The Long Road to Revenge

By Z

Published on Nov 28, 2016


The Long Road to Revenge Part 3

By: Z

Author's Note: Thank you for reading, please donate to nifty if able.

Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. It also features some scenes that are explicitly fantasy and should not be attempted. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Category: Gay Male Authoritarian

Steven Aimes roared down the deserted highway in his brand new BMW. His mind focused on one thing: getting that son of a bitch James and putting him into the ground. Who the fuck did he think he was dealing with?

The plan went off so well. Steven convinced the other partners that James was a liability and a threat to the future of the firm. One by one, they slowly agreed. James didn't really do himself any favors by fucking two separate interns. Steve himself didn't really care, but he sure as hell used it against him to influence the partners.

Steven wanted total control of the firm. James was a natural enemy to him achieving this goal that Steve had identified early on. James had done a good job of making himself nearly indispensable to the company. So eventually Steve had to use Jame's character and the good old fashioned prejudices of the other partners to earn James his walking papers. James had gone. He didn't really put up much of a fight. Steven chalked that up to either he was too much of a pussy or he didn't give a fuck. Either option he could believe. The next morning all hell had broke loose. All of James's client information had vanished overnight. Steven had checked and verified the information personally, and reassured the other guys that everything had gone smoothly. Now all the information was gone.

Steve feigned illness to give himself time to figure out the problem. He left work and went to his secret apartment he kept for banging horny girls on the side. When be got to his front door, someone had left a suspicious looking black box on his doormat. Steve had a mind to call security, but the box was labeled "for client info."

Steve raced into his apartment and tore open the box. A pair of dirty briefs fell out and a note. Steve looked over the briefs, probably some college kids from the look of them. He then examined the note:

"Heya Stevey, hope you're enjoying your big promotion. Sorry about the briefs, little slut boys just seem to follow me everywhere. Probably learn that from their worthless fathers. If you're looking to do some extra homework on new accounts. I hear room 2B at the Shady Thicket Motel off route 34 is a good place for it. Bye for now."

Cut to Steven racing down the highway towards the out of the way motel. This was no doubt part of some sick prank by James to teach him a lesson. Steven wasn't having any of it. The second he saw James's face he would pound it in and make him beg for forgiveness before dragging him back to town to rectify the mistake.

Steven flew into the parking lot and parked into the closest spot by the office (handicapped).

He ran in, crossed to the front of the desk and began to incessantly ring the bell. After the seventh to eigth time, the young attendant of the motel came out from the back office area - the same young attendant that had assisted James only a couple days earlier.

"Can I help you with something, Sir," the young man asked.

"Fuck yea you can, you can give me they keys to room 2b right away," Steven shot back.

"uhh...sure," the young attendant replied, "You sure you want that room man?"

"Does it look like I'm fucking joking kid," Steven replied, "Hurry it up now."

The young attendant nodded in agreement and went and fetched the keys and began to process the payment. Steven angrily took a wad of cash out of his pocket and gave the kid what he owed him. The kid was short and lean, but decent build. Steven had no doubt that he could take the little fucker in a fight though. Especially with his weird hippee gauged piercings. "Room 2B is in a separate building behind the main hotel, " the young man explained, "here's the key and please remember to dial 6 for the front desk if you have any troubles."

"I won't" Steven snorted as he took the key from the guy's hand and left.

Steven walked around the hotel until he could get a look at what the motel clerk was talking about. Indeed, there was a separate building in the back. It looked like a duplex. There were two rooms, 1B and 2B.

Steven sighed, slid the key into 2B and walked in, making sure to lock the door behind him. The room looked ordinary enough. As he walked in, the heat kicked on. It wasn't exactly cold out, but Steven didn't exactly plan on staying long.

One thing he did notice right away was that someone had taken the time to setup a brand new laptop at the desk. Judging by the out of date decor and the overall appearance, Steven had a hard time believing laptops came with the rooms. So he assumed James had set it up. The text screen saver saying "Look here, fuckface!" confirmed his suspicions.

Steve crossed the room and hit the screen saver. The files had mostly been stripped from the laptop. All he saw was skype and a video file that said "Play me for accounts." Steven took a deep breath, and hit play.

The video was choppy at first. It showed what looked to be a hotel room. The camera began to shake and readjust. Soon he saw James's face staring back at him.

"Hey there Stevey, did you get my present? I'm glad. Listen up because this video is only going to play once. There is a pen and paper in the right-hand drawer of this desk. I suggest getting it out because if you want that account information, you are going to have to follow some directions," James said in a commanding tone.

Steven didn't doubt the video would only play once, so he figured he would at least take notes.

