The Long Weekend

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Dec 19, 2008


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The Long Weekend, Part 2 by justjames17

Brett stood outside the bedroom willing his rampant hard horn to subside before he dared slip inside and confront Angelo who was already on the bed, he was still having flashes of the other guys at it in their rooms. The vivid sight of bare flesh being used sexually was ruling his mind, his boner refused to shrink and the 5 and a bit inches was as hard as steel, harder in fact than Brett could ever remember except maybe when he was about 14years old and getting incessant hard ons for no reason. In those days if he saw a leaf fall from a tree he was hard, he wanked around three to six times a day until his poor penis would be red raw and burning from the constant abuse. Brett thought back, "Ah those were the days."

But here and now he stood on the dark landing outside the bedroom with a killer boner, the wank he'd had under the shower had done nothing to stop him getting aroused again. He heard the bedsprings creaking in the bedroom, he peeped cautiously round the doorjamb to see what his roommate was doing. There stretched out on top of the queen sized bed lay a naked Antonio lazily stroking his amazingly beautiful bone, his hand slowly, lovingly caressing the tall glistening pole, his long foreskin moistly sliding back and forth caressing the angry red plum sized cock head. Brett pulled back moaning in his mind, "Ooooh damn look at the size of that beautiful monster, I'd love to be stroking it."

Minutes dragged by but Brett couldn't control his member and eventually he crept into the bedroom, Angelo was so lost in his wank he had closed his eyes as he pictured Brett's so smooth pale buttocks he didn't see or hear his fantasy creep in and only knew he'd arrived when Brett dropped onto the bed beside him but as far away as possible. Angelo jerked back to reality and opened his eyes looking across the bed at the vision lying with his back towards him. Angelo looked at Brett's almost naked body, the wide shoulders tapering down to a narrow waist made even narrower as he was lying down, the tantalizing buttocks were hidden by the towel but the swelling mounds were easily envisaged as they stretched the towel.

Angelo sighed to himself, "Gees just look at that beautiful bum, it matches Brett's body perfectly and he is a total doll. Hell I'd give anything to make love to him."

Brett lay there almost not breathing, he was feeling Angelo staring at him and his stiffy stayed hard, the bed moved under him as Angelo shifted slightly closer. Brett bit his lip his mind racing, his heart was pounding crazily and his lungs seemed to be constricting. He thought for sure Angelo could hear his thundering heart, the bed moved again and he could feel Angelo's body heat faintly, he trembled and thought, "OMG! He's coming closer what can I do?"

Brett knew that other than leaving the bed or telling Angelo to piss off he must just fain sleep, maybe then he would be safe, surely Angelo wouldn't take advantage of a sleeping friend. Angelo knew Brett wasn't really asleep he could tell by his tensed body he was trying to make out he was in the land of Nod. He edged closer and saw Brett shiver as if cold but knew it was nerves as the temperature was still quite warm, his own hand was shaking as he tried to fight the urge to feel Brett's smooth flesh. Would the fair swimmer reject and spurn his attention, he'd noticed that he hadn't really got involved in the sexy horseplay in the lake earlier so he was uncertain just how Brett might react.

Brett's body was rigid but his mind was going crazy, "Is he going to touch me? Cripes I hope he is. Maybe he will laugh when he sees my puny prick? I think I'd die if he does and he probably will because he's got such a huge one."

Angelo now right next to the petrified Brett slowly brushed his hand down Brett's arm giving it a gentle squeeze, Brett jerked as if stung by a wasp, his body shook but he didn't reject Angelo's touch which emboldened the swarthy hot blooded swimmer to continue. Brett moved his arm dropping it in front of his body resting his hand on the bed, Angelo now caressed Brett's side sliding his hand down from his shoulder to the depression of his slim waist stopping at the towel. Brett shuddered, his cock throbbed and Angelo felt his excitement and continued edging his fingers under the edge of the slightly damp towel onto the hip joint.

