The Lifeguard

By edward peters

Published on Apr 20, 2006


After my first ever gay experience with Luke, the young lifeguard I went through a period of denial, which lasted for about three to four weeks. I felt that what I had done was wrong and it got to the stage where I felt ashamed and in a way, disgusted with myself for being so easily lead astray. I regretted what had happened and now I was trying to cope with it as best as I could. But the constant urges and vivid memories of that encounter with Luke were proving very difficult to ignore. I realised how miserable I was making myself and knew I had to either get over it or pursue it further, after all life was too short. Eventually after all the worrying and stressing I came to the decision that I had to live with the fact that I was bisexual and in a way I was relieved that I could actually accept this.

I did eventually go back to the swimming pool where I had met Luke but unfortunately he wasn't working that day. I went back a few more times and still no Luke and I did wonder whether he had quit his job and moved on. I did see the chubby guy that had been in the shower room room with Luke but for obvious reasons I couldn't ask him whether Luke still worked at the pool. The only way of finding out about Luke's whereabouts was to ask one of the other lifeguards, but I realised that would only arouse suspicion as to why I was interested. I was quite dissapointed because I felt ready to explore my bi sexuality further and with Luke seemingly unavailable I didn't have a clue on how I could do this.

It was the internet that provided the opportunity to explore things further. I found a website where you could contact guys in your area, which had chat rooms and message boards where gay and bi men could arrange to meet up with each other. It was while I was reading the message boards that I noticed a lot of these guys seemed to visit a particular gay sauna called " Flamingos". Apparently if you were looking for horny sex with other guys this was the place to visit, judging by some of the comments made. There was an address and phone number for anyone interested in visiting and when I realised it was only about two miles away from where I lived I thought it may be a good idea to visit this place. The only concern I had was there was a possibility that if I did go to this place and with it being so local I might see guys there who I knew and that would be so embarrassing. I wondered how I would react if I saw one of my work colleagues or even someone who used the same bar as me and I knew I wouldn't be able to handle a situation like that. But the idea of visiting a gay sauna did seem the perfect way for me to satisfy my constant urges and so I decided to search for other saunas in neighbouring towns where I was less likely to bump into someone that I knew.

I found another sauna which was in a town about twelve miles away and again after reading other guys experiences at this place I decided that I would go there. I thought it would be best to go there one afternoon on a weekday when it wouldn't be too crowded hopefully, which might be a bit overwhelming for my first time there. I jotted down the address and phone number and made a decision to visit this place the following afternoon. The opening times were from 11 am to 11 pm and on weekends they stayed open until 2am in the morning which I guessed was when it was fairly busy. I couldn't really believe that I was going to visit a place like this and tried not to think about it too much as I knew this would only instill doubts in my mind and I would end up not going.

The next day after a few moments of indecision, I went to the sauna as planned and after a twenty minute drive, followed by another twenty minutes finding somewhere to park the car, I finally arrived at the place. There was a buzzer on the front door and a camera looking down from above and after pressing the buzzer it took a few seconds before I heard the lock. I pushed gently on the door and it opened so I stepped inside.

" Good afternoon" came a voice over to my right.

I turned and in the very dim light I could see this freaky looking guy, with spiky, blonde hair standing behind a of reception desk. I walked over to him and as I got closer I noticed the face jewellry and heavy makeup he was wearing and he looked like a throwback from the punk era. He wasn't a particular welcoming sight and already I was getting bad vibes about this place.

" Your first time here?" he asked, in a slightly camp voice, as he looked me up and down

" Yes it is" I answered

" OK Well it's 10 and that gives you access to all the facilities and there is no limit on how long you wish to stay" he explained.

I fumbled in my pocket for the money and handed it over to him

" So what facilities have you got here" I asked

He handed me a leaflet, which I started to browse through

" If you'd like to make your way inside, there's a bar where you can get a drink and read through the leaflet" He suggested.

I took his advice and after thanking him I made my way to the bar area. The first thing I noticed was the smell, stale beer combined with cigarette smoke and also a strange musky, almost unclean aroma. I walked over to the bar where there were about five or six other guys, all enjoying a drink and chatting amongst themselves. It reminded me of one of those dingy, nightclubs I used to frequent in my younger days.

