The Long Weekend

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Dec 13, 2008


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The Long Weekend by justjames17.

Brett was in his room wanking, when he heard the sound of footsteps approaching down the passage outside; it wasn't unusual as it was a dormitory at the college he attended. There were always guys moving about between rooms and in and out of the building heading off to classes, the footsteps halted at his closed door and someone knocked on the door. Brett cursed under his breath and stuffed his erection away in his cargoes grabbing a folder of notes to put on his lap as he called out to who ever it was to come in.

The door opened and in jived Terry and Mike, both guys were in the swim team with Brett and in some of his classes so they were mates, Terry grooved across towards the bed where Brett reposed. Both guys seemed to be in tune to some unheard music, Terry flopped down next to Brett while Mike parked his cute bum on the swivel chair at Brett's desk. Terry grinned at Brett and said, "Hey Brett we've got a proposition for ya mate and we had an invite to go stay up at Lake Eildon in Greg's family holiday house."

Brett looked at him then Mike questioningly, "And what guys?"

Mike grinned, "We're wondering if you'd like to come because Terry's car's croaked and we can't get there, you'll have a great time up there, fishing, swimming and hiking and partying."

Brett rolled his eyes and grumbled, "So if Terry had his wheels you guys wouldn't have even thought about asking me would you?"

Mike shook his head, "Yeah we would because there was going to be an odd number, Angelo is coming too as well as Greg and Geoff."

Brett thought for all of ten seconds, Angelo was a hot looking latino dude, he sat up and laughed, "Hahaha yeah right I bet you would have, ok scum bags I'll drive you guys up there. When are we leaving?"

Brett grinning like a Cheshire cat said, "Friday arvo as soon as we can get away, it's a couple of hours drive to get there, is that ok?"

Brett nodded and said, "Fine, now you two piss off so I can study."

Mike and Terry got to their feet, Terry suddenly reached down and got a few of Brett's shin hairs in his finger and tweaked them before jumping back laughing and bolting for the door as Brett threw a pillow after him. Brett rubbed his shin and then grinned at the closed door, he thought about the upcoming three day break and the trip away with the blokes, a thought popped into his head, "Why was it so important that there be an even number of guys?"

He also thought of who was going, it was the top swimmers in the team, the fittest apart from himself he thought, definitely the best looking and buffest built dudes. Brett was becoming excited at the idea of the six of them spending some quality time together, it should be a real team bonding time as they all got to know each other. Brett lounged on the bed thinking and daydreaming about the weekend, he wasn't gay but he was experiencing strange feelings about his teammates especially Angelo. He was attracted to the dark swarthy appearance, the thick black wavy hair and his dark brown eyes with the exceptionally long lashes, Angelo's muscular body was molten hot, probably the buffest of all the swimmers and wore the tightest smallest speedos to hold and flatten his package.

Brett thought of himself as the least attractive team member with his long lean body, reddish blond hair and his freckles, he acknowledged he had good broad shoulders and a narrow waist but his muscle definition couldn't compare to the other blokes on the team. His speedos didn't bulge as big as the rest and he was embarrassed that he only packed 5 and a bit inches in the erection department, the other studs all seemed longer and thicker which made him feel inadequate. He'd glimpsed their bones now and then in the showers after training but he'd made sure he kept himself turned facing away from the rest.

Now for the first time he was going to really be a part of the team, a three- day break alone with these top blokes, up in the bush where they could really have a good relaxing time away from the pressures of college and the study and training. Brett hoped to be finally a member of the inner circle of the team, he was envious of their closeness and was desperate to be accepted and made a part of the elite group. Study forgotten Brett, hauled out his excited erection and began caressing it lovingly, he watched his long skin hood uncover and slid back over his sensitive pink knob.

After a few strokes he watched the bubbles of juice appear at his piss slit, his hood spreading it as it slipped up and down increasing the sensitivity of his cock head. Brett's eyes closed as he lay back stroking himself his pink tongue eased from his mouth swabbing across his lips leaving them slick and glistening. Excitement built in his crotch, his stomach tensed making his small abs flex, he moaned and his voice throatily rasped out, "Angelo, oh Angelo I'm going to cum."

His cock pulsed and stiffened in his grasp as his balls vanished from sight leaving his wrinkled pink sack empty, then with a guttural groan he arched up his tight buttocks clenched and dimpled as his penis exploded spewing sperm all over his flexing torso. Spattered strings and puddles of pearly cream adorned his sweaty body, tiny rivulets of juice began trickling down his sides as he groaned and collapsed back onto the bed, chest heaving as he panted. His still stiff cock oozing cum onto his flat belly, as he held it in his shaking fingers, Brett sighed and raised his head to look down his torso to see his dick pointing up at him its moist glistening head coated in cream. Brett reached for his t-shirt lying on the bed and began cleaning himself up, he had never made such a mess before and he realised how excited he had become thinking about the upcoming weekend.