Angelo slipped down onto Brett's warm soft smooth arse cheek, a subdued moan escaped Brett's lips and he clenched his buttocks instinctively which entranced Angelo, who had a fetish for sexy silky dimples formed in hot muscular male glutes. He investigated Brett's quivering flesh and then to Brett's amazement he kissed his ear softly with his warm soft lips. Brett was lost his body quivered like a bow string, he wanted more contact, more kisses, more fondling, Brett wanted love in any way he could and Angelo felt the lad's total surrender. He gently undid the towel and unwrapped Brett as it he was a very expensive present, Brett rolled onto his back as the towel was removed, he arched his hips so Angelo could pull away the towel then lay there defenseless his chest heaving as he hyperventilated.

Angelo moved onto his knees and looked down at Brett's trembling supine body, his eyes scanned back and forth drinking in his companion's beautiful physique, the lightly tanned smooth torso and legs with the contrasting whiteness where the small speedos covered his groin and those superb buttocks. Angelo took note of Brett's smallish but sweet manhood, he thought it was delicious and although average in size it was perfect in shape and had the cutest circumcision scar just below the perfect pink helmet shaped glans. Brett was looking up at the handsome stud and was fantasizing that Angelo would take his virginal penis into his hand and wank him, the very thought of this happening caused his cock to jerk and dribble.

Angelo witnessing Brett's excitement was urged to suck that delectable dick, he took the burning hot wand in his strong hand and pried it away from Brett's belly, it took some lifting to overcome the incredible rigidity of that slim muscle. As he lifted it Brett was shuddering and holding his breath watching Angelo's head lower towards his groin, "Oh no, no, he's not going to suck me, he couldn't do that; could he?"

Angelo licked the exposed pink plum then lifted away tasting the sweet slippery fluid; he rolled it on his tongue and dove back down like a hawk on a sparrow taking Brett's throbbing tool deep inside his hot moist mouth. Brett squeaked loudly as he jerked on the bed instinctively driving his rigid rod into Angelo's gobbling gob. His palsied hands grasped Angelo's head as he thrust and swiveled his hips in lust trying to get every ounce of pleasure from this incredible event. Angelo couldn't miss Brett's obvious excitement and used his tongue to stimulate the thrusting tool; he licked and prodded, caressed and laved the hot pulsating prick driving Brett to distraction.

Brett's cock was on fire as he went crazy ramming it in and out of Angelo's soft succulent lips, he ground his ginger pubes into his mate's nose as he humped and writhed on the bed. Angelo knew that Brett couldn't last he was too out of control so he did his best to make sure his companion enjoyed his climax. Brett howled like a banshee, he heaved up bridging his body, every muscle rigidly tensed as his penis spurted his tangy milk into Angelo's gulping gullet, not a drop was wasted and as Brett slowly slid back to the bed gurgling and gasping Angelo licked his puffed lips enjoying the salty sweet produce from Brett's balls. Angelo bent down and ran his moist tongue up Brett's arched throat making him groan; he licked along the firm jawbone tasting the salty perspiration then continued up to the parted lips of his friend.

Brett's fresh breath infiltrated his nasal passages, the scent of peppermint from his toothpaste and the blokes' intrinsic personal odour, his tongue swabbed softly across those pink soft pads of flesh before moving inside the warm moist cavern of his friend's mouth. Brett responded instantly sucking on the invading member meeting and welcoming the visitor, his hands reached up clasping Angelo's handsome face as they kissed passionately. Both their cocks were rock hard and throbbing as they pashed on, Angelo straddled Brett's hips and centered his tool on top of Brett's rubbing back and forth stimulating both of them. Brett in turn humped up against his mate moaning like crazy as they continued swapping spit feverishly.

Angelo not wanting Brett to fire off wasting his cum lifted up and reached back to grasp the pulsating prick lifting it vertical and rubbing his hot tight back entrance on Brett's leaking cock head, he wanted that sweet schlong embedded up his hot innards. Slowly he sat down willing his arse to relax, Angelo seldom took cock but for some crazy reason he really wanted Brett inside him spurting sperm. Brett thought he'd died and gone to heaven as his raging rod slid inside Angelo's incredibly tight hot arse, the sensation of the tight gripping muscle squeezing down his prong was making him moan and push up against Angelo's weight as he strove to sink every millimeter of cock into that magic hot slick sheath. Angelo was arched back panting and sweating as he took Brett inside his body, Brett's blurry vision saw how that sweet muscular torso was swaying, muscles rippling and glistening with sweat.

