The Life of Koru

By Doren Grey

Published on Nov 25, 2024


The Life of Koru, Chapter 59

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How did Lil Massa and Sir Kenneth reach the circus of Dwarfissimo? It was a strange coincidence. Lil Massa wanted to end his vacation with a trip to Venezuela-Guyana, a province which provided plenty of entertainment opportunities, from fairs and circuses to brothels, casinos, music clubs and concert halls. They had planned a leisurely evening exploring the vibrant nightlife of Maracay, hoping to stumble upon something extraordinary.

As they wandered through the bustling streets filled with the sounds of laughter, music, and the enticing aromas of street food, they came across a colorful poster that caught their attention. The poster, adorned with dazzling illustrations and bold letters, advertised the "Amazing Dwarfissimo's Enchanted Circus". Intrigued by the promise of "astonishing feats, magical wonders, and an unforgettable spectacle", Lil Massa and Sir Kenneth decided to check it out.

It was required at the entrance of the show that every spectator covered his or her eyes with a blindfold for a few seconds, so that when they took it out, everything they had seen before was cleansed and they stepped in with no preconceived notions. This ritual was part of the magical ambiance that Dwarfissimo had meticulously crafted for his circus. As Lil Massa and Sir Kenneth complied, they could feel the palpable excitement building around them. The brief moment of darkness heightened their senses, making the reveal of the circus's wonders all the more enchanting.

When Peon started tumbling on stage, Lil Massa didn't recognize him. Peon went by the name Slave Do-It-All and had to do everything Dwarfissimo ordered. Lil Massa laughed at Peon's antics, seeing him walk on his hands, juggle torches or shit gold. When Peon was sucking his own cock, Lil Massa yelled:

"Suck it, boy! Suck it all up, boy!"

So Lil Massa had a great time.

When Master Eamon stepped on stage under the name Mister Fantastico, Lil Massa still wasn't able to recognize the past. He threw himself forward as a volunteer to the magic trick Mister Fantastico was about to perform.

"Me! Me!" Lil Massa shouted, waving his hand frantically.

The crowd's energy surged as Mister Fantastico gestured for him to join him on stage.

"I want you to jump into this box, Sir! I'm going to saw you in two!" Mister Fantastico said.

Lil Massa hesitated for a moment, but the cheers and encouragement from the audience gave him the courage to step forward. He climbed into the ornate wooden box that had been wheeled onto the stage, the crowd's applause ringing in his ears.

Mister Fantastico closed the lid, leaving only Lil Massa's head and feet exposed. "Now, don't worry!" he said with a reassuring smile. "This won't hurt a bit!"

The magician picked up a large, gleaming saw, its teeth glinting under the spotlight. He then said:

"And now, to perform the sawing, I need my dear assistant! Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Cadaverina!"

This was the moment when Miss Amara stepped on the stage. She was dressed in a black ominous dress, adorned with shimmering dark jewels that caught the light in eerie patterns. Her presence exuded an air of sinister elegance, like a glamorous villain from a gothic tale.

A glimpse into Amara's face made Lil Massa realize the context of the magic trick and who was operating it. The connection clicked in his mind, piecing together the fragmented memories of the past. He knew this was Amara's revenge. He knew it would be bitter and merciless.

"No! No! Please stop! Stop this magic trick right now! Please!" Lil Massa pleaded, struggling to get out of the wooden box.

"What is it, boy?" Master Eamon said. "You cannot recognize the living, but you do recognize the dead, ey?"

"I am really sorry for what I did! I shouldn't have made that prank, I swear!" he yelled, almost crying.

"Is that all you can say?" Miss Amara said. "A petty apology for destroying my entire life?"

"Amara, please, I didn't know the jack-in-the-box would explode!"

"Same accident here!" she said. "I didn't know this saw can cut!"

"Amara, you have to know that I only did that prank because I was jealous! I loved you more than anyone else and I didn't want Vincent to marry you!"

"Pff! Spare me these melodramatic lies!"

"Look, I'll do anything!"

"Then do be quiet while I perform this magic trick!" she said taking the saw into her own hands.

Peon watched with horror as Miss Amara approached the wooden box ready to split it in two. Cutting former Massas with the saw was "wrung" in his opinion.

"Missuh, please don't cut Lil Massa with the saw! Please!" he said.

"What did you just say, boy?" Miss Amara snarled, full of indignation.

Before she could have any other reaction, Peon grabbed the box with Lil Massa inside and started to run with it, carrying the heavy load in his arms.

The audience started to hoot their disappointment:

"Boo! Boo! What is he doing? Your magic trick sucks!"

Desperate to save the show, Dwarfissimo started to yell after Peon:

"Boy, come back right now! Bring back the box, boy, or I'll whip your hide!"

In the chaos that was created, a bunch of elephants escaped from the pen and stampeded into the now-crumbling circus tent. Torches fell on the ground and ignited the dried hay strewn around the perimeter of the tent. Within moments, flames began to lick at the edges of the canvas, spreading rapidly in the dry, hot air. The scared spectators jumped from their seats and raced towards the nearest exit, pushing each other and screaming.

The once vibrant and bustling circus tent was now a scene of utter devastation.

"Everyone, please calm down! Do not panic!" Dwarfissimo yelled.

It was futile. His dear show ended in catastrophe.

A few streets away from this scene, Peon placed the box on the ground and helped Lil Massa get out from it.

"There, Lil Massa suh! I'se saved you, suh!" Peon said.

Lil Massa took a long glimpse at the circus slave, his memories starting to surge back in.

"Oh, I know you!" Lil Massa said. "You are that fugitive scum slave who left my father's plantations! POLICE! POLICE! FUGITIVE SLAVE RIGHT HERE! POLICE! ARREST HIM!"

"But suh!" Peon said.

He couldn't even finish his sentence, before he was surrounded by Black policemen:

"Hands behind you back, boy, and your belly on the ground! Do not resist or we'll be forced to shoot you!"

Peon had to obey.

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