The Love We Have

By Dannii Ree

Published on Dec 21, 2001


Notes: So, I have written the last chapter, and I want to post all the chapters before christmas. That means until tomorrow, because then I'll be driving home, and I don't have a computer at my parent's house. So here's the next - three more to come. Enjoy!!

Disclaimer: This story is a complete work of fiction. We don't know the guys of *NSYNC, and we don't want to imply anything about their sexuality.

Chapter 32 by Dannii and Megan

Justin pressed JC against the wall in a part of the pool where the water reached up until their shoulders. They were still kissing passionately, and Justin let his hands roam freely over JC's upper torso, while JC just clutched Justin's shoulders and pressed against him tightly. He could feel the younger boy's erection pressing against his own, and the fact that they were in the water and that their bodies were gliding against each other erotically with each move just intensified his own arousal. He totally forgot where he was, and when Justin's hands stroked down his hips and over his thighs, he lifted his legs automatically and wrapped them tightly around Justin's waist. He ground his hips against Justin's slowly, and the curly headed boy moaned into his boyfriends mouth. They only broke the kiss when they had to come up for air, and JC stared into the slightly smaller boy's eyes.

"God, you look so sexy with the glasses", he whispered breathlessly, and Justin smiled at him. He let his hands wander down JC's back until they reached the waistband of his swimming shorts, and slowly he let his hands slide beneath the fabric of the brunettes shorts to caress his ass cheeks. JC let out a mixture between a sigh and a moan when he felt Justin's hands come in contact with the flesh hidden in his swimming trunks, and if it was possible, he clung even closer to his boyfriend, shivering.

"You cold?", Justin wanted to know, and JC discovered that he was indeed not only shivering because of Justin's hands on his skin, but also because it had become chilly outside. He nodded.

"Yes, a bit. And besides..." he broke up and looked at Justin hesitantly, unwrapping his legs from around his waist so that he could stand in front of the blond boy. "I... I don't want things to move to fast between us, you know? We've only been together for a day, and we agreed on taking it slow, but it seems as if we can't keep our hands from each other. And I really don't want to rush into things." He shyly glanced into Justin's eyes, and Justin's heart melted at the look JC was giving him. How could he resist this trusting blue eyes?

"You're right", he whispered. "And even if we decided to go further into our relationship, I don't think this is the right place for it." He pointed in direction of their house, from where the poolground could be overlooked perfectly. JC let out a giggle.

"Oh yeah, we don't want to give the parents a heart attack. It is really great how they reacted, but we shouldn't push things too far." Justin nodded in agreement and gave the boy in front of him one last soft kiss, then he quickly jumped out of the pool and collected his and JC's towels. When JC followed him out of the pool, he gently wrapped one towel around his boyfriends upper torso and softly rubbed his arms through the towel, and JC repeated the action with him. After a few minutes of tender kissing in a darker corner of the backyard, they headed into the house, hand in hand, to take a hot shower and change into their pyjama's.

They climbed up the stairs side by side and then stopped by Justin's bedroom door. "I think we should probably sleep in our own beds tonight," JC stated, smiling at Justin.

"Yeah, we don't want mom to freak out again," Justin replied.

"Right. Well, we should probably go to bed now, don't you think?" JC asked.

"Yeah," Justin agreed, looking over at his clock. It read 11:30. He yawned as he realized that they'd have to get up early the next morning. JC grinned at Justin before pulling him into a hug.

"I love you, J," he whispered.

"I love you too, Josh," Justin replied, hugging his boyfriend tightly. He pulled back slowly, and then leaned in to kiss JC quickly.

"Night babe," JC said, pulling away.

"Night," Justin sighed, watching JC walk down the short hallway and into his room. Then he turned to enter his room and get some sleep.

The next morning, JC woke up feeling great. He smiled as he remembered the night before. He was so happy that both his dad and Justin's mom were so accepting of their relationship. He just hoped that everyone else felt the same way.

