The Lone Mutant Cecaelia erotica

By VaKuya Zeth

Published on May 10, 2023



Just for the honor of MerMay, here is my latest erotica that is based on a lesser known mythical sea creatures, quite similar to the fabled merfolk. However, I put my own spin on this said character. I hope y'all enjoy this delicious story.

The Lone Mutant Cecaelia

This is going to be a delicious tale to be told. However, it's a erotic secret of mine. The one personal secret that I have kept to myself. I have never shared this to anyone else, but the ones who knew me all too well. So now, I have taken it upon myself to tell my secret story.

When I hear the word, "Cecaelia", a mythical creature of the sea undoubtedly comes to mind. That said creature is loosely close to the mythical merfolk; mermaids and mermen. Just like the merfolk, the Cecaelia is depicted to have the head and upper body of a man and/or a woman, quite similar to their fishtailed counterparts. But differing from the waist down. Instead of a fishtail, the Cecaelia has the lower half of an octopus, with eight tentacles for multiple legs.

Because of that depiction of the Cecaelia, the fictional character of the sea witch Ursula comes to a lot of people's minds. Myself included. Strange as it may be, but I always have a strong fascination with anything related to mermaids. There is so many different lores about them, coming from around the world. And I'm so intrigued by these stories of them, especially the most famous mermaid story of all. "The Little Mermaid", written by the danish author, Hans Christian Anderson. Which the story has been adapted into a film by Disney, with an heavily edited plot.

But we're not here for an history lesson of these mythical creatures, are we now? Nope! We are here for the irresistible erotic tale of the one specific Cecaelia who is not like all the other ones. He is a rare kind of creature. Oh yes! Very rare indeed. Not exactly the first of his kind nor the last. But he is an extraordinarily unique specimen that is illusive, but endangered by human activity on the tropical waters of the Caribbean. Because of that, he has fought for his life. And by doing so, he ends up getting himself captured by the ruthless ocean poachers, despite of his inhuman strength and agility. So they've taken him back with them to the United States of America.

Now I've heard of the breaking news on the poachers' latest discovery. It's on my Facebook feed. I really don't like the way these people has treated the sea life, especially when they've endangered certain species, driving them to the brink of extinction. I hope that the activists are doing something about it. And soon! But whatever happened to their prize possession that they've found at the Caribbean Sea? Nobody really knows what happened.

However, rumor has it that the creature these poachers has captured, is now residing inside the huge mall's aquarium. That is where they're keeping him in captivity, accompanied by other kinds of marine life. And for all the people to see, when the first week of May comes.

Whilst being held in captivity against his will, the creature is plotting his escape from within the aquarium's cave. And he has to execute his desperate plan very carefully, for this might be his one and only shot at his unwavering freedom. But in the meantime, he'll just have to distract himself with self indulgence. And to find a certain someone who'll help satisfy his urges.

This is where I come in, for this fateful encounter is going to be intertwined. Not only is it a life-changing encounter, but one of the kinkiest as well. All because of my certain fetish towards another man's certain body parts, but we will get to that as the story progresses.

On the first week of May, I was going to the mall with a couple of few friends I've met on a Fetlife app. Good thing I had an day off from work today. And I don't have other plans for the week. So I'm free to get out and about. Whether I'm by myself or with someone. Now that we're inside the mall, we are debating on what we should do for fun. The pansexual lady of the group suggests that we should go see a movie, while the non-binary person wanted to go on the rides in the indoor amusement park. Three straight friends plans to go hang out at the arcade up on the third floor. As for myself, I honestly don't care what we've decided on, just as long as we'd agree to it and have fun. Although I had sights set on the aquarium across the first floor. And I'm dead set on going in there afterwards. So we basically agreed on doing all in the above.

We all spent the entire day within the mall, doing all sorts of fun activities. We went to ride on the rides in the indoor amusement park, went to see a comical movie, eat lunch at the food court, and we lastly chill at the arcade for the remainder of the day.

By the time it's almost sunset outside, we left the arcade place. The non-binary person wants to leave the mall, for they feel that there's nothing left for us to do. The others would've agreed with them, if I had not mention my suggestion on going to aquarium downstairs. Must be my merman spirit calling to me, lol!

So my friends agreed to come with me, and we all head downstairs to the first floor, visiting the aquarium.

Once that we're inside, we stood in line with the other people as they're all waiting to get their wristbands. Some of these people has brought their children to go see the aquatic animals. After a fifteen minutes of waiting, we finally head inside the aquarium. Whilst walking through the glass tunnel walkway, we can see all kind of aquatic life, ranging from colorful fish, to zebra sharks, stingrays, and botanical sea plants covering the landscape. Hell! Even a professional free diving woman dressed in a silicone mermaid tail is swimming around and entertaining the children. I gotta give the woman props for she nails the mermaid gig quite well.

By the time we are halfway through the glass tunnel, an marine biologist is standing right next to the exclusive entrance. She was offering a free tour to the aquarium that is housing a rare creature found in the Caribbean waters. Intrigued by this, I urged my friends to come check it out with me. And they all agreed to do just that. Alas we follow the woman into the exclusive aquarium.

In the dark lit room, the marine biologist lead us inside the aquarium, where in the center of the area, there lies a cave in a huge tank of saltwater. The marine biologist is explaining everything about their latest discovery in full detail. She says that this creature is unlike anything that she has never seen before. While she is sharing her knowledge to the guests, the female marine biologist use some small dead salmon, fresh from the can, to lure the creature out from its cave.

To my utter shock, as well as everyone else's, we can see an bioluminescent tentacle stretching out from the shadow. And here for a split second, I thought it just a rare species of an octopus that they have recovered. But I soon found out that this was no octopus.