"Good boy," James said in a condescending tone, "You can be reasoned with. Look Steve, I know you want me gone. And I'm prepared to be gone. But I also know you are a dumbass when it comes to account management. So I took the liberty of removing not only mine, but all of your account information off the database. Thanks for firing our IT guys last year by the way, that really saved me some trouble. You want the info back all you gotta do is show up two days from now at the Ranchero Motel outside of Oklahoma City by noon. Bring $10,000 dollars cash and a damn good apology. Then the account information is yours. See you there."

Steven copied all of the information down. Ten grand actually didn't seem too bad. That account info was worth millions. He might just say fuck it and pay it to avoid any embarrassment from the other partners . "Oh before I sign off.."James said, "take a look at my throne..."

Steven watched as James adjusted the view of the camera and stood up. There, tied up under him with his mouth heavily taped, was his good for nothing son Henry. James was using the kid as a seat! And he was sitting his bare ass all over his face. Steven gripped the arms of his seat tightly with rage.

"Hope you like it, he sure does. He was just tonguing my ass while I was talking about you. Sliding his curious little boy tongue all over my hairy ass. See for yourself." A video clip appeared of James making Henry beg to lick his ass. Henry had been fed poppers and kept on the edge of cumming for hours before making the video. But Steven didn't know that. All he saw was his son acting like a little rim pig.

"Mother...fucker..." Steven said to himself.

"Better hurry up Stevey," James teased, "I don't know if I'll be able to resist giving him my big thick cock if you take too long."

After that, the video ended and the file deleted itself. Steven was left completely flabbergasted as to what to do next. After staring off into space for awhile listening to the heater tick away, he decided he had better get to the bank and get on the road as soon as possible. He jumped up and went to the door, turned the knob, but the door was stuck. He pulled it harder, the door wouldn't budge. He unlatched the deadbolt, thinking he was a complete idiot, then tried again, the door wouldn't budge. He pulled and pushed and banged on it, working himself up into a good sweat. The heat wasn't helping either. He grabbed the handle with both hands and tried to lose his legs to pry it open, but it wouldn't budge. This thing felt like it was reinforced or something.

He opened the windows to see if he could just climb out, but for some reason they had bars on them. What kind of fucking place was this. He walked over to the phone and dialed 6 to get the attendant.

"Front desk," the attendant answered nonchalantly.

"Hey front desk," Steven said, "I'm the guy in 2B. The heat is blasted in here and the door's stuck. You got five minutes to get me out of here or I'm calling the cops."

"Oh shit," the clerk replied, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience Sir. But I don't think you'll have too much luck calling the cops unless you have one damn good cell phone plan I'm not aware of existing."

Steven glanced at his phone. There was no signal. He realized that he was holding a phone and smiled to himself. Fucking millennials never remember the landline. This twenty something can suck his nuts cause he'll just dial 911 from the hotel phone.

Steve was in his early forties. He and James met awhile ago. But they both took care of their bodies. Steve was very well toned. His grey hair was still thick and slicked back. His back and chest were incredibly muscular. As he sat there, drenched in sweat. He looked down at his body. He was about ready to burst out of his suit.

"Look fuckface, don't try and talk me out of calling the cops. Either get me out. Or I'll call from this phone," Steve threatened.

"Oh, I see Sir. No, you won't be able to dial an outside call from that phone. It only calls the front desk," the clerk said, Steve could almost make out the delight in his voice.

"...Just what the fuck is going on here," Steve asked in a serious tone.

"You're in the 2B suite. As in to be fucked," the clerk said, "You don't leave that room until I say so. And before you even break one window, let me be clear, any damage will increase your stay in that room exponentially. And I do believe you're a man that needs to be on his way am I right?"

The clerk's friendly voice had dissolved into a sadistic, dominant tone that Steve could barely recognize. Was he in on this? Was this part of James's sick game?

"I'm not hearing breaking glass, so I assume I've got your attention, yes?" the clerk asked. "Uh...yes," Steve replied, "come on man, my livelihood depends on it. I can pay you a bunch of money. But please let me be on my way."

"That's better," the clerk replied, "I'm glad we have an understanding. My name is Ian, but since we are going to be getting better acquainted I want you to call address me as 'my lord,' you think you can do that?"

Steve gritted his teeth. This fucker was going to get a beatdown if Steve had his way. He just had to get out of this fucking room. " lord," Steve growled.

"Good boy," Ian replied, "now as I was saying, any attempt at escape would be pointless. The doors and walls are reinforced and you've seen the bars on the windows. As you mentioned, the heat is blasting. It will be 90 ° in there fairly shortly so what do you say we get started? Strip down completely. Go and find the rubbermaid box under the bed and bring it over to your laptop. Get on your knees and boot up skype. Look for the screen name

LordofSissysandFags. That's me, your lord now. Message me 'I'm ready my lord' when you have completed your assigned tasks."

