The List

By Jonothan Wolf

Published on Feb 8, 2011


**Standard disclaimer applies. This is purely fiction (if based only slightly on actual events). Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in a backwards area. I appreciate any and all feedback, so please email me at Enjoy the story!

The List Chapter 5: Asher

Specimen's name: Asher

Height: 6'3

Build: 185, athletic

Occupation: EMT: First Response

Age: 20

The day after I hooked up with Rusty, I kind of just moped around our room all day. That evening, Spencer asked me what was up and I told him it was nothing. Knowing that something was up, he asked me again.

"I hooked up with a Sigma," I told him.

"Wow," he said. "Is it true they're branded on their asses?"

"I didn't see his ass and I didn't feel a brand," I replied. "And that's not the point." I told him that hooking up with Rusty only made me more confused about the whole Kyle situation.

"I feel like you really like him," Spencer said.

"I feel like I do too," I replied. "But I feel like I shouldn't be liking him, or anyone for that matter. I mean, I don't plan on spending my life with a guy or anything."

"Just because you like Kyle doesn't mean ya'll are getting married," Spencer said reasonably.

"I know that, dipshit," I responded. "But come on. There's a big difference between what you and I do and what I'd be doing with Kyle if we starting going on dates and `making love'."

"I mean he gave you that hall pass," Spencer said. "It doesn't need to be that serious yet."

"I already used the hall pass and I'm kind of over it," I said. "Like take right now for example. I'm hung over, I'm hungry and I smell like frat sludge and still I'd rather be cuddling with Kyle than anything else right now."

"Gee, I'm glad my company means so much to you," Spencer said smiling. "I feel like you just need to talk to him. Rip the band aid off and tell him your feelings and concerns. I'm almost positive he'll feel the same way."

"How are you positive?" I asked sitting up and looking at Spencer. "Did you talk to him? Did he talk to you after our date?" I wouldn't have been surprised if they'd already had the conversation Kyle promised me they'd have.

"Oh hell no," Spencer said, getting up and pulling his sweatshirt on. "I'm not getting in the middle of anything with you too. You want to date my friend, fine, but I'm not spying and reporting back for you."

Spencer put on some flip flops said he was going to the library to get some books he'd need to study tonight and asked if I wanted him to bring me anything from the student center.

"Some good advice," I replied. I decided that it would take Spencer a solid half hour to accomplish all of his goals, long enough for me to call Kyle and talk to him about last night. I dialed his number and he answered after two rings.

"I wanna talk," I said.

"Uh-oh," he replied. "That doesn't sound good."

"No, its fine," I said. "Promise. I just didn't get to see you last night and I want to see you, that's all."

"I'll be over in ten minutes," I started to tell him not to worry about it. I didn't actually want him to see me hung over and depressing, but he was already on his way. I took a hooker's shower in our bathroom sink, put on deodorant, a clean shirt and boxers.

He showed up eight minutes later as if he'd gotten in the elevator as soon as he'd hung up with me.

"You couldn't bother to put on pants?" he teased me, coming in.

"You're lucky I put anything on at all," I said. "You know me and Spencer observe naked Saturdays, right?"

"I wasn't aware that was a holiday," he said pulling off his own t-shirt. "I'd better start observing it myself."

Although I was totally interested in what Kyle was doing, calling him over for sex wasn't exactly what I had in mind. Damn, I thought. I was becoming the girl I hated to be with when I was still with girls. A guy was throwing himself at me and here I was over-thinking the entire situation.

"When is Spencer getting back?" Kyle asked.

"Dunno," I said. "But let's do this." I took a tie from Spencer's closet, tied it in a knot and set it on the doorknob outside of our door. Even though we hadn't discussed any kind of sexiling signal, this was pretty unmistakable. He'd at least think to knock before using his key.

As soon as I turned around, Kyle's hands were on my. He pulled my shirt over my head and used one hand to massage my cock through the thin material of my boxers and the other hand to pull my head to his. He kissed me deeply while guiding me backward towards my bed. He pushed me lightly so that I was sitting and a second later, he was kneeling inside of my legs. He slowly pulled my boxers down, smiled at my hard cock and then up at me.

