The Lifeguards


Published on Dec 28, 2018


The Lifeguards - Part 6

Note: This is a story about sexual encounters among a group of teenagers. It is strictly fiction and fantasy. It involves sexual practices that are considered unsafe and is not an endorsement of these practices. Please comply with the laws where you live concerning such literature, and read it only if you can do so legally. If you are offended by this sort of material, please read other things that will not offend you. If you like this kind of material, please donate to Nifty to ensure that this free resource can continue.

************ (Zach is telling the story in this chapter) ************

"So, Zach, have you gotten into Tyler yet?"

It was mid-afternoon at the beach. Alex and I were on duty. It had been a relatively cool day with fewer swimmers than normal, and we were bored. What better to do when you're bored than talk about sex?

"No, I haven't ... yet. I'm not in a hurry. In the meantime, I've gotten to know him better. I like him a lot. He seems like the little brother I never had."

"That's an interesting response for a guy who's casually topped two or three young groupies this summer."

"Yeah, I don't have an explanation. I'd have sex with another groupie in a heartbeat, but with Tyler, I just wanna protect him."

"Do you think he needs protecting?"

"Well, maybe guidance would be a better word. He got started with sex quickly and at a young age, and it's obvious he's looking for more. From what I've picked up, there's no male role model in his life, just like for me. I'd like to steer him away from the kind of trouble I had to avoid on my own, trouble he's too inexperienced to recognize."

"Didn't you get started at about his age?"

"Yeah, but I didn't start out by being fucked by a lifeguard. There was a lot of oral sex at first."

"I like what you wanna do, and I wish you luck."

"I think we're off to a good start. I also feel like I have his grandmother's support. Tyler introduced me as his big brother, and she specifically encouraged that kind of relationship. She's a sharp lady, and there's not much that gets past her."

"Speaking of groupies, have you been watching that young dude over there with the shaggy red hair? Reminds of an Irish Setter. How about if I take my break?

I grinned at him. "Go for it. Fuck him once for me."

The dude followed Alex into the woods like a lost puppy. I smiled. The Irish Setter was about to be rewarded with a Milk Bone.

Cody and Travis arrived for their evening swim at the seven o'clock closing time. You could set your watch by them. Tyler was usually with them, but that night he was missing.

"Where's Tyler tonight?"

Cody answered. "He's out cleaning up his new island."

"Can't he wait for the work party tomorrow? He did invite you, didn't he?"

"Yeah, but he wanted to get started. He's pretty excited about owning it."

"I would be too. Have a good swim. I'm gonna go see what Tyler's up to."

I put away the lifeguard equipment and locked up. Out on the diving platform, Cody and Travis were naked as usual, and kissing and groping each other. The laughter and squeals of delight faded as I walked up the path to the clothing-optional beach. Skinny-dipping had been elevated to a new level. They were becoming rather bold about public nudity, let alone other activities. I wondered how long it would be before they got caught.

I took the path to the clothing-optional beach. The sunbathers had all gone for the day. After crossing the sandbar, I stopped and analyzed what I saw. There were two or three plastic bags filled with trash. Three social trails led into the interior of the island. I picked the one that followed the lagoon side of the island because it was free of trash. Tyler would be down there somewhere.

I was walking along with my mind far away when something suddenly grabbed my ankle. I let out a scream and jumped about three feet in the air. Landing ten feet away, I looked back to see what had attacked me. Tyler was crawling out of the bushes and laughing like a mad fool.

"Oh ... my ... God! I wish you could have seen yourself when I grabbed you. I thought you were gonna shit your pants."

I wasn't amused. "So you think that was funny, do you? You'll be laughing off the other side of your face when I get my hands on you."

He took off running down the path towards the downstream tip of the island. He was a fast little fucker, but I was gaining slowly by the time we approached the water. He was cornered, but determined to escape. Running onto the sandy beach, he headed for the water where the lagoon merged with the main channel of the river, intending to swim to the other side of the lagoon.

