Life Wheel

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Mar 23, 2008


THE LIFE WHEEL by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on October 1, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by The Australian


"THE LIFE WHEEL" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 12 - Luca 3 and Matteo 9


I became an activist of the Arci-gay in my school.

I've no more problems letting my family know that I'm gay. In fact they just discovered it and there has been an uproar and months of a real mess. Now there is a kind of armed truce.

All happened because of Sergio. I don't know if I should hate or thank him.

Sergio is a boy one year younger than me. He lives on the third floor in our building. He is a really beautiful boy and I like him. I had been hanging out with him for some time, hoping I could have a session or two with him. Once, when I went to the cellar to get my motor scooter, I met him. He was there in the corridor of the cellars and asked me if I would let him do a tour on my moped.

I asked him, "And what are you giving me in exchange?"

He starts saying - Comics; and I - no. I will let you play with my video games. I told him that they didn't interest me. The trading continued until he surrendered and asked me what I would like in return.

I told him to come to my cellar and locked he door. I looking him straight in the eye, and said that there was one thing he could do for me and I groped his basket.

He giggled, "Do you want me to wank you?" he asked.

We lowered our trousers and we wanked each other, then I let him on a tour on my moped.

Successive times when he saw me go to the cellars, he came after me and said, "Let's do like the last time." But this time I told him I wanted a blow-job.

At first he didn't want to but he finally accepted. After four or five times doing it (just to get a ride on the moped) he had learned to do it quite well without making me feel his teeth and moving his tongue agreeably. Compared to mine, he still had a small dick

He had a very nice little ass too, so one day, after we lowered our trousers and he sucked me for a while, I told him, "Stand up and turn, I want to fuck your nice arse."

"No, not in the arse. I'm not a faggot!" he protested.

"But I want your arse. Turn around, go on!" I said and forced him to turn.

He resisted a little but I felt he was not putting up any serious resistance. He is a little smaller than me but if he really didn't want it, he could have easily stopped me. So I made him turn, placed it between his buttocks and started to push. He continued to say he didn't want and tossed and turned just a little, but I could feel myself starting to slip inside his hole when he again said "No, no stop it", but I was really excited and pushed more and more, until I finally started to fuck him. It was a real pleasure. As he tossed under me my pleasure was just increased until I came. I took his dick in my hand and he started to spur immediately.

After I pulled out and started to dress, he said in a very irate tone, "You're a pig, you're a bastard, you're a fucked faggot!"

"Come on! You to liked it. You came in my hand."

"I'll tell my father what you did me."

"Don't be a turd. You gave me plenty of blow-jobs so if I'm a faggot, you are too".

"It's just your word against mine, about the blow-jobs."

"And it's just your word against mine, about the fuck."

"No, because my Dad will take me to the hospital and they will find your spunk in my ass, and you are fucked, because you're older than me. Get informed, you piece of shit!"

"If you tell, I'll beat the shit out of you. If you don't act like a bastard you can use my moped."

"Shove your moped up your ass bastard faggot." the little bastard said as ran away.

I tried to call him back but he had vanished. He ran upstairs to his home. He really told his father who at once went to tell my father who didn't even ask me if it was true or not. He just thrashed me so much that I had to go to school with a black eye and bruises all over my body. Happily my mates couldn't see them because they were covered by my clothes. Back at home my father started to beat me again and to tell me the most horrible things. This episode went on for several days and got so bad that I planned to run away.

One evening while my father was again thrashing me with punches and kicks, my mother came into the room with a knife in her hand and said him, "Now you stop, Salvatore. If you dare touch this son of mine again, I'll kill you"! One could see in her eyes that she really was ready to do it.

My father said, "But what? You defend him? He is a filthy faggot and you defend him? And you still call him your son?"

Then, and I really didn't believe my ears, my brother Franco intervened and said, "Mum is right. Even if Luca is a faggot, it's not his fault. One is born that way, they don't choose to be that way. If he is born a faggot, it's you who made him a faggot, Dad. Let him in peace or I'll call the Police, understand?"

My father stormed out of the room, slammed his bedroom door behind him and locked it.

After that day Dad didn't talk to me any more. If he needed to say something to me, he would say to anyone near, " Tell your son", or "Tell your brother". He never addressed me or called me by name. I never talked to him either but at least he didn't touch me any more.

When we were alone, Franco asked me if I really was a faggot and I told him that I was. He asked me how can I be sure about it and if I really understood what it meant. Then he told me that he did such things with his mates when he was younger but now he digs only girls. So I told him everything about me.

When I had finished telling him everything, he caressed my hair and said, "Yes, you possibly are as you say but nothing changes between us, Luca, you are always my little brother and I like you. Just be careful, as there are bastard men out there that take advantage of kids. If you have any problems, you know you can always count on me. And on Mum too, but don't talk to her about these things. I'm a man and can understand you better."