"You said you wanted to talk," he said, reminding me of why he was even there. He grabbed my dick and held it firmly with his right hand.

"Oh, um," I fumbled, not knowing what to say. "I did, but it can totally wait."

"How about," he said pulling on my cock really slowly causing my entire body to tense up a little bit. He applied a little more pressure as he talked. "You talk and I'll listen."

Kyle leaned down and took my entire dick into his mouth. I felt like that was fair enough. As he pumped his head up and down, slobbering all over my cock, I began to tell him how I had been feeling.

"So you know I hooked up with Rusty last night, right?" I asked. I expected him to come up for a breath and answer the question. Instead, he just gave me a thumbs up and nod that caused me to feel the vibration of his tonsils on the side of my shaft. "Well, um, I know we discussed keeping this, you and me, thing casual, woah," I panted. At this point, Kyle me all the way down his throat and he'd made a swallowing motion that caused his throat to put insane pressure on my sensitive head. I almost came right then. I took a deep breath and continued. "I really appreciate that from you, I really do. And I don't know what you're looking for, cuz I'm not really looking for a boyfriend or anything. But I do want to know what this is, and so I, I, I, I think we owe it to ourselves to see what this is."

At that point, Kyle used one of his hands to push me all the way back so that I was lying down on my bed. He then hummed something onto my dick, causing it to vibrate even more. This was without a doubt the best blowjob I'd ever gotten and I was ruining it with small talk.

I didn't know what he had hummed, but I honest to God didn't care anymore. He could have asked me anything at that point and with the promise of more blow jobs like this one, I totally would have done it. Sensing that I was done talking, Kyle got up without once letting my cock escape his mouth. He undid his pants and slipped them off and then swiveled around the bed so that his hard cock was facing my face. I took this as a cue that he agreed with me, that we would sort out what this was, and that right now our only task was to get each other off.

This was my first observation with a boy-on-boy 69. I made a mental note to write down next to Kyle's entry on the list that a 69 was one of the most efficient creations ever introduced to the bedroom. Here I was sucking on Kyle's dick, mimicking every move and motion he was doing to mine. He'd go faster and deeper and I'd take his in faster and deeper. He'd squeeze my cock with his free hand and I'd do the same. It was almost like giving myself a blow job, but the thought of it didn't gross me out. What was great about sucking Kyle while he sucked me was that I wasn't focused on my own pleasure, allowing me to last much longer than I would have otherwise.

I must have lasted a long time, because just as I was making the decision to finger Kyle's hole for a quick fuck, I heard a loud knock on the door.

"Oh shit," I whispered getting up. Kyle was already off of me and pulling his jeans on.

"Spence?" he mouthed to me as I retrieved my boxers. I nodded.

"Hold on a second," I shouted. I quickly sprayed a couple spurts of Febreeze, wiped a little sweat off of my brow and opened the door, realizing that I was panting and that both Kyle and I were standing there shirtless and looking extremely guilty.

"Oh, hello," Spencer said coming in holding a book and two lattes. "If I'd known we were having company, I would have brought a third coffee."

"Hey Spence," Kyle said, sitting down on my bed. "We were just talking about going to a movie."

"Yeah. We were going to watch a movie," I added quickly.

"Shut the fuck up you two," Spencer said walking in and dropping his stuff off. "I'm only in here for a second to get my laptop and I'm off to the study lounge. You can return to your afternoon delight."

I smiled at Spencer, but for some reason Kyle still looked a little worried. Noticing, Spencer went to Kyle, grabbed his chin and said "No worries, man. I won't tell anyone. And to be honest, I've always kind of guessed myself."

"Oh yeah?" Kyle said, sitting down on my bed. I sat down next to him and watched the whole thing. "So if I ask your roommate here out again, it won't weird you out?"

"You two have already been on, what, two dates? Short of walking in on you having man-sex, there's nothing else that can weird me out," Spencer said.

