Life Wheel

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Mar 15, 2008


THE LIFE WHEEL by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on October 1, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by The Australian


"THE LIFE WHEEL" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 10 - Marco 7 and Luca 2.


Our tour to Abruzzi and Molise had been really great, not only because these two regions are not well-known, although filled with history, great monuments, beautiful landscapes and other interesting aspects, but also because Matteo and I could be together un-interrupted for a full month.

It was really beautiful not to have to share four or six hours each day but all twenty-four of them. It had been a month studded with special moment, such as with Matteo when he woke me in the dead of the night making me feel his desire, or when it was me who woke him kissing and caressing him all over or when we united in the full daylight in the middle of a field, hidden in the tall grass, caressed by the sun and fresh wind, forgetting everything and everyone.

Special moments, such as the time we went night fishing and when I thought nobody was looking started caressing Matteo between his legs and the young fisherman came and told us that it would be better if his mates didn't see us, as they would not understand. He guided us to another part of the vessel, where he told us he was going to look out for us and if anybody should come he would start singing. He winked at us and moved away a little so that we could make love in private.

When we landed we thanked Enzo, the young fisherman, and he told us that he too had a boyfriend. We are arranged to meet them for lunch. His boyfriend's name is Tano, and he is the porter at our hotel.

When we got back to Turin, we prepared a room for Arne and his boyfriend and prepared to meet them at the airport. We started to spend ten very agreeable days together. What I like the most about them was their ease about each other, they we're going about the apartment half naked, caressing and kissing in front of us with any shame, or any loss of dignity. It all seemed so natural, as they were truly in love.

Kaj is physically remarkable, he could have easily been a model. Judging from the generous swelling filling the front of his briefs, he was well endowed. Arne's personality fascinated me. He is a really sensitive, cheerful boy with precise ideas.

When I thanked him for what he had done for me, he said "Matteo is clearly in love with you, and by what he was telling me I got the impression you're the right person for him. I told him to stop raising problems that didn't exist and that he should finally tell you what his feelings were for you. Now I have met you and seeing you two together, I know that I did the right thing. You really seem to be made for each other. Just like two sides on the same coin".

Kaj will be promoted to an officer soon and he will be no longer compelled to live in the barracks so he can have his own personal apartment. He and Arne will get married in the City Hall and will live together. This news made me want to live with Matteo even more.

As soon as Kaj and Arne left, I decided to deal with the subject with Matteo and ask his advice. I told him that my only problem was that I didn't want to live off him. We talked about the possibility of applying for a University pre-salary. It is not a full salary but it will be enough to pay for my basic needs. How stupid of me not to have thought of that possibility before. He asked me how I proposed managing the situation with my parents and I told him that I would just tell the truth that they would understand and that it would be useless to pretend otherwise with them and that furthermore I was not ashamed of being his lover.

As I had guessed Mum reacted by just crying and sighing just the same as she had done when she discovered I was gay, and she felt like the unhappy victim. Dad, listened to me. Then said he couldn't understand me but that I was free to do as I liked. He told me he loved me, regardless. I tried for another two hours to explain to them the fact that my loving Matteo was something beautiful and right and that Matteo was an extraordinary person. They were not able to understand. Dad showed no signs of anguish, but he suddenly looked 10 years older. I was sorry about this, because I understood their suffering, but it was time to make it clear that I intended to live my own life.

Dad offered me some money, but I refused, saying that I would get by myself. And I explained it to him how I had applied for a pre-salary. Dad told me that I was never to forget that this was my home as well. What he really meant to say was that sooner or later, I would sort myself out, and understand the mistake I was making and could return home and be welcomed. Generous enough... but he had shown me that he understood nothing. If I were a daughter who is getting married, he would've said nothing alike.

So I took all my belongings and finally started to live with Matteo.

Naturally enough, we did need some running in. A practice run at living together and not just over a vacation period. Living with someone means learning a thousand small habits, their passions and dislikes and other things that are not apparent when living together part time. Above all it meant adapting to each other. Naturally, love helps to overcome these problems. I'm certain that within a few months, we will get used to this new life. I am certain that the positive and beautiful points far exceed the unavoidable initial frictions. I'm also certain it will work because Matteo has a sweet and obliging personality.

I sense that he is doing his best to make me feel at home, our home. Initially I couldn't help feeling that I was living in 'his apartment' but gradually started to feel as if it was 'our home'.

