The Life of Koru

By Doren Grey

Published on Sep 4, 2024


The Life of Koru, Chapter 2

Sir Reginald Nnamani was one of the largest owners of land in the province of Brazil. He owned large plantations along the Amazon river, where over 20 000 koru slaves worked. In addition, he owned a koru-powered copper mine and a few koru-powered galley ships that transported goods across the Atlantic. He was a very educated man, having studied Economics, with a particular emphasis on the Management of Slave Labor, at the prestigious University of Nairobi . He was an expert on how to make slave labor efficient and how to maximize profits. He once joked that it is just like driving a horse -- a Black man gives commands and the koru will obey instantly. But Sir Reginald knew that it's not just that, you don't only drive a horse, you ride it. Metaphorically speaking, this is what he did with his slaves. Despite their docility and tamed nature, it took some effort to break a koru, and constant conditioning was required. Sir Reginald had hired some of the most talented whipmasters to work as the plantation overseers, with whips and prods that could induce pain even in the hardest brutes. The overseers needed to be stern and confident because in order to force a koru into submission, the whip had to be applied to its body at the correct time, over and over again. With enough practice, every overseer became a master of his art, able to exert total control over the beasts, and achieve almost any purpose he desired. Sir Reginald believed in the absolute power of the whip. Any object used as a tool for physical punishment was fine by him, but the whip had something elegant and symbolic in its structure. It was quick, sharp and unyielding like the voice of a ruler, and despite its sophistication, it could be understood by the slaves. In his fascination for whips, Sir Reginald Nnamani had purchased many varieties of this object from all over the world. He had simple whips, knotted whips and lead loaded whips, bullwhips, hippopotamus whips from Africa and snake whips from India. To say he owned a lot of whips would be an understatement. He even organized two enormous hanging racks in his residence, filled with about 200 different types of whips from around the world. Sometimes he invited a select group of guests to view his collection, explaining the difference between each type of whip and how he used it on particular target areas of a koru's body. Every evening after dinner he would playfully toss a whip or two around for the entertainment of his guests. There was no better way to show off the luxury of his lifestyle than with excellent food, expensive wine, and a couple of koru slaves brought from the fields to serve as whipping boys for the evening. And sometimes he organized slave fights, two koru pitted against each other, fighting with bare hands or with primitive weapons for the amusement of the Black gentlemen.

His greatest fighter was Ubo, a really big and muscular koru who could break the back of any fellow slave within seconds. Ubo had participated in many regional tourneys and had won some trophies for his master. He really was an impressive animal, with huge arms and thick neck and deep blue eyes inherited from his Northern American ancestors. And despite all his strength, he was extremely submissive and obedient, believing wholeheartedly in the greatness of the Black Lords. Sir Reginald had him sire hundreds of babies with different women from the koru village, believing that Ubo should be the prototype for his next generations of slaves. And indeed the sons of Ubo grew up to be very diligent workers.

One of them was Mulo. Mulo, son of Ubo, was an energetic young lad of about the age of 20, eager to please his Master. Although small in stature, he had big muscles and a force that could be compared to that of his father. He worked in the fields 14 hours every day just like every other koru, then ate his small ratio of gruel and slept on the ground in the mud hut with other fellow slaves. On plantation, koru men and women lived segregated because their Masters wanted to have control over their reproduction. This is why during the night the koru men fucked each other in the ass and only had a chance to have sex with women during the mating season.

As the youngest in his hut, Mulo was frequently used and abused by his mates. An older and larger slave called Muaka had claimed him as his bottom dog and would even pimp him out to other slaves in exchange for morsels of food. Mulo was used to this life, it was what most koru slaves experienced in their youth, some grew up to become top dogs, other remained bottoms all their lives.

