The List

By Jonothan Wolf

Published on Feb 24, 2011


**Standard disclaimer applies. This is purely fiction (if based only slightly on actual events). Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in a backwards area. The owner maintains all rights to this work. Reproduction of any kind is unlawful.

I appreciate any and all feedback, so please email me at Enjoy the story!

The List Chapter 9: Dixon

Specimen's Name: Dixon

Height: 5'8

Build: 155, slim

Occupation: Student (Communications)

Age: 20, Junior

Dimensions: 7' cut

There are no words yet invented in the English language to describe how awkward the ride home was. First and foremost, I was drunk and needed to pee. Secondly, Kyle had his face locked forward and refused to even look at me the entire way. I didn't say anything for fear of saying the wrong thing, but the sin was unmistakable, he'd walked in on me making out with someone in a bathroom. Not only had I cheated, but I'd been sloppy and whore-ish about it.

When we got to my dorm complex, I was surprised when Kyle followed me out of the cab. We walked in step to the room, still not saying anything to each other. As we got to keycard access door, I suddenly felt extremely sick. I turned away from the door and Kyle and upchucked violently into a bush next to the entrance.

I felt Kyle's hands silently pat my back while his other arm wrapped around me to keep me from falling into the bush. We stood like that for a minute, me spitting up and coughing sweet champagne, my eyes watering and my throat getting raw.

Kyle still wasn't saying anything to me, even though I kept mumbling "I'm sorry" over and over. It was a two fangled apology, and I hoped he understood.

After what felt like an hour, Kyle and I made it to my room. Kyle grabbed my key from my pocket and opened the door. He helped me hobble inside and sat me down on my bed. I fought the urge to say "Where's Spencer" thinking it wasn't my place to break Kyle's manufactured silence. I thought for a second and remembered that Spencer had a swim meet at Rice.

Kyle went to my bathroom, got a trashcan and set it next to my bed. I flopped over onto my pillow, literally wanting to die that very moment, actually somewhat glad I wouldn't be getting any tonight. If I'd tried to have sex, I probably would have thrown up on Kyle.

He came over to me, lifted my shirt above my arms and roughly let them drop. He reached into mine and Spencer's fridge and pulled out a bottle of Powerade.

"Drink this," he said, his first two words to me since bathroom-gate. I took the bottle and took a huge swig. As soon as the liquid hit my tongue, I knew something was wrong. I reached for the trashcan, barely making it and threw up more chunks into the bin. The smell of vomit instantly filled the room and made me regret each and every keg stand I'd taken that night.

I threw up for another twenty minutes, my head feeling like it was going to explode. Kyle sat there silently for the whole thing, just looking at me, patting my back and waiting for me to finish. When I felt like I couldn't throw up anything anymore, Kyle got me a damp cloth and wiped my face for me. I stood up and tried to take my jeans off, but almost fell back to the bed. Kyle caught me, undid my pants and let them fall to the ground. He held my neck as I lowered myself down to the bed, wanting nothing more than to be asleep. Or dead.

When I hit the covers, Kyle turned me around so that I was on my stomach, my head hanging off the bed towards the floor in case I needed to puke again. Then he did something I really didn't expect him to. Thinking he'd leave when I was in bed and done being sick, I heard Kyle take his own shirt and pants off and climb into bed over me, so that he was wall side and facing away from my puke-face. I tried to smile, but passed out a second later instead.

I woke up the next day feeling surprisingly fine. I'd had hangovers before, but that Sunday morning, I just felt like my throat was raw and nothing else; I was probably still a little bit drunk. I took a swig of Powerade, turned and noticed Kyle asleep on the other half of my dorm bed.

Knowing that he hated my morning breath, I snuck out of bed and went to brush my teeth. When I got back, Kyle was awake and groggy. He waved at me and rubbed his eyes. Feeling like I had a three second window before he was coherent to apologize, I said "Listen Kyle, about what happened last night, I'm really sorry."

He held his hand up to me, signaling that I stop talking, so I did. "Just tell me how the hell it happened."

