The Lifeguards


Published on Dec 10, 2018


The Lifeguards - Part 3

Note: This is a story about sexual encounters among a group of teenagers. It is strictly fiction and fantasy. It involves sexual practices that are considered unsafe and is not an endorsement of these practices. Please comply with the laws where you live concerning such literature, and read it only if you can do so legally. If you are offended by this sort of material, please read other things that will not offend you. If you like this kind of material, please donate to Nifty to ensure that this free resource can continue.

I woke up suddenly from a wet dream. The clock told me it was almost noon. In my dream, Cody had been cumming inside me again, and it was almost as good as the real thing. I smiled happily. The day before had been awesome. I'd gone all the way with a lifeguard, and it had been the best adventure ever.

Stretching slowly, I looked at my reflection in the full length mirror. I really was a "good-looking young fucker", as Cody had said, even with the braces. "Twelve-year-old Tyler", he'd called me. I smiled again. The smart-ass had called me that just to get me to prove I wasn't a kid anymore, and I'd innocently given him all the proof he was after.

I liked Cody a lot. Besides being a hot lifeguard, he was gentle, kind, and understanding. He'd taken me exactly where I wanted to go, even though I hadn't known where that was or how to get there. I hoped I could get to know him better.

I pulled on a pair of camo cargo shorts and looked in the mirror. A "good-looking young fucker" would wear them hanging lower. I opened the top button. Now they hung loosely on my hips with more than a hint of pubic hair showing. That was okay, but the open button was too obvious. I cut off the button with my pocket knife. Grinning smugly, I looked at my reflection again. The message was clear. Twelve-year-old Tyler wasn't a kid, and getting into his pants would be easy.

My phone beeped. I had a text, the first since I'd arrived the week before.

I was puzzled. Maybe it was a mistake. Then I got it and grinned.

There was a pause for a minute while Cody solved the puzzle.

I took the stairs two at a time, stopping at the top to readjust my shorts, which were now over-sagging. In the kitchen, Grams was sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee.

My grandmother had been a teacher for thirty years and knew everything there was to know about grade school and middle school kids. She had retired three years before, and was a very active fifty-eight years old. I'd spent a lot of time with her over the years during summer vacations and winter holidays. I was closer to Grams than anyone else in the world. She could read me like a book, so I'd learned to be up front with her, and it always worked to my advantage.

"Morning, Grams, how are you today?" I gave her my best happy smile.

"You're a cheerful boy this morning. Did you have a good time at the beach yesterday?"

"Oh, yeah! I had a very good time. I got to know one of the lifeguards. I think he's gonna be my friend."

"I'm glad you're making friends. I know you like lifeguards, so that's even better. Small towns can be hard to make friends in."

Grams paused to looked me over. "I like those shorts you're wearing. You look good in them. I can replace that missing button if you want me to."

I grinned at her. "Thanks, but I like them the way they are."

She smiled slightly. "I thought as much. Are you planning to seduce the lifeguard?"

"Nope. He already seduced me, or maybe I seduced him, I'm not sure. Whatever. Anyway, that seducing has already been done."

"Sometimes it's hard to tell who seduced whom. Perhaps you seduced each other. Was the seducing satisfactory for both of you?"

My grin broadened. "Oh, yeah! I let him go all the way. When he came, I could feel his jizz squirting inside me. It was awesome!"

"I'm happy for you that you had a good experience. I want you to use your own judgement, but please be careful about who you go all the way with like that. Okay?"

"Okay, Grams."

"You need to remember, you can bring your friends here any time. If you want to bring them for lunch or dinner, just call and let me know. They can stay overnight too. You've got the basement to yourself, and you can do whatever you want to down there."

She paused a minute to let that sink in. I knew she meant exactly what she said. She always did.

"Thanks, Grams."

"In the drawer of your nightstand, you'll find a box of condoms. You've had sex education, so you know how to use them and why. Again, it's up to you when to use them, but I suggest you carry a couple with you. You may find yourself in a situation where you or one of your friends need one."

"Okay, Grams. I'll do that."

Grams got up from the table. "Now, let me fix you lunch before you go. With swimming and seduction in your plans, you'll need some food to give you energy."

Staying with Grams for the summer was going to be great. Grams was so cool. I never could have talked with my mom like that. And my mom would have bitched me out for not wearing a shirt and shoes, and she probably would have checked to see if I was wearing underwear, which I wasn't. Then she would have insisted on a complete schedule of where I would be all day. Grams let me be independent and encouraged me to be myself. I wished I could live with her permanently.

I hopped on my bike and headed for the beach. Cody was standing near the lifeguard stand next to a slightly shorter guy with reddish-brown hair. He saw me and waved for me to join them.