Everyone is shocked in awe as the creature slightly reveals itself by poking its head through the small gap. With its bright orange bioluminescent appearance, as well as its bioluminescent teal suction cups, the creature glares at the people whom were astonished by its appearance, and they all took out their phones to take pictures of it. The flashing lights cause the creature to retreat back into the cave.

The marine biologist announces that the show is over and she escorts everybody out to the main aquarium. For some reason, I can't seem to shake off this feeling that the octopus is staring at me the whole time. Especially when I noticed that its eyes is not so normal looking, like any other octopus should have. No! Its eyes looks like as if almost human-like, with bright aqua irises. I don't know if I should be off putted by the sight, cautious about it, or something else entirely? But to my friends's expense, I shook it off, and then left with the rest of the crowd.

As we were all halfway out the aquarium, I felt the need to use the restroom. I hope there's one nearby. So I inform my friends to wait for me while I go look for the restroom. They told me that they'll wait for me by the lobby's entrance. And there I went to go find any restrooms near my location. Unfortunately for me, some of the restrooms are closed down due to the unclogged toilets leaking water on the floor. Damn! Every single one of them are closed to maintenance on each floor. And I'm not gonna run over to the other side of the mall just to find an available one. There has to be a working restroom that is close by. When I ask one of the workers by the aquarium if I could use a restroom somewhere, the man said that there is a few open in the back rooms. He could get in trouble for letting non-personnel in the back, but I desperately need to use a restroom now. So out of sympathy, the man lets me into the back rooms. He instructs me to go straight down the hall, take a right, and then another right turn. The restrooms should be right there, up ahead.

I took the man's instructions to heart. And here I go, following the path down the narrow hallway. After a few right turns, I have finally found the restrooms. Hopefully they are open. Apparently, they are! So I waste no time rushing into the men's restroom, and I took care of my business inside the stall.

During that moment, I was just finishing up in there. When suddenly, I can hear the sound of a man's voice echoing in the hallway. It sounds like he was frantically alerting the other staff about an occurring incident. I can't make out what he is saying due to being far away, but word has it that a certain marine creature has been missing from a specific aquarium. And that they all have to be extra careful around the creature. Because a few months ago, one of the aquarium workers that were tasked to clean the creature's tank, has been hospitalized due to the creature's venomous bite. So the aquarium staff is taking extreme measures to ensure everyone's safety, and to keep the creature in check.

But now the said creature is not in its aquarium. And it could be roaming around the premises as one of them can speak. After hearing the frantic voices outside the restroom, I hurriedly wash my hands, dried them off, and then I left the restroom immediately.

As I was running through the halls, I can hear their voices from a mile away. The staff is doing everything they can to assess this dire situation. And by doing so, they have to place the entire aquarium under lockdown. No one will go inside the area, and nothing comes out from there. So by the time I make it to the exit from whence I've came, the doors are locked. And I couldn't get out! I'm trapped inside this place. Dammit! Why is this always happening to me in some situations!? I pound on the steel doors as hard as I can, hoping that someone can hear me.

"Hello!!! Anybody!!! I'm still in here!!!" I screamed. "Somebody!!! Please let me out!!!"

But nobody answered the doors nor did they hear my cries for help. And all the staff is occupied by their situational crisis within the aquarium. So for that, I am on my own. I guess I have to find my own way out of this place. Without hesitating on a train of thought, I scowl the back rooms for a way out of here.

This place is like a maze in here! So it's easy to get lost, if you're not a working personnel at the aquarium. Which is frustrating as it is horrifying, because of the darkened corridors. I went to each ends of the place, but every exit that I found, were all locked down. Then I have fallen into despair.

"HELLO!!!!!" I screamed as loud as I can.

Still, no one has responded to my voice. So I am all alone in here. There is nothing that I can do about this predicament, such as it is.

As I was slowly giving up on hope all together, then suddenly, I can hear the sound of wet footsteps echoing down the dark hallways. Could it be one of the personnel? It has to be! Perhaps that person may know a way out of here. So I didn't hesitate to follow the sound of footsteps down into the heart of darkness.

The further I go, the harder it is to see where I'm going. As the lights behind me fades away, I use my phone's flashlight to lit up the hallway. As I carefully navigate through the dark hallway, I notice that there is wet footprints on the floor. How strange! Maybe it could be one of the professional scuba divers that worked here. Maybe they can help me get out of here. So I have followed the wet footsteps, and the sound, to the ends of the hallway. By the time I have reach the end of the hall, I spot a colorful lights reflecting on the left side of the corridor. I thought it was one of the professional scuba divers without question. So I shout out to the person.

"Hello!? I need your help!" I called out to the person. "I need to get out of here! I'm lost in this place! And I can't seem to find my way out of here! Can you help me?"

But I soon found out that it is not one of the personnel. Instead, what I found is nothing, but something that I would never thought it would be possible. To my surprise and terror, the glowing silhouette turns to reveal itself from the corner. I can see the bioluminescent tentacles stretching out from the shadows. Thus the head of an octopus poke itself out of the dark, and it is now setting its sights on me with its bright aqua human looking eyes. I recognize that octopus! From the exclusive aquarium earlier! However, I am not prepared for what comes next.

I am going to find out that this was no ordinary octopus. The creature slowly reveals itself to me. It was wearing what it appears to be a mouth piece of a mask, made out of somewhat rare unknown technology. Not the kind that was made by man. I was intimidated by the height of the creature as it stood toweringly tall over me, as if it was like standing around seven feet five inches tall. The tentacles hang from the its head, acting as if like its living beard with bioluminescent teal suction cups. It has a body of a muscular man. Bright orange skin with black spots, just like its head. Gauntlets on both forearms, webbed hands in fingerless gloves. A few battle scars on its chest. And from the waistline down, the creature wore a flexible meta fiber spandex tights on its strong legs, with a belt and high top knee guards to match the gauntlets. Lastly, it wore a footwear that expose the heels and the irresistibly long webbed toes.