"I really don't even know," I said honestly. "I was in the hall, this guy said he couldn't wait to see what he'd paid for and I told him to come into the bathroom for a sneak peak. He was the guy that won me last night."

"So then you kissed him," Kyle said.

"He kissed me," I replied. "And I should have stopped the kiss, but come on. What would you have done?"

Kyle was quiet for a second before answering, "I would have locked the door." He gave me a face that was riddled with attitude; a face that said I wasn't allowed to protest. I mean, he had practically just said he would have done the same thing without getting caught. I guess we were both sluts in over our infatuated heads.

Even though I was thinking it, there was no way his face was going to let me say anything. It was like he was expecting me to answer but he knew better than I did that there was no appropriate response to that.

Knowing I was in the dog house and knowing there was only one way out, I apologized again, said something I thought was cute and climbed back into bed.

Kyle softened a little bit and let me put my arm around him. We cuddled like that for a second before I said "You're really cute when you're mad."

"Ha," he laughed. "Wait till you see me truly fuming." He paused and then said "I didn't like feeling that way last night, so don't do that again, ok?" He was playing with my fingers again and I at this point, I'd gone from being annoyed by that habit, to being confused by it, to tolerating it, to finding it endearing.

"You got it," I said to him lamely. I couldn't see his face, but I knew Kyle was smiling.

The next week was more than just crunch time— it was reality check week. As soon as I got my exam schedule, I knew I'd have to stay focused until after Thanksgiving break that was coming up. I returned to Drip every night, claiming my study spot before anyone had the chance. The first night I went back, I saw Ben and before I had the chance to say anything he said "Macchiato?"

"You know it," I replied pulling out cash. "Make it a double."

"Funny that you don't experiment with different flavors," he said as he mixed it up. There were a couple of people behind me and he was yet to make eye contact. I realized immediately where he was going with that—I'd aced my quiz on double entendre.

"Well I used to drink nothing but cappuccinos," I replied, playing along. "But the minute I tasted a macchiato, I couldn't go back."

"Macchiatos are pretty good," he said handing me my drink. I handed him five bucks. "I haven't stopped thinking about my first one. Of course, I'm not sure they're better than cappuccinos." He smiled at me, for the first time acknowledging that he'd appreciated my skill. I finished the loosely veiled metaphor by saying "I make the best ones in town." I took my drink and went back to my study spot.

For some reason, flirting with Ben didn't bother me. One thing Kyle had said in bed was that "he would have locked the door," meaning that he wouldn't have gotten caught with his pants down. I respected that— if he wanted to go and make-out with someone and there was no way I'd ever know about it, how could I get upset about that? I knew that I was interpreting his words with my own biased reasoning so that I could get into Ben's pants again, but at the time, it made sense to me.

And it wasn't like I had time to mess around anyway. I literally spent every waking moment I had in class, eating, or studying. That Friday night, after five days straight of studying until the wee hours of the morning and sleeping alone and not seeing Kyle because we were both too busy, I almost lost it. I called Kyle from Drip saying we needed to hang out for more than just a make-out session in the Union bathroom. He said that he had a study group until late and that he'd probably crash right afterwards. It was getting late and the baristas were cleaning up the place.

As I was packing my stuff up, I heard Ben say to me "It's Friday night, Cooper. You need a study break." I knew he was going to come flirt with me; he'd been flirting with me every day this week.

"I do, and I would love to hit the town with you again, but I am too exhausted to go out."

"So let's Redbox a movie," he said. "I'm hella broke and have no plans. You clearly need a breather. I don't think two hours away from the books is going to doom you to academic probation."

I hesitated for a second. Sure, in theory, I felt like there was nothing wrong with hanging out with Ben. But now, when it was put in front of me, I didn't know how to feel about it. My resistance was impaired by exhaustion. And the thought of touching another man tonight was seriously the tipping factor. In the split decision, horniness and the thought of having someone, anyone, to get off with for a change won out; I said I'd wait for him to finish up.

