The Life of Koru

By Doren Grey

Published on Sep 16, 2024


The Life of Koru, Chapter 18

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"Suh, I'se do anything, I'se lick yer boots, suh! Look, suh! I'se lick yer boots! Please, suh! Don't nail me, suh! I'se'll work twice as much from now on, suh! Ye'll see, suh! I'll be a good boy, suh!"

These were the words that Dumbo used, trying to convince Chief Mazi.

The Black overseer barely even listened to him, while Mulo and Peon were heavily affected by this display of servility from Dumbo's part. They were used to look up to him as a powerful alpha, but seeing now how he grovelled like a dog made them understand that any slave was worthless in front of a Black Lord.

And Dumbo was right to cry. Being nailed to the entrance post was one of the most painful and humiliating deaths. You were basically left there to die of thirst, with your limbs pinned to the wood with iron nails that gave you excruciating pain as you tried to adjust your body to a more forgiving position. You were left in the sun, you struggled to breathe, your lungs were pressed by gravity, as flies and other insects swarmed around your body, feasting on your wounds and adding to your torment. And when you died, your body remained there for weeks to rot and be eaten by scavenger birds and to serve as a cautionary lesson to all the other slaves.

But before being nailed to the post, Dumbo had his arms tied to a tree branch in order to be whipped.

"You see this whip, boy?" Sir Mazi said. "This is your wumma now! I want you to kiss it like it's a wumma!"

Dumbo bowed his head and started placing tender peck kisses on the whip.

"Is this how you kiss a wumma, boy? Start using your tongue!"

Dumbo did what he was told.

"That's better!" Sir Mazi said. "Now I see a real kiss! How do you talk with your wumma, boy?"

"I'se... I'se love ye, wumma! AAAGH!"

He didn't have time to finish because Sir Mazi whipped the brain out of him with an incredible blow.

"This whip is not like the other wummses that you fucked, boy. You have to tell her your secrets, boy!"

Dumbo tried again to discuss with the whip:

"Wu-wumma, I'se love ye so much, let me tell ye my secrets! AAAGH!"

"Go on! Tell her!" Sir Mazi said.

"My secrets be I'se like ... AAAGH! I'se like very much wummses, I'se like them boobs ... AAAGH! I'se... I'se... hate it when everybody laugh about my ears... AAAGH!"

"These are not secrets. Everybody knows this about you, you dolt!"

"I'se... I'se wronged against Massa! I'se left the slave camp to go fuck a wumma in the village! AAAGH!"

"Now this secret is interesting, boy! Who was this wumma that you talk about?"

Dumbo hesitated. He didn't want to name Wummina because he didn't want her to get into trouble.

"I'se don't... AAAGH!"

"Give the name of the wumma! NOW!"

"Suh Chief, I'se don't remember how she called, suh! AAAGH!"

"Don't talk to me! Talk to the whip!"

"Whip-wumma, whip-wumma," Dumbo desperately addressed the whip. "I'se don't remember how the bitch was called! AAAGH!"

"Well, I think you remember very well!" Sir Mazi said.

"I'se really don't, suh! AAAGH! I'se really don't, whip-wumma! AAAGH!"

"At the Day of the Emperor he mentioned a wumma, but fuck me if I remember her name!" Sir Jared intervened.

"Tell us the name!" Sir Mazi said.


"Tell us!"


"Tell us the name!"

"Wummina, suh!"

"Say that again?"

"Wummina, suh!"

"Write that name down!" Sir Mazi told Jared. "I want that wumma to be investigated as well."

After being thoroughly whipped, his back turned into bloody flesh, Dumbo was brought to the entrance post to be nailed there. It was a sort of double cross made from a tree trunk and had two horizontal beams, one for the arms and one for the legs of the slave. Above the post, the flag of the province of Brazil was waving, a chained koru inside a green and yellow rectangle.

Carpenter slaves with ropes, ladders, nails and hammers were already there to raise the condemned koru to his punishment post. The way Dumbo was nailed was called a five-spread: two nails in the wrists, two nails in the ankles and a fifth nail through the cock, so that each nail pulled its corresponding body part to maximum stretch, as if the slave were a pinned insect.

The brutal hammering, the iron nails piercing the flesh made Dumbo writhe in pain and beg for all the mercy in the world. With each convulsion, his whipped back met the hard timber of the post, which despite being polished by so many koru backs in the past, still remained rough and unforgiving.

Dumbo had to be tied with ropes so that the carpenters could beat the nails into his flesh, but then, when it was all finished, the ropes were untied and Dumbo's body was weighing down on nails alone, making Dumbo yell in pain.

He tried to lower himself, basically his two legs doing the splits, but then he felt no air in the lungs so he raised his body again. Raising, lowering, raising, lowering -- it was the pitiful dance of a condemned slave on the double cross. This was Dumbo's fate. He was to spend there the rest of his days.

"What do you say, slave?" Chief Mazi asked. "Don't you thank us for the lessons that we gave you?"

"Thank ye, suhs!" Dumbo answered.

"What are you thanking us for?"

"For lettin' me die here, suhs! I'se deserve it, suhs!"

"You really do, slave! And I want all the other slaves to see you as you die! Say your prayers, boy!"

Tired of all this hassle, Sir Mazi and Sir Jared returned to the overseers' lodgings for the night.

"It's good that it's finished!" Sir Jared said. "What are we going to do with the other two slaves, Peon and Mulo?"

"Their transgressions were smaller," Sir Mazi said, "so I will just send them to a Correction Facility to work in a chain gang."

"That's great!" Sir Jared said.

"And I'm afraid you will have to go with them..."

Sir Jared was very confused by Sir Mazi's last sentence.

"Wait, what?" he said.

"Jared, I am sorry, I am demoting you. You will do your time as a chain gang supervisor and learn to be more strict with the slaves."

"No!" Sir Jared said. "You can't demote me! I did everything I was supposed to do! I even hosted that fucking Day of the Emperor show, remember? You can't demote me, Mazi! Please!"

"I am sorry, but my decision is irrevocable. I am willing to reevaluate you after nine months of service."

"Well, I'm not a slave. You can't force me do anything. I can quit right now if I want to!"

"And give up that juicy salary from Nnamani Plantations?" Chief Mazi asked ironically.

"Fuck you, Mazi!"

Then, after thinking more about this, he said:

"I will go supervise that stupid chain gang, but you should know that there will be no more compromises from my part!"

"You will have excellent living conditions as a chain gang supervisor, Jared. You will only need to travel with the gang!"

"Why don't you go do it if it's such a nice job?" Sir Jared asked.

"Me? During my entire career at Nnamani Plantations, no slave has ever dared to escape..."

"Fuck you, Mazi!" Sir Jared repeated.

He went outside and kicked the first koru ass that he could find, thinking: "Fuck Dumbo! Fuck Mazi! And fuck those two plotting apes Peon and Mulo!"

Next: Chapter 19

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