That creature turns out to be a Cecaelia. Half person, half octopus. Just like in the lore. But not just any Cecaelia. Perhaps a mutated one at best. This is so unreal! The sight of the Mutant Cecaelia looks like something coming out from a Lovecraftian Cosmic Horror playbook. It wasn't long before the masculine creature is starting to approach me. I would've freaked out and screamed on top of my lungs, had he not swiftly used his beard's tentacles to restrict sound from my mouth. I was frightened for my life as I am at the mercy of this creature. He discouraged me to not make a sound, or else not only will he be in trouble, but I will be in trouble with him. Although I'm afraid of him, but I unwillingly complied with his demand. And he then slowly lets go of me. The tall masculine mutant cecaelia's behavior is really starting to confuse me. Why did he spare my life? He could've killed me on the spot if he wanted to, but he didn't. Instead, he just glance at me. His bright aqua eyes is really hypnotic. So very deep and gentle. And my fears of him has been put at ease. To my utmost knowledge, he doesn't strike me as the dangerously hostile type. That's only when he feels threatened by opposers. But rather that he is illusive, curious, and kind. As well as maintaining masculine traits of a alpha male.

He read my body language through observation, touch, and smell. As if he knew that I wanted to get out of this maze of the back rooms. So he take it upon himself to offer his helpful assistance.

As he took a few steps ahead, he turns to me. He can't speak like a human person. All he can do is to make strange but subtle noises. From the looks of his body language, and otherworldly screech, I get the vibe that he wants me to follow him. I didn't question it though. So I follow behind the mutant cecaelia as he guides me through the darkened hallway.

After an hour of navigating through the corridors, the strong cecaelia found his escape checkpoint, where he plans his ultimate escape route. But only when the time is right. And just like any other species of an octopus, the cecaelia squeeze his massive slippery body inside the vent. I was amazed by his capability. So I have waited by the locked doors for him. Then with a sound of the mechanisms unlocking, the doors is finally opening. And there stood the tall muscular mutant cecaelia, bribing me to enter. That I did.

He lures me further down the pathway. We carefully avoid the aquarium staff that were looking for him. Thanks to his ability to camouflage himself into his surroundings, it makes it rather difficult for the staff to pinpoint his location. Once that the coast is clear, we are safe to proceed onward. Now that we're out of plain sight, I follow the masculine sea creature further into the place, until I found myself in the huge aquarium platforms above the water. So this is what it's like to work in the aquarium. The sight of seeing the marine life swimming about, almost makes me wanna sign up for this job. Almost...

We have reach the plank that is surrounding the huge tank from the exclusive aquarium. That's where the masculine cecaelia is residing in for the time being. He turn to me one last time before he makes a readied stance. Then he jumps off the plank and dives into the water. I watch him in awe. And I witness the phenomenal life changing experience as the male creature's legs transform into eight black bioluminescent tentacles. It is such a beautiful display of bright colorful lights. The Cecaelia arose to the surface of the tank. He wants me to come join him under the water. I hesitate for a second. It's not that I can't swim, because I can. It's just that I'm not a trained professional for this required field. I'm not qualified to swim amongst the sea animals. But he insists that I have to trust him on this one. Besides, he's not going to let me drown...... I hope, anyways.

So I removed all of my clothes along with my devices, so they don't get wet. And I stowed them away in a safe spot in the container. That way so no one will find them. I went over to the plank. The Cecaelia is waiting for me from below. I hesitated for a short while, but then I screw my courage into the sticking place, took a deep breath, and I jump into the water. I'm so not used to diving into aquariums, mush less like a pool. As I struggled to keep myself afloat, the mutant cecaelia holds onto my body, supporting my buoyancy.

"Thank you." I said to the creature.

Although I can't tell if he could understand me when I speak with him, but his actions showed otherwise. He used his beard tentacles to prevent me from drowning. And with all of that covered, the Cecaelia holds me closer to his torso, and then dove under the water.

While he is taking me with him across the reefs, I am mesmerized with the fishes swimming by us. I feel like I'm a merman, but without a tail, of course. Zebra sharks and manta rays are dwelling on the bottom of the oceanic floor. During the three minute swimming distance, the tall masculine mutant cecaelia has taken me to his cave in the middle of the aquarium.

Once we have entered his cave, he abscond upward through the cavernous porthole, until we have surfaced in the cavern air pocketed space. That is where he makes it his temporary home. I climb out of the water and onto the rocky formations, with the help of the Cecaelia's strength, of course. And he too joins me on the rocks.

After a long awkward silence, the Cecaelia is making the most strangest sounds that I've ever heard. I'm not sure what it is, but it sounded like he was curious about me. He has no intention of harming me in any way. I wonder if this is because of his sudden fascination with certain people on dry land? Or is it because that I'm the exception? Whatever the case may be, there's gotta be a reason why he kept me alive. Does he have plans for me? Am I just a pawn to his grand scheme of things? Or is it something else entirely? Looks like I'm gonna find out soon enough, the minute he glance at me with his hypnotic human-like eyes. Then he stretch out his beard tentacles to massage my shoulders, just to prove that he is not a hostile creature. In fact, he's simply just misunderstood by others around him, due to his Semi-Cthulhu appearance.

While he wraps his tentacle around my wrist, I decide to play along with him by rotating my hand clockwise. And then he lets go. That is when I had a strange feeling about his unrelenting intelligence. He cannot speak like I do, but he can understand my verbal cues very well, as so does my body language. So I have to test this out for myself. I looked him in his eyes.

"You can understand me?" I questioned the creature.

The tall masculine mutant cecaelia blinks his eyes, as if he was answering, "Yes." I knew it! I knew that he can read me. So I tried to have a conversation with the Cecaelia.

"May I ask, why did you bring me here?" I questioned.