Fifteen minutes later, we were up in Ben's room. I was adamant about him making the first move. Like last time, I was still nervous that I was reading completely wrong into the whole thing and if I had been, I didn't want to be embarrassed. Noticing that we hadn't even stopped at the Redbox on the way to his studio, I realized I wasn't reading wrong into anything and I decided to just go for it.

As soon as his door was closed, I reached over and pulled Ben into me, kissing him on the lips. He put his hands on my hips as if we were doing an eighth grade slow dance. One great thing about the way Ben kissed was how forceful it was. I'd gotten used to making out with guys that only made out with other guys. Ben was newer to this than I was, so he still had all of his straight boy tendencies, and the proof was in his kiss. He kissed me like it was his job to make me feel it, and I did.

We stood there for a couple of minutes, me growing harder and from what I felt on my stomach, so was Ben. Deciding that if I didn't move things forward, they never would, I reached down and cupped his bulge. I felt Ben flinch and then kiss me even deeper, taking his hands and cupping my face with them.

I could feel Ben's dick pulse in my hand. I rubbed it through his black slacks for another minute or so, feeling him not only get harder but get more and more into making out with me. Finally, I fumbled with his button and zipper for a minute until his pants fell to the ground and his cock sprang up. It felt really awesome to have another guy's pecker in my hand; it had literally been forever. I stroked it slowly, getting a grateful moan out of Ben before he let go of my mouth.

"Wow, man," he said. "I never thought I'd let a guy do this to me, but you're pretty awesome." I stifled the urge to thank him, and instead just smiled. "You don't think it's weird hooking up with a guy? I was pretty messed up about it after we did it last time."

I wondered why he was talking so much. I also thought he couldn't have been that messed up about it: he practically threw himself at me at the coffee shop this whole week. Instead of answering, I protested talking by putting my lips back on his and pushing him backwards towards the bed.

The last moral fiber of my amoral act was simple: I would give Ben head and that was it. No matter how curious this guy got, there would be nothing more than innocent fondling and sucking. There would be absolutely no fucking under any circumstances. That was where I was drawing the line.

And so I went to work. As soon as Ben was laying down, I slipped my lips around his rock hard dick and pulled down around his shaft slowly. I could tell that Ben wasn't trying to hide his enthusiasm at all this time around. He let out a moan, bucked his hips upward into my mouth and let out a stream of precum.

As far as guys go, Ben was more or less the most vocal guy I'd been with to date. He kept telling me to suck on his dick, take it all the way in, swallow his meat. At first I didn't know what to think about it, but the more and more turned on I got from blowing him, the more his dirty talk won me over. He would grab my head and push it down and almost shout "Yeah, suck on this, dude," until I was swallowing the head of his dick in my throat. He would ask me if I liked it and I'd hum "yes" knowing that that created a great vibration. He'd pull his dick out of my mouth and ask if I liked his straight cock. I'd say "mmmhmmm" and wrap my lips back around it.

I kept my hands fairly local when I blew Ben, not wanting to freak him out. I did notice that he liked playing with his nipples, so I ran my hand up his chest and took one nipple in my fingers. Needless to say he enjoyed that move a lot.

After about ten minutes of sucking on Ben, being told how great it was, I felt his body tense up. I could feel his toes curl under me and I knew he was about to explode. Thinking I had time for one breath before I swallowed his load, I lifted my head off of his dick and was immediately hit in the face with a rush of cum. The second stream hit me in the neck and I managed to catch the rest of it in my mouth.

I knelt up and asked Ben if he had a towel or anything and he tossed me a paper towel from his side table. I wiped my face and just kind of knelt there, waiting for him to do something.

"Sorry I didn't warn you or anything," he said. "I came out of nowhere."

"It was fine," I replied. "It was actually really fine." I traced my eyes down Ben's naked body, laying there sprawled out and satisfied. He wasn't the average guy I'd been attracted to, but he was definitely cute enough to the get job done. My dick pulsed in my pants and I realized I needed to address it soon. I pulled my own pants down and crawled over to Ben's right side.

