The Little Stud

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jan 16, 2002



Ok! I'm not putting a disclaimer on this one! If you end up in this section, you've got to know what you want. This is a very special story because - it isn't a story!!! It actually happened! IT IS TRUE! It happened last Saturday night, January 12, 2002 in the local bath house where I am, well...some call it my 2nd home. After all, the bath house is celebrating it's 25th Anniversary next month (February 2002) and I was there for the Grand Opening! And I've been to almost every anniversary party since.

So enjoy this little delving into the darker side of gay life and maybe you'll learn something about the greatest institution in the Gay World (in my opinion) - the bath house. Here is what happened last Saturday night between RimPig and.....

The Little Stud by RimPig (c) 2002

He looked to be about 24. He was short. Maybe no more than 5 foot 5 inches and weighed no more than 110 pounds. He was very lean, no body fat at all, and tightly muscled. There were tattoos all over his body and across his abs it read DRAMA in gothic lettering. His navel was pierced with a single ring with a captured ball which, up close, appeared to be dark blue. He wore a baseball cap with the peak tightly curled down on both sides so that you could hardly see his face, much less his eyes.

When I first saw him, he was wearing nothing but a towel. But since this was a bath house, you wouldn't expect him to be wearing much more than that. He was the epitome of arrogant, young masculinity. And, frankly, at 50 years old, I didn't expect him to be the least bit interested in me. If the young, pretty ones went for older men, it was for tall, very masculine, usually hairy men with muscles. I don't fit into that category at any point.

Oh, don't get me wrong! I'm not ugly or anything. In fact a lot of the men think I'm cute and think that I'm a lot younger than I am - I've been blessed with very good, slow aging genes. But I don't make anyone think of "Daddy". And that's what most of the young one's want. They want to bottom to an older man, and I don't usually top - except in fisting.

His room was across the main hallway from mine. Actually, my room faced the blank wall which was the side wall of his room and defined the hallway. I couldn't see into his room from mine nor he, mine. I was, as is my want, laying on the bed naked, face down with my head eagerly pointed towards the open door and my legs spread wide. The message in this position is clear - "Two holes, no waiting!". I was as eager to suck cock as to get my butt fucked. And I was so horny that night, I was ready to take on all comers - no matter what age, endowment or appearance.

I get into these really 'slutty' moods every so often. (Who am I kidding, I'm in that mood most of the time - most of my fucking life!). I just want to have sex with as many men as possible. I want to feel used by them. I want to have them tell me what a great cocksucker I am or how I have the hottest, most hungry ass they've ever fucked. Or to moan and carry on while I suck out their holes - living up to my 'nick' - RimPig!!!

Anyway, one of the older 'Daddies' came in my room. He was very tall, over six feet with white hair and a long, thick cock that he wanted sucked. He stood by the side of my bed and I eagerly took him into my mouth and down my throat.

That's what I love about laying in that position on the bed. A man can just come in, whip off his towel and shove his cock straight into my mouth while I lay there in comfort and suck! And this Daddy was taking full advantage of my oral capabilities.

He'd also left the door open when he came in. I usually leave that option to whatever guy I'm doing. I love to exhibit my sexual prowess and don't mind if others join in. After all, the more the merrier, I always say. We began to draw a crowd who were eagerly watching my sword swallowing act. But, since it was relatively early in the evening, no one joined in.

But out of the corner of my eye, I could see the 'Little Stud', as I began to think of him, leaning in an arrogantly relaxed pose against the wall and watching while I sucked cock. I figured he just wanted a thrill and put my attention and efforts back into the manmeat which was reaming my tonsils.

This Daddy also wanted my ass, but for this he closed the door. I don't know why. I mean, if you're willing to have the world watch you get your cock sucked, why would you be bothered about shoving it up someone's ass with an audience? But each of us has our own little quirks.

This Daddy could really fuck and he had the thick long manmeat to do it! He shoved it up my ass and reamed out my hole for 20 minutes and then pulled out without coming. He said he wanted to save it for later and would be back.

He left my room, leaving the door open and I lay back down on the bed in the same position, waiting for the next 'customer'. It was then I saw the Little Stud. He was roaming the halls and looking into the rooms with open doors which, for those of you without any experience of a bathhouse, is how you 'cruise'.