As I ordered a beer I noticed one of the guys at the bar looking over at me. I glanced in his direction and he smiled and started walking towards me.

" Hi you are new here" he said

He was dressed casually, about six foot tall and very thin and didn't really come across as gay, which was a good thing for me as the camp, affected mannerisms that some gay guys seemed to adopt was very offputting to me.

" Hi yes it's my first time here" I replied.

" Paul" he announced offering me his hand

" Edward " I answered and we shook hands.

" A virgin then" he said, looking at me and smiling.

" Well I suppose you could put it that way"

" Gay or bi?..or maybe you are just curious? which is it?"

This guy was very direct, but why shouldn't he be, after all everybody in this place was probably looking for the same thing.

" Bi really, well I've tried it once and so I'm not really sure" I answered, starting to feel a little embarrassed.

" Well did you enjoy it?" he asked

" Yes I did"

" Well there you go then, that's all that matters and now I assume you want some more, otherwise why else would you be here?"

" Yes that's true" I answered,not sure of what else to say

" Well why don't I show you around?" he offered

" Yes OK"

I had no idea how to play this. Paul was obviously interested in having sex with me, but I was concerned as to what that would involve. I had only sucked and wanked Luke but maybe this guy would want more than that and that was quite scary to think about.

" The film studio is the best place to start, we can watch some porn and get into the mood" he suggested.

" OK sounds good to me"

I was trying to sound calm and relaxed, but inside I was as nervous as a kitten.

Paul lead me out of the bar area and down a corridor, then he opened one of the doors and we entered a very dark room. On one wall was a very large screen, showing a gay movie where a black guy was fucking this white guy and with the volume turned up very loud all I could hear was the white guy in the film, literally screaming as the black guy fucked him hard. Paul nudged my arm and as I looked at him, he nodded towards a row of seats, signalling me to sit down. We both sat at the end of the row and as I glanced around the room I could see there were quite a few other guys watching the film. Paul moved close to me and whispered in my ear.

" Take your cock out" he said

I felt so horny by now that his suggestion was easy to comply with and so I undid my trousers and fumbled inside my undies and took out my hard cock. He grabbed my cock and started to slowly, wank me off.I watched the film as this total stranger moved his head down into my lap and took my cock into his mouth.He began to suck me and I looked around to see if anyone could see what we were doing. There was a guy who I hadn't noticed before and he was seated at the other end of the row we were in. I could see his hand pumping up and down and rather than watch the film, he was looking over at us instead. As my cock was expertly sucked by Paul I looked over at the other guy and whether he took this as a signal I wasn't sure, but he stood up and started to walk along the row towards me and Paul. I could feel my heart beating fast as this guy came right up to where I was sat. He was still holding his hard cock and I watched as he pointed it towards my face. It was obvious what he wanted and I obliged him by moving my head forward and I started to lick the tip of his wet, hard cock.His cock was uncut and about six to seven inches in length with a very thick girth. He continued to wank, sliding the wet foreskin all the way over the head and there was a lot of precome leaking out, which tasted quite strong and I could also smell the strong aroma coming from his cock. I don't know how long he had been wanking before Paul and me came into the cinema, but judging by the way he was thrusting his hips and wanking faster now, I guessed that he was probably very close to coming. I clamped my lips tightly around his cockhead, and with Paul slurping away on my cock it was a very horny feeling and I was more than ready for this guy to shoot his hot come into my mouth. Paul seemed oblivious to the fact that this other guy had joined us or maybe he was just used to this sort of thing happening here. The guy I was sucking, started to wank faster and faster and as I felt his cock swell in my mouth I knew what to expect. He started to spurt his come and he seemed to go on forever, spurting more and more hot come into my mouth which I willingly started to swallow. This guy certainly came a lot and I wondered if he was ever going to stop, it felt like he was pissing the stuff into my mouth and it tasted really strong and tangy, but eventually he finished and casually removed his cock from my mouth. He zipped himself up, turned around and walked away, back down the row of seats and out of the cinema.

I was a bit taken aback by this guys cheek, how he had simply walked over and offered his cock to be sucked, then after coming in my mouth he just walked away without a word of thanks or anything, but then again it was this openness and relaxed attitude to having sex with total strangers that made this place seem so appealing.

Paul stopped sucking me and once again leaned in close and spoke in my ear

" Better not make you come too soon, there's other places you must try out here" he said.