"Care to help me out?" I asked smiling down at him. He hesitated for a second, obviously not so horny now that he'd cum.

"Dude, I can't kiss you with my cum in your mouth. That'd be weird," he said. Weirder than kissing me before? I mean, if you're going to be bi-curious, then be bi-curious, I thought. We've all been there and look at us now.

Instead of saying what I was thinking, I just said "Ok," and started stroking myself off. Feeling like he needed to do something, Ben tugged on my balls a little while I started jacking. To be honest, I'd been so turned on by giving him head, it didn't take me long at all. A minute later, I came on Ben's arm and shoulder and he just sort of looked at it. He moved it around with his finger and I watched him bring it up to his tongue and taste it. He made a "not bad" face and then looked at me.

"Maybe next time I'll try returning the favor," he said. We both wiped off again and I got up and got dressed. Ben said "see you later" and I left, walking back to campus, feeling somewhat like a slut.

When I got back to my dorm room, I set up shop at my desk, thinking Spencer must have been at the study lounge or the U. The first thing I did when my computer rebooted was check my email then my Facebook. I noticed that I had a message from someone on Facebook, something that always made me anxious. It was from that Dixon guy.

From Dixon: Cooper, loved the sneak peak last week. Sad we got interrupted. Anyway, I'd like to go ahead and claim my prize before the Thanksgiving holiday. When do you leave? How about you and I get together at my place on Sunday afternoon for some brunch? P.S. was that guy your boyfriend? If so, he's totally invited.

I'd be lying if I said my cock didn't do a little dance in my pants when I read his message. This guy wasn't subtle about it at all and I wondered who the fuck he was. A little research told me that he was a Kappa Sig junior, communications major. His profile had "interested in women" on it, but clearly that was a lie. There were also a lot of pictures of him with different girls. One album, from beach photos, revealed that the guy had an amazingly svelt but jacked body. I wondered if he was a Sigma. He had to have been to make a bid like that at their auction. He certainly had the vibe about him, not to mention the money. I realized that between Rusty, Michael and now Dixon, I was making my way through the gays in the Sigma secret fraternity pretty fast.

I fell asleep at my desk a couple of hours later. When I woke up around noon the next day, I called Kyle and told him we were going to lunch. "I'm not taking no for answer. I'd like to be reminded what you look like," I told him. We agreed to meet at a wing place right outside of University Park.

The conversation was standard at the start. How was your week? What exams do you have coming up? How are the grades looking? And then before I had a chance to drop Dixon's threesome offer onto Kyle, he said to me "Come to my house for Thanksgiving."

I was absolutely speechless. Thanksgiving at the boyfriend's? Was he insane? It'd been a month since we'd gone official, I wasn't ready to meet his family. I hadn't even come out to mine.

"You're joking," I said, deadpan. He had to be.

"No," he said. "Look, it's not a big deal at all. Just come to my house on Friday, spend the weekend and we'll drive back to school together." He gave me his please face and I had no idea how I was going to say no to that. The whole thing seemed a bit much after just a month of dating. But then I saw an opportunity.

"I'll think about it," I said. "My mom'll flip about me only being home for a couple of nights. But I'll think about it. If you do me a favor."

"Oh yeah?" he asked. "And what favor do you need?"

"Well," I replied. "I got a message from the guy that won me at the auction last week and he wants to meet up for brunch tomorrow."

"And what does that have to do with me?" Kyle asked, cocking up his eyebrow.

"He wants you to come with me," I responded. "I know exactly what he has in mind, too, so..."

"You want us to have a threesome with this guy?" Kyle asked me. I nodded. "You're actually trading an American holiday for a threesome over mimosas? You are a slut, Mr. Carpenter," Kyle said. I just gave him a simple shrug. "And you're an idiot. Of course we'll do it. And you could have milked a lot more out of Thanksgiving than that."