Through Gino and Lorenzo, we got to know another gay couple. They were Mario and Silvio. They have been living together for ten years. They were very likable, and it's good being with them. Silvio, even in a discreet way, tried to court me. I told him bluntly that Matteo and I were getting on very well, and that I was not interested in anyone else.

He never tried it again, and now behaves himself. From what I have understood Silvio and Mario sometimes enjoy the company of another person or a couple to have sex with. I think they possibly did it with Gino and Lorenzo, but I can't be sure. Anyway that doesn't concern me. What they did or do is their business.

It seems that Silvio, before being with Mario, was quite a pleasure seeker. I saw a picture of him when he was just twnty and compared it to some recent photographs. Now he is a really handsome and fascinating man. At that age, he had a face halfway between an urchin and an adult, but had a perfect body. I'm certain that he would never have to go searching for an adventure but in fact that men would chase him. However, one day he met Mario during a fashion show and for the first time he chased another and wind up being hooked by Mario. Ten years together, it's really great, about one third of a lifetime.

Now they own a computer workshop, and it seems that they are doing a very good business. Occasionally they have done some photographic modelling sessions for men's underwear. Now that I know them it makes me feel odd seeing them half naked in pictures in window shops.

I think that if Matteo happens to have sex with another it wouldn't be too bad for me, but if he asked me to do a threesome I would definitely say no. I think he thinks the same as me, so theoretically, the problem doesn't exist. I would be upset doing a threesome, because I would not be at all interested in a third man, and I wouldn't like another man to be touching my Matteo, to let someone share Matteo, or to look at Matteo having sex with another. This could be selfish of me, but after I've discussed it with him he said he feels exactly the same way, therefore, either we are both selfish or neither of us are selfish.

Now that we are living together, we have more time to spend with each other. So we share our activities even more than before. I help to prepare his lessons, and he helps me prepare for my exams. I think it would be wonderful becoming a teacher after my graduation, even though I don't think I could be as good a teacher as Matteo. He tells me that I can be even better than him, but I think he lacks objectivity, because he is too much in love with me.

My exams are going successfully, and in a little less than a year I will pass the graduation tests. I am already planning for my final thesis. I would like the subject matter to be about Italian futurists, but I'm not sure. Matteo would like me to do it on Pasolini, but I don't feel that attracted to the subject; just like all the rest, I work for my thesis with Matteo, and we will have to find a subject that my Professor will accept.

I don't think it would be all that bad, doing a subject allowing me to analyse homosexuality in literature. Doing it on Pasolini would allow that but I would like to range it over a wider field. I somehow feel that my professor would never accept such subject, as he is an orthodox Communist. The real Communists more narrow-minded about that subject than the traditional Catholics. They are homophobes of the highest order. Who knows why?

Tony is organizing his first one-man show. His drawings, especially those of the male nudes, are really beautiful. There is a remarkable elegance and sensuality about them. They are minimalist and exult male beauty with just a few strokes. He gave us one of these drawings on the day Matteo and I swapped our rings. On that occasion, we organized a lunch at home and we invited Leo and Tony, Mario and Silvio, Lorenzo and Gino. It was a simple ceremony, where we just swapped the rings before lunch and promised our mutual love.

Lorenzo took some pictures, and at times now, I thumb through them and feel the same emotion all over again.

Loving Matteo, feeling his love, is akin to sheer heaven.


If I thought my cousin Roberto had taught me to have real sex more so than in the kid's games we used to play, this year would see many extraordinary things. Somehow, I would feel totally different to the awkward kid that let Roberto deflower him when he was not even aware of the fact that two men could do such things.

Just for a start, after my cousin had explained to me about the parks, where one can cruise and get a quickie, I started to walk them and far wide hoping to find somebody, but possibly because it was winter, or because I could never get there by night, I never met anybody.

When I did find somebody, not really expecting to, I had been to the movies. I went to the parish church's theatre to see a film with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill. As usual, I went upstairs to the balcony. There were some free seats in the last row. After some minutes still sitting in the dark I saw a man in his 30s come and sit near me. I took no notice and continued to watch the movie; unexpectedly he brushed his leg up against mine, so I looked at him but he was just looking at the screen, so I thought he did it unintentionally and I just moved my leg. Soon I felt a hand on my thigh so I looked at him again and he was still looking at the movie. At that point I understood exactly what he wanted to do, so I didn't react until he reached for my fly and fingered me there. Immediately I got a hard on. I looked to see if any others in the same row could see us. To one side there were three empty seats, and then other people. They could possibly not see the hand of the guy feel me, but they could see when the scene on the screen became brighter. On the other side there was nobody.

