The Lifeguard

By edward peters

Published on May 22, 2006


Luke seemed keen for us to keep in touch and rang me quite regularly which usually ended up with us arranging another horny session. We enjoyed some hot meetings at my place which usually ended with him fucking me hard and fast with his lovely big cock. A couple of times he pleasured me orally and seemed to enjoy swallowing my come,but for me it wasn't that important whether I orgasmed or not, my biggest turn on was making Luke spurt his come, either into my mouth or deeop inside my arse.

The casualness of the arrangement we had seemed to suit us both as neither of us wanted a full on relationship and although I wasn't seeing other guys for sex I knew that Luke was, which wasn't a problem.

We had just finished recovering from a horny intimate session, where Luke had fucked me for ages until finally spurting deep inside me, when Luke made me a proposition.

" Would you be interested in joining in a group thing?" he asked

The idea of an orgy of hard cocks to pleasure was an inviting thought which I certainly would be interested in.

" Well it sounds very inviting Luke" I replied

" Probably be about ten, maybe fifteen guys taking part"

" Shit! that's a lot of cocks to play with"

Luke started to laugh at my obvious observation.

" Yes and I'm sure you could handle all of them" he said, teasingly.

I wasn't sure if I liked what Luke was suggesting, that I was some sort of male slut, but I couldn't really be annoyed with him as the thought of taking on ten or more hard cocks sounded like a delightful prospect.

" So when is this group session taking place" I asked

" Danny a friend of mine is hosting it at his house on Friday afternoon. There's ten definitely going and Danny has got a few more to invite and I said I would ask you too"

" Do you know everyone that's going" I asked

" Yes apart from two guys who are travelling down from London, that Danny met a few months ago".

I knew already that I was going to accept Lukes invite, but still wanted to know more about this proposed orgy.

" So why would you want an old guy like me there, I'm guessing that as these are friends of yours that they are near enough in your age group?"

I was a bit concerned that I might seem a bit out of place with a group of young, horny guys which would make me feel like a dirty old man.

" Hey! don't say that. There's no ageist problem here, just a group of guys looking for some horny fun" Luke said, putting me straight.

" So go on then, what is the average age of these guys?"

" Not sure really, but I would guess their ages range from about eighteen to twenty-four" Luke explained.

I had a vision in my mind of me being surrounded by all these naked, young muscular guys, sporting huge erections as I serviced each of them in turn and I couldn't deny how tempting this thought was.

" Well I'm definitely interested, just don't want to come across as some sort of old pervert, leering after you younger guys"

" Like I said no -one is bothered about age, just come along and enjoy the fun"

" OK You've convinced me" I answered.

" Great I'll phone Danny later and tell him you're in" Luke said, sounding very excited.

All this talk of a group orgy had gotten us both horny again and I spent the next twenty minutes or so sucking on Lukes huge, hard cock until he rewarded me with a mouthful of hot come which I willingly swallowed down.

On the day of the party Luke picked me up and we drove to Danny's house which was on the outskirts of town. The house was very grand and set in it's own grounds with large, double gates at the entrance where Luke announced himself into an intercom which resulted in the gates opening up, allowing us to enter.

" Nice place" I said.

" Yes when Danny's father died, he left everything to Danny, including this place and a huge amount of money too" Luke explained.

There were a lot of cars parked in the forecourt and Luke followed suit and parked his car in the same place and we both got out.

" You feeling OK?" Luke asked as we walked up the stone stairs, to the main entrance

" Yes why do you ask" I replied

" You just seemed quiet on the journey over, thought you may be having second thoughts"

" No I'm fine honestly"

Luke wasn't far wrong, I was feeling very nervous but excited which was a strange combination of emotions.

After Luke rang the bell, we waited until the door was opened by a very young, looking guy with long, shoulder length hair who looked like a throwback from the early seventies, dressed as he was in faded denims and a scruffy looking, white t-shirt.

" Luke!" the guy shouted as he grabbed Luke and gave him a full kiss on the mouth.

I was a bit taken aback at this and as Luke introduced me to Danny I was relieved that he held out his hand in welcome which I shook in reponse.

Danny invited us both into his house and I was amazed at the size of the hallway, with an enormous staircase in the centre with the decor quite surprisingly done very modern rather than old antique as you would expect in a place like this.

" Let me introduce you to everybody Edward" Danny said as we entered one of the large rooms off to the side of the hallway.

As Danny, Luke and I stepped into the lounge I stopped dead in my tracks with surprise. There was a large plasma screen on one wall, showing a movie which was obviously a gay porn film. There must have been over ten guys sat around the room, all of them enjoying the movie with some of them already getting intimately acquainted.