"Tyler, this is my best friend Travis. Travis, this is Tyler, my new friend I told you about."

"Hi, Tyler. Cody told me all about you."

I gave Travis a friendly grin. "Hi, Travis. I assume 'all' means you've seen me naked and more?"

They both laughed.

Cody made things clear. "Travis and I have no secrets. He's seen the pictures and the video. Both of those lifeguards have seen them too. Nothing will go any farther, at least from my phone."

"I've been thinking about that this morning. I told you I was gonna show them to some friends, but I've decided not to. But I'm gonna keep all of them to remind myself of a very good day."

Cody grinned. "I'm glad you feel that way. I hoped you would. I had a great day too, thanks to 'twelve-year-old Tyler'. I hope you like that nickname, because you're stuck with it until you're thirteen."

I grinned right back. "I like it. Use it all you want. Because of what we were doing when you gave it to me, it gives me a boner."

Cody spread out his blanket near the lifeguard stand.

"I forgot my beach towel this morning. Do you have room for me on your blanket?"

"Sure! Just lie down between us."

It felt good to be on the beach with my two new friends. Lying between them, I felt accepted and protected.

Cody wanted to know more about me. "I hadn't seen you before yesterday. Did you just move to town?"

"No. I'm staying here with my grandmother for the summer."

"Have you made any other friends here yet?"

"No, just you two. I've only been here for a week this time, and the kids I used to play with have moved away."

"Well, you can spend as much time with us as you want to."

"Thanks, I appreciate that."

We lay there companionably for a while, soaking up the warmth of the sun.

"Wanna take a quick dip?"


The younger lifeguard blew his whistle softly to get our attention. "Cody, come here. I've got a suggestion."

Cody and the younger lifeguard talked for a minute. Cody came back with a sly grin on his face.

"Zach just told me about a better place to go swimming. Follow me. Travis, grab the blanket if you would. Tyler, you can leave your bike here. Zach and Alex will keep an eye on it"

Cody led us upriver along a grassy bank. We passed a sign that said "clothing optional area" and warned of nudity ahead.

Travis was surprised. "I didn't know this existed."

Cody smiled. "I didn't either until Zach told me about it. It seems to be more of an adult thing that parents don't tell their kids about."

After a half mile, the grass gave way to a sandy beach, even larger than the official swimming area. A tree-covered island lay about 300 yards offshore. With the low river level, a sandbar upstream connected the island to the beach, forming a peninsula and a protected lagoon.

We stopped and took everything in. There were guys swimming, playing volleyball, and lying in the sun, all normal beach activities, except everyone was naked. A quick glance indicated that, with the exception of the three of us, everyone was over eighteen.

"Zach said this was a good place to spend the afternoon. We can do anything we wanna do and nobody will care or bother us."

Travis caught on quickly. "By 'anything we wanna do', do you mean what I think you mean?"

Cody grinned wickedly. "Yes, I do."

I took off my cargo shorts. "I guess we better do like everyone else, but I hope I don't get a boner."

Travis tilted his head toward a couple of guys in their twenties. They were looking our way and definitely were hard.

"I don't know if we caused that, but you can see boners happen here. I guess nobody worries about it."

Travis spread the blanket, and we dropped our shorts on it and headed for the water.

Cody looked around, evaluating the safety of an idea he had. "Let's swim out to the island."

The water was cool, refreshing, and clear enough we could see fish swimming away from us as we crossed the channel. Wading out of the water, we looked back across the lagoon at the beach and the woods and mountains beyond. It was a beautiful setting, and a cool place to hang out.

"I gotta take a leak, and this is a good place to do it." Cody walked into the woods to relieve himself and Travis followed. I sat on the sand and looked around. I was so happy to be here in the country, and even happier I had friends to share it with now.

Cody and Travis were ready to swim back, but I wanted to hang around for a while.

"Is it okay if I stay here and explore the island?"

Cody was in charge. "Sure. When you're ready, swim back or walk around on the sandbar. Just don't go into the river on the other side. There's too much current."

The island was interesting. There were spots where people had camped and built fires. A primitive lean-to remained where someone had apparently stayed for several days. In the center of the island, a stone foundation indicated that, at some time, someone had lived there. I wanted to come back another time and look around some more. Maybe Cody and Travis would camp out with me. For now, I'd been there long enough that I should go back and join them on the beach.

I decided to walk around on the sandbar. From a distance, I could see Cody on top of Travis, and from the rhythmic movement of Cody's back and hips, it was clear they weren't wrestling. I stopped about ten feet away and watched, absent-mindedly rubbing the woodie that had immediately popped up.