I didn't talk to my sisters about it, but they are with me as always. So, in a sense, the only one who is isolated at home is only Dad. After all he looked for it.

Now, when Sergio sees me, he avoids me.

I felt free and went to the address I had, at the central Arci-gay. There I met a hunk, his name is Leo. He is the city coordinator of all the Arci-gay groups in the schools. I think that he is the one who founded the group in my high school! He is a heartthrob. Twenty-three and really likeable. He is a university student.

He explained every thing to me about my rights, about the laws, what I have to avoid and plenty of other useful pieces of information. Then he introduced me to the person responsible for our school. I already knew him by sight but until then I never had the guts to tell him I'm gay.

I would have liked making love with that Leo, but when he understood what I had in mind, he told me he already had a boyfriend, so doing anything with him was out of the question. Never mind! Gianni, the one responsible for our school is already in the second year. He is likeable but he is not really my type.

When my classmates came to know that I was in the gay group, some of them snubbed me but the majority didn't care and I felt that the girls liked me more than before probably because they know that I will never bother them so they have nothing to fear from me. Anyway, I can say that I now feel a lot better, because I can be myself without hiding. I don't need to make dirty talk about cunts with my school mates just to hide the fact that I'm gay.

It seems that the teachers didn't change towards me either. Now it is my brother Franco who comes at the teacher-parents meetings. He has taken the position of being my guardian. It is not that he signs my justifications or marks away so easily. He makes me toe the line but at least I know he loves me and he accepts me as I am.

The last time Lino came home on leave he brought another sailor with him, a friend of his. After mutual agreement we had a foursome - a real orgy but that sailor smoked grass and I really didn't like that. Leo told me to avoid that shit. Anyway Dario, (the other sailor) when he is in bed, is fantastic, he really is a wizard!

At the central Arci-gay I met two boys and at times I go with them. One is Mario and is nineteen. He works as a baker so when I have sex with him his skin tastes the flour. The other one is Domenico, he is twenty-one and works at the RAI in a program for children. Domenico once took me to see how they broadcast their program, and I was amazed when two of his colleagues asked him, as if the most natural thing in the world, if I was his boyfriend!

If I had to make a choice between Mario and Domenico, I wouldn't be able. They are so different and I like each of them for different reasons. Well, the ideal would be a guy with Mario's body and Domenico's personality. After I met them, I'm seeing less and less of Renzo.

I would like to find a steady boyfriend, one with whom there is not just a good fuck but also love like Leo loves his boyfriend. I saw them together a couple of times. Besides that Leo's boyfriend is beautiful, one of those beauties you could die for, you can see they are in love. Gianni says that at the right moment I will meet the right guy and that being just fifteen I would be better off enjoying my life as it was.

I met Mario at the pub of the Arci-gay, downtown. As soon as he saw me he asked me, "I saw you with Leo. Are you too gay?"

"Yes, and you?"

"I am too. I was looking at you and I like you. Would you like to come with me?"

I hadn't expected such a straightforward and simple question and I looked at him in surprise then asked, "Now? Where?"

"Why not? I know a good place nearby."

So we went. We went to a pub and he said something in the ear of the cashier, who looked at me (and I felt myself blushing like a tomato) and shook his head saying no. We so went out and Mario said, "They have a small room upstairs and he always let me use it, but he said that as you are still a minor he don't want to take a risk. What a pity! But I've possibly another chance. Come along, follow me."

He took me at a fun-fair. I asked him why we went there. We couldn't possibly do it on a merry-go-round! He burst in laughter and told me that he knew two gay cousins working there, with whom he sometimes has sex, and that he hoped they would let us use their caravan. They were one in about twenty-five and the other in his thirties. Mario went to talk with the one who was at the ticket window of the bumper cars and the man nodded his assent and gave him a key.

So Mario took me to a caravan. We went in and locked the door. There was an undone bed. We undressed and I was agape. Mario revealed a fabulous body that one wouldn't guess was under his clothing. I started to kiss it and to suck his nipples I felt that faint taste of flavour he often has on him, that I found odd but not unpleasant. Mario loves sixty-nines. He is skilled at sucking it, sometimes enjoying himself for over an hour, and makes you come in a way that if my mouth was not busy with his cock I would have shouted my pleasure out loud. However, besides his breathtaking beauty and his wonderful blow-jobs, he had nothing much more to offer.

I met also Domenico at the Arci-gay, after watching the film "Torch Song Trilogy". A really great movie that made me cry. While we were leaving he came close to me and asked, "Did you enjoy the film?"

"Yes, a lot."

"Who did you like better of the three main actors?"