He used a little bit of sign language to communicate with me of his reasons. I watch his hand patterns very carefully, so I don't misinterpret his explanation by accident. Like I sometimes do, lol! As the Cecaelia conveys whatever he is trying to say, I too try my best to make a good guess.

"I brought you here, because I'm so lonely." I read his language aloud. "Did I get it right?"

The Cecaelia nodded "Yes." I got it right on the first try. And then I continue to asked my questions to the Cecaelia.

"But why though? Don't you have the marine animals in the aquarium to play with?" I asked.

The Cecaelia shake his head, answering "No." Then he explains why he doesn't have any friends to talk to. But he advise me to don't get him wrong. He does interact with some fish and other marine species in here, but he will get bored of it from time to time. In fact, he craved for something else. Something like a human interaction. And perhaps some form of distraction for himself, to keep him from feeling the disparity of being held in captivity. He misses his home in the Caribbean Sea. Which is why he has been planning on his escape from the aquarium inside of the mall. And then he'll do everything he can to find his way home.

I feel so bad for the creature. All he wanted was to be free of this place. I don't blame him for desperately longing to return home, back into his habitat. I could sympathize with him.

"Is there anything I can do to help you get home?" I asked the Cecaelia.

He shrugs his bulky shoulders for an answer. Although he feels distraught about his captivity, he lighten himself up for he felt that he did not bring me down here to listen to his sad story. He bring me here for another reason. I read his hand patterns carefully in order to understand what he is trying to tell me.

"The reason I brought you here in my so-called cave, just so that I can claim you as my friend." I read the creature's language. "Did I read that right?"

The tall muscular mutant cecaelia nodded. I got it right yet again. But then again, I feel bad for him. He just wanted someone to talk to. Someone to hear him out, or read him out, must I add. My heart hurts for him. So out of sympathy rather than fear, I've decided to become this creature's friend, (with benefits, of course, lol).

"Well... I suppose that I can be your friend..." I said with a little smile. "I can keep you company, if you want me to."

The tall muscular mutant cecaelia smiled with his eyes. Alas he has found a friend that he can communicate with. And to indulge himself with a certain human activity. A consensual kinky relationship at that, in which we will get to in a short moment.

During the communication, the Cecaelia informs me that he has overheard the staff and the personnel has the entire aquarium on lockdown. Perhaps throughout the entire night. They will not open up the place until morning. So I'm stuck inside the aquarium for the rest of the night. And I also can't reach out to my friends who might've went home without me. So this situation is dreadfully unfortunate, even for me. But on the plus side, at least I get to spend time with the aquatic brute Cecaelia for the time being. So it is not all a complete loss. Just only a temporary predicament on my part. I will make it up to my friends later when I get out of here. In the meantime, I will focus on the lone mutant Cecaelia for now.

As I gotten myself acquainted with the Cecaelia, I didn't think that he had a name to go by.

"Say!... Do you have a name that I can call you by?" I asked.

He shook his head for he doesn't have a name. But being the genuine brute of a creature that he is, he will allow me to give him one. I know just the name that we can both agree he would like. A good meaningful name to match his personality. So I turn to face the masculine sea creature.

"I think I will call you, Launni." I said to him, grinning softly. "Which meant the oceans blue. Would you like that?"

The tall muscular mutant cecaelia nods happily for he gradually accepts his new name. From these days forward, he will now and forever be called, "Launni".

Now with the sentiments out of the way, I believe that it's time to get to the best part of the tale. Especially when Launni has claim me as his friend. Or perhaps not just a friend, but a play partner as well. Because he too has felt the same way about me, the minute he sets his sights on my wet halfway nude body.

He then taps his long black bioluminescent tentacles onto the pavement, and transforming them back into legs. Thence he proceed to workout for a little while. I just watch him from the rocks of the cave, utterly mesmerized by his physique as he exercise for a couple of minutes. I think Launni is pretty much aware that I'm staring at his body, but mainly at his big masculine webbed feet. I know this, is because he too is glancing back at me, all the while he is working out hard. He must be doing all of that, just to tease me on purpose. Fortunately for him, it is working. Just like how he planned for this particular moment.

After he finish his exercise, Launni starts to approach me by the rocks. He towers over me with his inhuman height. Wet water droplets drips from his slimy muscular body and sprinkling upon my face. Part of me doesn't know what he is going to do with me, but part of me does know. Although I didn't say anything, my body language shows otherwise, as if I was secretly asking for this. And I stood correctly about it. Launni knelt down to my level. He gaze upon me shortly before eyeballing on my body. And wouldn't I know it, Launni use his facial tentacles to gently caress my body, starting with the nipples. Oh it feels so good right there. I didn't stop him. I'd just allow him to please and pleasure me in the right spots. And Launni knows this all too well. His eyes sparkled with the utmost excitement as he toys with my nipples gently, tickling them. I just laid there on the rocks, and allowing him to sensually tickle me in the right spots of my body. Launni knows what he is doing to me. No doubt about it.

The more he does this with his facial tentacles, the more aroused I will get.

Then he glances down at my lower region, noticing that my dick is hardening inside my wet underwear. That's when he knew what to do from there. The tall masculine mutant cecaelia slithers down my torso with his slimy facial tentacles, until his head is in between my legs. I didn't resist his advances. I just silently welcome him down there. And he uses his facial tentacles to pull my underwear off my lower body. Seeing how erect my dick was, is getting him so excited, he cannot hold himself back any longer. He must pleasure me now, while he has me right where he wants me.

Then Launni wastes no time at all to take off his mouth pieced mask. Now I can see what he looks underneath that small getup. Launni has normal lips of a human. Not so out of place at all. He turns to me with a hypnotizing grin on his face. He is pretty charming for a mutated sea creature of lore. But hey! It's the thought that counts, right?