"Bring yer cunt here, dog, I'se wanna fuck yer cunt!" Muaka would say. "Yessuh, bossuh!" Mulo said respectfully. He would place himself on all fours in front of Muaka, spread his legs wide and offer his asshole for a good pounding. Slapping the hindquarters of Mulo viciously, Muaka would ride him like a beast in rut, pushing the poor slave into the ground with the power of his cock. So this is how Mulo spend his nights. But how did he spend his days? Well, the work day started at 4 AM, when all slaves were woken up by the overseers and rounded up for inspection. They would be given a ratio of gruel to eat, then they would be taken to the shitting pits to shit and piss. Then from 4 AM till 10 PM they would work and this is what they did day after day. Hard work such as this made a slave quite strong, and so was Mulo, with thick arms and legs, muscular chest, massive back and a six-pack stomach, but this was nothing to brag about. All slaves were expected to look like that, all slaves had to work for their masters until their aching bodies morphed into hard steel. Seeing a koru without a six-pack was almost inconceivable in a province like Brazil, where slaves toiled from dawn till dusk every day of the week.

It was one of those hot summer days when the sugar cane needed to be harvested. Mulo sweated under the hot sun as he sliced through the green leaves, his back aching with each swing of the knife.

Suddenly he spotted another koru slave named Peon, a few meters away from him. Peon was even bigger than Mulo, with deeply tanned skin and piercing eyes. There was something about him that caught Mulo's attention.

Peon noticed Mulo staring at him and gave him a curious glance. Mulo didn't know how to express himself, but one thing was certain - he felt a powerful attraction towards him.

As the day progressed, Mulo found himself thinking about Peon more and more. He couldn't take his eyes off him, even when he tried to focus on his work. His heart raced with every step Peon took towards him, and he could feel himself getting harder by the minute.

Finally, when they finished their work and were heading back to their mud huts for some rest, Mulo approached Peon cautiously. "Heyup!" he said shyly, avoiding eye contact. Peon looked at him for a moment before responding with an intense gaze that made Mulo's knees weaken. Mulo hesitated for a moment before reaching out to touch Peon's arm. "I'se... I'se want to know if ye want to..." Suddenly a pang of nervousness in his stomach prevented him from finishing the sentence. Peon smirked at Mulo's shyness. "Well, come to my burrow and see!" Mulo was fearful. He knew that Muaka will be angry if he was not back in the hut for the night. However he couldn't resist following Peon to his hut, eager for exploration and adventure.

Peon wasted no time and started exploring Mulo's body with his hands, feeling the hard muscles beneath his skin, squeezing his pecs and his large meaty nipples. Mulo moaned softly as Peon's touch sent waves of pleasure through him. "Ye like dis?" Peon asked with a grin.

Mulo nodded eagerly, unable to form words.

Peon then kissed Mulo deeply, their tongues exploring each other's mouths as they felt their arousal grow. Mulo could taste the saltiness of Peon's sweat on his lips as they deepened the kiss, their hands roaming over each other's bodies.

As they broke apart for air, Mulo took a step back. Peon chuckled softly before responding. "Don't worry!" he said confidently. "Just lemme take care of ye!"

With that, Peon picked Mulo up and threw him on the rough earth, positioning himself between Mulo's legs. He began kissing and licking at Mulo's neck while simultaneously playing with his large cock.

As Peon continued to kiss and tease Mulo's body, he whispered dirty words in his ear that made him shiver with anticipation. "Ye like dat? I'se bet you do," Peon growled before trailing kisses down Mulo's chest.

Mulo couldn't help but moan as he felt Peon's hot breath against his skin. He had never experienced anything like this before - the thrill of making love like that was intoxicating.

Suddenly they hear a voice entering the hut: "What ye do here, dog? Ye startin' fuckin, aye?"

It was Muaka, angry as ever, not waiting a second before he grabbed Mulo by the nape, ready to take him out and give him a beating.

But Peon wasn't going to let that happen. He stood up towering, almost as tall as Muaka was. "You ain't touchin' him!" Peon growled, his muscles tense and ready for action.

Muaka laughed at Peon's bravado. "What you gonna do about it, dog?" he sneered. Without hesitation, Peon lunged forward and punched Muaka in the face, sending him reeling backwards. Muaka hesitated for a moment before charging towards Peon.

Peon fought back with ferocity, his fists connecting with flesh and bone as he made Muaka retreat more and more. Mulo watched in awe as Peon single-handedly defeated the giant that had been terrorizing his nights.

He knew that from that night on he will stay in Peon's hut and never go back to Muaka. "Come on," Peon said roughly as he helped Mulo to his feet. "Let's get some rest." That night they fucked and slept and dreamt of being lovers forever.

Next: Chapter 3

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