The Life of the Neighborhood

By OKstoryteller

Published on Mar 4, 2023


The life of the neighborhood

From the end of the fifth part:

Mr. Stevens, can we do it again? Please, he sort of whined.

Danny, Donna and I broke out in laughter, I think we have done a lot tonight, I said, and it looks like the girls are tired. Now Tommy, you will remember our deal, right?

Yes sir, he said, I won't tell anyone, ever! He scrambled to get his undies and shorts back on before he jumped over the fence and headed toward his house.

Tommy! I called out.

Yes sir Mr. Stevens, he replied.

You better take a shower before your folks get home son, I instructed, you don't want your mom to catch the scent of sex on you, now do you?

NO SIR! he answered as he rushed inside.

I bet he jacks off all night tonight, Danny laughed, his poor little dick will be untouchable tomorrow.

We were all laughing then Donna said, little? It's bigger than yours daddy!

We all laughed again as Donna grabbed me into a hug.

I hope no one wanted their steak rare, Danny laughed as he opened the grill to pull the steaks off.

We made our way inside, laughing as Donna and Teresa began to rehash all the sexy moments of the day. Teresa admitting to all of us that she had never done anything sexual with anyone but me.

Donna was shocked when she heard that and said, no way! Really? I had sex with both of my brothers and half of the basketball team before I met Danny!

Now ladies, I said, so exactly what brought on this teenage nymphomania in you two?

We'll never tell, Donna giggled as they blushed and reached for more wine.

The rest of the evening was spent in delightful chat as we devoured our meals. As the girls were giggling about taking Tommy's virginity I felt a huge weight removed from my mind. It will be impossible for Teresa to pound me about having sex with the girls if it that tidbit ever gets out.

Cast of Characters:

Bill Stevens, age 64 Teresa, Bill's wife, age 62 Shelly, their daughter, age 16

Shelly's friends

The twins Missy Sissy, age 15 Lisa, age 15 Marci, age 14 Eddie, age 15 Monique, age 16

The new neighbors

Danny, age 62 Donna, age 56

Helen Thomas, age 38 Chuck Thomas, age 42

Tommy Davis, age 13

Part 6

The rest of the evening with Donna and Danny was pretty tame. Donna told story after story about her early sex life and then some of the exploits after she and Danny married. Teresa and I listened without adding comment or sharing anything about our early sexual play. Around 9:30 we got up and said our goodbyes. Donna hugged Teresa, then pulled their lips together in a sexy french kiss as Danny mouthed "I told you so" to me as we watched.

We walked home in silence. I went to the kitchen to fix myself another tall glass of Makers Mark before I headed upstairs. I heard the shower turn off just as I got into the room. I sat my drink on the night stand before heading into the bathroom. I tossed my clothes into the hamper and slid behind Teresa so I could get in the shower. She still hadn't said anything to me since we left the neighbors house. I wash myself off, shampooed my hair and relaxed under the warm spray. I got out of the shower, dried off and headed to bed naked. I usually wore boxers and a t-shirt, but tonight I was just too tired to dress.

I reached for my drink and found it was empty. I turned to Teresa and she had the strangest look on her face. She was very drunk, the wine then the Makers had made quick work of her. There was a mix of dread, fear, horror and horniness from the nights activities.

What are we going to do? she whispered. How can I face the Davis's ever again?

I grabbed her arm, rolled her over, pulled her up by the waist and ripped her panties off her. I drove my face into her crotch from behind and licked and sucked on her wet pussy. She tried to squirm away but the combination of her drunken condition and my strength kept her on her hands and knees. I moved into postion and drove my hard dick into her pussy in one swift motion.

Uggggh, she moaned, no, Bill, no..

I began to pound in and out, driving deeper and deeper in on each stroke. I reach around so I could grab her left nipple. I began to slowly roll it between my fingers as I fucked my wife harder and harder. She was moaning and groaning as I plowed her tight cunt. I felt the walls of her pussy grasping my shaft as her orgasm neared.

Oh Bill, Bill, Bill, she moaned, Bill, I'm cumming, cumming Bill, cumming.

