The Life of the Neighborhood

By OKstoryteller

Published on Feb 18, 2023


The life of the neighborhood

From the end of the fourth part:

The knocking continued for a couple of minutes before I heard Shelly say, dad, dad, can we come in please. Please daddy, she whined as she continued her rapping on the door.

Maybe he is not in there, Monique said to Shelly, I mean you've been knocking forever. Maybe something happened to him?

No, Shelly said, he's in there, the door is locked, he has to be in there.

Maybe he has headphones on or something, Monique guessed, I can hear the TV I think.

Maybe he is asleep. Shelly said. She began knocking louder on the door as she called out again, daddy, let us in please.

I stood up and walked to the door, snapped it open and said, what's wrong?

Daddy, Shelly said, we want to apologize to you. We shouldn't have blamed you for my phone issues.

That's right Mr. S., Monique chimed in, you were so good to us last night and everything so we're sorry for accusing you.

Is that all? I asked tersely.

Yes daddy, Shelly said.

I returned to the couch and laid down leaving the two teens in the doorway to ponder their next move.

I could hear them whispering to each other, back and forth as they stood in the hallway. The whispering stopped, followed by silence. I wasn't sure if they were still out there or what was going on. I eaased off my couch and snuck to the door. I peeked around the corner and they weren't in the hallway. I crept down the hall toward Shelly's room. Her door was open and I could see her mirror that they were both now naked.

Okay, I sneak in there and unzip his pants before he can wake up, right? Monique said.

Yes, Shelly said, and I will be filming from the doorway so we can get a video of him playing with you.

Okay, Monique said, let's do it.

I scurried back to my office and laid on the sofa. I turned my back away from the door which protected my zipper from Monique. I could hear them in the hallway as they were whispering to each other. Just then I heard a car door shut, my wife was home! I heard the girls scurrying to Shelly's room and slamming the door just as the back door opened and my wife call out for us.

Part 5

Cast of Characters:

Bill Stevens, age 64 Teresa, Bill's wife, age 62 Shelly, their daughter, age 16

Shelly's friends

The twins Missy Sissy, age 15 Lisa, age 15 Marci, age 14 Eddie, age 15 Monique, age 16

The new neighbors

Danny, age 62 Donna, age 56

Helen Thomas, age 38 Chuck Thomas, age 42

I smiled, my wifes timing could not have been better. I got up off the couch and made my way into the kitchen, happily saved by my wifes return.

Hi honey, I said, glad you made it back okay. Any problems?

No dear, she said, I got her tax issue taken care of completely so she can remain out of jail. Still too dingy, but she's a free woman. She hugged me and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

Hi mom! Shelly shouted as she and Monique bounded into the kitchen. This is Monique, she is new to school and is in our ensemble. She spent the night last night with me, her mom is on the way to pick her up now.

Good afternoon Monique, Teresa said, it's nice to meet you. I look forward to meeting your mother.

Thank you Mrs. Stevens, Monique replied. It is good to meet you too. Shelly's told me all about you.

I'm sure some of it is true, Teresa said, and some not so true. The girls giggled at my wifes corny attempt at parental humor before they scurried off.

WOW, Teresa said, Shelly wasted no time in befriending Monique.

Nope, I replied, I met her folks yesterday, they seem nice enough. Her dad is working on restoring a 69 Camero, my kind of guy.

Oh great, Teresa replied, I know where you will be for hours and hours.

I laughed then said, if I get the invite you might be right.

Oh, by the way, she said, Donna stopped me in the driveway when I got home, we have been invited for dinner tonight. I told them we would go, hope you don't mind.

That's fine, I said, I'm betting Shelly will ask to stay the night with Monique anyway.

That would work out well, Teresa replied, but Donna invited the three of us.

I smirked knowing full well why Donna invited us all then said, well we shall see what happens. The doorbell rang signalling the arrival of Moniques ride. The girls went racing for the door, practically knocking me to the floor.

Hi Mrs. Thomas, Shelly said, please come in ma'am.

Why thank you Shelly, Helen said, such amazing manners, I do hope Monique can learn from you.

Hearing that comment I nearly broke out in laughter. If Helen knew what Shelly was teaching Monique I'm sure she wouldn't be so happy about it.

