The Long Weekend

By moc.loa@efasdraW

Published on Nov 7, 2015


The Long Weekend

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It's late summer and I'm just finishing off a two week business trip to the Midwest. I sell heavy construction equipment and have some exclusive contracts with a couple of manufactures that has allowed me to live a good life style. At 29 thoughts of getting married and settling down are creeping into my mind but near constant travel has made that process somewhat easy to put off.

Friday has come and I'm preparing to head home for a couple weeks to catch up on paper work and unwind. Sitting by the hotel pool having a drink and getting organized I realize that I really don't have to leave. Being late summer vacation travelers have dwindled to only a few and there are no kids around the pool. As I look around it is quiet and peaceful. What the hell I need a break and I walk over to the lobby registration desk and arrange to extend my stay through Monday.

Back at my room I decide to take a nap and catch up on sleep lost during this trip. The drink I just finished helps and sleep hits me hard. I wake around five thirty and take a quick shower. Thoughts about dinner struck and I decided that I could just grab a sandwich by the pool and let me enjoy what was left of the summer sun. No need to dress so I just slip on some old running shorts and a college tee shirt left over from my school days. Flip flops and I'm out the door. As before the pool area has only a hand full of people and it's peaceful. I order a drink a BLT sandwich with some chips and sit back and relax.

Looking around the pool area I notice a guy about my age sitting alone working on his tablet. I'm not sure why but his looks struck me as almost pretty. A nice tan, dirty blonde hair and a great looking body but it was his eyes that caught my attention. They were a steel blue in color and looked like they could see right through you. Of course I stared too long and he looked at me and smiled. I was caught and I just nodded and smiled back. My sandwich arrived just in time to end the embarrassing moment.

Perhaps it's time to mention that I'm inclined to like both boys and girls. College for me was the time when I realized that I was perhaps 50/50 straight and gay. A true bisexual if you will and am equally attracted to both. Having said this, my sex life has been quit limited mostly as a result of being driven to succeed in both school and business. More to the point, this guy sitting by the pool has really rang my bell.

I finish my sandwich and order another drink. Just as I get my second drink I see the man get up and start walking toward me. He asks if he could join me for a drink. Oh hell yes, well that's what I thought but was cool enough to say please sit down I could use the company. Up close he was even better looking than I first thought.

After introductions and exchanging occupational things we just started chatting like we were old friends. He was single and much like me was focused in his work and had little time. The surprising thing was that like me he had just decided to spend a long weekend after working for two weeks. A couple more drinks and with the fall season coming on it was getting dark and cooling off quickly. I stood up and said goodnight, perhaps I'll see you tomorrow? His response was quick as he said you can count on it. With that he said he was going to head up his room as well.

We entered an empty elevator and found that we were both on the 28th floor. As the doors closed he looked at me and asked if he had caused that, pointing at my tee shirt. As I looked down I noticed that my nipples were rock hard and quite visible thorough the thin fabric. I said maybe and he quickly reached over pinching both making me moan in pain and surprise. He had backed me into a corner and his mouth found mine as we kissed and humped at each other the elevator stopped and the doors opened. As we exited he asked my room number and when I told him, he just said mines closer. As we headed to his room my heart was beating hard and I was light headed.

As he opened the door we almost jumped inside just so we could continue what we had started. The room was dimly lit from outside light from the open blinds. In seconds we were both naked and rolling on the bed kissing and touching. I soon realized that with all the similar things we had discussed we were built nearly identical. Both in good shape from routine exercise and both sporting erections that side by side could be 6 inch twins neither of which was circumcised. Both were naturally smooth with pubic hair managed. He was shaved and trimmed I was completely shaved. Needless to say the room was filled with stored energy that would soon be spilled.

On the bed we were soon in a 69 position and with in a couple of minutes had both exploded in one big massive orgasm. As we lay panting we both started to laugh at the same time. We agreed that it was the fastest and best sex we had ever had in two minutes resulting in even more laughter. We both were overcome by sleep.

I woke to sun streaming through the window and the noise of someone in the shower. Considering last night a quick shower sounded good and I tried the bathroom door. It was unlocked so I entered and slipped into the shower with him. OMG in the light, he was even more attractive than I thought. Without getting into too much detail when we finished everything was squeaky clean.

