The Life of Koru

By Doren Grey

Published on Sep 22, 2024


The Life of Koru, Chapter 27

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"Take those nails out, right now!" Sir Jared said.

"I'se can't, suh!" Mulo said, trying to pull out the nails in his head.

"If the nails touched the brain, it is better to not take them out and just leave them there!" Sir Cane said. "Koru slaves can work with nails in their skull, just like that, I don't see any problem!"

But Sir Jared was furious.

"If Sir Mazi sees how damaged this slave is and especially that there is a Hukunta brand on his ass, he will yell at me for not defending him!" he explained.

And it was not only Mulo who was affected. A lot of the slaves in the chain gang had similar brands and injuries that betrayed Sir Jared's negligence.

"I don't want to be demoted again!" Sir Jared said.

He lined up the slaves for a new day of work.

The road construction couldn't afford any delay. No matter how battered the slaves were, they had to continue working. Swinging a pickaxe was difficult when their backs were shredded by the whip, their heads were full of bumps and their bodies were full of bruises, but it was part of a slave's life.

Sleaze liked to taunt Mulo about the nails that he wore.

They waited a few days for his head to become less swollen, then Smasher said:

"I'se can get the nails out of this boy's head, but it's gonna hurt an awful lot!"

"Don't we have some opium to give him?" Miss Faraja inquired.

Sir Cane protested:

"It's only for horses and hounds! I don't waste any opium on slaves!"

"And what if I ask you to give him opium? Right now!" Miss Faraja said.

Sir Cane hesitated, but he knew that he could not argue with Miss Faraja.

Mulo had to put his head on the anvil and Smasher immobilized it by pressing it down on the anvil with his foot. He then used the tongs to pull each of the large nails from his skull.

Even with all the opium, Mulo still screamed in pain at each extraction, but he then collapsed into deep sleep onto a pile of straw.

In his dream, Miss Faraja appeared to him like a transformed goddess, telling him:

"I am Life and Death, boy! I live in the realm between the living and the dead!"

She was gigantic. In one of her hands she held a baby Mulo looking for mommy's tits and in the other hand, a very old and emaciated Mulo who trembled on his feet and only wanted to die. She threw away these visions and looked down towards the present-day Mulo.

Mulo was looking at her with his cock erect. She grabbed Mulo by his cock and raised him high in the air, miles and miles above the ground. The sensation was fantastic and Mulo felt euphoric in his dream. His cock was spurting copious amounts of seed. That was the only part of the dream that was also happening in reality.

"No matter what I do, I don't think I can remove that brand from the slaves' asses!" Sir Jared said.

"What if we take the slaves away from Chief Mazi's inspection?" Miss Faraja asked.

"Do you propose selling them?"

"We only have to convince Reginald to enroll the chain gang slaves for the war in Sahara. He doesn't have to sell them, the slaves are simply leased to a recruiting company as if they were mercenaries, except they don't get paid. Sir Reginald gets paid. And if the slaves survive the war, they return to work on their Master's plantation."

"That's a great idea!" Sir Jared said to Miss Faraja. "By the time the slaves return from the war (if they ever return!), I will be far up on the career ladder and Chief Mazi will not be able to take me down!"

So they started discussing on a strategy to convince Sir Reginald to contribute to the war.

During that time, Sir Reginald was very worried about Prof. Kumbaba's health. Prof. Kumbaba had basically become his friend after he visited Brazil for the conference and he even promised to give Sir Reginald some specimens from the new generation of koru that he produced. Unfortunately, several months after his promise, Prof. Kumbaba had a terrible accident in his lab. Something under pressure exploded with such a force that it made him hit a wall and broke his hip. He was now under intensive care at the hospital and it seemed that only Advanced Prosthetic Technology could make him fully mobile again. Sir Reginald felt a deep sense of responsibility towards his friend and was determined to do everything in his power to support him through his recovery. He couldn't be there physically, because he was on vacation in the Maldives, but he sent him flowers, chocolates, a set of "koru balls" to play with and a very supportive message.

Later that day, Sir Reginald was called by Chief Mazi, who asked him if he was willing to enlist some of his slaves to the war in Sahara. Sir Reginald had a dismissive attitude towards the war, but Chief Mazi informed him that he had spoken to the daughter of Governor Hayatudeen herself. This made Sir Reginald realize that he may reap some benefits if he sends his apes to fight for the empire.

In the slave world, the expression "I'se heard it through the grapevine" was very much real, as slaves got most of the news from eavesdropping and passing the information to each other. It is in this way that Smasher found out about Miss Faraja's plan and he told Peon about it.

That night, Peon told Mulo:

"Ye're goin' to be sent to war, ye know?"

"Where's that?" said Mulo.

"I'se don't really know, Mulo... Far away from here... I'se think sumwhere in Africa..."

"Africa?" Mulo jumped immediately from the straw.

His eyes were full of hope and wonder. Africa was the legendary land of the Black Lords and where the Emperor lived. He was really excited to go to Africa.

"Ye don't know what war is, do ye?" Peon asked.

Mulo thought a bit and said:


"War is an ugly thing, Mulo! Koru against koru killing each other. I'se really hope ye'll be well!"

Mulo thought about it. He has never killed another koru before. He only defeated Fucka and Sleaze with his punches. Did that count?

"I'll go if I'se have to go!"

"That's the spirit, bud!"

"And ye're goin' as well?"

"Nayum. I am stayin' here... Chief Tariq wants me here."

"But, Peon, that means..."

Peon knew what it meant and he could see the pain in Mulo's eyes, which were suddenly becoming tearful. Peon hugged him to alleviate the sorrow and said:

"I'se don't wanna leave ye out there, buddy, but we'se slaves. And ye know what slaves do. They obey!"

Then he showed his erect cock to Mulo.

"Come here! Let me give ye one last fuck! Who knows if we'se ever meet again!"

Mulo was heart and soul connected to Peon when they fucked. The most blissful, the most magical thing in the world was to be fucked in the ass by his loveable `bossuh'. And he showed his eagerness through his body language. Whenever Peon's cock was pushed in, he raised his buttocks to meet it, and when it started to withdraw, he pulled his ass back in a synchronized move. His asshole clenched and unclenched around Peon's powerful cock massaging it with well-timed contractions of the sphincter's internal muscle, that made Peon reel with pleasure. Mulo had real bottom training and he focused all his energy on Peon's cock. His own cock was too unimportant and if it cummed, it was from prostate stimulation alone.

While making love with Mulo, Peon kept looking at the symbol branded on Mulo's ass. It didn't look bad after all. It gave Mulo a cocky look, as if he were a pirate.

Koru slaves received brands and tattoos from the Black Lords all the time and they had to get used to them. Mulo was no different.

"Ye should never be afraid of the fire, boys!"

This advice, once given by Smasher, was the only thing Mulo remembered about the branding, as the trauma of having his ass marked had been too strong to register the rest.

Next: Chapter 28

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