The sight spurred him on and he was soon ramming his prong in and out as Angelo rose and fell in unison with his frantic actions, Brett biting his lip tried to slow his climax but the rippling contortions of his mate's bowels dragged him grunting and whimpering to a climactic eruption that made him feel as though his whole body was turning inside out anf squeezing up through his throbbing spout. Cum shot high up inside the dark humid hole, it coated Angelo's guts before it began drizzling down the still spurting spigot. Angelo hissing between clenched teeth felt Brett spewing sperm up his clenching channel, he groaned in utter pleasure as he milked every drop of dew from Brett's balls before slumping back resting on Brett's sperm soggy crotch.

Slowly Brett's stiffy slackened and shrank back to normal slurping slowly from the cum coated scabbard, Angelo moaned as it plopped free leaving his body empty and allowing a flood of juice to gush out all over Brett's crotch. Angelo slowly collapsed sideways and lay on the bed beside the still panting delirious Brett, he needed time to recuperate and let his aching arse calm down before he could think straight. The two lads lay side by side calming down, Brett could feel the sperm cooling on his pubes and balls as he lay back rubbing his fingers over his aroused hard nipples. Angelo cocked one eye to watch the sexy sight of Brett lying there naked and toying with his nipples, he slid a hand across and ran his fingers through the Brett's sticky pubes and brought his hand back licking the sperm from his fingers.

Brett watched him astonished by his act, "Do you like the taste of sperm that has leaked from your arse? It seems a little gross to me."

Angelo finished his little snack and licked his fingers clean before rolling onto his side facing Brett, "Yeah bubs it tastes great, I'm eating a union of our body fluids. Sort of makes me feel that we fully shared ourselves."

Brett looked at him silent while his brain whirred, he looked down at his messy pubes and poked a finger in the goo before lifting his hand back to his mouth and sucked on the creamy digit. Angelo watched him expectantly waiting for his verdict. Brett didn't speak but smiled shyly and returned his fingers to scoop up more sperm which he ate licking his lips afterwards. Angelo chuckled and asked, "So it doesn't seem gross now bubs?"

Brett smiled blushing and replied, "No it tastes pretty special now I think of it us our union, it tastes ok, not as nasty as I thought it would."

The two spunks lay together just hugging, their smooth muscular bodies resting against each other, Brett dreamily reliving the amazing experience of his first sexual intercourse and marveling that a stud like Angelo would ride his bucking cock the way he did. He now wondered if Angelo would take his cherry, secretly he hoped he would but his shyness stopped him bringing the subject up, he guessed Angelo would do it if he wanted to. They drowsed together not fully asleep but nearly so, Angelo was thinking how hot Brett was and how hed loved feeling that cute cock moving inside his body, would Brett be up to him returning the favour?

Sleep overtook them before either bloke made a move and they lay there snoring slightly as their beautiful bodies twitched and dreamed, early in the morning Brett rolled over on top of Angelo waking him. Angelo opened his eyes squinting at the bright light, they'd dropped off with the lights blazing, he felt Brett's smooth muscular body pressed to his and he smiled happily as he relived their first sex. His own cock was stiff as a post and screaming for a hot moist hole to fill, he turned his head and kissed Brett's parted lips before he licked a little drool that escaped from his friend's mouth as he snored softly. Gently he moved Brett and slid him onto his stomach on the mattress, Angelo admired the beaut buns gleaming pale white and smooth in the light, Angelo shifted position and moved down lifting and spreading his friend's legs apart. Brett murmured in his sleep but settled back again as Angelo moved between his thighs, he bent low and kissed the firm buttocks before running his tongue down the closed seam between those wondrous pillows of flesh and muscle.