"What if," Kyle said slowly, leaning into me. "You walked in on this." And then he grabbed my face and kissed me. He stuck his tongue so deep down my throat, I thought he was going to taste what I'd had for breakfast. We needed to make out in front of Spencer more often. My cock instantly shot up. I guessed I'd be sitting down for a few minutes.

"Not weird at all," Spencer said. "In fact, I've kissed Cooper too." My eyes shot open and became really huge. I hadn't told Kyle about me and Spencer; I was praying that Spencer didn't plan on spilling all of the beans. Kyle reacted by letting go of my tongue and giving me a quizzical look. "Relax, loverboy. Your boyfriend and I made out on the dance floor the first week of school to get these two girls to make out in front of us. It was a completely heteroflexible make out. Of course I had no clue then that he was using me to get to my oldest childhood friend."

"Oh," Kyle replied. I'm sure Spencer's confession sparked a curiosity in him... the same curiosity I had after Spencer kissed me for the first time. Was his life-long friend gay too? Kyle winked at me, stood up and walked over to Spencer's side of the room. "So nothing will weird you out, huh?"

"I told you," Spencer said. "I've seen it all. You two can relax and go back to your canoodling."

"What if," Kyle said, returning to his low seductive voice. "I just happened to accidently touch you, like this?"

Kyle reached over to where Spencer was standing and put his arm around him, taking a full grab of my much taller roommate's pecks. I guessed that Spencer wasn't as ready to come out to his friend as Kyle was because he replied with: "I'd tell you you're hands are really cold and to stop wasting your time. You're barking up the wrong straight tree."

"Really?" Kyle replied. Deciding to bluff, I guess, he ran his hand down Spencer's stomach and rested it just above his beltline. Spencer took in a deep breath. I can't lie, looking back, I sure did enjoy watching this show. These two guys were fucking hot, and they were both fucking mine. And I wasn't even phased that Spencer had used the word "boyfriend". In fact, I kind of liked it.

Kyle continued to torment Spencer. After pausing at his belt line for a second, he continued down to his zipper. I watched as my "boyfriend" wrapped his other hand around Spencer and slowly undid his belt. I wish I could have see Spencer's expression. If he was going to act straight, he'd have to get out of this eventually, but I was wondering how far he'd let it go on.

I heard the sound of Spencer's zipper go down and then Kyle waited for a second. Taking his cue from Spencer's refusal to move, Kyle reached into my roommate's pants and made hand to cock contact.

"Alright," Spencer said, finally escaping Kyle's strong hold. "If you were to whip my dick out and start playing with it, yes, that might weird me out. Satisfied?"

"Enough for now," Kyle said sitting down next to me. I couldn't help but laugh.

"But seriously," he said. "You too have my blessing. Just stay off of my bed." He stuffed everything he needed into his backpack and made for the door. Kyle and I were alone again and we picked up just were we'd left off, only this time things didn't take quite as long. Four minutes after my roommate left, I was swallowing a big load of Kyle's cum and giving him an even bigger load of my own for him to swallow.

For some reason, Kyle loved pillow talk after cumming. He scooted around so that we were both at the head of my bed, sharing a pillow. I could smell my own cum on his breath, and choosing to forget that it was mine, I kissed him. I really could have gone for a nap right then, but Kyle had to open his mouth and talk to me.

"So you called me over here to talk," he said. "Is that all you wanted to say? That you want to take a chance and see what this is?"

"Yeah," I said. "And to tell you to bring your own pillow next time." I lifted my head and pulled my pillow towards me.

"Hey," he said pulling half of it back towards him. It felt really good and warm to be laying so close to someone so sexy to me. "I know Spencer said he's cool with us dating, but I'm sure he draws the line at me sleeping over."

We were looking each other in the eye at this point. He was probably right. Instead of answering, I kissed him again. I wasn't gearing up for round two, or anything, but I couldn't fight the urge to kiss him. The word "boyfriend" kept ringing through my mind.

