." And he walked away to the suite.

Rain was the first to find his voice. "Wow." I could only nod.

It wouldn't be my first time, nor his, but I was nervous. He came out to the living room and sat beside me.

"What are you feeling?" Rain asked.

"Scared." I laughed.

Rain looked surprised. "Of me?"

"No..." then I nodded. "Yes." I laughed. "Why do I feel like this would be the first time ever?"

Rain laughed. "Maybe it would be." He patted my arm. "Because it will mean something. I have medical records to show you, if necessary. I'm clean."

I nodded. "I am too. When Susan cheated on me, I didn't want to risk getting whatever she may have caught from them, so...."

"We're not in love." Rain said softly, "but it can mean we're heading there."

I hated it that he was right.

"The truth is..." he admitted. "I'm nervous, too."

That surprised me. "You are?"

He nodded. "I don't want to disappoint you. I want to make you happy."

I agreed. "I've bottomed once, with a jock I fell in love with in high school. At first, it hurt like hell, but after a few times, I grew to love it. He was the first one I topped."

Rain smiled. "Three times for me. Blowjobs and jerk off sessions by the dozens. So, what happened with the jock?"

"Chuck was a great guy, but he couldn't handle the fact that he was gay, so we broke up just before graduation. You?"

Rain thought a moment. "I didn't have a relationship with anyone. One, the one I bottomed for was my DI."

That shocked me. "No way."

He laughed. "I told you he loved me. And he was damned sexy, even when yelling. Which was almost all the time. It's hard to march with an erection."

I had to laugh at that. "I'll bet he was." Then I got serious. "Am I as sexy to you as he was?" I hurried on. "You are so confident and sure..."

Rain shook his head. "It's an act," He said. "It is a well-practiced and perfected act. I'm not confident at all, I doubt myself all the time. With you, I was so unsure, that's why I kept saying that it wasn't about the money. If I didn't, I am afraid you wouldn't like me."

"Are you kidding?" I returned the hand holding. "I've never met anyone like you. You're gay and you don't care who knows. Hell, you had the whole world watching you when you kissed me at the party."

Rain nodded. "I did." Then he looked at me. "And you didn't care who knew either."

"Like I said. I am what I am."

"Okay, Popeye." Rain chuckled.

"I thought you didn't watch TV."

"I didn't mean I never saw anything." Rain bent and kissed me. "Now, let's get together."

I nodded. "Only, this should be making love, we've got a lifetime for casual fucking."

Rain grinned.

To say it was wonderful would be an understatement. He was tender and loving. And he and I both bottomed and topped each other. How long? I don't know, but...the sun woke me up as it shone through the window. Glancing beside me, two brown eyes were looking at me. The rest of him was under the covers.

"Good morning." He said softly moving closer taking me into his arms.

I smiled. "It is, isn't it?" We began the morning kiss. "What were you doing?"

Rain seemed very satisfied. "Watching you sleep." He kissed me again. "You are one beautiful man, Eric Mitchell."

No one, and I mean, no one had ever said that to me before. Not with so much meaning. It almost broke my heart, in a good way. "I'm falling in love with you, Rain."

Rain grinned. "Are you sure it's not too soon?"

"I love you."

"I told you." Rain said kissing me again. "I love you." And yes, we did it again. We made love.

It was about ten when we came out of the bedroom. Kyle was still there, breakfast done, and he read the paper.

"'Morning, guys," Kyle said pleasantly.

"Yes, it is." Rain agreed readily.

"What are your plans for the day, Kyle?" I asked.

"Spending the day with Amy." He said putting the paper down. "By the way, good interview with the press. They quoted you very well." He put the paper out to the society page where my photo from the Press Conference was. I read it quickly. It was practically verbatim.

"Amy again?" I asked looking at him. "Should I include her in future events?"

Kyle grinned. "Could be. What are the plans for you two?"

"Well," I said sitting. "We're going clothes shopping for Rain."

Rain poured coffee for me and himself. "But not a lot." He pointed at me.

"It will be cold in Tokyo, yet Summer in Sydney. You need clothes that will keep you warm and cool." I defended, then shrugged. "Or we can wait until we're there. It's gonna happen."

Rain sat, looking at Kyle. "Is he always like this?" Kyle just nodded. "Okay, but shopping? Really?"

"We can shop, have a late lunch and then...who knows?" I said.

"Why do I feel I have no control?" Rain asked.

Kyle smiled. "Because you don't." He got up. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I'll see you later."

After Kyle left, I looked at Rain. "We're taking him back to Charleston tomorrow. I'll need to get a few things from my place and settle that. Pictures and things like that. What about going to Lola's place?"

"You want to meet Lola?"

I shrugged. "She does know you're gay, right?"

"Of course," Rain said.

"Is there a reason I shouldn't?"

Rain shook his head. "No, it's not that. But then again, she's not big on any relationship, I just don't want her to discourage you. She doesn't believe in them."

I shook my head. "She won't. Will she try to discourage you?"

"Of course," Rain said flatly.

"Can she?"

Rain grinned. "No."

"And there you go."

That afternoon we did shop, got the clothes he would need, then went to Matt's place to get some things, like his passport. A must. His belongings were in a duffle bag. Then back to the hotel.

"So what time does the plane leave?" Rain asked.

I looked up. "It's our plane. It leaves when we're ready."

Rain looked like suddenly I had too many eyes. "Your own plane?"

I have a nodding shrug. "Ours to use. There are no real weight restrictions, so..."

Next: Chapter 2

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