How a person is 'placed' in their room will give you indications of what type of activity they want. For example: If a guy is laying face down on the bed, head away from the door with his legs spread, then all he wants to do is get fucked. If he's sitting on the edge of the bed with his feet on the floor (and not in the movement of getting up right at the moment) he is wanting to just suck cock. You're supposed to walk in and stand in front of him with your crotch basically at the level of his face. I've already explained my position, so you should have the idea by now.

The Little Stud kept passing my room and glancing in. I wondered what he was doing. He was going by to fast to be obviously 'cruising' but not so fast as to ignore me either. Finally, he leaned again on the wall across from my open door.

Now this, for the uninitiated out there, is how some guy's 'cruise' they park themselves across the hall from your room where you can see them fully and then wait to see if you make any reaction to them. It is a very precise dance. A dance of male egos. If you don't show any interest, he hasn't committed himself in any way (like actually walking into your room) and can just walk away. No hits, no fouls and no one left on base. However, if you do something provocative to show your interest, he may eventually saunter across the hall and deign to enter your room. However, this is not always the case. Some guys like to play ego games. They want you to commit yourself to showing that you want them and then they just walk away. Their ego has been stroked and that's all they wanted.

But this was weird to me. The Little Stud leaned there against the wall in that arrogant pose that said, "I am the most man you could ever hope for!". He kept looking both ways down the hall and at me. This usually tells me that they are 'still looking for something better', but if that doesn't come along, well...then they'll lower themselves to fuck with you.

It also has another meaning which I didn't remember and should have. Sometimes, guys are really shy! Even in a bath house. They don't want anyone to see them going into a particular room because that would give away the fact that they were about to have sex and it would also give someone else an idea about their tastes in sex partners.

And that was what this was. The Little Stud waited until there was no one in the hall and then moved quickly the six or seven feet across the hall and into my room, slamming the door behind him and quickly locking it.

I was completely undone by this action, as unexpected as it was. I stupidly almost said to him, "Are you sure you have the right room???".

Oh, he had the right room alright. It seems my cocksucking ability had been nicely displayed to him and that's exactly what he wanted. He wanted his cock sucked. Actually as I was about to find out, he wanted his cock WORSHIPED!!! And I was the perfect acolyte to do so!

I put my face at his crotch level at the edge of the bed. He pushed his towel covered crotch into my face and I began to mouth his cock through the towel. I bit it lightly (something I only dare do with material between my teeth and a cock) and to blow my hot breath on it. He began rhythmically pushing his crotch into my face like he was already fucking my throat.

I reached up and gently tugged at the towel and it came apart and fell to the floor. His cock was not huge but it nicely fit his body. His crotch hair was short but soft. And he had the scent that is so rare in bath houses - unwashed male! Most guys jump right in the shower the minute they get to the baths, having no thought for us 'smell pigs' who like our men raw and fragrant! He had not done this. He smelled as if he'd had a shower in the morning but had worked hard all day. And indeed I found out that is exactly what had happened.

His cock was still soft when I took it into my mouth. I love the chance to take a man's cock from soft to fully hard. It gives you such a sense of accomplishment - especially when it rises quickly because of your oral ministrations. I began to gently suck and lick at it, taking it as far in my mouth as it would go and burying my nose in his fragrant pubic hairs.

Oh! The smell of sweat and musk with just the essence of dried piss! This was an aroma that I could smell 24/7 for the rest of my life! And the taste of his sweat on his cock, the slight saltiness which also could have been dried piss, drove my tongue to new heights of licking pleasure.

But he quickly took charge. He knew exactly what he wanted and he told me, in a voice so low I could only hear him by listening very hard, just what he expected of me.

First, he told me to get off the bed and down on the floor. He wanted me on my knees "like a cocksucker should be!". As I knelt down, I looked up into his deep, dark eyes which had been hidden by the peak of his cap (which he never took off through the entire two hours we were together). Now I could see them. Better still, I could stare into them and get lost in them. He loved the fact that we were making eye contact and for about 80 percent of the time we were together, we held that eye contact with each other.