There were two guys kissing and fondling each other, another couple of guys already undressed were sucking each other off in the 69 position with a few other guys just playing alone, masturbating themselves as they watched the film. Surprisingly all of them seemed oblivious to anyone having just entered the room.

" Guys, more guests have arrived" Danny announced loudly.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over towards us.

" Hey Luke"

" Lukey baby!"

" Glad you made it Luke"

Luke was obviously very popular and I could easily guess why.

" Hi guys, let me introduce a friend of mine...Edward" Luke replied

" Hi Edward" came the loud greeting from all of the other guys.

I said hello and for some reason felt very awkward and embarrassed as these younger guys all looked me over, smiling knowingly as they did so. Then without a care in the world, everybody resumed what they were doing before we interrupted them. I stared in surprise at all this open sexual activity going on in front of me and it took me a few seconds before I realised I was standing there all on my own just inside the door. Luke had already taken a seat on one of the many sofas and was busy, kissing this guy as their hands explored each others bodies.

" Come and sit down Edward" one guy called out, patting the empty seat next to him. He looked very young indeed, almost too young to be here which was a worrying thought and not wanting to appear rude I walked over to join him on the sofa, still having concerns about how old this pretty faced boy actually was.Realising that I was coming over to join him, he brazenly started to undo his trousers and as I got to where he was sitting, his hard cock was already sticking out of his fly opening.

" Hi Edward, fancy sucking on this?" he said cheekily, grabbing his cock.

I sat down next to him, still trying to get over the shock of this very young guy's open attitude.

" Christ I feel like an old man in here" I said, feeling very tempted to just do as this guy asked and start sucking on his lovely, firm cock.But I held back, still wondering if this guy was of legal age.

" Who cares about age, you look fit enough to me" he said

" Well you look so young" I said, needing to be assured that this guy was old enough. I stared down, feeling very turned on as I watched this young guy masturbating himself slowly, seeing the long wet foreskin, sliding up and down his well lubricated cockhead.

" Seventeen and eight months" he announced proudly.

If he was telling the truth, he was of legal age and as I had no way of telling if it was true I accepted his word and with some peace of mind I lowered my head down to his crotch and took his soaked, smooth cockhead into my mouth.

" Oh fuck yes suck my cock" he gasped.

I couldn't believe that within a matter of minutes of arriving here I was already sucking on a lovely, juicy cock. I could taste the guy's precome as it leaked out of his cock and the wet slippery texture allowed this young guy to slide in and out between my lips, which he was doing as he gripped my head. His cock was about average in length, but very thick and so smooth. There wasn't a lot of pubic hair hair around his cock and his lower stomach area, was lean and tightly muscled which made me slightly envious compared to my slightly sagging stomach. He seemed to want to do all the work as he thrust his bum upwards off the sofa, sliding his cock into my mouth in short, jerking movements. I clamped my lips tight and just let his well lubed cock literally fuck my mouth.

" Fuck I could come right now" he said and I braced myself for him to spurt into my mouth.

He must have had other ideas, for instead of continuing he withdrew his cock from between my lips denying me a tasty mouthful of hot come.

" Let me do you for a bit, don't want to come too soon" he said, his hands already working away at my jeans, undoing the button and pulling down the zip.

For a youngster he had a very direct approach and I was a bit surprised as he literally ripped my jeans off me. I lifted my bum off the sofa so he could pull my jeans all the way down and as I kicked them off, his hand was already inside my briefs, grabbing my hard cock.

" Oh yes nice cock" he moaned as he released it from my undies.

As his fingers stroked my hard cock, I watched as he lowered his head into my lap and as I felt his hot, wet mouth engulf my cock I let out a moan and watched in amazement as he slid his mouth all the way down my shaft until I could feel my cockhead pushing against the back of his throat. He made a sort of gagging sound and then he took the rest of my cock deep inside my throat and I realised he was ' deepthroating' me which felt absolutely wonderful. Obviously he had done this before and the sensation was almost too much to take and I had to concentrate hard to stop myself from spurting instantly, it felt that good. He started bobbing his head up and down, literally fucking my cock with his throat and I couldn't help but groan loudly with the pleasure he was giving me.

I glanced around the room and what was going on was so horny to witness, guys performing on the floor, on sofas and even stood up leaning against walls. I searched for Luke and found him fucking another young guy, doggystyle on the floor and felt a strange streak of jealous, as I knew how good it felt being fucked like that by Luke, but I didn't expect to feel jealous to see Luke with another guy. There were at least twenty guys so I assumed more had arrived while I was busy indulging myself with my very young friend. I was beginning to get the tell tale signs of my imminent orgasm as this young guy, deepthroated my cock and so I reluctantly decided to ask him to stop.

" Don't make me come yet" I said.

He stopped instantly and sat up next to me with a look of dissapointment on his face

" I really wanted you to come in my mouth" he said.