Brett squirmed in his sleep mumbling unintelligibly again, Angelo looked fondly at his sleeping companion and gently massaged his buns; he then eased the mounds apart opening the deep crevasse exposing the lightly haired dark pink sphincter. Angelo thought how delicious that delicate ring of wrinkled flesh looked, his tongue was aching to taste Brett's arse and unable to resist he pushed his face into the sweat fragrant musky valley. His saliva moistened tongue extended and licked passionately, lapping at the sensitive muscle causing it to flex and squirm. The incredible sensations raced through Brett to his cortex, it stirred him from his slumber, he lay there eyes closed but now wide awake enjoying the fantastic feelings Angelo was giving him. Brett thought, " OMG! He's licking my bum that feels awesome. I wonder if he's going to have sex with me? I hope so I want to make him feel as good as he made me."

As Angelo continued his sexy slurping Brett became more and more excited, unable to conceal his pleasure he moaned, "Ooooh Angelo that is totally awesome mate, keep going."

Angelo smiled to himself as he worked his tongue inside Brett's clenching muscle; he tasted the excited juices produced by that incredible tunnel as his tongue wriggled and swabbed about the silky quivering inner flesh. Brett was raising his bum pushing up and back onto Angelo's face, Angelo gauged his excitement and thought Brett was ready for more. A wet finger slid into the flexing muscle beside his tongue, Brett squeaked and clenched on the new intrusion but soon settled once more moaning his delight as the hard digit took over from the soft wet tongue. Angelo waggled his digit around in the furnace like tunnel searching for Brett's sensitive gland, finding it he massaged it gently making his friend coo like a dove as he shivered excitedly.

Brett's anus relaxed and soon a second finger penetrated him twisting and turning gradually opening to stretch his rioting ring, Brett's body was swaying as he panted eyes closed his whole being centered in his arse and enjoying the stimulation. Angelo slipped a third digit in that madly flexing muscle, Brett accepted it without a whimper as it stuffed his ring tightly, more manipulation soon found him pushing back and shuddering with lust. A strangled groan issued from his arched body, "Aaargh! Angelo do it. I just want to feel you stuff me with your hot hard prong, quickly before I explode."

Angelo grasped his rock hard cock and pushed it into Brett as he spread that sensitive saliva lubed ring open with his fingers, his cock surged deep as he released the straining ring removing his fingers, the sudden tight grip on his dick made him moan as the sphincter locked about his shaft. They were now joined as one, Brett groaning constantly as his bowels adjusted to Angelo's length and girth. He felt so full and his bowel muscles rippled trying to expel the invader, no success but those massaging muscles gave Angelo a superb sensation as they caressed his hot hard penis. Angelo rested on his hands, as if doing push ups, while enjoying Brett's innards massaging his prick before he slowly pulled back. Brett gasped as his bowels emptied and shrank back, he shuddered before the sensation of being filled again sent his nerves into overload.

Angelo moaned as he moved back and forth, his cock massaged and wanked by Brett's hot flesh, both lads were sweating buckets from the warm night and exertion. Their moans and grunts created a symphony of sex as their pleasures built towards a climactic eruption. Brett clamped tight on the retreating tod then relaxed on its return as he learnt how to pleasure both himself and Angelo. Angelo eyes closed mouth agape thrust and yanked his engorged erection in and out of Brett's incredible body, his climax raged through his straining body, his big cream filled eggs drew achingly tight as his big boner swelled ever larger as it baked in Brett's fleshy oven. With a bellow like a wounded bull he climaxed, body arched and tensed like a steel spring his cock spewed sperm flooding Brett's hungry hole. Jet after jet of pearly wrigglers bucked up into Brett's bum, Brett yelped and howled gyrating and pressing back so the impaling prick found new areas to stimulate and paint, causing his cock to spray sperm all over the bed.

The two depleted spunks slumped in a sweaty entangled mess, bodies burning hot and depleted lungs gasping for oxygen they lay panting and exhausted. Some time later they separated and Angelo reached out turning off the light. The night set the tone for the rest of the weekend with Brett and Angelo enjoying each other again and again, they even continued their sex in front of their four friends who cheered and clapped their hot action.

The end.

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