Without a slightest bit of hesitation, Launni went in. He starts it off by licking my ballsack with his wet black tongue. Oh it feel so good when he licks me down there. The warmth of his tongue is so mortifying. I stared at the ceiling with my watery eyes. He wraps his multiple facial tentacles around my lower area. And then he proceeds to insert my dick inside of his mouth. Launni begins to suck me off. What a freaky beast of a fabled creature that he truly was. He doesn't hold anything back, especially when it comes to pleasing and pleasuring certain human people that he can find. Damn! This feels too good to pass up! I don't want him to stop anytime soon.

As he is giving me a good wet blowjob, Launni gaze up at me with his hypnotic bright aqua eyes. He is just too damn beautiful for a brooding sea beast, and it clearly shows. Then he used two of his tentacles to tickle my nipples once again. And he's doing this to me with both of his hands behind his back. Quite the talented creature that Launni really is as he goes.

After a good long five minutes in, I am getting close to busting my nut inside of his mouth. Launni is very much aware of this. The more he continues to suck me off, the hornier I will get, and the closer I am to my finishing limit. I gripped firmly onto Launni's slimy head as I am getting there. Launni is very pleased to know that he is doing something right. I utter my warnings to the tall muscular mutant cecaelia.

"I'm gonna cum, Launni....." I groaned.

Launni made a sound, as if he acknowledge the heads up. Then suddenly, I have bust a nut, and filling my massive load of cum inside the creature's mouth. Launni didn't stop until he drained me completely of my seamen. Alas he got to the very last drop from the tip of my cock-head. Now I am relieved of this pleasure. Launni looked completely satisfied with his latest side conquest. He gets himself up from the pavement, and then he turns to do something else.

However, he wasn't counting on what's going to happen next while I'm here. Although I am relieved of this arousing endeavor that I have received from him, but little do Launni know that I am far from satisfied. I have yet to get it on with him. And since he touched me in certain body parts earlier tonight, it's only fair that I should have what I've wanted from him in return. Whether he is aware of that or not, I must get him now, while he is right in front of me.

So here I go, creeping up to the aquatic brute while his back was turned. Before he could expect a thing, I wrap my arms around his body, feeling his abdomen. He was startled by this at first. But then he calms down and allows me to touch his slimy muscles. Then Launni decides to put on a gun show, flexing his inhumanly muscles just to entertain me. I became flustered by the way he was being such a tease. What a playful hunk! After the gun show is over, I surprise Launni by rubbing his crotch from underneath his legs, through his spandex tights. He makes a strange sound as the result. He was flustered by this, but he went along with it. I rub his bulge for a few short seconds. Then I turn to set my sights on his feet. I instantly fell in love with his abnormally long webbed toes. Thus I knelt down to the ground, ultimately reaching out to his right foot. Launni carefully sits down on the rock nearby. And he watches me with a slightest curiosity as I admire his big webbed foot. Just look at it! His feet are so huge! But again, what do I expect from a tall fabled sea creature?

While I am admiring his foot, Launni teases me by wiggling his toes. For a watery brute, he can be such a playful creature when he feels like it. As he rubs his slimy toes across the side of my face, it doesn't take him that long to figure me out as he goes. Launni makes a sound to get my attention, as if he was asking me a question.

"You're asking me that I like feet?" I questioned him.

Launni nods his answer. So I answered him back.

"Yes. I like feet." I replied. "You have very beautiful feet, Launni."

The tall masculine mutant cecaelia blushes softly for he was abashed by this compliment. He has never thought that someone would find his feet to be very attractive, let alone, his overall appearance. From the way he's making a sound along with his gesture, I assume that it is his way of saying, "thank you".

"Oh you are truly welcome." I responded while I touch his toes. "I hope that you don't mind that I play with your feet. Do you?"

Launni shook his head, assuring me that he doesn't mind if I touch him wherever on his body. In fact, he has never been touched in any way by a human before. He told his short story through both his slight sign and body language. Launni stated that all of his life in the Caribbean Sea, he had his fair share of multiple encounters with a few humans on land. Ones that don't expose him to the world. Launni said that he would come to dry land every once in a while, just to participate in sexual activities with both men and women who are less afraid of him. He gives them great pleasure that they could have ever experienced. And he expects nothing else in return. However, he didn't think that I'd be the first person who would have come this close to touch him in certain body parts.

Man! Does this feel great to be the first human being who gets this close to non-human monsters or what!?

After he finishes his life story, I start to massage his foot for a couple of minutes. Launni lies back against the rock. This foot massage relaxes him. As I rub the creature's foot, he feels that all of his worries and stress is starting to fade away with ease. He is making a subtle sound for he is enjoying having his foot rubbed. I did this for a couple of minutes. Three minutes on his right foot, and another three minutes on his left foot. I think it'll be easier for me to just remove his entire footwear from his legs. So I undone the straps of the armored knee guarded footwear, and then I carefully pull them off, with the help of Launni who made it easier for me by slipping his legs out of them. Thus he is now fully barefoot. I continue to massage both of the mutant Cecaelia's feet. Launni watches me rub his soles with his relaxing eyes. I guess he really likes it. He became too relaxed that he nearly fell asleep on me. But that's okay. This was all apart of my plan anyways. Now I have him right where I want him. With the tall muscular mutant cecaelia's bare feet in my hands, I believe that it's time to make this octopus brute laugh.

Just as the wet brute is relaxing upon the rock, I adjust myself to the other side of the floor. And then I wrap my arm around his ankle, firmly grasping onto him in a ankle-lock. Then I began to slowly stroke one finger onto his wet smelly foot sole. I playfully tickle tease the tall masculine mutant cecaelia's right foot, causing the long webbed toes to react as the result. As I place each finger on the big sole, his long webbed toes starts to wiggle, spread out, twitching, and curling. Then the whole foot begins to squirm around as I sped up my fingers on the wet smelly sole. What followed the foot reactions is the sound that Launni is making. It's a very weird sound as if it's otherworldly. But not in the slightest of doubt, it is the sound of the creature's laughter.