They had been at it for a while. Perspiration glistened on Cody's back as he slid his pole in and out. I remembered the pattern from the day before. He would fuck Travis steadily for a while, and then pause to keep from cumming. The pauses were becoming more frequent. He was getting close. Then he waited too long before pausing. His body stiffened and, with the familiar grunt of pleasure, he drove in hard and deep several times. Travis had just taken a load of lifeguard cum.

As Cody got up, he saw me and grinned. "Your turn, Tyler."

"You're serious?"

Travis was leaning up on his elbows grinning at me. "He's serious. It's your turn."

I dropped to my knees between Travis' legs and paused, suddenly unsure of what to do next.

Cody knelt down and coached me through the first steps. "You won't need any lube, Tyler. You can just slide in on what's already there. Move up a little closer so you're tight up against him. Spread your knees apart and slide in closer. Yeah, like that. Now support yourself with your left arm and use your right hand to guide your boner inside. That's right. Now lean over Travis and support yourself with your hands. Use your leg muscles and hips to push your boner all the way in. That's great, Tyler. Now do what comes naturally."

There was little resistance as I slid my pole into Travis. Cody had paved the way with a mixture of lube and cum.

I tentatively slid my boner in and out a couple times. It felt incredibly good, a special kind of smooth sensation I couldn't describe. I did it a couple more times, my eyes closed in bliss. I looked down at Travis, who was grinning broadly.

"Pretty good, isn't it, Tyler? Don't be bashful. I won't break. Go for it."

I re-positioned my knees, bracing myself by forcing them into the sand under the blanket. Thrusting forward with my hips, I began moving my boner in and out, slowly at first, and then more rapidly, breathing heavily as I worked harder and harder at pleasuring myself. Gasping with excitement, I stopped for a moment.

"This is so cool, Travis!"

"Enjoy yourself, Tyler. Your first time is special. Don't worry about anything. Just have fun."

As I resumed, Travis grasped my sides gently to help hold me in place. Steadily working my pole in and out, my sexual excitement grew rapidly. Gasping with pleasure now at every stroke, I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself like Cody had. Even though I paused several times, it only took about three minutes. I went over the edge before I even knew I was there.

"Oh, shit ... oh, fuck ... oh, Jesus ... I'm gonna cum, Travis!"

My body was on autopilot now. Thrusting my hips as far forward as possible, I drove in deep, over and over. Crying out with pleasure, I came like never before, forcing every drop of cum out of my body and into Travis. Exhausted, I collapsed on top of him, my face buried in his chest.

I looked into his eyes. "Thanks, Travis. That was so great. Sorry I didn't make you cum too."

"Don't worry about it, Tyler. It doesn't always work that way."

I got up as far as my knees and looked around. Cody was still kneeling nearby, grinning from ear to ear at the performance his protege had given. Everyone on the beach was standing around us watching. I'd fucked Travis with an audience of about a dozen naked guys.

The guys were curious. "Was that your first time on top, Tyler?"

I nodded my head up and down bashfully, and got a round of applause.

"How old are you, Tyler."

Cody answered proudly. "He's twelve. He did really well, didn't he?"

That netted another round of applause and a few cheers as well.

Blushing shyly, I dropped down on my back beside Travis as the audience dispersed.

"Can we just stay here for a while? I gotta recover."

"Sure." Cody dropped down on the other side of me.

"That was so awesome. Thanks for letting me do that, Travis. And thanks, Cody, for all of the advice. You guys are the best."

Cody grinned. "It was fun watching you and remembering my first time on top. Zach and Alex had just fucked Travis and me, first time for both of us. Then I fucked Travis. You were more in control than I was. I pounded Travis very hard. I'm surprised he survived."

Travis smiled. "Cody couldn't figure out how to get started. I had to help him put his boner into me. But once he was inside, all hell broke loose. It wasn't really that bad, though. He was just a little overly enthusiastic. By the way, I'm getting hungry."

I had a solution. "I know where we can all get some good food."

I called my grandmother. "Grams, can I bring two friends with me for dinner? ... In about an hour? ... You're sure it's no trouble? ... Okay, see you then."

"You guys are invited to dinner at my grandmother's place. I want you to meet her, and I know she'll wanna meet my new friends. Sound okay?"

Cody got up. "Sounds good. Let's grab the blanket and go. Should we stop by our homes and get dressed?"

"No. I haven't worn a shirt since I got here. Grams won't mind at all. She's about the coolest grandmother you can imagine."

As we walked up to the house, shirtless, barefoot, and dressed in shorts and swimwear, I wondered if I might be pushing my grandmother's offer of hospitality for my friends too far. I was in for a surprise.