He stepped into the bathroom, getting ready to take his shower, when he noticed that Justin's bedroom light wasn't even on. He peeked into Justin's room through the bathroom door and grinned at what he saw. Justin was sprawled out on the bed, snoring slightly. JC walked over to the bed and bent down, placing a kiss on Justin's lips.

Justin's eyes fluttered open and he smiled when he saw JC standing over him.

"Time to get up, babe, we need to go to school now," JC told him.

"Kay," Justin replied, yawning and he slipped out of bed. He followed JC into the bathroom and started to brush his teeth. JC started the shower, and stripped down, stepping inside.

Justin smiled as he caught a glimpse of JC in the mirror. <He really is beautiful,> Justin thought to himself. He finished brushing his teeth and fixing his hair so it wasn't standing up in every direction before heading downstairs to get some breakfast.

He walked into the kitchen and saw his mother sitting at the table alone.

"Good morning, Justin," she said, smiling up at him.

"Mornin' mom," he replied, smiling back. "Whatcha doing?"

"Working on wedding plans. There's so much to do!" she exclaimed. Justin could tell from her tone of voice that she was very stressed.

"If you want, maybe Josh and I could help you after school today," Justin suggested, wanting to help his mom out.

"That would be wonderful Justin," she responded, grinning. "We can all work on it as a family tonight."

"Ok," Justin agreed, noticing how happy his mom looked when she said `family.' He and his mom hadn't been part of a family for a long time.

JC and Justin left for school an hour later, running a little late. They had composition together that morning, so they walked side-by-side to their class. They got there just before the teacher started the class, and found two seats that were next to each other. Justin suddenly found it hard to pay good attention in the class when JC was sitting beside him.

He found himself thinking about their relationship, and about the wedding. It was only a little over two weeks away. After the wedding, things would change a little for him and JC. He knew that they'd have to come out to their friends sometime in the near future, and with their parents getting married, he couldn't help but wonder how their friends would react. He already knew that Lance was ok with it, they had already talked about it. But he wasn't sure about their other friends.

JC couldn't stop looking over at Justin. He glanced over at his boyfriend every chance he got. He actually tried to pay attention, though. He noticed that Justin was spacing, and that he hadn't taken down any of the notes that their teacher had written on the board. He knew that Justin would stress about it later, so he was careful to take extra-good notes.

Once composition was over, JC walked Justin to his photography class. They stood outside the classroom, talking for a minute before class started. They both smiled and said hello as they saw Lance slip into the classroom. Justin and JC decided just to meet back at JC's car after their classes. Then JC headed to his writing and production class.

Justin walked into the classroom, smiling when he saw that Lance had saved him a seat. He smiled as he sat down. "Hey, Lance."

"Hey, Justin," Lance replied, smiling back.

"Oh my gosh, you'll never guess what happened last night," Justin said suddenly.

"What?" Lance asked curiously.

"Well, yesterday morning my mom kind of found me and Josh making out in Josh's bed," Justin told Lance.

"Uh oh," Lance said, waiting for Justin to go on with the story.

"Well, she was surprised to say the least. Then last night at dinner we told Josh's dad. And he freaked out. He left the house, and Josh was really upset. So mom and I tried to calm him down. Then later, when Josh and I were in my room, his dad came in and said that we needed to talk. Then he told us this whole story about how he had a friend that was gay who got killed and he was just worried about us," Justin explained, out of breath.

"Wow," Lance replied. "So he's ok with you guys?"

"Yeah, they both are," Justin said with a smile. "Josh and I are so relieved."

"I can imagine," Lance responded. They both turned to look up front as their teacher began the class.

JC left his class with a smile on his face. He and Justin had the rest of the day off since they didn't have any classes after lunch. He waved to Justin as he reached the car, noticing that Justin was already sitting inside. "Did you have to wait long?" JC asked.

"Nah," Justin said, "I just got here."

"Cool. So how was photo?" JC questioned, starting up the car and backing out of the space.

"Pretty good. I told Lance about what happened last night," Justin told him.

"Oh," was JC's reply.

<What's that supposed to mean?> Justin wondered.

TBC... ********** feedback to: Megan:, Dannii:

Next: Chapter 32

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