Hi Helen, I said, come on in and meet my wife.

I led Helen to the kitchen and introduced her to Teresa. Teresa led her to the den as the girls raced back to Shellys room. I smelled a plot to trap me so I excused myself and went out to clean the pool. I had just finished the cleaning and was relaxing in a chaise lounge chair when Teresa and Helen came outside. Teresa was now giving Helen the tour of the house and yard.

Oh Bill, Helen said, what an amazing back yard. You must work very hard to keep it so perfect.

Thank you Helen, I said, it's a job for sure, but I like the end results too.

Honey, Teresa said, Shelly has been calling for you to help her with something in her room.

I'll check it out later, I said as I kept myself safely in the shade.

Helen has asked if Shelly could spend the night with Monique, Teresa said, do you think that will be okay?

Fine by me, I said, but we better be careful, the two of them might be plotting to overthrow the government.

The wives giggled at my joke, little did they know how close to true that might be.

The girls emerged from the house, both carrying a backpack as Helen and Teresa headed back inside. I got up and followed them to the front room.

Thanks for putting up with me Mr. Stevens, Monique said, I really had a great time. As she stepped up to hug my neck, she pushed her inside hand against my dick. She looked me in the eyes and smiled as she headed toward the front door.

Bye daddy, Shelly said as she hugged me and also groped my hardening shaft. Fortunately, both moms were already outside as I quickly retreated to the safety of my office.

A few minutes later Teresa came into the office and said, honey, are you up to going over to Danny and Donna's for dinner after putting up with the girls last night?

Sure, I said, what do we need to bring?

Donna said Danny was going to grill some steaks and veggies so we could just bring some drinks if we wanted, my wife replied.

Ah, you and Donna are scheming to get wasted on some wine I suppose, I said with a smirk.

Teresa rolled her eyes and said, no, but a nice buzz wouldn't hurt, I have had a tough couple of days. She hugged me and said, let's head over about 6, okay?

Sure honey, I said. I'll go and pick up a couple of bottles of your favorite wine, anything else?

Nope, she smiled as she headed to our room.

I spent the rest of the afternoon puttering around the house, then headed to the store to buy her wine and some Maker's Mark for Danny and me. I showered then headed to the den about ten minutes before six.

Ready honey? I asked.

Sure, she said. I was a little stunned at her choice of outfits. She was wearing a tight top with her sports bra under it. Her hard nipples were poking the front of her shirt. Her shorts were just that, short, too short as the bottom her butt cheeks were visible as I followed her across the yard to our new neighbors house. Teresa had taken the two bottles of wine from me before we left the house.

She rang their doorbell as I stepped onto the porch. Before I could comment about her clothing, the door opened.

Teresa! Donna cried out as she was opening the door. Come in, come in girlfriend. Yummy! I love your choice in wine! Bill, she said as she looked at me, Danny is out back and there is ice on the bar and glasses next to the ice bucket. Donna was just as sexily dressed in a loose top, no braa and some Daisy Duke shorts with no panties underneath. The was a hole in the front, next to the pocket and I could see her bare skin. The girls scurried inside as I stopped at the bar to fix Danny and myself a glass of whiskey.

I carried the two glasses outside where Danny was sitting in a lawn chair next to the grill.

How about a shot or three of Maker's? I asked.

Hey Bill, he said, thanks, although I would rather have a shot or three of your cum! He laughed, giving me a bro hug as I handed him the glass.

As Danny tneded the grill, we talked about their trip and a party they attended with some of their old friends. He said Donna couldn't stop talking about Teresa and Shelly all the way there and all the back in the car.

Dude, he said with a smile, my wife is bound and determined to get your wife and daughter naked for some serious fun.

I chuckled, then answered, I doubt that Teresa will be up for that, she is way too uptight. Before Danny could answer the girls came bouncing out the back door giggling like school girls.

It looks like the wine is already doing it's job, I laughed.

Where's my food baby! Donna practically shouted, mama needs her tummy filled! Teresa and Donna continued to laugh.

Well, Danny said, the steaks will be ready in about 10 minutes. But if you need your tummy filled before that I have a hard sausage in my shorts you can snack on!