"What does the term boyfriend entail for you?" I decided to ask. I took my hand and pulled the cover over both of us. As warm as Kyle was, I felt we should be covered up if we were going to have this conversation.

"Well," he said. "I did give you that free pass to go and fuck Rusty. I might have to take that pass off of the table."

"Ok," I said, agreeing to it.

"Unless of course there are some necessary circumstances," he replied.

"Like what?"

"Like, I need you to fuck a zombie during the apocalypse to buy us some time to flee the nation or something," he replied. I started laughing.

"Noted," I replied. I guess the list would go on hold for a while. I wasn't too disappointed; this was a different kind of experiment on its own. I hadn't expected to have growing feelings for someone, but I certainly wasn't going to run away from them. "I guess if my hall pass is off the table, you'll have to talk to this Jamie character."

"I was going to bring her up," Kyle said. "It's complicated with her." I wondered how in the hell it could be complicated with her after just a month of school. "We've been dating on and off for about a year or so."

"So declare that its off," I said smiling.

"She came to SMU to be with me," he replied. "She was going to go to Rice, but she wanted us to remain close."

"Oh," I said fighting the urge to be annoyed. So that's why he'd given me the pass at the start, so that he could keep his options open with Jamie.

"I mean, I feel nothing for her whatsoever. I would just feel really guilty breaking up with her after she made that huge decision to be with me." Part of me understood but part of me thought that he'd have to dump her eventually, even if it wasn't for me. If he didn't like her, he needed to tell her. I didn't say that of course, because I didn't want to sound like a whiny bitch, but I was slightly annoyed.

"Well you deal with it however you want to," I said. "What else does boyfriend entail?"

"Well," he replied. "I get to parade you around Sigma parties."

"Of course," I said. "And if I accidently make out with Rusty, I apologize. It's complicated with him," I said smiling at him.

"Bitch," Kyle replied. "Touche. Um, I get to take you out to dinner at least twice a week."

"We split checks," I interjected. Being treated had been fun and all, but it wasn't fair.

"If you knew how much allowance I got from my parents, you wouldn't want to split checks. Trust me, my parents give me more than enough," he said.

"Mine do too," I replied. "I've been buying dinner for girls for a while now. I think I can handle your appetite."

"Ok," he said. "We split checks. And we have unbelievably great sex whenever our roommates aren't in the room."

"Like now?" I asked. "How convenient."

"Like right, fucking now," he said, leaning in and kissing me. I kissed him back, hard, so turned on at having him in my bed, already naked and already hard. This dating a guy thing was pretty easy. Without saying another word, I slipped out of the bed, got a condom from the stash and came back. I got under the blanket and kissed Kyle again. Something about kissing him drove me crazy and made my cock stand straight up.

In some sort of skinny guy maneuver, Kyle turned all the way around so that my stomach was to his back and he was lying face down on the bed. He ground his ass up to my cock and moaned. "I want you so bad," he said. He found my hands and intertwined them with his, like he loved to do, and held them to the wall above his head. With no hands for guidance, Kyle and I worked together to slip my hard dick into his ass. The second it was in, he bucked up under me and moaned. I bent down and kissed his neck. He arched his back, taking every single inch of me in and when I pulled out, he bucked back in quickly. "Stay there," he said. I did, letting the heat and tightness from his hole envelope my rock hard dick. He leaned his head back and cocked it so that our lips could connect. I didn't move an inch. A second later, Kyle was rubbing his entire body back and forth, creating a unique friction on my cock. It stayed buried deep in his ass, but the movement he was making was rocking me back and forth on top of him, creating full body contact. I could feel the head of my cock planted firmly on the little hard button inside of Kyle's butt and knew I was hitting giving his prostate a constant pressure.

Neither of us lasted very long in this position. Although we were fucking very slowly, the pressure of his tight hole moving back and forth on my cock was too much for me to handle and the feeling of my hard cock on his g-spot was enough to drive him crazy. Without once letting go of our hands or our lips, Kyle and I came together, me deep inside of him and him on my sheets. There was absolutely no where in the world I would have rather been than right there, on top of Kyle with my dick buried inside of his ass.