I love the sound he makes as I tickle his big masculine foot. Launni lets out a loud sound of inhumanly laughter. From the looks of the evidence in the cave, I already knew that Launni is ticklish. Just a lucky guess. And that whether he is aware or not, his bare feet is going to be my plaything. Especially for the night.

As I tickle his right bare foot for five to six minutes straight, Launni didn't even resist nor did he try to fight back and escape his ticklish torment. He just sat there and allowing me to tickle his foot to my heart's content. Not just because it is his way of being nice, but rather that he has never been tickled by anyone or anything before. Maybe in his entire existence. So perhaps this is his first time experiencing his newfound stimulation other than his previous encounters on dry land.

After that, I crept over to the other side of the rock, ankle-lock his ankle, and then I start to tickle his left foot. Surprisingly, his left foot is slightly more ticklish than his right. And Launni is screeching with laughter. He squirmed a little bit due to being ticklish on his left foot, but he tries his best to stay still and not to hurt himself on the rock. Although he could've used his strength to kick me off his leg, but he doesn't want to hurt me in the process. So being the masculine alpha male of a sea creature that he is, Launni endured the barefoot tickling for as long as he possibly could. Besides, he is having as much fun as I am.

Then I took both of his feet together, ankle-locking them in a relaxing crossed position, and I begin to tickle both of his feet away. Launni laughs aloud as the result. All he can do is squirm his big feet around, and wiggle his long webbed toes. While I am tickling his feet, I turn to notice that Launni is glancing upon me with that deep hypnotic eyes of his, laughing his ass off, all the while he's being otherworldly charming. His laughter can be heard throughout the entire underwater aquarium. Even the security guards, but they brushed it off like it was nothing.

After a good long ten minutes of barefoot tickling, I have to give this poor mutant Cecaelia a well deserved break. Alas I stopped tickling his feet. Launni laid his back on the rock, catching his breath in slight relief. But I'm not done with him just yet. There's other spots on his muscular body that I've yet to explore next. The tall muscular mutant cecaelia is not prepared for what is going to be wrought upon him for the rest of the night ahead.

I crept upwards whilst caressing his strong legs, in which made him chuckle. When I've reached his bare torso, I start to tickle his hardened abdomen. And Launni reacted with beastly laughter. Despite of his musculature, it arouses me to know that he is ticklish on his abs. Hell! Even his belly button is ticklish when I stick my finger in there. That spot drove Launni crazy. Then I went to tickle his sides for a little bit. It slightly tickles him, but not as much. Then I tickle his ribs. It barely got a reaction out of him. Turns out that he is not ticklish on his ribs. But when I got to his underarms, Launni shrieks with ungodly laughter. Now we both know that his wet, slimy, sweaty, and smelly armpits are very ticklish. Just as equally sensitive as his foot soles. Launni defends his underarms with his muscular biceps. Refusing to let me tickle him there. But I persisted for I'm not one to give up on his tickle torture that easily.

"Come on, Launni. Just lift your arms up." I taunted.

Launni shook his head. He is too ticklish on his armpits. So he simply refuse to expose his underarms. Then he left me no choice but to manipulate him with seduction.

"Okay. Then I suppose that you will miss out on the next best part." I taunted seductively. "I was going to let you do the exact same thing to me after this. Also, I was gonna give you a rewarding pleasure, that is if you're willing to be a good sport."

Then Launni paused for a short second. After hearing my remarks, the thought of a human person giving him something pleasurable in return is too good to pass up, even for him. So alas Launni gives in. He raise his arms up, exposing his wet smelly underarms. Thus the armpit tickling ensues. The masculine mutant sea creature resumes his laughter that is echoing inside of the cave. I sat on top of the Cecaelia's torso and then I tickle his armpits for seven minutes straight. Launni tries his best to remain still for he doesn't want to hurt himself nor me against the rock. Which was quite difficult to do, in and of itself. Thus the armpit tickling carries onward.

Then after that, I tickle his thick neck underneath his facial tentacles, and it got a cute giggle out of him. He just so fucking adorable, especially when he smiles. Now I slid my hands down to his pecs. And Launni decides to put on a little gun show, moving his pecs while I squeeze them. They felt a little squishy, like the rest of his body. Just like a real octopus.

After he is done showing off, I resume the fun by tickling his nipples. Launni made a sound. Not just a sound of laughter, but also a moaning sound of arousal. Launni looks at me with his seductive bedroom-like eyes. I can tell that he doesn't want me to stop. He wants me to keep tickling his nipples. And that I did. I continue to tickle his nipples for three minutes, until he is ready to be finished down there. He lets me know that he is getting hard inside his tight leggings. I know what to do from there. I climb off of his muscular torso, and in between his legs. Then I proceed to rub his crotch, stimulating the creature's senses. Launni tilts his head back, leaning against the rock and watches me massage his crotch. I did this for a few seconds, before I undone his ancient belt buckle, and then remove his tights off from his legs.

Alas Launni is completely nude. Baring all of himself in his mythical glory. I can see that his huge cock is throbbing as it hardens. That's when I can't resist any longer. I must get Launni off now! So I didn't hesitate to place my one hand on his balls and my other hand gripping onto his cock. Thus I get to work on him. I lick underneath his shaft whilst I tickle his cock head and his ballsack. Launni makes a subtle sound for this pleasurable feeling is turning him on. As I am doing this, I know that I can't suck Launni's cock, because it is too big for my mouth. All I can do for him is to milk and edge his cock. And since he is already equipped with slimy substances, all over his body, who needs lubricant? Especially when Launni is lubricated on his bioluminescent orange skin, due to his octopus genes.