We dressed and headed out for a quick breakfast. Since it was an off weekend we even had a screw driver with breakfast and another after we finished. I could tell he had something on his mind and I asked if he would share. He very quietly suggested that he would like to do some things up stairs that turns him on and ask if I would mind playing a little. With little thought I said that I would try anything once. His smile seemed devious and he suggested we return to his room. On arriving at the room he rummaged in the closet for a small bag of goodies. What he took from the bag made me suck in air and say wow at the same time.

The bag contained wrist and ankle cuffs short lengths of rope, lube, toys and even a small paddle. I noticed a thin tubular vibrating massager that was clearly used in an internal application. At this point I'm hard as a rock and noted him to be in the same condition. Without a word he pushed me back on the bed and started making out. After a little crotch grabbing and grinding together he pulled back and ask if I would be game to being restrained. Gulp, I had never thought about that and said so. His responded by saying that if I wanted he would let me restrain him first and I could do anything that turned me on and didn't cause any damage to him. I had read about being edged to the point of going crazy and could imagine doing that to him. I agreed that if he would go first then he could restrain me. His smile made me wonder what he had in mind but the excitement was enough to say what the hell let's go for it.

He had clearly done this before and suggested that we both start wearing just under ware. So we strip to our KK bikini cuts and I start to fasten the wrist cuffs on him. Ropes attached and secured to the bed frame put him in a comfortable but immobile position. Before I place the ankle cuffs on I slipped my hand up the inside of his leg and grabbed his package roughly making him gasp. No harm done, I put fingers under the waist band and pulled them off. I noted the wet spot on the front and also dripping from his very rigid cock. Securing his legs was completed and I just stepped back and looked. This was clearly the hottest most sensual thing I had ever seen. He was hard as a nail and begging me to get started.

I had decided on a thirty minute time limit and was not going to let him cum until time was up. With that I sat on the bed near him and started by lightly running my finger nail over his nipples. Since I had already had lowered the temperature on the AC unit his nipples were instantly hard as rocks. I licked and sucked them until they were wet and before moving on I bit each lightly making him moan. It was time to explore and probe so I move down lightly caressing his skin as my fingers moved toward the prize which I avoided touching. By this time his balls were pulled up tight and the thickened skin really needed a good licking. As my tongue touched his smooth sack his body jerked up in an attempt to make more substantial contact. I stopped and backed away to the bag of goodies he had. I was curious about the vibrating massager and decided maybe he would like a treatment. Finding the lube I coated it and flicked the switch getting a variable level of vibration.

I forced his knees up and exposed his smooth and shaved hole. Lightly touching the puckered opening I turned the on button and wiggled it a little to let him feel what was about to happen. As it slipped in I noticed a stream of clear fluid escape his cock and run down over his tightly drawn nut sack. I pushed in further until I saw his expression change that seemed to indicate I had found his magic button. Changing the vibrating speed making him moan and buck his hips to increase the pressure. At this point I couldn't help myself, I leaned forward and licked the fluid from his nuts and worked my way up his cock until I slipped my mouth over his full length making him moan and buck up his hips. Clearly he was very close to Cumming so I removed the massager and stopped sucking him.

He whined and told me not to stop. I slid up the bed and kissed him deep and hard while pinching his nipples. At this point he is bucking and jerking on the ropes demonstrating his desperate need to cum. Looking down at his cock I could see his heart beat pulsing. I whispered in his ear that this was his idea so just relax and enjoy.

Looking at the clock I noted that I still had five minutes left so I was back between his legs slowly running my hand up the inside of his thighs each time just lightly touching his balls. By now he is in a constant state of motion by jerking his legs and arms. Tension building in his body that really needed release. With one minute left I moved up between his legs and slowly eased my middle finger into his ass while my mouth dropped over his cock and started sucking. With a muffled scream his whole body convulsed and he shot stream after stream of cum into my mouth. With a final shudder he laid still and the tension slipped from his body.

Now it's my turn. If readers agree I'll do another chapter.

Next: Chapter 2

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