I don't know exactly when we fell asleep, but I do know when we woke up. It was around three in the morning, and our lights were off. Kyle was still under me, although I had scooted over a little bit to spoon with him. My cock was still rock hard and pressed against his ass. When I moved, I felt him squirm and scoot back into me some more. I got up, looked over at Spencer's bed and found it empty. I immediately got up and grabbed my phone. I had two messages from Spencer. "Are ya'll done yet?" was the first one sent at midnight. The second one said "Came home, ya'll were peaceful, so I'm crashing in Dutch's room."

I didn't know what he was going to tell Dutch, but it felt really good to have the whole night with Kyle. I laid back down next to him and went back to sleep.

This time, Kyle woke up before me. His movement was much more erratic and panicked. I moaned something about coming back to bed, but he was already up and slipping his pants on.

"Where are you going?" I said into my pillow, feeling void all of a sudden.

"I have class at nine," he replied. "And I'm fucking screwed. I was supposed to meet up with Jamie last night."

"Shit," I said. "Maybe she'll dump you after all."

"Not funny," he said, putting on his shoes. "I'll call you later." He left the room without kissing me goodbye.

That day was longer than any other. I went to class, work study and the gym half waiting for Kyle to call me, but he never did. I spent the evening at the library, checking my phone every few minutes to see if I still had service. I did. I debated whether or not I should call him, but settled on sending a text instead.

To Kyle: Everything ok?

From Kyle: Yea. Jamie's pissed, but it'll be fine.

To be honest, I didn't give a rat's ass how Jamie felt and I didn't think I needed to. She wasn't my pseudo-girlfriend. I decided to let it be before I said something inappropriate like I had this morning. I didn't know how to feel. Part of me was annoyed that a perfectly good night with my brand new boyfriend had been ruined because he had a girlfriend and an attitude. The other part just wanted to spend the night with him again.

We talked on and off for the rest of the week. On Wednesday, we met up for a quick lunch; both of us had a pretty full schedule, so it was hard to see each other during the week. As I was setting my Chipotle down next to his, he said "I'm sorry about Saturday, I was a jerk."

"No, it's cool," I said trying not to make a big deal about it.

"I mean, I've been thinking about it a lot this week," he said. "Sorry if I've been distant."

"Listen," I said. "We're both busy and we're both guys. I don't know about you, but I don't play the `how many times did he text me?' game. The perks of being with a guy rather than a girl, that shit doesn't matter." I partially believed what I was saying. Still, I thought, if we weren't going to spend any more time together while we were dating than we did while we were not dating, what was the point? Maybe I should ask for my hall pass back.

"Yeah, you're right," he said. "I'm gonna end it with Jamie. Not this weekend," he added when he noticed my expression. "Her brother is coming into town. But I will soon."

"Ok," I said. That was good enough for me. "So I guess I won't be seeing much of you this weekend."

"About that," he said. "Her brother's gay."

"So?" I said wondering what that had to do with me.

"So I decided to ease her into the whole coming out thing. When I told her I slept through our date on Saturday, I told her that I had passed out on my gay friend's couch."

"I'm assuming I'm gay friend," I said, trying not to sound too annoyed or too loud.

"And she said that was perfect because her brother Asher was coming into town this weekend and he's gay too," he said. He paused and then continued when I didn't say anything. "Anyway, she said to ask my gay friend if he'd be interested in doubling with us."

"Absolutely not," I said, making sure I didn't raise my voice.

"Come on, Cooper," he said.

"No, I don't want to go on some blind date with your girlfriend's brother, end of story," I said. "That's where I draw the line."

"I'll make it up to you," Kyle pleaded. "Please, just do this for me."

"Make it up to me by breaking it off with her and then we can move on from this whole thing," I said, hearing how I sounded and not actually caring. I took a deep breath, realized that getting upset over the whole thing wasn't going to make it any better. "Look, I don't want to be known as the gay kid on campus."