I was literally stunned he had said that in front of Teresa, but the girls burst out laughing.

Sorry baby, Donna said, but I need a foot long, not a vienna sausage, as the girls continued laughing.

Well then, Danny replied, why don't you two get into Bill's shorts then. Looks like he is packing a pretty big sausage to me.

I basically collapsed when he said that, falling into the closest lawn chair, my eyes wide open as the girls were laughing hysterically.

I was flustered as I stood up and said, do you need me to help with the steaks Danny?

Hell no, he said, you need to help calm down those two horny mama's over there instead.

Yeah Bill, Teresa said, get over here and feed me that sausage you are hiding in your shorts. She was laughing hysterically.

I turned to see Donna and Teresa both topless with Donna working to pull my wifes tight shorts down. My dick jumped in my shorts as I watched Donna depants my wife leaving her naked in our new neighbors back yard. She pushed Teresa down onto the chaise lounge chair, dove between her thighs and began to lick and suck on my wifes obviously wet pussy. Teresa grabbed for my hand, pulling me closer to her chair as she unzipped my shorts. We had never, ever done any type of swinging or group play during our entire marriage. To say I was shocked would be a huge understatement, not that my hard dick cared.

I gasped as she engulfed my hard dick in her mouth. She used her hands to pull me all the way into her mouth, my hard dick was instantly aching to blow as Teresa slurped and sucked on my shaft.

Honey, honey, I warned, you are gonna make me cum! She pulled me tighter against her face as she moaned from Donna's oral work on her pussy. I groaned and began to fire my cum into her mouth. I was moaning loudly as I unloaded the days deposit from my nut sack.

Donna moved away from Teresa's soaking wet pussy and said, don't swallow it honey, I wanna taste it too!

Teresa pulled off my dick, then pushed me away as she pulled Donna into a steamy french kiss. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. To my knowledge my wife had never been naked around anyone but me and had certainly never kissed another woman.

FUCK! Danny nearly shouted, that is smoking hot! There's nothing sexier than two naked nympho's making out, huh Bill!

I was literally too shocked to even comment as Danny moved behind his wife who was kneeling on the chaise lounge chair. He quickly pushed his shorts down and slid his hard dick into his wifes wet pussy. He began fucking her hard as our wives kept their tongues locked together.

Donna broke their kiss and moaned, gawd yes, yes baby, fuck my pussy, fuck me harder!

My wife quickly spun around, slid under Donna and began to lick on her pussy and Danny's dick as they were fucking. Just then I heard a noise coming from the side fence, then some movement drawing my eyes away from the sex scene on the back patio. I could see Tommy Davis peering over the fence watching the live porn show as the threesome got louder and louder. I snuck away from the patio and crept to the fence a few feet from where Tommy was perched watching the threesome. Tommy, who is 13, is the son of our preacher and is also in the band with Shelly. I looked over the fence and could see Tommy had his shorts pushed to his ankles as he was furiously masturbating, his eyes glued to the scene. His dick looked to be about 5 inches long and pretty thick for a boy his age. I could see he had already shot at least one load on the ground at his feet as he continued to rapidly stroke his shaft without noticing my presence.

Well, well, I said, what have we here?

Tommy snapped his head sideways which caused him to lose his balance. He instantly tumbled over the fence, landing on his back in Danny's backyard. His shorts and underwear were still down to his ankles as his dick rapidly deflated. The commotion drew the attention of Tommy's favorite porn players as he unsuccessfully tried to scramble to his feet.

BILL!!! Teresa screamed, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

I laughed as I watched the girls who were frantically trying to cover themselves.

Well, I said calmly, peeping Tommy here was enjoying the private sex show you three were engaged in and when I cleared my throat he lost his balance and fell off the fence. Now you need to know that Teresa and Tommy's mother are the best of friends, serve on several committees at the church together and she was little Tommy's babysitter for several years.

Donna, now partially clothed said, well bring him over here so he can get a better look then.

Danny was standing there, his dick still hard and coated in pussy juice, Donna's left titty was fully exposed as well as most of her bald pussy.

NO! Teresa shouted, Tommy, pull your pants up and get back home and don't you dare say a word about this to your mother!