"I see. Are you busy, now?"


"May I offer you something at the bar?"

"Yes, thank you."

"Not here at the Arci. There is another bar I like better. I've the car, will you come?"

"Is it far?"

"Not really. And anyway afterwards I'll take you wherever you want."

We went to that bar, a nice place on two levels and on the upper floor we were the only patrons. After the waiter gave us our drinks and left, Domenico placed his hand on my thigh and said, "Do you know that I like you, Luca?"

I didn't think he was handsome, but he was likeable and in some ways attractive. The warmth of his hand on my thigh was giving me a hard-on.

He said, "I would like to get to know you better. Would you like to meet again?"

"Yes... Are you in hurry, now? If you like, I've some more free time."

"We can stay here some more. I would like to show you my place, but at this time, I have a cousin at my place. She will be here for a couple of days."

We remained there and chatted and his hand was caressing my thigh but he didn't bring it to touch me where I hoped it would. We then heard somebody coming upstairs and he took away his hand.

Three days later, as we had agreed, he came to wait for me out of my high school. He took me to his place. There was a tiny entrance room, a living room with a kitchen corner, a bedroom with a king size bed and a bathroom.

I asked him, "Was your cousin sleeping with you?"

"No, she slept in the living room, on the sofa-bed. I would never go to bed with a woman, not even to just to sleep."

"Do you have a steady boyfriend?"

"No, none at present. And you?"

"Just two or three friends."


"Yes, we make love, at times."

"And... would you feel like... becoming an intimate friend with me too?"

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't, don't you think?"

So he took me to his bed. As I said he was not entirely ugly but not entirely handsome either. Regardless, he has a beautiful dick and above all he is very, very, very skilled at making love. Domenico, even without talking, is making me understand something. When you make love, if all you care above is making the other enjoy it, you too will enjoy it a lot more because your mate will be more involved and that fucking is more than just a mechanical thing.

Domenico has some gay films he compiled taking parts of commercial porno films and putting them together, cutting and gluing, choosing some close-up views he does using a zoom, and adding a sound track. He has all the electronic equipment and the result is really good. He showed me then the original films he used. The result is much better, as he cut the more porno scenes and made it more romantic. I really like Domenico.


Marco started to do some temporary teaching in high schools. Firstly in a technical institute, then in a scientific one. He likes teaching and, as I guessed, he does it well. Of course up to now he has worked only a few weeks, but even so he gets a score so that eventually he will accumulate enough points to get a steady place, as I did.

In November I asked for some leave days from my school so that, along with with Marco, who didn't have to work, Leo and Tony, we all went to Denmark for Kaj and Arne's wedding. It was a simple but moving ceremony. There was also Kaj's older brother with his wife and two children, and Arne's parents and two of his brothers.

On the way back we stopped in Germany to meet Stefano. All four of us were guest in the beautiful Kurt's villa. The man welcomed us warmly even though, because of his work, we saw little of him. We on the contrary met and spent a lot of time with Kurt's son, Karl. He is twenty-six years old, handsome, tall, a blond Viking with an athletic body, and very likeable. I can understand that Stefano is falling in love with him.

Also Stefano in these years grew up in a handsome young man. He got a full and interesting life with Kurt, who doesn't miss him nothing and fills him with affection. This is why Stefano, although he is in love with his son, doesn't not even give it a try with him. He said that Kurt doesn't deserve to be stabbed in the back. But I think it is a huge test being so close and intimate to Karl and lock inside his heart what he feels for him.

Kurt is divorced and lives there in the villa only with Stefano and his son Karl, with many servants. Karl has an attitude towards Stefano that seemed to me half way between the protective older brother and that of one that goes along with him as an amusements companion.

Stefano is really glad for Marco and me. He told us that he hopes he can sooner or later come to visit us.

Then we went back to Italy.

Back home we came to know that during our vacation Silvio and Marco had left each other. We felt really sorry. It was not because Silvio fell in love with another, in that case I would have understood better. Silvio just wanted to be free having all the adventures he desired without worrying about Mario and his reaction. I can't understand his attitude. So I said to Silvio he is just a real selfish person. Mario is shattered, of course. More than ten years together, apparently happy, completely destroyed in a breath!

Now Mario has to find a new job and a new home. He has to start everything from zero For the moment he is guest at Dino and Daniele's home. Silvio offered to help him with some money but Mario resolutely refused.

For the New Year's eve, we organized a party here at our home with all our friends. It was really enjoyable. Only Silvio was missing. We invited him too, but when we told him that Mario was going to be there, he opted not to come. At midnight we had to show all the others that we were wearing some red underwear. Leo and Tony, not wanting to waste the little money they had, dyed their briefs red. It was really touching.