"Jamie is a sweetheart," Kyle said. "She won't tell anyone if I ask her not to. It'll just look like four friends going out to dinner on a casual Thursday."

"Tomorrow? This is tomorrow?" I asked. "Well I barely have time to find something to wear," I said jokingly. He smiled at me and I smiled at him. I decided I could do this for Kyle, and I would if it would help him get out of his pickle with Jamie any sooner. We finished our lunch with little to no consequence, and I went off for another full day of class.

On Thursday, I agreed to meet Kyle at his dorm around 5. He said dinner was at 6:30, so I assumed he wanted to mess around a little bit before we met up with Jamie and Asher.

When I got to Kyle's apartment, he wasn't dressed or showered yet.

"I was waiting for you," he said with a wicked smile on his face. It took me half a second to strip down and follow him into the bathroom.

Unlike mine and Spencer's suite, Kyle and his roommate had a bathroom all to themselves. Their room was a little bit bigger than mine and Spencer's, and they had their own air conditioning thermostat. I knew how much more expensive his dorm was than mine, but I'd opted for the value of a cheaper place. Still, I couldn't argue with the added convenience benefit of having one's own shower while I was about to go fuck my boyfriend in his.

It had been three days since we'd had sex, and boy did I have some buildup. The second I stepped into the steamy shower and Kyle put his arm around me and pulled me close, I thought for sure I would lose my wad right then. We made out for a few minutes, letting the water cascade from above us. I couldn't help but notice just how sexy my boyfriend was with his hair wet and back, glasses off, skin shining. I decided that we'd have to multi-task if we wanted to be ready in time for dinner, so I took his loofah off of the rack and soaped it up with some body wash. He smiled at me as I lathered it up and began rubbing his chest with it. I followed the light brown hairs from the center of his chest down his happy trail, holding on to his cock with my other slippery, wet hand. He didn't do anything except stand there and smile at me. I made circular motions all over his torso, working my way back up to his shoulders. I finished with his arms and then turned him around. I did the same with his back, before lifting his arms up and attacking his armpits. As soon as I put the loofah sponge under his arms, he buckled and laughed.

"I'm really ticklish," he said turning around to face me.

"Ok," I replied, trying a little too hard to sound sexy. "We're not done though." I knelt down and began washing Kyle's legs. He stood over me, letting the water wash over his upper body. Thinking this was the perfect position with which to multitask, I took his dick into my mouth while I massaged his thighs with the soapy sponge. He wasn't in my mouth for more than a minute before I could feel his precum dripping out and onto my tongue. I sucked in harder, trying to get even more of his salty pre-jizz. I moved from his thighs and legs to his ass, using the sponge to soap up his ass crack. I must have been a wonder to his dick and ass, because a minute later, Kyle tried to push my head away.

"I'm about to cum," he said. Unable to tear myself away, I sucked in hard and within a few seconds could taste my mouth fill up with his sweet and salty cream. I stood up and kissed Kyle really deeply, letting the water wash over me too. I was ready to turn around and attack his ass when he heard his phone ring.

"Shit," he said. "How long have we been in here?" he ran out of the shower, took his phone and answered it. I really didn't want to listen in on his conversation, but he was right there in the bathroom, not trying to be discreet, so I couldn't help it. "Yeah, just follow someone in. I'm on the fifth floor, room 521. Ok, I'll see you in a minute." He hung up, turned to me and said "We've got to dressed. They're on their way up."

"Wait," I said looking down at my hard cock. "What about me?"

"We'll have to take care of that later," he said, toweling himself off. "They'll be here in a second."

Reluctantly I got up, took Kyle's towel and used it to dry myself off. I got back into my clothes as quickly as possible, stuffing my semi hard cock to the left of my jeans. With any naked eye, you could clearly see it bulging to the side.

"You'll have to hide that from Asher when he gets here," Kyle said.

"It's your fault, you prick," I teased just as there was a knock on the door. Kyle turned around, smoothed my hair to the side and kissed me quickly.