Now, now dear, I scolded, you can't punish the boy for being curious, especially since you and Donna were being so vocal. I'm kind of surprised his folks weren't at the fence with him investigating all the noise.

They're not home Mr. Stevens, Tommy offered quietly as he stood up, I'm sorry I was spying on you guys.

I put my arm around his shoulder, winked at him and said, pull your shorts up a little so you don't trip. I guided him toward the chaise lounge chair as my petrified wife looked on.

Bill! she said, please take him home now!

Honey, I said, he has already seen it all, trust me. There is quite a pool of boy cum on the ground right on the other side of the fence.

I leaned down and whispered to Teresa, I think we need to figure out a way to guarantee his silence, don't you?

She still had a terrified look in her eyes as she nodded.

Tommy, I said, have you met our new neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Johnston?

No sir, he said quietly.

I'm Danny, and this is my wife Donna, Tommy. It's good to meet you, Danny said as he stood naked in front of the 13 year old boy.

It's nice to meet you sir, Tommy stammered, his eyes glued to my wifes naked breasts and hairy pussy as he shook Danny's hand.

Just call me Danny, please, he replied, I don't like that sir and ma'am thing much.

So Tommy, I said, did you enjoy watching what we were doing?

Yes sir, he whispered, it was way cool.

Did you have any questions for Mrs. Stevens? I asked.

Tommy's face was blushed bright red as he shook his head.

It's okay Tommy, I said, have you ever seen a naked girl before?

No sir, he said, never.

Well, well, I said, then come over here and get a closer look.

Teresa's eyes were as big as saucers, BILL! she hissed.

Hush honey, I said, he has already seen it all, he might as well get a close up view. I reached down, pulled her legs open and slid my finger up her very wet gash. Tommy, slide your finger in here, feel how hot and wet her pussy gets. Donna and Danny sat on the adjacent chair and watched as Tommys shaking finger touched Teresa's soaking wet snatch.

Ohhhh, mmmmmmm, Teresa moaned as Tommy started to work his finger up and down her slit.

Push it inside, I said as Tommy kept up his exploration, she likes the way you are touching her.

Donna moved behind Tommy and eased his shorts down exposing his hard dick as his underwear fell down to his ankles. She steadied Tommy as he kicked his shorts and underwear off.

Tommy was fingering my wife, pushing his finger in and out faster and fast as Donna began to lick and suck on his hard dick.

OH WOW! Tommy blurted out, that feels awesome!

Oh Tommy, Tommy, Teresa moaned, yes honey, yes, right there, yes, just like that honey, she moaned.

I pulled Donna away from his dick, pushing him closer to the chair. Get between her legs Tommy, I said, get between her legs and put your dick inside her pussy. Teresa looked at me with pleading eyes as Tommy crawled into position. Any hesitation he might have felt was overwhelmed by his need to fuck my wife. I watched his face as the head of his dick slowly pushed into my wifes wet pussy.

Do it Tommy, Danny said, fuck her good! Atta boy!

Tommy began to slowly slide in and out, his dick slipping out a few times until nature took over and his strokes kept him inside. After a couple of minutes he started to rapidly push in and out of Teresa's soaked pussy. Teresa's eyes were closed as the teenager pounded into her body. The boy she once babysat, the boy whose diapers she had changed was now losing his virginity inside her.

She lost control as her lust took over. She grabbed him tight and said, suck on my nipples Tommy, suck on my nipples as you fuck me, fuck me, fuck me harder, harder now Tommy!

Donna had moved beside Teresa and was sucking on her nipples as Tommy was rabbit-fucking my wife for all he was worth.

OH GOSH, GOSH, he squealled, Mrs. Stevens I am gonna cum, I am gonna cum now!

He shoved in as hard as he could and began shaking as he fired his teenage cum into my wifes soaking wet pussy. He stayed inside until his orgasm faded, then gently pulled his deflating dick from her soaked crevice. Donna pushed him out of the way and began to lick and suck on Teresa's pussy. Teresa grabbed her head and smashed it into her crotch as she shook violently through her orgasm.

Tommy literally staggered backward, falling onto the chair Danny was sitting on. I watched amazed as Danny lowered his head to suck on Tommy's juice and cum covered shaft.