As I continue to milk and edge him, Launni laid back with his arms up behind his bald head, and he enjoys his cock getting jerked off and his balls tickled. I rub the tip of his cock head and Launni makes a sound of lustful moans. The tall muscular mutant cecaelia gaze at the lights above the ceiling with his aqua eyes watering. He spreads his legs further apart as I worked my hands on his slimy genitals. To help himself with the lustrous mood, Launni uses his facial tentacles to toy with his nipples, making himself even more hornier as the moment continues to thrive for an hour.

After a long moments later, Launni starts to make a strange but lustful sounds. He moans like an inhuman beast as I hit all the right spots on his slimy genitals. The creature's muscular body shifted continuously for he is getting closer to his finishing climax. His strong legs lifts from the floor and stiffens, his bare feet arched whilst his long webbed toes curled, his muscles tightened, his facial tentacles splaying about sporadically, webbed hands balled into fists, his eyes squinted shut, and he bared his clenched teeth.

From the looks of his body language, that's when I knew that Launni is going to bust his nuts in a minute. The tall masculine mutant cecaelia breathes heavily out of lust. And then the heavily breathing turns to ferocious grunts. Launni's beastly grunts grew louder and louder, and louder, until he can't hold it in anymore.

Then suddenly, Launni screeched ferociously and lusfully as his cock erupts with overflowing pearly white seamen, (no pun intended), spilling all over my hands. Thus Launni felt so relieved of the cock milking pleasure. He glanced at me for a brief moment with relief in his eyes, before he lays back down on the rock.

Little does he know that I'm still not done with him quite yet.

While Launni lies comfortably against the rock, he unwittingly left himself exposed and wide open for me to go in on him. I began to tickle his moist body for the final time. And Launni resumes his laughter. The tall muscular mutant cecaelia just found out the hard way, that he is even more ticklish than before, everywhere on his body after his orgasm. I have giving him no mercy. Launni laughs aloud, squirming a little on the rock without hurting himself. I went all out on this hunky creature's body, tickling him from his thick neck underneath his facial tentacles, to underarms, to the abdomen, to his exposed manly genitalia, and then down his legs, ultimately tickling his big masculine webbed bare feet. All Launni can do in this moment is laugh aloud for the remainder of the sensual torment. And alas the mutant cecaelia's erotic tickle torture has finally come to an end.

Launni lays back onto the rock, panting heavily out of relief. Although the whole thing is somewhat torturous to him, but at the same time, he enjoyed it, especially the sensual parts of the erotic session. While he is relaxing with ease, I stood up from the floor to stretch my legs and my whole body. Launni just watches me doing just that. He now sets his sights on my body, for he has planned his revenge on me in a brief moment. All he has to do is wait for me to be catch off my guard. Right after he regains his stamina.

And he timed it carefully, just as I was a tad distracted, brushing the sand off my legs. Before I could do anything else, Launni sprung up from the rock and sneaks up right from behind me. And he wraps his facial tentacles around my wrists, restraining them. I don't know what is he going to do to me. But that's when I knew that it is his turn now.

Once that he had me in his grasp, the tall muscular mutant cecaelia starts to tickle my body. He began with tickling my exposed underarms. And I laughed as a result. I struggle to break free, but Launni is too strong. He had a firm grip on my arms with his facial tentacles, especially with the bioluminescent teal suction cups. So I have no chance of escaping the mutant cecaelia at this rate. Now I'm at the mercy of the masculine sea creature.

Launni tickles my underarms for about like four minutes. And then he proceeds to tickle my ribs, which got me squirming like a wiggle worm. Then he tickles my belly button. I can't get myself free for he is not letting me go that easily.

"Oh shit!" I cursed whilst laughing.

Launni grins deviously, knowing that I stood no chance of getting away from him. For what it's worth, I knew that he is going to tickle torture me, just like I did to him.

With every opportunity in his own webbed hands, Launni tickles me all over my nude body. He even sat me down on the rocks next to his side, and tickles my torso as I struggle with laughter. Then he proceeds to caress my legs in a similar way I did to him earlier. Due to being seven foot and five inches tall, he can easily reach down to grab my feet, and then tickle my foot soles. That made me laugh. I notice that Launni is watching me squirm with a charming but devious grin on his face. He is giving me exactly what I've given him.

So after tickling my foot soles for about seven minutes straight, Launni has finally decided to show me mercy and gave me a break. I was relieved when my torture is over..... for now.

"Thank you for showing me mercy..." I uttered, panting heavily as I tried to catch my breath.

Launni makes a gesture with his hand. That's his way of saying, "your welcome." Somehow, I have a feeling that Launni is not finished with me yet. Because I've just notice that all of the erotic tickle torture out of playful revenge has gotten him aroused once again. The tall muscular mutant cecaelia believes that it's time for the next best part of this session. So he took my hand and gently pulls me to him. Before I can make out of what he is trying to convey, the mutant cecaelia points down to his lower region. Thus directing my sights to his stiff, hardening cock. Now I know that he wants to go a second round of getting off.

"Oh? You want round two?" I questioned him.

Launni blinks his bright aqua eyes to answer, "Yes." I can't help but to smile at him. And he too smiles back at me. So who am I to deny him of that pleasure?

"Okay then. Round two, that is." I uttered softly.

I didn't hesitate to sink to the floor, right by his side. I crawl in between his strong legs. And alas I get to work on his cock and balls. Launni makes a lustful sound. He lied down on the sandy floor, spreads his legs further apart, puts his arms up behind his bald head, and he enjoys having his genitals being pleasured. Launni likes it when I tickle his ballsack during the cock milking pleasure.

However, Launni feels otherwise, that he can't let me have all the fun, getting him off. So he decides to help satisfy me by reaching out for my genitals. I was caught off guard when I feel his warm slippery grasp on my dick, jerking me off. I turn to look him in his aqua eyes.