The guy's hand started to travel upwards along my fly. I could feel his warm hand, arousing me even more. He started the fondle me, and hell did it feel good! He tried to undo my zip but I stopped him and whispered that others could see. He told me to put my coat over my lap.

I took my coat from the nearby seat and folded it over my lap to hide his inquisitive hand. He pulled at my hard dick and started to gently beat it. He unfolded the coat and covered his lap as well and took my hand and guided it under the coat between his legs and I felt that it was already out of his fly, hard and straight and so big it filled my hand. It was a real pleasure feeling it.

I was feeling trembles at these unexpected moves and was thinking it was a pity that we had to do it there without having the chance to undress. He was big and I would have liked to have seen it, touch it with both hands, or probably even lick it. The first part of the film was about to end. We readily tidied ourselves up just in time for the lights to be turned back on. My heart was beating violently.

Once the lights were on he said hello and we started to chat. He asked me how old I was and what my name was. He suggested we go to a quieter place to amuse ourselves. And of course I understood how he wanted to amuse himself with me. I accepted immediately. We left and got into his car and he drive until he entered a courtyard. He opened a small door, and I was led into the back room of a furniture shop, where there was a king size bed, which was not visible from the shop front. He asked me to help him make the bed using a light brown cloth, followed by bed sheets. He tell me that he always did this when he found a boy to have sex with so he wouldn't risk wetting the mattress when we came.

I asked him if he bought a lot of boys back here to fuck, and he told me that he bought back about two or three a week. He also told me that he was married and couldn't take them home. He told me that when the shop is shut we would be quite safe, as he was the only one with a key. There was nothing spectacular about his body, but his cock had me agape.

Roberto was more handsome than he, but this guy was far more skilled than Roberto.

He was about to fuck me, and even though he had put on a lot of Vaseline, it started to hurt. He was just too big. I must admit I liked the feeling of him being there but when he started to enter it hurt like hell, and I told him to stop. He said that I shouldn't get anxious about it and that we would probably succeed the next time around. We settled for 69 (he told me that was what was called) and when he came I nearly drowned, because there was so much he was spurting, but this was the first time I had come in my mouth and I really enjoyed it.

We made a date for three days later, although we met several times. I was never able to taking it, because it really was too big and was hurting every time we tried. Roberto never hurt me not even a little, but his dick was smaller, however, this guy's was so big that even just sucking it for a short while made my jaw got saw. I always enjoyed sucking it a lot, when he brushed it against me, or when he made me squeeze my thighs tight and pushed it between them and the balls and fucked me that why. My cock was prisoner between my thigh and his belly and was brushing against his pubes until I came without even beating.

Andy (his real man was Antenore, but he wanted to be called Andy) wanted to know if I was game to do it next time with another boy. I liked the idea and told him so. So the next time when I knocked on the shop back door he opened it and the other boy was already there. The boy's name was Renzo, and to look at him you would think he was shy, but in bed he was anything but shy. I was amazed to see how easily he was taking the huge cock of Andy's in his ass and how much he enjoyed it. I was fascinated to watch the ramrod going in and out between those spread little buttocks. Renzo pulled me to him and started to suck my cock. Then Andy wanted me to fuck Renzo's ass, and I sank into him like a finger into whipped cream. It was hot and amazing and it was my first ass that I had fucked. How good it felt!

When we left the furniture shop at about 9.00pm, we walked a distance together and chatted. Renzo told me that he had been having sex since he was 12, and not just the usual kids stuff I use to do just one year ago. No, he was doing EVERYTHING ! His elder gay brother had taught him (gay means faggot, I learned) and still fucks with him. His brother's name is Lino. He is twenty years old and is a sailor in the army and each time he is on leave, he comes back home and they have sex, secretly of course.

I met Renzo again the other day. He waited for me to go out of school. He studies languages at High School. He is very likable and in bed, nothing is not done, but he liked only taking it instead of doing both, because he is a bottom and will not stick his in anybody.

He liked me doing it so much to him that he suggested that we tell Andy to go fuck himself and that we only do it to each other. He told me that we were safe at his place because his mother was a nurse and worked from 3pm to 10pm. His father had abandoned them about six years ago and they had never seen him since. His elder sister got married last year and didn't live with them anymore.