The rest of the conversation went off without a hitch until Kyle asked "Whatever happened to your coffee shop boyfriend?" he looked at me jokingly. For a split second I had no clue what he was talking about and I just stared at him blankly. "The guy at the coffee shop. The `straight' one you think was hitting on you."

"Oh," I said trying my hardest not to look guilty. "Yeah," I said to him. "That guy. Haven't seen him in forever." I caught myself telling my first lie in our relationship and I made a mental note to beat myself up over it later.

"Well you should go back there and see if he still needs a friend," Kyle said. I just shrugged, hoping he would drop it.

Kyle and I went back to my room to lounge about for the rest of the day, too tired of studying to care about our Monday quizzes and exams. When we got back, ostensibly to "watch" The Dark Knight, I chedked my Facebook to send a message to Dixon.

To Dixon: Hey, there. Are we still on for Sunday? How about noon?

I meandered around online for a minute, and almost immediately, I got this reply.

From Dixon: You bet your ass.

I debated about whether to tell him I was bringing Kyle, thinking it could be a pretty nice surprise. Then I realized he was planning on cooking, which could get awkward if I just showed up with an extra mouth so I sent him this message.

To Dixon: Asses.

I added a smiley face just to be cute. He'd get the picture. A few minutes later, I got this message.

From Dixon: The boyfriend is coming? I better go pick up some more breakfast sausage.

Thinking it was my last chance to be cute before I closed Facebook and started the movie, I sent him one more message.

To Dixon: We'll bring the sausage.

Another smiley face, I closed my laptop, and joined Kyle on the bed. The second I had my arms around him, he was twiddling with my fingers between his.

For some reason I couldn't explain, I was extremely excited for Sunday morning. Even while Kyle and I were spending the day together on Saturday doing nothing but lounging around, my first male on male on male threesome stayed at the back of my mind.

After the movie, Kyle and I discussed Thanksgiving plans. I'd agreed to drive up to his house in time for dinner Friday and then spend the weekend with him and his family and then drive back to school from their house in The Colony. While we were planning everything for next weekend, I had Sunday morning still my mind. "What are you thinking about?" Kyle asked, forcing me to realize I'd zoned out for a second.

"Huh?" I said, realizing that I'd missed at least a minute of the conversation. "Oh, I was just thinking about this whole Dixon thing. Are you sure you want to do it? I mean I can always just go over there for brunch and actually eat brunch."

"Do you not want to do it?" he asked me. Of course I wanted to, but really, truly, honestly, only if Kyle wanted to.

"I'm 100 percent game if you are," I replied to him.

"Well then I don't see why we wouldn't do it," he said to me, smiling. "I've actually been thinking about it all week. I've never had a threesome before."

"Me either," I confessed. "I'm not even sure how this is going to work." Kyle grabbed a notebook off of my dresser. For a second my heart skipped, thinking it might have been the list. Instead, it was just a legal pad that had some of my political science notes on it. He flipped to the back, drew a little sketch and said "Probably something like this."

I looked at the sketch of three stick figures, two of them forming an Eiffel Tower over the one in the middle. I laughed, took the pad and drew another little sketch. "Maybe something like this," I said. We spent the next hour drawing little dirty threesome sketches before making out until Spencer got home.

"When you two love birds fail out of school, I'm going to have little to no sympathy for you," he said unpacking his bag.

"You're just jealous because you're not getting any," Kyle retorted.

"Oh contraire, my little newlyweds," he said. "I happen to be going steady myself."

"Nice," I said sitting up. "Deets, let's go."

"Eh, nothing serious. Just a swim team fling, for now," he said. I knew immediately he was talking about Ian. I guess they'd taken the plunge.

"Cool," Kyle said. "Who's the lucky lady?" I then realized, with a start, that Spencer still hadn't come out to his friend. In a way, it felt weird to me, and kind of unfair. Kyle had been so open about his sexuality since he came out, I thought Spencer could at least have said he was on the same side of the fence for support.

