The Lifeguard

By edward peters

Published on May 2, 2006


The visit to the sauna was a turning point in convincing myself that this wasn't just a passing phase and I knew I wouldn't be able to resist sampling some more hard cock.

With the sauna I now knew I had a source where sexual encounters with other guy's was easily available and guessed it wouldn't be long before I would be visiting there again.

But I still kept thinking about Luke, the young lifeguard and his lovely big cock and after my experience of being fucked at the sauna I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to take Luke's huge cock deep in my arse.

My decision to go to the swimming pool was twofold really, I wanted to see if Luke was there and also I had been neglecting my early morning swims and needed to get back into the routine. The pool was almost deserted and there was no sign of Luke anywhere and so I started my swim. I really was out of shape and after ten lengths of the pool I felt shattered and decided to give up on going for my usual twenty lengths. I was in the shallow end, leaning against the edge of pool, trying to get my breath back when I heard a familiar voice.

" Hello stranger"

I looked up and there stood over me was Luke. From this vantage point I had a lovely view of his muscular legs and best of all, the lovely big bulge in his tight fitting trunks.

" Hi Luke" I replied.

I explained that I had been at the pool last week but didn't see him on duty and wondered about it.

" Oh I had a weeks holiday" he said.

I couldn't take my eyes off the big bulge he was showing and remembered how much I had enjoyed sucking on his lovely big cock the last time we met here.

" You staying long, as I get my break in fifteen minutes if you fancy a coffee" he asked

" Yes OK I'm just about finished with my swim" I answered, wishing he had suggested something more than a coffee.

" OK I'll see you upstairs in the cafeteria" he said and turned and walked away.

I got out of the pool, embarrasingly aware of my hard cock inside my wet trunks and quickly walked over to retrieve my towel from the chair. I wrapped the towel around me and made my way to the changing area. I dried and dressed and sat on the bench for about five minutes before going upstairs to the cafeteria. Luke was already seated at one of the tables, so I got myself a coffee and went over to join him.

As we drank our coffees, Luke asked me if I had been up to anything since we last met. I told him about my visit to the sauna, detailing everything that I had got up to there. He looked at me with a sort of surprised look on his face.

" You actually let a guy fuck you?" he asked

" Yes with a condom of course" I replied

" So how was it?"

" Well I can't honestly say how I felt to be honest"

" Did it hurt?" he asked

" At first yes, but then as I got used to it all I felt was a slight discomfort, which gradually eased off"

" So would you do it again?" he asked

" Yes I think I would like to try it again"

" Anyone in mind?" he asked, with a big grin on his face

" No-one in particular yet" I answered, leaving it open for Luke to offer his services

" So was this guy who fucked you well hung?"

" Not as big as yours, but big enough" I said

" Do you think you could manage a bigger one?

Luke was obviously posing the question that I hoped for and although I wasn't sure if I could manage to take his huge cock in my arse, I was certainly more than willing to try.

" I would like to try a bigger one yes, if you are offering?" I asked him

" Well how could I refuse such an offer" Luke replied

We both started to laugh and it seemed that another horny session together was on the cards.

" So when are you free?" I asked.

Luke explained that it was difficult to find anywhere private enough here, since his boss had taken over the office, where we had enjoyed our last encounter and said it would probably be better to meet up somewhere else. I immediately suggested that he could come to my place when he had some spare time.

" How about this evening?" he asked

" Yes OK, what time?" I said

" About sevenish or later if you prefer?"

" Seven is fine" I answered.

So we arranged to meet and I gave Luke my address and directions along with my mobile number in case he changed his mind

" Oh I won't change my mind and looking forward to it already" he said

" Me too " I replied.

We said goodbye and I left Luke in the cafeteria, wanting to get home and get myself ready for tonight's exciting prospect. It was going to be strange doing it in the familiar comfort of my own home rather in the more sordid places I had previously been in, but it didn't really matter where we did it, at least I was going to get another taste of Luke's huge, thick cock and I couldn't wait for this evening to arrive.

Luke was very punctual and arrived at my door at seven o'clock prompt and he was carrying a small holdall bag which made me curious as to what it contained.He looked different out of his usual revealing work gear and was dressed casually in jeans and t-shirt with his hair all spiky and plastered in gel which is the trendy style for young guys like him. He looked a little nervous and not at all like the confident young guy who had seduced me at the swimming pool. I invited him in and took him to the kitchen and asked if he fancied a coffee.

We sat and drank our coffee's and the atmosphere seemed a little tense and I wondered whether Luke was having doubts about tonights plans. We made small talk for about ten to fifteen minutes and I thought maybe Luke was waiting for me to make the first move seeing as I was the host.