In January Tony had another exhibition of his drawings and prints and he sold well. He's getting a name. His drawings are really beautiful and he deserves the success he is getting. Moreover, he and Leo will have less money problems. It is true that they never complained about having little money for such a long time. For instance they couldn't buy new clothes, and they were thankful for the fact that all of us for their birthday or Christmas etc, gave them as present of trousers, shirts and sweaters.

This year, amongst my new students in 1F there is a boy belonging to the gay group. His name is Luca Musumeci. As the family name suggests, he is of Sicilian stock, although he was born here in the north. Physically he is a purebred Sicilian. A lean, nimble body with almost feline movements and he is almost as tall as me. His hair is curled and of a quite dark brown, dark blue eyes of incredible depth, slightly olive-skinned of a rich and sensual nature and well chiselled lips. He always wears tight trousers, generously full under the fly. Although he is just sixteen, he is remarkably well built and different from his class mates in that he doesn't seem like a kid anymore. He could easily be a boy of eighteen, if it wasn't for the still velvety skin of his face.

Leo told me he met him and told me his family situation. I could understand why, at the teachers-parents meetings, always comes his elder brother. The older brother is a handsome boy, even though he is a little stocky, and it is evident they are brothers. He is likeable, he never told me about Luca being gay. He is really interested to his brother's studies, about his behaviour with a sincere affection and there is a remarkable maturity about him. When I heard from Leo how this brother behaved at home when his father was thrashing Luca, I felt an even stronger liking for him.

Luca, at school, seems to go well in the first months. When we gave the students the first term report, Luca had a good average, so, after reading his marks I congratulated him for his good results.

With a very serious expression Luca said, "You see, professor, a gay boy has to be twice good at what he does, or else nobody forgives him for being gay."

I looked at him and asked, "There is nothing to be forgiven if one is gay."

"I know. But try to tell that to... to certain people. If you are gay and smart, you can be tolerated but if you're gay and an ass, you're fucked. Not everybody is like you or my brother Franco, Professor."

I saw to it that Luca was well settled into the class. He has a generous personality and he always helps a companion in difficulty. I'll have to study him some more, but I like this boy. Physically he makes me think a little of Tony and for his character a little of Leo. He is not outstanding in the studies as was Marco or Leo, but he is a good boy none the less. He got an average of 7.5 out of 10. He writes good compositions and I made Marco read them and he liked them too.

As Marco currently has enough free time, he started to write a novel. I like his style, it is flowing, elegant, and you can read it all in one sitting. He analyses his characters well, and he will write without a pause, then re-read it, polishes it, and sits there satisfied, even if it is the first draft. He is really talented. I think he will not have any difficulty publishing it when he finishes it. He writes it directly to the computer so that all the corrections are easily made.

It is good living with Marco, really very good. He fills my life, makes it bright, worth being alive, full of taste and of colour. And full of love! To say I am happy being about him is an understatement.

One of the things I appreciate most about Marco is that he has kept the feeling of untouched freshness, his ability to be astounded, to enjoy simple things, to get enthusiast, to appreciate what life offers us and to find richness where other people would pass without even noticing it.

He lavishes all that and more when making love. It is really delightful making love with him. Even after five years, we haven't slipped into any routine, there is no sign of weariness. All the contrary! I am not able to express this in a good way, but with him each time it seems as if it is the first time. I mean, we now clearly know each other body far better than at the beginning of our relationship, but on an emotional level it is always like the first time. I know that our friends, besides Tony and a little of Leo, cannot understand us. Evidently in their relationships, in their love making it is not so. I am sorry for them but I'm feeling that Tony and Leo are becoming closer to us.

Leo is writing his graduation thesis and next Autumn or next February at most, he should graduate. He has just one more exam to pass. At times he seems somewhat tired, as he is always very busy, but he is contented. Looking at Leo and Tony one can understand the difference between a contemplative life (that of Tony, who anyway has a very lively personality) and an active life (that of Leo, who anyway has a very quiet personality) and it is fantastic seeing how two so impossibly different life styles and characters can perfectly integrate and harmonize with each other.

Marco and I, instead, have a much more similar life styles and characters, and we two fit perfectly together. Evidently both the life style and the character are less important when there is love. A true love.

Another difference between Tony and Leo and indeed all our other friends, is that we can quietly talk about such things as love and being understood. With the others it is not the case.

If, for instance I tell Lorenzo or Davide or Mario or others "I am the happiest man in the world thanks to Marco", they look at me with an absent expression and just say "Ah, good", and they change the subject. On the contrary it is evident that Leo and Tony are glad for me. Their eyes shine and they say "We can understand you perfectly, for us too it is as you say". I can feel that they share it, that they feel the same way.

Yes, I am the happiest man in the world, thanks to Marco.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 13

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