Spencer quickly curbed the conversation, said he was taking a quick shower and left. Kyle and I made out for a few more minutes. When Spencer came back, we all watched The Daily Show reruns until we fell asleep.

We slept in my bed that night, woke up and showered together and then called Dixon to tell him we were heading over. He gave us directions to an apartment just south of University Park and Kyle agreed to drive.

I can't lie, when we got to the apartment, my heart was actually skipping a beat. I don't know why I was so anxious dash nervous about the whole thing. I guess the new experience of it all was exciting. Plus, Kyle and I were doing something hot and sexy together. I couldn't get over it.

Dixon let us in to the apartment and he looked just as delicious as I semi-remembered from two weekends before. His hair was parted in the middle and formed the perfect frat flip that fingers had just run themselves through. He smiled wide at us and I swear as he let us in, his beautiful green eyes sparkled.

The apartment was really nice. It had a full living room and kitchen with a small table in the corner that served as a dining room. I noticed a small hallway that I was sure lead to a bedroom and bathroom. The living area was decorated with cherry wood and sleek white cushions, a big screen TV and what had to have been pottery barn accessories.

"Welcome, guys," Dixon said as we entered. "Make yourselves at home, really." I immediately recognized that the house didn't smell like food. I lived with a cooking mother— I knew what brunch was supposed to smell like. "I'm glad you two could make it."

"Well you are the lucky bid winner," I said to him, suddenly wondering where he'd gotten almost a grand to throw at a charity auction. He must be all kinds of loaded—that was the only explanation. "Of course we could make it."

"Anything for a good cause," Kyle chimed in, smiling and looking around.

"Well I have to confess that I'm not the best cook in the world," Dixon said. "So you'll have to forgive me." At this point, he was standing next to me with his hand on my shoulder. Kyle was facing us. I was just standing there, motionless, wondering what in the world I was supposed to do. "So I hope you boys aren't that hungry."

I went out on a limb and decided to say something suggestive. It was a matter of getting the ball rolling at this point. "I did say we'd bring the sausage, didn't I?" I said, not even beginning to care how corny that sounded. Dixon smiled and reached one hand down to my crotch and the other down to Kyle's. Kyle and I looked at each other, smiled and then started kissing while Dixon rubbed us through our jeans.

"You boys are so cute together," he said to us, slowly massaging our dicks. We didn't respond; we simply kept kissing slowly.

The next thing I felt was Dixon lowering my zipper and pulling my jeans down. Obviously going commando, my cock sprang up as soon as it was released. I moaned into Kyle's mouth. Kyle's response to Dixon letting his cock out was to bring one hand up to my face and pull me in even closer, while his other hand pulled Dixon's head towards his crotch.

"You want me to suck this big meat?" Dixon asked from below us. Kyle let out a moan. I knew Dixon was slurping up Kyle's dick because not only could I hear it, but I could feel Kyle get hornier and more aggressive. His fingertips were digging into my scalp.

A minute later, I felt Dixon replace his hand on my dick with his lips. His warm mouth wrapped around my cock and sucked me in. I felt Kyle let go of my face for a second, look down at what Dixon was doing and say "Oh fuck. Suck his dick." He looked up at me with pure, semi-adulterated lust in his eyes. Then he went back to ravaging my face.

Kyle and I made out, feeling each other up and undressing each other slowly while Dixon took turns alternating between the two of us. It was completely unreal that every time I felt like I was going to lose my wad, he moved over and sucked on Kyle's dick.

After about ten minutes of face sucking and dick swapping, Dixon stood up and said "Let's move this to my bedroom, shall we."

Kyle and I followed him down the hall to a larger-than-expected bedroom where the queen sized bed was the obvious star. Kyle and I were both completely naked and Dixon was still in his jeans. Without saying anything, Kyle and I must have read each other's intuition because as soon as we were in the room, Kyle pushed Dixon to the bed and I dove for his beltline and zipper.