He turned and opened the door. I was introduced to Asher and Jamie. Jamie was really pretty. She was the same height as Kyle and very petite, which I thought was kind of weird. She had dark auburn hair, dark green eyes and fair skin, which I thought was a really cool combination. Her brother was the opposite. He had strawberry blonde hair and light green eyes. Minus the length of his hair, he had a very military look about him. He had a larger frame and filled it out extremely well with muscle upon muscle. His skin was a little dark and free of the freckles you find on most redheads. Maybe it was because Kyle had left me high and dry or maybe it was because I was second guessing my desire to settle into anything serious, but I couldn't help but find Asher really cute.

"Ok," Kyle said after we'd all been introduced. "Let's go." We all rode in one car to the Arlington Highlands about 25 minutes away from downtown. Apparently, Kyle and Jamie knew a bartender at Houlihan's that would serve us long Islands without carding.

The conversation was pretty light and cordial. I learned that Asher had gone to EMT training and was a medic in south Texas. He planned on one day going to medical school, but really liked what he was doing for now. I could tell that his sister was really trying to set him up with me because she'd say things like "Asher works really hard, he hasn't been out in a while" or "My brother really needs to let loose this weekend."

When we got to the restaurant, we ordered some Texas Teas and opted to sit outside. The second we sat down, I noticed Jamie put her hand into Kyle's lap. I could see Kyle turn red, but he didn't acknowledge the gesture. Our drinks came and we each took a big gulp. I would need the liquor.

Asher kept asking me questions about myself, where I'd come from, what kind of relationships I'd been in, etc. I tried not to sound too flirtatious in my answers, but the guy was charming the charm out of me. I found myself giggling along to some of his jokes after a couple of drinks.

Dinner came with another couple of rounds of drinks and before I knew it, I was pretty tipsy. I pretended not to notice that as the meal went on, Asher got closer to me and much more hands on during our conversation. I also pretended not to notice that Kyle kept looking at us.

As if he was trying to test me, I kept seeing Kyle lean in and whisper things to Jamie, lingering around her neck and ears as he did. Was he really trying to make me jealous? While I had a cute redhead on my arm ready to pounce on me? Two could play that game, I thought. I let Asher flirt with me and gave him just enough attention to both lead him on and piss Kyle off.

Dinner wrapped and we all decided to go to a movie afterwards. Feeling pretty good, I didn't protest. It was a Thursday and my only class tomorrow was at noon. We settled on watching a nameless action flick that I knew I wouldn't remember tomorrow. The theater was pretty empty so we decided to sit at the back, where "those couples" always sit.

The seating arrangement in the theater couldn't have been more awkward. It was Jamie, Kyle, Me and then Asher. I hadn't been to the movies with Kyle, but being so close to him and unable to touch him felt like I was a kid sitting inside of a candy store being told not to eat anything... it was excruciating. About halfway through the previews, I felt Asher's hand rest on my thigh. I kept my head firmly facing ahead. My lack of movement must have indicated that I was fine with it, because a couple of minutes later, I felt his hand move higher up my thigh. This time around I squirmed and heard a little chuckle from Kyle's side of me.

I turned my head and saw that Kyle had his arm around Jamie and she had her hand on Kyle's thigh. Redoubled by my feelings at dinner, and not thinking particularly straight, I put my own arm around Asher, encouraging him further. Evidently this was all he needed because a minute later, he leaned in and kissed me.

It was a different kind of kiss, I decided. It was tentative, not very passionate and sort of obligatory, like we were both here and gay, why wouldn't we make out. What also felt strange was that we weren't really touching each other. I'd grown used to making out with roving hands, feeling the guy up as we kissed. Here in the movie theater we just sort of sat there kissing. After a couple of seconds, I turned my head, breaking contact with Asher to see what Kyle's reaction was to the guy kissing me. He had whispered something in Jamie's ear while I was watching and then he turned his head, game me a wicked smile and then turned to Jamie and kissed her back.