Tommy gasped as Danny licked and sucked on his dick and balls.

I moved over, grabbed Teresa's head, then slid my dick into her mouth just as I began to cum. The five of us were spent as the intensity of our orgy subsided. Teresa, sexually spent and mentally overwhelmed, was clearly upset, visibly worried about what had happened.

Tommy, I said, I would sure hate to have to tell your dad about me catching you spying on us as you were masturbating. I'm very sure he would not be happy with you.

No sir, he said, please, please don't tell on me. Dad will kill me if he finds out I am jacking off, he really will! I will do anything you want, anything.

I smiled then said, well, as long as you don't tell anyone, and I mean anyone, about what happened I think that we can be persuaded to keep this between us. What do you think Danny?

Sounds good to me, he said. What about you Donna?

I'm good with that too, she said. How about you Teresa?

Teresa's eyes were still wide with terror as she mumbled, Tommy, please honey, please don't tell anyone about what you saw, or did today, please Tommy.

Oh I won't Mrs. Stevens, I won't I promise, he swore.

Mr. Stevens? Tommy asked.

Yes Tommy, I replied.

Can I ask you some questions please? he asked.

Absolutely Tommy, I said, shoot away.

Well, he said quietly, your penis is way bigger than mine and Mr., I mean Danny's. Why is that?

Donna and Danny were almost giggling as I answered, well son, they come in all shapes and sizes.

Do you think mine will get bigger? he asked.

Most likely, I replied, but it is already bigger than Danny's so you have nothing to worry about Tommy.

Whew, he said, I see some of the boys in the shower after PE and they are much bigger than me so I hope I get bigger.

Donna perked up at the tidbit of information then said, maybe you could introduce me to those boys Tommy!

Danny and I laughed before I said, Donna was not being serious Tommy, she really likes the bigger dicks is all.

Everyone was giggling, even Teresa, as the wide-eyed teen boy was standing naked, slowly stroking his still hard shaft.

Mr. Stevens, can we do it again? Please, he sort of whined.

Danny, Donna and I broke out in laughter, I think we have done a lot tonight, I said, and it looks like the girls are tired. Now Tommy, you will remember our deal, right?

Yes sir, he said, I won't tell anyone, ever! He scrambled to get his undies and shorts back on before he jumped over the fence and headed toward his house.

Tommy! I called out.

Yes sir Mr. Stevens, he replied.

You better take a shower before your folks get home son, I instructed, you don't want your mom to catch the scent of sex on you, now do you?

NO SIR! he answered as he rushed inside.

I bet he jacks off all night tonight, Danny laughed, his poor little dick will be untouchable tomorrow.

We were all laughing then Donna said, little? It's bigger than yours daddy!

We all laughed again as Donna grabbed me into a hug.

I hope no one wanted their steak rare, Danny laughed as he opened the grill to pull the steaks off.

We made our way inside, laughing as Donna and Teresa began to rehash all the sexy moments of the day. Teresa admitting to all of us that she had never done anything sexual with anyone but me.

Donna was shocked when she heard that and said, no way! Really? I had sex with both of my brothers and half of the basketball team before I met Danny!

Now ladies, I said, so exactly what brought on this teenage nymphomania in you two?

We'll never tell, Donna giggled as they blushed and reached for more wine.

The rest of the evening was spent in delightful chat as we devoured our meals. As the girls were giggling about taking Tommy's virginity I felt a huge weight removed from my mind. It will be impossible for Teresa to pound me about having sex with the girls if it that tidbit ever gets out.

I would love to hear from you. My email is

You can also check out my other stories on Nifty:

Bisexual Adult/youth: New to the neighborhood

Bisexual Adult/youth - The computer tutor

Bisexual Adult/youth - Please tell me grandpa

Bisexual incest - The best summer of my life

Bisexual encounters - It happened at Kohls

Bisexual Adult/youth incest - My Grandfather

Bisexual young friends - The 3 musketeers

Bisexual Adult friends - Lets get in shape

Bisexual young friends - It's too much fun

Bisexual young friends - Silly Sally

Bisexual High school - Peter Pann

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Next: Chapter 6

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