I worked to extract Dixon's already rock hard cock while Kyle worked his nipple over. I could tell the guy was in a complete and solid trance by how he couldn't keep his hands still. They'd be on me, then on Kyle, digging into my back and then pushing my face down to the hilt of his cock. I sucked him hard, focusing on my task and trying not to worry what was going on above me.

Then came the switch. Again, without having to communicate with words, Kyle's face inched its way down Dixon's body as I worked my way up. Instead of stopping at his nipples, I continued to Dixon's neck and face, making little kisses and puckers the entire way up. When I got to his face, I kissed him hard, remembering just how hot it had been making out with him in the bathroom.

We kissed for a minute before Dixon pulled back and said "Your lips are so fucking hot. The seniors were fucking right about you." I had no clue what he meant by that. The seniors were talking about me? Which seniors? And why? I made a mental note to ask all of these questions after an orgasm or two and just went back to sucking Dixon's face.

I learned pretty quickly that every threesome needs a leader and I was really glad that Dixon took on that task. After Kyle and I had switched places one more time, Dixon decided it was time to ramp things up.

"I want to take you both," he said matter-of-factly. At first I thought he meant at once in the ass at the same time and I couldn't fathom how that was even possible. Then I realized what he actually meant when he got on all fours and Kyle swiveled in front of him, leaving me at his ass. We were going to do that Eiffle Tower that Kyle had predicted.

Thinking I had first go of the ass region, I rubbed him for a couple of seconds and then slipped my index finger right into his asshole. I immediately felt that it was warm and gooey and that Dixon must have been lubed up before Kyle and I even got there. For some reason, the fact that he'd pre-lubed our visit really turned me on and a second later, I was on my knees behind him, slapping my dick on his butt.

I reached for a condom on the nightstand, slipped it on and as fast as you could say ménage a trios, my cock was buried into Dixon's ass. He let out a loud moan, and said "Oh fuck yes." I looked to see him still holding onto Kyle's dick, but looking back at me. Feeling proud of myself for eliciting that reaction, I pulled all the way out of his ass and then in one fluid motion, slipped right back in to the hilt. Our skin contact made a loud thud and rocked Dixon and I back and forth, creating our rhythm. When I was pumping away, meeting Dixon's half pumps backwards into me, the guy I was fucking turned around and put his lips on Kyle's cock. This was heaven.

The hottest part about fucking Dixon wasn't fucking Dixon. The hottest part was making eye contact with Kyle while I did it. He let out an ever-sexy "Fuck him baby," when I started to pick up my pace that drove off a cliff. It was like Kyle and I were moving in one motion and Dixon was an innocent bystander; and a lucky one at that.

The whimpers he was making each time my cock rubbed up against his g-spot corresponded with the slurps he was making on Kyle's dick. To be this guy, I thought, doing the two actions I would have found confusing and ridiculous a few months ago. And now I was a part of it.

Something about the situation made me a more aggressive fucker. I bit my bottom lip and went to town, pounding this guy like I'd never done anyone else in my entire life. Instead of just going back and forth as fast as I could, I was pulling almost all the way out and pounding all the way back in, making him feel me, in a steady manner.

The only time fucking Dixon got any hotter than it was already was when Kyle reached over, grabbed my face and pulled me into him over our host. We kissed like that for a second, mine and Dixon's momentum propelling all three of us back and forth. Kissing Kyle while fucking Dixon was too fucking much for me. A minute later, I thrust into Dixon with one more hard lunge and I felt myself begin to tense up. I rested all of my body weight on Dixon, steadying myself with my right arm. As I was cumming, he must have let go of Kyle's dick because all I heard was "Oh fuck, oh fuck yeah, oh fuck," over and over again.

I looked at Kyle while I was cumming and hoped that my face was at least sexy as he watched me. It must have been pretty good, because a second later, I saw Kyle shoot a jetstream of cum over Dixon's head and onto his back. The semen came out so forcefully, I wondered how long it had been since my boyfriend had cum and then realized it was barely less than a day. He must have been finding this thing as hot as I was. I pulled out of Dixon's ass and laid down on his bed, as was my custom any time I came.

