The Long Road to Revenge

By Z

Published on Feb 29, 2016


The Long Road to Revenge

By: Z

Author's Note: Thank you for reading, please donate to nifty if able.

Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. It also features some scenes that are explicitly fantasy and should not be attempted. This story may not be

copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of thiscontent is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, pleasedo not proceed.

Category: Gay Male Authoritarian

I've always taken my career very seriously and it shows. At just under forty I was a senior partner at a large investment company. My direction had grown the company's profits year over year, and my attention to detail fixed a lot of huge potential problems before they even presented themselves. That's why I was surprised when one of my associates called me into his office for what he told me would be our last meeting.

"The firm's moving in a different direction, and it would be best if we could amicably separate," was how he started the conversation.

"Huh?" I asked dumbfounded, "You're firing me?"

"No!" he quickly answered, "we are terminating your contract."

"What the fuck is the difference?" I asked incredulously.

"Let's keep it civil, James," Steven, my now-former business associate chided me, "I'm trying to handle this in the best way possible..."

The rest of the meeting was a blur. They went over what options and severance I could leave with. It amounted to a pretty penny admittedly. But my whole life was in this job. I didn't really bother to settle down with a relationship outside of work, so this was really all I had at the moment.

After leaving the meeting I went to my office and prepared to close up. Before I did that, though, I wanted to know the real reason why one of this firm's top performers was getting let go. I tried the gossip channels. Most people were clueless that it was even happening and were offering me genuine sympathy and support. Finally, I decided to pull some strings with another partner at the firm.

"They're firing me because I'm gay!" I shouted out in my office (unintentionally).

"They just don't like what it represents. They don't agree with your lifestyle. I'm sorry, James," Randy said in a hushed voice over the phone.

That did it. Fire me for lack of performance. Fire me for overdoing it on our drink expense account. Fuck, fire me for fucking one of the interns last year. But don't fire me just because I like fucking a guy's ass.

I threw all of my possessions in a few boxes. My face burned with rage. Sweat was dripping from my forehead as I took one last look in my huge office mirror that I used to get such a satisfaction from. I stared at the broken man in front of me. Here I was, 39, jobless, and with no prospects on the future – just let go because I was gay.

The rage grew even more. I couldn't accept this. This wasn't going to be my last big thing in life. But I was sure as hell going to make sure that this company would regret using me and tossing me aside. So I enacted a very hastily thrown together plan for revenge.

I had four hours left before I had to be out of the office for good. Not much time to plan. I paced back and forth in the office for what seemed like forever when the answer just dropped in my lap.

"Hey Mr. Taylor, My Dad was asking for some final expense reports. I heard you lost your job. I'm real sorry," said Henry, our newest intern that just so happened to be Steven's son.

All of a sudden a white light of inspiration hit my head. I knew exactly what to do. How to show this fucker that anyone could be gay, with maybe just a little bit of conditioning from a more mature gentleman willing to put in the time. Besides, at this point I felt I had nothing to lose.

"Mr. Taylor?" Henry asked again.

"Oh sorry, Henry, yeah it looks like I'm moving on. Out west," I said.

"Oh nice! Today's my last day before heading back to school but I have always wanted to see out west. Looks so fucking amazing," Henry said in his typical college bro-voice.

"Yeah, I got a place out there," I said, which was true. I kept most of my belongings out west. I only rented a small apartment on the east coast when I needed to come in here for meetings. So there was very little tying me directly here.

"Say buddy," I said trying to sound non-chalant, "Why don't you come back at the end of the day when I've got everything ready. I'll spot you fifty bucks to help me load up my van oh fuck it seventy five."

"Really Mr. Taylor?" Henry asked, "That would actually really help me out. Thank you. You got a deal."

"Father still keeping you on a tight money leash?" I asked.

"Yeah," he chuckled, "He can suck sometimes."

"I know how that is," I said, "We'll get you some extra money this afternoon. Meet me by my spot in the parking garage. I'll have a cart ready and we can get this done real quick."

"Sounds good," he replied.

"Sounds *very *good..." I thought to myself.

