The Lost Generation

Published on Jul 2, 2017


The Lost Generation 3


The days ticked by with terrifying reliability. Nothing came to suggest the twins' - or at least Sam's - call-up had been cancelled. Sam had finished his Pack, Luke said he had his, and both were dealing with the approaching occasion differently.

Sam instigated conversations with every friend he could about it - two of them didn't even get called up, receiving, instead, letters to tell them they were "physically unsuitable for PR programme" and wished "the best of luck in their future endeavours." Scott was adamant it was because he weighed nearly eighteen stone and Nick said he'd been told it was probably because he was partially-deaf and wore a hearing aid. This went some way to convincing Sam that the secret covert operation was probably military or something.

It seemed, certainly, to be the staple rumour, online and in social circles. Everyone was fascinated by the idea that the Government were training some kind of juvenile, Special-Forces, Black-Ops type army as a surprise attack force, and had sequestered young adults away from their lives and families because they were sharper, more agile and more intelligent. Some cynics supposed they were also more expendable, given the need for the decrease in population.

Other rumours included medical experimentation, colonising the Moon/Mars/a planet, or a ground-up remodelling of the establishment, in which the hundreds of thousands of people taken were handpicked and trained to directly replace each and every person in public service, from nurses to MPs to "improve the operational standard of the country" as one website put it. Some theories almost sounded plausible, but gave little in the way of explanation for the high level of secrecy surrounding the entire thing.

Sam was sick. He almost wanted his birthday to be here, just so he could find out. He'd even tried talking to his parents about it all but they were very calm about the situation. They simply dismissed it as being "the law", so that's what must happen, and reassured him that it was "probably only for five years" so wouldn't be all that bad. His Mum also let slip, probably against the rules, that they were also being financially compensated for their "inconvenience". Charming, he'd thought, bitterly.

Luke, on the other hand, was blissful in ignorance and had gone about life as normal. He went out drinking with his friends, spent nights over at his girlfriend's house, kept up his football training... Like nothing was happening, like there was nothing to worry about.

In fact, right up until the very night before, Luke had barely mentioned the event to his brother, so often his ally, supporter, protector and confidant. Sam had tried to corner him a few times to ask him what he thought might happen to them, or just to try and gauge how nervous he was, so Sam knew he wasn't alone with his, but Luke would have none of it. He would change the subject swiftly or simply make an excuse and leave. It was frustrating to see his brother care so little about something so massive for their lives.

But then, on the eve of their induction, the boys found themselves alone in the kitchen, whilst the party their parents had held for them continued outside in the garden, marquee and all. As Sam was at the sink rinsing a glass to fill it with champagne, two arms threw themselves round his waist and squeezed the breath from his ribs.

"I fucking love you, Sam, you know?" Luke slurred into his shoulder. "Like, fucking love you. You and me.... See you and me? We're twins. Which means.... I dunno.... It means we're gonna be together for fucking EVER... You know?"

"Sam smiled and shrugged the drunken weight off. "Yes, Lukey, exactly. I love you too," he replied, patting his back.

Luke grabbed the worktop and steadied himself, before looking out the window at the small group of people chatting and smoking on the porch.

"Y'know... Tomorrow... It's scary, huh?"

Finally! thought Sam, "Yeah. It is. I thought you weren't bothered, to be honest. I've been freaking out for ages..."

"Nah, man. It's got to me a bit... Just cos... Like... Nobody knows what happens, y'know? I don't think it'll be anything bad... Can't be, really, can it!? I dunno... Can it? Nah. Nah, it'll be fine. But just, like... I dunno, what if we get split up somehow?"

"Nah Luke, I'll make sure that won't happen," Sam said, taking him in a headlock, "No way I'm gonna let anyone take my annoying, childish prick of a brother, how would I cope!?" he laughed.

"Childish!? Fuck you I'm oldest!" Luke retorted, wriggling free.

"By a whole minute!" Sam exclaimed, "That hardly counts!"

"Ah shut up! I'm wisest and you know it!" Luke drawled, staggering out the room with his middle finger up.

Sam could only smile. He felt better. Drunk, but better. And pleased he had already packed his bag for tomorrow, as he was expecting a hangover in the morning.

Both boys slept better that night, contentment and alcohol each playing their part, and, as per the personal instructions in their respective Information Booklets, had refrained from masturbating all day.

Next: Chapter 4

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