" Would you prefer it if we went to the bedroom?" I asked him, keen to get things moving

" Yes if you like " he answered much to my relief

I took Luke upstairs to my bedroom and both of us stood by the side of the double bed awkwardly waiting for each other to make a move. I thought I had to take the initiative and so standing next to Luke I started to get undressed,hoping that he would follow suit.

" Hang on I'll just go and get my bag" he said

" OK....what have you got in it then?" I asked

" A surprise for you which hopefully you will like" he said, which made me more and more curious.

As Luke went back downstairs for his bag I finished undressing and lay out on the bed waiting for him to return. My cock was already fully erect and I started stroking myself slowly, feeling extremely horny as I thought about what Luke was going to do to me.

As Luke came back into the bedroom carrying the holdall, he stopped and looked a little surprised at seeing me laid out naked on the bed.

" mmmmmm nice view" he said, staring straight at my hard cock.

He dropped the bag on the floor and virtually ripped his clothes off and as he yanked his boxer shorts down his huge thick cock sprang into view, fully erect and looking so inviting.

" Oh my Luke it looks bigger than I remembered" I said as I stared longingly at his gorgeous cock which was curving outwards from his crotch, pointing slightly downwards and as I stared at it I couldn't imagine myself taking its enormous length deep inside my arse.

" We don't have to do anal if you think it might be too much" he said, considerately.

" No I would really like to try"

Luke joined me on the bed and brought the bag with him placing it between us as he knelt alongside me. He unzipped the bag and I sat up to see what was inside. There were two or three cock shaped dildos, along with a strange looking egg-shaped device that had a tube attached to it which Luke removed from the bag.

" Ever seen one of these?, it's a buttplug" he explained.

" No I haven't " I replied, having a fairly good idea what it could be used for, but I wasn't sure what the tube with a rubber ball type of gadget attached to it was used for.Luke started to squeeze the rubber ball and as he did the egg-shaped rubber head began to expand in size.

" It helps to open you up before anal sex" he said.

" Oh right" I answered.

" Want to try it?" he asked

" Yes OK" I answered, feeling a little bit apprehensive.

Luke delved into the bag once again, bringing out a tube of lubricant and a condom. As he unwrapped the condom and put it on the buttplug I couldn't resist reaching out and taking hold of his lovely, big cock. I was once again amazed at the sheer thickness of his hard shaft as I slowly slid my hand up and down it's long length. As I stroked him, Luke applied some lubricant to his fingers and slid his hand between my spread legs. The cold, slippery gel made me jump as he smeared it all around my tight bum hole.I watched as he placed the buttplug between my legs and I manouvered myself around on the bed to get closer to his lovely cock. I lowered my head and took his large plum sized cockhead into my mouth as I felt him pushing the buttplug into my arse. I pushed with my arse muscle to open myself up and the plug slid in.

" Oh yes Edward you suck so good" Luke moaned as he began to pump the small rubber ball device.

The buttplug which was only just penetrating my arse, began to expand and I felt my tight hole being stretched open.The sensation was hard to describe, but all I know was it felt really good and my hard cock started to twitch in response, leaking precome which felt so pleasurable.

" Just say if it stretches you too much" he said

" No it feels really nice" I answered as Luke continued to squeeze the ball device.

Luke stopped pumping and reached into the bag once again.

" Want to try this one?" he asked.

Luke was holding in his hand an enormous looking cock shaped dildo, with a realistic looking cockhead and it even had heavy veins all the way down the thick rubber shaft. It looked bigger than Lukes cock which was saying something but I was feeling so horny by now that I was willing to try anything.

" Yes OK, but go careful with that thing" I said

I felt the buttplug deflate as Luke released the air valve and then the buttplug slipped out of my arse with a wet, sloppy sound. He went through the same ritual with the huge rubber dildo, by applying a condom and some lubricant to it.

" OK ready?" he asked as he moved the dildo between my legs.

" Yes" I answered

" Just try and relax and say if it hurts too much"

I spread my legs wider and clamped my lips tighter on Lukes cock and tried to concentrate on sucking his gorgeous cock, trying not to think of the enormous dildo about to enter my arse.I felt the huge head probing at my hole and pushed my muscle to open myself up. I felt the head sliding into me and was amazed at the feeling of being stretched so wide and yet there wasn't much pain, just a slight discomfort but nothing like I had felt when Paul had fucked me in the sauna.

I felt the huge dildo sliding further into me as Luke gently pushed it some more. I was waiting for the sudden, sheer pain to kick in but amazingly it didn't and so Luke continued to push the dildo deeper. Then I started to feel strong pressure in my bladder like I had with Paul which felt like I was going to piss everywhere.