"You want to get me off too?" I asked the cecaelia.

Launni nods silently with a soft grin. Well now that he touch me there, that instantly got me hard. Ah what the hell!? We might as well do a finishing sixty nine and get it over with.

So I turn my body horizontally to his direction, and he adjusts his position. Now I am facing his huge cock. And Launni is facing mine. Without wasting any time left tonight, we both got to work on each other's genitals. I lickled both his ballsack to the shaft. And Launni wraps his facial tentacles around my lower body, inserting my entire genitalia into his mouth. Oh damn! His mouth felt so warm as he then sucks me off the second time. Launni also likes the way I lick his cock head while using my hands to tickle his balls. During all of that, Launni caresses my torso with his webbed hands, all the while he sucks my dick. I envy him for having extra appendages, especially with the ones that act as his beard.

So we continue to pleasure each other throughout the entire quiet hour inside of the cave.

After a long hour in, we are both about to reach our finishing limits. I can tell by the sound that Launni is making when he is grunting ferociously. At the same time, I too is breathing heavily for I am getting closer to being done. And Launni is grunting even louder and louder, until he can no longer hold back his lust. I too is getting there myself. And with one final stimulating thrust and stroke, we both have reached our limits, and finally came.

Launni sounds off like the monstrous beast that he is as I spill my cum inside of his mouth. And he erupts his massive load of cum all over my long dreads. Then we both look at each other, panting out of breath. Launni, being such a tease that he has been since we've first met, licks the last drop of my seamen from the tip of my dick. Then he turn to face me, showing off my load in his mouth before he swallows it whole with one gulp. And we both cracked up laughing for we find this to be hilariously funny.

Now with all of that aside, it is time to clean ourselves up along with the mess that we have made. After regaining what's left of his stamina, Launni carefully gets himself up and back onto his feet. Before he can lend his hand to me, I had to make one last request to the cecaelia.

"Can I kiss your feet, Launni?" I asked. "You know, as a sign that we're all finished?"

Launni just smiled at me. The tall muscular mutant cecaelia lends over one foot at a time for me to kiss the slimy, veiny tops. Now we're done for the night. Launni lends his hand to pull me up on my feet. Then he lures me to the other side of the cave, where there is a mini waterfall and a small pool that can be substitute for a bath. He used the waterfall as a shower to cleanse away the mess from his body. I just stood there, watching him while I wait patiently for my turn. Launni is just so damn beautiful, especially when he showers and bathes naked. Now it is my turn to wash myself off. I cleanse the cecaelia's seamen (no pun intended) from my dreads in the gentle waterfall. Now Launni is watching me, looking all flustered and mesmerized by me. After all of that, we are both finally clean.

Now it is time for bed. Which leads to one question. Where am I going to sleep? There's no bed in here. This is going to be another problem.

Thankfully, Launni is resourceful, due to his survival skills. He went over to the other side of the cave in order to gather some materials that he has scavenged before he got captured. He gathers a bunch of soft materials such as cushioned fabrics, silky fabrics, sleeping bags that'll substitute for bedsheets, and fluffy pillows. And he brought all of that with to the center of the cave.

I watch him make a circle of fabrics and sleeping bags into a soft, comfortable, nest-like bedding. Once that he is finished making a circular bed for the both of us to lie down on, Launni stands up to turn to me. He takes my hand into his own, and he entice me to join him in bed. Thus we bury our nude bodies into the soft warm fabrics that'll substitute for covering. Launni pulls me closer to his muscular torso. He caresses my skin whilst running his webbed fingers through my long dreads. He wants to know that I'm comfortable sleeping with him in the nude for the night. I read his slight body language, and then I answered him, the best way I know how.

"Yes, Launni. I'm very comfortable." I whispered. "It's not everyday that I get to sleep with a fabled creature, let alone, cuddle in the arms of one. Again, no pun intended."

Launni chuckled softly for he understood my verbal cues. It is safe to say that he quite gets my slight sense of humor. All of the joking aside, we both yawned at the same time. Launni places his hand on my cheek, smiling softly as his eyes are getting heavy. Hell! He's making me feel tired myself. But before we can both doze off, I have one last final request to make. So I get his utmost attention.

"Hey, Launni. Can we do this again in the morning? You know, before you can take me back to the outside of the aquarium?" I requested.

The tall muscular mutant cecaelia makes a subtle sound, as if he saying, "yes." That response makes me feel happy and comfortable asking him for anything, really! I look into his tired eyes.

"I'll tell you what, Launni." I whispered as I continue my ultimatum. "Since you've helped me out with my unfortunate situation thus far, I will level with you. If you can let me tickle you again, and then make you cum, and if you wanna give me the same pleasure in return, I might help you escape the aquarium. And I'll help you return home, back to the Caribbean Sea. How does that sound?"

That made the mutant cecaelia happy, knowing that I am one of the very few humans who is not only less afraid of him, but to offer him such helpful assistance of getting him back home to the Caribbean. Launni use his hand gestures to communicate with me. He is telling me, "thank you." I smiled at the masculine sea creature.

"You're welcome." I said with a following yawn. "Goodnight, Launni."

The tall muscular mutant cecaelia slightly nods as a response. He too wishes me a goodnight. The cecaelia cuddles with me in his muscular arms, and his facial tentacles to support my head. And alas with the soothing sound of water as a gentle background noise, we have both slept so soundlessly throughout the entire night.

So by the time it's morning, we will have our final playtime, as well as planning on his greatest escape. Not only that, another unknown player will come in and play a role in this story. But who will that person be? And is the said person on our side? Is that said person with us, or against us? We'll have to wait and see to find out. Until then, we will all have to stay tune for the second part of the kinkiest tale.

The End Of Part One

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