I spent the next three hours either on the phone or making additional preparations. I got a fuck ton of duct tape and zip ties from our storage closet that no one would miss. I dropped my van off at custom auto mechanic and paid him triple to make some slight adjustments to the van that I had just purchased off the web. Soon I would be on my way out west with a very special cargo in tow. For the last crucial item, I had to meet up with a pretty seedy guy I found off posting an ad on a less-than-reputable website. I would need Henry unconscious for a little bit of time to get him ready.

Soon I was leaning up against the van watching the young man walk at a quickened pace towards me. I smiled, knowing that soon this little fuck was going to help me get back at his prick father. As he moved closer, the expression on his face had a smirk of arrogance on it.

"Hey James," he said in an arrogant tone.

"Afternoon Henry, ready to get started?" I asked.

"Not quite yet," he interjected.

"Hmm?" I asked, admittedly a bit taken a back.

"You see my father told me what's really going on here. You're out of a job, and pretty much fucked," Henry stated bluntly.

I stepped forward towards him. The little fuck took a step back and swallowed nervously, "Yeah, so the way I see it I'm just a nice guy doing you a huge favor. But as an EMPLOYED person I'd say my times a little more valuable than yours. So we're going to have to re-negotiate the fee."

"You ARE your father's son," I smiled back, "But you're not employed anymore either are you Henry?"

"I WILL be," he said, "after I graduate guess who gets to take over your stake in the company?"

That one hurt like a bitch. I had to clench my fits tightly in attempt to contain the rage but from the smug, satisfied look on his face I'd say I was doing a shitty job. Instead of putting my fist in the kids face, I decided to focus on the objective.

"So you want to get one last fuck you in with me before I go eh?" I grinned.

"Admittedly it was my dad's idea," he said, "but I wasn't exactly unwilling."

"Oh no I'd imagine not," I said, "So you want $150?"

"That's a start," he said, "what else do you think we could get that would help me impress the other guys back at the firm?"

I had a sloppy idea and a crappy time table. I decided just to go for it full press, "Well may I make a quick recommendation in the interest of me getting on my way?"

He grinned through his teeth at me and stared deep into my eyes, "Whatcha thinking?"

"Well see, a few years back I spent a fuck ton of money on the nicest bottle of scotch I could find. I planned to open it in two years with the other guys when the company hit its ten-year reunion. Instead, how about I pay you $300 and serve you a glass of that very scotch and watch you drink it as I pack up my car and leave. If you wouldn't mind helping me a bit after you finished it that would be great."

"We'll see queer," he hissed, "yeah, he told me just about everything about you."

My fists clenched up again. Henry was really in no position to make judgements. He was just some little college punk just a year out of prep school. His father had done a good job in making sure he'd not wanted for anything. The boy was soft. I, on the other hand, go through a strict training to ensure my body was in top physical condition.

"But I like the idea of you serving me your fucking prized drink. See if you can find a nice glass and maybe I'll make up my mind a little faster so you can drive home to your boyfriend," the little fuck mused.

"Sure," I said pleasantly – at least this was progress.

I dug up a nice glass I used to pour drinks for some of our preferred clients in our late night office meetings. I'll admit it did sting a little to open up my good scotch. I was actually saving it for that very reason.

My mouth watered a bit when I poured Henry his drink. I wanted to have the first taste. I figured the end justified the means in this case. With a quick slight of hand, I quickly dropped a strong sedative into Henry's drink and walked over and handed it to him. He accepted it gratefully.

"Truth be told I've never tasted scotch before," he admitted, taking a big gulp and wincing when he felt it burn down his throat.

"Yeah it can really knock you on your ass," I said as I unlocked the rear van doors and opened them wide.

"What the fuck is thiss," he said, "It's already all loaded up with your shit."

"Yeah, just the office stuff left," I lied.

"There ain't no room for the office stuff to go in there, there's no room," Henry said, trailing off.

I wasn't sure how fast acting it would be. This was my first drugging. Henry started to act like he chugged the whole bottle. He had trouble standing up right, and would shift his weight from side to side.

"Are you alright," I asked.

"Fuck yea gay dude," he said, while stumbling in a circle.

Soon he was on the floor of the garage, completely passed out.