" Feel OK" Luke asked looking a little surprised and slightly concerned in a funny sort of way.

I removed his cock from my mouth.

" Yes it isn't hurting but it feels like I'm going to piss myself"

" Yes that's your prostrate being stimulated" Luke explained

I felt Luke pushing some more and something seemed to give inside me and then Luke laughed and looked at me with an amazed look on his face

" You've actually taken the whole length Edward" he said with surprise.

I couldn't have imagined ever taking anything as big as this dildo in my arse, but apparently I had and more to the point apart from a very slight discomfort I hadn't felt any pain at all.

" You are kidding me" I said

" No I'm not you've taken the whole ten inches" Luke replied

I was shocked but most of all really excited and pleased that I had managed to take the whole dildo and knew now that I would be able to enjoy feeling Lukes lovely big cock deep inside my arse.

" Well it looks like we can enjoy a nice fuck together then" I said to Luke, sounding a little bit over confident.

" Yes indeed if you would really like that"

" Oh yes please I want you to fuck me with your gorgeous big cock" I moaned, not sure where these vivid words and cocky attitude had come from, but it didn't matter I just wanted Luke's cock now.

I watched as Luke moved down the bed and positioned himself between my spread legs. As I prepared myself for Lukes cock I suddenly relised he hadn't taken a condom from the bag. Had he forgotten? which was unlikely or was he fully intending to fuck me bareback. I wanted to remind him about the condom but then the thought of him fucking me naturally and also feeling him spurting his come deep inside me was a temptation I couldn't resist. So I said nothing as I felt Lukes cock nuzzling against my well lubed bum hole.

I pushed my arse muscle to open myself up and as Luke pushed I felt his cock sliding into me. The buttplug and huge dildo had certainly done a good job as Luke eased his whole length into me in one smooth stroke. There was hardly any discomfort at all, in fact it felt really pleasurable as Luke muscular thighs pressed against my raised bum and his whole cock was buried deep inside me. Luke let out a low moaning sound and as I looked up at him his eyes were closed and the expression on his face was pure ecstacy. He slowly withdrew his cock and just as the head felt like it was going to slip out he plunged it in deep once again, harder this time making me cry out with pleasure. We were both moaning loudly now and Luke got into a nice steady rhythm, easing his cock back and plunging it deep over and over and I was amazed at the amount of precome that was leaking out of my cock. I reached down and started to wank myself slowly as Luke continued to thrust his huge cock into me. I knew we wouldn't be able to keep this up for long before one or both of us spurted our come. I started wanking faster feeling the familiar tingling sensation telling me I was getting close. His huge length was stimulating me inside in a way I could never have imagined and then as he plunged harder into me his breathing and moaning increased.

" Edward I'm going to come" he gasped

" Yes go on come Luke, I'm nearly there too" I moaned in reply, pumping my cock harder and faster.

I felt Lukes thighs tense up and he started to tremble and I felt his cock swell up inside me and at the same moment I started to come. A split second after my orgasm started Luke gripped my legs and with one final thrust of his cock I felt his hot come spurting inside as my own come landed on my stomach and some even hit me in the face and I couldn't remember ever experiencing such an intense orgasm and as Luke's cock continued to spurt I felt a feeling of pure contentment.

Luke's cock eventually began to soften inside and with a wet, slurping sound he withdrew himself from my well used arse.

We both lay side by side on the bed, both of us totally exhausted from the very quick fuck we had just enjoyed. It only seemed to last for about five minutes but that didn't matter as we both seemed totally satisfied. We lay on the bed for a while, hardly saying a word as we caught our breath. Eventually I managed to ease myself off the bed and grabbed a couple of towels from the airing cupboard so we could clean ourselves off.

" Can't believe how good that was" Luke said as he started to get dressed.

" Yes I never really thought I would be able to manage your cock Luke" I replied.

" Well you sure did but didn't it hurt at all?"

" No, in fact it felt really nice"

" Well I hoped you enjoyed it as much as I did" Luke said

" Well I can't remember ever coming so strongly before" I replied

" Yes your come spurted everywhere" Luke replied with a smile.

We both got dressed and made our way downstairs where we sat in the kitchen and had a coffee together. We arranged to keep in touch and exchanged mobile numbers and I wondered why Luke was apparently so interested in meeting up again, after all a young good looking guy like him could surely do a lot better than an old guy like me.

Luke finished his coffee and said he should be going and said he would ring me soon. I saw him to the door, we said goodbye and he left.

Next: Chapter 4

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