"I want you two to keep kissing," Dixon said kneeling above me. Kyle came down to my level, both of us spent and a little sweaty. I pulled his face into mine, keeping my hand on his cheek and neck. I vaguely saw Dixon jacking off above us, but it wasn't until a stream of cum hit me on the chest that I realized he actually was. His man juice was hot and sticky and rolled down the length of my chest into trail that lead down to my crotch.

Thinking that there was still one more sexy thing I could do even though we'd all spent our loads, I scooped Dixon's cum off of my chest with a finger and brought it to my mouth. It was still warm, sort of salty, but not altogether bad. With it still in my mouth, I kissed Kyle, letting him lap up the cum from my tongue onto his own. Reading my mind, Kyle pulled back and showed Dixon his tongue.

"You boys are too damn hot," Dixon said above us. Kyle kissed me again and this time I pulled the cum back into my mouth. It was still warm from Kyle. I showed it to Dixon and he just smiled down at us. Kyle and I made out for Dixon two more times before pulling away and laying there.

"Money's worth?" I asked, apparently unable to form a legitimate sentence.

"You fucking betchya," Dixon replied. "You boys feel free to get cleaned up and go or stay as long as you want. I'm going to buy some cigarettes."

We just laid there looking at the ceiling for what felt like no time at all before getting up and putting our clothes back on.

"That was pretty awesome," I said to Kyle as we walked down to his car and headed back to campus. He turned and smiled at me.

During the car ride on the way home, I asked Kyle how much the Sigmas talked to each other. Something both Dixon and Michael had said was really bothering me. They'd both heard about me before they'd even met me. And then the words Rusty said the first time we hooked up kept wringing in the back of my ear. "I've been waiting for this for a while, little buddy." Why did it feel like every Sigma knew something about me?

"I can't answer that," Kyle said. "I have no clue. Why?" I decided that it wasn't a big deal and that I was just being paranoid that I would be known as the cocksucker to the Sigmas before long. And I wasn't planning on pledging or getting "tapped" so it really made no difference.

When we were rounding the corner to my dorm complex, Kyle said to me "There's something you should know about the Sigmas." I looked at him, waiting for him to continue. "They have something called family lines. It's pretty complicated, but I'm pretty sure that Rusty and Michael are in the same family somehow; they probably have the same big or come from a split line or something. And I wouldn't be surprised if Dixon is a little to one of them. That's what he meant by `the seniors were right.' Families don't generally have very many secrets."

I was even more confused than I had been before Kyle's explanation. How could Michael and Rusty have the same big? Who would want to share a big? What exactly was a big? And why couldn't families keep things to themselves?

"The reason I'm sure that Dixon is in Rusty and Michael's line is that families tend to follow a pattern," he said as he pulled up to my building. "My brother was part of the Kennedy family, a really presidential line. They've held the top spot for eight out of the past ten years," Kyle continued to explain. "And Rusty, Michael and Dixon are most likely part of an unofficially gayer line. Maybe a Tom Cruise line, or something, I don't know."

Then I had a thought. Kyle knew so much about this because he was poising himself to be a Sigma. He wanted a tap sophomore year, and he had done his research.

"So which line will you follow?" I asked him, looking at him and for the first time seeing where he was headed. In less than a year, I could possibly be the boyfriend of a Sigma. Something about that felt really cool to me and another part of it made me nervous.

"I could ask you the same question," he said ominously. He just looked at me. I couldn't tell how serious he was. There was no way in hell I was being tapped by Sigma. It went against their every rule to tap me: I wasn't rich, extremely sexy, a leader, or in any of the big four fraternities and I had no plans of joining.

Kyle dropped both me and the subject off at my dorm. We wished each other good luck on the rest of our exams and agreed to see each other next weekend at Kyle's house. And that was the last time for a long time we talked about Sigma.

**Feeling titillated? I'd like to hear about it! Like I said, I appreciate all feedback, so please drop me a line at

Next: Chapter 10: Ethan

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