The clerk hung up. Steve stomped around the room screaming curses for a couple minutes. He didn't have time for this shit. Some backwoods fuck was messing with him now when he had to get out of here. He looked under the bed. Sure enough, there was a blue rubbermaid container waiting for him with a gift bow on the top.

He carried it over to the laptop, booted up skype and saw it automatically signed him in under the screen name "PrincessFagStevey."

He looked down, realizing he was still wearing his sweat stained suit. He quickly stripped off and got completely naked. At least it was finally a bit cooler in this steamroom. He messaged his "lord" the required message.

"Good boy," Ian replied quickly, "but I know you aren't on your knees. One hour added to your sentence in the 2B room."

Steven sunk to his knees, "Fuck!" he shouted audibly.

"Good boy, yes I can see you without the laptop cam being turned on but even so turn it on. I like multiple views of my sluts," Ian messaged.

Steven obediently turned the cam on. He saw the smug motel clerk now sitting naked in his office jerking his rather impressive 9'' cock.

"Like what you see boy?" Ian teased Steve, who remained quiet.

"Aww, you don't want to play? I thought you wanted to get out of there?" Ian said.

"I can I get out of here quickly?" Steve said, trying to play the game. Ian smirked at the camera. He looked very pleased with himself.

"Why don't you stand up and go show off your goods. Hurry up princess, model for daddy, make sure you turn daddy on," Ian ordered.

Steven stood up. Unsure of what to do, he walked over so the camera got to see the full view of his body. He slowly outstretched his arms and started twirling around.

"Good little naked slut," Ian teased, "now dance monkey, dance for your freedom."

Steven's face turned beat red. Why was this fuck degrading him like this. What did he get out of this? He started gyrating his hips and shaking his ass like a whore in a strip club. He figured that was the kind of dancing this sick fuck wanted to see. As he glanced over, the guy was furiously stroking his big cock.

"Good slut, now crawl back over to the computer. Crawl like the fucking dirty slut you are. NOW!" Ian ordered.

Steven sunk to his hands and knees and started to slowly crawl back towards the laptop. "Ah uh uh!" Ian interjected, stopping Steven in his tracks, "what do we say when our superior gives us an order to follow?"

Steven hesitated, then realized what he wanted to hear, "Yes, my lord, I will crawl to you." "That's better," Ian replied, clearly pleased.

Steven resumed crawling back over to the laptop while he watched as Ian jerked his huge cock on the monitor. He was definitely getting off on the control he was exercising over the jock executive.

"Now why don't we see what's in your little box, and I don't mean the rubbermaid toy box. I mean your pussy," Ian said, grinning, "Turn around and spread your cheeks for the camera." "Fuck..." Steve blurted out in disbelief. Still, he turned around on his hands and knees, reached back and spread his muscular ass cheeks so the hotel clerk could get a look at his virgin hole.

"Mmmm, that's a nice tight hole," Ian said, "you should be proud of that hole bitch." Again, Steven's face turned red as the clerk degraded him more and more as time went on, "How much more are you going to do?" he finally asked his captor.

"Well," Ian started, "you didn't say 'my lord' but don't worry, you'll make up for it shortly. Go ahead, open up the toybox and take a gander at what's inside. The sooner we get you dressed, the sooner you can be on your way."

Steven hastily opened the box and dumped out the belongings. The box contained three different butt plugs of increasing size, a realistic fleshy dildo, four leather cuffs, and pink dog collar and a smaller combination box.

"As you can see boy, we've got you set up with some nice new gear. Now we are going to play a game. The goal of this game is earn te combination to the box. To get the combination you will perform tasks. Failure to complete any of these tasks will result in you staying in this room the entire upcoming weekend and what I have already been recording on this computer will be public. And trust me princess, we got a good look a your face in this video of you crawling around like a subservient bitch. Now, are you ready to earn the first number of the combination?" Ian explained.

Steven was trapped. They had recorded all of this! He couldn't get out of the room and the clerk clearly didn't give a shit when he got released from here. He had to follow his orders and hope he could get back here in time to exact revenge on this little fuck.

" lord," Steven said begrudgingly.

"Good!" Ian exclaimed, "Lets get started, for the first number in the combination, take each leather cuff and lock them on to your wrists and ankles."

Steve looked into the box, there were four small padlocks and one larger padlock, none of which had keys but all were unlocked. Steven wrapped the first leather cuff around his wrist, clasped it tightly and showed Ian so he could approve from the monitor. Once he had his lord's approval, Steven clasped the first lock shut. He followed with the other wrist cuff, the first leg cuff and the final leg cuff, which looked a little strange.