She arched her back and moaned loudly as her orgasm swept over her body. I wasn't done though, not yet. I wanted something more. I pulled my wet dick from her quivering quim, pushed the head against her virgin rosebud and pushed inside. She gasped and tried to turn but I pushed her face into her pillow which muffled the moaning and her yelling. I held her face down as my dick remained balls deep in her ass. I stayed still for a couple of minutes allowing her to get used to my dick in her ass. As I felt her muscles relax just a little, I began to push in and out, slowly building up the pace until I was rocking in and out, going faster and faster. I could feel her relaxing more as she began to push back against my thrusts. I eased the pressure I had put on her head so I could grab her hips. I started fucking her as fast and hard as I could, driving my dick in and out of her virgin chute with purely animalistic lust. She was now moaning in a mixture of pain and pleasure, my taking her ass was a success.

Oh yes baby, yes baby, I moaned, daddy is going to fill your ass with his cum. It's cumming,!

Oh god Bill, she moaned as another orgasm hit her hard. She quivered then for the first time ever she squirted. She squirted two or three large shots of her cum all over us and the bed. She screamed so loud with her orgasm that I'm sure Donna and Danny heard her, maybe the Davis's did too!

We collapsed together into a messy, wet heap on the bed. Me on top of her as she was lying on the soaked sheet below us. We didn't move or speak for more than five minutes as we fought to regain our breath. She finally began to try and move below me so I rolled off of her.

She turned to me, looked deep into my eyes and said, why Bill, why?

Why what, I answered.

Why did you fuck my ass? she said with a whimper.

Well, I said, it seemed like the thing to do, seeing as how we had a night full of firsts. You exposing yourself to Donna and Danny, you kissing a woman and eating her pussy, licking another mans dick, then finally, you fucking a teenaged boy.

She slumped onto her back, her mind racing, her face a confused mixture of emotions.

Besides, I continued, you must have enjoyed it, you have never squirted before.

She opened her eyes, looked into mine and said, what do you mean?

You squirted when you came, I said, what do you think all that liquid you sprayed all over creation was anyway?

I thought, um, you know, I mean, I thought I peed, she said.

I laughed and said, no, not pee, you squirted your cum.

It was so intense, so crazy, she cooed, I nearly passed out. I mean it hurt really bad when you shoved your dick in my ass, then all of a sudden it felt so freaking good, it was wild, I never thought it would feel so good.

I just wanted you to remember who you belong to, I said, and hopefully you won't forget it.

I definitely won't forget any part of this night, she said, I can't believe what all happened, but I will never forget it.

We slept hard that night. We slept spooned together, lying on the huge wet spot. I felt Teresa moving about 8:30, then sliding away from me as she headed toward the bathroom. I crawled out of bed, the sticky sheet partially sticking to the hair on my legs. I went into the bathroom, walked over to the toilet where my wife was peeing loudly into the bowl. Her head was back, her eyes closed as she was relieving her very full bladder. I pushed my hard dick down, pointed my pee slit at her hairy pussy, then let loose my morning stream which quickly coated my wifes pussy as I peed.

BILL! she screamed out, what the heck are you doing.

Peeing, I said with a smile on my face. What are you doing honey?

Getting peed on dammit! she cursed.

I aimed my spray a little lower, hitting her partially exposed clit with my powerful, warm stream.

Ughhhhhh, she moan as she was obviously beginning to enjoy the sensation. Our sex life had taken a huge turn in the last few days for sure. We had been mostly vanilla our whole lives together. It was nearly five years into our lives together when we first made love with the lights on. It was on our tenth anniversary that Teresa first sucked my dick. Her prim and proper, even prudish sexual behaviors were a source of contention between us at times. In a single night she had exposed herself to our neighbors, eaten a pussy, licked another man's dick, screwed our pastors son and lost her ass cherry. I began to worry how she feels about it all this morning.

I ended my morning pee, left her sitting on the toilet as I turned to and climbed into the shower.

Is that it? she asked.

Is what it, I answered.

You pee on my pussy, get me all hot and bothered, then just walk away? she said.

Well, I replied, I wanted to get last nights cum off me before I add some new layers to my dick. If that's okay with you dear. Now if you want to suck my dick clean we can climb back into bed and get busy again. Which do you prefer?