All of a sudden I felt very naked and exposed. We were in the middle of my company parking garage. Granted I had made sure to pick a place where the cameras were obscured but that didn't change the fact that I needed to move fast. I ran over to the passed out college kid with the cart and pushed him back towards the van to get him ready for our trip...

Hours later, I heard muffled gargles under the blanket I had draped over my new little travel companion. I wanted his reveal to be a surprise to him. I had relocated us far outside of the city now to a deserted rest stop in the country. The sun was beginning to go down. We were the only van in the parking lot.

"Rise and shine bitch!" I shouted as I pulled off the blanket from Henry's now tightly gagged face. He blinked his eyes for a bit to adjust to the light and tried to move his head as best as he could, thought that was not much. The bondage I had fixed him into had made sure that he was seated on his hands and knees, head turned upward, only his gagged face exposed through the seat cushion of the driver's seat. All other traces of the boy were locked away in a newly installed cabinet I had paid a custom auto mechanic a significant fee to put in discretely.

I imagined what the experience must be like for him. Young college guy, on top of the world, drinking the scotch of his family's enemy. All of a sudden incapacitated, vulnerable and exposed to the real world he had never known, he is abducted and transported out into the country to face a fate that he never considered possible. He awakens unable to speak. A dirty piece of cloth is tightly taped into his mouth. The cloth is damp and coated in something very slimy. Somehow it seems to smell through the tape up the boy's nostrils as he's forced to sit in this newly appointed position from inside the driver's chair at his obvious captor.

"Well boy, it was sloppy, but we made it," I laughed looking down at his terrified gagged face.

He started moaning into his gag and testing his bonds. I reached down and patted his forehead like a dog.

"You get the best view in the house Henry, my bare hairy ass to stare up at for the whole trip home," I smiled while waving a glass of non-drugged scotch in front him.

He looked as if he were starting to put together how precarious his position was. He hadn't considered there being an actual purpose to him being tied here until now. I saw he realization dawn on him.

"You've been zip tied to and taped to my chair Henry, from here on out you and I are going to be getting a lot better acquainted," I explained to him, "You'll be sniffing and licking my ass so much that soon you'll actually start to crave it. You'll want to stick your nose in between my ass cheeks and inhale as hard as you can just to get another hit of that scent. You'll throw yourself at my mercy just to get the opportunity to run your tongue up my ass crack. You'll be so hungry for it, that by the time we get to our destination you'll happily tell your dad what yours and indeed his true station in life truly is, under my superior ass! HA HA!"

"MEEELLLFFFFFF!!!!" He yelled into his gag.

"No one's coming to help an arrogant little prick like you Henry," I said matter of factly, "and that nice gag should keep you occupied while I finish up the first leg of our journey. You see, it's my jizz rag from the last couple weeks. In fact, I jerked two big loads in it just this afternoon. One right before I stuffed it in your slut mouth and wrapped three layers of duct tape around it."

His attention switched from screaming into the gag to trying to dislodge it. But the tape held tight, he looked so pathetic, buried up to his face in my seat cushion and powerless to stop me from undoing my belt, dropping my pants and briefs and flexing my muscled hairy ass in front of him.

"So much running around today. Got me all nervous wandering if you and I can get our trip all planned out, " I said strutting around naked so he could see, "it's got my ass all sweaty, nice and musky. My guess is your nose is about to be buried in a thicket of my ass hair. You'll be sniffing my nice stinky ass for a couple hours yet today while I drive us to the next out of the way motel. You'll spend this first night choking down my jizz, sniffing my ass and wishing for me to show you mercy. But judging from the way you treated me, I wouldn't expect it anytime soon."

As I lowered my ass onto the boy's gagged face I felt a slight pushing and rubbing as he was no doubt trying to maneuver away. It was too late. His fate was sealed. I adjusted my butt so it was comfortable while I listened to his gagged pleas. Soon I started up the car, and began to drive away with the boy forced to sniff my ass to get air. This revenge was going to be sweet.

Thanks for reading.. If you have any comments please let me know. I'd like to continue on the story. Also if youwant check out my tumblr at

Next: Chapter 2

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