"That last cuff has a gps sensor in it slut," Ian laughed, "we're going to be keeping an eye on you. First number, 13."

Fuck, what the hell? GPS? This fucker was tracking him. What the hell? This had to be James. This was all setup by James. And Steven was trapped.

"For the second combination, lock that pretty pink dog collar around your faggot neck," Ian ordered.

Ian's words stung as Steven slowly picked up the sparkly pink dog collar with princess spelled out in rhinestones. There was indeed a place to for a padlock to be used to keep the collar locked on. He reluctantly picked up the last lock and clicked it shut.

"Fucking hot bitch, you look so fucking pretty," Ian laughed, "Nice pink collar to keep you in line. And check out it's most importantly feature."

Steven didn't understand what he was talking about. He saw Ian take out his phone and boot up an app. He clicked a button that had a thunderbolt for an icon. Suddenly, electricity radiated out of the collar and knocked Steven onto the floor.

"Shock collar bitch," Ian explained, "You can be shocked from anywhere there is wifi access. Second number 69."

Steven started furiously pulling on the collar trying to take it off, but he had fastened it too tightly. Another shock from Ian let him know he was being held under a tight, wireless and ever-present leash. Steven got up, added the number to the pad of paper James had ordered him to keep track on, and looked at Ian to continue.

"Now for the final number. To earn this one, you must get all three of those butt plugs up your ass to my satisfaction. Sadly, I forgot to put lube in the box so I suggest you suck on them in front of the camera for me like a good whore to get them nice and slick for your tight little butthole," Ian smirked.

Steven's face ran cold. He wanted these fucking big ass plugs up his ass. The fuck! He wasn't even going to give him any lube. What kind of shit was this?

He picked up the smallest butt plug, he might be able to get this in his ass without lube but why take the chance. He looked into the camera, and started sucking it like a baby on a bottle. Once he was satisfied, he worked the plug into his asshole. It slid in fairly easily, not too much discomfort. The second plug was a bit more of a jump. With the first plug still up his ass, Steven started sucking on the second one while Ian watched and beat off.

He pulled the first plug out, took a breath and started working the second one in. This plug was putting up a lot more resistance. It was a much tighter fit. Steven moaned out in pain and frustration as his asshole stretched to adapt for the larger invader. Soon after much work, it was in place. Steven turned around to advertise the plug in his ass so Ian could approve. "Nice work, whore," Ian said, "Now the last one. Here's a tip, sit on it after you get it lubed up." Steven left the second largest plug in his ass and started mouthing on the final, larger one. He could barely get his mouth around it as he looked and made eye contact with Ian. He had been reduced to a naked, collared fuck slave all for this man's enjoyment. The more time went on, the more he was degraded and the more control Ian took. Steven grew even more embarrassed when he looked down to see his cock was hard as a rock.

"Looks like we're enjoying this are we?" Ian said while pointing.

Steven felt he had lubed it up sufficiently now, took out the second plug with a plop and started attempting to sit ont he final plug. The slick of his saliva and the sweat on his ass helped a little bit. Practicing on the first two butt plugs helped some more, but Steven still had trouble. He had to present himself to Ian three separate times before he was satisfied.

"Final number, 34." Ian said.

Steven took the last butt plug out and went to the combination box and entered the code. When he opened it, all he saw was another small padlock and a weird plastic case.

"that's a cock cage boy," Ian explained, "you don't leave that room until it's locked on your dick like the worthless fuck you are."

Steven wrestled with it for awhile. Even if he refused, Ian had all of the prior activities on video. Finally, he relented. With Ian's help, soon Steven had locked his own cock away without any knowledge of where the keys to any of his padlocks were.

"Good boy," Ian said, "congrats, you are now our slave. You're little buddy James has been watching this whole time. And we're happy you have cooperated. So you're additional time of an hour will be cut down by 15 minutes.'

Steven felt relieved at last. At least his suspicions were confirmed. James had won. Hopefully he could at least save face after this weekend was over.

"Now, mount that big fleshy dildo right on desk right under where the laptop is, so that fake dick is pointing at your over privileged faggot face." Ian ordered.

Steven, all the fight out of him, meekly complied. The bottom of the dildo was like a suction cup, so it easily stuck to the desk right in front of the camera.

"Good boy," Ian said, "Now, you have forty five minutes. You will suck on that fake dick for th entire time while I beat off watching you. If you take your mouth off of it at all the timer stops, and more time is added. Now let's get started.

Steven, completely humiliated, had no choice but to choke down on the fake dick while Ian and James watched over skype of the next forty five minutes while he practiced at sucking on the big cock for their satisfaction.

to be continued..

Thanks for reading. If you have any comments please let me know. I'd like to continue on the story. Also if you want check out my tumblr at

Next: Chapter 4

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