She climbed into the shower, joining me under the hot spray as she wrapped her arms around me. We cuddled and kissed in the shower, then soaped each other from head to toe. I fingered her pussy with soap, then pushed my soapy finger into her tender rosebud.

Ummmmmmm, she moaned, that is a little tender back there honey. I kept slipping my finger in and out of her tight chute as she was moaning louder. I rolled her left nipple as I finger fucked her tight ass. Her moans grew louder, more insistant as I brought her to another anal orgasm. Her pussy exploding again, this time coating her thighs and our feet with her cum. Her knees buckled as I pulled my finger out of her ass.

Oh gawd honey, she cooed, that is so intense! I never, ever thought for one second that could be pleasurable.

It's a good thing Shelly was staying at Moniques house, I laughed, your howling last night would have been a little hard to explain.

Oh my GOD!, she shouted, I hope the neighbors didn't hear us!

I laughed as I stepped out of the shower. I handed her a towel then I dried myself off as my wife was slowly wiping the water from her body. We pulled on shirts and shorts before heading to the kitchen to make some breakfast. We scrambled some eggs, made some hashbrowned potatoes and bacon. I fixed us a pitcher of bloody mary's as Teresa made some toast. We ate and chatted all about the night. She blamed Donna for things getting out of hand.

Donna is just so open, so pushy, so insistent, she explained. I was so embarassed, but so turned on when we got topless. I was hoping you wouldn't freak out since I was scared enough for both of us!

We laughed a little before she leaned back with a deep, thoughtful look on her face.

I wonder what Tommy is thinking this morning, she mused, I wonder if he will tell other boys or his folks about what happened.

Well, I said, he won't tell his folks for sure. I can't guarantee that he won't tell a friend or two, but he probably won't.

Why do you think he will remain quiet? she asked.

Because, I said, he will want to do it again silly.

She gasped loudly. Clearly she had not even considered he would want to fuck her again.

Oh no, she said, no, not really?

I laughed and said, well when I was his age, if something like that had happened, I would have been over the next morning hoping for a repeat for sure.

She slumped back against her chair, her minding reeling, all the color from her face was gone. What in the world will I do? she asked out loud.

Well, I said, that's up to you my dear. We got up to clean up the breakfast mess as she mulled over her options. She was quite obviously excited about the possibility of fucking Tommy again as her nipples were poking out the front of her shirt. I moved in behind her, teasing both nipples as I rubbed my hard dick against her tight shorts. She reached back to grab me, then moved her hands down to unbutton and push her shorts down. I turned her toward our dining room table, pushed her down onto the table then shoved my shorts down to free my hard dick. I slid my dick up and down against her wet slit for a few minutes before I pushed inside with one hard shove.

Oh yes Bill, she moaned, yes, take my pussy, fuck me hard Bill, harder, harder. I smiled as I fucked my wife who was bent over our dining room table. A table where all of our children ate their meals, did their homework and celebrated their birthdays. We had never had sex anywhere except in our bed before today and now we are christening the table. As I picked up speed Teresa was moaning louder and louder. Urging me to fuck her faster, deeper, harder as I pounded in and out of her soaking wet hole. I smiled as this was the first time she had ever been vocal about sex.

YES! she screamed as she began squirting everywhere. Her orgasm completely overpowering her making her legs tremble and quake. I kept going faster and harder as I worked to make her cum again.

No Bill, no, no, no, she moaned, I can't Bill, no, no - oh gawd, gawd!! OH GAWD Bill, yes, oh yes, oh shit, she wailed before her body froze, then quaked as she unleashed a torrent of pussy juice. She completely soaked the table top, two of the side chairs as well and made a huge puddle on the floor. I was ready to cum so I pulled out, pulled her off the table, then pushed her down onto her knees as I fed my dick into her mouth.

Yes baby, yes, I groaned as my dick exploded into her mouth. She hungrily sucked on my dick as I poured my cum into her mouth. You like tasting your hot pussy juice don't you baby?

Mmmmmmmmhmmmmmm, she moaned as she sucked my hard dick clean.