" Sorry, it felt so good too but if I come I won't be fit for anything after that" I answered.

" Oh I don't seem to get that problem I usually come about three or four times at these parties"

" Yes well I suppose that's to do with your age" I answered

I could remember how it was to be a horny teenager and being able to come several times a night but now I could only manage once and after that I would lose all interest, so I wanted to make this orgy last as long as possible.

" Want to make me come then?" he asked.

" Yes I would love to"

I slid off the sofa and got down on my knees on the floor positioning myself between his spread legs as he sat back into the sofa.

He pulled his foreskin all the way back and his semi hard cock hung down invitingly between his smooth thighs. I wasted no time and took his wet cockhead between my lips and began to suck him. His loud groans told me he wouldn't take very long and this encouraged me to suck harder making loud slurping sounds as I did so.

As I concentrated on bringing him off I felt hands on my bum pulling my cheeks apart. From the position I was in I couldn't see who it was which just made it all the more exciting and I responded by getting up on my knees and spreading my legs wide. I continued to suck hard on the young guys cock and then I felt the guy behind me probing my tight hole with what I knew was his hard cock. It felt very hard and hot and well lubricated with precome and as he pushed against me I opened myself up and his cock slid into my arse, spreading my hole wide open. I clamped my mouth tight on the young guys cock, stifling my moans as the guy behind me started to fuck me hard and fast.

" Oh yes what a fucking tight arse" He moaned

The young guy who I was sucking could obviously see all this and he grabbed my head with his hands and started thrusting his hips up off the sofa, fucking my mouth deep. I felt so dirty being used like this by these two guys and couldn't wait to receive their hot come. The guy fucking me was only interested in his own pleasure and from the pace he was thrusting his cock in and out of my arse it was obvious he just needed to come as quickly as possible. Within a minute or so of hard fucking he started to come and he made plenty of noise. He grabbed my bum tight and grunting and gasping out loud he came deep in my tight hole and it almost felt as if he was pissing inside me as I felt his hot come exploding from his cock. This seemed to spur the young guy on and almost simultaneously he grabbed my head and let out a gasp of pleasure and I felt his cock swell inside my mouth, then it jerked suddenly sending a hot spurt of come against the back of my throat. He thrust hard into my mouth releasing more hot come which I swallowed willingly until he finished spurting. The guy who had just used my tight arse moved away before I even had a chance to get a look at him and as he left, almost immediately another guy took his place and without a single word he slid his hard cock into my well fucked hole. The young guy who had just finished coming in my mouth removed his cock from between my lips, slid sidewards across the sofa and got up onto his feet

" Thanks Edward that was an awesome blowjob" the young guy said and I thought at least he had the decency to let me know he had enjoyed it, not like the guy who had just fucked me and moved on.

I flopped forward on the sofa and rested my head and upper body as this second guy rammed his hard cock into my arse. I didn't feel any pain at all just a nice feeling of being stretched open and full. The first guys come was obviously lubricating my hole enough for this guy to slide in and out easily and the odd thing was I was more than willing to stay in this position and take on every guy in the room if they so desired. I couldn't believe the sheer lustful feeling I was having and although I should have been concerned about safe sex I just didn't care as I was enjoying being used like this so much. This guys cock seemed to penetrate deeper than the previous one which obviously suggested he was more well endowed but he didn't seem to be on the same scale as Luke's huge member which really stretched me to the limit. Thinking of Luke I glanced over my shoulder to see what he was up to only to find that everyone else in the room, including Luke had stopped what they were doing and were all watching this guy giving me a good, hard fucking. I felt very exposed and slightly intimidated in having such a big audience watching me being used like this.

" You can have us all one by one if you fancy it Edward?"

It was Danny, the host of today's party who had made the comment and as the guy fucking me increased the tempo I knew that Danny's suggestion was something I was definitely more than willing to give a try.

" Is that a yes then Edward?" said Danny

The guy fucking me started to come in my arse and as I felt his hot come spurting inside me I made up my mind

" Yes OK lets try it then" I answered Danny.

I was laid out on this huge dining table on my back and for the next hour or so I was fucked in my arse and my mouth by each guy at the party. By the end of it all I was totally exhausted, my legs were aching so much from being pulled apart and lifted onto guys shoulders and my tight arse was now totally numb and full with spent come and so too was my mouth with which I had brought off at least eight or nine of them. Luke for some reason or another had decided not to join in and there was one other guy who didn't use me but instead filmed the whole thing using a video camera. I came myself as the last guy fucked me and wanked me off as he did so.

The party came to an end in the early hours of the morning and Luke drove me home and we finished off the day with a nice 69 on my bed before both of us fell into a well needed sleep.

Next: Chapter 5

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