So this is how we were playing this? I thought to myself. Kyle knew his relationship with Jamie annoyed me and yet he was making out with her in front of me? While a cute guy was at my side as if I wasn't going to retaliate? I couldn't just sit there and do nothing, so this time, I turned to Asher and kissed him. Too tipsy to be cautious, this time around, I did feel him up with my hands. I used my far hand to feel his rock hard chest. Damn, I thought. EMT training must be quite a bitch.

Before I knew it, Asher and I were engaging in a full on make out. I'd lean into him with my weight and he'd let me feel all the way down to his crotch. Then he'd push me back into my seat and lean over into me, using his hands to explore my body. The theater was just dark enough and the movie was just loud enough that I doubt anyone except our neighbors to the side noticed.

As soon as Asher touched my crotch I felt like I was going to die. Every ounce of horniness I'd stored up from mine and Kyle's shower rushed back to my body and my dick got hard in my pants instantly.

"I've been eyeing this all night," Asher said to me. I turned and looked at Kyle and he was still going at it with Jamie.

"It's yours if you want it," I said back to Asher. He smiled at me winked and then stood up and walked towards the exit. In that split second, I made a decision. I could have sat there and watched the movie, ignoring the fact that my new boyfriend was making out with his still girlfriend to my left. Or I could follow the first response hunk wherever he was leading me. In that instant, I made a choice. Without even alerting Kyle, who wouldn't have noticed anyway, I got up and followed Asher.

We went to the car, Asher pulled out a key and got into the back.

"How'd you get a key?" I asked him.

"I told Kyle I might want to bring you out here," he replied. "He gave it to me."

Kyle gave him the key? Was I being tested or was Kyle really one of those free love kind of guys? I mean, he had told Rusty to hit on me, although that was before we were dating. But tonight, it felt like he'd baited me into hooking up with another guy. Unable to explain it and too horny to care to try, I got in the backseat with Asher and proceeded to have my way with him.

We made out for what felt like an eternity. I didn't want to try anything more because the car was parked in the middle of a movie theater parking lot. I wasn't willing to go to jail for indecent behavior just to get my rocks off with this guy. He was all over my body though, squeezing my pecker through my jeans, feeling it and rubbing it. Every time he'd move his hand to my crotch from a different part of my body, he always smiled at me and was sure to tell me how long he'd been wanting to touch it.

"Let's pull it out, killer," he said.

"Here?" I asked, feeling like a parking lot wasn't the best place to get a blow job.

"Have you seen anyone come out in the past twenty minutes? Everyone is inside watching their movies," he said smiling at me. I couldn't argue with that. He was right. Without saying a word, I scooted back, let him unzip my pants and pull out my hard cock. I pushed the thought of what Kyle and Jamie were doing inside out of my mind as soon as Asher's hot mouth was on my dick.

As guilty as I was feeling, I couldn't refute the fact that this guy knew how to suck cock. Trying to keep my mind off of Kyle, I tried thinking about how many of his EMT buddies he blew off every once in a while. Unable to control myself, I grabbed Asher's head and pushed it down the length of my dick. He and I both let out a pretty loud moan. No longer worrying about it, I leaned back and really let him suck my dick.

A couple of minutes later, I told him I was about to spew. His head came up for air and he asked me "Do you want me to swallow it?" of course I did.

"Where else would it go?" I asked, pushing his head back down to my cock. A second later, I was letting my load rip to the back of his throat. There is nothing as awesome feeling as cumming down someone's throat and I could tell he liked it by how eagerly he was guzzling it up.

When I stopped spewing, he came up, leaned over and kissed me.

"We should go finish the movie," I said, not even offering to help him out. He looked at me for a second, but I didn't look back at him. I all of a sudden felt extremely low. Before he could say anything else, I walked out of the car and back to the movie theater. This was one entry that would be bittersweet to add to the list.

**Feeling titillated? I'd like to hear about it! Like I said, I appreciate all feedback, so please drop me a line at

Next: Chapter 6: Eric

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