Friday arrived and the blokes all felt the day dragged out interminably they were all champing at the bit to get on the road, finally the last class droned to an end and the bell sounded. The classroom erupted as desk lids banged and crashed, books were closed and either stowed in the desks or in their carry bags to be locked in their lockers. A mass exodus raced from the rooms and a milling throng of students mingled and moved through the halls to finally burst through the entrance doors into the fresh air. Our intrepid lads had already packed and loaded Brett's battered old Toyota Tarago, they met up at the vehicle and checked that they had everything except the beer and perishable food supplies, that they would buy on their way along with crushed ice to keep it chilled in the Esky's.

Terry called out, "All aboard the Eildon Express."

They all laughed and clambered into the car, Angelo slid into the front passenger seat and the rest boarded the rear and settled into their seats with much ribaldry and messing about. Brett raised his voice over the ruckus, "Put your seat belts on guys and let's get on the road."

The racket subsided somewhat as the click of metal on metal sounded, seat belts fastened Brett cranked up the engine and they moved out of the car park. Down the road a way they pulled into the driveway of a hotel's bottle department, they sorted out their money clubbing together to buy the grog and ice, loaded the beer into the car fridges and packed the crushed ice on top before closing and locking the lids in place. Away they drove and the next stop was to fill the petrol tank for the long drive ahead, again money changed hands as they paid for the fuel, everything equally split between them. The supermarket was the next port of call to stock up on meat, fruit and vegies that were also packed in the fridges. Tasks completed the lads all began singing as they headed out of town and onto the highway; half an hour later they'd worn out their song vocabulary and settled back watching the countryside passing the windows.

They pulled into the property where they were staying and drove up the dirt driveway under the over hanging gum trees, cicadas singing in the warm still air as they arrived at the old two storied homestead. Greg pulled out the keys and unlocked the heavy wooden door; a musty heat assailed their noses as they moved inside. Greg said, "Let's open all the windows and doors and air the place out, it hasn't been used for a while."

They scurried about opening everything then unloaded their gear and the Esky's of beer, Greg turned on the power at the switchboard and said, "We'll have to keep the booze in the car fridges until the refrigerator cools down, lets crack a can to celebrate our arrival."

They all grabbed a chilled tinny and headed out onto the sweeping veranda that ran the whole way round the old house, everyone sat on the wooden floor and dangled their legs over the side as they surveyed their surroundings. Just visible through the trees they could see the glint of water; the weir was close by and inviting them to test its waters, Terry holding onto his half empty can yelled, "Last on in is a wombat."

With that he leapt off the veranda and ran towards the weir, he pulled off his t-shirt as he ran juggling his beer as he removed it, he kicked off his sandals as he ran down the sloping bank and leapt yahooing loudly into the water. Spray flew through the air twinkling like diamonds in the sunlight; Terry's splashdown started the barrage as five other bodies leapt high to bomb into the water. Mud stirred and soon the once clear water turned brown as the lads began wrestling and trying to duck one another. Brett was enjoying the close contact as wet bodies moved against him, his package was groped several times and he reciprocated grabbing whatever he could. They all left the water their shorts dripping wet as they collected their shirts, sandals and empty cans from the bank on the way back to the house.

The warm air dried their shorts as they walked only their underpants stayed wet, they reached the veranda and Greg laughed and began removing his shorts, "Hey guys we are alone here we can run around in our jocks or naked if we wish."

He twirled his shorts around on his finger as he reached into his briefs to adjust his goodies, he tossed his shorts onto the railing and stood there doing muscle poses as he said, "Suffer puny boys you can admire my studly body but no touching."

Terry, Mike and Geoff grabbed him and lifted him off his feet raising him above their heads as he squirmed and wriggled laughing like a loon, they lowered him again but before they released him his briefs were tugged down exposing his sexy bits. Brett's eyes nearly fell out of his head as he stared at Greg's genitals, they were perfect, standing out from his honey blond pubes, a smooth cylinder of muscle covered by silky skin and a very nice pair of balls sagged low in his smooth sack due to the heat. Brett couldn't tear his eyes from those flopping juicy bits, he was struggling to stop himself reaching out and grabbing them. These feelings were new and strange to him, he'd always enjoyed looking at lads' bodies but since the invite to join the guys his desires had escalated into new territory.