I sucked him for a while on my knees and then he noticed the wall opposite of the bed was a mirror. He maneuvered around until he was sitting on the bed with my head between his legs and his cock in my mouth. But now, since he sat down, he was too low and I was too high for us to keep eye contact. He told me to sit down on the floor. This created exactly the right angle for his cock to dangle into my mouth (he as soft again) while he could look into my eyes while I sucked his cock or watch my head moving over his lap in the mirror.

He drew his legs up on the bed and sat with one bent severely at the knee propping him up and the other tucked underneath. Throughout the entire incident, he continued to talk to me, his voice barely above a whisper. As he talked, he told me things that began to paint a picture of why he had chosen me to worship him.

He asked me at one point if his cock wasn't better than that 'old man's cock' which he had seen me sucking on. And did I like bi-guys?

Now things began to make sense! He was bi, his description of his sexual activities with women left no doubt about that - especially how hard his cock got when he discussed them. And the arrogance I picked up on were nerves! He was scared to death. I don't think he had ever been in a bath before - or, at least, not very often.

He looked down at me and said, "Yeah, buddy, suck my mancock! Suck all of my mancock into your mouth. You really like that big cock, don't you?!" continuing to keep eye contact with me at all times. I looked at him, moaned and gently closed my eyes for a second to let him know how MUCH I loved his mancock! How much I wanted to suck his mancock!

I then reached my hand up and started to run it over the smooth skin of his abs and up to his defined chest. He watched me worship his body. He knew I was turned on by him. He couldn't help but know from not only the unintentional little moans that would escape my throat as I touched him, but from the fact that my hand was literally trembling as I glided over his skin.

I reached my fingers up into his furry pit and then drew them back and let him watch me smell them - his musky smell all over them - and moan at the scent. This seemed to greatly please him, that I found his scent so incredibly erotic. I also stroked one of his arms, softly feeling the tight biceps. He grinned and raised up, cocking his arm and popping the muscles. I reached up and felt his biceps and groaned at his steel-like hardness.

"Yeah, get off on me, buddy! Get off on my fuckin' stinky pits and my muscles. You've got a real man here you're suckin' - not some fag boy!" he whispered.

Even though the door was closed and the wall in my VIP room went all the way to the ceiling (which the walls of his regular room didn't) he was still very concerned that nobody be able to hear what was going on between us.

I continued to run my hands over his body and up to his pits to gather more stink for my fingers to carry to my nose. And each time I moaned and sucked deeply on his cockmeat.

"Yeah, buddy, you're a real cocksucker, aren't you? You really get off on sucking my cock! I bet you'd even suck my cock after I took it out of my girlfriend's pussy, wouldn't you?" he husked.

I couldn't let this comment go by. I wanted this to be somewhat a dialogue and so I pulled off his cock, looked up into his eyes and said. "I would love to suck your cock after you fuck her! I'd love to suck your load out of her pussy after you fuck her! I'd love to watch you eat her pussy while I suck your cock!"

Throughout each of these statements, his eyes got bigger and bigger. He knew he finally had someone who understood what he wanted and needed.

"Yeah, buddy! I'd love to let you watch me eat her out! Watch how I do it!" and with that he stuck out his tongue and began to flick it rapidly back and forth explaining he would tickle her clit that way.

In answer, I did the same thing with my tongue but to the head of his cock. It elicited a deep groan and his cock got harder in my mouth. I thought for a moment that he would cum, but he quickly pulled his cock from my mouth and pushed my face down to his fragrant balls to keep from coming. He wasn't about to let this end any time soon.

When he had calmed down and his cock had started to go soft, he again dropped it down and allowed me to suck it back into my mouth. He started telling me how he fucks his girlfriend every day, eating her out first. This talk was turning me on but it was also turning him on as his cock again started getting very hard in my mouth.

I guess to see how far I was willing to go, he asked me: "Are you going to take my load, buddy? Are you going to drink down all my cum?"

As my eyes were locked with his, I understood how much he wanted me to say yes. I decided to take things a little bit further than that and so I whispered, "I want EVERYTHING that comes out of your cock! I want your cum but I want to drink your piss, too!"

His eyes really widened at this statement! I could see by the quizzical look he gave me, he had no experience with a piss-pig or watersports because it seemed he was questioning me with his eyes as to whether I was serious or not.