"Grams, I would like you to meet ... " I didn't get any further.

"Why, Cody and Travis. How good to see you. I haven't seen you in three years now. How have you been."

Cody took the lead, like he always did. "Hi, Mrs. Thompson. This is a great surprise. I've wanted to tell you for three years that you were the best teacher Travis and I ever had. We couldn't have made it through fourth grade without you."

"Well, that's probably a bit of an overstatement, but thank you anyway."

I was looking back and forth trying to figure out what was going on.

"Tyler, I know you're lost right now. Cody and Travis were in my last fourth grade class before I retired. They were both new to the community. Remember I told you how hard it is to fit in when you move to a small town? Cody and Travis supported each other through that first year and became the best of friends. And now they're supporting you in the same way."

She turned back to Cody and Travis. "I've been worried about how Tyler would find his way around this summer, socially that is. I'm so thankful for you two."

She gave each of them a big hug. I stood there like the outsider I was.

"Come on, Tyler. A group hug is in order. These are the two best friends you could possibly find. Now let's go eat. And don't worry about how you're dressed. We're informal around here. And now that I'm retired, I can get away with saying I don't mind being around half-dressed young men. A little eye candy is always good."

Dinner was great, as it always was at Grams' house. The conversation centered around what Cody and Travis had been doing for three years. That gave me a lot of background information too, about things like their wrestling activities and lifeguard ambitions.

After dinner, Cody and Travis helped Grams clean up and wash the dishes. I just stood back and stayed out of their way.

"Can Tyler go back to the beach with us for a while? Travis and I always go back for a swim after dinner. And maybe he could spend the night with us too at my place."

"If that's okay with your mother, it's all good with me. Tyler do you need to take anything?"

Cody answered for me. "Could he bring a towel for the three of us to dry off with after we swim? Once we're at my place, I've got everything he needs for the night."

I sat between Cody and Travis on the beach. Wrapped in Cody's blanket, the three of us watched the sun drop toward the horizon. Something was bothering Cody.

"Your grandmother is very excited about Travis and me being your friends. She's a neat lady and she was a great teacher, and I feel like we're abusing her confidence in us by what we've been doing with you."

I wanted to explain why he shouldn't feel that way, but my twelve-year-old brain was having trouble getting there. Then I had an idea.

"Travis, what do you remember from fourth grade that makes you think Grams is a neat lady?"

He thought about it for a while. "Anything we told her was a secret between us, so we told her a lot. Nothing shocked her. We could always go to her with a problem and she would help us and not judge us. She understood us better than any other teacher, and probably better than our parents. She wanted us to fit in with our classmates, but to be our own person at the same time."

"Cody, how about you?"

"We were allowed to do almost anything that wouldn't hurt ourselves or others. She encouraged my friendship with Travis because she understood how important it was to both of us. Sometimes, I felt like she could read my mind."

This was going well. "Okay, now it's my turn. Grams has known me for twelve years instead of one. No one knows me better than she does. There's a lot of things I've never told anyone else, such as that I'm attracted to guys. She knows I'm having sex with my friends. Knowing that, she told me I could have you stay over with me in the basement, and we could do anything we wanted to. Does that sound like the teacher you know."

Two heads nodded up and down.

"She was happy to see you because she understands you and likes you now as much as when you were in the fourth grade. She's excited that you're my friends because she knows you'll help me the same way you helped each other. And she's also excited because you're the right guys for me to have sex with. Does that help?"

Travis was the first to respond. "I think we learned the lessons she was trying to teach us in the fourth grade. We're doing exactly what we should be doing. We were lucky to have her as a teacher. You're much luckier because she's your grandmother."

Cody responded too. "It's a little hard for me to understand, but I think she knows what we're doing and doesn't have any problem with any of it because it's right for you and for us. You've got one cool grandmother."

"That's the way I see it too. Now, shall I make a phone call?"

Two voices responded in unison. "Yes!"

"Hi Grams ... Yeah, we just finished swimming, and we wanna change our plans. Can Travis and Cody stay overnight with me? ... And stay for breakfast too? ... Okay, I'll tell them ... Thanks, Grams."

"Grams says there's extra toothbrushes and three sets of towels in my bathroom. And she wants us to change the sheets in the morning and put them in the washing machine."

Cody and Travis looked at me, grinning ear to ear. Cody resumed his leadership role.

"Awesome! Let's go. It's getting cold out here, and there's a warm bed waiting for us. And I don't know about you two, but I don't plan to do much sleeping in it."

(Thanks for reading my story. Any comments are welcomed at

Next: Chapter 4

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