You liked licking Donna's pussy too didn't you baby? I continued. I even saw you licking on Danny's dick while he was fucking Donna, didn't I?

Mmmmmhmmm, she moaned without looking at me.

My, my, my, I said, where on earth did all these naughty, sexy things come from Teresa?

I don't know, she whispered, I mean Donna was telling me all these stories and I suddenly felt like a naughty little girl. I had never been with anyone but you, no one but you has even seen me naked before yesterday. Donna is so free and uninhibited, so nasty in an erotic way and then the wine and well, I lost control I guess.

Are you sorry you did? I asked.

No, no I don't think so anyway, she said, I mean I have never had so many orgasms, I had never squirted, I never ever thought about doing something with a child, it's just so unreal still, she said wistfully.

What comes next? I asked again.

Next? she asked, what do you mean next?

That's what I mean, I answered, what will you do next?

She sank onto the the floor and said, nothing, I mean I can't think of anything, or I don't know I guess.

I laughed at her quandry and said, well, it looks like you have completed a big first step for sure.

She stood up, grabbed the butter from the table and pushed some into her tight rosebud then said, if you can get your dick hard I want you to fuck my ass again, now!

She bent over the table again, pulled her butt cheeks apart to expose her tiny hole as she stared into my eyes.

I was rock hard as I pushed the big head of my dick against her tiny hole. As I started to push in slowly she pushed back hard which buried my entire dick into her butter covered hole.


You wish is my command, I giggled as I began to pound in and out of my wifes once fucked ass. I fucked her tight hole for several minutes before I pulled out of her gaped hole. I moved her toward the sofa, then down onto her back on the hard wood floor. I picked her legs up, planted her feet on my shoulders and pushed into her hole again.

Ughhhhhhhhh, she moaned, oh Bill, Bill, she gasped, fuck me, fuck me harder! As I picked up the pace she had two or three hard cums. Her eyes were rolled back in her head as she endured each orgasm. She came a fourth time, squirting her cum all over us both and the floor.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere seemingly, a naked figured squatted over her face and fed her a wet pussy. I looked up and saw Shelly, naked and sliding her pussy back and forth across her mothers face. I saw Teresas tongue as it snaked out and begin to lick the pussy sitting on her face. Teresa wrapped her arms around Shellys legs as she feasted on her sex. Shelly leaned forward to kiss me as her mother brought her to a crushing orgasm.

YES MOM! YES!!!! she shouted.

Teresa froze, then completely freaked out as she frantically fought to get out from under Shelly. She twisted, turned and pushed to get out fromunder our sexy triangle. My hard dick glistening with her cum, her face covered in Shelly's cum and Shelly's tiny sex blushed red.


Well, she giggled, I was enjoying a very nice orgasm until you stopped eating my pussy. Now, I am sitting naked on this very wet floor looking at my naked mom and dad after coming home and finding them having butt sex.

I laughed at her brash response but Teresa was enraged. You had no right to spy on us Shelly Ann, no right at all! Why would you ever even think it was okay to watch us and then get naked and join us????

Well, Shelly said calmly, I called out when I came inside, I heard a commotion in the den and when I turned the corner I see a very hot sex scene with my naked parents as the stars. My pussy got wet so I stripped and jumped in to play.


Teresa, I said, just whose pussy did you think you were eating?

Yeah mom, Shelly said, I didn't know that you even liked to eat pussy, you were great!

Teresa collapsed onto the sofa, her head in her hands as she reeled from the latest sexy turn in our lives.

I would love to hear from you. My email is

You can also check out my other stories on Nifty:

Bisexual Adult/youth: New to the neighborhood

Bisexual Adult/youth - The computer tutor

Bisexual Adult/youth - Please tell me grandpa

Bisexual incest - The best summer of my life

Bisexual encounters - It happened at Kohls

Bisexual Adult/youth incest - My Grandfather

Bisexual young friends - The 3 musketeers

Bisexual Adult friends - Lets get in shape

Bisexual young friends - It's too much fun

Bisexual young friends - Silly Sally

Bisexual High school - Peter Pann

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Next: Chapter 7

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