In answer, I again took his cock from my mouth. "Yeah, buddy!" I said. "Gimme your fuckin' piss! Fill me up with your fuckin' piss! Lemme drink it straight from your cock!"

I could see on his face that this idea certainly intrigued him. It was almost like I could watch the gears turn in his brain as new and very different combinations came together. A rueful, evil little smirk lit his face as he made his decision. I knew he couldn't resist this further debasement of his cock worshiper! He would test just how far I would go.

"Yeah, buddy. You want my piss? You want to drink all my manpiss down your cocksucking throat? Show me how much you want my piss. Show me you deserve my piss!" he said coldly but with an underlying passion that told me I had just given him a whole new kink to get hot over!

In answer, I moaned deeply in my throat and began sucking gently at the head of his cock, stroking the underside to help him feel more like pissing. I wondered if he would be able to do it. It was obvious that this was something he'd never done before and it isn't always so easy for a guy to piss in another guy's mouth. Usually they have to start pissing and then you can close your mouth over their already pissing cock and they will then continue to piss.

But I wasn't going to let the Little Stud off so easy! If he was going to be "the Man" then he could fucking well live up to the name and piss right in my fucking mouth without help. Besides, we were in my room and the bath staff gets really pissed off (pun intended) if you do watersports in the room. Usually I have to traipse back to the shower in order to get a stud's piss either down my throat, up my ass or all over my body. (Where I love it - not necessarily in that order.).

No way! If I was going to make him a watersports top, then I was going to start him off the right way to begin with!

I could see the concentration on his face. His eyes bore into mine. I stopped sucking on his cock and just held the head in my mouth. I realized he was trying to get his cock to soften so he could piss and I wanted to help in anyway I could - short of taking his cock out of my mouth.

He continued to concentrate, but I could see that, as much as he wanted to, he was having trouble getting the piss started.

"Just relax." I said, taking his cockhead from my mouth for a moment. "Just let your body relax and the muscles relax and then just let it out slowly. Don't worry, I can take it all!"

I could feel the muscles in his body begin to relax and it wasn't very long at all until he announced, "Ok, buddy, here it comes. Here comes my fuckin' piss! Drink it cocksucker! Drink my fuckin' manpiss!"

And with that, I could feel the trickle of warm liquid begin to fill my mouth. I pressed my tongue against his pisshole to stop the flow for a second while I swallowed what had accumulated in my mouth. The taste, I noticed, was salty-sweet but not strong or bitter. I figured he'd had a lot of beers in order to 'build up his courage' to come here tonight.

As he continued to piss, I continued to swallow down each golden drop, never taking my eyes off his. Watching the wonder on his face as he felt me drinking deeply of his piss.

"Yeah, buddy! Drink my fuckin' piss! Oh, that's it, man. Drink it all down. God! I wish I could take you home with me and piss in your mouth all the time!" he said quietly as he continued to fill me with his golden essence.

Finally, he finished and I lovingly sucked the last few drops from his cockhead. He looked at me with a new emotion on his face. You might call it 'admiration' for doing something he could never even dream of doing. Or 'wonder' at the new parameters I'd set for his sexuality. I had in one, purely decadent act, expanded the limits of his sexual enjoyment. And you could also see some gratitude as well.

"Wow! Buddy! That was so fuckin' hot!!! Where the fuck did you learn to do that?!" he asked.

"I only do it for very special men. Not one man in a thousand could get me to drink their piss. But the minute I saw you, I knew I'd drink yours if you'd let me!" I assured him.

He beamed at the unabashedly extreme compliment and I could see his chest slightly swell with pride at his own eroticism and ability to turn me on. I grinned at him around his cock as I began to suck again. Now that I had his piss - I had to have his cum!!!

But the Little Stud had other ideas. He still didn't want this to end. He pushed me off his cock and told me to sit with my back to the mirror, against the wall which I hastily did.

"Now don't move, buddy. Don't fuckin' move." he ordered.

I looked him in the eyes and said, for the first time in our encounter, "Yes, Sir!".

That made him do a double-take and he shyly grinned at me. I could see the pride and pleasure that he took in being the master in this situation. I was there to worship him and I was doing an excellent job of it. I realized that this is what he not only wanted, but somehow needed. And I was more than willing to give it to him.