"No! Stop! Don't go in there!"

He wasn't listening. Instead of the shallow water of the lagoon side, Tyler stepped into the deep water of the moving river channel. The current pulled him away from the shore immediately. There was terror in his eyes as he went under the water.

I mentally marked the location where he had disappeared and prepared to enter the water, waiting for two seconds to see if he would resurface. He popped up fifteen feet downstream. Waiting a second more to determine his direction of travel, I ran into the water and swam quickly to where I had last seen him. He had disappeared again. I could feel the current, but my training and experience treading water kept me on the surface. I let the current move me downstream, hoping that he would resurface near me. Within seconds, he popped to the surface ten feet away. I swiftly moved behind him and grabbed him under his arms.

"Relax!" Fortunately, he understood and complied.

Direct contact rescues are the most dangerous, and I had never performed one in moving water. Knowing there was a strong eddy at the far side of the lagoon channel that would help me, I towed Tyler slowly downstream and towards the mainland shore. It seemed like an eternity before I felt sand under my feet, as the eddy pushed us in toward the lagoon.

Using the beach drag technique, I pulled Tyler up onto the sand and did a quick assessment. He was gasping and trying to cough up the water he had swallowed and inhaled. I rolled him onto his side and held his head while he vomited, coughed up the water, and resumed breathing. He tried to get up.

"Don't fucking move!"

That wasn't exactly professional, but it got the message across. After about a minute of labored breathing, he began to relax.

I was a little less assertive now. "Okay, I think we're out of the woods. Try to sit up."

He slowly sat up, still coughing occasionally. I didn't like the sound of his breathing. I held him in that position for a couple minutes.

My cell phone was somewhere in the river. I pulled out Tyler's. It wasn't working.

"Okay, now we're gonna get you on your feet. Slowly."

Upright, he seemed to be functional when leaning on me.

I was assessing the shortest and easiest route to help. "Next step, try to walk with me."

That wasn't working well.

"Put your arms around my neck. I'm gonna carry you on my back. Can you do that?"

He mumbled. "Yeah, I think so. Don't tell Grams. She'd kill me."

That wasn't the way it was going down, but I wasn't saying that yet. I walked at a steady pace the half-mile to the swimming area, with Tyler still breathing hoarsely and coughing from time to time. Cody and Travis were still there, sitting on the beach.

"Cody, call 911 and then give me the phone."

"What ..."

"Just do it!"

I laid Tyler down on the grass. He tried to get up. "I'm okay now. I can ..."

"No! Stay where you are. We're doing this my way."

Tyler complied with my instruction. Cody and Travis came running as Cody connected and handed me the phone.

"Stand back, guys. Tyler tried to drown himself, but I think he'll recover."

I tried to be professional. "I'm at the state park beach. I have a near-drowning victim, male, twelve years old ... yes, I'll stand by."

The ambulance was there within five minutes. I thanked the 911 operator and hung up the phone.

"His name is Tyler. He inhaled water, and he's been breathing poorly since being rescued. Can his friend go with him? I need to notify his grandmother."

"Yes, he can. We'll take it from here, thanks."

"Cody, you ride with him. I'm gonna go get Grams. Travis, come with me."

It was a short sprint to Grams' house. I didn't bother to knock.

"Grams, Tyler is on the way to the hospital. He's gonna be okay, but he nearly drowned."

Grams grabbed her purse and keys. "Get in the van."

It was thirty miles to the hospital in Centerville. As Grams drove into the setting sun at the speed limit plus five, I gave her the executive summary. It must have been adequate, because there were no questions, and only one observation.

"I'm glad you were there."

"I'm glad he trusted me."

At the hospital, the three of us stepped into the emergency waiting room. Travis sat down next to Cody. Grams and I went to the desk.

Grams spoke to the receptionist. "I'm Tyler's grandmother. Can you tell me how he's doing?"

