The Lifeguards


Published on Oct 30, 2018


Note: This is a story about a sexual encounter involving a group of teenagers. It is strictly fiction and fantasy. It involves sexual practices that are considered unsafe and is not an endorsement of these practices. Please comply with the laws where you live concerning such literature, and read it only if you can do so legally. If you are offended by this sort of material, please read other things that will not offend you. If you like this kind of material, please donate to Nifty to ensure that this free resource can continue.

"Travis, I think you've got the hots for Zach," my buddy Cody decided, as he dropped down on the blanket beside me. "You always wanna be next to the lifeguard stand, and then you spend most of your time watching him."

Zach was the younger of the two lifeguards at the state park swimming area where Cody and I were spending a lot of our summer vacation. Zach was fifteen, just old enough to be a lifeguard. His sun-bleached hair and dark tan were the result of his summer occupation. At about five foot nine inches and one hundred sixty pounds, his hard athletic body and casual beach-boy attitude completed a picture of the perfect lifeguard. And Cody was right, I did have the hots for him. I would have let him fuck me in a heartbeat.

I redirected my attention to the swimmers in the river. "You're imagining it. Since I wanna be a lifeguard when I'm old enough, I just watch sometimes to see what he does."

"Well, you must have it all memorized by now," Cody teased. "But you gotta wait a couple years until you're fifteen to take the training. And you should be watching Alex instead because he's been doing it for two years and has more experience."

Alex would have been easy to watch too. He was seventeen, and he had the same occupational tan and hard athletic body as Zach. His unruly black hair and devilish grin gave him an appealing bad-boy look. If Zach hadn't been there, I would have been interested in finding out how bad Alex really was.

"Zach does a better job," I replied defensively. "He pays more attention to what's going on in the water and less attention to the girls who are trying to distract him."

Cody and I had been best friends since fourth grade. At that time, both of us had just moved to town, and we were the outsiders. It was us against the rest, most of whom had known each other all of their lives. Cody was a year older than me, having gone through second grade twice. Besides being the new guy, I had been small for my age, and Cody became my protector as well as my best friend. I was nearly as tall as Cody now, and didn't need protection anymore, but he still liked to assume the leadership role. Most of the time, I was happy to let him do that.

Cody had repeated second grade for a good reason, and had never quite caught up. But while he wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, he had many other redeeming features. He was an excellent athlete, and the captain of our eighth grade wrestling team. He was as loyal a friend as you could ever find. And with his blond good looks, smooth hard body, and developing muscles, he was turning into a fourteen-year-old stud.

I had the hots for Zach, but Cody had hero worship for Alex. Alex was a state champion high school wrestler, an achievement Cody hoped to duplicate someday. Cody was doing his best to produce a blond version of Alex's bad-boy look, with a great deal of success. Girls were drawn to him like bears to honey.

"So what took you so long?" I inquired, changing the subject. "I thought you were just gonna take a leak. You were gone a half hour."

"I got sidetracked," Cody replied with a smug grin. "I ran into Heather. She was waiting for her friends to get here, so we spent some quality time on her beach towel in the woods."

I gave him a quick glance. "Did you use a condom this time?"

"Nope. It's more fun for both of us without one."

"You're gonna get her pregnant if you're not careful. You oughta at least pull out."

Cody didn't seem particularly concerned. "Yeah, I always think I'm gonna pull out, but I never do. I can't control myself. There's that moment when I know I'm gonna cum and can't stop it and I oughta pull out but I don't wanna pull out yet and then it's too late and I'm cumming inside her again. It's hard to explain. You'll understand better once you're doing it yourself."

If it had been my choice, Cody would have been cumming inside me instead of Heather. I had realized well before I turned thirteen that sexual orientation was a major difference between us. I had never come out to anyone, even Cody, but I was sure he had it figured out and didn't care.

As we often did, Cody and I walked back to the park for a late swim after closing time. When we arrived, the beach was deserted except for the lifeguards, who were putting away equipment and locking up their work area. Since there was no one else around, we dropped our shorts on a park bench and went skinny-dipping.

When we came out of the water, Alex and Zach were sitting on the bench. Zach was juggling a volleyball. Our shorts were nowhere in sight.

"Do you kids wanna play volleyball with Zach and me?" Alex inquired with a friendly smile.

Cody and I didn't think we were kids anymore. Maybe our bodies weren't as well developed as theirs, but like Cody's, mine was lean and hard and beginning to show a little muscle. However, being a few years younger, several inches shorter, and about thirty pounds lighter than Alex and Zach, I suppose we seemed like kids.