Quite often after school I'd go to Renzo's place, read his gay magazines and quietly fuck using his Mother's king size bed and after finishing, straighten it up as if nothing had happened. Renzo told me that for my age, I had a really good sized dick and he liked how I used it. He was also very skilled at sucking it, so I was never really able to decide which I liked best, coming in his mouth or in his ass. In front of his Mother's bed was a closest with wide mirrors. I liked looking at our action.

My folks enrolled me in the 4th year of the junior Classical High School. It was there that something really interesting happened. In the school, there was a group of gay students that everybody knew about, as they had plastered posters all over the place and signed them with their names and their class! One of them was in junior 5C, 2 in senior 1B, 2 in 2E, 1 in 2C and two in 3A. I gradually singled them all out. I would like to go and talk with them and possibly even fuck with them but I am afraid my folks would eventually find out and make a mess of it all. The thought that an association like that existed pleased me a great deal. The posters announced that they organised debates, movie visits, various games and competitions, parties and shows that I would like to see. I wrote down the address and went to see where it was, but never dared enter.

When I told Renzo about it, he agreed that it wasn't worth the risk because my parents are Sicilian and they have very narrow views about such matters. It's true that they always check my sisters, where they go and who they see, but my brother is free to come and go as he pleases, possibly because he is older and has a girlfriend that he will probably marry next year.

One day when my brother Franco were home alone, he went to have a bath. I spied on him through the key hole. He stood in the tub soaping himself. I had a good view. He soaped his cock and pulled his skin back to clean it and started to get a hard on. He started to beat it and I got so aroused, I started to beat off too without taking my eye off my brother. Some show!

I thought how lucky Renzo was to be able to do it with his brother. I would have liked to do it with Franco, too, but unfortunately, he only likes girls. I never realised before how nice a cock Franco has. When he spurted, I came too. Luckily, I had my handkerchief with me or I would have made a mess all over the place. When Franco started drying, I left on tiptoes.

What a show! A live one at that! It was far more interesting than looking at Renzo's magazines. The day after I told Renzo about it and it gave him the idea that we should do it too, so we got into the tub and lathered ourselves and started sliding against each other making ourselves very horny. I grasped him from behind and fucked him using only the soap. It was really great!

Thanks to Renzo, I learned a lot more things because of his brother, because he knew a lot of tricks. For instance, he took me to a bar downtown where you find men who are willing to have sex with you as well as giving you a present. To tell the truth I haven't tried yet, because I haven't met a man who arouses me but you never know. The trick is quite simple, Renzo taught it to me. All that you had to do was go and sit at a free table and ask for an orange juice or something similar. Any man that is interested, would come and sit at your table. If you like him you just said yes and you had him hooked, and if you are lucky, he would offer you another drink. All you had to do is tell him you were bored, and you have spare time and would like the something amusing but didn't know what. The guy would then tell you that this place was boring for him as well and would want to know if you wanted to go to his place and the deal was sealed.

Renzo also took me to another place, at games hall where all the electronic gaming machines were on display. All you had to do was start playing until somebody came and if he was interested in you, he would offer a handful of tokens to go on playing. If you accepted sooner or later, he would lean against you and make you feel his hard-on and he would then say something like it's hot in here let's go outside or can I offer your drink at the pub, or someplace like that. If you go with him, sooner or later, he suggests you go to his place and again the deal is sealed.

I didn't really like electronic games, but Renzo said that in the games hall you could make younger people than in the bars. I sometimes went to the bars, though never met anybody interesting. So I think I'll have a try at the gaming hall again.

In May, Lino, Renzo's brother, came home on leave for more than a week. Renzo told him about me and Lino asked him to invite me to their place so that we could meet. When I got there, Lino was wearing shortened jeans and was bare chest. I admired him as he was really well-built.

"So you are Luca, my brothers little friend. You're young, but Renzo tells me that you're really well-developed and you are good at it. But do you like boys?"

"I really think I do. I have never tried with girls, but I'm not all that interested in trying with them."

"I've tried it with girls and I can tell you, it's really disappointing.

Between we boys, it's way better, believe me. Come here now a and let me find out what is hiding under your clothes.....Mmmhhh... I can feel you'r already hard and that's a good thing. My brother was absolutely right - you have a man's cock on a teenager body."

He started to tease me with a finger between my buttocks and I let him do it as I was enjoying it so much.

"You like it don't you? Wouldn't you prefer I put my cock there instead of my finger"?

"Only if yours is not too big." I said.

"It's the right size, don't worry. Let's all three of us get on Mum's big bed. You already know where it is, don't you Luca"?