He tore his eyes away and turned to look out across the dusty front yard with the brown desiccated grass drooping over from the heat and the long drought. The weir was down by a huge amount but luckily where the house was there was plenty of water but Brett remembered as they drove over the highway bridge at Bonnie Doon where there should have been water there was dead grass and wilting saplings showing it had been dry for many years.

Brett could hear the guys messing around behind him and a pair of briefs flopped across his shoulder, he jerked in surprise and turned his head to look over his shoulder. The odour of hot aroused guy flooded his nostrils, his cock instantly leapt erect in his pants as he saw all five of his friends were now naked and wrestling around on the timber deck. Brett watched their bare arses and family jewels flashing as they moved, he was getting incredibly excited and aroused by the tantalising displays. The fun slowed down and the guys parted lolling on the old wooden decking, they were breathing hard and their bodies glistened with sweat. Greg climbed to his feet and said, "I'm going to cool off again in the water, who's joining me?"

Everyone followed him with Brett lagging behind watching those sexy arses waggle as they ran, by the time they dived in he was boned to the max again and he swam away from the group as they floated together cooling off. The guys didn't get into the usual hi jinx they seemed happy to just cool off; Brett cruised around the edge of the group keeping himself at a safe distance but scanning the delightful sights of all those fit glistening wet bodies. Hunger drove the lads from the water and they headed up to the house to raid the food supplies, Greg suggested a BBQ and everyone agreed that sounded great. They all began salivating at the thought of succulent steaks sizzling on the hot plate, Brett and Angelo were elected to prepare a salad to go with the meal and the others left them in the kitchen while they adjourned outside to the BBQ.

Everyone was by now used to being naked and Angelo kept sneaking little glances at Brett as they worked side by side slicing and rinsing the salad items, Brett caught him a couple of times as he too peeked at the swarthy stud beside him. Brett was totally enthralled at the sight of Angelo's dark brown uncut penis and almost black velvet ball bag, it was so different to his pale pinkish white circumcised prick and darker pink sack, not to mention the at least 2 inches more cock that wagged between those muscular bronzed thighs resting on Angelo's heat induced swaying egg sized low hangers that stretched the fine smooth skin of his sack. Brett wondered what it would be like to suck those big balls, what would it feel like to roll them gently on his tongue. Brett was terrified he'd crack a fat just glancing and thinking about his swarthy companion, he wondered just how big that monster could grow when erect.

Angelo too was admiring his co-worker, he had fancied Brett ever since he'd joined the swim team, that cute pale tight round arse was a turn on and he'd had plenty of chances to eye it off due to Brett always showering with his back to the rest of the guys. Angelo had dreamed of parting those alabaster orbs and tongue bathing the deep crack until Brett cried out with utter lust. Angelo felt his cock chubbing a little and pressed himself against the cupboard where they were working at the sink crushing his goolies hard to stop the erection leaping up.

The BBQ went great and they all imbibed a few cans of beer getting a rosy glow going, the sun set behind the trees and night descended over the area, the lads all feeling weary after the day's events began drifting inside to shower before bed. Brett was the last to leave the veranda and he waited for the bathroom. The other guys had ambled up the stairs to the bedrooms and disappeared in two's into the rooms. Angelo was in the shower and Brett could hear him singing, even his voice sounded sexy to Brett as he waited for Angelo to come out. Eventually the bronzed spunk opened the door, grinning at Brett the scent of his freshly washed body, shampooed hair and deodorant wafted to Brett's nostrils as the naked stud walked past on his way to the last bedroom. Brett entered the shower and turned it on washing himself thoroughly then he had an awesome wank thinking of Angelo as he stroked himself off. He knew he was sharing the room with Angelo and didn't want to go to bed excited, he jerked till he shot his bolt spurting sperm al over the tiled floor the water flushing it away down the drain.

Feeling clean and relaxed Brett towelled off vigorously and cleaned his teeth before using his deodorant and combing his hair, no gel as he was going to bed. He tied the towel around his waist before he turned off the light and exited switching off the downstairs' lights as he climbed the stairs. He peeked in the open door of the first bedroom and saw Gregg on top of Geoff his muscular arse flexing as he humped his mate's arse, Brett stopped in his tracks not believing his eyes but tore himself away to walk on. In the next room he found Mike and Terry doing a 69 and sucking each other's rampant rock hard rods, Brett couldn't believe what he was seeing and absent mindedly was groping himself under his towel. Brett was in a quandary, he couldn't believe his eyes these blokes were behaving so gay, oh they had all ways grab arsed and messed around but this was way more than that this was unreal sex. He now wondered what might happen in bed with Angelo and headed for the third bedroom his towel showing his excitement.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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