"Sure, that would be great!" Cody replied. "We need our shorts though."

"We put your shorts in the equipment shed for now," Zach advised us. "You don't really need them, and we think you both look great without them. With that all-over tan you both have, you gotta be used to being naked outdoors anyway."

I liked the direction this was going, so I took the lead for a change. "Seems okay to me. I think playing volleyball naked will be hot. And thanks for the compliment. What do you think, Cody?"

"Well, I guess it's okay," he replied reluctantly, obviously not completely comfortable with the situation.

Cody and I lost the first game. We improved the score on the second, and the third we won. Cody had gotten over being naked, and we were both enjoying playing volleyball with the lifeguards.

We took a break and got a drink from the water fountain.

"It's getting dark. Do you kids wanna quit and go home?" Alex inquired.

"No way!" Cody replied. "We wanna stay and play with you some more."

"Won't your mothers wonder where you are and what you're doing?" Zach asked.

"No more than yours will," Cody replied defensively. "We're not kids anymore. We make our own decisions."

A full moon came up and moved higher in the sky as we played several more games. Cody and I were winning more often, and our confidence was increasing. Actually, Alex and Zach were letting us win, but we hadn't figured that out yet.

"You're doing great, guys," Alex told us as we finished the last game. "We gotta play again sometime."

"Thanks, that was a lot of fun," Cody replied. "I don't wanna go home yet, but I suppose we gotta."

"I tell you what, buddy," Alex said, putting a friendly hand on Cody's shoulder. "How about if we play one more game before we go?"

"Okay! Sounds good to me." Cody responded eagerly.

"Do you and Travis wanna make a bet on the game?" Alex casually asked.

"Sure! What do you have in mind?" Cody replied.

Alex's grip tightened on Cody's shoulder.

"Winners fuck the losers," he suggested. "And if you take the bet, you get your shorts back. What do you say, buddy?"

I could see the wheels slowly turning in Cody's head. He wasn't too fond of the bet, but he loved the change from being a kid to being Alex's buddy and wanted to keep the promotion. Furthermore, we had been winning, and straight as he might be, Cody's sex drive was strong enough to make him interested in fucking a lifeguard. And he didn't want to go home naked.

I was willing to let Cody make the decision, but the problem was too complex for him.

"What do you think we should do, Travis?"

"I think we should take the bet. It'll make the game more exciting."

Cody was cornered. "Okay, we'll do it."

Alex and Zach played cat and mouse with us. They let us build up a lead and then stayed behind by one or two points. I knew it wouldn't last. The final score was 19 to 21 in their favor.

Naked and vulnerable, we followed obediently as Alex and Zach led us to a grassy clearing in the woods. The trees cast shadows on the short pathway, but the full moon made the clearing nearly as light as day. I was shivering with nervous excitement. Cody was looking like a wild animal caught in a trap.

"You're mine, buddy. Get down on your back," Alex instructed Cody as he and Zach took off their shorts.

As Cody reluctantly complied, Zach led me about fifteen feet away where I dropped down onto my back too. Zach knelt between my legs and greased his pole, and I watched Alex and Cody getting started.

"Are you gonna use a condom?" asked the guy who never used one.

"Nope. It's more fun for both of us without one," Alex replied, quoting Cody exactly.

"Okay, but are you gonna pull out before you cum?" asked the guy who never pulled out.

"Did you pull out of that cute little chick you fucked this morning?" Alex responded, as he greased his pleasure pole.

"Nope," Cody replied before his brain kicked in. "How did you know about that?"

"You'd be surprised what lifeguards know, buddy" Alex replied with a grin, as he leaned forward and pressed his pole against the target. "Did you like cumming inside her?"

"Oh yeah!" Cody replied, grinning back. "It's the best feeling ever. It's the only way to finish off a good fuck."

"Well, I feel the same way," Alex replied. "You're a hot little fucker, and filling you with cum is gonna be a lot of fun."

"I don't want you to fill me with cum! ... No! ... Let me up! ... Don't put your bare boner in me! ... Oh, fuck! ... Noooooooo!"

There was a yelp of surprise and pain. Zach and I grinned at each other. We knew Cody had been penetrated.

Alex held Cody down with one arm while he guided his boner inside with the other hand. He paused when he was all the way in.

"You and Travis made the bet, and I'm gonna fuck you now until I cum," Alex said, not unkindly. "Don't fight it and it'll go easier for you. You might even like it. Okay, buddy?"