He stood up and I quickly did my trousers back up and followed Paul out of the cinema wondering where he was taking me.

Paul gave me a full tour of the whole place, showing me everything including a jacuzzi, a shower room and a sauna room where three guys were indulging themselves in what Paul explained to me later was commonly known as a 'spitroasting'.There was one guy on his hands and knees who was sucking one guy off while another guy fucked him from behind. What struck me as odd was that neither of the three guys took any notice of me and Paul as we entered the sauna and they just carried on having sex. We left the sauna and after Paul showed me around the rest of the facilities which included a gloryhole room, a sling room and even a scary place which was aptly called the dungeon. Paul described what went on in each of the rooms and I had to admit the gloryhole sounded very inviting. I could just imagine how horny it would be to suck cock after cock through the hole without seeing the guy you were actually pleasuring.

" There's also a few private cubicles where you can go if you don't want an audience " Paul said.

" That sounds more like my sort of thing to be honest" I answered

" OK let's go and have a shower first and then we can find somewhere quiet" he suggested

We both stripped off in the changing area and strangely enough I didn't feel particularly awkward or embarrassed at undressing in front of another guy as I thought I would have. My cock was fully erect and when I saw Paul naked my eyes were immediately drawn to his lovely, looking cock. He was quite hairy but fairly well endowed and uncut. His cock wasn't hard and hung down between his legs and the foreskin completely covered his cockhead . Straight away he started to masturbate and very soon his cock was fairly stiff and looked very inviting.

" Shall we get in the shower then? " he asked

" Yes OK " I answered

" There should be some clean towels in the locker behind you" hesaid

I opened the locker and took out two towels, offering one of them to Paul as I followed him into the shower cubicle.There were five showers in alarge open area and Paul turned two of them on and adjusted them to the right temperature. There were bottles of shower gel provided and we both got under the showers and started to wash ourselves down. Before long Paul started to soap my body for me and I followed his lead by soaping him down.

" Turn around Edward" he said

I did as he said and felt his hands on my bottom, squeezing and soaping my bum cheeks and then I felt his hand slide between my legs and his soapy fingers started to probe around my tight hole. I jumped suddenly as I felt him slide a soapy finger inside me. He took me by surprise but as he continued to use his finger on me and I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck as he rubbed up against me.

" You ever been fucked Edward?" he asked.

I tensed up immediately, scared at where this seemed to be going. I could feel him spreading my tight, virgin hole wider as he continued to finger me.

" No I haven't" I answered

" Would you like to try, I'll take it very slow and gentle" he said into my ear as he pressed tighter against me. I could feel his hard cock against my bum and I just didn't know what to do. He was coming on very strong and I didn't want to upset him in case he got nasty and I couldn't understand how the situation had changed so dramatically.

" Paul I'm not sure about this, I've never even thought about doing stuff like this before" I said, hoping he would get the message that I was reluctant to let him fuck me.

" Hey, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he replied as he removed his finger from my arse.

" Sorry it's just a big step for me and I don't think I could manage your cock like that"

But realising that Paul hadn't intended to force me into it, started to make me curious as to what it would feel like. His finger seemed to slide in easy enough and didn't hurt but just felt a little bit uncomfortable.

" Doesn't it hurt?" I asked

" The secret is to try and relax and not to tense your arse muscle too much" he explained

I reached behind me and took hold of his hard cock. I wasn't sure why I was doing this but I pushed my bum out and rubbed it against Paul's hard cock.

" Do you want to try?" he asked

" Yes" I grunted, suddenly feeling so aroused at the thought of being fucked in my tight arse.

" Might be better if we go to one of the private cubicles, there's lube and condoms there"

We found an empty cubicle which could be locked from the inside so that we wouldn't be disturbed. Paul suggested I get onto the small bed as he searched through one of the cupboards next to the bed. He seemed to find what he was looking for and turned towards me.

" If you get up on your hands and knees I'll lube you up" he said

I did as he said, feeling vulnerable yet extremely horny as I exposed my bum to him. I felt his wet, slippery fingers rubbing the cold lubricant all around my tight hole, then I felt his fingers slide inside as he opened me up.I tried to relax as best I could which wasn't easy as Paul continued to finger my hole. I couldn't see what he was doing but could hear him opening something which I assumed was a condom to put on his cock. Then I felt his hands on my hips, pulling me towards him.