He stood up from the bed and moved towards me. Not close enough that I could reach his cock however.

"Now don't move." he reiterated as he began to stroke his cock before my eyes.

At first I got the idea that he wanted to tease me with his cock, but I quickly understood that what he really wanted is for me to continue worshiping his cock without touching it. I grabbed my own cock which had been hard for the whole scene and began stroking it while I moaned at the sight of his cock. Raising my eyes, I looked up at him towering above me and could see on his face, the pleasure he was deriving from my obvious yearning for him.

He slowly kept moving closer and closer. I kept my head pushed against the wall as I felt this was what he really wanted. He would decide when I got his cock again in my mouth. Until then, I was to sit there and drool over it and moan at the lack of it.

He finally pushed his crotch into my face. I was in heaven!!! The raunchy smell of his crotch, mixed with the taste of his piss still in my mouth and I moaned. As I opened my mouth, he pushed his cock in. He grabbed the edge of the mirror above my head and began to fuck his cock slowly in and out of my mouth. I looked up as he continued to fuck my mouth and again our eyes locked. I sucked and worked his cock with my tongue. I wanted to give him the greatest pleasure he'd ever known from a mouth. I wanted him to remember this night for the rest of his life - just like I would!

We stayed like this for a long time. Him fucking my mouth and watching both in the mirror and in my face the effect he continued to have on me. I was his, for as long as he wanted. I would not complain if he fucked my mouth for the entire night. I could think of no one else I wanted at that moment. I could think of nothing else I would rather do than suck his cock.

Finally he sat back down on the bed and ordered me back between his legs. I could see that he had reached the point where he not only wanted to cum - he had to cum. He had denied himself long enough. It was time to feed his hot load down my throat.

As I began to suck him in earnest, always looking deeply into his eyes, he did something that, at first shocked me. Throughout the entire encounter, he had never touched me in any way. Now he reached down and began to stroke my head and my shoulder while I continued to orally urge him towards orgasm. It was such a tender, compassionate act. It was as if to say, "Thank's, buddy, for doing all this for me!".

And as he stroked my head, he spoke to me, both with his mouth and with his eyes. "Yeah, buddy, come on! Get me off! Lemme shoot this load down your throat! Lemme cum, man! I need it bad and your mouth feels so good!"

That was the last thing he was able to say. Within moments he began to unload his hot cum into my mouth. Shot after shot until I lost count. And as his cum hit my tongue, that was enough to send me over the edge without even touching myself. I began shooting in a volume I hadn't in years.

He stopped coming finally, but I wouldn't let his cock go. I continued to suck on it, wanting to get every drop of his cum from his softening cock. He watched me through half closed eyes as I worked at getting every drop and continued even when I knew there was no more.

Of course , there was a method to this. You keep sucking on the sensitive head of a guy's cock and his natural inclination to piss after orgasm is speeded up. I was hoping that maybe, I could get one more drink of piss from his beautiful cock.

And I wasn't disappointed!

"Buddy, you keep doing that and you're gonna make me need to piss again." he said softly.

I looked into his eyes and grinned around his cock so he knew, for sure, that this was my desire. His gave me a crooked little grin and what seemed like a small shrug of his shoulders as if to say, "Ok, if that's what you want."

He closed his eyes, and I could see him concentrating. But he was an old hand at this now. Within moments, his hot piss began to pour from his cock. Not slowly like before, but full force. I quickly began swallowing! I was determined not to spill a drop!

And I didn't. I sucked down all his golden piss and then continued cleaning his cock until he opened his eyes and pulled his cock from my mouth. I moved back when he seemed to want to get up from the bed. He wrapped his towel around himself again and walked to the door and unlocked it.

Before he opened it, he looked back down at me, still sitting on the floor.

"Thanks, buddy. I really needed that!" he said.

"Oh! So did I! So did I!" I replied.

And then he was gone, pulling the door closed behind him.


I hope you enjoyed this. I haven't shared much about my own escapades in a long time. This one was so special though that I thought it would be a shame to keep it to myself. If you liked it, email me at

And if you're ever down Ft. Lauderdale way, maybe we'll run into each other at the baths!!!


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