The receptionist checked her records. "Tyler is doing well. He's just been evaluated by the doctor on duty."

Grams asked the obvious. "May we see him?"

The receptionist glanced at me, still dressed in my wet lifeguard shorts. "Yes, but only family can go in there."

Grams spoke firmly. "Zach is family. And please bring him a towel or a blanket." The hard look that accompanied the statement didn't allow any room for argument, and the polite request was clearly a command. Grams obviously didn't take any shit off anyone.

Tyler was sitting up and looking much happier than he deserved to be. He probably was in a better frame of mind than I was.

"The doctor said I can go home. I gotta take an antibiotic to prevent any lung infection, but other than that I'm fine."

Grams did the talking. "I'm glad to hear that."

"Did you call my mother?"

"No, and I'm not going to."

"Thanks, Grams."

There was an undercurrent there that I didn't quite get, but it wasn't my business.

"Do you have anything to say to Zach?"

Tyler grinned and looked directly into my eyes. "Yes, but it can't be expressed in words, so I'll take care of that later."

Grams smiled. "That will be fine with me, and I'm sure it will be fine with Zach."

The doctor came in, and gave Grams the same information that Tyler had, adding that Tyler should take it easy for about twenty-four hours.

"If you two will return to the waiting room, we'll have Tyler released in a few minutes now. He has a prescription to be filled, and you can do that at the hospital pharmacy before you leave, if you like."

Grams ruffled Tyler's hair affectionately. "We'll do that. Thank you, Doctor."

Grams and I returned to the waiting room. I sat down next to Cody and Travis. Grams filled out some paperwork and then went to the vending machine, returning with a cup of coffee. Pulling a flask out of her purse, she added a small amount of clear liquid.

"Here, Zach. Drink this. You don't know it yet, but you're going to need it."

The coffee was hot, and the alcohol potent. I sipped it slowly, my hand shaking a little at first. By the time I was done, the drink had done what it was supposed to do.

It was dark when we left the hospital. Tyler sat up front now, wrapped in a blanket, and I took the third seat by choice. Tyler chatted quietly with Cody and Travis. I was silent. I kept replaying the rescue. What could I have done differently? Nothing, I decided, and set it aside. But I would discuss it later with Alex. He would make it into a good learning experience.

A very late dinner for all of us consisted of home-made bread and a quickly-prepared pot of hot chicken soup. Tyler was sufficiently recovered to be telling Cody and Travis about his experience. It would help him to talk about it. Grams was quiet and observant. I was silent and reflective.

Grams noticed. "Are you okay, Zach?"

"I will be."

"I hope you're staying here tonight." It wasn't a wish, it was an order.

I grinned weakly. "Thanks, I'll do that. May I use your phone? Mine is in the river."

Cody and Travis said their goodbyes and left, both with wistful looks that made it clear they would prefer to be spending the night too.

"No video games tonight, Tyler. Both of you need to shower and go to bed directly. Zach, I'll take care of your cell phone problem as soon as we can go back to Centerville together."

I responded. "Thanks Grams, that's kind of you."

Grams had a twinkle in her eye as she replied. "It will be no problem. Like Tyler, I have a fondness for a certain lifeguard."

Tyler and I showered individually, the only reason being that the shower stall wasn't big enough for two. Crawling into bed, we lay side by side, looking at the ceiling, holding hands.

Tyler spoke first. "Thank you, Big Bro."

"You're welcome, Little Bro."

"How can I ever properly thank you?"

"I'm sure we'll find a way eventually, but not tonight."

He rolled over on top of me and looked down with a devilish grin.

"Why not?"

I brushed his hair away from his eyes. "Because the doctor told you to take it easy for a day or so, and when I do to you what we both want me to do, it ain't gonna come close to taking it easy."

He rolled off and over on his side away from me.

"Then hold me tight from behind like you did last time."

I had no problem obeying that instruction.

Next: Chapter 7

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