Cody was quiet now. "Okay, buddy."

Zach leaned over me, spread some lube on me, and pressed the tip of his cum gun against the target.

"Relax and it'll go in easier than what you just heard," he said with a grin.

I leaned up on my elbows and watched as Zach slowly skewered me. I winced with pain from time to time as my body struggled to accept seven inches of hard boy meat. He paused when he was all the way in.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Go for it."

As Zach began to slide his boner in and out, I dropped back and closed my eyes. Yeah, it hurt a little bit, but I liked how it felt to have him moving inside me. I opened my eyes and saw him grinning at me.

"You're ready for this, aren't you?" he observed.

"Yeah, I am," I replied grinning back. "And I'm glad it's you who's doing it."

"I've been wanting to do this with you for a long time," he replied. "It's gonna be fun."

Then Zach began to seriously fuck me. For endless minutes, he slid in and out, pausing only to keep from cumming. The mixture of pleasure and pain was a new experience, and I liked it. I watched his face. His changing expressions reflected the waves of pleasure that were flowing through him. I was proud that he was getting that pleasure from my body, and I wanted to give him more of it.

Then Zach's sexual excitement reached its peak. With an animal grunt of satisfaction, he drove in deep and filled me with lifeguard juice. Breathing heavily, he collapsed on top of me.

Zach playfully ran his fingers through my hair. I smiled up at his grinning face and knew that I would willingly do this with him again. The little bit of pain didn't matter. Bringing pleasure to this hot lifeguard with my body was the most exciting thing I had ever done.

"That was so good, Travis," he said. "Would you let me do it again sometime?"

"Sure, Zach," I said with a happy smile. "We can do it any time you want to."

I looked up and saw that Alex and Cody were standing beside us watching. Cody was stroking a boner that was as hard as a rock. Alex had his hand on Cody's shoulder again, and they were both grinning. Obviously, Cody's experience had ended better than it had started.

"You're next, buddy," Alex said to Cody. "You know how I did it, and you watched Zach too. Now it's your turn."

Zach moved out of the way, and Cody knelt between my legs, stroking his greased rigid boner. I leaned up on my elbows.

"You got something in mind you wanna do with that thing," I asked with a playful grin.

"Yeah, I'm gonna fuck you with it. My buddy Alex said I could."

"Aren't you gonna use a condom?"

"Nope. I'm gonna fuck you bareback like my buddy Alex fucked me."

"Okay, but are you gonna pull out before you cum?"

"Nope. My buddy Alex didn't pull out, and I'm not gonna either."

Cody leaned forward, supported by his hands at my sides. He didn't seem to know exactly what to do next, so I reached out and guided his cum gun inside.

Cody was beside himself with excitement. "Oh, fuck, that feels good! This is so hot!"

His eyes glazed with lust, Cody wasted no time getting started. I was glad that Zach had paved the way, because Cody wasted no time or energy ensuring that he didn't hurt me.

For a good twenty minutes, Cody pounded me hard, edging himself most of the time. He was making the most of his experiences with both Heather and Alex, as well as the advice Alex had given him. Then he pushed himself too far. Out of control, he drove in all the way, over and over, each time shooting another blast of boy juice inside me.

"Oh, Jesus, Travis. That was so much better than fucking Heather. And I don't gotta worry about getting you pregnant either."

I was laughing out loud at a level of enthusiasm I had never seen in him before. I had been wrong about his sexuality, and I was never in my life so happy to have been wrong.

I looked around. Alex and Zach were gone, and our shorts were lying on the ground next to us.

"How are we gonna explain getting home after midnight?" I asked, as Cody got up and helped me to my feet.

"That's gonna be easy," he replied as we put on our shorts. "My folks are gone all weekend, and you're gonna come home with me. Can I fuck you again when we get there?"

I was laughing at him again. "You're actually gonna ask this time?"

Cody grinned at me. "My buddy Alex said you wanted it. Was he right?"

"I've wanted it for about a year, but I didn't wanna let you know I was gay," I replied.

"I guessed you were gay, but I wasn't gonna mention it until you brought it up," he admitted. "For now, let's say I'm bisexual. I'll figure that out for sure later."

"How did Alex know I wanted it?" I inquired.

"We've been hanging around close to the lifeguard stand, and they've been paying more attention than we realized," Cody explained. "Zach had us figured out before we did. They set up this volleyball game plan just to educate us and get us together."

A grin spread slowly across my face. "If I'm right, we're gonna be having as much fun with the lifeguards as we are with each other."

Next: Chapter 2

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