The Life of Koru

By Doren Grey

Published on Sep 9, 2024


The Life of Koru, Chapter 8

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It must be said that the koru needed no protection equipment when cutting wood. Constant labor with their hands made their palms hard as leather, so they didn't get any splinters. Same with the soles of the feet which were so thick they basically replaced any need for shoes. The koru never wore shoes and the older they were, the stronger their feet were becoming, perfect for walking, running, climbing and other such activities.

In the lush jungles of Amazonia, some koru had to climb to the top of the trees to tie ropes around the trees that were getting hacked down. They jumped from branch to branch like agile monkeys, using their arms to propel themselves and their hands and feet to get purchase for their climbing.

Mulo and Peon started doing that as well and it was the first time in a while they had been enjoying themselves. Seeing the world from the top branches, seeing the endless jungle at the horizon, the blue sky and the glorious sun put a smile on their faces and made them forget they were getting fucked and abused every night.

"Look at me, Peon! I'se can hold myself with just a single hand!" said Mulo hanging cheerfully from a branch.

"Be careful not to fall, ye stupid dolt!" Peon warned him.

"Hey! Don't call me a dolt!"

"Ye monkeys, stop playin' and tie that fuckin' rope!" the slave called Grogh yelled at them from beneath the tree.

"Come on, Peon, piss on his face! Now!" Mulo continued playfully.

"Shut the fuck up, Mulo, ye want us both to be beaten?" Peon said.

So they both tied the rope and climbed down the tree.

Their insolence just earned them a punch in the stomach for each, from the powerful Grogh.

"Ye fuckin' monkeys, ye never learn yer place!"

With the rope tied in place, the slaves started pulling down the tree, Mulo, Peon, Grogh and other slaves included.

"Heave-ho! Heave-ho!" Grogh yelled for them all.

The pull was coordinated effort, exemplary teamwork and a vivid display of the koru's strength and endurance.

In just a couple of minutes, a tree that had been towering high in the sky for years was taken down forcefully to be despoiled of its branches and turned into a maneuverable piece of wood.

Mulo and Peon were about to take the load on their backs when they saw a slave worker running towards them: "Alligator! I'se seen an alligator! Right there by the river!"

His scream caught the attention of the work supervisor, Sir Hannibal, a Black gentleman who liked to smoke his cigar in silence while watching the apes work:

"One of you apes should go there right now and kill the beast!" the supervisor said.

Peon didn't wait for the sentence to finish before saying: "I'se wanna go!"

Mulo was taken by surprise by Peon's bravery. He couldn't abandon his friend, so he said: "I'se go too!"

"Ok, so you two plantation monkeys go kill the alligator! Now!"

Peon went straight to the bag of tools, he took a spear for himself and threw another one to Mulo. The spears were made of wooden sticks with a pointy iron tip, very dangerous weapons in the hands of a koru.

They both approached the river with utmost care, pressing their legs into the soft mud up to the ankles.

Peon lowered his nose to the mud and started sniffing. He could recognize the smell of an alligator, but the mud didn't seem to give it away. And then they saw it.

Alligators lived everywhere in the region of Brazil. Mulo and Peon had seen alligators on the plantations before, they have even hunted alligators, but the one that was in front of them was particularly large and frightening.

Patiently, Mulo and Peon waited, their muscles tense with anticipation, until finally with a sudden surge of movement, the alligator lunged from the depths. Peon jumped out of the way just in time to avoid having his legs chopped off. He yielded the spear with precision and skill, aiming for the vulnerable spots between the armored scales of the beast. At the same time, Mulo tried to poke the alligator from behind. It was a dangerous dance for both of the koru -- any mistake and they would become food in this primal struggle for survival.

"Peon!" Mulo screamed as he saw his friend barely dodge another attack.

"Fuck!" Peon said.

His scratched arm was bleeding.

Mulo couldn't wait any longer. He charged forward clutching the spear in his hands and stuck his spear deep into the alligator's back. The alligator turned around with such force that it made Mulo's spear shatter. Losing his balance, Mulo fell on his back in the mud. The alligator was looking at him. The slave stood there helpless and scared, so scared that his piss gushed forth full force from his bladder, two meters over him. He could hear his heart beating like thunder in his head and in his chest, and he could hear the overseer laughing in the distance.

But Peon wasn't going to let his friend die. He leaped like a wild cat on top of the alligator pinning him down to the ground with his feet and his spear. He hit him in the neck, where the alligator was most vulnerable, then raised his spear and hit him in the neck again The alligator was bleeding hard at this point. Under Peon's unleashed fury the beast seemed to be just a tiny helpless lizard. With just a few more blows, Peon finished him.

Were they over? No. They had to bring the body of the alligator they hunted. The skin of an alligator was worth a lot and it would have been a waste to let it there. Most alligators in the Amazon were around 300 and 450 kg, but this alligator seemed to be way larger, weighing around 500 kg. It was not a big deal though, as the two slaves were strong workers and they were used to dragging heavy loads around the plantation. They dragged the alligator through the mud, placed it at the feet of the overseer and said:

"Here is the alligator ye asked for, suh!"

Then Mulo and Peon bowed down to kiss the boots of the overseer, as the tradition was when the hunt was finished.

Than night, Mulo and Peon were jubilating.

Their act of courage had gained them a lot of reputation among the other slaves. The jungle koru started seeing them in a positive light and not just as mere plantation monkeys to be fucked in the ass. Even Grogh gritted his teeth with envy and told them: "Ye're not so shitty after all, aye?"

So the jungle koru threw a party to recognize Mulo and Peon as part of the family. The party consisted in them singing and dancing around the fire in the slave camp, with bone flutes and drums as well. Koru tribal dances were shameless displays of vitality. They flung their cocks and slapped their asses, jumping over each other covered head to toe in slick sweat that glistened under the light of the fire.

As the hero of the day, Peon grabbed his large cock triumphantly and showed it to the other koru like a virile alpha.

"I'se the top dog! I'se the top dog now!" he yelled.

Then he started beating his muscular chest with his fists and he howled like a wolf.

The jungle slaves went to him and recognized that he was mighty and sucked his cock.

All this time, Mulo, who was just as happy, mingled with the crowd and started twerking his ass to the sound of the drums. At some point, a holy fool gave Mulo some dust to snort and he snorted. It was something he had never experienced before and he fell into a strange dream. When he woke up, the holy fool was slapping his face:

"Do ye see it, sinner boy?"

"I'se... no, nosuh," Mulo mumbled.

"Do ye see the light, ye fuckin' sinner?"


"Pray, ye sinner, pray, ye motherfucker, or ye'll burn!"

Next: Chapter 9

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