Within moments, we will all stark naked. Lino was very well endowed. It had a good length and was not too thick. It was sticking straight out like a spindle, smooth and beautiful, surrounded by thick, dark hair, which narrowed to his navel. Underneath was hanging a beautiful ball sack. It was a really nice view, and good to handle. He let me play with it for a while, then slip all of it in my mouth, while Renzo sucked mine. Then Lino made his brother get on all fours and told me to fuck him.

Lino started to rim my back hole with his tongue, and it was so good I almost came. It was a first for me. Then Lino knelt behind me and fucked me, slipping it in to the hilt. All I felt was some minor irritation at the beginning, but soon I was enjoying it. It was a feeling to die for. So while I was fucking Renzo, Lino was fucking me - it was something special. We were all moaning because of the pleasure we were experiencing. The bed was squeaking and rocking and together we were all making an enormous row. I could see in the closet mirror that all three bodies were joined together tossing and writhing. It was a really great show.

Every day of Lino's leave we did a threesome using all the positions that Lino knew, and he knew lots of them. Lino told us of his adventures on his ship and all the things he got up to in ports. He was so good at telling them that we'll were often aroused just listening to his descriptions and imagining them. The sailor's life seemed to be really good. He said that onboard he had three mates with whom he often did it, and at times, with his lieutenant as well, although he was a married man. When Lino wanted a leave, he just had to have sex with him and he got what leave he wanted. He said that onboard, everybody knows what's happening, but everybody pretends not to know.

He said that it was not only him and his three mates to do it, but when they reached port several of their mates, that preferred a women to fuck, go to fuck with gay men to earn some money. He told me that once in Naples, a count wanted four of them to have a group fuck. He wanted all four of them to use his ass, one after the other and at the end, he gave them half a million Lira to share amongst them.

He also told us also about the time when a big car with backed glass, the kind that hobnobs use, stopped him, and the driver asked him how much he wanted to do it with his boss there in the back of the car. He sat in the back seat and the Chauffer drove around and from the inside they could see everything outside. But those outside could not see what was going on inside. The boss, who was a man in his 50's asked Lino and to undress him and undress himself, and when they were stark naked, he asked Lino to fuck him in the ass, there on the back seat. Lino said it had been an exciting experience, because it was like doing it in public.

At times, when the car stopped at a red light, there were people trying to look inside and of course they could see nothing, but he had the feeling as if they could and would look at them fucking. He said it had been far more amusing than doing it in a bedroom.

He also told us about the time he was informed and had to be the driver for the second in command's son, a seventeen-year-old boy. Lino was aroused by the boy and was thinking how he could let him understand without taking too great a risk. So while driving, from time to time he passed his hand on his basket and got a visible hard on, and the boy, who didn't want to sit in the back and was at his side, threw frequent glances at his legs, but was saying or doing nothing. It seemed he couldn't decide what else to do, he couldn't do more than that to entice him, so he just stopped as he thought there was no hope.

The boy asked him what his name was.

"Lino, Sir."

"Don't call me sir. I am not an Officer. I'm just seventeen. My name is Massimo. How old are you?"

"Twenty-two, Massimo"

"Listen, when we get to the club, instead of waiting for me in the car or at the bar, why don't you come inside with me?"

"As you like, Massimo. Were would you take me?"

"I've rented a private changing room there, and my tennis clothes possibly fit you, and I have a spare set."

"But I don't know how to play tennis."

"It doesn't matter. For a start, I'll teach you how to handle the balls."

"Well, I already know how to do that, I'm good at handling balls."

"Yes, I've noticed. And what else are you skilled at handling?"

"The mace. Have you ever handled a mace?"

"Of course I have. Tennis isn't the only sport, but we will see the details in my changing room, if you are game."

"Why not Massimo? There are sports that I like a lot, and I would really like to train at them with you."

The result was that in the change room they got up to all kinds of tricks and screwed so much that when they stopped it was already time to get back.

Lino told us all these stories and many, many more. When all three of us were together, it aroused us so much that we all screwed much better.

I regretted it when he had to leave, but Renzo told me that he will probably come again in August, though I might not be there, because as soon as school ends, I have to go to Sicily with my parents.

It is true that when I am in Sicily, I will meet Roberto, he told me on the telephone that his family goes to Sicily as well to visit their relatives, and that we will share the same room. Just the two of us, but I think this time it will be me who is teaching him tricks.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 11

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