" Just relax and see how it feels" he said

I could feel something hot and hard nuzzling against my lubed hole and prepared myself for his cock. It felt huge and as he pushed against my arse I just couldn't relax and as I tensed up I knew I wouldn't be able to take his cock

" I know it's not a very nice thought, but try and imagine you are going to the toilet" he suggested

" How do you mean" I asked

" If you push with your arse muscle as if you were taking a dump, it will open you up"

His graphic description didn't exactly sound very arousing, but I did as he suggested and as I pushed I suddenly felt his cock enter my arse.

" Oh fuck...gently, please" I gasped as I felt the sharp, searing pain as his cock spread my arse wide open. I could hear Paul breathing heavily now and the pain in my arse was almost unbearable. It felt really uncomfortable and I had no way of telling how much of Paul's cock was inside my arse but at least he wasn't forcing it and he kept still, letting me get used to the strange sensation of being opened up by his cock

" How much is in there" I asked, straining with the dull pain.

" Just my cockhead" he answered

It felt like a lot more and I was having grave doubts that I would be able to take his whole length.But the initial sharp, stabbing pain was beginning to ease, turning into a numbing, dull sort of ache. I was trying to relax my muscles and determined as I was to experience being fucked for the first time I gently pushed backwards against Paul's hard cock. I could feel more of his cock sliding into me and encouraged by the fact that the pain didn't increase I kept pushing .

" Oh yes Edward, that's it you've almost taken it all" Paul gasped.

His words only spurred me on and I pushed some more until I felt my bum pressed tight against him and I knew I had his whole length deep inside my arse. It didn't feel pleasurable, just very uncomfortable but it felt so arousing and in a way excitingly dirty that I was being fucked in the arse by another guy.Paul began to gently, slide his cock back out, then slowly in again so that he was now fucking me properly and I just kept totally still, willing to let him use me like this. The uncomfortable feeling of being full to the brim didn't really go away and as Paul began to increase the pace a little I felt as if I was about to piss all over the bed. The only way to describe the full feeling was when you need to take a dump and that just didn't bear thinking about at this moment. I tried to ignore the discomfort and concentrate on giving Paul pleasure hoping it wouldn't be too long before he spurted his come .

Paul's hands gripped my hips tighter and now he was thrusting harder and faster into my arse, the discomfort had gone slightly replaced by a sheer numbness as Paul fucked me hard.

" Oh fuck yes I'm nearly there" he gasped

I started to push back to meet his thrusts wanting him to come and then I heard him gasp out loud and his cock tensed and jerked in a spasm inside me and I knew he was coming. I wondered what it would have felt like to feel his come spurting inside without the condom, but knew that was a risk not worth taking. Feeling his cock twitching and jerking inside me was actually quite a pleasurable sensation and I wasn't sure whether I was going to pee or come myself. But neither of those happened and when Paul slid his cock from my well fucked arse I felt a rush of sheer satisfaction that I had actually achieved what I had initially thought impossible.

" Think we both may need another shower now" Paul said and both of us started to laugh.

Just as I had with Luke with my first gay experience, I didn't feel let down or frustrated that I hadn't come myself and actually, providing the pleasure was proving to be a big turn on for me. After sucking the guy off in the cinema room and now with Paul having fucked me in the arse I realised there was no turning back now. I was hooked and loving every horny minute of it and had to accept this new found bi sexuality, whether I liked it or not.

Paul and I took another shower together and even when Paul offered to wank me off as a thankyou I told him it was'nt really necessary if he didn't really feel like it as I had enjoyed what we had done together and my satisfaction could wait for another time. I realised then that I had said exactly the same thing to Luke after sucking his lovely, huge cock to completion.We got dried and dressed and I said to Paul that I had better be off as I wasn't sure how much time I had left on the parking meter. We shook hands in the bar and I left the sauna. On the way out the young, camp door attendant smiled knowingly at me as I walked by.

" Did you have a nice time" He asked

" Yes thanks" I answered, still feeling the numb sensation in my arse as a reminder of the hot, horny time I had enjoyed.

" See you again then" he said

" Yes I think you probably will"

We said goodbye and I walked out of the sauna and made my way to my car.

Next: Chapter 3

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